Beautiful and strong nails - what's the secret? Homemade recipes for nail care. Beautiful and healthy nails: tips and recipes

One way or another, but the hands of a woman are constantly in public view. In view of this, she must always take care of their beauty and youth. And, of course, here you can not do without a quality manicure. But what if the fingernails don't grow? Naturally, everything must be done possible methods strengthening of the nail plates.

You will now learn how to strengthen nails at home and make them beautiful.
But first I would like to say a few words about why they can break at all. After all, elimination main reason is the most important step in strengthening nails.

The reasons why nails can exfoliate and break off can be divided into two groups:

  • external;
  • internal.

External causes include exposure to harmful chemicals. The use of low-quality varnish and household detergents- all this can adversely affect the condition of the nail plates. Under the influence of chemicals, they become thin, as a result of which they begin to exfoliate and break.

Speaking briefly about internal reasons, then among them it should be noted the lack of vitamins in the body. If this is true, then beriberi will certainly affect not only the condition of the nails, but also the hair. They begin to fall out, split and break off. The same applies to nails - they begin to experience an acute shortage of micro and macro elements, as a result of which they become depleted, grow poorly and break off.

But not only beriberi can cause such problems. This may also include:

  • malnutrition;
  • endocrine diseases;
  • oncological diseases;
  • circulatory disorders, etc.

In any case, if you have not "found" external causes, which can serve as increased brittle nails, then you should consult a doctor and undergo an examination. After all this symptom often indicates the development of serious diseases.

If you have been to the doctor and the results of the examination showed that you are completely healthy, but at the same time you have increased brittle nails, then remember a few basic rules.
Never wash, wash dishes or do laundry without the use of household gloves. They will help protect the nail plates from direct exposure to chemicals. This will greatly improve their condition.

Do not use cheap nail polishes and nail polish removers that contain acetone. They contain substances that have a destructive effect on the nail plates.

It is worth refraining from using colored varnishes for the same reason. It is better to give your preference to therapeutic colorless varnishes that are sold in pharmacies. They help not only strengthen the nail plates, but also improve their growth.

Watch your diet. Sometimes, it is the wrong and unbalanced diet that causes poor growth and increased brittleness of the nails. Your diet must include fresh vegetables and fruits, meat and dairy products. The latter contain a lot of calcium, which is necessary for strengthening nails and bones. Fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that the body needs in principle. They take part in all processes, including the nutrition of nails. And meat contains a lot of protein, which is also required for normal growth nail plates. Therefore, give up all "bad" foods and fast food and give your preference to healthy food.

Go in for sports. No matter how strange it may sound, sports and nail health are interconnected with each other. The thing is that during the active physical activity we start to sweat a lot. Together with sweat, all toxic substances are removed from our body, which negatively affect not only the growth of nails, but also the state of health in general. Therefore, if you want to strengthen your nails, remember, sports and healthy eating are your main assistants.

How to strengthen nails at home? In fact, there are many ways to do this quickly and without any hassle. To do this, you just need to give your nails 15-20 minutes daily.

The very first step is to go to the pharmacy and buy a varnish to strengthen and grow nails. It costs about 100-160 rubles. Also get yourself a nourishing cream with which you will lubricate your hands and nails daily.

1-2 times a week you need to do quality manicure. Of course, it's good if it will do experienced master. But since not everyone has the opportunity to visit salons, manicures can be done on their own. Do not use iron files for this. They are very rough and ruin nails. Before manicure, be sure to steam your hands and remove the varnish.
After you treat your nails, apply 3-4 layers of healing varnish on them. Let it dry well and grease your hands with cream. For steaming, you can use various baths. The most effective of them are:

Salt. For their preparation, sea salt is used without any flavors and dyes. For 1 liter of hot water, add 1 tbsp. salt. The time of one procedure is 10-15 minutes.

Iodine. Iodine has a good strengthening effect. To prepare therapeutic bath, you will need to dilute 1 tsp in one liter of warm water. iodine, you can add a little sea ​​salt.

