Nymphomaniac - who is this? Who are nymphomaniacs

What is nymphomania?

In our turbulent and difficult times, there are more and more people with mental disorders. One of the forms of their manifestation is nymphomania.

Nymphomania (from Latin) - excessive sexual desire in women; a type of hypersexuality. The disease is characterized by constant sexual dissatisfaction and erotic fantasies, casual relationships. Women suffering from nymphomania are called nymphomaniacs. Thus, the meaning of the word nymphomaniac is that it designates a woman as not fully in control of herself when it comes to sex.

The fact that a woman does not cope well without sex does not mean that she has a pathology. Within normal limits, desire in women is well controlled. In a nymphomaniac, attraction appears regardless of the circumstances, for example, as a feeling of thirst.

Basically, nymphomania is a symptom of organic abnormalities of the central nervous system, and can also be the first sign of manic disorders of various origins, psychopathy, mental retardation, and epilepsy. Sometimes increased sexual desire can be caused by stressful situations - troubles at work, loss of a loved one, property.

Origins of nymphomania

Nymphomania is usually associated with mental illness. Other causes may include various brain injuries, Alzheimer's disease, schizoaffective disorder, and some other disorders. Also, illegal drugs such as methamphetamine can lead to nymphomania - in these cases, the disease acts as a side effect that goes away after drug withdrawal.

The reasons may be different, but the source of the disease is in the pathology of the hypothalamus.

Scientists believe that nymphomania can develop due to flaws in upbringing. If the topic of sex was taboo in the family, then this fact could very well lead to such a mental disorder.

How to determine that a woman is a nymphomaniac?

This is quite easy to do. A woman who simply loves sex is able to control her sex drive. She is able to do without physical intimacy for a week, a month, all the time while her husband is, say, on a business trip. A nymphomaniac, on the contrary, is not able to create stable, long-term relationships. The goal of her life becomes to obtain sexual satisfaction, she is unable to do anything else, it is difficult for her to work, relax, and interact with people.

Nymphomaniac women are not afraid of the risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases or the danger of becoming a victim of a crime.

Signs of nymphomania in women

1. attraction cannot be controlled.

2. I can’t get rid of thoughts about sex for any long time.

3. There is no satisfaction from communication with a partner.

4. there is a need for casual relationships even with strangers.

5. interest in a man as a person disappears.

6. Nymphomaniacs suffer from hysterics, resort to all sorts of tricks and deceptions, their character becomes unbearable.

How is nymphomania treated?

Treatment for nymphomania begins with understanding. To begin with, a woman and her family need to understand that nymphomania is a serious mental health disorder, and not banal promiscuity.

To rule out a tumor, it is necessary to do a brain tomogram. The endocrinologist will ask you to donate blood for hormones to see if there is a hormonal imbalance. Asking means he sees the meaning in it. Donate blood for this test.

Treatment must be comprehensive. After a full examination and tests, the doctor will determine the cause of the mental disorder and prescribe therapy.

Drug psychiatric treatment consists of taking sedatives, tranquilizers, antipsychotics (in particular, aminazine, thioridazine and its analogues). With nymphomania in young girls, camphor monobromide helps well, at a dose of 2-3 g per day.

The prescription of hormonal drugs is ineffective and is prescribed only in case of proven failure of the endocrine system.

It is mandatory to visit a psychologist to change behavior and conduct auto-training.

Thus, nymphomania is a fairly serious mental disorder, and it needs to be treated like any other disease. There are many treatment methods and tactics.

The most important thing is to monitor your physical and mental well-being, not to miss the alarming symptoms of your body, and if something happens, contact a specialist and strictly follow his instructions. After all, only you can see for yourself what is happening to your body and react to its signals in time.

Most men dream of spending time with a lady who will be excited by his every touch.

But few people understand that nymphomania is a symptom indicating a pathology that requires serious treatment.

Excessive attraction to the opposite sex, constantly accompanying the desire to obtain sexual pleasure, can be present not only in women, but also in men.

There is an illusory idea that this is an element of romanticism and an inexhaustible source of pleasure, but in fact there is a serious pathology.

Basically, people who are able to squeeze a sexual partner like a “lemon” attribute their abilities to their temperamental characteristics and mistakenly believe that this is the work of nature - restless passion.

Although they “deal” with hypersexuality syndrome, in such cases, the social status of the person, his marital status, age and even the gender of the object of desire does not matter.

During contact, a sick person can feel multiple orgasms, bright, high-quality, but there is no complete satisfaction.

