Happy birthday to Nastya in your own words. Beautiful congratulations to Anastasia in your own words on your birthday Happy birthday Anastasia in prose

Nastyusha, happy birthday to you. May your life change for the better every day. Let there always be a loved one nearby who will support you in any situation and lend their shoulder. I wish you not to doubt your success, constantly strive for your dreams and be sure to achieve high rewards in this life. Nastya, believe in yourself, and you will certainly succeed!

Nastyusha, happy birthday to you. I sincerely wish you to confidently strive for your goals and meet success along the path of life, to be incredibly happy and, undoubtedly, loved. I wish you great joy and constant success in business, inexhaustible optimism and eternal beauty.

Dear Anastasia, we sincerely congratulate you on your birthday, we wish you to always remain as sincere, kind and sympathetic, beautiful and unique. Be loved, healthy and happy.

Our dear Nastenka! May you always be surrounded by goodness, may you never be disappointed by injustice and evil in life. I always wish you bright days filled with bright sun, warm wind and sounds that delight your heart. Let your natural intuition always lead you on the right path. Always remain as touching, tender, dreamy and beautiful. Happy birthday!

Dear Nastyusha, happy birthday to you. I want to wish you prosperity and optimism, incredible beauty and good health, great luck and great fortune, sincerity of soul and inspiration, true happiness and magical miracles.

Our dear Nastenka! We wish that your eyes always shine, your lips laugh, and your heart loves and rejoices. We wish you to cast aside despondency and enjoy everything that happens around you. We wish you to fly like a bright comet, amaze everyone with your energy, beauty and optimism. Happy birthday!

Dear Nastenka, happy birthday. I want to wish you that you always strive for your desires and goals, that success always awaits you in any business, that you are loved and happy, that God sends you everything you asked for.

Anastasia, dear, happy birthday to you! I wish your star to shine brightest! So that everything around you blooms and sings from just your glance! You are beautiful, charming, kind, sweet, beautiful and smart! All the best and most desirable wishes to you! Be happy!

Dear Nastyusha, may your face always be illuminated by a beautiful smile! I wish you beautiful true love, incredible happiness and hundreds of successful days! Let all your dreams come true, so that life turns into a wonderful fairy tale in reality!

There is something elegant, noble and sublime in the name Anastasia. Therefore, on your birthday, I wish you to be the queen of your life. May millions of roses always be visible from your windows, may thousands of moments be happy and unforgettable. I wish you to receive hundreds of smiles every day, to have dozens of true friends, but that only one person will take care of your love all your life!

On this sunny morning
Let me congratulate you
Happy birthday, my Nastya!
And, of course, wish
Pockets full of happiness,
Laughing bag over my shoulders,
Good luck cargo trailer,
Never lose heart!
Let sorrows and resentments
They pass you a mile away,
Let insincere people
They don't meet you
May love, spring and joy
They rule the show in your destiny!

My dear Nastya,
Let me hug you to my chest!
Happy birthday congratulations
And wish from the heart,
So that love sings with you,
Like with my sister - it couldn’t be stronger!
So that good luck and fortune
Protected from all sorts of troubles.
So that the gentle sun,
Not clouds in the sky.
So that transparent dew
Kisses on the lips.
May your health be good,
Every day is like tart whiskey.

Nastenka! Today you have become another year older. I congratulate you on your name day and want to wish you courage! Yes, yes, I wish you, a young girl, courage, because it will be useful to anyone entering adulthood. May your path be smooth, but interesting, may love illuminate it with its light! Be happy!

Dear Anastasia! On behalf of our entire team, let me congratulate you on your name day! You are a very important element of our office world, we appreciate you! We wish you creative success, loyal customers, an inexhaustible flow of creative ideas. Let every Monday be a happy day! However, like Friday...

A birthday is like a milestone, after which it is customary to sum up intermediate results. Anastasia! I congratulate you and wish you only joyful thoughts, loud victories, grandiose plans! If you believe in yourself and don’t get hung up on little things, then everything will certainly work out. Live to the fullest and be happy!

I congratulate you and urge you: there is no need to be sad on your birthday, Nastya! Just as nature has no bad weather, there is no bad age in human life. Each period is attractive and unique in its own way. Let your new experience be only positive, your impressions exciting, your feelings piercing!

Dear Anastasia,
I want to congratulate you
Happy birthday
And admit without embellishment,
That I haven't had peace for a long time,
And it’s all your fault.
The image is bright and beautiful
Can't get it out of my head...
I remember the wedding day
Children's birthdays
And I understand more and more clearly -
Man has no relatives,
What is my Anastasia!
The light of the eyes is the only one!
My woman and muse,
Beloved wife!

My star, Anastasia!
Today is your birthday.
I want to congratulate you with all my heart
And of course wish...
Firstly - free happiness,
Free money - secondly,
“For this” good luck is thirdly,
Fourthly, three simple things:
Love transcendental and bright,
Good health, like a bull,
Fun as wild as a river...
The website “Pozdravunchik” is chic!

