Congratulations on your graduation. Congratulations on the graduation of ninth graders Brief congratulations on graduating from school 9th ​​grade

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That's behind the ninth grade,
First adult graduation.
May good luck come at the right time
Should always be with you.

And fate will open the door
Into the world of success and dreams.
Listen to your heart more often -
It will be the way you want it!

The ninth grade is behind us, the road is ahead.
Not one, but one hundred thousand, in general, a lot.
We wish you, friends, not to make a mistake here -
Choose yours, don’t stop!

May the road lead to happiness and success,
There will be work in your life, and then joy.
There will be everything that a person can enjoy.
And there is no need to be afraid of anyone!

Ninth grade is already over,
Today is graduation night.
Don't be sad, laugh louder,
And, maintaining this attitude,
Step into the future with confidence.
I wish you from the bottom of my heart
To do what you love,
Don't let work scare you.
May luck be with you:
In study, in life and in work,
So that, enjoying the little things,
Overcome any difficulty!

9 grades behind!
You are on the right track.
We wish you only good luck,
To make it easy with any task
You did great
As usual, as you can!
Everything will work out for you,
After all, you are the best class!

We worked for 9 grades,
Attending school
And they wrote and read,
Resting without knowing.
But the end has already come
To all our torments,
Graduation has arrived
"Goodbye!" - school
Let's say it together!
Success and love to everyone,
Good luck in life,
To make all your dreams come true,
And nothing else!

You are standing at a fork in the road
You can go straight ahead
Well, you can go back to school,
She is waiting for you, as before.

Ninth grade is an important occasion,
Your serious graduation.
Well, decide what would be better:
Back to school or to battle?

Nine years have flown by
Like one moment,
There's a light ahead
Labor and inspiration.

Take care of your knowledge
And love and friendship.
Everything you took from school
It will be necessary in life.

Our dear graduates! Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade. Many of you will continue your studies at our school. And for those who have decided to start a new, independent life, we would like to wish them easy overcoming of obstacles on the way to their intended goal. Let today be a successful start to your adult life. Good luck to you, our beloved students!

Graduation in 9th grade,
The students are excited
Someone is already on their way,
Someone will be at school.

There are many roads ahead,
Choose, try!
We wish you success,
Confidence, happiness.

Graduation in 9th grade,
But there is both sadness and joy in the eyes.
You are already graduates
You are students of life.

May life lead you around the world,
May fate send you greetings.
Always be human.
Happiness in life on the way!

Today is your graduation
We just finished 9th grade,
We wish you joy and happiness,
And a year's supply of patience.

We wish you success,
May your dreams come true,
More joy, delight, laughter,
So that you can reach heights!

Today is a groovy holiday,
Your graduation has arrived
The ninth grade is behind us,
Congratulations on this!

It's time to have fun
There will be dancing until the morning,
And then - to meet the dawn,
Say hello to adult life!

Congratulations on graduation to 9th grade,
The last call has sounded for you.
School has opened the doors to your life,
Luck waved its flag at the start.

I wish you a smooth, wide road,
So that you can overcome any thresholds.
So that everyone conquers their peaks
And in life everyone should be happy.

Ninth grade is behind us
And a little sad
But it's time to move forward
Overcome all feelings.

Happy graduation everyone, guys!
Unearthly happiness
And good luck with it,
To rush towards success!

There is a reason for joy for you -
After all, ninth grade is behind us,
Congratulations - you have become smarter,
Graduates, let them hurry up
Smiles will shine instantly
May your success be great!
I wish you to rejoice from now on
You every day, always be able to
To achieve desired goals,
Apply knowledge in life,
Not knowing problems, sorrows, troubles -
Look forward with confidence!

You need to make a choice
Listen to moms advice.
You will continue to stay at school,
Afterwards study at a university?
There are different ways.
Maybe you should go to college?
Everything now depends on you,
Your life is in your hands.
Courage and perseverance to you
And grades on business!

Congratulations on completing your studies!
Nine classes behind
May luck follow you
Happiness flares up inside.

Let everything be very cool,
Let your dreams come true.
Let the world reach the absolute
And everything will be in it as you want.

Nine classes behind me
This is the first graduation
And where to go now
The choice is yours.

Let him be conscious
So that your chosen path
Would benefit people
It came in handy somehow.

Just whatever you have mastered,
Don't forget one thing,
What they taught in school
Use it more often in your life!

Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade and I want to wish you to breathe freely after exams and emotional worries, allow yourself to take a break from studying and go towards a bright summer, listen to your heart and understand what you really want. Good luck in life, confidence in your aspirations and a wonderful mood in your every day.

Someone will say goodbye to the school!
Someone will continue to study here,
Whatever you decide, let it
You will be able to achieve success
But let every obstacle in life
It only makes you all stronger!
I wish you only the best, guys.
Lots of happiness and sunny days!

Ninth grade is over. Congratulations!
May your holiday make you happy
Let fun surround you everywhere,
And not even a day goes by without a smile.

Of course, let your dreams come true,
May all your plans succeed.
Let the pure sparkle warm the sun,
And always, always be on top.

The ninth is over,
What awaits you?
To this question
The answer itself will not come.

You can study
Or you can leave
The choice is waiting for you
Not an easy path.

Okay, it'll be decided
Just somehow,
In the meantime, let's celebrate
Distance traveled!

9 years of school life have flown by,
I wish you only victories from now on,
Take everything around with determination,
Fulfill all your plans and dreams.

