How to have healthy nails? Beautiful and healthy nails: tips and recipes

Watching my girlfriends and girls I know, I came to the conclusion that most often women put a lot of effort, time and money into facial skin and hair care. Care for the nails and skin of the hands, no one from my environment special attention does not give. Of course, each of them does a manicure, varnishes her nails either in the salon or at home, applies nourishing creams to the skin of her hands. But to make the nails look beautiful, and the hands tender and soft, this is not enough.

Our nails and hands, as well as the skin of the face, require constant and systematic care. Just covering the nails with varnish is not enough for the hands to attract attention to themselves, and they want to be touched again and again.

Meanwhile, caring for nails at home is not so difficult. If you do this regularly, then over time, taking care of your nails will become a habit and it will be as natural for you as, for example, washing your hands before eating or brushing your teeth.

One of the main and most important rules is careful attitude to them. Every day, our hands have to deal with a lot of adverse factors, such as wind outside, too dry indoor air, chemical substances, included in detergents, hard tap water. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly protect our hands from harmful external influences.

In the cold season, be sure to wear warm gloves or mittens to avoid chapping your hands. In the summer, before going outside, apply a moisturizer to your skin. This will not only help prevent dryness, but also protect the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet rays. When applying the cream on your hands, do not forget about the nails. The cream creates a protective film on the nail plate that protects the nail from external factors, in addition, the cream moisturizes and softens the cuticle. I always try to carry hand cream in my purse. This is very convenient, because during the day the skin of the hands often dries out and because of this there are very uncomfortable sensations. A little cream will help to quickly bring the skin of the hands into shape.

If in winter the skin of the hands is very weathered, cracked and reddened, then a mask for hands and nails will help to quickly put your hands in order. To do this, before going to bed, you need to smear your hands with a thick layer of fatty, nourishing cream, put on cloth gloves on top and go to bed in this form. In the morning, after such a mask, the condition of the skin of the hands will improve significantly.

Any household work, such as washing dishes, floors, dusting, is best done with special household gloves. Of course, this is not very convenient. I really dislike washing dishes with gloves on. But exposure to surfactants, which are part of many modern detergents and cleaners, has a very negative effect on our nails and hands. Because of this, the nails begin to exfoliate, the nail plate becomes thinner and more brittle. Therefore, it is better to endure the inconvenience and learn to work with gloves than to constantly walk with broken and cut nails to the root.

Proper nutrition is also important in the care of nails and hands.

Undoubtedly healthy eating is one of the most important components of beauty and health not only of nails, but of the whole organism as a whole. To keep your nails strong, you need to include cottage cheese in your diet, dairy products, fresh vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, greens, fruits, especially citrus fruits, which are the most rich in vitamin C, dried fruits, seafood. In addition to this, you can drink multivitamin complexes, which include calcium, vitamins A and E.

When taking vitamins, be patient, as the effect will most likely not be noticeable immediately. Calcium accumulates in the body gradually, but after a while you will definitely notice that the nails have become much stronger and stronger. This I can say from my own experience. From the beginning of pregnancy, I began to drink special vitamins for pregnant women, containing many different vitamins, including calcium. Within a few months, I noticed positive changes. My nails have become much stronger, stopped breaking and began to grow faster. But observe the measure, you should not drink vitamins in handfuls and throughout the year. It is better to consult a doctor beforehand so that there is no overdose of any vitamin.

Another effective nail care product is special baths. I especially like oil baths for nails. Usually I do them like this: I pour a little vegetable, olive or castor oil into a bowl, heat it up in a water bath. Then I dip my nails in a bowl for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is very useful for nails. Firstly, it significantly moisturizes the nails and prevents them from breaking. Secondly, it nourishes them with vitamins. Besides, this procedure accelerates nail growth. You can add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to the oil, this will be additional source vitamin C for our nails. This procedure is best done several times a week. Be sure to wash your hands after bathing. nourishing cream. If you do not have time to keep your nails in the bath, then you can simply wipe your nails with a cotton swab dipped in warm oil.

If the nail plate has turned yellow, then lemon can help. Cut a lemon in half and soak your nails in the lemon pulp for a few minutes. Lemon juice whitens nails and prevents them from splitting.

