Do you remember it was around. “Do you remember, there was a sea of ​​colors and sounds around. The teacher took your hand from your mother’s warm hands... Teacher, what a wonderful word

An exhibition of periodicals is dedicated to Teacher's Day. “From life - for life” - this is the motto of the country’s oldest pedagogical magazine “Teacher”. In the year of its 150th anniversary, the magazine will introduce readers to new sections and publications

After reading these lines, each of us will probably remember our school years, our teachers. The teaching profession is one of the most ancient, respected and revered. It was to him that people went for advice and help. For the first time, Teacher's Day became a professional holiday in 1994 by decision of UNESCO. Usually this holiday took place on the first Sunday in October. In Russia, the official date of this holiday was approved - October 5.

An exhibition of periodicals is dedicated to Teacher's Day. “From life - for life” - this is the motto of the country’s oldest pedagogical magazine “Teacher”. In the year of its 150th anniversary, the magazine will introduce readers to new sections and publications.

The scientific and methodological journal “Practice of Education” will delight readers with publications about the L.V. system. Zankov, the founder and ideologist of the system of developing education, who turned 110 years old.

For those interested in the exact sciences - physics, mathematics, computer science - the magazine "Potential" is presented.

The magazine “Pedagogical Practice” reveals the secrets of professional excellence.

The exhibition is displayed in the periodicals department of the Murmansk Regional Scientific Libraryfrom September 20 to October 19.

Proud calling

What a proud calling -
Educating others -
Give a piece of your heart
Forget empty quarrels
It's hard to explain to us,
Sometimes it's very boring
Repeat the same thing
Check notebooks at night.
Thank you for being
They were always so right.
We want to wish
So that you don't know troubles,
Health and happiness for a hundred years!

Do you remember?

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow,
The names of the rivers change
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever.

To teachers from happy dads and moms

Dear teachers
From happy dads and moms:
What should we do with the children?
If they hadn't given it to you?

We're half an hour away that morning.
And three hours into the night
We all cry from inability
To teach a son or a daughter.

How about all the days of the week?
From eight to six
It succeeds, in fact,
To graze our offspring?

To understand their whims,
Tolerate their ignorance...
Don't let them fight
And die of boredom!

The best feelings rush

To us, dear teacher,
I like your character!
No one else but you
They can't handle us!

You are kind and fair!
You are an example for us in everything!
Gusts of the best feelings
Our class expresses to you!

Who teaches us?

Who teaches us?
Who is tormenting us?
Who gives us knowledge?
This is our school teacher -
Amazing people.
It's clear and bright with you,
The soul is always warm.
And forgive me if it's on time
The lesson was not learned.
We sincerely congratulate you
All our teachers
And we wish everyone good health
From prankish children!

Listen with your heart

On an autumn day, when at the threshold
The cold has already begun to breathe,
The school celebrates teacher's day -
A holiday of wisdom, knowledge, labor.
Teacher's Day! Listen with your heart
In these sounds that are dear to us.
Everything related to youth and childhood
We owe it to the teachers!
The bitterness of the first annoying mistake,
The sweetness of the first difficult victories
- Let everything be reflected in a smile,
Radiating wisdom and light.
You are always young at heart,
Sharing work and joys with us,
Our strict ones, our relatives,
Patient teachers!
You give us a lot of strength
And love - no matter what.
How much do you believe in us! And perhaps
No one can believe like that.
Not yesterday, not today, not tomorrow
The candle of that faith will not go out
Without a teacher there is no astronaut,
Engineer, poet, doctor.
Life tells you to teach, and for us to learn.
Your experience is a treasure trove of wisdom.
Everything we took from you will be useful
And it will become a hundred times more significant.
Teach light, sensitivity, truth
Our souls and our minds
Everything you ask us in life,
We will try to fulfill it.

The leaves are spinning in a waltz

The leaves are spinning in a waltz,
It's leaf fall at school.
The sun sparkles in the puddles,
The guys have smiles.

