Hair mask with vitamins and avocado oil. Avocado hair masks - simple homemade recipes. Imperial avocado face mask

Avocado is considered a fruit, and, according to the Guinness Book of Records, it is the most high-calorie fruit on our planet. But in fact, it is a berry, and all the benefits of avocado are concentrated in its pulp: even oil is obtained from it.

The great benefits of avocado for the skin, as well as for the whole body, are due to the unique chemical composition of these fruits. Avocado is rich in vitamins such as A, C, E, K and beta-carotene (provitamin A); it contains all B vitamins. Among the microelements, the presence of iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, sodium, zinc and fluorine is noted. And in terms of potassium content, avocado surpasses bananas by almost half.

Avocado contains fats, of which 67% comes from more than 20 essential monounsaturated fatty acids omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9. Most of them are oleic acid.

The antioxidants in avocados (vitamins C, E and beta-carotene) help rid the skin of toxins that lead to premature aging and wrinkles. Plant steroids contained in avocados increase collagen production and help regenerate, soften and moisturize the skin. And glutamine amino acid cleanses and protects the skin from negative environmental impacts.

Avocado also benefits the skin from the phospholipid lecithin, which ensures the formation of intercellular space and the renewal of damaged cells in all tissues of the body. Thanks to lecithin and a high concentration of monounsaturated fats, avocados have invaluable benefits for hair, which is expressed in maintaining optimal moisture levels inside the cuticle - the outer layer of the hair shaft.

Avocado face mask

The simplest homemade avocado face mask consists of mashed pulp, which must be applied to cleansed skin, left for 20 minutes and rinsed with water at room temperature. This simple procedure, carried out a couple of times a week, will definitely have a positive effect on the appearance of a woman of any age and with absolutely all skin types.

And now about how to make an avocado mask using additional ingredients. A healthy appearance for dry and normal skin will be achieved by adding

to half a small avocado, crushed into a homogeneous mass, a tablespoon of wheat germ oil and half a teaspoon of freshly squeezed lime juice. The effect of the beneficial substances of the “alligator pear” here is enhanced by vitamin E, antioxidants and glycoproteins of wheat germ oil. And lime vitamin C will add elasticity to the skin, and also - thanks to its antibacterial and antiseptic properties - help prevent acne. It is recommended to apply this mask to the face and neck for 10-15 minutes, and then rinse with lukewarm water.

Avocado mask for wrinkles

Two masks based on avocado pulp are very effective in combating skin aging and the appearance of wrinkles. For the first mask you will need three ingredients: a quarter of a ripe avocado, 3 tablespoons of natural yogurt and a teaspoon of liquid honey. Grind the avocado pulp to a puree consistency, add the remaining ingredients, mix everything into a homogeneous mass and apply it to cleansed facial skin. Leave for 15 minutes and wash your face first with warm and then with cold water (to close the pores).

The second avocado face mask is effective for the appearance of wrinkles on skin prone to excessive oil production. It is enough to add a small piece of baker's yeast, previously ground with a small amount of milk or water, to the fruit pulp puree. All other actions are known to you.

Avocado mask for dry skin

This mask helps regulate the water balance in the skin, nourishes and rejuvenates it.

You need to mix a tablespoon of avocado pulp with the raw yolk of one egg, a teaspoon of natural honey and half a teaspoon of lemon juice. If the skin is dry and sensitive, you should add a teaspoon of vegetable oil to the mixture. After a 15-minute procedure, the mask is washed off with warm water, and then the skin is wiped with an ice cube.

Avocado mask for acne

To prepare this mask, you need to mix two tablespoons of mashed avocado into a homogeneous mass with 20 g of crushed yeast and a tablespoon of aloe juice. Apply the resulting mass to your face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water.

Another recipe for an avocado mask for acne: take cocoa powder (1 teaspoon), liquid honey (1 tablespoon) and avocado pulp (2 tablespoons).

Avocado oil masks

Everything that the pulp of avocado fruits is rich in certainly goes into the oil extracted from them. This oil is included in a variety of cosmetic products because it:

  • is well absorbed into the skin and penetrates into the deep layers, moisturizing and protecting the epidermis from drying out;
  • increases the level of skin immunity, protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • increases blood circulation in the skin and normalizes metabolic processes occurring in it;
  • stimulates collagen synthesis, which significantly increases turgor and slows down the appearance of wrinkles;
  • prevents the formation of age spots on the skin of the face.

