Poems in memory of dad with pictures. Sad statuses about a dad who is no longer alive Statuses about a dad with meaning are beautiful

The old woman, looking into the stroller, summarizes: “The twins look like their dad - pink cheeks, plump butts.” The offended young father objects: “The one on the right is a melon from the market! My boyfriend is nearby."

On the morning of the first of January, our children sometimes joyfully find dad under the tree, lying under the trunk, imitating a magical gift.

Appreciate your father and mother. While they scold you, they love, appreciate and adore you, considering their children the most talented, most beautiful and wonderful.

Mother and father have become advanced - they go to ICQ and argue with each other in the chat until they become stupefied. Sometimes they need a more impressive web platform to quarrel. When they start a duel on VKontakte or hang out on Odnoklassniki, solving home problems in the vast expanses of the Runet.

Best status:
A first-grader talks about his invention in English class. “E doggg”, “E skulll” - we read English sounds, write them in Russian letters. “My Eureka, sit down to eat,” the father summed up.

I’m sitting with headphones on, watching SpongeBob’s actions on the monitor screen, dressed in a T-shirt of my favorite character. The father, shaking his head, says: “I need to set you up with a guy, girl.”

Every daughter dreamed of her father-president, fantasizing about apartments, security, familiar princes and formal balls.

Dear daddy!!! I love you very much...but why are you doing this to me?! Why are you always in trouble? Why are you so cruel to me?! I'm your beloved daughter...

– Who do you love more, mom or dad?! - Mom and dad! - And more?! - And no one else!

Today I, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow Mom. - Dad, are you sure that you correctly understand the meaning of the words “family cowards”?

and I have a man who takes me to the university in the morning, spares no expense on dresses and cosmetics, and sometimes helps me prepare dinner!! Daddy, I love you very much!!

Love is when my mom makes coffee for my dad and takes a sip before giving him the cup to make sure it tastes good.

Mommy really wanted a boy, and daddy really wanted a girl. Well, basically, that’s how they met...

Let dad hear, Let dad come, Let dad definitely find me, After all, this doesn’t happen in the world. There’s a castle outside, and I’m in the toilet!

What do you call a man with a broken condom? Dad

Dad, I'm hungry - hello, hungry 😀 - dad, I'm serious - I thought you were hungry? 😀 -Are you kidding me? - no, I'm a dad 😀

Son, tell me honestly, do you smoke weed? - Dad... I'm a daughter!

As dad said, so it will be like mom’s!

Dad, is grandma really going to take this train? - You should talk less and unscrew the rail faster...

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

If my daddy really saw how many tears I shed for you, he would find you and break your neck!

I became too spoiled a girl, after you “daddy”...

The two most useful books for a girl are her mother's kitchen book and her father's checkbook!

Only one man sees me every day without makeup and after that he still loves me :) daddy thank you for being there, I LOVE YOU!

How many times have I heard the phrase: “There is nothing worse if MOTHER cries”... I agree - it’s true! But only those who have seen the FATHER’s tears truly understand what pain is...

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh son, I actually just wanted to relax!

Day “Everything is the other way around” – Sooo!! Give me money!! - Hold it daddy)

- Dad, I lost my pills! These little black ones with stripes, have you seen them? - We have a problem and it’s much more serious, son... - What is it? - There are goblins in the kitchen!

Having learned that her ex-husband was going to marry a young neighbor, she took revenge on him with purely feminine cunning: she married the neighbor’s father and became a mother-in-law.

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated! Papul this heart is for you.

On March 8, in the morning I woke up from noise in the corridor and my father’s scream: “Fuck you, go to sleep quickly! I’ll bring you coffee in bed now!”

The son brought the baby to his father and apologized for a long time... Dad, it’s not my fault, I took precautions...

“Daddy, give me 200 rubles,” says the son. “And for me – 500,” asks the daughter. “And I need 2000,” adds the wife. - What happened to you today? – the father is surprised. “Have you forgotten?” Tomorrow is February 23rd!