Nymphomania is a symptom indicating a pathology that requires serious treatment

Constant hunger of a sexual nature and promiscuity entail serious changes in a person’s nature and behavior.

Over time, women with this syndrome become irritable, hysterical, and pathologically jealous.

In most cases, they do not even understand that they suffer from a complex disease and this is nymphomania.

The word comes from the Greek "nymph" . According to legend, forest nymphs lured men into the dense forest and satisfied their own lust.

Among the people, the disease has a second name - “uterine rabies”, given by the ancient philosopher Plato.

He believed that a monster had taken possession of a woman’s womb, seeking to facilitate childbirth in any way possible.

If the goal is not achieved, then it wanders throughout the body, causing rabies and other ailments.

Modern medicine does not take such arguments seriously, since there are no specific criteria indicating the true source of the development of pathology.

Nymphomania in women: causes

Remembering moths, many of us are sure that they are true nymphomaniacs.

Actually this is not true.

Unlike girls who engage in sexual satisfaction of clients for money, hypersexual women are ready to do this for free.

More often, they themselves initiate contact in order to satisfy a desire; natural attraction in such individuals arises in rare cases.

The cause of the disease may be the following factors:

  • disruption of the hormonal system;
  • pathologies in the ovaries;
  • pathologies in the central nervous system;
  • schizophrenia;
  • psychoses of manic-depressive type;
  • hysteria with hyperthermia;
  • psychopathy, etc.

Any factor that provokes the disease causes a limbic disorder, a malfunction of the hypothalamus. Tumors, injuries, stroke and other diseases can also cause problems in the sexual sphere.

In ancient times, such women were viewed negatively.

Modern society is more loyal to nymphomaniacs, but there are also ardent critics of the unleashed behavior of sick ladies.

For example, in European countries there are support lines for those suffering from hypersexuality.

In our country, women with symptoms of nymphomania have a difficult time.

Many are not against spending time in voluptuous pleasures, but as soon as problems arise - sexually transmitted diseases, pregnancy occurs - no one will come to the rescue.

Fortunately, there are not so many people with sexual dysfunction, only three percent for three thousand .

How to identify nymphomania in women

It should be noted right away that not every increased sexual desire is a symptom of a disease.

There are three types of true disorder: congenital, acquired and andromania.

  • Signs of nymphomania in women can appear in childhood. Teenagers aged 11 to 15 years are prematurely attracted to the opposite sex. They have a strong desire to make love with at least someone in order to feel pleasure. What is nymphomania in girls - innocence is lost early, having achieved what they want, they begin to change partners. In such cases, doctors make a diagnosis of congenital nymphomania, a serious and difficult to treat pathology.
  • The acquired type manifests itself in adulthood as a result of difficult events that occurred in her life. The trigger could be:
  • pregnancy;
  • violence - moral, physical;
  • postpartum depression;
  • imbalance of hormones.

Doctors divide the acquired disease into menopausal nymphomania and andromania.

  • In the first case, the factor in the development of the disease may be changes in the body due to the onset of menopause. If a woman has had a heightened sexual desire throughout her life, then during menopause the problem worsens - nymphomania occurs in old age. How do older ladies satisfy themselves, since they are not able to look for a partner? In such cases, according to experts, self-satisfaction, that is, masturbation, is common. But doctors strongly recommend that such patients urgently seek treatment. A set of chronic diseases, blood pressure, the state of the cardiovascular system, and reduced immunity cannot withstand frequent surges of sexual desire for long. In patients with normal libido, desires remain at the same level or decrease.
  • Andromania is an imaginary nymphomania. With the help of frequent sexual intercourse and changing partners, a woman tries to assert herself, increase her own self-esteem, and prove to others that men like her and are especially attractive.

The pathology we describe is often confused with promiscuity caused by disorders in the human brain.

Also, one should not confuse illness with high libido, love attraction, or the desire to assert oneself after a breakup.

Nymphomania in women can be identified by a number of symptoms

Symptoms of nymphomania in women

The main sign of sexual dysfunction is excessive excitability.

Just a glance from a man, memories of him, and desire immediately arises.

  • Initially, such ladies try to satisfy their passion with a regular partner, but over time he gets tired of the powerful pressure. To achieve what they want, women seek contacts with outsiders, strangers, and often satisfy their hunger with people of the same sex.
  • Promiscuity. The disease leads to the point that ladies cease to be squeamish, their thinking is as if in a fog. Not interested in age, marital status, social status, or even appearance. The patient is always looking for sexual intercourse and is not interested in anything else.
  • Bed selfishness. Increased attraction does not allow you to think about your partner during contact, the main thing is to have fun.
  • Narcissism. Outwardly, ladies always try to look bright, wear provocative clothes, apply bright, sometimes vulgar makeup, from which one can understand what nymphomania is (photo attached) in its obvious manifestations.