Lemon. Lemon juice also has a good firming effect. It can even be used in pure form. To do this, moisten a cotton swab in lemon juice and treat each nail with it. And to prepare the bath, you need to squeeze the juice of half a lemon and dilute it in 1 liter of water.

Oil. They have an excellent moisturizing, regenerating and nourishing effect. For their preparation, you can use any cosmetic and essential oils. If you are using base oils, then for 1 liter you will need only 1 tbsp. If you prefer to use essential oils, then for one procedure you will need no more than 6-7 drops.

These baths can be done not only before a manicure, but just like that. For best result It is recommended to strengthen nails at least 3 times a week.

Strengthening masks for nails at home

In addition to the above actions, do not forget about firming masks. Without them, as they say, nowhere. It is very easy to cook them at home. If you do not like being in the kitchen for a long time, then you will like it. lemon mask. It doesn't even need to be cooked. You just need to cut a lemon and stick your nails into its pulp for 10-15 minutes.

However, if you have cuts on your fingers or wounds, then this mask will not work for you. Instead, you can make oil. For its preparation, it is better to use sea buckthorn oil and olive oil. They are mixed in equal proportions, slightly warmed up, lubricated with the resulting mixture on the skin of the hands and nails, and cotton gloves are put on top for half an hour.

Such a mask is useful not only for nails, but also for the skin of the hands. It has a rejuvenating and regenerating effect, improves skin elasticity and firmness, and also helps to strengthen nails. After the time has elapsed, gloves should be removed, and excess oil should be removed with a cotton swab dipped in warm green tea.

Fruits and vegetables to strengthen nails

As you know, fruits and vegetables contain a lot of useful substances including vitamins and minerals. They can also be used to strengthen nails. Squeeze out the juice from them and immerse your fingertips in it for 10-15 minutes.

For their preparation, it is best to use unsweetened berries, as well as beets, radishes and radishes. But when carrying out this procedure, you should be careful, as natural dyes can be absorbed into the nails and stain them. Therefore, use such healing mask before responsible measures of fruits and vegetables is not worth it.

Various healing herbs can also save your nails from brittleness and fragility by strengthening them. For this, various fees should be used. You can prepare them yourself, or you can buy ready-made ones in a pharmacy.

You can use them in several ways - in the form of baths and applications. Both for the first and for the second method of strengthening nails, you must first brew herbal collection. To do this, take 2 tbsp. raw materials, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for one hour.

To prepare the bath, the resulting infusion must be filtered and diluted with a small amount of water. And to make an application, you need to take swollen herbs and put them on your nails for 10-15 minutes.

Strengthening nails based on cosmetic blue clay

Nail masks based on cosmetic blue clay have proven themselves well. It is an excellent antioxidant and contains everything essential minerals for normal growth and healthy look nails. These masks are very easy to make. You need to purchase clay at the pharmacy and prepare it according to the instructions (not a large number of powder is poured with water and stirred to a state of thick sour cream).

After that, the finished clay mixture must be applied to the nails and left until complete drying. It should be noted that such a mask is poorly washed off and clogged in the nails. Therefore, a brush should be used to wash it off.

If you do not have time to keep your nails in any solutions or make masks, then you can use regular iodine. It follows with cotton buds Apply to nails and leave overnight. During the night, iodine is completely absorbed into the nails and all yellowness will disappear.

If your nails do not grow well and exfoliate, then you should take care of them every day. Take regular baths, do masks and high-quality manicures, protect your hands from direct contact with chemicals and your nails will certainly thank you!

Video on how to strengthen nails at home

Well-groomed hands are business card every woman. After all, they can give away your age. Not the last place is occupied by a manicure on the hands. Today, everything natural is in trend, extended nails, gel polishes and shellac are a thing of the past. Accordingly, taking care of your nails is very important. Visiting beauty salons is not always convenient, and not cheap, so let's talk about how to strengthen your nails at home without spending a lot of money on it.

The main thing in the article

How and how to strengthen nails at home?