Mom, dad, why do you think that elderly people in the summer are good company for a child?

xxx: Yesterday my father, drunk, when he came home, called me Rita xxx: everything would be fine, but I’m fucking Seryozha

Son and dad go to school after September 1: - Son, do you see that girl over there? - Yes, daddy! – Do you see what her legs are, what her ass is? - Yes! - Remember, son, such girls only sleep with excellent students!

What do you call a man with a broken condom? Dad…

A father reads a bedtime story to his son: “There were bears riding a bicycle, and behind them a cat - backwards, and behind him mosquitoes on a balloon...” - Dad, tell me honestly: what are you smoking?

Dad, where is the sea? -Here, son, is the sea! -Dad, where is the sea? -Here, son, is the sea?! -Dad, where is the sea? -Here, son, is the sea!!! -Dad, where is the sea? **the father shoved his son into the sea and pulled him out... **-Dad, what was that??? -Sea, son, sea... -Where is the sea???

Children's wisdom: if mom laughs at dad's jokes, it means there are guests in the house.

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me from graduation!

Dad, where did I come from? - Yes, the problem, son, is not where you came from, but why the hell did I get there...

I go home, and everything is covered in red heart balloons, this is my daddy starting to congratulate him on Valentine's Day)) I love him)

Son and dad go to school after September 1: - Son, do you see that girl over there? -Yes, daddy! -Do you see what her legs are, what her ass is? -Yes! -Remember, son, such girls only sleep with excellent students!!!

A little son asks his father: “Dad, why did you marry mom?” The father, with a triumphant smile, turns to his wife: “You see, even the child is surprised!”

Dad is shocked. He comes up to that guy, shows him he’s so red and says oh, this isn’t for you.

The worst thing is that your boyfriend ever left you or your girlfriend betrayed you... the worst thing is when DADDY DRINKS!

Mom and Dad wanted me to get better. Well, the point has come out, but the stupidity remains!

The little son came to his father, and the little one asked: “Dad, are you dragging in the tower?” Dad felt bad...

Dad punished his daughter for wasting wrapping paper. She handed him a box wrapped in that paper: “This is for you, daddy.” But it’s empty! - he got angry. She looked at him with tears in her eyes: “She is not empty. I filled her with my kisses.” They are all yours, Daddy!

Daddy, can I go to Vika in Khabarovsk? - And who will give you money? - Well, I kind of have a dad and a mom. - You see, you kind of have them, but when you need money, you’re like an orphan...!

Yesterday my dad renamed me on the phone from “Daughter” to “Daddy, give me some money”...

- Do you smoke in front of your dad? -What is it, a gas cylinder, so you don’t smoke with it?

Vovochka comes home from school with a note from the teacher to her parents. - Your son stinks very much, Vovochka needs to be washed. The father wrote back the answer: “You don’t need to smell Vovochka, you need to teach Vovochka.”

Recently I hit myself very hard and after the hit I held my head. Dad, instead of feeling sorry for me, said: “It’s okay. If there were brains, there would be a concussion!”

Dad quit smoking, switched to an even stronger drug and put the whole family on it...SEEDS!

The last one is the dad...

Yesterday my drunk father, when he came home, called me Rita! Everything would be fine, but I’m Seryozha...

- Darling, you will soon become a dad! - I can’t - I’m leaving!

Love your parents, because they are the most valuable thing in our lives... they gave you life, they will never give it away, they will be with you in joy and sorrow. Mommy, daddy, I love you:-*

- Dad, what will happen if you don’t use a condom? - Look in the mirror, son...

Before his death, dad decided to divide the inheritance between his four daughters. - Oh, fuck, said Button!

Dad, daddy, ask me what city is drawn on 10 rubles. Daughter, what city is depicted on 10 rubles? - Zelenogorsk, daddy. (Bukins =)

Mom, mom, the sobering station is on fire! - How do you know? “Dad goes and sings: “The enemies burned down their home.”