Important: it is impossible to control the disease; desire overcomes shame, since those suffering from nymphomania cannot stop lustful actions without medical intervention.

Not only the presence of the stronger sex, but even a conversation about sex, objects of certain shapes can provoke another attack.

A surge in activity is often accompanied by:

  • insomnia;
  • loss of appetite;
  • excessive sweating;
  • temperature imbalance.

Those suffering from this type of disorder often include survivors of encephalitis and patients with epilepsy.

Sudden outbursts prompt an immediate search for a sexual connection to satisfy the need.

In medical practice, there have been cases where attraction arose after extreme stress, physical, and moral tension.

Nymphomania in women: examples from life

Women suffering from sexual dysfunction can experience up to 30-40 orgasms in one night.

And the duration is amazing; pleasure can last up to one hour or more.

In one state of America, a woman got married 12 times!

Exhausted husbands filed for divorce in order to preserve their health and life.

Another lady, aged 46, was never able to get married, despite her high social status and good profession.

It all started from my youth.

It was enough for a guy, a man, to just look at her, how she wanted to have sex with him.

She could change up to 3 or 4 partners in a day, which had a negative impact on her reputation.

Over the years, she got used to her “peculiarity,” but never acquired a permanent partner.

If our heroine were familiar with the diagnosis of “nymphomania in women”, and also what it is, perhaps the doctors would be able to help her.

Male nymphomania: symptoms and signs

Men, as we have already indicated, also suffer from excessive sexual desire.

Nymphomania in men is manifested not only by constant dissatisfaction, but also by the search for partners, cheeky behavior, and oddities in sexual behavior.

In medicine, a disease that causes a disorder in males has a different name than in females.

Nymphomania in men is called "Satiriasis" on behalf of Satyr, a deity distinguished by hypersexuality.

Satyriasis is the name of nymphomania in men

Important: for such individuals, the pathological need for sex becomes the main issue, which often leads to disastrous consequences.

Signs of nymphomania in men

It is impossible to abstain from sexual intercourse with this disease.

It is not difficult to identify the disease, since the symptoms have clear manifestations.

  1. Frequent change of sexual partners.
  2. Inability to satisfy sexual needs even with numerous contacts in a short time.
  3. No long-term relationships, only short-term relationships on a sexual basis.

Patients are often lonely, they cannot have a family, since one woman is not able to satisfy a person with satyriasis, infidelity and sexually transmitted diseases occur, which leads to divorce.

If a man does not receive sexual release, signs such as:

  • irritability;
  • outbursts of anger, aggression, even violence;
  • hallucinations.

Important: if you do not examine the disease in time and understand that it is nymphomania, that is, satyriasis, dangerous consequences are possible, the person can become a threat to society.

Nymphomania: treatment

Whatever the reasons for the development of sexual dysfunction, the gender of the person, The main thing is to contact a specialist for timely help.

Modern treatment methods can eliminate not only the symptoms, but also the causes of the pathology.

To clarify the diagnosis, in addition to collecting anamnesis, communicating with the patient, and, if necessary, with his relatives, you will need to undergo a number of studies:

  1. Magnetic resonance imaging of the head to detect or exclude neoplasms.
  2. Hormone analysis to determine the state of hormonal levels and glands.
  3. Tests for the detection of sexually transmitted infections: toxoplasmosis, mycoplasmosis, Epstein-Bar. These and other types of pathogens can infect the lining of the brain and cause pathologies.

How to treat nymphomania in women and men

Accurate diagnosis allows for adequate treatment, which in the case of nymphomania is complex.

Depending on what caused the sexual pathology, therapy is undertaken to eliminate the provoking factors.

Several specialists deal with the disease:

  1. Endocrinologist. The doctor examines the results of hormone tests and makes a decision whether there is a need for hormonal therapy.
  2. Psychotherapist— to reduce the level of sexual activity, prescribes sedatives, nootropics, and sleeping pills.
  3. Immunologist. Sexual desire may increase due to the consumption of certain types of foods. Therefore, the specialist is personally involved in developing a diet in which “aphrodisiacs” should be completely absent.
  4. Venereologist. Considering the fact that with this type of disorder, patients are no longer selective in their contacts, the risk of infection with serious sexually transmitted diseases is high. The doctor’s responsibilities include prescribing antifungal and anti-infective drugs.

