A wedding in fasting is a wedding. Why can't you have a wedding during Lent? What happens if you get married during Lent?

Summer is ideal for a wedding. But many people have a question about whether it is possible to get married on Petrov Fast, and what to do if the wedding has already been scheduled for this time. You will find answers to all these questions in our article.

When does Petrov Fast begin?

Peter's Fast is a memory of how the apostles Peter and Paul abstained from food before they began to bring Christian sermons to people. In 2016 it will last from June 27 to July 12. The start date of fasting is always counted as a week after Trinity. And it always ends on the 12th, because a holiday is associated with this day: the day of Peter and Paul. That is, in different years the fast may be more or less long. Like any fast, it involves abstaining from certain foods.

What is marriage in the understanding of the church?

In order to understand whether it is possible to start a family during Lent, it is first necessary to clarify what, in principle, the church understands by marriage. Surely you are now thinking about the registry office and painting in front of witnesses. However, for the church this event, so important to you, has absolutely no meaning. The fact is that the now official way of concluding a marriage has no relation to the sacrament of wedding, which is the starting point of the life of a new family.

The Church considers as family the couple who came to church and entered into their union before God. Therefore, if we are talking about painting in the registry office, then you are not violating absolutely any prohibitions. However, here a lot depends on how much of a believer you are and whether you observe fasting yourself. Don’t forget that before the wedding, the bride and groom need to receive communion and confession.

If you are still a fairly deeply religious person and want to get married, then for the church sacrament you will be offered a date after July 12. Perhaps, to a certain extent, this is even beneficial for you, since you can not carry out a pompous formal registration at the registry office, but at the end of the post you can already get married and have a real wedding. The fact is that the church, as a rule, does not perform weddings without official registration. There is a very simple explanation for this: today clergy do not have complete information about who is married and who is not. They are all kept by the registry office employees. They do not marry without registration in order not to unite people who already have another official family.

Why doesn't the church celebrate weddings during Lent?

Not only during Lent, but also on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, the church does not hold weddings. Also, this sacrament is not performed on the eve of the twelve feasts and on some other dates. Fasting implies spiritual cleansing, which all believers should strive for. A wedding involves fun festivities and intimacy between spouses. Agree that these are two completely incompatible things. After all, it is believed that pacification of the flesh is a stage on the path to enlightenment. And such an important event in life as a wedding should not have restrictions. Therefore, for believers, it is most advisable to postpone it to an earlier or later period, and during fasting - to fast and take care of your soul.

About the wedding in Lent

As already mentioned, in fact, nothing and no one prohibits you from formalizing the relationship. But outside the church. If you agree to this, then you can quite happily prepare and celebrate one of the happiest days of your life. If you are deeply religious people, you can get by with a modest family dinner without large celebrations. Slightly less religious people can arrange a full-fledged wedding. Another point that is better to find out in advance is whether among the guests there are those who observe Peter’s Fast, and think about having at least a few Lenten dishes for them.

Astrologers have noticed that there is a certain pattern between the wedding day and the happy life together of the newlyweds. You can find out how prosperous your marriage will be using the lunar wedding calendar for June. Best wishes, and don't forget to press the buttons and

23.06.2016 03:05

One of the pressing issues during Lent is what to eat so that you are nourished and...

Most modern lovers, when choosing a wedding day, first of all pay attention to the month and day of the week, and strive to match the celebration to a “beautiful” date. Some turn to astrologers and the lunar calendar for advice, being in the sincere conviction that family well-being depends on the location of the heavenly bodies at the time of marriage.

The bride and groom, as a rule, learn about the existence of church recommendations regarding the appropriate time for a wedding from the older generation after the day of registration with the registry office has been chosen, applications have been submitted, and the restaurant has been booked. It is then that older relatives begin to lament the violation of religious rules and promise the young family all sorts of troubles. So what should you remember so as not to find yourself “between two fires”?