Healthy nails are beautiful nails. But not every woman can boast of the health of her nails. Nails often suffer from improper care, the use of coarse nail files, exposure to active detergents and other external factors.

The reason for the weakening of the nails are not only external negative influences. Bad habits, unbalanced nutrition and deficiency essential vitamins and trace elements directly affect the condition of the nails. By identifying the cause and eliminating it, you will get strong, healthy nails.

Since there is not always enough time for yourself, the most optimal and affordable care can be called application nutrients for nails (creams, oils). They are rubbed into the nails. The greatest effect is achieved if the procedures are carried out in the evening, before going to bed.

Also, one should not forget about traditional medicine. All kinds of baths, masks and other procedures can strengthen nails at home no worse than salon methods. Recipes from the people to strengthen nails, consider below. The main condition is to repeat the procedures regularly, because negative impact external and internal factors appears on the nails daily.

In addition to folk remedies, the beauty industry offers special medical varnishes, which maximally saturate the nail plates with minerals, strengthening them.

Nail polish

Let's try to figure out what they are lacquers for strengthening nails? Strengthening agents in the form of varnishes contain in their composition active ingredients that contribute deep nutrition nails. At the same time, they have a protective function. It consists in using such a varnish as a base for a decorative coating. In other words, the strengthening agent creates a "layer" between the surface of the nail plate and decorative varnish. This is necessary so that the chemical components decorative coating did not destroy the structure of the nail.

Most nail polishes contain:

  • fruit acids;
  • vitamin A;
  • B vitamins;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • iron;
  • silicon;
  • proteins;
  • calcium;
  • silk threads.

This composition contributes to the rapid recovery and strengthening of weakened nails, preventing their fragility.

When choosing a nail polish, pay attention to the list of effects in the instructions. The best will be a varnish with a narrow focus. In other words, if you need a strengthening product, then give preference to "nail polish" rather than "peeling, strengthening, healing polish."

Natural and professional nail strengtheners: homemade recipes

You can strengthen your nails both in the salon and at home with the help of traditional medicine. Here are the recipes for "feeding" from natural products, which are able to strengthen the nail plates.

  1. Cranberry perfectly strengthens and heals nails. The slurry of these berries is rubbed into the nails for 2 weeks at night. Porridge should be made only from fresh cranberries.
  2. With the help of a water bath, it is necessary to melt 8 g of wax. Boil two eggs, separate the yolks from them. Mash them with a fork and mix with melted wax. While stirring, add to the resulting mass Peach oil. Add it until a thick consistency ointment is formed in the dishes. Apply this strengthening ointment daily.
  3. Squeeze 1 tablespoon lemon juice into a small bowl. Dissolve one pinch (1/3 tsp) of salt in it. With a brush, apply the composition to the nail plates. Keep the product on the nails for 15-20 minutes. After - wash it off warm water.

Strengthening baths for nails

Baths are, first of all, herbal decoctions. Excellent firming baths can be prepared from:

  • nettles;
  • plantain;
  • chamomile;
  • sage.

For their preparation, it is necessary to pour 1 tbsp of chopped grass into 1 liter of boiling water. Infuse such decoctions for at least 30 minutes. After the broth reaches a temperature of 37–40 ° C, brushes can be immersed in it for 15–20 minutes. After the procedure, hands are not washed, and the remaining moisture is wiped with a paper towel.

For baths, not only herbs are used. Here are a few recipes that will help make your nails strong:

  1. For 0.5 liters of water, you need 1 tablespoon of pure (without flavorings) sea salt. After its complete dissolution, dip your hands in warm water and hold for 15 minutes. Take out, dip with a towel and apply cream with massaging movements. The course of such baths is 10 days.
  2. Warm up 1 tbsp table red wine, add 1 tbsp kitchen salt. Keep nails and hands in such a bath for 15 minutes. After - get wet with a napkin or towel, apply cream.
  3. Dissolve 0.5 tablespoons of edible gelatin in 1 tablespoon of boiling water. When the composition has cooled, dip your fingertips into it for 15 minutes.
  4. brew green tea. In 0.5 tbsp of tea, add 2 tbsp of oil (olive), mix. Do the procedure before going to bed. Hands are immersed in such a bath for 10 minutes. After taking out, excess moisture is removed and cotton gloves are put on all night.

