Club dress code. Club dress code: basic basics for men

Without going through the not very pleasant, but mandatory face control procedure, it is impossible to get into the club.

What is face control? This is a procedure at the entrance to a nightclub to filter out visitors with an appearance and condition that does not meet the rules of the nightclub. Who might be out of work? Underage, drunk and improperly dressed. To avoid falling into this group of outcasts, look carefully at the photos from Khabarovsk clubs - these are the happy people who have successfully passed face control. And also listen to useful recommendations and try to follow them.

1. Be sure to take your passport with you, especially if you look very young.

2. If you are going to a specific nightclub, you need to find out if there is a certain dress code there. If it exists, dress appropriately; if not, you can wear everything except sportswear and shoes. For example, face control and dress code at the Velikano club in Khabarovsk are very loyal.

3. Face control will not let you through if your clothes are wrinkled, dirty, torn, worn out, even if they are stylish and expensive.

4. Young men can enter the club without problems if they are shaved, but girls should come with neat hairstyles.

5. You can easily end up on the black list and never get into this establishment again if you come to a nightclub under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

6. When going to a nightclub, take with you more than just the money for the entrance ticket. Anything can happen: dishes break and furniture breaks. If you do not have the required amount of money, you will be blacklisted and entry into this club will be closed to you forever.

7. Large packages and bags will arouse suspicion among security guards upon entry. You may be suspected of involvement in terrorists and not allowed into the club.

8. You are not allowed to bring your own drinks or snacks into the club. You definitely won’t pass face control if security finds anything prohibited on you.

9. If you are going to the club in a large group, do not confuse the security guards with a continuous stream, break up into pairs or threes.

10. Don’t resist or make a fuss if the security guard decides to examine you. His duty is to prevent crimes and terrorist attacks and thereby maintain security in the establishment. The Heart club in Khabarovsk is also known for its strict face control. This club is aimed at a respectable audience, but all visitors are welcome here, and those who are capable of ruining the mood of others are cut off by face control at the entrance.

The topic of face control is also reflected in jokes that are widely found on the Internet: “An amazing incident in Ukhryupinsk: the groom of the local hippodrome, Vasily, did not pass face control at the Mirage nightclub.” Moreover, his horse passed, but he didn’t”, “He didn’t come out with his snout” now sounds differently: “Didn’t pass face control”, “Face control is when the bulls decide who is Jupiter and who is not.”

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– a favorite vacation spot for men of all ages and professions. Here you can relax and escape from the everyday hustle and bustle. But the question often arises, what clothes would be most suitable for a man to wear to a club?

Today the website will help you figure out what to wear and with what to go to such an establishment.

What do men wear to the club?

When choosing clothes for a night out, men give preference to comfort. After all, you hardly want to spend the whole evening at the bar. The fiery rhythms of the music make you want to dance, attracting the attention of the opposite sex. But clothes should not only not hinder movement, but also look great, emphasizing the dignity of their wearer.

So, what should a man wear to a club:

1. Top

When choosing the top part of your wardrobe, consider the conditions in which you will spend time. Usually the temperature in clubs is quite high, and strong drinks with active body movements will add their own degree. So you shouldn’t dress like you would for a trip to the North Pole. The most suitable options would be a stylish tank top, T-shirt or fitted shirt. If it's long sleeved? if desired, it can be combined with a thin vest. Also keep in mind that it is better to use tight-fitting clothes if your figure is a reason to be proud.

The most successful club wear for men consists of neutral shades, which are now at the peak of popularity in men's fashion: white, gray, khaki, sky blue, steel and brick. In an effort to attract attention, do not make the mistake of choosing overly colorful clothes with checks, stripes, patterns, etc. But a T-shirt with an original, funny design is welcome. As practice shows, the opposite sex is more willing to “peck” at guys whose clothes demonstrate a sense of humor.

2. Bottom

When choosing pants, move around in them at home and try to sit down a few times. There shouldn’t be any discomfort, it’s better if the fabric is “stretch”, then you can move freely, and at the most inopportune moment the pants won’t come apart at the seams.

What options are most acceptable in a club setting: classic trousers, as well as light summer jeans. Of course, clothes should be clean, unworn and ironed.