Masks with avocado oil are suitable for moisturizing and increasing the elasticity of all skin types, relieving redness or irritation. To do this, just add half a teaspoon of avocado oil to the composition of any homemade cosmetic masks.

To prepare a moisturizing cosmetic mask you will need oatmeal, honey and avocado oil. Pour two tablespoons of oatmeal with a small amount of warm water and wait until the flakes become soft. Then add one tablespoon of avocado oil and one teaspoon of liquid honey. Keep this mask on your face for 10 minutes, rinse with warm and then cold water.

Avocado eye masks

Preparing an avocado mask around the eyes is extremely simple. The first option involves the availability of avocado oil purchased at the pharmacy, the second - fresh fruit purchased at the supermarket.

In the first case, a “reusable portion” of a mask with avocado oil is mixed in a jar, consisting of avocado oil itself and olive oil - in equal proportions. To enhance the effect, you can add 10 drops of one of the essential oils - rosewood, jojoba, neroli, geranium or carrot seeds. In the evening, the mixture of oils is applied to the skin around the eyes with careful “driving” movements of the fingertips; after half an hour, the excess mask should be blotted with a napkin. This procedure can be done every other day, and in the cold season - daily.

If you have a fresh avocado, then a piece of the fruit should be turned into a homogeneous mass, which should be applied to the skin for 20 minutes and then washed off.

Another great tip for caring for the skin around your eyes: add avocado oil to your regular night cream. This is especially useful for dry skin, as well as for improving the condition of the skin around the eyes of women of “Balzac age”.

Freeman face mask with avocado

The face mask with avocado from the American cosmetics company Freeman Beauty Labs contains, in addition to avocado oil, cosmetic clay and oatmeal (oatmeal).

This mask is intended for the care of oily and combination skin, since clay is a good absorber of excess sebum. The presence of avocado oil simultaneously moisturizes the skin (hydration is required for any skin type) and also nourishes it, making it more elastic and healthy. The third important ingredient in this mask, oatmeal, helps restore the skin's natural pH and reduces inflammation.

After applying the Freeman Avocado Face Mask, you may experience a “hot skin” sensation that quickly goes away. According to the instructions, the mask should remain on the face until completely dry - about a quarter of an hour. After this, the mask is washed off with plenty of water. It is recommended to do this face mask 1-2 times a week.

Avocado hair mask

The benefits of avocado for hair have already been discussed at the beginning of these notes. Cosmetologists recommend that everyone who wants to restore the natural shine to dull hair should use this wonderful fruit to moisturize and intensively nourish it.

An avocado hair mask is prepared according to the following recipe: grind a medium-sized avocado fruit to a homogeneous puree (after removing the peel and pit); beat a raw egg (as for an omelet) and combine with the fruit mixture. For a more pleasant smell, add 5 drops of any essential oil. Move everything carefully and apply to slightly damp hair, distributing the mask along the entire length of the hair and lightly rubbing into the scalp.

Tie your head with a scarf and hold the mask for 20-25 minutes. Then rinse off the mixture and wash your hair using your regular hair detergent.

Garnier avocado hair mask

Avocado oil works successfully in many cosmetic products from well-known manufacturers. Thus, the assortment of the Garnier brand, which focuses on the use of natural ingredients in hair care products, includes a hair mask with avocado and shea butters.

Garnier Avocado and Shea Mask is good for dry or damaged hair, including split ends. All of the nutritional properties of avocado oil listed above are complemented by the ability of shea butter to eliminate flaking, redness and tightness of the skin.

Mask with avocado and shea oils from Garnier is designed to restore the natural structure of fine hair. The mask is applied to damp hair and left for three minutes, after which it is thoroughly rinsed with water.

Numero mask with avocado

A nourishing avocado hair mask from the Italian brand Brelil Numero - an analogue of the Garnier mask - is also intended for dry, dull and damaged hair. As the manufacturer points out, due to the presence of avocado and shea oils in the hair care product, which penetrate deeply into the hair structure, intense hydration and strengthening of the hair fibers is achieved without weighing them down. Hair gains shine and shine.

The method of using the Numero mask with avocado is the same as in the previous case.

Honey avocado hair mask

Hair mask “Honey Avocado” (Russian brand Organic Shop) also belongs to the so-called express masks. As written on the label, the mixture is applied along the entire length of damp hair, left for 1-2 minutes and washed off with warm water. The manufacturer indicates that the mask does not contain silicones, parabens and dyes. However, its composition, like all cosmetics currently produced, contains many different “auxiliary” chemicals. In particular, in addition to water with infusion (oil infusion) of avocado and honey, the honey avocado hair mask contains emulsifiers (cetearyl alcohol and cetryl ester), solvents (benzoic acid), antistatic agents (behentrimonium chloride), citric acid, preservatives (sorbic acid) , synthetic fragrances. “Honey Avocado” also contains hydrolyzed keratin.