Congratulations to all the guys
On this autumn day:
Happy Teacher's Day!
Happiness to you, have fun!

Thank you for all your work,
For the fact that you are always nearby,
And in your heart there is kindness
It will never get smaller.

There is no happier thing in the world

Learn to work, think boldly,
Step. The roads are good...
There is no happier thing in the world,
What is the education of the soul!

Poems and songs for mentors,
The sparkle of inspired lines,
The wisest of all professions,
The greatness of the title: “Teacher!”

There is no more beautiful position in the world,
Labor is braver and sweeter...
Blue shines. It is a holiday today
My friends, teachers!

We remember

We remember the year, and the day, and the hour,
When the call is funny
He called me to study in first grade,
To our native school.
And the timidity immediately passed,
And autumn became more beautiful,
When I entered the classroom with a smile
Our teacher.
We met with her in the morning,
Hurrying to work.
She taught us goodness
Both literacy and numeracy.
She could understand without words
And she knew how to listen to us,
Instilling faith and love
Into an open soul.
Like leaves reaching towards the sun,
We always gravitated towards her,
And the main words became:
Teacher, Friend and Mom!
Let the years fly by -
Like a reflection of distant days,
We will never forget
Those first lessons.
And to see you again,
Hear your word
We are all ready for first grade
Go study again!

And again in gilded poplar

And again in the gilded poplar,
And the school is like a ship at the pier,
Where teachers wait for students,
To start a new life.

There is no richer and more generous person in the world,
What are these people, forever young.
We remember all our teachers,
Although they themselves are almost gray.

They are in the destiny of each of us,
They pass through it like a red thread.
We proudly say every time
Three simple words: “This is my teacher.”

We are all in his most reliable hands:
Scientist, doctor, politician and builder...
Always live in your students
And be happy, our captain-teacher!

Math teacher

Your stern gaze is not indifferent,
We like your clear mind.
And we are happy and glad,
That we have been faithful for every year!
We chew on mathematics
We don’t notice other sciences,
And as a result we know for sure:
We will not die as Einsteins!

Foreign language teacher

Without a translator we can understand you
Your pronunciation is excellent...
We come to the same opinion
Continue learning English.
Don't ask strictly,
After all, we clearly understand
That everyone in the class is in love with English.
And this is clear to everyone:
It’s so nice to communicate in English with you!

Literature teacher

Oh how many pages you gave us today!
We are thinking: will we be able to read???
And we open the book, and it’s necessary:
We can't take our eyes off her.
Until we read to the very end...
And this is not flattery at all,
What can we say: we respect you
For kindness, psychological approach.
According to Pushkin, we assure you,
That we trust you with everything and everyone
And our guarantee is your honor
And we boldly entrust ourselves to her.
And we still haven’t forgotten you,
You taught us well
Not only to write essays with an A,
And think before you speak!

To the history teacher

There is silence in your lessons.
Only your voice is heard,
When you are telling a story.
What did the whole country live and live today?
Why is labor always held in high esteem everywhere...
We always think a lot at the board
How we live, how we will live...
However, we don’t always know how to surprise everyone with an answer.
We think what to give as examples
To get an "excellent" grade in class.

Biology teacher

I am responsible for the entire animal world,
Both life and death in one object.
And we hope soon
By natural selection
Your kind and tired eye
You stop at us!

Computer science teacher

Computer science is a serious science.
Without her today - nowhere.
Windows is not an easy thing
It takes a lot of work to know.
But, (teacher’s name), you explain your subject clearly
Because you know everything perfectly well.
Find an approach to each of us.
And this is where our knowledge comes from. Here!

Geography teacher

They are ready to follow you
To crawl into the bowels of the earth,
But the countries on tour are with you.
We'd rather study!

Chemistry teacher

Your subject is very relevant,
Particularly popular among us.
And we ask you: do not scold us,
Since we are in the clouds.
Please forgive us -
Chemical process in the brain...

