If you smear your face with olive oil. For oily facial skin. Olive facial soap

Do you want to have well-groomed, velvety skin and delay the appearance of wrinkles? It's worth getting a bottle of olive oil. It is useful not only in salads - it is one of the most desirable for the skin. It is more accessible than exotic oils; you don’t have to look for it in a pharmacy - just look at any supermarket. But you shouldn’t take the first thing you come across: in order for your skin to get the maximum benefit from olive oil, you need to choose it correctly.

The benefits of olive oil for the skin of the body and hands

It contains a large amount of antioxidants, especially vitamin E. This means that olive oil perfectly binds and removes free radicals and other harmful substances. Vitamin E is called the vitamin of youth - thanks to it, the skin maintains firmness, elasticity, and remains smooth. And existing wrinkles are gradually smoothed out.

Olive oil is indispensable for dry skin of the body: it replenishes the moisture balance and allows it to be retained inside the cells. A large amount of fatty acids saturate every cell with useful substances, stimulate the processes of cell growth and renewal.

The benefits of olive oil for skin are that it helps:

  • relieve inflammation and irritation;
  • heal microdamages;
  • restore the lipid barrier of the skin, so it is necessary for caring for dry hand skin;
  • neutralize the effects of detergents and harmful elements accumulated in the skin;
  • dissolve impurities and deeply cleanse the skin;
  • nourish it with vitamins and other valuable substances.

Is there any harm from olive oil?

When used externally, olive oil is harmless to the body. In isolated cases, it can cause redness and irritation - in case of individual intolerance. Therefore, it would be a good idea to do a test on your wrist.

How to choose the right olive oil for the skin of your hands and body?

It is very important to know which olive oil is best for your body and hands. The skin in these areas often suffers from a lack of moisture and nutrients. Therefore, you need to choose unrefined, cold-pressed oil - it is the most concentrated and healthy. With regular use of this product, you can completely abandon industrial creams and lotions. It has a similar effect. However, olive oil will make your skin look more well-groomed.

How to use olive oil for the body?

is a relatively inexpensive but very useful ingredient that is often included in many products. But the percentage of olive oil in the composition is small - this is not enough for complete skin care. Therefore, it can be used additionally:

  • to enrich hand and body cream;
  • as part of oil masks, wraps;
  • as a basis for massage mixtures;
  • as an independent product for skin care, especially dry and aging skin.

Olive oil and body massage

Olive oil for body massage can be combined with other base and essential oils. It can be used for:

  • general massage – it promotes muscle relaxation;
  • back massage - in this case, the oil helps fight the manifestations of osteochondrosis, improves blood circulation, reduces salt deposits;
  • anti-cellulite massage – effectively moisturizes the skin, reduces the appearance of uneven skin, improves metabolism, and helps eliminate toxins.

Is it possible to anoint your skin with olive oil?

You can lubricate your body with olive oil. This will help eliminate dryness, have a rejuvenating effect, reduce wrinkles and prevent the formation of new ones.

You can lubricate your body:

  • after showering 2-3 times a week to maintain moisture balance;
  • after tanning in the sun - to reduce the effects of the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation;
  • after the pool and swimming in a pond;
  • for the prevention and control of cellulite. In this case, it is useful to add a few drops of orange, grapefruit, cedar or juniper oil.

Such body masks with olive oil at home (like) can be applied to dry skin and not washed off. Or use it as a wash-off mask-wrap before a shower.

Is it possible to lubricate your hands with olive oil?

The skin of the hands is constantly exposed to external influences - temperature contrast, contact with water and soap. The skin here is thin, there are no sebaceous glands. Therefore, it is worth washing your hands again, as lipid balance worsens. The skin flakes, itches, becomes inflamed, and painful microcracks appear on it. Therefore, applying olive oil to your hands is not only possible, but also necessary. In this case, it is enough to lubricate your hands with it once a day (at night).

You can combine this hand mask with olive oil at home with a light massage, and then put on cotton gloves.

How to properly apply olive oil to your skin?

Let's note a few tips on how to properly smear your body with olive oil. It is important not to overdo it and not to pour too much oil. Apply a few drops to your palm, spread over the desired area, gently rubbing. There is no need to rub or stretch the skin too much.