  • Believers know that there are many dates and periods in the church calendar when it is strictly not recommended to organize noisy celebrations with a large number of guests, table abundance and wine drinking. These include most of the Great Holidays, Maslenitsa and Easter weeks, Christmastide, as well as the four main Christian fasts: Great, Petrov, Dormition and Christmas (Filippov). Naturally, you should not get married or plan wedding festivities on these days either.
  • Newlyweds who have planned a wedding in addition to the civil ceremony should definitely contact the temple in advance. That is why they are guaranteed not to be able to break the church ban and will not go down the aisle during one of the fasts. Indeed, on these days, weddings are simply not held in all churches.
  • However, regarding the civil ceremony during Lent, church officials differ in their opinions. Some of them do not see such a deviation from the rules as a great sin. The majority categorically do not recommend indulging in fun on special days of abstinence and humility for believers. After all, the asceticism of fasting days concerns not only and not so much physical as spiritual joys. In this matter, young people must listen to the dictates of their conscience and remember the traditions of their ancestors.
  • Another good reason for postponing the wedding celebration to one of the fasting days is the sinfulness of marital relations during Lent. But such abstinence, common for experienced believing spouses, is completely unthinkable for lovers who have just united their souls and destinies into a single whole.
  • Those newlyweds who do not want to violate the church charter and set the wedding day on one of the fast days should know that in addition to the four main fasts, weeks and Christmastide, all Tuesdays and Thursdays are prohibited days for weddings. In addition, the church does not hold weddings on the pre-celebration and feasts of the Beheading of John the Baptist (September 11), as well as the Exaltation of the Precious and Life-Giving Cross of the Lord (September 27).
  • If for some reason you have decided to get married during one of the fasting days, then when choosing a holiday menu you should think about the believing guests. Be sure to provide them with non-frugal dishes on the table.

For some reason, most people now consider holding a wedding during Lent a great sin. But it is not so. Of course, there are some prohibitions on these days. But as for the wedding, everything is not as sad as it might seem at first glance. Let's look at this issue in more detail.

What does the church say about this?

To be precise, the church does not place any prohibitions on holding a wedding during Lent. Moreover, a wedding and registration in the registry office are completely different things. In the first case, you register your relationship with the state, with each other, with guests, relatives, and so on.

In the second case - before heaven, God. In former times, almost no wedding was complete without a subsequent wedding. That is why the church forbade weddings during Lent. Now times have changed. Many young couples get married, but not all of them go on to get married.

Nowadays, a marriage that is concluded in the registry office is considered official, so the question of banning weddings during Lent can be removed. You can safely apply and get married these days. By doing so, you will not do anything sinful or terrible. The main thing is to love and respect each other.

If you want to get married after the wedding, you definitely decided this, you both came to such a serious step, then the second celebration should not be cancelled. You'll just have to move it a little. Look for the positives - you will have two opportunities to celebrate your wedding, two holidays. Is it bad?

Features of celebrating a wedding in Lent

They certainly exist. And they should be followed. There is no need to make the holiday table completely lean. But it is advisable to add such dishes to the menu. Usually people who fast are present at the celebration. Therefore, it will also be important to take their interests into account.

Dishes made from fish, seafood, fruits and vegetables are very good for the Lenten table. They won't spoil the feast in any way. On the contrary, they diversify it. For those who are fasting, you can add red wine to the list of alcoholic products. It is allowed during Lent.

It is believed that people who observe and fast should not attend the wedding. This mainly concerns marriage registration. But now they can come to the restaurant. This is not prohibited. But if one of your guests refuses, it’s okay, it’s their business.

There is no need to be upset or blame them for such a choice. No one has the right to judge your couple for deciding to get married during Lent. You just shouldn’t force fasting people to eat foods that they shouldn’t. A person has the right to choose what and how to do.

You should understand that people who adhere to fasting may not be at your wedding until the very end. This is fine.

On the question of whether it is possible to rejoice or have fun during Lent. Of course, it is better to avoid carnal pleasures on this day. But, of course, no one forbids you to rejoice, have fun, celebrate your marriage cheerfully.

All competitions that will be held must be romantic and fun. It is better not to allow any piquant moments in them. It's a post! Bachelor and bachelorette parties should also be quiet and peaceful. Nothing bad will happen if you conduct everything nicely and beautifully, without excesses.

If the newlyweds are deeply religious people, then the celebration itself can be postponed a little. You can sign your name calmly, without guests or fuss.

But the celebration can be postponed to the time when the fast ends. During Lent itself you can sign your name, take a photo and go on your honeymoon.

The respondents will probably be divided into two camps: ardent opponents of weddings during Lent and those who choose wedding dates based on their own desires and possibilities, and not on the Orthodox calendar.

Life story

As a clear example, I’ll tell you my story. At the time when my beloved proposed marriage to me, we both worked at a city-forming enterprise. Coordination of vacations was a separate, painful topic. It was unrealistic for the two of us to leave at the usual time of year for a wedding - summer or autumn.

