How to quickly dry nail polish at home using folk and professional means. How to quickly dry nail polish at home To make nail polish dry faster

Hands are the calling card of any woman, so the manicure should always be perfect. But how to achieve the desired result if you did not have time to do it in advance, and in a hurry to get to work or a date you need to dry the varnish? There are several secrets with which you can reduce the drying time of the varnish to a minimum.

Correct application of varnish

Before applying nail polish, the nail plate must be degreased, and the polish itself must be applied in a maximum of two layers. The break before applying layers should be at least a minute. The neater and thinner you make the layer, the faster it will dry. It is also worth considering that when applying a base under the varnish, it will take much longer to dry. And if you use additional products, then take only the topcoat.

Cool the polish in the refrigerator

Before the manicure procedure, cool the polish in the refrigerator. Refrigerated nail polish dries much faster when you apply it. It needs to cool for about 15 minutes, after which it can be applied to the nails. Some polishes may thicken a bit, so test them beforehand.

Special means

Many manufacturers additionally produce products for quick drying of varnish or a base coat to speed up this process. It is worth considering: if you are applying a top coat to nail polish, the number of layers should be minimal.

Cold water

The cold is great for speeding up the drying of your manicure. For this procedure, you need to place slightly dried nails under a stream of cold tap water. You can also use a bowl of water with your hands in it. Additionally, you can add ice cubes.


The same effect as from cold water can be obtained by sticking your hand into the freezer. Just don’t touch its walls so that the skin doesn’t freeze. At normal freezer temperatures, the duration of the procedure should not exceed 10 minutes.

Hair dryer

Although the hair dryer is not intended for nails, but for hair, cold air also quickly dries out the polish. The air flow mode and duration of the procedure depend on the number of layers. Before you start blow-drying your nails, you need to let it dry a little to prevent it from pilling.

Cooking spray

The oil contained in such sprays not only quickly dries varnished nails, but also takes excellent care of the cuticle. After spraying it on your nails, wait a few minutes and then wash off the residue with water.

The most common and comical situation: you have just applied fresh polish to your nails and you have a lot of urgent matters to do. The dogs dropped a flower pot, the neighbors are constantly ringing the doorbell, and my left heel is itching. In this situation, the manicure is over, and with it, your mood is over. To prevent this from happening, we will tell you how to quickly dry nail polish at home and be prepared for any surprises.

It happens that the varnish takes a long time to dry and the problem is not in you: you can not move your hands for a long time or, on the contrary, wave them at wild speed, but the varnish will not speed up the rate of hardening. It's connected with high-quality composition coating, its color and intensity. Each manufacturer has its own opinion about the hardening of the varnish it produces: for some it is 15 minutes, for others - 30. To figure out which composition is more profitable to purchase in conditions of lack of time for drying, we recommend note for the following coating features:

  • Density
    If you want to speed up the drying process of the varnish, pay attention to the thickness. The larger it is, the longer it takes for the coating to harden.
  • Best before date
    Varnishes that are approaching the end of their shelf life tend to thicken. And thick varnishes, as you already know, take longer to dry.
  • Pigment
    Bright and rich varnishes harden in 15 minutes. Pale pearlescent and transparent – ​​5 minutes. If you find yourself in a hopeless situation, apply a clear varnish to your colored pigmented nails. This will ensure that the top layer of colored varnish dries quickly and allows you to perform minimal actions without losing the appearance of the manicure (for example, running your hand through your hair and fluffing it).

Quick-drying varnishes

Quick-drying varnishes are a separate category. Their price is high, but the result obtained completely justifies it. To work with varnishes you need to have skill: the pigment applied to the nail, hardens instantly, without having time to go from the hole to the free edge.

Instructions for preparing nails for painting

In fact, the giants of the nail market have long taken care of lovely ladies by releasing a huge number of products for quickly drying polish. Their price starts from 30 rubles and goes to infinity: the brand, composition, purpose and additional components influence. If you don’t want to purchase unnecessary elements for a manicure, use the instructions for pre-treatment of nails, thanks to which the decorative varnish will dry faster without additional influences:

  1. Remove old decorative coating, removing traces of its presence on the nails.
  2. Sand your nail plates buff: any varnish will dry much faster if you take the time to do this simple processing.
  3. Before new application degrease nails. Use nail polish remover or regular alcohol for this.

