On February 23rd in the office

Congratulations or not? Of course yes! After all, men love gifts and attention more than women. Every year, women are faced with the question of how to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way. Many, not finding an answer, invite special companies. They pay a lot of money for this, and often these are template, standard congratulations. Working in a team where there is a good, friendly atmosphere, you can organize a holiday on your own. Such a congratulation will be remembered for a long time and will be a bright moment in the life of the team.

Make a program in advance with the women's team. It won’t take much time, the main thing is to distribute the functions and approach this issue creatively. If you wish, you can arrange a holiday for the whole day, dividing your congratulations into blocks. It will definitely lift your spirits when men, entering the office without undressing, see three beautiful girls dressed in military uniforms in front of them.

A protective shirt, a skirt just above the knees, and a cap will be a great addition to the look. Here you can show your imagination. A nurse costume would also work. You have already impressed men with your appearance. Go ahead. A light background of wartime music will serve as an excellent addition. Let music with military songs play throughout the working day. The atmosphere in the office will be festive, corresponding to February 23rd. Girls should stand and be an adornment for a reason, although this is important. They are entrusted with the function of meeting and making the first congratulations. To do this, they have in their hands a spread containing: black bread, cut into pieces, pickled cucumbers, lard, and vodka. It is better to use iron utensils to impart authenticity. Acquaintances and friends will have an iron mug, a pot, a couple of plates. You don’t have to drink and get drunk first thing in the morning, but setting a kind and festive tone for work won’t hurt.

So. The men entered the hall, saw three fighting friends and were taken aback. Girls, don't be confused. A couple of lines or a quatrain must be said and an invitation to taste the front-line 50 grams. The reaction may be ambiguous. But, after all, this is a holiday and there is no need to insist, force anyone to drink or have a snack. Just give a smile and carry on. As soon as all the men enter the office and are greeted solemnly and beautifully, the first block will be completed. Everyone will take their jobs and start the working day in a great mood. To create a festive atmosphere, you can decorate your office with posters and balloons. Place a vase of carnations and a card on each man’s table. This will be the first gift.

We continue to surprise and congratulate you further. At lunchtime, a cake with holiday symbols will come in handy. It would seem that congratulations and gifts are already enough. But the most important thing is yet to come. The congratulations program lasts the whole day. Your defenders will be pleasantly surprised. Bright moments will delight them throughout the working day. After the end of the working day, the secretary will announce the general gathering in the dining room or in the office lobby. It is better to choose a location where there is more space, as required by the scenario. Set the tables in advance; you can just get by with a buffet table. The main thing is to approach this issue creatively. And it is advisable to follow the theme. Pay attention to details, utensils and dishes. Think in advance about how to take your seats correctly and comfortably. On this day, all attention will be only to men. The stronger sex today is women. They must try. Pleasant chores and a great time spent with colleagues will only raise the corporate spirit of the team. The holiday continues.

We continue the banquet

The men take their places at the table. The girls, meanwhile, are ready to continue their congratulations. Prepare the sailors' uniform in advance. For this you need blue trousers, a white blouse, a visor, and a collar. You can make the details of the costume yourself so that they are all almost identical. The surprises continue. Once everyone is ready, the next block can begin. The male colleagues took their places. The sailors come out in beautiful formation to the center and stand in a line. They begin to dance to the sounds of the song “Apple”. The dance elements can be very simple. It is enough to repeat the main movements while standing still, and you will be simply irresistible. Enthusiasm and fun are the main thing that should not be forgotten. Continuing to surprise their men, after the dance, to the music, they give gifts. If the team has a majority of men, then one woman will give it to several employees. What's better to give? Since the military theme was maintained throughout the day, this means that this concept should continue to be adhered to. Approach this issue creatively, use your imagination. And surprise with your creativity. Standard gifts in the form of pens, lighters, ties are already a thing of the past.