Fresh fruits and vegetables are beneficial to the human body not only when used as a food source; plant products also provide significant benefits when used as natural cosmetics. A quick and easy-to-prepare avocado hair mask is valued among women due to its most pronounced nutritional properties.

Benefits of avocado for hair

The popularity of avocados is only increasing every year. Despite its high nutritional properties, this fruit is successfully used even in dietary nutrition, allowing you to change your figure for the better. The pulp of a ripened avocado consists of proteins, the most valuable fats, microelements, enzymes, and fatty acids.

Avocado for hair is a well-absorbed source of phosphorus, potassium, calcium, folic acid, and manganese. All these microelements are very important, since the appearance of each hair, its strength and growth depend on their normal quantity and distribution in the hair follicles.

Hair masks with avocado show their healing power when used to restore dull, weak, lifeless curls. The pulp of this exotic fruit quickly restores strength and shine, increases hair softness, nourishes it and gives it inner strength.

Avocado also has a positive effect on the scalp - the fruit has a wound-healing and antioxidant effect, soothing, softening and moisturizing properties, while simultaneously eliminating dandruff. You can also prepare avocado masks for your hair using the oil of this fruit, which also has a noticeable positive effect on the condition of the skin and strands.

Simple recipes for effective masks

You can prepare a mask from a ripe avocado in just a few minutes. It is enough to grind the ripened pulp of the fruit well and distribute it over the scalp and throughout the hair itself. Wash off the pulp after 40 minutes.

Avocado is a fruit that is quite fatty in its chemical components, but despite this, the fruit is used not only to restore dry strands. The correct selection of a mask recipe will help solve the cosmetic problems of oily and combination hair.


  • You need to mix the crushed pulp from one ripe avocado with a spoon of full-fat mayonnaise. The mixture is carefully distributed over the entire length of the hair and left for 20 minutes under an insulating cap. Mayonnaise can be replaced with castor, coconut, almond or olive oil. If your hair is particularly oily, then add a spoonful of apple cider vinegar or a few drops of lemon juice to the main composition.
  • You need to use a blender to mix the egg yolk, the pulp from half an avocado, one spoon of any cosmetic oil and a teaspoon of squeezed lemon juice. The applied mixture is washed off after 40 minutes using warm running water and a small amount of shampoo.
  • It deserves excellent reviews. To prepare it, you need to mix one third of the avocado pulp with one soft and ripe banana and a spoonful of liquid honey. After application, this mixture is left on the head for 30 minutes, then it is washed off with plenty of warm running water.

For oily hair

  • You need to grind the pulp of one avocado and mix it with a spoonful of juice from agave leaves, the same amount of lemon juice and a spoonful of sea salt. The applied mask is washed off after 30 minutes.
  • Two spoons of kefir are mixed with crushed avocado pulp and one spoon of liquefied bee honey. The mixture is distributed over the scalp and hair. You need to wash off the mask after 30–60 minutes.

For dry hair

  • The crushed fruit pulp must be combined with natural yogurt (it will require 2/3 of the volume of the fruit). You must also add a spoonful of cosmetic oil to this mixture. The entire prepared mass is distributed over the strands and scalp. You need to wash off the mask after 40 minutes using a softening shampoo.
  • Mash half an avocado and mix with a spoon of olive oil. This mask is washed off after application after 30 minutes. If you add a little lemon juice to this mixture, it can also be successfully used for oily hair.

To enhance hair growth

To the thoroughly mashed pulp of one avocado, add fresh egg yolk and a few drops of fragrant rosemary or cedarwood oil. The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the roots of the hair and distributed along the entire length of the curls; the mask is washed off after 40 minutes.

Hair masks with avocado can be practiced once or twice in 10 days. Improvement in hair condition will be noticeable after the second or third procedure, and the total course of treatment should consist of at least 10 procedures.

If the hot summer has caused damage to your hair - the sun and sea water have dried out your hair and made it brittle, it's time for moisturizing masks with avocado. Exotic fruits have thick skin, so they retain all the nutrients they contain for a long time.