By the way, you can read about how to make a cool manicure with designs at home.

It is very important not to do a manicure on wet nails - the polish will not adhere well and will take a long time to dry. Its service life will be noticeably reduced.

Store-bought varnish dryers

For those who are ready to spend money on products that allow their manicure to dry faster and, thereby, save time and nerves, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with interesting options for quick drying.

Varnish drying

This method of drying manicure is the cheapest and easiest. Lacquer drying is regular clear varnish, which, when applied to a colored coating, allows it to harden faster. The hardening time does not exceed 5 minutes.
The price of varnish drying is not high; you can buy it in any supermarket.

Drying fan

In specialized stores you can purchase a fan to quickly dry your nails. The principle of its operation comes down to the following simple manipulations:
1. You put your hands with painted nails inside a device resembling a UV lamp.
2. Mini fans blow on the coating, causing it to harden faster.


Sprays are a good tool for drying and additionally strengthening nails. Oil composition contains nutritional components. When absorbed into the plate and periungual fold, they saturate them with essential microelements. Spray the spray on your fingers: within 5 minutes nails are completely dry.

Oil drying

One of the new products in the nail industry is oil drying. This is a transparent bottle filled with oil. The composition is applied to the nail plate with a pipette. One drop of product is enough for one nail: spread film dries decorative varnish in 5 minutes.

Traditional methods of drying nails

If you do not have any of the listed items, and the varnish needs to be dried urgently, simple folk advice that has never failed a single woman will come to the rescue. Let's look at them:

  • After applying the decorative coating, dip your fingers in ice water. It is better if you prepare a bowl of water in advance. Don’t even think about exposing your freshly baked manicure to running water - you’ll instantly ruin all the beauty.
  • Nail polish amazingly hardens in any oil bath. If, after painting, you dip each nail one by one into a glass of sunflower oil, then it is possible to achieve perfect hardening within 3-4 minutes.
  • Any cool air flow will speed up drying. Place your hands under a fan, air conditioner or a cold stream from a hairdryer and the problem of manicure not drying is solved.
  • If you do not belong to the “close the refrigerator quickly, otherwise it will break” sect, welcome to the freezer. Hold your fingertips in the freezer a few minutes and the manicure will dry.

Important! Do not dry the decorative coating with hot air from a hair dryer. With such a thermal attack, bubbles on the coating cannot be avoided.

There are many ways to dry decorative varnish: choose the one that is closest to your soul and does not greatly affect the contents of your wallet. We hope that knowing how to quickly dry nail polish at home, you will not only apply the tips in your own practice, but also share them with your friends.

Including because you don’t need to spend at least 20-30 minutes in “standby mode” after applying the varnish. At the same time, there are many supporters of a classic manicure with a regular coating that can be quickly wiped off - and created fresh, depending on your mood, in a new color. Drying still remains a step that I would like to skip. You can't avoid it, but there are ways to reduce the drying time of the varnish. Let's tell you more about them.

How to dry regular nail polish?

How quickly it dries on your nails largely depends on how you apply it. In this sense, the most important thing is to strive for uniformity and ensure that the layers are thin. This way the coating will look neater and dry better.

Many people think that a larger volume of varnish is simply necessary so that it does not “strip”, so that the color turns out more saturated and dense, and therefore they do not use the thin application method. They can be understood. But if it is fundamentally important to speed up the process, you will have to use a life hack: first apply a layer (of course, thin) of white varnish as a base, and then a layer of the main color. A white backing will provide the desired brightness.

And make it a rule to never apply layers of varnish one after another without waiting at least a couple of minutes. If you do not allow the varnish to set, the two layers will combine into one thick one, and, as we have already found out, it will take even longer to dry. By the way, the base, color and “finish” must be of the same brand - this will ensure their optimal adhesion, and therefore faster drying. Due to differences in the formulas of varnishes from different brands, drying may take longer.