It is advisable to make gifts for male colleagues on February 23 yourself. To do this, you need to take a liter jar. The filling can be at your discretion. Let's not deviate from the topic. We put matches, a flashlight, cigarettes, soap, disposable machines, and pills there. Everything is at your discretion. These small items can be purchased at any store at affordable prices. As soon as the set is prepared, the jar should be rolled up with an iron lid, having previously decorated it. Cover it with a postcard or wrap it nicely in newspaper. The content should be a surprise. Believe me, such an unexpected and original gift will not leave anyone indifferent. Fun, laughter and jokes will accompany you. In addition, the things in the bank will be useful in everyday life. After presenting the gifts, you can begin the feast. Dishes must match. Stick to a military theme. Continue to surprise and delight further. Let it be simple, no-frills dishes. It is enough to boil the potatoes in their skins. Buy herring, lard, black bread and pickles. Canapés made from olives, olives, sausage and cheese are suitable. You can go home satisfied and full.

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a special holiday for all representatives of the stronger sex. On this day, congratulations and gifts await not only your family and friends, but also your work colleagues. Therefore, do not forget to pay special attention to celebrating February 23 in the office, and we will tell you how to do it correctly.


Gifts for colleagues for Defender of the Fatherland Day should be prepared in advance. You can prepare the same gifts for everyone. For example, notebooks, pens, ties, books, wallets, etc. You can also come up with unique gifts for every man. This option is more suitable for a small team where everyone knows each other well. In personal gifts, the main thing is to note the person’s preferences, so fishing gear is suitable for one, and a computer game for another. The main thing is that everyone likes the gifts and corresponds to the concept of the evening.


You can hold a buffet in the office after the end of the working day, but this must be agreed upon with management. You can also organize a festive dinner in a cafe or restaurant. Many people prefer the second option, since you don’t have to cook anything at home and carry plates and containers with food with you, and after the banquet you also don’t have to clean up the traces of a fun celebration. If your team doesn’t like to have lavish feasts, you can get by with a bottle of champagne or good wine with sweets and fruit.


Games and competitions occupy a special place in the celebration of February 23 at work. Entertainment will help not only to have fun, but also to unite the team. Do not forget that all competitions should be varied and unobtrusive. Also prepare small souvenirs in advance that will serve as prizes in competitions. Sweets, toy cars, lighters, calendars, badges, etc. are perfect for this.

How to spend February 23 in the office: scenario

Scenario for the holiday on February 23 “Serving the Fatherland”

The holiday plan is as follows:

In order for February 23rd at work to be successful and everyone to enjoy it, take care of the little things:

  • notify all colleagues about the place and time of the event in advance;
  • distribute responsibilities among colleagues. Some prepare a buffet, some provide entertainment, and some give gifts. At the same time, do not forget to coordinate everything with each other;
  • decorate the venue with themed posters and balloons.

Now you will definitely be able to spend February 23 in the office fun, friendly and in a sincere atmosphere. And you will remember this corporate event with a smile for a long time.

Idea : Celebrate February 23 with your classmates and choose the most worthy courtiers of the Queen.

Do you want to make friends with your class even more and reward each boy with dignity? Then the scenario “Royal Decree” on February 23 in the classroom is exactly what you will like.

The teacher in the class will act as the queen. It would be much more interesting and original if she were in the appropriate outfit. Maybe your school has a theater club? Then there should be no problems with the suit and crown

"Idea : with the help of editors (PAINT, PHOTOSHOP), you make a collage for your colleagues."
Scenario for corporate events on February 23 “Corporate collage” is suitable for firms or companies where there are many different structural divisions and departments, and where a large number of men work, preferably from different professions.

On the eve of the holiday, female employees must find photographs of all male colleagues

"Idea : test men for military suitability, all competitions are related to military topics."
This scenario is suitable for a small office consisting of several offices, and most importantly employees with a sense of humor. Do you want to create a festive atmosphere for your colleagues and organize a holiday in military style? Then the script for the February 23 corporate event "Military" will be very useful for you

"Idea : identify a “Real Colonel” among men.
Do you want to congratulate your employees cheerfully and with sparkle, identify real men among them and reward them for this? Then the corporate script for February 23, “The Real Colonel,” will be a godsend for you. This scenario is suitable for a team with many men. And men have a sense of humor and ingenuity

Idea : Organize February 23rd for dad at home.
Do you want dad to remember this holiday, so that he can rest all day and do what he wants? Then the February 23 scenario “Dad can, Dad can, anything” will definitely suit you.