Female and male pathologies - satyriasis and nymphomania - are effectively treated with psychotherapeutic sessions, but they can only be used as a supplement to the main methods.

If you wish, you can attend an individual course or participate in a group.

The purpose of the sessions is to teach the patient to cope with excessive sexual desire, which will increase his physical abilities and morale.

After recovery, you should continue to attend the treatment course, but periodically.

A psychotherapist helps treat nymphomania

How to treat nymphomania with folk remedies

Many plants contain components that have a calming, sedative effect on the human psyche, regulate sexual activity, and eliminate inflammatory processes.

Therefore, one cannot reject folk recipes for sexual dysfunction; they can really alleviate the condition of a sick person.

The course of treatment is 1.5 months, then a break for 15 days.

Important: self-medication is strictly unacceptable; prior consultation with a specialist is necessary.

  • Willow. Dried or fresh willow catkins (tablespoon) pour 500 g. water, leave for one hour. Drink 1 glass three times a day, half an hour before meals.
  • Herbal collection(1). Take one teaspoon of hop cones, mint, meadowsweet, pour half a liter of beer, leave for half a day, shake periodically. Drink half a glass three times a day, course - 7 days.
  • Herbal collection(2). Mix mint, hop cones, strawberry leaves, St. John's wort, fireweed, lemon balm, and motherwort in equal parts. Pour a glass of boiling water over 2 tablespoons of the mixture, leave for half an hour, drink before meals three times a day.

Willow catkins help treat nymphomania

Having studied the above, you can form a brief idea of ​​what nymphomania means.

This is not promiscuity, not the result of bad upbringing, but a consequence of serious pathologies in the human body, to which special attention should be paid.

Perhaps outwardly manifested problems indicate illnesses that are life-threatening.

The main thing is to recognize the signal in time, and not to take advantage of the “moment” to get pleasure.

And with nymphomania, this means that there will be no satisfaction, but only aggravation of the mental state.

Nymphomania is a type of hypersexuality, meaning supernormal sexual desire in the fair sex.

Even in ancient Greek writings, nymphomaniacs are mentioned. This name belonged to the forest creatures that were legendary. Forest Nymphs lured the men they liked into the deep forest thicket and tempted them with depraved acts.

The culmination of everything was long sex, after which the seduced men forever lost the feeling of pleasure from sexual intercourse. There is also an opinion that the Nymphs taught people sexual positions.

One of the spouses of the ancient Roman ruler Claudius was also a nymphomaniac. The woman had many sexual relationships with almost all representatives of the imperial guard, and worked in brothels as an undercover prostitute. The Messalina complex was named after her, and it is synonymous with nymphomania. Andromania is also a synonym for nymphomania.

Clinical picture

Women diagnosed with “nymphomaniac” are most often unable to obtain satisfaction from a single partner, so they resort to other sexual partners. Casual sex acts are the main difference. Women with vibrant sexual activity are able to clearly control their sexual intercourse. This is usually expressed in the selection of a partner.

The word "nymphomania" has an outdated designation, namely "rabies of the uterus." Today the term is used as a synonym.

The main symptom of the disorder is increased excitability. The patient is able to get turned on by one innocent look at a man, by just the thought of him. Some patients sometimes try to be satisfied with the help of one permanent partner, but the man quickly gets tired of such pressure. It is then that a woman begins to look for people who want to satisfy her own sexual hunger and gives herself to strangers.

Nymphomania can deprive a woman of common sense and disgust. It is not for nothing that the disorder is included in class F52.7 of the ICD-10 list under the name “Increased sexual desire.”

As a rule, nymphomaniacs are not interested in whether their partner is single or married, whether he is younger or older, or what his social status is. A woman’s obsessive and uncontrollable desire to get a sexual partner is the main sign of the disorder.

Symptoms such as selfishness and narcissism in bed can be identified. The main goal is satisfaction in any way. Although nymphomaniacs are aware of the presence of AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases, the possibility of acquiring the disease is not able to stop a “hungry” woman.

The problem is much deeper and stronger than shame and common sense, which is why the girl with the disorder unable to stop independently without specialized help.

Causes of nymphomania

The main causes of the disease:

  • obsessive thoughts about sexual intercourse;
  • casual intimate relationships;
  • excitability, hysteria, aggression and depression, as a consequence of changes in character;
  • frequent dissatisfaction with sexual intercourse;
  • frequent change of sexual partners;
  • lack of interest in a man in spiritual terms, as a person, neglect of his external data;
  • uncontrollable attraction to men.