Nastya, Nastenka, Nastena!
Happy birthday, dear friend!
Everything around you today -
The closest circle is a narrow circle.
The circle is narrow, but very strong!
Do you know that it's always here
Ready to support you...
No problem for us
It's not scary when we're together!
Be happy, dream!
Achieve, believe, do not be afraid!
And don't forget about us.

Dear Nastya, I congratulate you on your name day! I want to wish you to always remain as charming as I came to know and love you. Your charm and kindness illuminate my life’s path, how I wish it could last forever! For me, you are the most desirable, the most beautiful, the best woman on Earth!

Happy Birthday Nastya,
Good luck and happiness,
Joy, fun,
Smile more often!

Let friends, girlfriends
They respect you
And bad weather, blizzards
They fly by.

Always be friendly
Responsive and sweet,
Be beautiful and loved
And the happiest!

Happy Birthday to You,
Dear Nastya.
May fate bring you
Lots and lots of happiness.

Many joyful moments
Mountains of pleasure
May good luck come to you,
And don't be afraid of trouble.

Let them be sprinkled with goodness
There will be all roads
Be more beautiful every day
And happier than many.

Today everyone congratulates you,
Nastya, Nastenka, Anastasia,
And may your destiny be happy
He will give you everything you don’t ask for.

I also wish you not to get sick
And have fun on your birthday,
And always be beautiful, look younger,
Strive forward towards joy!

Drive away your sorrows,
Dare to achieve your dreams
Be kind and beautiful
You, Anastasia!

Don't be sick and don't be sad,
Just look ahead proudly
And walk through life
Cheer up and don't be sour!

On your birthday, accept
Wish for love -
Bright and huge
Faithful and bottomless!

Happy birthday, Anastasia,
You are always impeccably beautiful
Charming and tactful
You are talented and pretty.

I wish you prosperity
From men continuous attention,
To make you smile more often
So that your eyes shine with happiness,

To be loved and loved,
To be cheerful, not sad,
So that you never get sick,
And over the years she only got younger!

Happy Birthday Nastya,
I congratulate you
Joy and happiness
I wish it from the bottom of my heart.

Health and good luck,
Tender beauty
You smile more often
Let your dreams come true!

The best qualities of my character and my whole soul are concentrated in you. I wish you happiness. Let this be a banal congratulation, but it is from the bottom of my heart. This congratulation is my prayer and my message to you. And they, coming from the mother, are the strongest.

Your colleagues, with whom you stay after hours to make the overall work impeccable, congratulate you on your birthday with a bouquet of wild flowers (you don’t like roses). Let the stars shine on this Day, they will give you a message on how best to make us a sketch that has been tormenting us for a month!!

Nastyusha - the name of spring
You give joy to the heart!
Your day is like Sunday
Like a holiday of bright beauty!
You are irresistible in grace,
You are full of youthful freshness,
Let the rainbow run happily
In champagne, with splashes of wine!

Let everything you dream about happen!
Let love reign in life,
Let happiness suddenly happen for a reason,
And it will stay with you forever!

Happy birthday, Nastya!
May fate protect you
From sadness, anxiety and bad weather,
He will give you joy and love!

Nastya, happy birthday!
I wish you bright happiness!
May the most beautiful moments
Obediently waiting ahead!

Congratulations, birthday girl Nastya,
Happy birthday at this hour!
Let life be made up of happiness,
Love, good luck and kind phrases.
Let every moment remind
Fragments of a cool movie,
And the heart often knows joy,
And life will be full of fun!

Health, good luck and happiness,
We wish you with all our hearts!
Be the most beloved Nastya -
I congratulate you today!
And on your birthday from the heart
I want to wish you -
Be lucky and happy
And always loved by everyone!

May your days be filled with beauty!
Happiness and goodness to you!
Bright sun, flowers and smiles
Let there be no failures and mistakes!

I wish you joy and happiness,
And the very minimum of worries!
And in your honor - a great feast,
And the joy is endless!

Your stone, Nastya, is malachite,
May he bestow love.
Water is your best element,
Let it make you tender.
Your talisman is a box. Let
She will be filled with the joy of feelings,
Welcome, success, and more than one!
Nastyush, happy birthday!

Anastasia, congratulations
Happy birthday with all my heart!
I send vibes of happiness -
Let your heart rejoice!

The wind whispers the name - Nastya!
The flowers of the earth smell like them!
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
May God generously reward them!

Keep handfuls of luck in your hands,
Lose your mind from love!
And a sea of ​​bright pleasures
Hold me carefully in your arms!

The most beautiful, Nastya
You will always be there!
And on this birthday,
And ten years later!
And even after twenty,
And even after thirty years,
I don't want to know anything
In addition to the brightest victories!

You are smart, successful and beautiful,
You can rule the whole world!
I really want you from the bottom of my heart
Congratulations on your birthday!
May the stars help you, Nastya!
They lead you to what you dream of!
I wish you everything you need for happiness!
And you yourself know very well what this is!

Our dear, good girl, we sincerely want to congratulate you on this sunny holiday in your life. How we want to shield you from the storms of life, always be decisive and independent and respond to all obstacles along the way with steadfastness and courage.

Nastya, Nastenka, Nastyusha!
Listen to me now:
Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations to the whole family!