A few days before the February 23rd celebration, make a poster or photo collage for dad. The poster will contain photographs of the pope, in which he is depicted in different versions

Idea : Spend February 23rd for your sons, with the completion of important tasks according to the plan from the “Secret Headquarters”.
Do you want your children to remember this holiday, so that they don’t quarrel for at least one day, but play together and complete important tasks? Then the February 23 scenario for children “Secret Mission” will suit you.

Prepare tasks for your sons and write them down on a piece of paper.

Idea : Choose from a classmate worthy of the title “Knight of my Heart” through games and competitions.
Do you want to identify the most gallant and romantic guy in your class and award him the Order of a Midshipman? Then you will really like the scenario for February 23 in the class Knight of My Heart.

Start preparing for your holiday, by writing invitations for the boys and decorating the classroom

Idea : choose among your classmates the most prepared for military service.
Do you want to determine which of your boys is worthy of wearing the title “Best Soldier” for a whole year? Then this scenario for February 23 in the classroom is exactly what you are looking for.

Meet with the girls after school and distribute responsibilities. One girl will be the presenter, she will congratulate the boys

Idea : hold a military parade at school with the participation of schoolchildren in grades 6-8.
Do you want to hold a military parade among schoolchildren and a review of military training and military drill songs? Then the scenario on February 23 at the “Military Parade” school is exactly what will help you in realizing your idea.

Write down the regulations for students in grades 6-8, which they must strictly follow in order to participate in the school-wide military parade and drill song competition

Idea : divide the men into teams and conduct military-themed games and competitions with them.
This corporate scenario for February 23 is suitable for a company that celebrates holidays within its office.

Make invitations for your employees to a corporate holiday on February 23, which will take place on such and such a date and at such and such a time. On the eve of the holiday, distribute invitations to employees at their workplaces and place them in a visible place on the table

Goal: organize a holiday for men, stylized in the 80s.

The girls are organizing a holiday for their boys, the competition program will be dedicated to February 23, and a script in the style of the 80s is being prepared especially for the holiday. Girls also prepare invitations for men in advance; you can decorate them with cassette film and neon colors. The invitations indicate the time and place of the holiday, and the invitation should also indicate that the holiday will be held in the style of the 80s, so you should dress appropriately

Idea : organize a holiday in honor of Defenders of the Fatherland Day in oriental style.

When preparing a holiday in oriental style, girls send out invitations in advance, indicating the time and location. The invitations also indicate that the party will be held in an oriental style.
For the holiday you should choose the right outfit. Girls can wear a swimsuit top, wide trousers or long skirts, a belt made of coins, bracelets, in general, everything that reminds of the East

Idea scenario: celebrate February 23 among your employees, choosing “Gentlemen” during the holiday.
Do you want to celebrate February 23rd among your employees with cool competitions and funny jokes? Then the funny script for February 23, “The Gentleman Show,” is just what you need.

Compose invitations to the holiday for all men. But the main condition of the holiday will be that you indicate the main element of the “Dress Code”: a striped suit

Idea : Celebrate February 23 with your classmates and give them the entrance exams for admission to the police academy.
Do you want to do something fun for your boys and don't know what to choose? I suggest using the festive scenario for February 23rd “Police Academy”.

Start by choosing holiday paraphernalia for boys

Idea : Organize a school holiday on February 23, “Army-style holiday for classmates,” which will identify the boy and team most prepared for army life.

The girls give each boy an invitation in advance indicating the date and time of the school holiday. The design of the invitations can be made in military style. The invitations must indicate that military style is welcome at the event.

Idea : Organize a childhood-themed holiday dedicated to February 23, where adults can again plunge into the children's world.

