How to identify real leather shoes. How to distinguish leather from leatherette on a jacket


When choosing a leather jacket, the question often arises: how to distinguish natural leather from artificial leather? It is in this article that you will find the answer and can easily choose a product made of genuine leather.

1.Take some water and drop it on your skin. Real leather absorbs moisture, but with leatherette it rolls off and the surface remains dry. A drop of water forms a wet mark on the skin, which dries out after some time. If the product is of high quality, then the water should not leave white marks.
2. If you bring a lighter with a flame to the product and hold it, the skin should remain in its original form. Leatherette melts even at the slightest contact with flame. In the store you will not be allowed to carry out this type of check, but not because they doubt the quality of the leather being sold, but only because it is not required by fire safety regulations.
3.You should hold the item in your hands. Real leather will feel warm to the touch, while artificial leather will feel cold and your hands will sweat a little. This is explained by the fact that natural leather has much greater thermal conductivity than artificial leather, making it warmer. Plus, real leather breathes, so your hands don't sweat.
4.Smell the item. The leather has a smell, but it should not be strong. If the product has been processed correctly, you should feel a light aroma characteristic of the smell of natural leather. But they also began to add leather shavings to simulate the smell, so it will be more difficult to identify the product using one such method.
5. Carefully inspect the seams; there should be no threads peeking out of them, and there should be no textile backing either. If you notice something suspicious, it is better to refrain from purchasing. A leatherette product is worn much less than leather.
6.Do not buy leather items at the market or in stores that have recently opened; trust salons with a positive reputation that have been selling products for several months.
7.Fold the product until wrinkles appear, then straighten it. On natural leather, creases should disappear, but on artificial leather they will remain for some time or even forever. This is one of the beneficial properties of real leather, which explains the high price of such products. This method works best on hard things.
8.You can look at the sign on the tag. Many products have a tag from the manufacturer, which indicates the material from which the item is made. Genuine leather is marked with a small stylized sign depicting a skin, while artificial leather is marked with a diamond. But such tags are not found on all things.
9. Any leather product must come with a certificate, so you can ask the seller for it and check the authenticity of the product.
10. You will not need the suggested tips if you make a purchase in the stores of the KERIMOFF retail chain. Chain of stores

Durable, beautiful leather is used for sewing shoes, bags, and clothes. The big question is how to check the authenticity of leather. The fact is that current technologies make it possible to produce artificial leather that is almost indistinguishable from real leather - more durable, prestigious and expensive.

How to test natural leather with fire and water

Faux leather is a special material that resembles natural animal skin. A polyurethane film of different colors and textures is applied to the fabric, and the imitation is practically no different in appearance from the original.

To check the authenticity of the leather, it must be singed, wet or crushed.

If you don’t want to pay for a fake, you need to master one of the verification methods that will help the consumer distinguish artificial material from natural one. The surest ways are to test with fire and water.

  1. If you bring a match to the surface of the material and scorch it, then nothing will be done to the real leather, and the artificial one will immediately melt.
  2. If you drop water on the surface of a product, natural leather will absorb moisture, but artificial leather will not.

The problem is that no seller allows their goods to be burned or wet. In addition, sometimes the manufacturer applies a protective coating to natural leather, and it flares up when it comes into contact with fire. Therefore, it is important to know how to check genuine leather for authenticity without resorting to radical methods.

Other ways to check leather authenticity

Artificial material, unlike natural material, is less elastic, thinner, has a characteristic surface pattern, and differs in other characteristics. Here's what you can do in the store:

  • Place your palm on the material. If it almost immediately “warms up” to a pleasant body temperature, it is the skin. The polymer surface takes a long time to heat up and the heat will make your palm wet.
  • Check the cut of the material. If it is perfectly even, smooth, or the knitted base is clearly visible, then you have leatherette. Genuine leather will have a rough, rounded cut with a clear interweaving of fibers.
  • If you look closely at the surface, the pores on the artificial material will be exactly the same, but on the natural material they will be of different diameters and arranged in random order.
  • Stretch or crush. Real leather is elastic. Unlike artificial leather, when squeezed or bent it wrinkles, but does not change color, and when the pressure disappears, it instantly restores its structure.

When the production of artificial leather was just beginning, it was possible to distinguish it from natural leather by its smell. However, now this method does not work: flavorings do their job.

Recently, clothing made from genuine leather has become increasingly popular, despite the fact that the price of the products is quite high. It is, of course, important for us, as consumers, to know what exactly we are paying that kind of money for.

Surely you have heard more than once, and perhaps even come across things made from a leather substitute. And if you don’t know how to distinguish leather from artificial leather, then they can easily sell you a fake, and you will pay as for genuine leather. Therefore, the first piece of advice to you is that if you do not understand how to distinguish real leather, do not under any circumstances buy products in markets or recently opened stores.

So, in order to ensure that as few women as possible fall into the hands of scammers, we offer some tips on how to distinguish leather from a substitute.

