Victory Day junior group recommendations for parents. Methodological development of "recommendations for parents for Victory Day." "Victory Day. How to explain this to a child?"

In that day be sure to visit the Memorial Victory or other significant places in your city. Place with flowers for a child, watch the military parade.

Try to meet a WWII veteran or a decorated military man. Congratulate them on as a child, give flowers or a souvenir.

Tell me to kid about their relatives who were at the front or during the war worked in factories, factories, and collective farms. Show photos, read their letters.

Arrange a joint viewing of television programs (accessible to children’s understanding, dedicated to the Day of Victory. Talk with as a child, find out how he understood what was said and shown.

You can learn a poem « Victory Day» N. Yurkova:

Tomorrow is a holiday for grandfather too

I'm learning to write « Victory» .

It's hard for me to write right now,

My hand gets very tired

The letters don't line up straight

It's easier to draw fireworks!

My grandfather defended the country,

Fire up 100 rockets!

Get your letters in order!

The world was brought to me by my hero grandfather!

Let's celebrate Victory with him,

We don't want new wars!

Prepare a festive dinner at home, let the child will help you.

Remember that your personal example, your attitude towards this great event is very important for child.

Publications on the topic:

Scenario of the holiday for the 70th anniversary of Victory in World War II for children of senior preschool age “May 9 - Victory Day!” Scenario for older children. The march of V. Agapkin sounds - “Farewell of the Slavyanka”. Children enter the hall. Rebuilding. They sit down. Child.

The Great Patriotic War is an important event in the life of our Motherland. How to teach children to remember the defenders of our Motherland, who defended their native land.

I bring to your attention the design of a group on the theme “Victory Day”. We tried to design it with our colleague so that the children could feel it.

Purpose of the lesson: To introduce children to the holiday of May 9 - “Victory Day”, to tell that this year our country is celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Victory.

Elena Kovaleva Summary of the final comprehensive lesson for Victory Day (using ICT) in the senior preschool speech therapy group.

Consultation for parents “Great Victory Day. Let's talk to the child about the war" 1. WHY? Patriotic feeling will not arise on its own. It needs to be brought up from early childhood, nurtured, cultivated. And without.

Social and communicative development Develop children's play activities. Introduce basic norms and rules to relationships with.

2. Tell us about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, look at the illustrations in the books.

3. Remember which of your closest relatives took part in the Great Patriotic War, look at illustrations in books, photographs of relatives.

4. Together with your child, go to the memorial in honor of the defenders of the Motherland.

5. Exercise “Say it differently” (learning to select synonyms).

Brave - brave, courageous, heroic...

6. Exercise “Say the opposite” (learning to select antonyms).

World - ...

7. We learn to select words with the same root.

Hero-heroic, heroic, heroism...
Protection - protector, protect, protected...

8. Vocabulary work.
Explain to your child the meaning of words and phrases “feat”, “victory”, “heroic deed”, “defender”, “veteran”.

9. We continue to introduce the child to proverbs.
Explain the meaning of the proverb “Peace builds, but war destroys.”

10. Familiarization with fiction.
You can read to your child:
L. Kassil "Main Army",
N. Zenkovich "Boys in caps."

11. Familiarization with musical works.
Listen to the songs with your child:
"Victory Day",
"Holy war".
Talk about the content of the text.

"Victory Day"

2. Tell us about the heroes of the Great Patriotic War, look at the illustrations in the books.

3. Remember which of your closest relatives took part in the Great Patriotic War, look at illustrations in books, photographs of relatives.

4. Together with your child, go to the memorial in honor of the defenders of the Motherland.

5. Exercise “Say it differently” (learning to select synonyms).

Brave - brave, courageous, heroic...

6. Exercise “Say the opposite” (learning to select antonyms).

World - ...

7. We learn to select words with the same root.

Hero-heroic, heroic, heroism...
Protection - protector, protect, protected...

8. Vocabulary work.
Explain to your child the meaning of words and phrases “feat”, “victory”, “heroic deed”, “defender”, “veteran”.