Today my friend decided to pass the school)) calls his friend and says - Hello, are you going to pass the school? -(dad picks up the phone) You're fucked!

A girl will only want a serious relationship with someone in whom she sees the father of her children.

The psychologist and Vovochka’s father are talking: “You are too strict with your son.” - Why? - Because when I asked his first and last name, he answered: “Vova Stop it.”

Dad, today is such a holiday... Can my friends bring me later than usual?

My dad is a genius. He can take a car that barely drives and make it into a car that doesn't drive at all!

I stuck my tongue out at dad, and he fucked me! We are definitely relatives... =)

Daddy, you are my beloved - How long?

I love my daddy... When I'm not in a mood, he tries to cheer me up in any way... I adore him! He is the best man in my life... Dad, you are the best!

There are no good fathers. To make a child is at your service, to have children - for what sins?

– Dad, why can’t children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

Dad: - Light, when you’re going for a walk, why are you wearing makeup? You’re already very beautiful! - Dad, I can’t do it any other way.. (Oh daddy, I’m sorry that I put on makeup just so that I don’t burst into tears at the sight of this goat with another hanger...)

Dad, this heart is for you)* thank you for raising me, the way I have become)* I love you very much)* Happy birthday, daddy)

But I don’t need a boyfriend, my mother takes care of me, my friend watches me, my dad kisses me good night, my cat warms me up at night, and my brother can fix my computer =)

In my life, the only thing I've ever been afraid of is spiders. So I don’t give a damn that her dad is a cop.)

- Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall on your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!”, but just quietly nod your head!

Yesterday at the store, my mom and I were choosing better coffee, and my dad grabbed Nesquik cocoa and flew to the checkout happy 😀

my dear and beloved daddy, I congratulate you on our birthday!

- Dad, is a liter of beer too much? - It depends on the count.

Dad, mom, meet this... This will now live with us...

I realized that only with him can I walk arm in arm at any time... and no one will say anything about it! I love DADDY!

The man who loved me just like that and carried me in his arms is my daddy... The man I fell in love with simply because he is is my brother..

The first question after the New Year is not “Where am I?”, but “Have I become a dad?”

- Daughter, have you eaten all the dumplings? - Yes, daddy. - Well done, bitch - just like mom

Every mother hopes that her daughter will have a happier marriage than herself, but no mother hopes that her son will have a better marriage than his father.

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a daddy.

No matter how much you clean the house, your parents will come and say: “Why is the house so dirty!?”

- Hello, prosecutor's office??? – Yes, I’m listening to you. – And my dad bought a Bentley with stolen money!!! – Masha???!! - Dad?!

Dad quit smoking, switched to an even stronger drug and put the whole family on it... Seeds!

“I want you, my fish,” dad wrote. “Dad, who are you for?” - answered the daughter. “Oh, daughter, this is at the sushi bar,” dad wrote beautifully.


The real pain is in the tears that no one sees.
But it hurts even more when you can’t cry anymore.
Because tears settle deep in the heart.
And there it is no longer possible to wipe them away.

And only the memory remains for me

He was with me always and everywhere,
Laughed, cried and was sad.
I will not forget the bottomless eyes.
And I know that he loved me.

I know no matter what happens
He always protected me.
And only the memory remains for me
About him. And I blame myself

That I couldn't say goodbye
What I didn’t have time to understand
That I am destined to part with him,
Lose him forever.

I know for sure - I deserve it...
I couldn't save him.
But I loved you madly
And I will always love.

Let him not hear me now,
But I know what he sees
How tired he breathes without him
The one who called him father.

You remain in our memory,
And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player.
He lived with dignity, but life faded away...
Rest in peace, our father!

To my father

I touched the cold stone with my hand.
There is a portrait on the stone, he looks so familiar!
Just like in life: you are cheerful and have a mischievous look...
Father, you have always been like this with me!