Another strengthening bath for nails - saline solution. Probably, many have noticed that after relaxing somewhere at the sea, when you swim every day in salty sea water, your nails become much stronger and begin to grow faster. Of course, during the year it is unrealistic to constantly go on vacation to warm countries, so you can do strengthening and caring for your nails at home. Dilute a few tablespoons of coarse sea salt warm water in a small container and dip your nails there for a few minutes. Do this procedure 2-3 times a week, but not more often, because too long exposure to salt water is not very good for the skin.

Proper manicure is also important.

Proper manicure is another necessary condition for the beauty of nails. If the manicure is done correctly, then even the most short nails unvarnished will look neat and well-groomed. When doing a manicure at home, you must follow some simple rules.

You should always file your nails in one direction, you should not drive the nail file back and forth, because of this the nail plate becomes more brittle and easily delaminates. It is also important what kind of nail file you work with. It is better not to use metal files, as they strongly scratch the nail plate and destroy its structure. These blades are mainly used for acrylic nails. I usually use glass nail file, it has a fairly smooth surface, files the nail very gently, while not breaking it at all. Also, nail files on a rubber or cardboard base are well suited for natural nails. It is best to file nails in a dry state and before using therapeutic baths.

At the end of the procedure, I usually cover the surface of the nail protective agent. There are many in cosmetic stores. different means for nails. Among them are products for nail care and leveling the nail plate, strengthening products with diamond inclusions, brightening and many, many others. Choose the one that suits you. I like these products also because in addition to their main purpose, they can be applied as a base for varnish. Lacquer applied to the base lasts longer and lays down more evenly.

The choice of varnish must also be approached responsibly. Remember not to paint your nails with dark colors for too long. From this, the nail plate may darken or turn yellow. At all, dark shades it is better to apply on the base. It is also better not to use cheap varnishes, as they greatly spoil the structure of the nail. Do not always keep your nails painted, give them the opportunity to “breathe” freely. To remove nail polish, use acetone-free nail polish remover, as acetone is very detrimental to the beauty and health of nails.

The secret to strong and beautiful nails proper nutrition, regular and neat manicure, high-quality varnish, nourishing and moisturizing baths and permanent care. Following these simple rules, your nails will always remain in perfect condition.

Sincerely, Natalia Maksimova.

How to grow healthy strong nails at home? Nutrition, vitamins and dietary supplements for beautiful healthy nails.

How many different cases are redone per day female hands they cook, wash, clean and sometimes even fix things around the house. All this work has a very negative effect on the condition of the nails.

They become brittle, exfoliate and grow slowly. To avoid such a problem will help the correct and regular care. If you pay attention to your hands at least several times a week, then well-groomed and healthy nails will be provided to you.

What do healthy fingernails look like? Healthy nail color. Photo

The most important sign that your nails are healthy is their appearance. They should be smooth, even and slightly transparent. Irregularities and grooves usually appear as a result of hormonal failure. Tips should be white or ivory.

If the nail plate has yellow or there is a pronounced spot on it, then this indicates that something is wrong with your body. And, of course, it should not break and exfoliate. This is a sign of a lack of vitamins in the body.

How to grow healthy strong nails?

Absolutely every girl dreams of a beautiful and original manicure. And in order to do it, you first need to grow nails. But as practice shows, not all the fair sex can do it quickly.

More often main problem the fragility of the nail plate becomes, so the girls first have to put their health in order, and only then start planning a trip to the beauty salon.

Tips for growing healthy nails :

Use pharmaceutical products . Inexpensive but enough effective tool to combat this problem, vegetable oil is considered. In any pharmacy you will find burdock, sea buckthorn and almond oil. You can also try using a nail growth activator. It contains components that nourish the nail plate as much as possible, thereby stimulating its growth.
Prepare folk remedies. Make your hands a variety of baths of sea salt, iodine, lemon and pepper. If you want to achieve quick results then do these procedures several times a week
Take vitamins. In summer and autumn, it is best to saturate the body with the necessary trace elements with the help of vegetables and fruits. In winter, you can use tableted vitamin complexes
Take good care of it. Remove the cuticle in time and file the plate. Buy only the highest quality for manicure decorative cosmetics. Do all housework with rubber gloves, this will help protect your nails from mechanical stress.