3. Shoes

What shoes will be placed on your feet largely depends on your age and social status. So, if your age does not exceed thirty years, you can easily afford to come to a nightclub in sneakers and sneakers. For older boys, it is better to give preference to boots, shoes and sandals in classic shades: black, brown, cream and ivory.

4. Accessories

What should a man wear to a club so as not to look like a Christmas tree, but at the same time make the look original and stylish? the site recommends paying attention to a variety of bracelets, men's necklaces, original wristwatches, glasses, hats, unusual trouser belts or suspenders.

Nowadays, products made from natural materials: wood and stones are at the peak of popularity. If you prefer a white T-shirt and jeans, complement your wardrobe with a set of bracelet and necklace consisting of juniper beads. Unbridled and bold natures can use a pendant with a claw or fang of a wild animal. A small plain felt hat on your head will look great. Dark glasses will make you a mystery person, but do not combine them with a hat, so as not to turn into “the first guy in the village.” You can attract attention by wearing. But when choosing such an accessory, follow the rules for combining textures and shades.

An expensive, beautiful watch and a high-quality trouser belt will help a respectable, mature man create a stylish look.

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Proper clothing for a man in a club if the establishment has a dress code

Often, the management of nightclubs sets rules regarding what style of clothing visitors should adhere to. If you are going to an entertainment venue, find out in advance whether it has any restrictions regarding appearance. Otherwise, the evil security guards at the entrance may send you on your way, and the evening will be ruined.

If you were unable to obtain the necessary information for some reason, follow the general rules on how to dress for a club as a man:

  1. Choose wardrobe items that are in harmony with each other.
  2. Shades should not be flashy.
  3. Say a firm “no” to shorts and beach slippers.
  4. Clothing must be clean, not torn and ironed.
  5. Use quality perfume.

It’s not difficult to figure out how to dress a man in a nightclub. Remember that you should be comfortable, the chosen image is designed to reflect your individuality, style and contain a “zest” that allows you to stand out from the crowd.

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Parties in nightclubs are popular among young people. But in order to have a great evening, first of all you need to know how to get to the club.

Who will meet you here

And from the very beginning, at the entrance you will be greeted by people who filter those entering the club. Their task is to inspect persons who wish to go to the disco. They must weed out those who, by their appearance, show that the holiday atmosphere can be spoiled. Establishments are trying not to lose their status. Therefore, entry to nightclubs is strictly controlled by its administration.

When going to a party, the first thing you should do is not take a large bag with you. A girl should have a small purse or clutch bag with her. A large bag will not be practical for you; it is bad form to put bags in the center and dance around them. And the girl, going through face control at the entrance, will answer unnecessary questions. All men need to bring to a party is a wallet.

The people standing at the entrance already have a good instinct and can determine in a few seconds whether you pass the standards or not. Don't take risks with outfits that are very extravagant. Be smart and stylish.

Dress code for girls

Girls have the opportunity to choose a skirt, jeans or trousers for the party. A beautiful dress will also come in handy. Your clothes must be in good taste, then you will be allowed into the hall. You shouldn’t have torn jeans, sagging knees in your trousers, especially dirty shoes. Gloss and sexuality should dominate your clothing style. Don't come to the club in office clothes. Glasses, belts and large earrings are welcome at the party. When it comes to shoes, the stiletto heel comes first. Leave your athletic shoes for exercise. And of course, the result is a stylish hairstyle, not disheveled, neat. Bright and catchy makeup is suitable for the evening, but it should not be intimidating.

What a man should be like

A man in a club must also comply with the dress code. Expensive suits, jeans, of course, ironed will be your ticket to the door. But the level of the club also plays a role. And there are those who welcome big belts and lowered jeans.

Couples are most welcome at the club: a girl and a guy. If a lady is charming, then she can “help” almost any guy get through. “Any” does not mean that it can be unkempt and unstylish. Companies in which only a few guys will have to work hard don’t like to let such people in. If you split into several people, it will be easier to go.

When entering, be confident and polite. A smile on your face, without aggression - and you are in the hall. When leaving home, say goodbye, show your culture.

Don't make a fuss or be humiliated if you weren't allowed in. Remember that you are an individual and respect yourself, because there is an opportunity to put yourself in order.