Avocado fruits are very popular in Latin America.Avocados contain many vitamins (especially vitamin E in large quantities), minerals and enzymes.Due to its high fat content - 30% fat, it nourishes, soothes and relaxes the skin well.Avocado cosmetics have antioxidant, moisturizing, healing and rejuvenating properties.

Avocado masks are easy and quick to make and are an excellent remedy for restoring dry hair. Be sure to stock up on this fruit when you go to the supermarket.

Avocado and olive oil for fragile hair

  • one avocado fruit
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil (if hair is too long, you can use more)

Cut the avocado into small pieces and then beat with a mixer. Add warm olive oil and mix everything well. Apply to hair, leaving the mask on for 30 minutes and rinse. This mixture works great as a treatment mask for very damaged hair, just use the recipe half an hour before shampooing your hair.

Choose ripe fruit for masks. How to find out? If the fruit is ripe, it should be dark in color, also not very hard to the touch, slightly soft.

Mask with avocado and yolk for bleached hair

  • half an avocado
  • 2 yolks

Use half or a whole avocado, as you prefer, and two egg yolks. Beat the avocado thoroughly in a mixer or blender, add 2 egg yolks, then mix the ingredients vigorously. Apply to hair for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Mask for shine of dry hair with avocado

  • 1 avocado
  • 3 tbsp. mayonnaise
  • caps. vitamin E

Whisk 1 small avocado, 3 tablespoons of mayonnaise, 1 capsule of vitamin E and two to three drops of almond oil.Apply to hair, but only to ends to avoid tangling.Leave to act for 20 minutes and rinse well.The mask is suitable for dry and...

Revitalizing mask with avocado and mayonnaise

  • 1 avocado
  • 1/2 cup full-fat mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp. l. olive oil
  • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey

Puree the avocado, add mayonnaise, olive oil and liquid honey and stir until smooth.Apply the mask to your hair and massage for 2 minutes.Then cover your head with a plastic cap and let the mixture sit for 20 minutes, then wash your hair with warm water and shampoo.

Avocado and lemon for oily hair

  • 1 ripe avocado
  • 1 tsp lime juice
  • 1 tsp. sea ​​salt
  • 1 tbsp. l. aloe juice

Mix all the ingredients listed above well to form a paste.Apply the prepared mixture thoroughly along the entire length of your hair, paying special attention to the ends.For best results, cover your hair with a film or wrap a towel around your head.Leave for 20-30 minutes to allow the mixture to work.Wash off with shampoo. Your hair is soft and silky again!

Avocado is an ancient fruit that has the highest calorie content of all. People have always known about its many beneficial properties. It was used as a food product and also for personal care.

When introducing this fruit into your diet, you should be careful not to exceed your fat intake. And in the case of using avocado for cosmetic purposes, you don’t have to limit yourself. These same fats are a godsend for dry and damaged hair, and vitamins and minerals are of great benefit for any hair type. And also when prepared correctly avocado hair mask It will even help in the fight against oiliness and dandruff.

Composition of avocado and its benefits for hair

Vitamins in avocados:

  • K – nourishes hair follicles and stimulates blood flow to them;
  • F – strengthens hair, makes it smooth, silky, protects from negative environmental factors;
  • E – enhances hair growth;
  • B6 - relieves dryness, nourishes;
  • C – nourishes and tones the hair follicles and the hair itself.

Minerals in avocados:

  • Potassium – has a moisturizing effect, improves growth, actively participates in the structure of the hair;
  • Copper – prevents aging and hair loss;
  • Squalene – moisturizes, protects, improves structure and prevents premature aging;
  • Lecithin - makes hair smooth, silky and manageable.

It also contains folic acid, which affects hair growth and nourishes it; and fatty acids that effectively moisturize and nourish hair, protecting it from external harmful influences.

The composition and effects of each substance listed above can be attributed both to the avocado fruit itself and to the oil.

Indications and contraindications for the use of avocados

It is worth using avocado even for preventive care of absolutely healthy hair. But you will notice the greatest effect if you use the fruit in the fight against the following problems:

  • fragility, lifelessness;
  • dry and damaged hair;
  • prone to fat;
  • hair that is frequently subjected to heat treatment and the use of styling products;
  • with split ends;
  • dull, colorless, etc.

The fruit has no special contraindications, but still, before use, it is better to conduct an allergy test. To do this, take a little oil or avocado puree and apply it to the back of your hand, most conveniently and most effectively - on the wrist or at the bend of the elbow joint.

For a more accurate test, you should wait 2 hours. If after this time no discomfort or redness appears, then you can safely use avocado for self-care.