What Vitamins and Supplements should be taken to have healthy and well-groomed nails?

If you want to surprise everyone around you as soon as possible perfect manicure, then try poprinimat vitamins or dietary supplements. If you do not know which drug to choose, then seek the advice of a specialist. After passing all the tests, he will prescribe you the necessary vitamin complex.

Substances that must be in vitamins and dietary supplements:
Vitamins A, B5, C and E
Nicotinic acid

Nutrition and products for healthy strong nails

Those women who have beautiful manicure know that its appearance is greatly influenced by nutrition. Healthy nails really dislike food restrictions and harmful products, so only useful and balanced diet can help you get your hands in order.

Products useful for nails:

Eggs. These products contain cysteine ​​and biotin, which are responsible for shine and elasticity.
Dairy products. Make the nail plate stronger and block the delamination processes
Fresh meat and fish. Promote rapid growth
Greens, vegetables, fruits and cereals. Enriches the body with vitamins.
Seafood. Reduce breakage
Pure water and fresh juices. Sufficient fluid in the body positive influence on the condition of the nails.
Nuts. Increase growth rate

How to make nails healthy and strong at home?

Our pens are exposed daily negative influence. Leaves a mark on them environment, household chemicals and low-quality cosmetics. Because of this, the appearance of the hands deteriorates greatly, and if you do not devote at least a few minutes to them every day, then it is likely that very soon you will be ashamed to show them to strangers. Therefore, it will be better if you pamper your hands every day. medicinal baths and nourishing creams.

Folk recipes for care, for growth and strengthening

Nourishing mask. Take Castor oil and an oil solution of vitamin A, mix everything in a clean bowl and apply to the nail plate and the skin around it. Wait 25-30 minutes and carefully remove the remnants of the mask with a soft cloth.
Whitening agent. For bleaching, you can use fresh lemon. It must be cut and lowered into the pulp with your fingers. After 5 minutes, take them out and rinse with warm water.
Strengthening tea. Take horsetail, put it in a half-liter jar and pour boiling water over it. Close everything with a lid and leave to infuse until completely cooled. Take this tea twice a day for 2-3 weeks.

Bath recipes for nail growth

well maintained soft hands And long manicure have always been the pride of any girl. But very often, due to a catastrophic lack of time, we forget to devote time to them, and this very quickly affects their condition. Useful hand baths will help to make them strong and healthy, as well as accelerate growth.

Recipes that help strengthen the nail plate:

Soda bath. In a glass of warm water, carefully dissolve 1 tablespoon of sea salt, dip your fingers into the solution and wait 10-15 minutes. Wash my hands after time clean water and apply any nourishing cream on them
Firming bath. Take 100-150 g of vegetable oil, add 6-8 drops of iodine to it and mix everything well. Dip your fingers in the resulting mixture for five minutes. After the time has elapsed, remove the remaining iodine and oil with a soft cloth.
Honey milk bath. Berm half a glass of milk, add 2 tsp to it. natural honey, juice from half a lemon, and carefully mix all the ingredients and dip your fingers there. After 20 minutes, we take them out of the glass and wash them with warm water.

Seasonal nail care

The nail plate, like the whole body, does not tolerate sharp drops temperatures. Therefore, in the cold season, it is necessary to prepare nails for low temperatures.

  • If you want to have healthy nails even in winter, then by no means leave the house without comfortable gloves. At night, do for your fingers nourishing masks. To do this, rub into the nail plate fat cream or vegetable oil
  • In summer, hands, of course, suffer less than in winter, but ultraviolet radiation everything is bad for the structure of the nails. Therefore, it will be better if you apply a nourishing cream or mask on them before going out. After the product dries, an invisible protective film will remain on the plate.

Prevention of nail fungus

Another enemy of a beautiful manicure is a fungus. Most often, this disease manifests itself if a person has a sharp decrease in the body's defenses. Also, the fungus can be infected in public places.