You are in stone, flowers and, of course, in rain,
In the breath of the wind, in circles on the water.
He rose up like green grass above the ground...
You're near. You are with us... You are in another life.

We were so happy to go together,
I felt your support along the way.
You loved sunrises and the smell of spring,
The warmth of women's hands that are given as a gift.

Father, you served your Fatherland for thirty years:
You drove steel cars in the sky.
And we both knew in peaceful days
Deprivation, war and conflagration fires.

You sent a Migi into flight in Egypt ‒
In Afghanistan I saw the grin of death.
Let the song be interrupted and the flight interrupted,
But a good memory lives on in our descendants!

Father may die, but his thoughts, hopes and dreams will
live in us. The memory of him will forever remain in my heart.

Dear dad, you were real

Beloved dad, you were real!
You could scold and regret.
You were strict, and you were also softer than everyone else,
You could warm our hearts with words.

I always hurried to you for advice,
It was easy for me to talk to you.
You understood without saying
How your heart aches for us.

You did everything for us in life.
You tried to move forward cheerfully.
Sometimes I don’t feel support,
I fought against failures as best I could.

There were quarrels, pain, misunderstandings.
But it made us all stronger.
Indeed, in those hours of mental suffering
We became closer and closer.

Thank you, dad, for your advice,
For affection and warmth!
I will never forget about this
And without you it will not be easy for me.

I'm very sad that this happened
That you left, leaving us alone.
This loss was given to us by the Almighty.
Let's not remember the bad days.

All the pain from parting and loss,
All the bitterness that you're not here
We need to overcome to live without dad,
Composing a song in memory of you.

We're just left with inertia
Loving you with a wounded soul.
And maybe a scar on the heart,
It will heal on its own someday.

They leave late or early...
They disappear into the unknown forever.
And only in the soul the wound does not heal,
After all, they will never return.

In memory of beloved dad

The man who could understand
He could believe and forgive.
Accept any bitter truth,
The man who could love!

He is dear to me, I respect him,
I took my example from him, he is in my memory.
One of those people I always miss,
He brought goodness to everyone with his smile.

His features, eyes and gentle hands,
His gait is always a little in a hurry,
Trembling sounds of your favorite song,
I will remember - even while barely breathing!

Beloved DAD, my beloved DAD,
It hurts me very much - you are no more.
I remember everything, your smell is always with me...
I am your daughter! I am your flesh and blood!

During your life you protected my peace,
He took care of him as best he could and protected him from troubles.
Now in that world you are my keeper,
Paint my life's path white.

Thank you for everything you have given me!
For everything I was able to learn!
Love you!!! And you knew about it!
I'm sorry I didn't have time to say goodbye...

It's a pity that you left so early.
It's a pity he left us alone.
You know, daddy, I miss
Tenderness, affection, your hugs.

Dad, I miss you so much

Dad, I love you more than anyone!
And I can never forget
Your tender: “My dear!
My most innocent child!"

You know, dad, I used to feel bad,
I had to cry and suffer.
But, believe me, it worked out dryly
I have to fight back these feelings!

Dad, I’m strong - I’m all about you!
And, like you, I try to be kind.
I love only you more than life!
And I will never be able to forget you!

How I dreamed of my childhood,
So that you come home quickly,
And under your strict guidance
Play with some spinning top...

Dad, you probably see me
And you are leading on the right path.
You will notice all my mistakes...
And you’ll fix it... If anything happens, forgive me!

Dad, I miss you so much
For cloudless childhood, for you.
Unfortunately, I don’t know how to get you back
And this makes me feel completely uneasy!

Your path was bright, impeccable, bright -
He illuminated our lives for centuries.
You immortalized your memory
With how talented and sincerely he created!

I saw my dad in the mirror

I saw my dad in the mirror
Having accidentally seen it.
I saw it and almost cried,
Without understanding why.