Let the years rush by,
Bypassing all the bad weather!
And we wish everyone with all our hearts
Love and happiness to you!

Flowers, drinks, the table is set,
Friends with gifts are already knocking on the door.
Your birthday, Nastya, is not forgotten,
But I can’t be on it, believe me!

Now I'm far away, but I know for sure
That you miss me, love me, wait for me.
And I love you and congratulate you on your birthday,
And smile when you read this SMS!

There are very few people like you!
First of all, you're a great friend,
We've been friends for a long time, everything has happened.
And the joy of meetings and blizzards in relationships.

But, Nastya, we are still together!
On your birthday I wish you happiness,
So that life is one beautiful song
And all the bad weather was avoided!

I am not Pushkin or even Yesenin,
But today is a spring day
It's a girl's birthday,
And I couldn’t help but write a poem:

On your holiday, Nastya, I wish you
Good health and great love,
May everything you dream about come true
I know for sure that everything will be fine for you!

Nastya, you are the main thing in my life,
Beloved dear daughter!
To be the happiest and have many friends
I wish you on your birthday!

Good luck and success to you!
Forget about various doubts
Problems are solved with laughter!

Nastya is a modest and reserved person, but has a very quick mind. She sees all the ins and outs of people, but she tries to believe in the good until the very end.

I want to pamper and cherish Nastenka, so as not to offend her either by word or deed. You need to find a congratulation for her that will make her smile, but not sad.

Girls with this beautiful name are very worried about the true attitude towards them. They are romantic and want to see beauty in every person. They have a hard time dealing with insults and disappointments.

When congratulating Anastasia, try not to offend her in any way. Show softness and tenderness. Let there be a little irony in the words. Humor should be justified, not rude, and have a certain meaning.

Nastenka, Nastya, Nastasya - in any variations this name will be beautifully woven into poetry. Ladies called by this wonderful name love and appreciate order in everything. They have a keen sense of the rhythm of speech, the coherence of syllables, and readability.

How long does it take to prepare for a loved one’s holiday? Is it difficult to find the right words for him? Whatever you want to say on this day, looking into Nastenka’s eyes, let it be your congratulations.

Happy birthday to you Nastya!
May heaven protect you
I wish you a sea of ​​happiness
Be like a magnet for happiness!

Attract good people
And attract good luck
I wish you beautiful days,
You greet them with a smile!

Congratulations, dear Nastyusha,
May your beauty never fade!
Listen to my heartfelt congratulations,
Be happy and smiling always!

I wish you colorful moments
Lots of joy, fun and enthusiasm,
And in life there are only bright impressions,
After all, all dreams will come true very soon!

On your birthday I wish you
May you be the happiest
The ocean of love rocks
Let you, Anastasia.

Let storms of passion rage
And the rigging groans in the wind,
You need to stay afloat
I wish in life, Nastya.

Let the tenderness of the wave smooth out,
The caress of the storm will calm
Love by a white-winged gull
Let it fly after you.

I wish you on your birthday, Nastya,
Much love and sweet happiness!
More pleasant, wonderful moments,
Smiles, kindness and great achievements!

Always smile, be gentle and sweet,
As lovely as a rose and very beautiful!
May your birthday dreams come true,
So that you shine like the sun!

Anastasia, Nastenka, Nastyusha,
Your name is beautiful and magical.
Listen to wishes today:
Be happy forever and from now on!

May your days be varied
Full of pleasant fabulous surprises.
So that you don’t live monotonously in sadness,
She was successful, brave and happy!

But, Nastya, that’s how it will be,
After all, your name has a secret:
You attract good things like a magnet
And you remain super perfect!

Happy birthday, Anastasia!
Be successful and happy,
Be loved always.
Let your dream come true!

You bloom, live in abundance,
And let everything be fine.
Let brightness brighten the days,
There are lights on the way!

I wish, Anastasia,
On this wonderful holiday of yours,
May there be days like this more often,
When there is only peace in the heart.

Let the problems fly away into the distance,
May things work out
I want you to be happy
To smile and bloom.

What more can I wish for you?
Besides benefits and true happiness?
I wish you never to lose heart,
Be cheerful on your birthday, Nastya!

Let life flow like a colorful show
In which you are the leading actress,
Good luck with everything,
With the best luck, be forever in your share!

Happy birsday, my dear,
Excellent Anastasia.
Let there be an intoxicated soul
And there are great successes in business.

Lots of joy and health.
Not an ounce of worry.
And also, live with great love.
Well, so that my mother doesn’t get sick.

Happy birthday
From the heart to Anastasia,
We wish her joy
There is no one sweeter, more beautiful,
May they always be by her side
Happiness, sun and success,
Let her reach heights
And will outshine everyone with its beauty!

Congratulations, Nastya
Happy birthday! Hooray!
Hello, joy,
Hello, happiness,
Hello, bright time!

Everyone is healthy, everything is wonderful!
Be rich and slim!
Be loved, interesting,
Cheerful, cheerful, gentle!

Nastya, Nastenka, Nastyusha,
Happy Birthday,
Fate will fulfill your wishes
Let everything go without delay.

Feminine happiness and strength
I wish on this day,
Amaze with your talent
Even a difficult target.