Rules for using avocado hair masks

To prepare an avocado hair mask at home, you should take ripe, soft and fully ripened fruit. If you prefer oil, then buy it exclusively at a pharmacy or in specialized stores. Be sure to check the expiration date.

The best option would be to buy unrefined avocado oil, first cold pressed, since it contains the maximum concentration of nutrients. This product should be stored at room temperature, in a place reliably protected from light.

Before adding to the general mixture, it is better to heat the oil in a water bath, this will increase its effectiveness and it will better penetrate the hair structure.

Application of avocado hair masks:

  1. As for application, the recommendations will hardly differ from the recommendations for purchased masks. When applying a nourishing mask made from avocado fruit, you should step back 5-10 cm from the hair roots, even if you do not have oily hair.
  2. Masks should be applied to the scalp only if they are intended for this purpose. For example, these are those that are designed to normalize the activity of the sebaceous glands and reduce fat content, for dandruff or for growth.
  3. All masks with avocado, the recipes for which will be offered below, should be supplemented with a greenhouse effect. That is, wrap your head in cling film or polyethylene, and then put on a turban made from a heated towel. The effect of following this recommendation almost doubles.
  4. The selected mask option should be used systematically. The optimal solution would be a frequency of 2 times every 7 days, a course of 10-15 times.
  5. If your hair is very depleted, then you can leave your chosen mask on all night.

Recipes for homemade avocado hair masks

    Hair mask with avocado oil for growth and thickness. Take avocado and burdock oil, mix them in equal proportions. Then heat in a water bath and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

    Rub the mixture into the scalp with massage movements, and distribute the remainder over the entire length of the hair. Leave for 1 hour, then rinse with water and shampoo.

    Revitalizing avocado mask. Mix the pulp of one ripe fruit with an egg yolk and add a few drops of rosemary essential oil. This mask will perfectly restore your hair and also promote its growth and strengthening.

    For dry and damaged hair. Mix the pulp of one fruit with two tbsp. spoons of honey and the same amount of olive oil. Stir the mixture until smooth.

    Apply to hair, leaving a distance of 5-10 centimeters from the roots. This mass should be kept for at least forty minutes, but it is better for two hours, so that all the beneficial and nutrients can penetrate as deeply as possible into the hair structure. Rinse off with shampoo and water. Dry your hair as usual.

    After the first use you will see noticeable improvements. The strands will become more manageable, shiny, and look healthy and silky.

    For oily hair and fight dandruff.

    In the recipe for this mask, every component is fundamentally important. Given the high fatty acid content in avocados, you can easily add even more weight and nourishment to already oily hair. But if you strictly follow the recipe, then this misfortune will not happen to you. On the contrary, your hair will be enriched with a lot of vitamins and nutrients, sebum secretion will be clearly reduced, and your hair will look like it’s from the cover of a magazine. Thanks to the enveloping properties of some components of this recipe, the product also has a hair lamination effect.

    Take the pulp of one ripe avocado, add 1 dessert spoon of fresh aloe juice, 1 dessert spoon of sea salt, and one dessert spoon of lemon juice. Mix everything well. Then pour in half a glass of kefir or any other fermented milk product (yogurt, fermented baked milk, etc.). Stir again.

    Apply the mixture to your hair and leave for a quarter of an hour, maybe a little more, depending on the condition of your hair. Rinse off with shampoo and plain water.

    Avocado mask with banana added. Mix the pulp of one ripe avocado and one banana, add two tablespoons of olive oil. Mix and apply to hair. Warm your head and leave for 30 minutes to two hours. Afterwards, rinse with shampoo and running water.

    This avocado hair mask not only saturates your hair with vitamins and minerals, but also perfectly heals split ends, and also nourishes and heals your hair and scalp.

If you decide to pamper not only your hair, but also your facial skin with an exotic mask, we advise you to use the following recommendations:

  • after using such a mask, do not rub your face with a towel, but simply gently blot excess moisture from it so as not to erase the protective oily layer remaining after using the product and preserve nutrition, you don’t even need to use cream, the skin will already be very moisturized and radiant;
  • It is most effective to make face masks from avocado for mature skin, to combat wrinkles, as well as to nourish and revitalize dry and dull skin;
  • for oily skin, you need to add drying and/or antibacterial ingredients, for example, oatmeal, egg white, tea tree oil, etc.

Hello everyone!

The other day I again came to the conclusion that nature has created everything to preserve and maintain our youth, beauty and health.

For example, avocado.

I have read reviews on the Internet more than once that avocado is a super product for hair!!!