Music teacher

I am glad that there is a teacher at school,
The one I love the most.
For his music, born of the piano,
I thank him from the bottom of my heart.
Thank you for your kindness and affection,
For a bright moment of success
And the cry of false notes,
For competitions an exciting fairy tale.
May the Music lesson last forever!

Physical education teacher

Let's plunge headlong into sports
We'll play volleyball and show you judo moves.
After all, [name of teacher] is ours, our teacher
He will cheer us up and help us where we need it.
We understand well
That you need to do physical education.
And we will douse ourselves with cold water
And in old age your legs won’t become tangled.
Physics is our favorite subject!
And, practicing every day,
We will live in health for many years!

Physics and astronomy teacher

You need to know both physics and astronomy, -
She tells us every now and then.
But we didn’t get tired of listening to her
After all, she tells the story well
About current strength and conductor resistance
About part of the Galaxy, celestial bodies.
“She’s very strict,”
You can only hear from the lazy.
But those who want to know know science,
And in lessons - “four”, “five”
Receives with great success.

Do you remember it was around
A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
From mother's warm hands
The teacher took your hand.
He put you in first grade
Solemn and respectful.
Your hand now
In the hand of your teacher.
The pages of books turn yellow,
The names of the rivers change
But you are his student:
Then, now and forever.

Read 2169 times

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  • It's been hard work for you

    You have had hard work -
    He requires a lot of attention
    After all, everyone understands for themselves,
    What does it mean to raise children?

    While the working day dragged on -
    You replaced the children's mother.
    And today everyone wants
    Thank you for everything! -
    He requires a lot of attention
    After all, everyone understands for themselves,
    What does it mean to raise children?

    While the working day dragged on -
    You replaced the children's mother.
    And today everyone wants
    Thank you for everything!

  • Our dear teachers!

    Our dear teachers!
    On this holiday - Teachers' Day -
    Forget all your worries
    And look at the world more cheerfully.
    You carry the torch of knowledge for everyone,
    The one that will never go out.
    May your wishes come true,
    May no trouble visit your home!

  • Teacher's Day is a holiday of knowledge.
    What can we say now?
    So that all my wishes
    Rated a five?
    I want to wish you children
    The smartest and most attentive,
    Both girls and boys. Both capable and independent.

  • Don't let failures get you down

    Let failures not break you,
    There will be more gifts of fate.
    We wish you to smile more often
    And forget all your troubles.
    Long years and success in your work
    Students want to wish you
    May you have many successful years
    Together with the birds of happiness they fly!

  • music teacher

    We recently broke up
    To meet again.
    We tried all day for YOU
    Write a composition.

    We thought and wondered for a long time,
    How can I portray it like this?
    Pressed the pedals
    To amaze with the sound.

    They twisted their arms,
    But the piano did not listen.
    The sounds were so terrible
    That the neighbors felt sorry.

    The poor cat got scared
    And he ran under the chair.
    Well, it wasn't a surprise
    Everyone understood this.

    We finally decided:
    It is a sin to torment an animal.
    Better in poetic style
    We will congratulate you.

    Dear "musicians",
    We hasten to congratulate you!
    Your bright talents
    Every class is valued at school!

  • English teacher

    We wish you next year
    Be, of course, well to do.
    Keep fit, eat only healthy food:
    Nuts, porridge, vegetables and fruits…
    You"ll be lighthearted and merry,
    And no doubt very happy!

  • To everyone who, having told us the secrets of discoveries,
    Teaches you to achieve victories in work,
    To everyone whose proud name is Teacher,
    We send warm greetings to everyone!

  • For an athlete

    Run, jump, do push-ups
    I didn’t know how to admit it at all...
    But thanks to physical education -
    My figure has changed!

    On the holiday, Teachers' Day,
    I'm in a hurry, hurry up
    Congratulations to you, my teacher,
    O health trustee!

  • To achieve a lot

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    You need to understand physics:
    Know Ohm's laws!