Properties of genuine leather

Surely many have heard that if you set natural leather on fire, it will not burn, but will simply have a burning smell. That’s how it is, but it’s better not to resort to this method, because if the product suddenly turns out to be a fake, then you will ruin it by setting it on fire. It is also recommended to soak the skin in hot water. There is no need to do this either. Genuine leather tends to “shrink” when exposed to hot water.

How then to distinguish leather from leatherette, you ask, if the most common methods cannot be used? It's actually not that complicated. Below we bring to your attention a few secrets that will help you learn how to distinguish real leather from fake.

Six tips on how to distinguish genuine leather:

  1. When choosing a leather product, try to find a raw edge. The inner side of the leather is very similar to suede, soft and pleasant to the touch.
  2. If you hold the skin in your hand for a little while, it will also heat up due to exposure to heat, and will cool down slowly.
  3. In many genuine leather products, a leather tag with an emblem hangs next to the price tag, which indicates the quality of the model. If this tag has the smell of leather, and its inner side is soft and rough like suede, then it is genuine leather.
  4. The fastest and most harmless way is to check the naturalness of the leather with a drop of water. As you all know, leather has pores, and if you drop one drop on a product, then, if the leather is natural, the drop will be absorbed, leaving a wet mark that will dry quickly.
  5. If you still decide to test the skin with fire, then find the most inconspicuous place and bring the fire there. As a rule, real leather does not melt or change its appearance.
  6. In products made from genuine leather, threads do not stick out from the processed edges. Although you should not trust only this method, since a fake can be stitched very high quality, so that you cannot immediately distinguish one from the other.

How to distinguish artificial leather:

  1. The faux leather is rag-like on the reverse side, sometimes protruding threads are visible.
  2. Leatherette, if you hold it a little in your hand, does not heat up, but maintains the same temperature. But now substitutes are being made that are very similar to leather in both smell and feel, and can even heat up from the warmth of your hand. In this case, you can only distinguish by the duration of cooling of the product. The leatherette will cool down very quickly.
  3. Very often, artificial leather cracks, and the service life of such a product will not be long.
  4. If you drop a drop of water on the substitute, the water will simply drain off, leaving a dry surface.
  5. How to distinguish artificial leather using fire? It is enough to bring a burning match or lighter, and the substitute will melt very quickly, and the smell will be of burning plastic.

Armed with the necessary knowledge, you can safely go shopping without fear of fakes.

Determining the quality of leather. The fastest and easiest ways!

We live in such a time that, unfortunately, we often have to doubt the quality of certain things. And leather is no exception. The market is overflowing with leather clothing, and it is completely unclear how to sort through this variety. Therefore, in order not to buy a pig in a poke and not to overpay for dubious quality, right now we will learn how to determine what exactly is in front of you: leather or leatherette? High-quality, well-made leather or a dubious homemade product?

Make yourself comfortable, it will be interesting!

Determining the type of leather: artificial or natural? 4 ways!

Tactile method

The easiest way to determine whether the leather in front of you is genuine or artificial is to touch it. Natural leather will quickly become warm while remaining dry. Leatherette, on the contrary, will heat up only after some time and even become a little damp from your hands.

Experimental method

For this method we need water. Place a couple of drops on your skin, somewhere on the inside of your jacket. Genuine leather will absorb water and darken slightly. Artificial water will not absorb water, and a droplet will simply roll off its surface.

However, this method does not provide a 100% guarantee of results, because modern products are treated with water-repellent impregnations.

Visual method

For this method, our main tool is the eyes. Take a close look at your skin. Garments made from genuine leather will have slightly rough edges and will not be finished. If the edges are processed and rolled up, then this means that you have artificial leather.

In general, sections can tell a lot. This is, so to speak, the calling card of the material. Faux leather cuts are usually smooth and feel like plastic or foam. And artificial leather is based on fabric, knitwear or non-woven material. In genuine leather, when cut, you can see fibers intertwined with each other. But on jackets in stores there is usually no way to show off the cut.

If possible, be sure to look at the inner surface of the leather - the underside. In professional language, the underside of the skin is called the terrible word “mezdra”. In genuine leather, the inner layer is similar to suede, corduroy, velor or velvet.

Now look at the texture of the skin - its natural pattern. In genuine leather it is not repeated; in leatherette it is the same over the entire surface. The same goes for skin pores. On natural leather they are located randomly, on artificial leather they have the same depth and shape.

High-quality leather feels delicate, thin and soft to the touch. Squeeze the skin in your palm and release sharply. What do you see? High-quality leather will not wrinkle much and immediately, before your eyes, will begin to straighten out.

Olfactory method

This is an incredibly simple, but at the same time the most unreliable way to determine whether the leather in front of you is genuine or artificial. Just smell it. Faux leather usually has a strong chemical smell. But technological progress has come so far that artificial leather can be given the smell of natural leather with the help of special flavoring agents. So it’s better not to trust your nose in this matter.

Determining the quality of leather dressing and dyeing

We have figured out how to quickly distinguish natural material from artificial material, now we will learn to understand the quality of leather dressing and dyeing.