From the dim corridor
Suddenly dad smiled at me.
It's like he's at home like before,
And not in the blue sky.

Just a glance, but like an arrow
My sadness pierced my dreams.
We have been a wall for ten years now
Separated from that spring.

Then I realized: in the reflection
I was like him...
One short moment -
And how many things I remembered!

Death chose you without asking us.
How to live further, and will you have enough strength?
Dad, you were loved by us in the family!
We remember you and mourn you in grief...

Hello, dad!

How are you doing in this endless sky?
You know, it’s pouring so much here that it’s scary.
Dad, I miss you, but it's all a secret,
It’s just easier for me to remain silent, but in fact...

Dad, I tried on a white dress...
That's right, daddy, that's what happened.
Dad, tell me, is this a woman’s happiness?!
It's a pity you're just not here. It was kind of sad.

Are you going to watch? Smile and cry.
And, like a mother, you will hug and congratulate me.
Stop it, I beg you! I can hide my tears.
And I can restrain myself, only for your sake.

It's probably warm and calm there,
And the nightingales sing, carrying a sweet sound...
And you know, daddy, it almost doesn’t hurt me,
He looks like you, he looks so much like you, God.

You send us some warmth, then I’ll guess -
It's you... And let it be sunny and close...
Hello, dad! Dear, I miss you immensely.
I'm not crying at all... Honestly, daddy, honestly...

You loved everyone and sang songs,
In the family there is hope and support...
The world has turned black, the light has dimmed,
And our grief is inconsolable!

In memory of my father

Once upon a time it seemed to me
That the slope of life will not come...
A thread remains in my consciousness
And the truthful words will ring back...

Memories flow like a river
Happy years, hours, minutes...
And tears, as if in justification,
They run abundantly on the cheeks...

Without dad, the soul suffers again,
So the handkerchief is wet again,
When I open with sorrow
There's a padlock on my heart...

I would like to bury my head
To my father's chest, like a rock,
Hide behind it from lightning,
Isolating myself from troubles...

Just a photograph in the palm of your hand
And the image in the scars of wrinkles...
There is no sharper pain,
What are the dates of mournful anniversaries...

You were an example for us to follow,
We still live, relying on you.
Let's come to you, father, on a date
Consult in good and bad times.

Conversation with dad

Daddy, daddy, hello dear!
I look at the sky and talk to you.
I believe that you hear my words,
You'll just never answer again.

Daddy, daddy, how do you live there?
It hurts, but I know that you can’t get your life back.
Sorry! Can you hear? Forgive me!
We will not meet again in this world, alas!

Daddy, daddy, how can this be, dear?
You shouldn’t yet... You’re young!
And you won’t see your grandchildren grow up,
And mom misses you, your love!

Daddy, daddy, is it easy for you there?
Time does not heal us, it hurts us a lot!
It's scary and sad to realize in my soul,
That the native body lies in the damp earth.

It's such a good day - you're glad I came...
I will rise from my knees and tell you: “Bye!”
The grave has become the home of your ashes...
Do not be sad! I will come to visit you again!

Can't express it in words
All the grief and sadness...
In hearts and memories
You are always with us, dad!

Conversation with dad

I inhale the aroma of spring herbs
And time seems to move backwards.
It turns out, dad, you were often right,
And I was arguing about something. Unclear...

I guess I'll complain to you
That children don’t understand me either.
They are very smart now.
And there is no escape from this.

You answer: “This is nonsense!”
Like, the main thing is to be in the mood.
And I hear your voice without difficulty,
Although I don’t believe in repeating life.

I remember phrases and words
I'm probably embellishing something.
Everything seems - you will sit at the table,
When you want to chat about something.

We can also meet in a dream ‒
It’s convenient - in any familiar place.
Please come see me
Let's stay together a little longer.