The disease is diagnosed by a sex therapist, but on the condition that the girl independently comes to the idea of ​​receiving medical treatment.

It is very difficult for patients who are not aware of their problem to make a diagnosis. The causes of the disease are determined through a psychological test.

Psychologists and experts say that in the process of passing such a test, a person is able to focus on his own problems. Thanks to the test, you can better know yourself and get the opportunity to clearly understand your behavior and feelings. Sometimes there is a need to use instrumental and laboratory research methods; a frank conversation with a doctor can help to make a final diagnosis.

Treatment of nymphomania

The disease can lead a person to serious problems in his personal life.

Systematic treatment of this disease requires a consistent, systematic approach of such specialists:

  1. An MRI specialist is needed to rule out a tumor in the brain; magnetic resonance imaging is necessary.
  2. Psychotherapist. Treatment includes reducing sexual desire through sedatives, often tranquilizers.
  3. Immunologist. Its task is to prescribe a diet that excludes foods that increase sexual arousal from the diet. These are nuts, seafood, cheeses, mushrooms, celery and chocolate. Alcoholic drinks and spicy foods are also prohibited.
  4. The endocrinologist gives a referral for a special blood test - hormones. Thanks to the results of the analysis, the doctor finds out whether treatment of the patient’s hormonal levels is necessary.
  5. Venereologist. In the case of frequent changes of partners, a woman is at risk of transmitting infection. Detection of sexually transmitted infections requires a doctor to prescribe special treatment.

Only if all the necessary tests and proper examination are completed, the doctor is able to make a final diagnosis and find out the causes of the disease, and subsequently prescribe quality treatment.

Video on the topic: “Nymphomania, Nymphomaniac, Hypersexuality”

At first, doctors applied the term “nymphomania” only to women who had increased sexual needs and engaged in promiscuous sexual intercourse. However, today the answer to the question of who are nymphomaniacs is broader - such people include both men and women with pronounced hypersexuality.

What does the diagnosis of nyphomania mean?

Normally, sexual desire plays a big role in a person’s life, but in a nymphomaniac, sexual desire overrides all other desires and aspirations. And if someone thinks that having a nymphomaniac wife is not so bad, this person should be upset - such a woman will strive for sex anywhere and with anyone. Moreover, very often nymphomaniacs do not achieve orgasm, but rather change their sexual partner.

As for the pleasure received from sex, nymphomaniacs usually experience a whole series of orgasms in one sexual act. But at the same time, they do not get a feeling of satisfaction - they want more and more. It is not for nothing that in the old days such a disease was called “rabies of the uterus.”

Symptoms of nymphomania in men and women

Only a doctor can distinguish promiscuity from illness. According to statistics, nymphomania occurs in 1 person out of 2500, and residents of hot countries are more often affected. Doctors include the following signs of nymphomania:

  • constant search for a new sexual partner;
  • very quick disappointment in any partner;
  • frequent attraction to a stranger;
  • endless thoughts about sex;
  • lack of interest in people as individuals, a person matters only as a sexual object;
  • frequent casual sex;
  • prone to hysterics.
Causes of nymphomania

Despite the popular belief that nymphomania is equivalent to promiscuity, this disease occurs for serious reasons.

  1. One of the main causes of nymphomania is organic brain damage affecting the hypothalamus. Most often these are mechanical injuries. Thanks to the work of the hypothalamus, a person realizes when he needs to sleep, drink, and eat. This part of the brain also regulates sexual behavior. When the hypothalamus is damaged, the sensitivity of the genital organs increases and libido increases.
  2. Hormonal disbalance. This reason often overtakes women who are in menopause. A malfunction of the ovaries causes an imbalance of male and female hormones, which results in strong sexual desire and itching in the genitals. Hormonal imbalance can also be caused by tumors on the ovaries.
  3. Mental illnesses. Nymphomania often accompanies psychopathy and manic-depressive states.
  4. Early onset of sexual activity. Nymphomania can develop in a girl who began sexual activity early due to complexes and self-doubt, lack of parental attention.

Treatment of nymphomania

Diagnosis and treatment of nymphomania require a systematic approach with the participation of different specialists:

Traditional therapy can be enhanced with traditional methods of treatment. Calming herbal preparations that reduce increased excitability and soothe the hypersensitivity of the genital organs are considered effective for the treatment of nymphomania.