If the oil is absorbed very quickly, or the initial amount is not enough to cover the entire area of ​​skin with a thin layer, then add a few more drops.

What can replace olive oil in a body mask?

This oil has a balanced composition and richness. For example, it contains several times more fatty acids than sunflower. Therefore, when choosing between these two oils, you should choose olive oil.

If replacement is necessary, then coconut or shea butter will do. They also boast a large number of nutritional components and antioxidants, are quickly absorbed, and have similar properties.

Legend has it that the goddess Athena gave the olive tree to the Greeks. In that distant and immemorial time, olive oil was treated with due reverence and was called liquid gold. And all because it is very useful and can be useful not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology.

The era of the ancient Hellenes has passed, but modernity has not forgotten the value of Athena's gifts. That’s why there are so many different shampoos, conditioners and creams on store shelves that contain this miraculous herbal remedy. The article will tell you in detail how to most effectively use olive oil on your face.

In contact with

Olive oil for the face brings undeniable benefits. This is evidenced by reviews on the world wide web. Some ladies write that it removes greasy shine. The skin after it is fresh and elastic. Positive reviews inspire many women to use olive oil to improve their facial condition and get rid of wrinkles. Moreover, the resulting effect is completely pleasing. Ladies also leave eloquent reviews saying that olive oil is often used on the face instead of cream.

It is important to use only good quality product

Examples of masks

If there are any doubts as to whether you can use olive oil for your face instead of a cream, they will soon be dispelled.

For wrinkles

Simple face masks are prepared from olive oil. Many of them are anti-aging. Let's look at the most effective ones using components other than the main one:


One tablespoon of cottage cheese (fat) is mixed with the yolk. Then add 1 large spoon of olive pomace. Keep the product on the face for up to twenty minutes. Rescue for dry skin.


Take honey of a liquid consistency, one spoon is enough, and then all this is safely mixed with egg yolk and olive extract. The yolk contains many nutrients, and honey helps heal wounds and eliminate acne.

Products for preparing the mask must be taken at room temperature

Sour cream and grapefruit

Mix a small spoon of thick sour cream with grapefruit juice (a small amount, up to a few drops), and then add half a small spoon of the main product. Apply to the skin of the face in the same way as stated in the second recipe.


Potato starch (a quarter cup) is diluted with ripe tomato juice. The result is tomato pulp, to which you need to add oil (a teaspoon). Keep for a quarter of an hour. Unsurpassed care for facial skin with enlarged pores and early signs of aging.

With turmeric

A large spoonful of potato starch is dissolved in cool water. The result is a mass that looks like sour cream. The next step is a small spoon of oil and turmeric. Keep the mask on for 10 minutes. The product has a tightening and smoothing effect. Contraindicated for sensitive facial skin.


Add a little oil to cosmetic clay. The result is a thick mixture. Few people know how best to apply olive oil to the face along with clay, and they make many mistakes. The layer should be even, there should be no clay around the eyes. You can wash it off after 15-20 minutes.


You need to take the same amount of olive extract and lemon juice. A little better. Then apply the mixture to your face. As for the area around the eyes, at best it should not be affected. But what is useful about olive oil for the face with the addition of lemon juice is that it has a good lifting effect.

The mask is prepared immediately before use

Wheat-egg with chamomile

Two large spoons of warmed olive extract, a small spoon of chamomile infusion, whipped egg white and wheat germ oil - and the product is ready for use. The mask stays on the face for thirty or forty minutes.

With the addition of cocoa butter and beeswax

To begin with, you should melt a tablespoon of wax, and then add an extract of olive and cocoa (2 tablespoons each). After the previous steps, gauze is moistened in this consistency, which should be used to cover the face. Keep for a third of an hour. The mask smoothes out wrinkles on the forehead and in the nasolabial triangle area.

Mask with banana, avocado and carrot juice

First you need to mash 1/2 banana and 2 large spoons with a fork. Then add two tablespoons of oil and carrot juice. Everything gets mixed up. The mask is applied 2 to 3 times a month. It whitens sensitive facial skin.