How do we live? - Yes, the same as always:
We cheer, we argue, we celebrate weddings
And we notice how the years fly by,
Chinese horoscope
Zodiac signs
Fortune telling
About everything

Statuses about a dad who is no longer alive are phrases that are filled with incredible sadness. But they are the ones who will help illuminate all those feelings that are in the soul.

The quiet pain of sons, the loud tears of daughters

  1. And may you not be with me. But you haven’t disappeared from my dreams, dad.
  2. I hold on to life, to my own children. But sometimes I really want you to just be there!
  3. I would like to spend the weekend with you, but I can only come to your grave from time to time...
  4. I know for sure that you never left: you just turned into an angel.
  5. It's a pity that our relatives are not eternal. But our love for them is eternal.
  6. I'm in unbearable pain. And it’s also sad that my children will never have a grandfather.
  7. The worst thing is to realize: your father’s strong hand will not guide you to the altar...
  8. In my life you are the main man. And even if you are not alive!
  9. I still continue to talk to my dad. The only difference is that he can’t hear me anymore 🙁
  10. We will definitely meet someday, dad. Even if not in this world!
  11. Well, where did you go so early? I didn’t even have time to see my grandchildren...
  12. You're gone forever. We can only hope that time will heal. But for some reason I don't believe it.
  13. There is only one joy left: to visit you. On weekends. At the cemetery…

The only thing worse than separation is death.

It is very painful when parents leave, especially if they leave early. If you are overwhelmed by pain, find relief in statuses about a dad who is no longer alive.

  1. I thank life for giving me such a father. And I hate death for taking him.
  2. You are not answering? And don't answer. Only memories of you warm my soul. It's such a pity that they are erased...
  3. It's too painful for me. But I would really like you, daddy, to have a good time in heaven!
  4. You lived an honest, albeit short, life. The whole family loves you, but most of all - me, your daughter.
  5. It turns out that I never knew what melancholy was. Exactly until my dad left.
  6. And, you know, I wish I had never seen your grave, Dad. More precisely, so that it does not exist at all.
  7. You just stopped being around. And so you exist, I know.
  8. And not even write you a letter. And I didn’t have time to tell you so much. Father…
  9. Yes, you are no more. But you taught me to love. And he taught me to be truly happy. I will never forget this!
  10. I come to your grave not alone, but with my loved one. And soon I will come again with a small miracle.
  11. Many dads quit, but mine was not one of those. And yet they managed to separate us. Death...

Father, how I want you to be near

Statuses about a dad who is no longer needed will be needed when you don’t have the courage to cope with your pain.

  1. I used to rush just to get a ticket home. And now all that remains is to light candles and buy dead flowers.
  2. Appreciate your fathers. Simply because in an instant they may not exist. We never know what will happen...
  3. And may life not save you from death. But I can tell everyone: I have the best dad. Even if there was.
  4. I live to make my dad proud of me. And even if he is not alive!
  5. Dads are rarely caring. But this is exactly what I had...
  6. Guys, you don't know what pain is. How I just want to hug my dad.
  7. He was often angry, he was not a sweetheart. But he had the strongest male shoulder. I love you, father!
  8. It doesn't matter who your father is - an engineer or a builder. If he leaves, your heart will break into small pieces.
  9. You never gave me offense. For this I will never forget you, dad.
  10. It's hard for me without your advice. It's hard without your praise. It’s hard without your “don’t give up.”
  11. You could not protect me from many mistakes, although you warned me. Just me, dad.
  12. I hope that there, in heaven, you are clearly sure that I love you very much. There is no other way.

You left, leaving your mother alone. Well, now I will take care of her

The day a truly loved one passes away can take a very long time. And the desire to establish the status of “dad is no more” can arise at any moment.