To determine the quality of leather for jackets, we need a small piece of white, damp cloth. Rub it onto the surface of your skin. If the fabric is not dyed, then the dyeing quality is good. But there is bad news - high-quality painted leather is a rarity today. Therefore, after purchasing a jacket, do not forget to treat it with water and dirt repellent agents. In addition to their main function, they will help preserve the original color of your clothes and ensure that if you put on a brown leather jacket in winter, you won’t meet spring wearing a yellow one.

Now look closely at the seams. In a quality product, all stitches should be even. This is pleasing to the eye and speaks of factory rather than basement production.

That's how easy it is to determine the quality of leather on leather jackets!

Now you are a professional!

Armed with this simple knowledge, you can easily determine whether this is really a leather trigger or a skillfully made fake. For example, the now popular eco-leather looks very similar to genuine leather. But this is only a superficial resemblance. It is unlikely that artificial leather will have the same high quality characteristics as natural leather. It will not “breathe” because it does not have pores and will not boast the same durability.

Don't let yourself be deceived. Choose only high-quality material and do not overpay for fakes.

Happy shopping!

No matter what changes occur in the fashion world, leather goods will always be fashionable. We can no longer imagine our life without cool leather bags, stylish gloves, durable high-quality shoes, jackets, raincoats, coats. There are also many lovers of leather trousers, skirts, sundresses and jackets. Designers all over the world use natural and artificial leather to decorate interiors and create furniture.

As the demand for leather products increases, not only the technology for processing natural leather, but also the production of artificial leather is improving. Therefore, it is often very difficult to recognize what kind of leather a product is made of - artificial or natural.

The fact is that many types of artificial leather have the texture and even the smell of natural leather, created by adding specific fragrances. This technique is often used by fashion shoe manufacturers in Italy and Spain.

Of course, we in no way downplay the excellent properties of modern artificial materials and are absolutely confident that cool sneakers made from innovative synthetic materials can even surpass leather sneakers in many ways, and rubber flip-flops or lightweight textile shoes are more comfortable in the summer heat than leather. All this is understandable. But still we think that every person should have several pairs fashionable shoes made of genuine leather - unless this is prohibited by his religious or moral and ethical beliefs.

If you are used to focusing not only on fashion, but also on the durability of your shoes, then you simply need to learn to distinguish artificial leather from natural leather in order to make your choice in favor of the latter.

How to distinguish leather shoes from leatherette shoes

We are looking for identification marks!

Many (but not all) manufacturers put so-called labels on their products indicating the raw materials from which they are made. An emblem that follows the outline of an animal skin denotes natural leather, a diamond-shaped sign denotes an artificial material, and a stylized image of the canvas denotes textile fabric.

Perhaps there will be inscriptions on the label. Remember that in Italian “genuine leather” is denoted by the words vera pelle, in English – genuine leather, in German – echtleder, in French – cuir.

Skin can be recognized by sight

“Mereya” is the name of the facial part of the skin. If possible, you can scratch or rub the edge of your shoe (preferably in a place where it is not very noticeable). There can be no creases or cracks on its surface if the leather is natural. If the top layer comes off, it is leatherette. Based on this sign alone, it is very difficult to figure out what’s what. A large gauge pattern often indicates that manufacturers were masking defects, but this would be more difficult to do with a small pattern. Pores on natural leather are uneven, while on artificial leather they are most often symmetrical.

Exploring the other side of the coin

The back part of genuine leather, which is called “bakhtarma”, is soft, pleasant to the touch, and looks like suede, as it has a small pile. The reverse side of leatherette is usually covered with textile fabric.

In high quality sewing fashionable shoes Finding slices is not at all easy. If absolutely all the edges are turned up and stitched, this should alert you. Natural leather does not need to be tucked everywhere, since it will not fringe like artificial leather. In addition, genuine leather is thicker than artificial leather, and when folded up it will look rather rough.

You also need to remember that unscrupulous manufacturers can add a natural stripe to artificial leather shoes in a place where it is easy to recognize.

Cuts are important

If you still managed to find the cuts, but the bakhtarma (wrong side) cannot be seen, then pay close attention directly to the cut itself. In natural leather it will be shaped like a round roller, and in artificial leather it will be flatter, as if melted.

Elasticity and softness are features of genuine leather

Remember that genuine leather has a plastic structure. If a product made of genuine leather is stretched, it will quickly return to its original shape. Artificial leather is not so elastic. That is why when purchasing leather shoes you can count on the fact that it will stretch a little later, but never made from artificial material. If you lightly press on the top of the toe of a shoe, small wrinkles will appear on natural leather, but not on synthetic leather.

Genuine leather heats up and also absorbs moisture

If you touch a product made of genuine leather and hold your hand for a few seconds, you will feel warmth. The synthetic material will stay cool. You can also test it with water: natural leather will absorb a drop of water and darken, while water rolls off from artificial leather in drops.

Checking the quality of coloring

If you want to buy quality leather shoes, it is necessary to check the quality of its coloring. There is a simple way to do this: run a wet cloth over the front as well as the inner surface of the product. If there are traces of dye left on the napkin, it is better to put this item aside.

If you use our simple and accessible tips, you will be fully equipped and can easily distinguish shoes made from genuine leather from those made from artificial leather. Happy shopping and no disappointments!