Many recipes for baths, homemade masks and creams for hands and nails can be found in the article:

Vitamins and masks for strengthening nails

In order for the nail plates to be strong and healthy, they must be “fed” with vitamins A, B, C and E. In pharmacies they can be purchased freely in an oil solution or in ampoules.

It is very useful to conduct a 10-day fortification course in the autumn-spring period. To do this, mix one ampoule of vitamin E and A. The resulting liquid is applied to the nails in the evening. Also, these masks can be used for prevention every 7-10 days.

  1. The most common mask is made from lemon juice, rich in vitamin C. It must be mixed with olive oil in equal proportions. The mixture is applied with a brush on the nail plates, after complete drying - washed off with warm water.
  2. Mix 1 tsp of warm water with a calcium gluconate tablet, 0.5 tsp of macadamia oil, 1 tsp of lemon juice with 3 drops of lavender oil. Rub the resulting slurry into the nails. After it dries, wipe off excess gruel with a towel or napkin. After the procedure, apply cream.
  3. 1 tsp of most fat cream, which you find, mix with 0.5 tsp of ground bitter red pepper. Cover the nail plates with this composition for 15 minutes. Since the mask is quite aggressive, it can be used no more than once a month.

How to strengthen exfoliating nails at home?

What is nail splitting? If we consider the structure of human nail plates, then you should know that it consists of:

  • the top layer is keratin and calcium;
  • medium - keratin;
  • lower (internal) - keratin of the nail bed.

If under the influence of internal or external factors there is a lack of binders between the layers of the plate, the nails begin to exfoliate. To get rid of this trouble, you need a large dose of vitamin A and vitamins from group B. They can be purchased at a pharmacy in liquid form.

  1. Dilute liquid vitamin with any liquid oil in equal proportions. Apply alternately: the first day - vitamin A, the second - vitamin B. The course is 8-10 days.
  2. You can also nourish your nails with natural elements. To do this, use an orange or kiwi. Cut the fruit and dip the tips of the fingers into the pulp. Keep them there for 20 minutes. Afterwards, wipe off the excess with a tissue. Should not be washed off with water.

  1. Household chemicals are the first enemy of your hands and nails! If you are doing housework, be sure to use rubber gloves. So you will protect your pens from direct contact with aggressive household chemicals.
  2. If you have edged manicure, gradually switch to unedged. Is to let the nails naturally strengthen, while they look neat and natural. To do this, every day after you wash your hands, push back the cuticles with a special spatula or orange stick.
  3. In order to make the nails strong, apply a massage with a toothbrush. It should be put on baby soap And in a circular motion walk over each nail and the skin near them. After, rinse off the soap residue. Apply skin care product to the skin and cuticles.
  4. Once a week, smear the nail plates with pharmaceutical iodine overnight. You can wash it off with water in the morning.
  5. Do not forget to drink a complex of vitamins twice a year (spring, autumn). In addition to strengthening nails, vitamin complexes help maintain immunity.
  6. IN winter time don't forget to wear gloves. Keep your hands out of direct sunlight and wind.
  7. When washing your hands, use soap with a pH of approximately 5.5. Our skin has this indicator, so this remedy will be the safest to use.

As you know, "you can be a smart person and think about the beauty of nails." This is especially true for women. Few things enhance beauty as much as manicured nails . At the same time, many of us are faced with the problem of brittle, dull, exfoliating nail plates. In this article, we will tell you what you need to do so that you always have beautiful and healthy nails.

Why do nails break?

In order to solve a problem, you need to understand its cause. Very often the cause is bad habits or daily household chores. Among the most common:

  • Habit
  • Usage cleaning products without gloves
  • Mechanical damage from sharp and hard objects
  • Lack of adequate amounts in the daily diet vitamins and minerals
  • Gardening without gloves
  • Poor hygiene
  • permanently painted nails(lacquer does not allow them to "breathe")
  • Infections and fungus

These simple advice help nails grow faster and have a beautiful and well-groomed appearance.