A list of invitees is drawn up in advance. Invitations are sent to everyone indicating the date, time and location. It is also indicated that you need to dress like a child, since a comic scenario for February 23 is used for the holiday

Idea : spend February 23 in the office, preparing a description for each man.
If you have a friendly team at work consisting of a small number of men, then the corporate party scenario for February 23 is exactly what suits you.

Start preparing for the holiday a week in advance, this time will be enough to buy gifts and for each girl to complete an important task, which I will now tell you about

Idea : hold competitions and games in which dad and son will participate.
If you want to organize a competition between dads and their sons at school, then you will like the school scenario for February 23rd.

Tell your boys to come with their dads on February 23rd. You can even draw an invitation for dads during a drawing lesson, in which you write the place and time of the holiday

Idea : organize army training competitions and games for middle school students on February 23rd.
Do you want your students to try military training within the walls of your class? Then make a small holiday for your young soldiers.

Get together with the girls a couple of days before the holiday and make a plan for your holiday. What should you buy for the holiday table? If you use a soldier theme, it is better to organize a field kitchen

Idea : Organize a school event, taking place between parallel primary classes, among father-son pairs.
If you want to celebrate February 23 at school, then use the script for February 23 “Me and Dad”, it will help you choose the best men and mom’s assistants.

To hold a holiday according to the school scenario “Me and Dad,” representatives from each class are selected in advance

Idea : Plunge into the life of the African people and become an African for one evening.
Are you tired of everyday life and standard scenarios? Do you want something unusual? Then organize a holiday according to the scenario on February 23rd “Ah, Africa”.

A guest list is drawn up in advance. They are sent invitations to an African-themed holiday, which indicate the place, time of the event and that the invitees should look like African people

Idea : Dad to devote the whole day to his son.

If your son so needs your communication, and you absolutely do not have time to pay him due attention and want to do this on a holiday, then an interesting scenario for February 23, “Daddy's Pride,” is exactly what you are looking for.

Make sure your child spends every minute of the holiday with you

Idea : Organize your grandfather ice fishing for the holiday on February 23rd.

Grandfather will be organized by his son and grandchildren. The son will take over the part of the organization that is directly related to fishing, and the grandchildren are preparing congratulations and a hand-made gift for their grandfather.
If there are people who professionally engage in ice fishing, then it is worth asking them for advice, or even paying them for all the preparation, including finding a good place and instructions for ice fishing

Idea : Organize a celebration on February 23 for a men's company in the style of the Wild West.
If you want to make an original party dedicated to February 23, then hold a holiday according to the scenario for the holidays on February 23, “Country Style Party.” Let your guests plunge into the atmosphere of the Wild West and be cowboys.

Make a list of men who will be present at the holiday, send each an invitation indicating the time and place of the event 26. Scenario for a corporate party for February 23 “Lucky” (scenario for corporate parties on February 23)

Idea : Organize an unusual corporate party.
If you want to hold an original party and identify the luckiest employee, celebrate on February 23rd using the “Lucky” corporate party script for February 23rd.

Make a list of your employees, send everyone an invitation indicating the place, date and time of the party

Idea : Organize a celebration on February 23rd for hunting lovers.
If your men love to go hunting, then the script for Defenders of the Fatherland Day “Bang-bang, oh, oh, oh..” is what you need.

Make a list of invitees in advance, send invitations to everyone, indicating where, when and what time the event will take place. Since the holiday will take place according to the scenario for Defenders of the Fatherland Day “Bang-bang, oh, oh, oh...”, then warn guests that they must dress like hunters

Idea : Organize Defenders of the Fatherland Day in the style of a detective story.
If you want to hold an unusual corporate party on February 23, then the scenario for corporate parties on February 23 in the detective style “No Gifts” suits you best.

Send invitations to all employees in advance indicating the time and location of the corporate event. Also indicate in them that since the party will be held in the style of a detective story, you need to dress appropriately

Idea : Arrange sports tests for your men at work.

Want to test your colleagues' speed, agility and strength? Then the corporate scenario for February 23 “Sports Marathon” is exactly what you need.