Let the school live in your heart,
After all, in fact, it’s like a second home,
Keep gratitude in your soul,
Walk boldly on the path of life.

Ninth grade is already behind us,
All that remains is to choose the path.
Someone has to go to school again,
For some, no, there are many ways.

We wish you all now,
So that the choice is definitely successful,
So that everyone can find their own -
What it is intended for.

You have overcome today
Your first milestone in life.
You looked into the world from the window -
The school air is clean and fresh.
And now they have opened for you
All paths, all paths.
So that you strive forward,
It was so easy to walk.
We wish you to dream
And dreams come true.

Nine classes are already behind us,
Time flies quickly,
I wish you happiness
And good luck along the way.

Don't be sad and don't give up
Be with luck for you,
Let them come true easily
All cherished dreams!

Congratulations on finishing ninth grade
Congratulations guys!
Basic knowledge gained
And now it’s time to choose the road.

You can stay at school to study
Or try to go to college,
Let your choice be right
And fewer obstacles on the way!

Graduation is without a doubt one of the most memorable events!
Alumni balls are held by all educational institutions, schools, and colleges. In schools, graduation ceremonies are usually celebrated at the beginning of the twentieth of June, after all school exams are over. At the official ceremony, schoolchildren who received medals and diplomas based on the results of their studies are traditionally honored, then certificates are presented.
True, graduation in the 9th grade is somewhat unusual - it is, so to speak, “graduation not for everyone.” Usually, some students actually graduate from school and move on, as it is now fashionable to say, to the next level of education - vocational schools, technical schools, colleges. And the rest remain to study 10th and 11th grade. And graduation for them is a farewell to their classmates.
Not a single prom takes place without an incendiary disco, fashionable dance music, an excellent DJ, girls in chic prom dresses, elegant gentlemen, and a wonderful mood! Why be sad? Are your school years over? And how many new and interesting things await ahead - at seventeen, life is just beginning!

Congratulations on graduation in 9th grade in verse

My favorite ninth grade!
I congratulate you now -
With the fact that you are no longer a child,
With the fact that it’s time to grow up:
It's time to understand everything right away,
It's time to make decisions...
It's time! And let the tenth grade
It won't change you one bit! ©

Poems for graduation party in 9th grade

Ninth grade was challenging and fun,
Still careless, but already serious,
And for parents it’s a complete disaster!
Ninth is the last grade of childhood!
And time seemed to be divided,
Metamorphosis happened:
Yesterday's boys and girls
Smoothed your cowlicks and bangs,
Forgetting for a while the pranks and hubbub,
Let's join together in the word "youth"!
And behind my back I successfully passed the State Examination Test,
And there is still intrigue ahead:
Dreams, desires, doubts!
For the first time, a decision has to be made.
Good luck on your chosen path,
Spread your wings and fly!
Well, in the meantime, today is a holiday!
Have fun, ninth grader! ©

You worked hard for nine years:
You worked and studied a lot.
No longer a student - now a graduate
He appeared in the Assembly Hall dressed up!
Celebrate today by dancing fast!
No more carrying books in your backpack.
You rest, but tomorrow you will be
Ready to choose your own path in life! ©

Ninth grade is over
Certificate received
You tried really hard
And I’m happy with the result
Let this release be
Just a new start for you,
And let the goal in life beckon,
Go to her with passion! ©

Nine grades down!
Graduation night!
And meets ahead
The adult world is different!
May the path be easy
Through all the years!
Let him not let you get sad
Happy Star! ©

Nine years in a flash
And now you are a graduate!
You can continue to choose
Who to become by profession?
We know you will find your way,
Can you swing the pendulum?
And control fate
To get more from life! ©

What they put into you.
The whole world is open ahead -
Choose the road!
Of course you won't forget
School threshold,
Great life ahead!
Happy holiday - they shout!
The heart is happy in the chest,
And the eyes sparkle! ©

9th year of study is behind us,
Well, a little more to come
You are no longer a child, you decide everything yourself,
He matured and became serious beyond his years.
Congratulations on graduating from 9th grade,
I wish you a happy holiday with all my heart,
Gain strength to continue to study well,
So that I can always be proud of you.

Here is the 9th grade graduation,
The last bell rings
You are holding the certificate in your hands now,
And immediately your gaze
It's like he's grown up.
With the end of the first graduation stage
I congratulate you
I wish you good luck and luck in everything,
May your dream come true,
I wish you joy, smiles and goodness.

The ninth grade is already behind us,
And you have already matured a little,
How many joyful discoveries are ahead,
Seriously, you need to choose the right road, and not make-believe.
Congratulations to all of you on graduating from 9th grade,
I wish you fewer problems in your school life,
May you meet good friends along the way,
Great mood, good health, kindness.

Ninth grade is already over,
And the choice was already ahead,
In the tenth, continue to study,
Or go to the lyceum with a friend.
Choose, it's up to you to decide,
And ask your parents for advice,
Well, congratulations on graduating from 9th grade,
I wish you an easy path in life.

You are no longer a child, but not yet an adult,
Ninth grade is over, it’s already in the past,
Diploma in hand, you are proud of it,
After all, this is the first document
Proof of school identity.
Congratulations on finishing 9th grade,
I wish you a happy school life,
Easy studies, good mood,
May your dreams always come true.

9 years of study flew by like a fast bird,
You are not an adult yet, but you are not a child either,
Further studies will last three more years,
You have a lot to learn.
I congratulate you on graduating from 9th grade,
I wish you a wonderful mood,
New discoveries, sympathy and goodness,
May you have many friends.