1. Activate blood circulation in the hands

Activities such as typing on a keyboard (with the pads of your fingers, not your nails), playing the piano, or simply massaging your fingers are helpful. In order for you to have healthy nails, you need good blood circulation.

2. Increase the amount of protein in your diet and drink more water

Drink milkshakes and sour-milk products, eat lean meat. The body must receive enough vitamin D (especially in winter). This will help your nails grow faster.

In addition, do not forget about a sufficient amount of liquid. It could be water or herbal infusions. This is important not only for the beauty of nails, but also for the correct functioning of the whole organism as a whole.

3. Protect your nails

In cold and even just cool seasons, wear gloves- Hands should always be warm. Heat improves blood circulation and thus stimulates nail growth. Also try to use things from natural materials(leather, wood instead of plastic)

4. Learn how to properly care for your nails

  • Determine your nail type. In total, five types are distinguished: normal, soft, dry, fragile and brittle. It depends on how you should deal with them.
  • Don't cut your cuticle: it protects the nail plates from infections. If you constantly trim your nails, your cuticles will grow thicker and tougher, and your nails will become weaker and more sore.
  • Apply nourishing or strengthening varnish for nails once a week. To accelerate their growth, carry out this procedure every evening for two weeks.
  • Do your manicure regularly(whether on your own or in a salon). Then taking care of your nails will become your habit.
  • When you treat your nails nail file, do the movements in the same direction. Otherwise, the nails will break more easily. Always have a nail file with you so that you can touch up your nails if necessary.
  • Don't overuse nail polish: they usually contain not very useful ingredients. From the constant use of varnish, the nail plates turn yellow and weaken. It is best to paint your nails once a week. Try to leave a gap of 48 hours between the removal of varnish (the product should not contain acetone) and the next coating.

Natural remedies for nail growth

To make nails stronger help various baths, which include natural ingredients. Here are some of them:

  • cucumber juice: make juice from half a cucumber (without peeling the vegetable) and immerse your nails in it for 20 minutes. Repeat the procedure once a week, and the results will not be long in coming. You can also replace cucumber juice aloe vera gel.

  • Onion juice: peel the bulb and soak your nails with its juice. It's very powerful home remedy which will make nails strong and healthy. Leave the onion juice on your nails longer: for example, while watching TV. It is even better to make a compress with at night. Then the effect will be more noticeable.
  • Mix in a cup warm water and two spoons olive oil . Immerse your hands for 10 minutes. Do not rinse them after the procedure so that the oil is absorbed. With regular use of oil baths, you will have healthy nails. A large number of vitamins and minerals nourish and strengthen the nail plate.
  • one of the most famous and effective natural remedies. Here is one of simple ways How to use it: Chop two cloves of garlic and dip your hands in the resulting mixture for 10 minutes. Repeat the process every day for a week.

Try to lead healthy lifestyle life and try one or more of the remedies listed above. You will see, you will have beautiful and healthy nails!

Illustrated by Lele Breveglieri, Courtney Rhodes, Romina Campos and Lydia Pintscher.

Strong and healthy nails testify to the good condition of the body, the smooth operation of all its organs and systems. Nails healthy person always have a flat surface, they are moderately flexible and strong.

What does a healthy person's nails look like?

On each of our 20 fingers there is a nail - a modified surface layer of the epidermis in the form of a dense translucent flexible plate containing a large amount of keratin.

In addition to protecting the surface of the fingers, nails help us hold small items and scratch. Nails do not stop growing all their lives, on average growing by 3-4 mm per month. Fingernails grow much faster nails on foot.

Unfortunately nails are susceptible various diseases, especially mycoses (fungal infection).