  1. You were only my dad. That's why I love you so much. That's why I'm so sorry that you are no more...
  2. Thanks to those who support, simply support, without saying any unnecessary words.
  3. How can I get married, have children... How can I live without you, dad?!
  4. He wasn't perfect, but one thing I know is that my dad was definitely not like others.
  5. And, you know, dad, our mom couldn’t have raised me like this without you. I miss you very much...
  6. There's no point in waiting for you to come back. But sometimes I still hope so, I won’t hide it.
  7. There are a lot of funny jokes in the world. But I miss the ones my dad joked about.
  8. How I would like to be in childhood, where daddy is barely 30. And the main thing is that he is alive.
  9. So unbearable. All I can do is be angry at fate for taking my dad away from me.
  10. I will get through, I will survive. And all because my dad believes in me. Even if from heaven...
  11. He is no longer there, but why do I hear him? In the light breath of the wind, the bright, bright sun in spring.
  12. No matter what happens to me, I will always find time to come to you. Even if you don't know about it!

I'm asking you to please be happy

Statuses about the death of a father from his daughter are for those who cannot help but take everything to heart. It may not be easy for you at this hour, but the following phrases will help best reflect the situation.

  1. Thank you to the Universe for giving me such a wonderful dad, and for taking him away...
  2. Words cannot express what I feel right now. Only you will understand this, dad.
  3. I would give everything in the world, just not for this grief. If only you would come back!
  4. I smile when I remember my dad. It’s not that I’m no longer sad, it’s just that even the memories of him are pleasant to me.
  5. Come, at least in a dream. But please come back often.
  6. When I fall asleep, I think about you all the time. I'm scared. Nothing can be returned. Can't fix anything.
  7. I’m ready, dad, to endure everything. If only everything was fine with you there, in Paradise.
  8. Yes, I was not a gift, a good daughter. But believe me, father, I miss you more than anyone.
  9. We won't spend any more time together. All that remains is to be silent and light a candle...
  10. I cannot understand and realize that I will never see you again.

The passing of a loved one is the worst thing that can happen. Never isolate yourself and use statuses about your dad who is no longer alive.

Statuses about dad - Dad should be such that the child misses him, and mom should never think of parting with him.

If a man had a son, then he became a father, and if a man had a daughter, he became a daddy.

Anyone can become a father, but only a special one becomes a father.

Dear Dad! I may meet a prince one day, but you will forever be my king!

A father's love is exceptional, it is not like the love of mothers, there are few words in it. But she is priceless.

The best thing a father can do for his children is to love their mother.

The father is not the one who gave the seed... but the one who raised the DOLL! The one who walks with her, plays, braids her shaggy ponytail... calls her... YOU ARE MY BEAUTIFUL. This is... this is daddy!

Very often, a father cannot raise his son correctly and he follows in his footsteps.

For a girl, a father is the first and for a long time the only man in her life. He is the best and strongest. There is no need to fight for it, no need to look for it. He loves unconditionally.

They say that only a mother is worthy of love.... well, why only a mother? After all, you still have a loving father who also loves you, understands and worries about you...

A child learns from a wise father from the cradle. Anyone who thinks differently is a fool, he is an enemy to the child and to himself!

I love and trust only one person who, when asked: “Do you love me?”, will answer: “Of course, daughter...”

Soft toys alone are not enough to convince your children that they still have a father.

Give children your presence. This is sometimes much more important to them than any gift.

Even if your dad is a complete asshole, call him and tell him you love him. Even if this is not true at all. You may want this later, when he is gone forever.

By nature, of course, I’m not a sweetheart, thanks to daddy for everything!

A happy childhood is when there is not only a mother, but also a strong, confident and reliable father.

Nothing warms my heart like my mother's smile and the joy in my father's eyes.

The father admonishes only the one he loves; the teacher punishes only the student in whom he notices stronger abilities; the doctor already despairs if he stops treating.

The older I get, the smarter my father seems to me.

And yet it’s cool when you come home, He greets you with the words: “Hello baby” and kisses you... I love you dad!!!

Are you saying that you want to warm your hands in HIS pocket in winter? And you try to walk with DAD, believe me, these hands are warmer!!! After all, the warmth is REAL!