Happy birthday, Nastya.
Joy in fate
Warmth and happiness,
Bright days to you!

The look of your bottomless eyes -
Uncontrollable element.
You are beautiful and dangerous
You are a miracle, Anastasia.

Happy birthday,
Be happy and kind
Enterprising, beautiful,
Seductive, sweet.

I wish you happiness
To you, Anastasia,
There's no one in the world
Let him not be happier.

Let the bird of happiness
He will touch you with his wing,
Big world to you
He will smile towards you.

Let your dreams come true
And they will take you to the edges,
Where is love and happiness
They are waiting for you, Nastenka.

I congratulate you,
Happy birthday, Nastya!
I want to rhyme you
Only with the word happiness.

Be happy always
Every day and hour.
Cheerful and sweet,
The same as now.

Beautiful, kind, smart
Stay, Nastya.
And again, happy birthday!
Happiness, happiness, happiness!

All Anastasias are cute coquettes.
You won't get bored anywhere with them.
And on their birthday they are not homebodies
They want to be like a bright star.

Nastasya, gentle creature!
We wish you a happy birthday!
Let me say from the bottom of my heart for edification,
May you always be happy.

Loved only mutually, brightly and happily,
You lived only the way you wanted!
I wish you to be successful, to always be beautiful
And there are no tears, both in life and in the soul.

My dear Nastenka,
Happy Birthday.
You are a wonderful girl
There is no doubt about it at all!

Always be a cute princess
With a kind, affectionate heart
And, of course, happy
A radiant man!

Nastyusha, happy birthday!
What a beauty you are!
Let them be in the mood
And wonderful weather.

May they bring you this day
More gifts
May there be wonderful happiness in fate
It lasted longer, Nastya!

Happy birthday
We will see you today, Nastya.
We hug and kiss,
And we wish you only happiness.

Only creative success
Whether at home or at work.
Only joyful laughter
Let you be all worried now.

So that the horizon is bright and clean,
The doors are open for everyone.
To make the heart beat louder,
Let the birds sing for you.

I wish you, dear Nastyusha,
So that you bloom like a rose,
Let joyful feelings surround you,
May you always be the happiest!

May luck accompany you
I wish you only good things and clear days!
May everything your soul desires
It comes true easily, but quickly!

On your birthday, Anastasia,
Bright congratulations to you,
You are like a bright holiday, like an element,
You are like a bouquet of emotions in fate!

Be as bright, unusual,
Charge your neighbors with positivity,
From the simple reality of the familiar
Take us into fairy tales and magic!

Happy birthday to you, Anastasia!
How I want to hug you now,
Just look and you fall into euphoria,
You are beautiful today, Nastya, what can I say!

May your dreams be like joyful songs
They fly above the ground, let their dreams come true!
Let your life be brighter and more interesting,
Never miss a chance for happiness!

You provoke men
Immediately arrhythmia
You conquer everyone with your beauty
You, Anastasia.

On your birthday I wish you
As before, to enchant,
With your wisdom, charisma,
To impress and surprise.

May fate give you
Happiness and good luck,
May wisdom always help
Solve all the problems.

Nastyusha, happy birthday, dear!
May everything in your life be excellent,
Of course, I wish you women’s happiness,
Never be sad or bored.

I want to be the first everywhere
Shine in the rays of love and beauty,
Take care of your health, nerves,
Stepping towards the fulfillment of a dream.

Dear Nastenka, happy birthday. I want to wish you that you always strive for your desires and goals, that success always awaits you in any business, that you are loved and happy, that God sends you everything you asked for.

Nastyusha, let everything be with you,
Beloved family, prosperity, happiness.
And fate was favorable,
Protect from any misfortunes.

So that you shine with your beauty,
You're getting prettier every day.
To achieve all goals,
You were lucky in everything.

Happy birthday to you, Anastasia,
May great joys await you,
Let the holiday bring goodness and tenderness,
There will be happiness and serenity in life.

Let them surround you with care,
Let them give you a wonderful mood.
Wonderful and bright achievements,
Fulfillment of all plans and aspirations.

As always, exquisitely beautiful,
Celebrates his birthday
Our dear Anastasia.
Accept congratulations as soon as possible!

We wish you luck in life
On the way to its top.
May all your wishes come true
And good loyal friends.

And let him save you from troubles
Your bright star in the sky,
Let him guide you to the true path,
Never hiding from view.

I wish you creative success,
Have a brilliant regiment of ideas,
In inspired armor
To overcome any collapse.

Keep the door open for the Muse,
She's your best friend
So that not a single talent is buried
It didn’t turn out, Nastya, suddenly.

Love, health on your birthday,
Of course I wish
Tireless movement
To dreams in the flow of being.

Dear Anastasia,
Happy Birthday.
I wish, darling,
In life, significant achievements.

To be happy, Nastya,
So that you love each other,
I felt the right way out
So that it is always intuitive.

For you, Anastasia,
Happy Birthday!
Stay nice, stay strong,
Live in joy, in motion.

Be inspired by your luck
May success come to you
Happiness and goodness to boot,
And cheerful ringing laughter!