Ways to treat fungus:

Traditional treatment. You can use ointments, gels and sprays. In order for the treatment to be effective, it is necessary that a specialist select a remedy to combat the disease.
Ethnoscience. At home, self-prepared ointments are used to treat the fungus. For example, you need to take an egg, vegetable oil, vinegar essence and dimethyl phthalate. Mix everything thoroughly and smear the affected areas with the resulting mixture.

Tips for keeping your nails strong, healthy

If without any apparent reason your manicure began to break and exfoliate, which means you are not taking good care of it. The following tips will help you avoid these problems:

Eat only healthy foods
Drink a lot clean water
Apply to the nail plate medicinal products
Trim your nails periodically and moisturize your cuticles

Video: How to grow long and healthy nails

The concept of beauty is a purely individual thing. But if you look at Instagram or just go down the subway, it becomes clear that individuality is a little tight these days. The standards of beauty are visible to the naked eye: thicker eyebrows, thicker (foreign) eyelashes, puffier lips and longer nails. Nails are probably the only thing you can still grow to trend sizes on your own. Even without those gels of yours. And how to do this, the tips below will tell you.

Do you dream of long and healthy nails, but the thought of extensions and constant corrections makes you frown painfully and grab your wallet? Then we will act in the old fashioned way: grow our own. After all, well-groomed and strong nails without salon interventions are a reality. And you can start with the basics: reconsider your care and diversify your diet a little. So be patient and don't ignore the tips below.

1.Do you want your nails to not split or break? Keep them out of the water

Especially hot. According to dermatologists, nails are much more sensitive to moisture than we think. Prolonged contact with water causes the nail plates to expand slightly, and after drying, logically, narrow to previous sizes. But in the end, microscopic gaps and microcracks are formed, which lead to peeling and brittleness. So in the process of growing, try avoid long hot baths and wash dishes with gloves.

2. Cut right

It is almost impossible to achieve a beautiful and symmetrical shape of nails without the help of a nail file. That, in itself, is already a traumatic process. But you can reduce the harm from the procedure. First, give preference not to metal, but glass tools. And secondly, saw only in one direction. After all, back and forth movements (as, for some reason, they like to show in films) injure nails and can provoke brittleness and delamination.

3. The right vitamins

"Beauty vitamins" are now produced by many pharmacological companies. But, as with yogurt, not all vitamins are created equal. Recent American studies have shown that the growth and strength of nails is most effectively affected by biotin- a water-soluble vitamin of group B. Its intake effectively strengthens the nail plates - by as much as 25 percent. And it also has a positive effect on the condition of the hair. Believe it or not - you decide. But you can try.

4. Less "chemistry"

Yes, this item is clearly not like most beauties. But dermatologists are adamant: you want your beautiful nails, and not pull all your life from building to building - tie it with "chemistry". In the list of prohibited components are sent gel polishes, acrylics, and all products with acetone in their composition. If your life is not possible without varnish, carefully read the compositions and choose the means marked "vegan"- usually they differ in more sparing components. And also switch to washes without acetone, which ruthlessly dries out the nail plate.

5. Spare your cuticles

Many manicurists will strongly disagree, but there is no reason to cut your cuticles. Except aesthetic, but it's a matter of taste. A thin strip of skin exists for a reason, but for additional protection and nutrition of the nail plate. And therefore, in the struggle for beautiful nails, you can and should take care of it. Regularly use special cuticle oil or lotion. And if it interferes with the manicure, soften it and gently move it away with an orange stick.

6. Rest from varnish

Yes, we understand that difficult decision. But it is necessary. After all, even the most “sparing” varnish still does not bring any benefit to your nails. As a compromise, try following this rule: five days with painted nails - the same number with "naked". At least periodically give them time to recover, and the manicure will please well-groomed view and health.

7. Don't neglect home beauty treatments

Good result can be obtained not only for money in the cabin. Many problems are quite amenable to solution at home. Eg, if your nails turn yellow, give them a baking soda scrub session and lemon juice . And if the nails break and exfoliate, they may be overdried. It will help here olive oil bath. Manicurists and lovers of manicure generously share tips on their blogs, and many of them really work.