Typically, hypersexual girls are perceived by each man completely differently: some are happy that their beloved has inexhaustible energy in bed, while others are looking everywhere for a reason not to have sex so often. So who are they, nymphomaniacs?

Psychologists say that nymphomania, or, in other words, hypersexuality, is a term that has a figurative meaning and denotes a girl’s manner of sexual behavior, which is most often not entirely approved by society due to moral and ethical considerations.

Why can you become a nymphomaniac?

There are many causes of nymphomania - these include brain damage, some psychological pathologies and diseases, including depression, schizophrenia and epilepsy, hormonal imbalance due to drug use, such as cocaine, heroin, and other stimulants. With nymphomania, sexual desire can be constant or paroxysmal, that is, from time to time.

Among the varieties of hypersexuality, there is the so-called imaginary nymphomania, when a girl maintains relationships with several partners not because of a craving for sex, but due to complexes or uncertainty about her own attractiveness.

It is interesting that in hypersexual girls, not only the sight of a naked man can provoke a frenzied sexual desire, but also things not related to sexual life at all. The orgasm of a nymphomaniac comes in waves and is quite protracted, but still does not bring a feeling of satisfaction and saturation, but only slightly weakens sexual arousal. It is usually quite difficult for nymphomaniacs to draw the line between increased hypersexuality and normal sexual desire.

According to the famous sexopathologist Kazimir Imelinsky, increased hypersexuality is distinguished by the fact that a person recognizes himself as an individual solely thanks to it, although he could well realize himself in other areas of life. Thus, if a person considers his sexual activity to be the only way of self-expression and is not capable of anything else, this has a purely personal basis: certain disorders of personality development provoke social insufficiency and impoverishment of a person as an individual.

Increased sexual desire, in turn, provokes increased sexual activity, a manic desire to diversify and increase the frequency of one’s sex life. Here there may well be a feeling of one’s own inferiority, as well as the shackles of complexes and lack of self-confidence. That is why such a person is constantly trying to test his sexuality and emphasize it.

From the above, we can conclude that if a girl puts her sex life at the forefront of her life, while sweeping away all moral norms, she is sick with nymphomania. Well, if a girl can satisfy her sexual desire without causing harm to herself or others and taking control of the situation, most likely, we are simply talking about increased libido.

What do nymphomaniacs want?

Typically, hypersexual girls want only two things: firstly, to have as many orgasms as possible, and secondly, to have as many sexual partners as possible. Due to the desire for orgasm, a nymphomaniac is quite capable of bringing her partner to complete nervous and physical exhaustion. In the second case, a girl with nymphomania will not care at all about her partner’s appearance, character, or social status. If it is not possible to achieve multiple orgasms, the nymphomaniac switches to an intensive search for more and more new sexual partners.

How does this behavior affect the lives of nymphomaniacs?

Of course, such a rhythm of life has an extremely detrimental effect on all aspects of the life of nymphomaniacs. For example, the reproductive system suffers greatly from frequent changes of partners, because these hypersexual girls are so self-absorbed and preoccupied with their goals that they absolutely do not care about contraception, which may well lead to sexually transmitted diseases or unwanted pregnancies.

There is a stereotype among men that a nymphomaniac woman is a sexual fantasy come to life, because with her you can realize absolutely everything, even the wildest intimate desires. But this is usually not the case: after all, a nymphomaniac is most often a girl who is not at all of model appearance, and over time, the increased hypersexuality of a partner can turn a man’s life into a real nightmare.

Is nymphomania a serious disease that needs to be treated?

Yes, nymphomania is a mental illness, as a result of which a person loses control over himself. Usually this does not lead to anything good and makes life very difficult. At the first signs of increased hypersexuality, the best way out is to contact a specialist and tell about your problem. By the way, nymphomania can be one of the more severe and complex mental illnesses, for example, schizophrenia or epilepsy.

Think for yourself: for example, you simply adore chocolate. But if you eat it several times every day, very soon you will become tired of its taste, it will become ordinary and absolutely joyless. But you will still want chocolate, and you will spend all your money on buying it without getting the proper pleasure from this delicacy. This means that you are needlessly spoiling your health, and therefore, you are killing yourself. It’s the same with nymphomania - many girls who suffer from it simply try in this way to drown out self-doubt and brighten up constant loneliness.

Consequently, society does not accept nymphomania, but also does not consider it a disease requiring treatment, despite the fact that such behavior destroys life. Don’t be embarrassed to see a doctor with a similar problem - it’s better to do it now than to test the strength of your own life.