Despite modern democracy, the dress code for many remains an incomprehensible mystery and an insurmountable barrier to entering a club. How not to become a “black sheep”? The “generals” of popular Moscow clubs tell.

Club Ikra is a unique place in many ways, including in fc/dc politics. The club administration, which promotes absolute creative freedom, considers itself not to have the right to restrict guests in anything, and entry control is carried out directly by the curators of the party. The club's manager, head of Feelee Records, a man who knows everything about club culture, the famous promoter Igor Tonkikh, spoke about the club's dress code.

“It’s nice to nod to a man of about forty-four, in a T-shirt and jeans, looking around with friendly skepticism, adhering to the style of an old school motherfucker. If there are few of them today, you can look in the mirror. It’s not often possible to look girls in the eyes; their gaze tends to slide lower. And in general - the more beautiful assholes in the club, the higher the bar revenue. And we have the best repertoire of live music in the city, an excellent team of dance party promoters, a huge amount of mint in the Mojito and delicious apple strudel. My personal taste is partly expressed in the repertoire policy, which, in turn, shapes the portrait of the institution’s audience. We are not a fetish establishment. Simple, clear principles work: if you’re a loser, the party promoter won’t let you in; if you’re drunk, the security guards won’t let you in.”

“16 Tons” was created on the principle of two in one: on the ground floor there is a traditional English pub with a restaurant, on the second there is the actual nightclub with a stage and dance floor. Two floors are like two different worlds. The club's press attache Alena Bocharova spoke about how they manage to create a comfortable environment for everyone.

“The main thing is adequacy, fashion labels are nonsense. Journalists from Komsomolskaya Pravda (its editorial office is a stone's throw from the club) come to us to look out for representatives of Russian show business, many of whom dine at the club. There are managers in suits, football fans, and girls in short skirts accompanied by foreigners who are hungry for good beer. So we can only indicate age: from 18 to 50. Otherwise, democracy and the limits of human decency. That is, it is not customary to dance on tables. Taboo on tracksuits. The club, which emerged in the 90s, has a dislike for external “show-offs”. A consistent dress code is only part of the image. Creative people often don't think about such things at all, and thank God! Girls who carry out face control also look at how a person talks and what state he is in. “Sixteen Tons is very different, it changes mood and color like a chameleon depending on the people who come to it.”

Cafe-club "Mio" is a prominent place on the Moscow club map: stylish interior, pleasant atmosphere, original music. A queue at the entrance to the club is a common occurrence; not everyone gets inside. Club administrator Arsen Mkrtchan talks about how to shorten the path to the front door and not get turned away from the gate.

“Of course, first of all, we look at appearance: if a person is beautiful in appearance, then in any case he is suitable for the club, at least for the surroundings. Taste and grooming are always pleasant, pronounced bad taste and neglect are unbearable, a hunted or aggressive look is unacceptable. You can ignore your figure or outright ugliness if the person exudes goodwill. Personally, I am more attracted to modestly but expensively dressed people than to bright but tasteless freaks. But, unfortunately, there are very few of the first. A club night is a celebration, and a nightclub is the venue for it. Get ready for the holiday, dress like you are on a holiday and you won’t have any difficulties with the notorious face control and dress code.”

The Fabrique club is a real dance paradise: sound, light and frequent tours of world stars provide the club with a constant sold-out crowd, and constant problems for those who want to get inside. PR director Katerina Belyakova knows how to avoid them.

“The topic of “clothes for a painless passage” is becoming less and less relevant. Now all of Moscow dresses with dignity and brightness. If 5 years ago everyone shone with rhinestones and expensive dresses, now every beauty is wearing just a white T-shirt and jeans, and the boys don’t have torn pants, chains, etc., but just good jeans! But it’s funny that out of 2000 people, 1300 have a Dsquired2 cap on their head and only 3 of them have a real one. In general, we are happy to see everyone. Why, for example, can’t a Solntsevo boy listen to Armand van Helden if he plays in Fabrique, and the boys trudge around him? We are always open to everyone who is musical, kind, cheerful and, most importantly, who knows how to relax well!