8. Cut your hair

Paradoxically, in order to grow strong and long nails they need to be trimmed more often. At least on early stages. So, in combination with other techniques, you normalize their condition and growth cycle. And each time the nails will grow stronger and a little longer.

9. Nobody canceled the diet

Most cosmetic problems there is something in common: their solution must begin from within. and support the body useful products. What do your nails love? They like green salad, rich in iron, necessary for strength, almond with a high magnesium content for smoothness and even color, dairy- sources of calcium, which affects their growth. And also fatty fish, foods with vitamin D and Coconut oil . Sounds great and delicious, right?

10. If all else fails, visit a dermatologist

If, despite honest efforts and diligence, the nails continue to crumble and break, they may be sick. Literally. Visit a dermatologist: it is possible that the root of the problems has become fungal infection . Take a course of treatment - and you will again enjoy the beauty of nails.

No wonder the French believe that a woman's hands are the most honest part of the body. Indeed, hands can determine not only the degree of grooming of a woman, but also her age, the presence of diseases. As you know, beautiful nails are healthy nails. It is necessary to properly care for them, carry out regular cosmetic procedures. Manicure is business card any fashionista, and you can do it not only in expensive salons, but also at home.

Problematic nails: causes

Sometimes the nails have an unattractive appearance - they delaminate, become brittle and brittle, turn yellow. There can be many reasons for this.

- Firstly, the use of chemical detergents affects the condition of the nails, and secondly, seasonal beriberi.
- Secondly, if the nail thickens, this may indicate improper blood circulation, dullness indicates a lack of moisture, white spots indicate a lack of iron and possible anemia, metabolic disorders.
— If the nails are purchased Brown color- you need to pay attention to the state of the adrenal gland, yellow color appears with an overdose of vitamin A or carotene, or some medical preparations(for example, tetracycline). In such cases, it is necessary to consult a doctor and eliminate the causes of damage.

But brown stripes also occur with an incorrectly done manicure, if you press hard on the base, and delamination occurs even after extension. In many cases, regular care provides excellent results. It is enough to devote only 10 minutes a day - and they will regain their former appearance, become healthy and attractive. First of all, they need to be strengthened with baths and compresses.

Nail care at home - baths to strengthen nails

1. Baths with sea salt
Ingredients: sea salt (food table salt is also suitable, 1 spoon), water (1 glass).
Dissolve the salt in warm water, lower the nails for 10 minutes. After the procedure, lubricate with a nourishing cream.

2. Baths with iodine and orange juice
Ingredients: salt (2 tablespoons), orange juice (50 grams), water (50 grams).
Mix the ingredients, dip your fingers and keep in the solution for 10 minutes. Wet hands and grease with a nourishing or moisturizing cream.

3. Nourishing and strengthening nail bath with olive oil
Ingredients: olive or other vegetable oil (half a glass), Apple vinegar(half a glass). Make a mixture and dip your fingertips for 10 minutes.

4. Oil-iodine bath
Ingredients: olive oil (2 tablespoons), iodine (teaspoon), water (1 cup).
Heat the mixture in a water bath, hold your fingers for 10 minutes.

Baths should be performed within 10 days, a greater effect can be achieved if cotton gloves are worn after the procedure.

Nail manicure at home

IN nail salon use a huge number of tools, but at home you can limit yourself to only the most necessary. Any standard manicure set contains:
- nail file for natural nails. Additionally, purchase a nail file - polisher, ceramic nail file and pumice stone;
- pusher or trimmer;
- scissors for cutting nails, scissors should be added to remove the cuticle;
- nippers.

In addition, you will need a bowl for a softening solution, napkins or a towel, cotton pads, nail polish remover. Home manicure can be done in 30-60 minutes.