What do healthy adult nails look like? The nail plate rests on the connective tissue of the nail bed. The part of the nail hanging over the finger, cut off or filed during manicure, is called the nail edge, and the part of the nail, as it were, glued to the phalanx of the finger, is called the nail body. The body of the nail has a root, which is located under the nail roller and is attached to nail bed. At the base of the nail root there is a matrix - an actively growing tissue with a developed network of lymphatic and blood vessels. In the matrix, cells are formed that ensure the growth of the nail and its density. The growth of the nail plate depends on the entry of all the necessary nutrients into the matrix.

An intact nail has a smooth even surface, moderate hardness and flexibility. healthy color nails - evenly pink.

At the base of each nail is a crescent-shaped lunula, usually white or pale pink.

In the lower part, the nail plate is surrounded by a dense leathery roller - the cuticle (eponchium), which plays a protective role, preventing foreign bodies and bacteria to penetrate the matrix. The edge of the cuticle is dead cells. When this edge dries and peels off, barbs form. The cuticle needs constant and proper care.

As you can see in the photo, healthy nails can be of various shapes:

The shape of the nails is purely individual and depends on natural genetic factors. There are four main forms of nails: trapezoidal, rectangular, square and round. A rectangular shape is sometimes called an oval shape, while a trapezoid shape is sometimes called pointed or triangular.

Nails rectangular shape they say that a person is an optimist, constantly strives for development, does not get hung up on failures.

Nails square shape lovers of order. Such a person is disciplined, attentive to loved ones, imperturbable, in any situation retains self-control, prudence, his main features are sanity and practicality.

Trapezoidal (triangular) nails most often in people who are self-confident, firmly moving towards the intended goal.

Nails round shape have sentimental, dreamy, very romantic people.

Changing the healthy appearance of the nail can say a lot about health problems. For example, the cause of a purple nail plate may be an insufficient level of oxygen in the blood (respiratory failure). pale nails and fingers indicate anemia or poor circulation (Raynaud's disease), and deformed - a sign chronic disease heart or lungs. Yellowness of the nails is characteristic of infectious diseases, hepatitis. With a microscopic lesion, the nail may turn yellow and thicken, and in some cases, the nail lesion begins with the appearance of white spots on its surface.

Peeling of the nail plate is a symptom of impaired peripheral blood supply, vascular disease in diabetes mellitus.

If the nails do not grow well, you need to contact an endocrinologist, as this fact may indicate thyroid diseases.

Fingerprints are a pattern formed by skin furrows on the fingertips. It is believed that thanks to it, a better grip on objects is provided, something like a tread on tires or the sole of a boot. Since each person has a unique and unique pattern, fingerprints are used in criminology as evidence of guilt in a crime.

How to make nails healthy: healthy foods

The first thing you need to get used to before growing strong and healthy nails is washing your hands with water. room temperature. From cold water the skin on the hands peels off and becomes stiff, hot water degreases the skin, making it rough.

Health and appearance nails are closely related to nutrition: it must be balanced. For the strength of nails, cottage cheese must be present in your menu, dairy products. Also useful products for healthy nails, are fresh vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, greens), fruits (especially citrus fruits rich in vitamin C), dried fruits, seafood. In addition, the growth and strengthening of nails is facilitated by the use of gelatin-containing dishes - jellies, jellies, aspics.

If you do not know how to make nails strong and healthy, keep them for a long time attractive appearance follow the simple rules below.

How to make nails strong, healthy and beautiful

Manicure- one of the most important points on how to grow healthy nails: moreover, it is recommended to resort to this procedure at least once every two weeks. If hangnails quickly form after a manicure, you need to use special tools daily to soften the cuticles around the nail. It is advisable to do a professional pedicure once a month. This will help to avoid some problems (the formation of corns, hard calluses) and to identify ingrown nails or fungal diseases in time.

When doing a manicure at home, it is important to remember that you should always file your nails in one direction, you should not drive the nail file back and forth, as this nail plate becomes more brittle and flakes easily.