9. We continue to introduce the child to proverbs.
Explain the meaning of the proverb “Peace builds, but war destroys.”

10. Familiarization with fiction.
You can read to your child:
L. Kassil "Main Army",
N. Zenkovich "Boys in caps."

11. Familiarization with musical works.
Listen to the songs with your child:
"Victory Day",
"Holy war".
Talk about the content of the text.

On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

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Short-term creative project “Victory Day” for children 5-7 years old

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No one is forgotten, nothing is forgotten.

Many decades have passed since the last shot fired in that seemingly distant war. But the memory of her, of the feat of soldiers, women and children will forever remain in our hearts. This terrible war crippled many destinies, it claimed many lives. Why does my heart still ache when I look at the veterans, and why do tears come to my eyes on the great holiday – Victory Day? Because the memory is alive! We have no right to forget about the grief that the war brought. We must instill a sense of respect for our past in the younger generation, we must convey to them that without the past there is no future. This is one of the main tasks of both teachers and parents.
I bring to your attention weekend routes for parents of older preschoolers. I made these recommendations for parents specifically for my city - Volgograd, but maybe it will be useful to someone!
Excursion to the Eternal Flame on the Square of Fallen Fighters. (Recommendation for parents).
Visit the Square of Fallen Fighters with your child on May 9. Tell us about the Eternal Flame: it is a monument to all the defenders of our city. Guests of the city and Volgograd residents come here, bring flowers, lay wreaths, schoolchildren stand here on a guard of honor. People of different ages and nationalities keep in their hearts the memory of those who did not return from the war. The existing monument was built in 1957, and the Eternal Flame was lit on February 1, 1963.
Read the poem:
Above the grave in a quiet park
The tulips bloomed brightly,
The fire is always burning here,
A Soviet soldier is sleeping here.

We bowed low
At the foot of the obelisk,
Our wreath blossomed on it
Hot fiery fire.

Soldiers defended the world
They gave their lives for us.
Let's keep it in our hearts
The memory of them is bright. (D. Chibisova)
Tell your child that people behave quietly at the monument, they place flowers at the foot of the fire, men and boys take off their hats, stand silently for a while, bowing their heads, and quietly move away.

Show your child a living monument in the memorial square of the Square of Fallen Fighters - a poplar that survived the war. Invite your child to look at it carefully: it has a gnarled, mutilated trunk - it was damaged during fierce battles.
Teach your child the following rhyme:
Peaceful rhyme
One two three four five!
All the miracles cannot be counted.
Red, white, yellow, blue!
Copper, iron, aluminum!
Sun, air and water!
Mountains, rivers, cities!
Work, fun, sweet dreams!
And let the war come out!
(M. Karem)

Display all the impressions received after visiting the Eternal Flame in joint creativity.

Excursion to Mamayev Kurgan. (Recommendation for parents)
Preliminary work: Look at photographs, postcards, books about Mamayev Kurgan with your child.
The legendary height is 102.0 m. People come here to bow to the courage and heroism of the Soviet soldiers who defended Stalingrad.
After visiting Mamayev Kurgan, tell your child that this is a holy place for many people. Many defenders of the Fatherland died on this mound, but their courage and courage helped defeat the enemy. In the first post-war spring, Mamaev Kurgan was not green - not even grass grew on the burnt, wounded earth. And today people remember the fallen soldiers and come to the main height of the city with flowers and wreaths.
Introduce your child to the monuments of Mamayev Kurgan. Lay flowers at the Eternal Flame in the Hall of Military Glory.
Visit Mamayev Kurgan on May 9 – Victory Day. Here your child will touch the living history of their country and see those who fought for our hometown. Tell your child about veterans and heroes of the Great Patriotic War. There are very few of them left...

On May 9, from 17.00 to 21.45, interactive programs and a concert with the participation of Russian pop stars will be held on Palace Square.