The more or less warm month that we could have been allocated for vacation turned out to be April. It was unbearable to get married, so we agreed to the authorities and went to apply for April 12th. It so happened that this day fell not only on Cosmonautics Day, but also Lent. My husband is an atheist, I am a believer, but not enough to regularly attend church and strictly observe fasting. Parents and even our grandmothers did not see anything wrong with the fact that we chose this particular date. “The main thing is love,” they said in response.

Nature also favored us, giving us a beautiful sunny day, the air temperature on which exceeded 20 degrees Celsius. 8 years have passed since then, we are still together, we love each other even more, but there has never been such a warm April.

Weddings during Lent are strictly prohibited. In extreme cases (for example, if the groom is going into the army), a written request is submitted to the ruling bishop. Only he can give permission in this case.

A modest registration or a banquet?

The clergy are almost unanimous on this matter: it is not considered a sin to register a relationship in the registry office during Lent. But it is better to postpone the feasts to a more favorable time. For example, calling family and friends to a banquet on the occasion of a wedding, which can take place immediately after the end of the fast.

This option is also suitable for modern newlyweds who, instead of a magnificent feast, prefer to fly to warm countries. And a symbolic table for the closest people can be set upon arrival.

If you still decide to have a wedding in Lent in all its glory, try to take into account the interests of everyone present. If you plan to have believers among the guests, order the banquet with this in mind. There should be plenty of vegetarian and vegan dishes on the table.

A wedding during Lent also involves avoiding overly frank and free competitions that can hurt people’s feelings.

It's your decision!

If you read numerous forums devoted to the topic of weddings in Lent, you can come across many of the same type of statements: “Mom (grandmother, mother-in-law) is categorically against weddings in Lent.” On the one hand, you pay tribute to your elders by agreeing to their terms. On the other hand, this is your life. If you don’t fast, don’t take communion, and don’t attend church regularly, what will a wedding during Lent change? We wrote above about respecting the interests of others during this period.

The main thing should be the faith that is inside your soul. Therefore, do as your heart tells you!

I’m very interested in what you think about the wedding in Lent!

A wedding is a significant event in the life of every person, so you want to spend this special day in a special way. It’s so wonderful to recall the happy moments of life in your memory by looking through photographs that depict joyful faces. Don't forget about restrictions. There are certain days of the year on which it is not recommended to get married. If you want your union to be strong and happy, then you should listen to the opinion of the Church and adhere to the recommendations given by the clergy.

When should you not have a wedding?

In the church calendar there are unfavorable days for weddings and weddings. A wedding in a church does not take place:

  1. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays throughout the year.
  2. During multi-day fasts: (seven days before Easter), Petrova (performed on the fiftieth day after Easter), (from August 14 to 27), (from November 28 to January 7).
  3. During the Christmas season (from January 7 to January 19).
  4. During continuous weeks (Meat Week, Cheese Week, Cheese Week, Easter Week).
  5. On the days and eves of such major holidays as (September 10-11) and (September 26-27).

Dormition Fast: is it possible to get married?

August is considered one of the most favorable months for marriage. Almost half of all weddings held during the year take place during this period. If you are planning to get married in August, then try to do it either before the 14th or after the 28th, because the church does not recommend getting married during the Dormition Fast, which falls during this period and is equal in severity to the Great Lent.

The Dormition Fast is dedicated to the Mother of God, who these days was preparing for another life. By playing a wedding or celebrating something during this period, we insult Her, demonstrating our disrespect. These days, many years ago, Our Lady spent time alone and in prayer. Thanks to her patience, She renounced almost everything earthly, praying for people and the salvation of their souls. Not every person can repeat this feat. People who scheduled a wedding for the Dormition Fast do not respect the efforts of the Mother of God, and even Her herself.

It has long been noted that marriages concluded during periods of many days of fasting are rarely happy. After all, fasting is a time of repentance, prayer and abstinence, both spiritual and physical. If you want your family life to be successful, then it is better to move the wedding date to a more suitable day. The Dormition Fast lasts only 2 weeks, after which you can get married with a clear conscience.

If you are atheists, do not pray and do not attend church, then you can have a wedding during Lent. There are situations when it is simply necessary to get married during this period. In this case, the church treats the couple with understanding and allows the ceremony to take place. You can go to the registry office and sign, but postpone the celebration and wedding in church to a more appropriate time.

Nowadays, quite often, couples get married first, and get married after some time, sometimes after a few years. There is nothing wrong. The main thing is that spouses value, love and respect each other.

If you are organizing a wedding during the Dormition Fast, and there will be true Christians among the guests, then they may feel uncomfortable at such an event. In order not to offend them, the wedding table should include not only regular dishes, but also lenten dishes.

Video: Assumption Fast


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