The issue of cutting the cuticle during manicure and pedicure is decided individually and, most likely, is a matter of habit. Nevertheless, unedged manicure It is considered safer, since the cuticle is not damaged and the risk of infection is eliminated. After cutting, the cuticle becomes rougher, thicker and grows faster. However, cuticles still need to be removed from time to time.

It is best to remove the cuticle using an unedged (European) manicure, during which it is applied to the cuticle special agent, which contains fruit and lactic acids, softening the cuticle. Then the dead cells are removed with an orange stick, and the living ones are pushed aside.

An alternative to classic manicures and pedicures are nail care.

Another rule on how to make your nails healthy: use an acetone-free liquid to wash off the varnish. This aggressive substance greatly dries out the nail plate and can cause inflammation of the cuticle.

In the process of growing healthy nails, do not forget that nails need rest from time to time - do not use manicure and pedicure polish all the time.

Recipes for healthy nails

A common cause of stratification of nails is a lack of calcium, which can be compensated both with the help of food and pharmacy products.

How to make nails healthy and beautiful, saving them from excessive brittleness? For weakened nails, warm olive oil baths are useful, to which a few drops of vitamin A are added and lemon juice. They should be done 1-2 times a week.

To strengthen exfoliating nails, baths are shown with the addition of sea salt, which does not contain aromatic and coloring additives. After pouring warm water into a bowl and dissolving salt in it (1 teaspoon of salt per glass of water), dip your fingertips into the solution and hold for 20 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wet your hands paper napkin and apply a nourishing cream on the skin of the hands and nails. Treatment is carried out daily for two weeks, a second course - in a month. For prevention, it is enough to use this recipe for healthy nails once a week.

Watching my girlfriends and girls I know, I came to the conclusion that most often women put a lot of effort, time and money into facial skin and hair care. Care for the nails and skin of the hands, no one from my environment special attention does not give. Of course, each of them does a manicure, varnishes her nails either in the salon or at home, applies nourishing creams to the skin of her hands. But to make the nails look beautiful, and the hands tender and soft, this is not enough.

Our nails and hands, as well as the skin of the face, require constant and systematic care. Just covering the nails with varnish is not enough for the hands to attract attention to themselves, and they want to be touched again and again.

Meanwhile, caring for nails at home is not so difficult. If you do this regularly, then over time, taking care of your nails will become a habit and it will be as natural for you as, for example, washing your hands before eating or brushing your teeth.

One of the main and most important rules is careful attitude to them. Every day, our hands have to deal with a lot of adverse factors, such as wind outside, too dry indoor air, chemical substances, which are part of detergents, hard tap water. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly protect our hands from harmful external influences.

In the cold season, be sure to wear warm gloves or mittens to avoid chapping your hands. In the summer, before going outside, apply a moisturizer to your skin. This will not only help prevent dryness, but also protect the skin from negative impact ultraviolet rays. When applying the cream on your hands, do not forget about the nails. The cream creates a protective film on the nail plate, which protects the nail from external factors, in addition, the cream moisturizes and softens the cuticle. I always try to carry hand cream in my purse. This is very convenient, because during the day the skin of the hands often dries out and because of this there are very uncomfortable sensations. A little cream will help to quickly bring the skin of the hands into shape.

If in winter the skin of the hands is very weathered, cracked and reddened, then a mask for hands and nails will help to quickly put your hands in order. To do this, before going to bed, you need to smear your hands with a thick layer of fatty, nourishing cream, put on cloth gloves on top and go to bed in this form. In the morning, after such a mask, the condition of the skin of the hands will improve significantly.

Any homework such as washing dishes, floors, dusting, it is better to carry out in special household gloves. Of course, this is not very convenient. I really dislike washing dishes with gloves on. But exposure to surfactants, which are part of many modern detergents and cleaners, has a very negative effect on our nails and hands. Because of this, the nails begin to exfoliate, the nail plate becomes thinner and more brittle. Therefore, it is better to endure the inconvenience and learn to work with gloves than to constantly walk with broken and cut nails to the root.

Proper nutrition is also important in the care of nails and hands.