Dear Nastya, Anastasia,
We are glad to congratulate you,
We wish you only good luck,
Happiness will not leave you!

May your birthday bring you only joy,
Sun and light and health,
May your life every day, every moment
It will be filled only with love.

Birthday greetings
For you, Anastasia,
I've never met a woman in my life
I'm more dangerous and more beautiful.

Your beauty is like the sun
And like the stars shine,
Let fate fulfill
All your wishes.

I wish that the dream
Yours has come true
May I love you all my life
She held my hand.

Happy birthday, our Nastya,
We wish you happiness
Let there be heaven on earth.

May all your wishes come true,
Let your dream come true
Efforts are not in vain,
Beauty will not fade!

Let love burn like a fire,
Let the money flow like a river,
Everything is fine at work
At home - peace, in the family - comfort!

Happy birthday to Anastasia
I’m running to congratulate, I’m in a hurry!
After all, friendship with our Nastenka
I value it very much.

May you have Nastasya
A big ball of happiness
Yes, money, apartments to boot,
A summer house in Greece with a swimming pool.

The name Nastya means
"Return to life."
Don't let them make you sad
Never doubt.

You were created for success
And for admiration,
For good luck, happiness, laughter!
Tusya, happy birthday!

I want to wish Nastya today,
So that you are beautiful like a rose,
And so that I know only happiness in life,
And I was never sad in vain!

Let your heart be warm,
Fate brings a sea of ​​joyful moments,
I wish you luck in everything,
And life gave only pleasant gifts!

Happy Birthday to You
Congratulations, Nastya,
And I wish for you
Joy and happiness.

Every day to become
You're even more beautiful
And from Nastya she turned
You're going to Anastasia.

May you be loved all your life,
carried in their arms,
All hours, minutes, days
They were joyful.

Happy birthday, beautiful and charming Anastasia. I wish you a pleasant aroma and sweet taste of life, tenderness of feelings and fidelity in love, great luck and great luck along the way. I wish you, my dear, to be stunning and irresistible to those around you, and kind, sweet and beloved to your loved ones.

The sun is shining joyfully
In the endless blue sky,
Celebrates your birthday
It is, Anastasia.

I'll take a golden ray
And on your window
I'll leave my congratulations
Happy this wonderful day.

I'll leave my wishes
Hope and love,
To be sunny and bright
There were days in life.

So that you are happy
How the sun shone,
So that happiness and love
Enough for a lifetime

Nastya is shining with beauty today,
Today is her birthday.
Let her live beautifully
And her family will be happy.

Let it be among the gifts
Everything she needs.
Let happiness be sure to open,
In front of Nastya, your door!

Happy birthday, our Nastya!
We wish you peace, happiness
In personal life and at work,
So that at every turn

Anastasia, our Nastenka, Nastasya!
We wish you a happy birthday,
We wish you only happiness in life,
May everything be wonderful in your life!

Please accept congratulations soon,
Let there be only a great mood,
We all congratulate you, Nastasya,
We wish you love, good luck, happiness and luck!

Fragile, tender,
Rebellious in spirit,
Like a princess
Floats between us.

On your birthday,
Know, birthday girl,
Your name
Brings beauty to everyone.

Long-awaited dream
Live peacefully
No major worries.

Just love,
Be calm and joyful.
Coming soon huge
Happiness will come!

Anastasia, you are like a miracle,
You illuminate the world with your beauty.
I won't wish you much
Please always be like this.

So smart, tender, light, bright,
So beautiful, sweet, unearthly,
So charming, so beautiful,
So soulful, very catchy.

I wish you good luck on your birthday,
It will help you in many ways.
I wish you a little more happiness,
I wish you all the best in your destiny!

Happy birthday, Nastya!
I wish you happiness
Joy, enthusiasm,
For victories there is space,
Super mood
Stormy fun
Have a nice day
And good friends!

Let life bring only happiness,
Let adversity be for nothing,
I congratulate you, Nastya,
Let your life be in full swing.

We know for sure, there are a lot of them.
And your eyes will light up so much,
Brighter than the stars of the night.

Dear, gentle Nastya,
I want to congratulate you.
On a sunny day and in bad weather
I'm only flying to you.
May the sun shine on you!
Let the nights sing to you!
May joy greet you!
May the angels flock to you!

Beautiful Anastasia,
We want to congratulate you on your birthday!
You are smart, successful and beautiful,
With such data you can rule the world!
May the stars help you, Nastya.
They lead you to the one you dream of.
This is the only way to achieve happiness
And you know it very well!

Nastya, you are a faithful friend,
You are a wonderful wife and mother,
We couldn't live with you without each other
We can find happiness in the world!

I wish you, my love,
So that you never feel sad!
I congratulate you today.
Be happy, dear, always!

Let there be bad weather outside the windows,
Let the cold wind blow
Let the snowflake kiss
Into a wondrous fairy tale!
Nastena, happy name day to you!

Anastasia, always smile!
May your birthday
Brings only joy and happiness,
And your smiles are for us.

More beautiful than a fairytale rose
You will always be as you are now,
Forget about tears forever!
Everything will be fine for you!