Cosmetical tools :

1. Liquid soap or nail bath.
2. Bath salt.
3. Means for softening and caring for the cuticle.
4. Hand cream.


1. Lacquer removal. Wipe off the polish with a cotton swab and nail polish remover. It is recommended to use a liquid that does not contain acetone.
2. Shaping. File your nails, give them the desired shape, polish. The main rule is that such actions should be performed only with dry nails.
3. Cuticle treatment. Apply a special agent to soft skin softened, let it soak for 2-3 minutes. Dip your hands in a bowl of soap and salt. After 5-10 minutes, use a trimmer or pusher to move the cuticle and remove any residue. Cut off strongly overgrown cuticles with appropriate scissors.
4. Deburring. Trim the hangnails with a leather nail clipper with sharp or rounded edges. Do not pull them, so that painful wounds do not form.
5. Processing of the pads and corners of the fingers. With a piece of pumice stone or a ceramic nail file, grind off calluses on the palms of the surface on the side of the fingers, coarsened pads.
6. Applying a cream that will soften and moisturize the skin of the hands. Leave for a few minutes for the polish to fully absorb.
7. Next, varnish and drawing are applied. To degrease, wipe the nail plates with nail polish remover.

Some useful tips before varnishing

- Before applying the varnish, it must be shaken well;
- it is better to apply varnish on warm nails;
- it is not recommended to dry the varnish with a hair dryer;
- Apply two coats
- polishing should not be done on exfoliating nails;
- file the plates in one direction;
- do not use metal nail files;
- use household gloves on a cotton basis.

Manicure - how to choose the right quality varnish

The final part of the manicure is applying nail polish. This is an important and responsible procedure. The quality of the varnish not only provides a beautiful durable manicure, but also strengthens and protects the nail plate from brittleness and delamination. Low-quality varnish contains a lot of toxic substances. What should be a quality varnish?

- Liquid, but lie down in a uniform dense layer (a drop of varnish from the brush should fall in 5 seconds);
- elastic, hold on after drying, do not peel off;
- waterproof, have immunity against household chemicals.

Do not open nail polish bottles on outdoors– the varnish becomes viscous and takes longer to dry.

Nail extension at home

Growing nails at home is a very real task. This will save time and money. True, you have to learn.

Option number 1. Fake nails

The easiest way to use artistic tips is to stick them on a special glue. Pros - fast gluing, do not require a thorough manicure. Unfortunately, there are many more cons. Firstly, inaccurately glued tips look very unnatural. In addition, fast gluing can do a disservice - without a certain skill, it is quite difficult to complete the procedure. Secondly, the glue negatively affects the structure of the nail.

Glue should be slowly, laying out all the tips in order. It is better to glue artificial nails on short nails - this way they will last longer. Old varnish you need to remove and process the cuticle, trim the burrs. Hands must be dry. Such plates are removed more easily if you drop a drop of nail polish remover under them, then gently lift them with a manicure stick.

Option number 2. acrylic nails

Acrylic today is one of the most common materials for giving nails correct form. It is a mixture of powder and liquid, combined in a special way. A dental remedy has recently been used for manicure. Extended nails are formed in two ways - on tips or on forms.

The service life of acrylic nails is up to 4 months, after which they should be removed and the hands rested. When forming a nail directly from a polymer material, a durable and beautiful manicure is obtained, but there are also negative points - this bad smell, toxicity.

You will need:
- acrylic, solvent, degreaser;
- traction fluid natural nail with artificial;
- a brush and nail files.

Building on forms - procedure

1. After performing the main manicure, apply a special preparation to the nail. Leave until dry.
2. Set the shape and glue the ends.
3. Pour the monomer into the container, dip the brush, wring it out well and pick up the camouflage powder with the brush. You will get a ball, keep it until it is saturated with liquid.
4. Apply to the form, roll over the surface and form to the cuticle area.
5. Create desired shape. Repeat steps until you reach desired result.
6. So you can do ordinary nails any length, with the help of white and pink powder, French manicure.
7. Remove the mold with tweezers, saw off the excess edge, polish and sand.
8. Apply drawings.
border between artificial nail and natural can change as it grows. Correction is carried out after about 3 weeks. Apply carefully so as not to damage the cuticles. Spread acrylic on the surface of the nail, modeling an exact copy of a real plate.

Option number 3. gel nails

This method is even more popular than the previous one, to a greater extent because of the natural or semi-synthetic constituents - for example, the resins of coniferous trees. Manicure turns out to be very natural, it is impossible to distinguish it from natural. The last improvement concerns the silk fabric that is placed under the tips.

fashion decoration beads, rhinestones, colored foil in this version of the extension holds much better. One of the main disadvantages is high price Supplies. Extension cannot be used long time due to possible dystrophy and thinning nail plates. For manicure use modern manicure sets, definitely needed UV lamp.