I love my daddy... When I'm not in a mood, he tries to cheer me up in any way... I adore him! He is the best man in my life... Dad, you are the best!

I love my dad, for him, if I study without grades, it’s good, if without grades, it’s generally great... I wonder if I study without grades, will he go crazy or will he buy me a jeep right away?!

It’s so nice when you come up to your dad and ask: “Dad, am I good with you?” And he replies: “You are my best!

A mother will never teach her child anything bad. Go to dad.

Statuses about fathers - The best father is a father who always finds time for his child, no matter what happened at work, whether he has problems or not.

Dads worry so much about their daughters because they really know what to expect from guys.

When I really want to cry from pain, I remember the words of the Pope as a child, when I was sitting on the asphalt with broken knees, and he said: “Will this nonsense make such beautiful eyes cry?”

Life must be lived in such a way that every child can say “Dad” to you.

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being here!

Beautiful statuses about dad and son, about dad and daughter with meaning, short and long, touching and sad.

There are three beloved men in my life. It's dad... Coffee... Chocolate...

In my life, the only thing I've ever been afraid of is spiders. So I don’t give a damn that her dad is a cop.

If I eat porridge, my pussy will grow, that’s what my dad tells me, and my sister – about boobs.

As dad said, it will be like mom’s way!

The last one is the dad...

Love is when my mom makes coffee for my dad and takes a sip before giving him the cup to make sure it tastes good.

My dad is a genius. He can take a car that barely drives and make it into a car that doesn't drive at all!

Dad didn't raise a princess for you idiot!

Recently I hit myself very hard and after the hit I held my head. Instead of feeling sorry for me, my dad said: “Well, that’s okay. If there were brains, there would be a concussion!”

He is married. He gives me flowers and toys, indulges my whims, worries when I’m gone until late. He is ready to do anything for me. And he loves me. In short, thank you dad for being here!

Dad! When they come to ask for my hand, don’t fall on your knees, don’t say “You are our Savior!!!”, but just quietly nod your head.

Dad, why do all the kids eat cotton candy, and I eat regular cotton candy?

Dad is the only male person who loved, loves and will always love me as I am...

Dad quit smoking, switched to a more powerful drug and put the whole family on it...seeds!

Yesterday my dad renamed me on the phone from “Daughter” to “Daddy, give me some money.”

Dad, mom, meet this... This will now live with us...

Dad, dad, who did you want, a boy or a girl? - Oh, son, I actually just wanted to relax!

Dad, why can't children watch this film? - Sit quietly! Now you will see for yourself.

I stuck my tongue out at dad, and he fucked me! We are definitely relatives.

After I brought a fork to my dad instead of a corkscrew, they didn’t pour me any more.

After I introduced my dad to my boyfriend, he told me: “Yes, love is evil - they loved you too!”

Why is it only mom, the most sacred thing, dad also participated!

Let dad hear, Let dad come, Let dad definitely find me, After all, this doesn’t happen in the world. There's a castle outside, and I'm in the toilet!

Today me, tomorrow you, the day after tomorrow mom. - Dad, are you sure that you correctly understand the meaning of the words “family cowards”?

I’m sitting in a Spongebob T-shirt, with huge yellow headphones, and watching Spongebob online. Dad walks by: “You need a guy.”

I'm sleeping. Dad flies up on all fours and yells: “Let’s go ride the horse!” I’m half asleep, turning to the wall: “I can ride a horse, but I don’t want to ride a donkey...”

I'm standing in the kitchen. I drink tea. Night. It feels good. Go ahead and blurt out: “P*ck.” Dad says behind his back: “Yeah. F*ck it! Go.”

Son, tell me honestly, do you smoke weed? - Dad... I'm a daughter!

Only my dad can slip, roll along the road, get up, shake himself and say that he almost fell!

I remember how my mother took me to first grade and I remember how my father carried me from graduation!