If only people could create miracles
Then Nastya would have been given the gift in full:
A basket of success, a bag of luck,
A bag of fun for your birthday,
A healthy backpack for fragile shoulders,
A tight wallet with a wad of bucks - upon meeting!

What a wonderful day today
It's my Nastya's birthday!
And I'm not at all lazy for you
Say words of love and congratulations!

And let this day pass
In smiles, joy and happiness
I'll throw it into the festive cauldron
Illness, quarrels and bad weather.

So that they bypass you
And you have never been sad in your life,
After all, you and I are on the same path,
We have love - this is strength!

You rejoice in the sun, be happy,
Good luck and success to you!
Forget about various doubts -
Problems are solved with laughter!

There is no more beautiful girl in the universe
Than the one celebrating her birthday today!
She is charming, smart, desirable and beautiful,
What is this beauty's name? Anastasia!

Nastyusha, I wish you to be unique,
And enjoy life every day,
To love, and, of course, to be loved,
And a lot of happiness - to the best Nastya on earth!

Nastya, dear friend,
Today is your birthday!
I know we can't live without each other
If I'm not around, I'm with you in my thoughts,

Let everything you dream about happen,
Let love rule in your life,
May happiness happen to you,
And it will stay with you forever!

Anastasia, happy birthday
Congratulations today!
I wish you sincere aspirations,
I wish you joy now

Always bloom in this life,
May the years not touch you!
In my heart I only wish for summer,
And always in the heart of youth!

Dear Nastya, happy birthday!
I wish there was a blue sky above you,
So that your eyes always laugh,
May happiness and love be near you
And any dreams came true!

Nastya, on your birthday
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
May love come to you
What a wonderful glimpse of heaven!

Let your life go
Carefree and calm,
Only brings joy -
You deserve good things!

Health, good luck and happiness,
With all my heart I wish
Be the most beloved Nastya -
Happy birthday to you!

So beautiful, Nastya,
You will always be there!
And on this birthday,
Well, and, of course, a year later!

And ten years later,
And even after thirty,
You won't know troubles
And you will sing and have fun!

Today is a holiday, joy and fun,
It’s our Nastenka’s birthday,
May magic happen on this day,
I wish you always be lucky in life.
May all your wishes come true,
Let fate smile sweetly,
Let your life bloom like a rose,
May happiness definitely find you.

Anastasia, accept congratulations,
On your wonderful birthday,
We wish you good health, happiness,
Let them forget your bad weather address.
May everything you want come true,
May all troubles be forgotten,
Let life give you only inspiration,
Let your mood be great.

Dear Nastya, you bring happiness,
Where you are is fun, laughter,
Long live and live long,
May success surround you.
Be beautiful, gentle, sweet,
Be always, always happy,
May the brightest star
Your path always illuminates.

Nastenka, today is your birthday,
You are worthy only of admiration
Beautiful, charming, gentle, smart,
Always cheerful and cheerful.
Please accept my heartfelt congratulations,
Let the mood be wonderful
May fate be gracious to you,
May the Lord protect you.

Your birthday is a bright holiday,
All congratulations and flowers for you,
Be protected by fate, Nastya,
May all your dreams certainly come true.
Let every day turn into a holiday,
May the bird of happiness fly often,
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
May good luck visit you again and again.

Anastasia, happy birthday
Congratulations today!
I wish you sincere aspirations,
I wish you joy now
Always bloom in this life,
May the years not touch you!
In my heart I only wish for summer,
And always in the heart of youth!

Happy birthday to Anastasia
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck,
We sincerely say today:

Your beauty blossoms
And for all the good deeds

Happy birthday to Nastya
From the bottom of our hearts today we want.
We wish you eternal luck,
We sincerely say today:
You are beautiful, so let it grow over the years
Your beauty blossoms
And for all the good deeds
May love always be hidden!

I wish, my Nastenka,
So that your dream calls you,
So that courage takes over,
So that there is not enough space for everyone,
So that every minute
Jokes went off like fireworks,
I wish you patience
On your birthday,
I wish you kindness
May your dreams come true,
I wish you again
She was happy and cheerful! ©

On my birthday
I wish you warmth
Boundless joy
And the distant road,
I wish you hope
And be a little sinful
I wish to protect the whole world,
And soar in the clouds of love,
I wish, my Nastenka,
To make the dog furry
I brought love into the house,
And so that there is peace in the soul! ©

I wish you, my charming and most beautiful Nastenka, that on your birthday the angels give you happiness. I wish you silence that rings and remains real. I wish you in my soul good songs and to paint the world with wonderful flowers. On this most amazing day, I wish you that changes for the better will overtake you. ©

I wish the most beautiful Anastasia the most unique love. I wish you a fair wind at your back, I wish you a salary in a white envelope. On your birthday, I wish you faith, hope, patience, luck, passion and marital fidelity. May everything in your life be wonderful. Happy holiday! ©

Nastyusha, happy birthday to you. May your life change for the better every day, may there always be a loved one nearby who will support you in any situation and lend their shoulder. I wish you not to doubt your success, constantly strive for your dreams and be sure to achieve high rewards in this life. Nastya, believe in yourself and you will certainly succeed!