Kefir-oatmeal with starch

Mix a large spoon of the main product (preferably warm) with starch (two teaspoons). Then you should add a large spoonful of oatmeal (pre-chopped) and pour in two large spoons of kefir. Apply the mask two to three times a month. It perfectly cleanses oily skin.


Olive oil not only smoothes out wrinkles. It, like a spring, saturates the skin with life-giving moisture. A few examples of how to prepare moisturizing masks:


The clean olive pomace is heated. Then the face is thoroughly lubricated with lotion, and after that with oil, which should be kept for about a third of an hour. The product is carefully removed with a napkin or towel. Particularly flaky areas are treated four times a day.

Virgin oil is the most beneficial


A quarter of an apple is grated, then mixed with half a teaspoon of oil. Then three drops of vitamin E are added. The mask is applied to the area around the mouth for a quarter of an hour. Refreshes the skin well.

Honey and onion

The onion must be baked in the oven or in the microwave, and then ground into a paste. Next, add one teaspoon of honey and the same amount of the main product. The procedure time is no more than 20 minutes. Perfectly helps to cope with unpleasant dryness of the epidermis.

Using pharmaceutical alpha-tocopherol, egg yolk and aloe

To prepare this useful remedy, you need to mix one yolk, two large spoons of olive squeeze and one teaspoon. At the end, alpha-tocopherol (3 drops) is added. The mask is applied in an even layer for twenty to thirty minutes.

Fruit and vegetable

For oily and combination skin, it is advisable to give preference to orange, tangerine and kiwi; for dehydrated - cucumber, melon, apricot, carrots, and potatoes; for normal - apple, strawberry and currant. Fruits and vegetables are pureed. Then one tablespoon of this paste is mixed with one large spoon of olive oil. The mask stays on the skin for a third of an hour.


The cucumber and banana are alternately grated (coarse or fine, as desired), then two tablespoons of olive pomace are added to the resulting pulp. A moisturizing session lasts about half an hour. It perfectly refreshes sensitive skin.

Similar masks are used in some salons

Mask with cream and kelp

Thirty-four grams of algae are poured into hot tea. It is recommended to leave the solution for eight hours. Then add butter (15 drops) and twenty-three grams of cream. The infusion is distributed over the entire surface of the skin. Hold for forty minutes. Sufficiently saturates dry skin with moisture and eliminates sagging.


To prepare the product, take an extract from olives, thicker cottage cheese and mix it all in proportions of two to one. Keep it for no more than half an hour. If you smear your face with olive oil and cottage cheese, this will provide dry skin with sufficient hydration, as well as gentle cleansing.

Benefits for the body

Olive oil is also good for the body, both on its own and as a so-called “seasoning” for various creams and balms.

Can I apply it after a shower?

Olive oil is actively used on the body after a shower. If there is no intolerance, or the skin does not become oilier after using it, then it will be an ideal assistant for ongoing care.

Some ladies find it difficult to decide whether it is possible to smear the body with olive oil after a shower or whether it is best to refrain from doing so. After all, this product has a high degree of fat content. That is why it is recommended to apply it a little. The use of olive oil for the body is as follows:

  1. The olive squeeze is evenly distributed over all parts of the body, especially attention should be paid to those places where the epidermis is subject to significant drying.
  2. After everything is absorbed, you need to remove excess with paper napkins.

The oil is also mixed with body milk. This additional care will be very pleasant.

How to use for massage?

For body massage, olive oil is one of the most advantageous options. It is advisable to give preference to an unrefined product. The epidermis will receive a maximum of micronutrients. This oil has a very good effect on the skin, which is most prone to clogging pores.

Before the procedure, it is advisable to slightly warm the product in a water bath. The main thing is that it is not hot. After this, the oil is applied to the palms and rubbed thoroughly.

The massage is done with smooth stroking movements. The body must be clean. After the massage, the product is not washed off.

For facial massage, it would be a good idea to stock up on a massage brush. It is better to choose bristles that are not hard: the softer, the better. In this way, dead skin particles are exfoliated. The brush is also used to massage the thighs and buttocks.