    Our favorite teacher,
    We respect you
    May God give you health,
    We wish you happiness!

  • mathematics

    Queen of mathematics sciences!
    We honor her without a doubt.
    Although they experienced a lot of torment with her,
    We endlessly enjoy learning!

    Thank you, math teacher,
    We have remembered science forever.
    And even though you are a pragmatist in mathematics,
    But in life you are a sincere person!

  • geographer

    You, teacher, opened for us
    Rivers, countries, cities!
    We love your item
    And we will remember forever.

    Our teacher is kind, glorious,
    Congratulations, we love you!
    You are our Teacher with a capital.
    Happy Teacher's Day! Your class.

  • Do you remember it was around...

    Do you remember it was around
    A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
    From mother's warm hands
    The teacher took your hand.
    He put you in first grade
    Solemn and respectful.
    Your hand now
    In the hand of your teacher.
    The pages of books turn yellow,
    The names of the rivers change
    But you are his student:
    Then, now and forever.
    (K. Ibryaev)

    Teacher, the days of your life are like one...

    Teacher, the days of your life are like one,
    You dedicate to the school family,
    You are everyone who came to you to study,
    You call them your children.
    But children grow up, from school
    Walking the roads of life
    And your lessons are remembered,
    And they keep you in their hearts.
    Favorite teacher, dear person,
    Be the happiest in the world
    Even though sometimes it’s hard for you
    Your naughty children.
    You rewarded us with friendship and knowledge,
    Accept our gratitude!
    We remember how you brought us into the public eye
    From timid, funny first-graders.
    (M. Sadovsky)

    Reach every heart ...

    Reach every heart
    Those whom you decide to teach,
    And the secret door will open
    To the souls of those whom I could love!

    And some overslept boy
    Late for first lesson
    And the naughty girl in the past
    Will invite you to the last call!

    And many more years will pass,
    Maybe someone's fate will work out,
    And both pain and adversity will disappear,
    Stop shooting everywhere!

    In the meantime, there will be everyday life of study
    And the answers are heard at the blackboard,
    Peace without violence and without anger,
    And donated rose petals.
    (M. Lvovsky)

    Teacher, what a wonderful word...

    Teacher! What a wonderful word.
    It is our life and the light and foundation.
    Shining as a guiding star for us
    And he leads you into the world of new knowledge.

    Teacher! What a lofty word!
    We repeat it again and again.
    Our senior comrade, our sincere friend.
    He is the key that opens the treasure trove of sciences!

    You can learn everything in life,
    Implement many new ideas
    But a teacher must be born,
    To live on earth for children.
    (N. Vedenyapina)

    For teachers

    If there were no teacher,
    It probably wouldn’t have happened
    Neither poet nor thinker,
    Neither Shakespeare nor Copernicus.
    And to this day, probably,
    If there were no teacher,
    Undiscovered Americas
    Remained unopened.
    And we wouldn’t be Icari,
    We would never have soared into the sky,
    If only through his efforts we
    The wings were not grown.
    Without him there would be a good heart
    The world was not so amazing.
    Because it is very dear to us
    Our teacher's name!
    (V. Tushnova)


    Our elder friend, our priceless friend,
    Our constant campfire!
    A mighty plant of fire
    It makes noise with undying leaves.
    And he is above our disputes,
    And entertainment, and ventures -
    Life-giving fire, which
    You saved our Prometheus.
    You deserve this name.
    You with your selflessness
    We were infected and taught
    While shining for others, you burn yourself.
    More than once, puffing up evil feathers,
    Like Prometheus among the rocks,
    Eagle of soullessness, mistrust
    He pecked you shamelessly.
    But, having overcome adversity,
    As before it shines, destroying the darkness,
    Filled with the highest passion
    Unquenchable soul.
    Gives salvation from old age,
    And our youth is alive,
    And on an undying plant
    The green leaves rustle.
    (L. Sirota)


    Touch with your hand -
    And it will immediately become easier,
    How can mom calm me down?
    How a good doctor treats.