Dear Nastenka, happy birthday. I want to wish you that you always strive for your desires and goals, that success always awaits you in any business, that you are loved and happy, that God sends you everything you asked for.

Nastya, Nastenka, Nastyusha,
Without you, the sea is dry land,
Wine is fresh water,
A holiday without you is a disaster.

Sad, fun without you -
Inspiration doesn't come
And no drops drip
Even in sunny April.

That's why we wish you
Live without knowing despondency.
Always be indispensable
Bright and unique.

Today is Nastya's birthday,
We wish her good luck and happiness.
So that inspiration comes,
And let the sadness disappear all at once.
There is a twinkle in Nastya’s eyes,
And in the heart there is a warm corner,
The soul is like an island.
Accept, Nastyusha, congratulations!

I know that you have one cherished, cherished desire. Since childhood, you have been praying for it to come true, but for some reason heaven does not hear your prayers. Perhaps just a little is missing, and if I wish your request to be fulfilled as much as you do, a miracle will happen! Happy Birthday, Anastasia! Today I pray with you!

Our ray of sunshine Nastyushenka, today is the day to count your years - your birthday. We wish that a fairy tale quietly creeps into your life and fills it with brightness, magic, miracles and great joys. We wish that on your way you meet only positive characters from your fairy tale, and every day you can fulfill one important wish for yourself.

Happy birthday, Nastenka, we hasten to congratulate you,
We would like to wish you health, joy and success,
May the Lord guide you to the true path,
We wish you to smile more and never lose heart.
May all your cherished dreams come true,
May luck always smile,
May you be lucky in everything, always,
All the best to you, prosperity and warmth.

Your birthday is a bright holiday,
All congratulations and flowers for you,
Be protected by fate, Nastya,
May all your dreams certainly come true.
Let every day turn into a holiday,
May the bird of happiness fly often,
Let hope, faith and love walk side by side,
May good luck visit you again and again.

Anastasia! Our happiness!
We must congratulate you.
Smarter, funnier and more beautiful
No maiden, woman, wife!
What can I wish for Nastya’s birthday?..
Go on the big road
Let bad weather pass you by,
Be light, be beautiful at heart!

Once again on the threshold, Nastya, your holiday,
Wonderful birthday, have a nice one
Your friends who stand in a crowd at the door,
Treat me to sparkling wine, sweet cake,
May I follow you, either to the North or to the South
A bright star will be ready to go,
May your dear friend always be by your side,
May happy years await you.

Anastasia, on the day you came into the world, I want to wish you the most pleasant memories, the most wonderful events and amazing moments. May every day please you with the warmth of your loved ones, pleasant little things, surprises, sunshine and the smiles of friends. ©

Today I congratulate Anastasia with all my heart on her name day! I wish you never to get sick, never to be discouraged, never to be sad. May life bring happy moments and many reasons for joy. Don't forget that you have close people who are always ready to help. I wish you development and prosperity. ©

Happy name day, Nastya! May everything in your life be good. May every day be pleasant and sweet. I wish you the greatest prospects in your work, climbing the career ladder, patience, good luck, love, beauty. I wish you goodness, attention and happiness. May everything be fine with you.

Anastasia, always smile!
May your birthday
Brings only joy and happiness,
And your smiles are for us.

More beautiful than a fairytale rose
You will always be as you are now,
Forget about tears forever!
Everything will be fine for you!

Anastasia, happy birthday
Congratulations today!
I wish you sincere aspirations,
I wish you joy now

Always bloom in this life,
May the years not touch you!
In my heart I only wish for summer,
And always in the heart of youth!

There are so many wonderful names. It is especially pleasant when a person’s character and appearance are in harmony with him, creating an interesting and unique personality.

Some names have become more common, others are considered rare. But each of them is still special for its owner. Happy birthday to Anastasia cannot be boring and dull. This beautiful name just begs to be added to it with warmth, affection and tenderness. Below you can find examples of congratulations for every taste.

The main event in life

Congratulations on such a special day! Birth is the main event in the life of each of us. We want to wish you to have as many memorable, bright, interesting moments as possible that will never let you be sad and upset! Never get sick! Look at the world with a smile, kindness, and let it always reciprocate!

Delicate flower

Today, accept our congratulations on your birthday! The name Anastasia is associated with songs, novels, fairy tales, and films. All connoisseurs of beauty never cease to find charm in it. Today's birthday girl is in no way inferior to her name. We wish you to bloom every day like a delicate flower, be filled with sun, warmth, and give beauty to those around you! Having chosen your path in life, boldly walk along it, achieve new goals and peaks!

Mom's little angel

I remember you in different ways: cheerful, playful, mischievous, tearful, sad, thoughtful. It was always a whirlwind of emotions. It must be amazing to have the ability to feel the world around you so subtly. Often it was not me, but you, who was my teacher and assistant. I wish you to raise the same lovely mother’s angel who will fill every minute. Be just as different, not like others. May your family and friends never leave you!