Olive pomace can be mixed with other ingredients. Eg:

  • with sea salt - if you do an anti-cellulite massage in the shower;
  • with three drops of tangerine essential oil and four drops of grapefruit – a good option for a regular massage designed to combat cellulite;
  • the oil is mixed equally with lemon juice, then the skin of the face is gently massaged;
  • 3 or 4 drops of essential oils of flowers such as geranium, ylang-ylang, lavender are added to olive and avocado oil (in equal proportions) - this helps to relax muscles;
  • peach kernel oil should be mixed with rose oil (so that the epidermis receives a certain boost of vigor, the latter component is replaced with pine or tangerine oil) - an excellent choice for those who need to relax the whole body.

How does it affect the skin?

The benefits of olive oil for the face and body are obvious. The unique composition of this product plays a big role in this. Vitamins A and D help renew dead skin particles and provide protection from street pollution and gas pollution.

Carotene protects against direct exposure to ultraviolet rays. In addition, the oil is used for sunburn. This fully explains how olive oil affects the skin of the face.

Olive pomace contains many monounsaturated acids. Thanks to them, the skin can boast enviable elasticity. They also prevent loss of precious moisture. This is why oil is so useful for moisturizing the epidermis.

Many ladies ask the rather sensitive question of whether it is possible to smear their face with olive oil if their skin suddenly becomes covered with acne. Quite, because it is active, softens. The herbal product is actively used for psoriasis. Of course, it will not be able to cure the disease, except to relieve the discomfort.

Is there any harm possible?

Olive oil for the face brings not only benefits, but also harm. We are talking about its excessive use, because everything is good in moderation. The product is contraindicated if unwanted redness occurs.

Olive squeeze is not always beneficial for skin with enlarged pores. Therefore, there are very few masks of this type. If the problem is how to use olive oil for the face in this case, then it can be solved.

Olive oil also brings enormous benefits to hair. Thanks to it, each hair follicle is saturated with nutrients. Beneficial effects of oil on hair:

  • saturation with the necessary amount of moisture;
  • prevention of dryness, brittleness;
  • strengthening and eliminating dandruff;
  • protection from adverse external factors;
  • shine and silkiness.

Olive oil is great for hair loss, giving it health and natural shine. It also nourishes the scalp well, relieving itching and various redness.

For owners of long strands, this product will be a real lifesaver. The sebaceous glands do not always cope with their main task and do not have time to enrich the curls from beginning to end with micronutrients. The result is disappointing - split ends and brittle strands. And if you use oil regularly, you can solve this problem.

Useful video

As already noted in the article, olive oil is a wonderful product that can carefully care for the skin, preserving its youth and beauty:


  1. The effect of olive oil on the skin of the face and body is completely beneficial.
  2. It promotes active nutrition, hydration, and eliminates wrinkles.
  3. Masks are prepared from olive pomace; it goes well with fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and essential oils.
  4. Worthy competition for creams. The product is applied to the body after a shower and used for massage.

Natural cosmetic oils are the most effective and affordable products used for quality facial care. They do not contain any impurities, so this use is safe even for sensitive skin. The use of oils in home cosmetics is widely used to solve various problems, and in their pure form they can replace face cream.

The benefits of using natural oils

In terms of properties, composition and depth of influence, oils are significantly superior to most ready-made cosmetics. In addition, to improve consumer properties and increase shelf life, synthetic components that can cause allergies are often added to purchased cosmetics.

Advantages over ready-made creams

  • The composition of the oils is close in structure to human sebum, so the skin reacts very well to them;
  • Almost any of them can be used as a cream, mask and makeup remover;
  • Oils can be purchased at any pharmacy, and they are much cheaper than cream;

What skin problems are solved and who is suitable for them (table)

Oil/skin type Normal Fat Dry Sensitive Age Skin of the eyelids
Olive+ - + + + +
Shi+ - + + + +
Coconut- - + - - -
Creamy- - + + + -
Peach+ + + + + -
Almond+ + + + - +
Rosehip+ + + + - -

Rules for use instead of cream

  1. Use no more often than every other day.
  2. Follow recommendations for skin type.
  3. Apply to clean, slightly damp skin.
  4. If you are oily, do not leave the oil on your face for more than half an hour.
  5. Such products cannot be rubbed in; they must be applied along the massage lines with light pats.
  6. It is not recommended to use both oil and cream on the same day.
  7. Excess, which appears as a visible shine on the face, should be removed with a paper napkin.