    I feel sorry for her! Poor thing,
    She is often sad:
    It must be hard to bet
    Give me a bad grade.

    He puts it on - then he cries,
    Probably at night
    And in the morning to school, that means
    She will come sad.

    All! I'm ready for the answer
    I solved all the problems
    Secretly put some candy on her table!
    Don't cry at night...
    (O. Bundur)

    Poems about the teaching profession

    There are many of them - snub-nosed, dissimilar...

    A lot of them -
    Snub-nosed, dissimilar,
    Flying into school in a crowd.
    And it’s not easy with them. But still
    Any one is dear to his soul.
    He led them
    Along the ladder of knowledge,
    Taught me to value my country,
    And see across the distance,
    And be friends with a book-smart girl...
    Let someone become a builder,
    And someone is the owner of the rivers,
    But my heart believes:
    will deliver
    High five for them tomorrow's century.
    And, having become adults, years later
    The guys will remember you kindly
    And his severity and care, -
    It's not an easy job as a teacher.
    (B. Gaikovich)

    To mentors

    Life is not eternal. Human life is short.
    Veterans are retiring.
    We are grateful to them for their honest work.
    Their knowledge and experience will not die.
    Despite aging and years
    Students follow the elders.
    Years go by. The Earth rotates.
    Teachers raise students.
    Their wise look and kind hand -
    The textbook is the main one for the student.
    The matter is immortal, the thread is continuous.
    Young people will come to replace the elders.
    And they will receive you at the abandoned post
    Teachers hope and dream.
    And therefore the commandment is so strong:
    “Teacher, educate a student!”
    (Y. Kim)

    For teachers

    Don't cry, don't whine tediously,
    Even though the Earth tilts sometimes.
    How your “difficulty” weighs on your shoulders,
    My friends are teachers.

    Not a day of rest. Having forgotten about yourself,
    Lead children's souls forward,
    And you don’t have one extra minute,
    And you have a heavy load of worries.

    Notebooks, cultural outings, meetings,
    The house is abandoned... We will forgive you for that.
    You burn, illuminating the path to tomorrow,
    And the torch in your heart is unquenchable.

    The Age of Speed. Time is rushing madly,
    Try to let go of the reins!
    And I don’t have the strength to quit my job,
    And I don’t have the strength to carry my heavy load.

    Graying, with young hearts,
    Those who do not know an idle life,
    You are afraid to evaluate yourself -
    So I give you an A for your life!

    Human hearts, beat and knock,
    To accomplish the main feat in life.
    There is always a teacher in each of us
    And teaches you to live honestly and beautifully.
    (V. Kosheleva)

    Your friend

    Do you have a good friend?
    There is no more reliable friend.
    Ask about the north and the south,
    About what's around you -
    He will answer everything.

    Do you remember how he came to class?
    We all decided: harsh!
    But how much did he find for you?
    Simple, understandable words!

    You at your desk alone
    Explained the problem.
    Helped your neighbor
    And he separated the fighters.

    Do you remember when he took you on a hike?
    In the morning, at seven o'clock?
    Which bird sings how?
    He spoke in the forest.

    The autumn evening has arrived.
    You're already in bed...
    The teacher just revealed
    Your heavy briefcase.

    You are fast asleep now,
    You've had enough dreams.
    And he, bending under the lamp,
    Praise: “Five” this time,
    Seryozha Ivanov!

    Raised good kids
    Your friend for many years.
    They thank him now
    Collective farmer and poet,
    Noble scientist, furnace,
    Artist and combat pilot...

    Trusted friend -
    Your teacher!
    (Ya. Akim)

    Beautiful and sweet poems have always been and will be a wonderful congratulation to our teachers. If you liked our selection of poems, then perhaps you will be interested in the following articles.

    Do you remember it was around

    "Do you remember it was around
    A sea of ​​colors and sounds.
    From mother's warm hands
    The teacher took your hand.