Organize a meeting with all the employees to find out everyone’s opinion on how best to hold a competition, what sports to invite men to test themselves in, how to decorate the office

Congratulations to male colleagues in the office, at work from women

Congratulations to male colleagues on February 23 in the office

1. The office is noisy today,
People are celebrating like crazy!
Everyone shakes each other's hands,
And they shake with all their hearts.

An important holiday for the guys -
February 23!
We will celebrate this holiday
Together with you to “Hurray”!

2. Happy Defender's Day, men,
Don't let wrinkles scare you
And gray hair only makes you look better,
And a demon in the rib is sometimes dangerous.

We wish you to love our office,
Value your work
And remain our shield
We are just waiting for this!

3. The office shakes from the clink of glasses,
Complete order, and no cockroaches,
Our boys are dressed to the nines,
The wives put on their ties deftly.

We will congratulate the defenders,
And repeat wishes to them.
We wish you health and strength,
So that men carry us in their arms!

Our support and our protection -
For this we will say to men: THANK YOU!

Congratulations to the men of the office on February 23

4. We are concise
Office style
We give to colleagues
For a new apartment!

We give a car, and a dacha to boot,
A new iPhone to solve problems.

These are of course women's jokes,
So that you smile for a minute.
Happy holiday to you,
And please come to the table,
We are from the heart
They made food for you!

5. Under your strong leadership
Ready to go to the ends of the earth!
We congratulate you, men,
We need you so much in life!

Well, who will help us one day,
When there is an emergency, when there is trouble,
You are so swift, brave,
For us you are air and water!

We're lucky to have you like this
You are just gold with us,
Health to you, dear colleagues,
We love you very much!

6. Happy holiday to you today,
Ask for anything today!
We will not be able to refuse you business,
We'll fill out the paperwork that caused fear.

Our office is ready for battle today!
And a wonderful smell comes from the tables.
We created the treat for you ourselves,
We really hope that you are pleased!

Congratulations to colleagues in the office on February 23

7. What to wish for men
Big company?
So that everything is fine,
With work and family.
So that everyone is healthy,
Money to flow around
So that expensive shoes
They didn’t gather dust without doing anything.
To make dreams come true
To want to live
And with our team
We wish you to be friends!

8. You are all cool, as if you were selected,
There is also uncle Chernomor,
There is Batman, Spider-Man,
And Rassomakha is a good friend.
We don't have an office, but a cinema,
All the heroes are here together.
We congratulate you, friends,
And it's time to celebrate!

9. From February 23!
Our good friends!
We are happy to congratulate you
Happy red calendar day!

We can handle everything with you,
We are not afraid of anything
And secretly in love with you
But we are silent about it!

Ideas for congratulations on February 23 at the office

1. Give comic kits: an alarm suitcase. You can fill it with various comic items. For example: toilet paper, condom, pacifier, pen, enema, lighter, etc.
2. Meet men in duty uniform at the office in the morning. Make a red armband. Wear a military cap or cap. Salute all men entering the room.
3. Give comic ties and underwear with embroidery in the form of the company logo.
4. Print a comic notice on the door: “On February 23, the generally accepted rules of work routine and morality in the office are canceled for all men. You are allowed not to work, to fool around, to put your feet on the table, to smoke, to drink, to swear, to scratch anything that itches. The temporary regime is valid from 08.00 February 23 to 08.00 February 24.”
5. You can congratulate male colleagues within the office a cheerful song-remake, which can be ordered on our website!

Cool wishes for men at work from February 23 (for wall newspaper)

1. We wish you to be up to your neck in care at work so that you can reach such heights as a space pilot!

2. We wish the team to take a barrel of beer today, and with a large group, we will all drink it in a crowd!

3. We wish men to always be loved, so that their wife welcomes them home with care and love! To prevent your mother-in-law from grumbling, she greeted you with pies. And the kids didn’t get sick, so they sat tightly on their necks!

To congratulate your colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way, we recommend bookmarking this page! On February 23, you will need it more than once!

You can also congratulate men in an original way!

All men, without exception, must take part in the holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day. Therefore, we offer you several ideas for show programs that are suitable for a real men's celebration.