In its pure form it is suitable for the care of all skin types, except oily. If you have excess oil, you can make masks with olive oil, use it to remove makeup, but you shouldn’t use it as a cream, because it can clog pores.

Olive oil perfectly nourishes dry skin, eliminates tightness and flaking. During the cold season, the face may suffer from temperature changes and wind; in these cases, the product will save you better than any cream: you just need to apply it in a thin layer to the affected areas of the skin (regardless of the type) and leave until completely absorbed. It is best to do this procedure at night, because during sleep the epidermis regenerates as quickly as possible.

Olive oil softens dry skin and prolongs its youthfulness

One of the most important properties of olive oil is the activation of collagen production, which is responsible for skin elasticity and prevents the appearance of wrinkles. With regular use of an oil composition instead of a cream, you can significantly delay fading and make age-related changes that have already appeared less noticeable. You can even apply the oil to the area around the eyes, since it also needs constant intensive nutrition.

In the care of sensitive skin, olive oil is especially often used as a cream, since it is very difficult to choose an effective product with such a composition that none of its components causes irritation. This oil is a hypoallergenic product, so even allergy sufferers with the most “capricious” skin can use it.

It is better to apply the “homemade cream” to the face a little warm, lightly tapping it in with your fingertips.

Shea (karite)

The consistency of shea butter is different from most others: at room temperature it has a dense granular structure, which changes under the influence of heat, and the product becomes liquid. It is convenient to apply it to the face with a spatula so that the oil melts from the warmth of the skin and is immediately absorbed.

Shea butter can be used as a face cream to care for dry, sensitive, dull skin. It accelerates cell regeneration, thereby increasing overall tone and elasticity. Blood flow in the tissues increases, the skin begins to “breathe” well and acquires a healthy, even color. But you should not overuse it and apply it more than 1-2 times a week - this can lead to the skin becoming even drier and blackheads appearing.

The use of shea butter is especially important in the off-season, when the body often lacks vitamins, and the skin reacts to this first of all - it becomes dull, loose and dehydrated. Firm and elastic skin is easier to cope with the daily stress to which it is exposed: applying and removing makeup, dust, wind, temperature changes. A thin and emaciated woman in such conditions quickly becomes covered with wrinkles, which are much more difficult to combat than to provide quality nutrition. Shea butter instantly brings back to life even the most tired skin, which has not been “pampered” with proper care for a long time.

Shea butter helps revitalize the driest, dullest skin

During the warm season, when the face is often exposed to the active rays of the sun, shea butter performs another important task - it protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and prevents photoaging. Moreover, it can smooth out fine wrinkles that have already appeared from excessive tanning and dehydration.


Excellent for thin, dry skin, it effectively fights even the most severe dryness and flaking, nourishes, and protects it from negative external factors.

This is one of the fattest and densest oils, so for normal, oily and combination skin it should not be used instead of cream, this can lead to clogging of pores and the appearance of blackheads. Moreover, with prolonged use, coconut oil can turn normal skin into dry, because the sebaceous glands “forget how” to work normally, and after stopping use, the skin will begin to dry out very much.

At room temperature, coconut oil looks like a solid white mass; when heated to 25 degrees, it becomes liquid and transparent. It is more convenient to apply this product to the face in liquid form, since it is usually sold in bottles with a narrow neck, and it is difficult to pick it out from there in solid form.

Coconut oil nourishes the skin and protects it from ultraviolet radiation

There is another way that will help not only moisturize dry skin, but also give it tone: liquid coconut oil should be poured into ice cube trays and put in the freezer. Rubbing your face with pieces of frozen product will give you the missing elasticity and give you silkiness.


Butter is not recommended for constant use as a face cream, because it is very greasy and does not penetrate the skin completely. This is especially dangerous for those with oily and combination skin, since problem areas where blackheads and pimples most often appear can suffer even more.

Butter is appropriate to use in cases where the face needs intensive nourishment - for example, after chapping in the cold, if there is no nourishing cream on hand. Excess “creamy medicine” should be blotted with a napkin.

For facial skin care, it is better to use natural village oil

Only high-quality butter can be applied to the face; margarine and margarine-based products cannot be used for cosmetic purposes.