This fruit can replace a whole range of the most expensive cosmetics without any side effects.

Avocado restores hair, rejuvenates skin, and heals the body.

This is truly a product of youth and beauty!

From this article you will learn:

Avocado for hair - recipes for use

Finally, I decided to test its magical properties on myself, or rather on my hair.

For several weeks I have been making avocado masks for my hair.

Believe me, it's just the bomb, avocado can change your hair forever!!!

Well at least he changed mine :)

I haven’t had such an effect for a very long time, my hair seemed to come to life, filled with strength, and shone!!!

It seems to me that they have even grown up!!!

In general, let's talk about everything in order.

First, let's take a quick look at what is so unusual about avocado that makes it so beneficial for hair.

What is an avocado?

Avocado, or Perseus americana (lat. Persēa americana) - evergreen fruit plant; species of the genus Perseus of the Laurel family ( Lauraceae).

What does avocado contain?

Avocado contains many important phytochemicals, antioxidants, vitamins A, E, D and B6, amino acids and minerals such as potassium, copper, iron and magnesium.

But most importantly, fatty acids (it has a high fat content - almost 30%), which provide our hair with nutrition and intense hydration, retaining moisture in the hair cells.

  • Therefore, avocado promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss.
  • Adds shine to dull hair.
  • Strengthens hair roots, restores damaged and lifeless hair.

And indeed it is!!!

After I rinsed my hair with the avocado mask, I immediately felt a difference.

The hair was very easy to comb, shiny and smooth. Come alive!!

Avocado hair mask recipes

Well, now, my recipes for homemade moisturizing avocado hair masks.

I tried several masks and eventually settled on two that I liked the most.

Moisturizing avocado hair mask

This mask is great for dry, weakened hair that looks like tow.

It nourishes and restores hair well.

Composition of the mask:

  • Half a large ripe avocado
  • Half a ripe banana
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon homemade mayonnaise

Useful properties of components

  • Banana is a nourishing and moisturizing component for hair, enriching it with all useful vitamins and minerals.
  • Olive oil - ideally restores hair structure, saturates with vitamin E, moisturizes and nourishes.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Ideally, it is best to make yours from yolk and vinegar. This is a universal product that nourishes hair, increases blood circulation in the scalp, and gives hair shine and smoothness.

Preparing an avocado mask

Grind the avocado and banana in a blender until pureed.

A soft, ripe avocado is best suited for these purposes. If the avocado is hard, try to chop it as finely as possible. This is necessary for better application to the hair and subsequent easy rinsing of the mask from the hair.

  1. Add mayonnaise and olive oil to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly.
  2. Now comes the hardest part: applying the avocado mask to your hair.
  3. I recommend doing this in the bathroom above the sink.
  4. Wet your hair and try to apply the mixture evenly over the entire length of your hair, massage and put a shower cap on top and wrap your head with a towel.
  5. Leave the mask on for 30 minutes.
  6. Rinse your hair thoroughly with warm (not hot water) and shampoo and let your hair dry naturally.

Homemade avocado masa - for volume, growth and hair restoration

Mask composition:

  • 1 overripe avocado
  • 1 yolk
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice

Useful properties of the components:

  • The yolk is rich in B vitamins, vitamin A, zinc, sulfur, and lecithin. All this provides the necessary nutrition to the hair roots. Promotes hair growth. Moisturizes and nourishes hair cells.
  • Sulfur and vitamin B12 help increase hair volume. The high sulfur content of egg yolks helps reduce itchy scalp and dandruff. Makes hair silky and soft.
  • Lemon juice strengthens hair roots, enhances hair growth and adds shine.

Preparation of the mask:

  1. Prepare avocado puree, add the whipped yolk, lemon juice and mix until smooth.
  2. Apply the mask to damp hair, put a shower cap on top and leave for 20 minutes.
  3. Then rinse the mask thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.


  • If you really want to improve the condition of your hair with the help of avocado, make masks at least twice a week.
  • For severely weakened hair, the moisturizing mask can be left on overnight.
  • It is best to use a soft, ripe avocado for making masks, from which you can very easily make a puree.
  • When washing off your mask, be sure to protect your drain.

Now I can say for sure and with confidence that avocado masks are a unique remedy for hair restoration and care.

And I also wanted to add, don’t throw away the avocado pit. This is an excellent natural massage product. Just massage her tired muscles and you will understand everything yourself.

Be sure to try avocado fruit for hair or!

Especially if your hair is very weak,