In the army

Most likely, some of the men in your team served in the army or even took part in hostilities. Your task is to evoke exclusively positive associations in them, but at the same time create and maintain the military spirit of your evening. Distribute caps to all the “private soldiers” (if you don’t have real ones, you can make them out of paper) and “Kalashnikov assault rifles” (toy pistols). Announce the start of construction. Men must remember the basics of drill training, get into formation, follow the commands “Get in line!”, “At attention!” and “Take a seat at the solemn celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day!” After that, start the program. Congratulate the representatives of the stronger sex on the holiday on behalf of the entire female part of the team. The women's choir can perform a song remade especially for your group. Then hold soldier day competitions. Assignments, naturally, must be appropriate, army-specific. For example, if conditions permit, you can hold a competition for the strongest soldier - who can pull himself up the most number of times. Or, dividing the men into teams, arrange a game of “Building”. It is as follows: the presenter announces the criterion by which the participants must line up, and the teams complete the task at speed. For example, the presenter can say: “Get according to your height!”, “Get according to the size of your feet!” or “Get in alphabetical order!” The turmoil in the “orderly ranks” will be incredible. If you do not divide the participants into teams, then you can simply announce the number, and the men will immediately have to gather in groups containing the named number of people.

Then have a target shooting competition. Hang up a regular dartboard, but glue a drawn image of your opponent on top of it (the kind you usually hang at a shooting range). Let the “soldiers” shoot darts or bullets from toy guns.

As you know, privates in the army not only shoot at targets, they also wear kitchen outfits. Therefore, give your participants a knife and a potato, and have them peel it as quickly as possible. Whoever wins receives the title of “The Most Economic Soldier.”

At the end of the evening, be sure to congratulate all the “private soldiers” on the holiday, in honor of this, promote them in rank and give the command “March to the festive table!”

On a pirate ship

Real men are found not only in the army. Pirates are also fearless, strong, dexterous and cunning. And the fact that they are engaged in dangerous work only makes them even more attractive to women.

Have a festive evening on a pirate schooner. You can use paper as the main material for making props, just make it not caps, but panama hats with brims. Then paint them black, glue on the pirate symbol - a skull with crossbones. Give out the hats to your “pirates.” You can equip them with weapons (toy sabers or dirks) and bandages over one eye. You need to hang a bell with a cord on the stage, and dress the presenter in a pirate costume.

To get everyone's attention and start the evening, ring the bell and shout, “Polundra! All hands on deck!" Then the newly-minted “pirates” must hear a “legend”: somewhere in the ocean there is a ghost ship floating, its holds are full of treasures. To get to them, you need to defeat the army of evil spirits that guard the ship. To sail for the jewels, the presenter, also known as Captain Joe, recruits a team of the bravest, most reckless and skillful pirates. And now the final selection will take place. In order to get into Captain Joe's team, men will have to take part in various competitions and prove themselves.

First test- for a love of the sea, because this is very important for a pirate. Participants compete to see who can remember the most songs dedicated to the sea or ocean. Let them sing several lines at a time; naturally, they cannot repeat themselves.

Second competition- knowledge of maritime affairs. Participants are asked questions related to sailors, pirates and their activities. The tasks may sound like this.

1. What are the kitchen and cooks called on the ship? (Galley and cook.)

2. Do whales eat other fish? (No, they feed on small algae - plankton.)

3. Who would a 1st rank captain be on land? (Colonel.)

4. What type of shark is the largest? (White shark.)

5. What do they call young and inexperienced sailors on a ship, and what do they call the first mate? (Yoongi and XO.)

The third test tests agility. It's called the Sea Knot. Find some book on tying knots in advance and make blanks - pieces of rope. Participants receive two pieces - one is already tied, and the other is not. Their task is to cope with the sea knot, and, on the contrary, tie the second piece of twine into a knot according to the hint picture.

There can be very, very many such competitions, but remember that you shouldn’t overwork the “pirates” either. At the end of the holiday, Captain Joe must announce that all the “sea wolves” have shown their best side and they are all worthy of going on a journey for treasures. Then the “pirates” receive their gifts, and the captain invites them to the table to drink to the upcoming adventure.