Undoubtedly, a healthy diet is one of the most important components of the beauty and health of not only nails, but the whole organism as a whole. To keep your nails strong, you need to include in your diet cottage cheese, dairy products, fresh vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, herbs, fruits, especially citrus fruits, which are richest in vitamin C, dried fruits, seafood. In addition to this, you can drink multivitamin complexes, which include calcium, vitamins A and E.

When taking vitamins, be patient, as the effect will most likely not be noticeable immediately. Calcium accumulates in the body gradually, but after a while you will definitely notice that the nails have become much stronger and stronger. This I can say from my own experience. From the beginning of pregnancy, I began to drink special vitamins for pregnant women, containing many different vitamins, including calcium. Within a few months, I noticed positive changes. My nails have become much stronger, stopped breaking and began to grow faster. But observe the measure, you should not drink vitamins in handfuls and throughout the year. It is better to consult a doctor beforehand so that there is no overdose of any vitamin.

Another effective remedy nail care is special baths. I especially like oil baths for nails. Usually I do them like this: I pour a little vegetable, olive or castor oil, heated in a water bath. Then I dip my nails in a bowl for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is very useful for nails. Firstly, it significantly moisturizes the nails and prevents them from breaking. Secondly, it nourishes them with vitamins. Besides, this procedure accelerates nail growth. You can add a little freshly squeezed lemon juice to the oil, this will be additional source vitamin C for our nails. This procedure is best done several times a week. Be sure to wash your hands after bathing. nourishing cream. If you do not have time to keep your nails in the bath, then you can simply wipe your nails with a cotton swab dipped in warm oil.

If the nail plate has turned yellow, then lemon can help. Cut a lemon in half and soak your nails in the lemon pulp for a few minutes. Lemon juice whitens nails and prevents them from splitting.

Another strengthening bath for nails - saline solution. Probably, many have noticed that after relaxing somewhere at the sea, when you swim every day in salty sea water, your nails become much stronger and begin to grow faster. Of course, during the year it is unrealistic to constantly go on vacation to warm countries, so you can do strengthening and caring for your nails at home. Dilute a few tablespoons of coarse sea salt with warm water in a small container and dip your nails into it for a few minutes. Do this procedure 2-3 times a week, but not more often, because too long exposure to salt water is not very good for the skin.

Proper manicure is also important.

Proper manicure is another necessary condition for the beauty of nails. If the manicure is done correctly, then even the most short nails unvarnished will look neat and well-groomed. When doing a manicure at home, you must follow some simple rules.

You should always file your nails in one direction, you should not drive the nail file back and forth, because of this the nail plate becomes more brittle and easily delaminates. It is also important what kind of nail file you work with. It is better not to use metal files, as they strongly scratch the nail plate and destroy its structure. These blades are mainly used for acrylic nails. I usually use glass nail file, it has a fairly smooth surface, files the nail very gently, while not breaking it at all. Also for natural nails nail files on a rubber or cardboard base are well suited. It is best to file nails in a dry state and before using therapeutic baths.

At the end of the procedure, I usually cover the surface of the nail protective agent. There are many in cosmetic stores. different means for nails. Among them are products for nail care and leveling the nail plate, strengthening products with diamond inclusions, brightening and many, many others. Choose the one that suits you. I like these products also because in addition to their main purpose, they can be applied as a base for varnish. Lacquer applied to the base lasts longer and lays down more evenly.

The choice of varnish must also be approached responsibly. Remember not to paint your nails with dark colors for too long. From this, the nail plate may darken or turn yellow. At all, dark shades it is better to apply on the base. It is also better not to use cheap varnishes, as they greatly spoil the structure of the nail. Do not always keep your nails painted, give them the opportunity to “breathe” freely. To remove nail polish, use acetone-free nail polish remover, as acetone is very detrimental to the beauty and health of nails.

The secret of strong and beautiful nails V proper nutrition, regular and neat manicure, high-quality varnish, nourishing and moisturizing baths and permanent care. Following these simple rules, your nails will always remain in perfect condition.

Sincerely, Natalia Maksimova.