Congratulations from mom

Happy birthday, Anastasia! You are my joy, girlfriend, and also a source of positivity! I haven't met many people who were as open, sociable and kind. Often parents and children have a generational conflict, but this is not about us. In my daughter, I have always seen a wonderful person who is capable of great and good deeds! I wish you to continue to remain like this, let ill-wishers and envious people pass you by. Be happy and healthy!

Your kindness

We are all a little selfish. This happens unintentionally, but often one’s own needs outweigh the needs of others. This quality is so deep in you that it is not noticeable at all. Kindness towards everyone: regardless of the weather, mood, busyness, problems - that’s what has always amazed me! Perhaps it’s the name, because Anastasia, Nastenka, Nastyusha, Nastena are always something tender and warm. We wish to preserve this amazing gift within ourselves. Love and appreciate every day, because it is unique!

Real sunshine

Parents and lovers call people dear to them this way. This is undoubtedly a metaphor, but our family really has its own sun. You literally radiate some kind of light and energy. Even the gloomiest morning is filled with sunshine in a few minutes! Not only people, but also animals love you. They are always drawn to you. I wish you happiness, peace and harmony in your soul, warm hugs, interesting adventures. May this birthday greeting, Anastasia, be remembered for the whole next year!


As a child, you could come up with the ending of any fairy tale on your own. Everything around could instantly come to life and be transformed. Now there are a lot of worries in your life, and there is practically no room left for fantasies. Always remain a little child, fantasize and dream. May you have only good dreams! Do what you love, enjoy it, make your dreams come true!

Bright Star

I wanted to come up with a beautiful birthday greeting to Anastasia, our beautiful star! Today you hear a lot of wishes and compliments. Let their flow not dry up every day! I wish you to burn brightly in life, but not to burn out. Get inspired by every little thing. Travel the world, because there are so many beautiful and picturesque places in it, take an interest in new things, develop yourself. Shine for the joy of family and friends! I hope I was able to add a little more fun to this day!

Years are nonsense

No matter how old you are, never be sad on your birthday! Years are nonsense, just a number, but the mood that reigns in the soul is the real value. Learn to enjoy every day, season, weather. Even on a cold rainy day, you can always wrap yourself in a warm blanket, drink coffee and enjoy this moment. Remain as loving, caring, interesting and real!

On your marks!

I also prepared my congratulations. Happy birthday, Anastasia! We usually make a solemn promise to ourselves to start a new life twice a year: on New Year’s and Birthday. Nastenka, I wish you never to be afraid of change! Feel free to move forward towards the unknown and exciting. May the new year, which begins today, be bright, rich in adventures and emotions!

Love conquers all

Dear Nastenka! Despite the wishes of only rosy days, they do not always come. This annoying oversight will be corrected by one magical, but extremely effective remedy - love! Fill your heart with it and no troubles will be able to crush you. Love not only someone, but life itself: sunrises, sunsets, rain and snow. May health, prosperity and joy always be close by!

Your smile

Today I will present a cool birthday greeting to Anastasia, because her laughter transforms everything around! Even a sad passerby will involuntarily smile when he hears its ringing notes. I wish you more reasons to smile. With her you become even more beautiful! May the sun, love and luck illuminate your path in life!

Age is not a barrier

Girls pay much more attention to age than guys. Let this worry you as little as possible. Remember, you are always beautiful! Fill your life with interesting things and people, do what you love, and the years will not become a hindrance. We wish you inspiration and success in all your endeavors!

Become more mature

It was my turn to come up with a greeting. Happy birthday, girl Anastasia! Yes, yes, exactly a girl! You just became a year older. No matter how old you are, I wish you to grow up, and certainly not grow old. Let all difficulties be valuable lessons that will make life better. Take care of your family and true friends, because without them it is very difficult. Cope with any difficulties with ease. Let the sun shine brightly on you, illuminating your beautiful and smooth path!

From colleagues

On behalf of our colleagues, we have prepared a happy birthday greeting. Anastasia, you are young, smart and ambitious. We wish these qualities to help you reach new heights and increase your professionalism! Remain as sympathetic, kind and beautiful!

From my husband

Happy holiday to you, my dear and beloved wife! Many wonderful words were said today. I would like to add gratitude to them: for their patience, understanding, care, wise advice and support. Thanks to you, our home is always warm and cozy. Let your worries and troubles be only pleasant, and may prosperity, luck and happiness accompany you throughout life!

Happy birthday to Anastasia in verse

Today is a beautiful and joyful day,

Shouting “Hurray” to us is not at all lazy.

Everyone has gathered here, because there is a special occasion

The birthday of a beautiful person has arrived!

We wish her great happiness,

The sky above is blue,

Smiles, enthusiasm, a little fun

Let it be, Nastena, everything is as you want.

Every day you laugh with joy.

Drive sadness and grief far away,

And life will be great, easy!

Bouquet of daisies, birthday cake,

We will light candles on it.

A cycle of pleasant words sounds,

And the holiday is guaranteed.

We wish you everything,

And we compose together.

Today is your birthday,

Love is all you need!

Here are some wonderful congratulations on Anastasia’s birthday. The birthday girl will appreciate any of them. Pleasant and warm wishes from dear people will be remembered no less than flowers and gifts received. Surprise the owner of such a beautiful name with an interesting, sincere congratulation.