For the most part, standard partygoers wear the same thing. Sometimes their clothes and appearance are part of their image (to be remembered and missed, people recognize and talk about them), and sometimes because all the money was given for these “real D&G pants and a Hermes handbag.” There are those who dress modestly, but with taste, and don’t show off their faces, but they are even-tempered and confident. In appearance, we are pleased with a smile or simply a calm appearance of a person. It’s hilarious: you stand and watch how people are rushing around at the entrance, calling someone up, asking to be shown in, and this attracts the attention of the security so much that they are often not allowed into the club.”

“Gorod” is the only techno club in the capital, loved by the clubbing youth for many years. The basic principles of the dress code in the club were formulated by PR director Nyura Lavrova.

“I believe that first of all, any person, no matter where he is, should be neat. It’s nice when a person is dressed stylishly and tastefully. Vulgarity and tasteless pretentiousness are intolerable. No “branded” tags will hide this. I do not tolerate any mistakes in the appearance of women. It seems to me that a girl is simply obliged to always look good, at most, healthy fatigue is acceptable. Well, men can be forgiven a lot. And my personal taste generally coincides with the requirements of the club. The only thing I personally disagree with is the fact that in the summer young people wearing flip-flops and breeches are prohibited from entering our club. I don’t understand - why not?! It's hot outside, but it's even hotter in the club. In my opinion, this is inhumane! Alas, we have not yet been able to influence this in any way. In general, we can refuse to visit people in tracksuits (even for a million) and with a black, unshaven beard. Everyone else is welcome."

Once famous for its “impenetrable” face control and dress code, Apriori, following the general trends in the club life of the capital, has become accessible not only to owners of “snappy” Mercedes. Tanya Vesna talks about how to get to the club as painlessly as possible.

“Have more confidence in your eyes and go into battle. Our guest is a positive-minded person without a shadow of problems on his face, tastefully dressed and it is not at all necessary that the clothing brands be from Podium or Le Form. Our visitor must also know exactly what event he came to, so that there is no discrepancy between his condition and the mood of the club. There are some types who don't want to be in clubs, but they constantly come up with 150 million ways to get there. Why you need to go to a club where you are clearly not welcome - I still don’t understand. Despite the fact that Moscow is saturated with entertainment venues, I believe that going to a club is a way out, if you like. Therefore, a person must first somehow prepare for this. I'm not talking about little things like hairstyle. In the summer, people sometimes come to the clubs from the beaches. In flip-flops. Nice slippers, but they just forget to wash their feet. I first look at the visitor's shoes, then at the face and only then at the overall appearance as a whole. People who can afford to buy expensive shoes definitely take care of their appearance. Regarding hairstyles, for example, I don’t like it when young people wear dreadlocks. Objectively, a person with his appearance should not irritate those who are already in the club. Don’t forget that people only see you off based on their minds, but they meet them based on their clothes.”

Clubs are playing an increasingly important role in our lives. If previously people mainly danced in these establishments, now they simply meet friends here, communicate and make new acquaintances. Each club has its own dress code, but we tried to determine the basis with which you will always look stylish.

Club dress code for men

Most often, clubs dominate, and this is not surprising - a penchant for creativity, the absence of clear rules, and things of different styles can be combined with each other.

Club accessories are extremely important, and there should be a lot of them. With their help, you can change your image beyond recognition, and it is not at all necessary to buy new things every weekend. Therefore, let's take care of our base.

Club looks for men

Jeans. It is better to choose models with scuffs, inserts, a little careless cut, and memorable ones.

Club dress code

T-shirt. It’s better if there are 5 of them. Pay attention to bright ones, with unusual drawings and inscriptions. This kind of thing always attracts attention.

Stylish T-shirts for a party

Men's club t-shirts

White shirt– must be in your wardrobe. In combination with jeans it turns into an immortal classic.

Shoes. It is already customary to wear sports-style shoes to the club - sports shoes, moccasins, sneakers. Choose bright and memorable models.

Men's club shoes

Men's shoes for going to the club

Club suit. A great option when you don’t have time to think through your image. A short, fitted jacket and skinny trousers look very stylish, while the color palette can be very different and very bold. All you have to do is choose a shirt and shoes - and you are ready!