Birthday entertainment competitions

Birthday competitions for adults and youth (18-45 years old).

Strange drawing.


  • We prepare as many pencils and paper as there are participants in the competition.

Competition conditions: Each participant takes a sheet of paper and a colored pencil. The point of the competition is to draw any picture while holding a pencil in your teeth. The rest of the participants guess what kind of drawing it is. The winner is the one who correctly guesses what is drawn. During the competition, if participants find it difficult to answer, you can give hints.

Racing with balls.


  • bottles,
  • paper napkins,
  • drinking straws,
  • glasses.

Conditions of the competition: Bottles, glasses and napkin holders are placed on a free table. This will be an obstacle course. Each participant rolls a small ball out of napkins. The participants' task is to guide the ball along the track using drinking straws, which must be blown into to move the ball. The winner is the one who completes the competition task first.

Get some candy.


  • A plate with flour,
  • candy.

Conditions of the competition: Place the candy in a bowl filled with flour on the table, leaving only the tip. The player's task is to carefully remove the candy without staining the nose, forehead and cheeks.

Kiss the little bear.


  • Teddy bear

Conditions of the competition: Participants sit in a circle, take a teddy bear and pass it around the circle, kissing it in any random place, but not in the one that was kissed by the person who passed it. As soon as all participants complete the task, the presenter announces that now each participant must kiss his neighbor to whom he passed the bear, in the place where he kissed the bear.

Here are a few competitions for birthdays (55 - 65 years old)

"Guess the song"

Conditions of the competition: Participants are divided into 2 groups. The presenter says a phrase from an old famous song. The participants' task is to sing this song together. The group that knows the answer raises its hand. The group of participants who guesses the largest number of songs wins.

"Come up with a proposal"

Conditions of the competition: A presenter is selected who comes up with 3 words that are completely different in meaning from each other. The task of each participant is to come up with a sentence using these words. The one with the funniest proposal wins.

"Drawing sayings"


  • paper,
  • bright marker,
  • card with a written saying.

Conditions of the competition: The presenter gives the participants cards on which any sayings and proverbs are written. The participants’ task is to draw its meaning on paper in 5 minutes. The rest must guess what kind of proverb or saying is encrypted in the picture.

"Guess the Man"

Conditions of the competition: The presenter makes a wish for one person from those present. The participants' task is to guess what kind of person this is. Participants can ask the presenter questions like, what animal, fruit, music, etc. is this person like? The one who names the correct answer wins and becomes the new leader. Even if you’re just in an apartment, you can have a fun and unforgettable birthday without disturbing your neighbors and getting only positive emotions from it.