    He put you in first grade
    Solemn and respectful.
    Your hand now
    In the hand of your teacher.

    The pages of books turn yellow,
    The names of the rivers are changed.
    But you, his STUDENT,..
    Then, now and forever.

    And if in a harsh hour
    You will stand like a man.
    A smile will flow from the eyes
    Rays of kind wrinkles.

    Give it to the warm wind
    Let her burn brighter.
    From mother's warm hands
    TEACHER took your heart."

    This verse, as I remember now, although a lot of time has passed, I read
    at the graduation gala evening in front of the teachers. (June 1977)
    Unfortunately, I don’t know who the author is!?

    Seryozhka is a first grader!

    This is a holiday! This is a holiday!
    Our Seryozha is a first grader!
    He is standing with a bouquet of roses,
    This is serious for him.

    He is happy and contented
    That I went to SCHOOL today!
    And beloved sister...
    She moved a little to the side.

    Masha needs to grow up,
    It's too early for her to go to school.
    But beautiful and elegant,
    And I’m very happy for my brother!

    He has a beautiful backpack,
    The sun's rays beckon...
    Summer flew by quickly
    Get to work again!!!

    After all, I’ve been preparing for a week,
    Them with my sister barely...
    Put me to bed,
    How can you not oversleep SCHOOL!?

    He will go to school
    Will not forget about football.
    Knowledge will be gained
    Will play sports...

    This is the happiest day,
    Mom and dad are happy.
    For Seryozhka this is a HOLIDAY!!!
    And now he is a FIRST GRADER!!!

    For the first time in first class

    For the first time in first class.
    Our Stas is getting ready.
    I'm in good spirits
    Notebooks are put in a bag,
    The books are put away, the diary,
    Stanislav is our student!
    And in my hands - a bouquet of flowers,
    There is a light of smile on the face.
    With bosom friend Kolya
    You have to go to school.
    To gain knowledge,
    Write and count correctly.
    Find new friends
    In sports, be a catcher, be faster!
    For the guys, apparently, it’s a holiday,
    Stas is a FIRST GRADER today.
    Noise, and laughter, and excitement,
    And there is surprise on their faces.
    The first bell rang
    The lesson begins.

    (poem for the competition!)

    From the local newspaper "Forward",
    I present to your attention:

    For the first time in first class!

    By September, summer had slipped away.
    We're getting the kids ready for school.
    There's no point in dragging your feet
    We urgently need to go to the shops.
    To begin, take notebooks,
    Covers and bookmarks for them,
    And a diary and fountain pens,
    And a pencil case, which one is better?
    Plus there are few textbooks -
    Here we have to give
    Twenty, twenty-five hundred.
    We still need a form,
    Form is good.
    There will be amazing kids
    Neat and beautiful.
    It’s no longer a matter of hundreds,
    We keep track of thousands.
    And there was a trifle left,
    Elegant backpack.
    There are from a thousand to five,
    And the baby is almost on the way.
    In the first grade of elementary school
    To a bright and cheerful life.
    Yes, we also need flowers,
    But where would we be without beauty!
    Collected, had fun,
    We did the calculations and we were TEARED!
    But this is just the beginning,
    In a year, count from the beginning.

    In the country, please note,
    Free education!!!


    Other articles in the literary diary:

    • 09/30/2010. Autumn sketches... Autumn BLUES
    • 09/28/2010. Autumn time... It's time for leaves to fall
    • 09.25.2010. Autumn - Redhead Minx
    • 09.22.2010. Autumn sketch
    • 09.21.2010. Autumn sketch, autumn sadness
    • 09/18/2010. Stay away from your cell phone
    • 09/16/2010. It's a sad time! Ouch charm!
    • 09/13/2010. Autumn is persistently knocking
    • 09/11/2010. Autumn - red-haired minx
    • 10.09.2010. ***
    • 01.09.2010. Wonderful school years, happy holidays!!!

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