You will need:
- disinfectant liquid
- files, tips, brushes;
— primer, bonder, gel;
acrylic paints, brushes for painting.

Gel build-up on forms - procedure

1. Remove the length of the nails during the main manicure, leaving only the edge of the nail 2-3 mm. Sand the surface.
2. Put on the extension form.
3. Apply a layer of gel, extend it to the required length.
4. Place under the lamp to dry for 1 minute.
5. Apply the second layer leaving a gap of 1-2 mm to the cuticle. Place it under the lamp again.
6. Remove the stencil, give the desired shape. Spread the gel with a brush in both directions, to form a beautiful tubercle in the center of the nail.
7. Dry again. With a nail file, give the desired shape.
8. Last applied thin layer gel, dry under the lamp. After the procedure, do not wet your hands for half an hour.
Just like with acrylic building, after 3-4 weeks, correction of the nails will be required.

Drawings on nails at home

Even a girl who does not have artistic skills can draw on nails.
To do this, use special varnishes with thin brushes or acrylic paints and thin natural brushes. The easiest way is to mix different colors conventional varnishes.

Take on some more tips:

stock up for drawings different colors varnishes - always black and white, red, beige, green, gold and silver, the rest is up to you;

- before giving free rein to your imagination, practice on tips;

- the main method is mixing with a needle or toothpick and stretching.

Drawings can be done not only in colors on the diagrams, but also to experiment. Practice with colors, and very soon you will be able to create your own drawings.

Drawings for nails - photo

Hello everybody!

The problem of brittleness and layering of nails may be that we regularly wash dishes, do house cleaning without protecting hands and nails from household chemicals. Dear women use rubber gloves when doing homework your nails will hurt less.

Another enemy of our nails is acetone. Many nail polish removers contain this substance. It is better to choose a nail polish remover without acetone, today this is not a problem, many companies produce such a product. But if, nevertheless, you were unable to buy nail polish remover without acetone, take a regular liquid and drop 1-2 drops of rose or jasmine essential oil into it.

And one more thing that is no less important for the health of nails is proper and healthy nutrition. Eliminate from your diet all chips, crackers, sweet water and non-natural packaged juices, it is harmful not only to the health of the nails, but also to the whole organism as a whole. Eat more fruits, berries, eggs, nuts, fish and seafood. It is necessary that the body receives everything essential vitamins and minerals, and you will be healthy, which means that your nails will also be healthy.

Today I want to invite you to take advantage of folk recipes for nail restoration.

How to make nails strong at home.

Recipe #1

Mix red pepper with water in such an amount that a slurry of medium density is obtained. Then add your favorite hand cream and mix well. Put the resulting mixture in a water bath for just a few minutes, so that the mixture becomes warm and then the pepper mixes well with the cream. Now dip your fingertips into the warm cream for a few minutes. After 10-15 minutes, finish the procedure and dry your hands with a napkin.

Make such a mask no more than 1 time per week, thanks to this, the nails will stop exfoliating, become strong and beautiful. But if you have wounds, cuts or scratches, then it is better to refuse the red pepper mask, and use the following recipe that I want to offer you.

Recipe number 2

Lemon is a well-known product number 1 for strengthening nails. Iodine prevents delamination of nails. Sea salt in its composition is generally very unique and especially useful for nails, it strengthens nails, moisturizes the skin around the nails. Olive oil softens the cuticle, moisturizes the skin and strengthens the nails. Essential oil ylang-ylang also fights splitting and brittle nails.

Mix all the ingredients in a small bowl or plate, you get this useful bath for nails, where you need to dip your fingertips for 15-20 minutes. Do this procedure better evening before going to bed, iodine can stain nails and fingers, but don't worry, there won't be a trace by morning.

That's not so complicated and available recipes you can help your nails become healthy and strong. But do not forget that a miracle cannot happen from one procedure, constant systematic care is required, and it is even better to do these procedures as a prevention of brittle nails and then a broken nail will not spoil your mood.