At the knight's tournament

For a woman, her man is the most courageous, loyal, strong and courageous warrior. Therefore, each of the representatives of the stronger sex can be called a knight. Hold a tournament among the “knights” of your team to find out who is the best among them.

The evening is hosted by the “king” and “queen” (or one of them). They announce the start of the competition and name the participating knights: they list all the men present, calling each “sir.” Participants go on stage and are given toy swords and “faithful horses” (the simplest toys are a horse’s head on a stick).

First competition associated with the image of the Beautiful Lady, which should be in the heart of every knight. Sheets of paper are glued to the wall, the “knights” are blindfolded and given markers. You need to draw a portrait of your beloved woman. The one whose drawing is more reminiscent of the Beautiful Lady wins.

Second test will reveal the most gallant and eloquent. To do this, you need to prepare several fruits (apples, pears, oranges or any other) and stick them with toothpicks to make a kind of “hedgehogs”. Then the men, in turn, must say various compliments to their lady for a minute, after each word said, pulling out one toothpick with their teeth. The one who ends up with the most drawn sticks wins.

Third competition can be musical: after all, a real gentleman must be able not only to fight for the honor of his beloved, but also to behave at balls. Let the “knights” choose their ladies from the audience. Play something from the classics (preferably a waltz), let the couples dance, and the jury chooses the most beautiful and skillful duet.

And finally, what would a knightly tournament be without duels? This is a battle not only of strength and dexterity, but also of intelligence, cunning, endurance and patience. You need to draw a circle on the floor with a diameter of about 3 m. The “knights” will have to push each other out of this circle. The task is complicated by the fact that you cannot push with your hands, and men will move on one leg. The winner is the one who goes through all levels of the competition and scores the most victories.

You can add other competitions, for example, a competition for the best poet (you need to come up with a quatrain with given words: lady, love, honor or others).

At the end of the tournament, announce the absolute winner, it becomes the man who won the most competitions. The remaining “knights” receive prizes in various categories: “the most charming”, “the most imperturbable”, “the most resourceful”, etc.

In search of adventures

A man has a natural desire for primacy, even if achieving this goal involves dangerous adventures and brave deeds. Let your men test themselves to see if they are ready for extreme entertainment and unplanned adrenaline rushes.

The presenter announces that on the way to the main prize, participants will face various tests that they must pass: wild animals, stormy rivers, and impassable swamps.

So the journey begins. The presenter comments on everything that is happening: the participants left the house, walked the first kilometers, reached the forest, and suddenly... Attention, there are predators ahead! On the way we met wild and clearly hungry tigers! Will the valiant adventure hunters cope with them? Dart targets with images of tigers glued to them are brought onto the stage. Participants receive darts. In three attempts they must “kill the predator,” that is, score the maximum number of points.

The players continue their dangerous path and approach the swamp. It is very difficult to cross, but you cannot get around it. Men receive two pieces of paper - these are “logs”. You can use small boards instead of paper. Participants must get over the quagmire as quickly as possible, while they can only step on “logs,” i.e., the task is to move sheets of paper (or planks) forward and step on them as quickly as possible. The first man to reach land wins.

Safe and sound, the “travelers” reached the mountain range, and then a stormy river appeared ahead. The mountain stream is shallow, but rushes with incredible force, so it will not be possible to ford it. On the shore, participants find a map of the path to the bridge. But it is torn into several parts. Each player is given identical sets of puzzles - pieces of a cut card. You need to put them together into the original picture as quickly as possible. The one who completes the task most quickly wins.

After these stages of the game, you can hold any number of other competitions related to overcoming various obstacles. Of course, the main prize, which persistent participants have been pursuing for so long, goes to the one with the maximum number of points. This prize could be, for example, a bottle of good cognac, wine or whiskey. But don’t forget about the other players - let them get some symbolic gifts.

At the end of the competition program, be sure to say that each of the men showed their best qualities, such as courage, resourcefulness, and readiness for the unexpected. And wish them to remain the same, to be real men both in life and in the game.