Peach and apricot

Delicately cares for sensitive and inflamed skin, deeply nourishes it, relieves irritation and does not create the feeling of a mask on the face. The most problematic areas can be lubricated several times a day, as needed.

Peach oil in its pure form can even be used as a cream for the area around the eyes, since it is quickly absorbed by the skin without overloading it. Under the influence of such an express healer, it stops losing moisture, which helps to gradually smooth out small wrinkles. This is one of the few products that can be left on the face overnight.

Peach oil gently cares for thin and sensitive skin

Regular use of peach oil significantly improves appearance and helps make age-related changes less noticeable, which appear very early on sensitive skin.


It can be used instead of cream for any skin type, but it is especially effective on combination and aging skin, and also perfectly cares for the area around the eyes.

Almond oil is a real gift for owners of combination skin; it simultaneously regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands in oily areas (T-zone) and eliminates dryness where it is necessary (cheeks, area around the eyes). No commercial product has the ability to solve both of these problems at once. The main thing is not to overdo it with the amount, because an excess of any oil on the skin can lead to increased oiliness and the appearance of comedones.

This is a good product for skin care on which wrinkles have not yet appeared, but some sagging and loss of tone are already noticeable. It will not smooth out deep wrinkles, but will help restore elasticity and freshness and delay the appearance of the first wrinkles.

Almond oil firms the skin and reduces enlarged pores

If you treat your face with a thin layer of almond oil before prolonged exposure to the sun, this will help protect your skin from burns and get a light, beautiful tan.

Rosehip oil

Activates skin regeneration, significantly reduces traces of scars, scars and age spots. For example, acne marks can remain on the face for years, although the acne itself has long been gone. Rosehip oil not only helps get rid of “blue” spots, but also tightens deep enlarged pores left over from deep abscesses.

This is one of the most valuable properties of rosehip oil - making the skin smooth. By itself, it does not remove impurities, but it is very convenient to use after cleansing procedures to close the pores and prevent them from quickly becoming clogged.

1–2 times a week, rose hip infusion can be used instead of cream for any skin, but when applied to oily and combination skin, the layer should be as thin as possible and after 20–30 minutes the face should be blotted with a napkin.

Rosehip oil regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands and prevents acne.

Rosehip oil is also a good antiseptic and is recommended for use when caring for problem skin. In this case, the cells are quickly renewed and the affected areas of the skin are smoothed out. Rosehip oil helps eliminate even traces of diseases such as eczema and psoriasis.

The healing properties of olive oil have been known for a very long time. The peoples of the Mediterranean, who were the first to master the extraction of oil from olives, began to use it to cleanse the body and soften the skin. In Ancient Greece it was valued very highly, literally worth its weight in gold, because it was used extremely widely - both for food and for cosmetic purposes. The same substance often acted as currency in international trade transactions.

Since olive oil is hydrophilic, meaning it has the ability to partially absorb moisture, it is ideal for human skin. The ancient Greeks used it the way we use regular shower gel, that is, they cleansed their bodies with it. In those days, they had not yet learned how to make soap, so olive oil was a very necessary and popular product.

Nowadays, it is actively used in many cosmetic products. Thanks to its excellent balanced composition, it is excellent for the care of aging, aging and dry skin with wrinkles and pigmentation.

For external use, only oil of the “Extra Virgin” class, that is, first cold pressed, is used. The substance that is not subjected to heat treatment retains the maximum amount of useful components.

Useful properties of “liquid gold”

"Raw" olive oil contains the following substances:

  • Oleic, linoleic and stearic acid.
  • Vitamins A, E, D, K and group B.
  • Minerals.
  • Squalane and much more.

Thanks to the presence of a large number of useful components, olive oil actively nourishes and moisturizes the skin, protects it from drying out and negative environmental influences, and prevents premature aging. The nutritional component of the product allows you to restore elasticity and softness to the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles and dryness. The presence of vitamins A and E, which are important for the skin, helps the oil fight free radicals and eliminate the risk of pigmentation due to photoaging.

Squalane is a unique component that is very important for normal skin function. It helps fight various negative environmental influences, protects against the influence of solar radiation and microorganisms, promotes cell regeneration and takes part in the functioning of the water-lipid mantle.