At 17.00, interactive platforms will begin work on Palace Square: “You, the Fatherland, are your soldier!” - performance by Great Patriotic War reenactors and an exhibition of historical military equipment; “Play, front line accordion!” - military songs, couplets, ditties will be performed by professional harmonica players and amateur artists; “Floral Wreath of Victory” (flash mob) - participants of the holiday will weave a St. George’s ribbon from fresh flowers; “Let’s sing, friends!” - guests of the holiday together with professional artists will sing their favorite songs; “Who said that we should give up singing during the war?” - musical excerpts from films about the war will be shown on the screens of the main stage of the holiday; “White Dove of Peace” - a flash mob during which children will carry a huge white dove of peace (balloon) across Palace Square; interactive exhibition of the Telephone Museum with a demonstration of wartime communications equipment. During the interactive program, the screens will broadcast a procession of veterans and participants in the “Immortal Regiment” action along Nevsky Prospekt.
The festive concert will begin at 18.00. The concert will be attended by People's Artists of Russia Igor Sklyar, Lyudmila Senchina, Nadezhda Babkina, Alexander Malinin, Nikolai Rastorguev and the Lyube Group, city creative groups.

On May 10, a holiday dedicated to hero cities and cities of military glory will be held on Palace Square. For one day the Palace Square will turn into the Square of Military Glory. In the center of the square there will be five steles with the names of thirteen hero cities. The five steles form a five-pointed gold star, reminiscent of the medal awarded to hero cities.

The holiday will begin at 12.00 with a concert by the Military Band of the Headquarters of the Western Military District. The interactive program “Children Draw Victory” starts at 13.00.

At 14.00, five interactive platforms will begin operating, representing the cities of military glory - the closest satellites of St. Petersburg - Luga, Gatchina, Lomonosov, Tikhvin, Vyborg, Kronstadt, Kolpino. The presenters will introduce viewers to the military history of these cities and talk about the exploits of their residents during the Great Patriotic War.

At 15.00 on Palace Square the results of the International Song of Victory competition will be summed up. The final gala concert will feature new and familiar songs about the war performed by soloists and vocal groups from St. Petersburg. Popular pop singers will present awards to the winners.

At 16.00 there will be a concert of the Festival of Hero Cities and Cities of Military Glory. The presenters will talk about the contribution of the inhabitants of the hero cities to the victory over fascism. The screens will broadcast fragments of newsreels, bright and colorful screensavers representing famous war monuments and military memorials (for example, the monument “The Motherland Calls!” in Volgograd, the monument to the Heroic Defenders of Leningrad, the memorial “Defenders of the Soviet Arctic” in Murmansk, the monument “Malaya Earth" in Novorossiysk, etc.), there will be a video roll call of representatives from different cities. Famous groups and performers will perform creative tributes to the hero cities. At the end of the concert, a balloon salute will be given in honor of all the hero cities of the Great Patriotic War.

The concert program will feature People's Artists of Russia: Lyudmila Senchina, Igor Sklyar, Nadezhda Babkina, Alexander Rosenbaum, famous performers “Bayan-Mix”, Methodie Buzhor, Alena Petrovskaya, Anton Avdeev, Sergey Zykov, Albert Zhalilov, finalist of the “Voice-Children” project » Nastya Titova, Groups “Stereopiter” and “Feel”armonia”, step show by Nina Vinichenko and others.

At 17.00 Cossack ensembles of St. Petersburg will perform on Palace Square. Guests will get acquainted with the bright pages of the history and culture of the Russian Cossacks.

At 18.00 a solo concert by People's Artist of Russia Nadezhda Babkina and the Russian Song Ensemble will begin, and at 20.00 Honored Artist of Russia Vladimir Samsonov will perform a solo program.

On May 11 at 16.00 on Palace Square there will be a final concert of the laureates of the “Mercy of the White Nights” Festival, which is held annually as part of the All-Russian charity event of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, dedicated to the memory of employees of internal affairs bodies and military personnel of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia who died in the line of duty and military duty. The concert will be attended by laureates of the Competition, as well as People's Artists of Russia Lyudmila Senchina, Nadezhda Babkina, Vasily Gerello, Igor Sklyar.