Once both color and topcoat are applied, after a short pause, use a professional nail dryer. They are produced in different formats: it can be a spray, or it can be drip drying like Quick-e, Essie. In both cases, the composition applied to the nails prevents smearing and, as it evaporates, speeds up the drying of the polish. Another option is to choose a “finish” coating with a drying function. They create a protective coating on the nails, and also bond the previous layers of varnish to each other; the composition of such a “finish” helps them harden faster.

Quick-e Drying Drops, Essie ©

How to quickly dry varnish at home using improvised means?

It is believed that varnish dries faster in cold water. This is true. But it would be wrong to hold your nails under the tap. With strong water pressure, the varnish can be smeared, and then the attempt to quickly fix the fresh one will fail. Therefore, it is better to collect water in a small container and put your hands in it.

Who would have thought that oils could help varnish dry quickly? Not only manicure ones in special bottles, but also ordinary ones - those that are at hand: for example, olive oil. Apply a drop of this oil to each nail to speed up the drying process. This will also protect against varnish smudging. And also - the opportunity to provide both nails and the skin around with additional hydration and nutrition.

Is it possible to dry nail polish with a hairdryer?

When you urgently need to dry nail polish (for example, after a manicure you need to leave the house as soon as possible), they resort to the most desperate methods: for example, many turn on the hairdryer and point it at the fresh coating. This, however, can ruin everything - if the hair dryer operates in hot blowing mode. But the “cold” mode will really speed up the process.

How to dry nail polish very quickly: life hacks

  • You can create the prerequisites for the polish to dry as quickly as possible even before the manicure begins. One of the rules is not to do it after a shower, as your hands (and nails along with them) will be steamed, which will make it more difficult for the polish to harden. For the same reason, you should not soak them for too long in the bath, which is usually done before processing the cuticle. When starting to apply varnish, degrease and dry your nails with a special dehydrating coating.

  • Another trick is to cool the nail polish before applying. Nail gurus claim that the cold composition not only fits better on the nails, creating a smooth, bubble-free finish, but also dries faster. So while you're shaping your nails, caring for your cuticles and applying base, keep a bottle of colored polish in the refrigerator or freezer. Ten minutes will be enough for the varnish to cool.

Did you know how to quickly dry regular nail polish at home? Write about your methods in the comments.

Girls know that after applying the varnish you should wait for a while so that it sets well and dries. But what to do if there is little time - you need to rush to work or a date? How to do a manicure in a short time, but still get the perfect finish?

Nail polish will dry faster if you follow these rules when painting:

  • The nails need to be wiped with a special degreasing agent, which is sold in any cosmetic store. But it’s even easier to wash your hands with soap and wipe them dry.
  • Sanding the nail plate will help the coating dry. To do this, you need to use a soft buff that will make the nail smooth, but will not damage it.
  • When choosing a varnish, you need to pay attention to its consistency; thick ones take a long time to dry. It also matters whether there is glitter: a product with glitter dries much longer than usual.
  • If you like colored coatings, then know that the darker the pigment, the longer it takes to dry.
  • The thinner the layer, the faster it will dry. Therefore, you should choose products with good brushes. How to determine this? During dyeing, all the fibers should fit snugly against each other and not stick out in different directions.
  • Place the polish in the refrigerator for 5 minutes before painting. When it is applied to a warm nail plate, it will set faster.
  • You shouldn’t cover your nails with a thick layer the first time; it’s better to apply 2-3 thin layers. But before applying an additional layer, you should wait until the previous one has dried.

Look in the store for quick-drying varnish. It costs more than usual, but with it you can easily create a beautiful manicure in a very short time. It sets on your nails almost instantly, so you need to get used to using it.

Methods for drying varnish at home

Topcoats, fixatives, and special sprays are used. But what to do if you don’t have such products at hand, and your nails urgently need to be put in order?

1. Using a hair dryer.

Run around the room, diligently wave your arms, blow on your fingers with all your might - all girls have tried these methods on themselves at least once in their lives. But why bother so much if you can dry your nails with a hairdryer? The process looks like this:

  • turn on the lowest temperature;
  • put your fingers up;
  • wait until the varnish has completely hardened.