Olive oil contains little squalane, but if you use it regularly in your skin care routine, you can achieve very good results.

The use of high-quality oil in the form of a separate care product or as part of cosmetics makes it possible to significantly improve the condition of the skin, make it smoother, denser, more elastic, and prevent it from drying out and forming wrinkles.

It can be used not only on the face, but also on the whole body. It has an excellent effect on the condition of dehydrated, dry and flaky skin, helps after sunbathing and swimming in the sea, in a pool with chlorinated water. The oil is used to care for thin and fragile skin of the neck and décolleté, helps improve the condition of nails and can even be used to care for such sensitive and delicate areas as the skin of the eyelids.

Just don’t count on the wonderful properties of olive oil and completely replace your skin care routine with it, especially anti-aging care. This is an excellent additional remedy, but for aging skin it is necessary to have more effective preparations with deep action.

Selecting quality oil

Everyone already knows that the product must be cold-pressed. Refined oil is great for cooking, but it contains too few beneficial components for cosmetic use.

Olive oil is produced in a large number of Mediterranean countries, mainly Greece, Turkey, Italy, Spain and France. Since Greece is considered the birthplace of such production and there are many large and small enterprises that produce virgin oil of excellent quality, it is better to purchase it. But Spain and Italy are also considered good producers, so you shouldn’t discount them. French oil is often more expensive because it is produced in smaller quantities and is more difficult to obtain. The quality of Turkish products largely depends on the manufacturer. You can buy excellent oil from small private companies.

Olive oil must be stored in a dark (green) glass bottle in a place inaccessible to direct sunlight.

Application of the product in different forms

In home cosmetology, olive oil is used both in pure form and as part of various skin and hair care products. It is added to face and body creams, scrubs and makeup removers, face and hair masks, applications, and compresses are made from it.

This wonderful substance harmonizes perfectly with various additives:

  1. Chicken egg yolk.
  2. Other useful oils.
  3. Yeast.
  4. Bran or oat flakes.
  5. Aloe juice.
  6. Extracts and decoctions of medicinal herbs.
  7. Cottage cheese and other fermented milk products.
  8. Starch and flour.
  9. Cosmetic clay.

It is recommended to use the oil in courses, especially in its pure form, as it can “clog” pores, especially if the skin is naturally combination or prone to oiliness. In this case, the period of use is 14 days; for dry and aging skin, the time of use can be extended to 30 days. Then you need to take a break, after which you can return to your previous mode of use. Course treatment of skin and hair has the maximum effect.

Using pure oil

You can use oil as a separate product in the following cases:

  • For compresses.
  • For removing makeup.
  • As a hair mask before washing.

Compresses are an excellent means of preventing skin aging and restoring elasticity, especially for delicate and thin dry skin of the neck and décolleté. They use cotton wool wrapped in gauze. The compress is soaked in heated olive oil and applied to thoroughly cleansed and moisturized skin. You can pre-apply active serum. Under the influence of heat, the pores will open and the components will be deeply absorbed, producing a beneficial effect.

The oil does not need to be washed off. The remains are gently beaten into the skin and the excess is blotted with napkins. A course of 10–15 compresses will help restore the density and elasticity of even very dry skin with flaking.

As a makeup remover, olive oil proves to be an excellent way to remove heavy makeup or waterproof cosmetics. It perfectly dissolves foundation and powder components, removes mascara, eyeliner and eye shadow without drying out the skin and keeping it soft and moisturized. This is the best way to remove makeup for people with very thin and dry, aging skin.

If your hair begins to dry out from the sun or sea, the ends become split and dull, applying heated olive oil half an hour before washing will help restore it to its former shine, movement and lively appearance.

It is impossible to heat oil on fire, because it will lose its healing properties. It is best to use a water bath or steam. A small container of oil can be heated in a cup of hot water.

Masks for skin rejuvenation based on olive oil

A course of the following masks will help you get a good long-term effect:

  • Yoghurt-yeast

For this mask, mix equal amounts of all ingredients, first dissolving the yeast in the yogurt. After dissolution, add oil, carrot and lemon juice. After mixing, apply in layers on the face, thicker - under the eyes and the area of ​​\u200b\u200bcrow's feet. Leave for half an hour and wash off with plenty of water.