If you turn off the hot air, the coating will not dry, but will only deteriorate. You can dry your nails at home without a hairdryer under a regular fan.

2. Use cold water.

Before applying polish to your nail plates, fill a bowl with cold water and add ice cubes. Paint the nails on one hand and then dip it into the container. The coating will set almost instantly. If you don't have ice, you can simply run your hands under cold running water.

Another way is the freezer. At first glance, this method seems a little strange, but in fact, this way you can dry your nails in just a couple of minutes:

  • apply varnish;
  • open the chamber and place your hand inside (do not close the door).

There should be no food in the freezer. They may become saturated with an unpleasant odor.

3. Using olive oil.

The oil will not only help dry your nails quickly, but also saturate them with vitamins and give extra shine. The procedure looks like this:

  • paint your nails;
  • using a pipette, apply a drop of oil to them;
  • After 5 minutes, wash your hands with cold water.

Instead of olive oil, you can use any other oil.

We dry the varnish using professional means

Visit a store with supplies and tools for manicurists. There you can find a special nail drying spray. It is sold in a spray bottle. Most often, it is made on the basis of natural oils, which not only help the nails dry quickly, but also saturate them with useful substances.

1. How to use spray dryer:

  • paint the nail plate;
  • Spray dryer on it.

With this spray, the varnish will dry in just 5 minutes.

2. Using a manicure fan.

With a manicure nail fan, you can dry your nail polish faster. This device is usually used in beauty salons. This device is small; all fingers of 1 hand fit into it. But there are models that allow you to dry the coating on two limbs at the same time. How it works: The hand is placed inside the device, where a small fan blows air over the fingers.

What not to do?

The most popular, but “harmful” method is waving your hands, as a result of which the varnish dries unevenly. It seems to us that the coating has dried, we begin to do something, but this leads to negative consequences - it is smeared. And instead of saving time, we waste it even more. The coating also becomes covered with bubbles, and this spoils the appearance of the manicure.

New varnishes dry faster than old ones. Look carefully at the bottle - if the product has separated or changed color, then it is better not to use it. Pay attention to the expiration date.


Take a bath. Pour cold running water into the container, you can also add crushed ice. The lower the water temperature, the faster the varnish will dry. Immerse your fingertips in the liquid and hold for 5-10 minutes. After this time, remove your hands from the water and dry naturally. There is no need to wipe your fingers with a towel, as this can ruin your manicure. For the same reason, you should not dry the varnish under running water.

Take vegetable or olive oil. Apply a thin layer of it onto the slightly dried varnish. After a few minutes, rinse your hands under running cool water and dry. The oil not only promotes quick drying of decorative varnish, but also effectively nourishes and softens the cuticle.

Use a hair dryer to dry the polish. Many modern models have a “cold air” function. Never dry the varnish with a hot air stream. In this case, it will quickly crack and you will have to redo the manicure. Apply the decorative coating and dry for a few minutes. Then turn on the hair dryer and bring it to your nails at a distance of 10-15 cm.

Buy a professional product. This can be a quick-drying varnish or a special spray. They are usually used in beauty salons. These products allow you not only to quickly dry the decorative coating, but also to give it a special shine. Apply polish to your nails and leave for 3-5 minutes. If you decide to use a spray, remember that it must be sprayed at a distance of at least 20-25 cm.

In order for the varnish to dry faster, it must be applied correctly. First, degrease the nail plate. Soak a cotton swab in nail polish remover and wipe each nail. Don't forget about sanding. This treatment makes the nail smooth and allows you to extend the life of the manicure.

Place the polish in a cool place for several hours. Then you can start manicure. This is necessary so that the coating lays down in a thin layer and dries quickly.


The easiest way to quickly dry polish is to apply it in one layer, then in a matter of minutes your nails will be “ready to use.” Varnish applied in one layer wears off quickly, and the color does not look as rich and saturated as when applying a double layer. If you don’t have time to wait for regular varnish, applied in several layers, to dry, use quick-drying varnishes and special fixing compounds.