  • With added vitamin E

Take one capsule of vitamin E oil solution per tablespoon of raw oil. After mixing, apply to eyelids and entire face. The product is not washed off, but blotted with a napkin. Can be used daily.

  • With cosmetic clay

This is an excellent home remedy with a cleansing and lifting effect. For the mask, take equal proportions of blue cosmetic clay and olive oil. You should get a mixture similar to good sour cream. Apply a thick layer and leave for a quarter of an hour, rinse with cool water, lubricate the skin with moisturizer. Do not use more than 2 times every 7 days.

  • Based on egg white and banana

The mask will contain half a ripe peeled banana, an egg white, olive oil and fresh carrot juice - a tablespoon each. Combine all components and turn into a homogeneous paste. Apply for 10 minutes, remove with a napkin, and rinse. Excellent for maintaining clear facial contours.

  • With "Hercules"

Oatmeal flour is mixed with warm olive oil to form a thick mass. It is applied to skin heated with a hot compress or steam, kept for 15 minutes, softened and washed off.

  • With added kiwi

The kiwi fruit contains fruit acids that help effectively remove dead cells, improve complexion and cleanse pores, and fight pigmentation. The fruit is turned into puree, to which the same volume of sour cream and a tablespoon of olive oil are added. If the mixture turns out to be liquid, you can add a little starch or oatmeal to it. Apply for 10 minutes.

  • On sauerkraut

For the mask you will need cabbage juice and the same amount of olive oil. To keep the mixture on the skin, add starch. Apply the mask for 30 minutes at complete rest. After rinsing, the skin should be lubricated with cream.

  • On honey

Mix a teaspoon of fresh honey with a tablespoon of oil, apply to face for 15 minutes, rinse. To enhance the effect of the product, you can add good homemade cottage cheese.

  • On glycerin

The mask includes a tablespoon of boiled potatoes, mashed, a teaspoon of butter, heavy cream and glycerin. The mixture is kneaded and applied warm for 20 minutes. Remove the mass with a napkin and wash. It is better to do the mask in the morning, since if done at night, it can cause swelling.

  • With turmeric

This product is great for stimulating blood circulation, but can cause a strong reaction, especially with sensitive, dry skin. For it, take a tablespoon of starch and dilute it with water to a thick mass. Then add a teaspoon each of turmeric powder and oil. Stir and apply, avoiding the eye and mouth area. Leave for no more than 10 minutes, rinse thoroughly.

Homemade masks are very useful, but they will give a good effect only if used regularly in courses.

Olive oil scrubs

Using olive oil, you can make excellent homemade scrubs that will not only “polish” the skin, but also effectively nourish it. In this case, the main scrubbing component can be:

  1. Sea salt. This is an excellent product for cleansing and toning skin, especially oily and inflammatory skin.
  2. Sugar, preferably cane sugar. It is a universal mild product suitable for any skin.
  3. Oatmeal, ground in a blender or coffee grinder. They are perfect for delicate and thin dry skin, even on the face.

It is very simple to prepare a scrub composition at home; just mix the base product with olive oil. If desired, you can add a couple of drops of essential oils to the mixture. This will enhance the effectiveness of the product and give it a pleasant aroma.

Facial compresses

You can use compresses with olive oil not only for the skin of the neck and décolleté. The face also responds well to such influence. It is very good to make warm applications on the forehead as a remedy for expression lines and apply oil to the eyelids, especially to the crow's feet areas.

It can be used either as a pure product or with the addition of an oil solution of vitamin E (for dry skin), rosemary essential oil or any citrus fruit for oily skin. It is necessary to first check the reaction to essential oils. They cannot be added to the main composition more than 2 - 3 drops.

When applying the compress, it is recommended to lie in a relaxed position and not talk. The duration of the procedure is 20 – 30 minutes, frequency – 1 – 2 times a week. The course consists of 10 – 20 compresses depending on the needs of the skin.


Olive oil rarely causes allergic reactions, but, like any herbal remedy, it cannot be considered absolutely safe. Even if ingestion did not cause any negative effects, before using the product as a cosmetic product, it is worth doing a basic skin test. This will save you from many unpleasant moments.