Winter wedding photo shoot location. Wedding photo shoot in winter. Pros of a photo shoot in a studio

Six months have passed since our wedding, and I still constantly watch the video, remembering and discovering some new moments. I still live this day and now I know first-hand what post-wedding depression is. This is probably the only disadvantage of long preparation - the longer you prepare, the faster this fabulous day flies by.
Despite the long, meticulous preparation, it didn’t go as expected, but first things first.
First, I want to sincerely thank all the girl brides for the useful information that I learned on this forum. I hope my report will also help someone.

My name is Natasha, my husband’s name is Alexey. We met on the night of January 16-17, 2010 in a nightclub. I don’t remember the meeting very clearly =). After dancing and drinking a couple more cocktails from above, we went to his place to “smoke a hookah.” The next day he came to visit me (it turned out that we live in neighboring areas), then the next day, then he helped with repairs, etc. In general, we saw each other every day and after 1.5 months we decided that visiting each other was absurd, and on March 6 I moved in with him, renting out my apartment.

The proposal did not come as a surprise. We started talking about marriage immediately after I moved in with him. Our views on life coincided completely, even the same professions of our fathers, the same names of our mothers and the presence of dancer sisters of the same age and many, many more coincidences. I still can’t believe that two people so similar could accidentally meet. Lesha claims that we are a clear illustration of the legend of two lost halves. Six months into our acquaintance, during a romantic dinner, I received a declaration of love on one knee and a beautiful box with a white gold ring in the shape of a flower.

Lesha fully supported my dream of my first ice dance. And back in April we bought him skates and started training, which turns out to be 14 months before the wedding.
Choosing a wedding date was easy. Or July 16 for 1.5 years of our relationship and my favorite number. Or June 11 - three weekends in a row and your favorite time of year is the beginning of summer. Still, it outweighed June 11, because... We immediately decided to hold the wedding outside the city and for more than one day, and among the guests were visitors from different cities.
So, after the proposal, we went on vacation to Turkey and in August I started studying this forum.
I wanted a classic wedding, the kind I’ve dreamed of since childhood - ransom - registry office - walk - banquet, but everything had to be presented very beautifully. For me, in general, the morning of the bride, the ransom and the registry office are the most important moments of the wedding. Because the wedding budget (approximately 400,000) began to accumulate only after the proposal - I started with small things and made a rough plan of what should be ready and when and an approximate list of guests.
They didn’t decide to have an explicitly themed wedding - only a slight bias towards sports - and even then, it was noticeable only at the banquet and in the ice skating rink. We chose the main colors – white and lilac. And away we go...


- monogram designed

Rosettes for invitations have been tied, paper and ribbons for invitations have been purchased and their design layout is ready.

- wreath on the bride's door

Invitations (26 pcs.).

- album for wishes
- sewn garter
- cushion for rings
- folder for evidence.

- cottage booked.
- videographer found,
- lilac napkins were cut, ironed and rings for them with a monogram were glued.

We were looking for a very long time, when I was already close to despair, a friend suggested this one and we immediately realized that it was HIM.
It is located far from Moscow (Konakovsky district), so they decided to have the wedding in Klin, where my parents live.

Videographer Dmitry Bandura- senior cameraman at Tver TNT. The video turned out amazing, thank you very much!

- bought rings! In Golden Gross in the Zolotov salon. We went to Golden Gross 2 times, I remember well how after the first one, closing my eyes, rings, rings, rings flashed in front of me. =)

The towel is finished (you should have seen with what eyes the foreigners looked at me when I was embroidering it while sitting on the beach in Egypt =)).

An ice dance program has been written.
- the ransom script is ready.

- Bought a dress
I have always dreamed of a lush, lush dress with a huge crinoline. I found it in a small salon in Klin. I visited 3 salons before, but in the fourth I liked three models at once, took them off and put them on several times. But in the end I decided - this is IT)

Photographer booked - Sergey Moshkov on the recommendation of my husband's friend.

– My clever husband glued together a basket for rose petals with his own hands.

Suits were made for champagne bottles.

Glasses are ready for breaking and for a banquet

Money chest

Candles for the family hearth.

- An application has been submitted - there is no turning back)
- I bought shoes at Avtozavodskaya... Phew, it took me longer to choose the shoes than the dress.
- The leader has been found. Or rather, not found, but recommended by the owners of the cottage.
- the script for the banquet was written together with the host, but as a result, almost everyone wrote and came up with the competitions themselves. The presenter sent the usual template(
- decided on the decoration of the hall.
- Bought a suit, shirt, plastron and cufflinks for the groom. All Fabio Paoloni. But I had to struggle with the shoes. It seems that there are basically no light-colored men's shoes anywhere except these... with holes. After a long search, we bought shoes from an unknown brand in a shoe store near our home.
- The Ice Palace is booked. How scared I was when, having arrived in Ledovy two days before the wedding, I saw my time in the schedule at 16:00, but it should have been at 14:00. I hurriedly went home to rearrange the entire timing of the wedding day, until))) I thought of calling the deputy director of Ice. He reassured me, said that the schedule had changed, our ice reservation remained at 14:00, as agreed)
- A playlist has been compiled and the banquet menu has been approved.

- Purchased underwear
- stockings and tights
- the second tiara, because during unsuccessful rehearsals the first one could not stand it and broke in half).
- Conducted 2 unsuccessful and one successful hair rehearsal.
- I didn’t do a makeup rehearsal, which I regretted.
- Car decorations are ready. I rented rings and flowers for the radiator, and made ribbons with flowers and bows (lilac and white, naturally) myself, horrified by the prices in wedding salons.
- A trial photo session was conducted.

The place cards are ready (which until the last day were made and thrown away - some guests could not decide whether they were going to the wedding with what party. Arrrr). - --- -- A bouquet, boutonnieres and a bracelet were ordered for the witness.
- Purchased alcohol and juices from Metro
- Finished and decorated costumes for ice dancing
(the costumes were sewn by a private seamstress in Klin, decorated with rhinestones and braid myself in order to save money)
- The timing of the wedding day and the route of the walk, the seating of the guests at the banquet and their accommodation has been drawn up (seating is MANDATORY! It’s just terrible when, upon arrival, everyone pounces on you shouting “Where am I?” “Can I go with Masha?” “But I want also with Masha”, etc.)
- Bought natural hair strands.
- Booked a honeymoon tour to the Dominican Republic
- The music and dance on the ground are ready.
- The rental program is ready.

- A bachelorette party was held on June 4.
- Cup and medals purchased
- loaf and cake ordered.

So on Wednesday June 8 I'm already on vacation! In the morning my parents come to pick me up and we go to Klin, where the wedding will take place. In the afternoon, girlfriends arrive, we rehearse the ransom, decorating the porch.
Lesha glues “Wedding Chocolate” chocolates. I printed the labels in advance.
the 9th of June I'm going to the salon to get a manicure, pedicure, help set the table, because... Lesha’s parents come in the evening to meet each other). The acquaintance was not at all exciting, probably because I had known them for a long time. After sitting at the table with them for some time, Lesha and I ran off to rehearse the waltz under the direction of my sister Nastya, a choreographer.
June 10th I run to the salon next to my house, where I tidy up my eyebrows and do full body hair removal, wash my hair at home and then... a terrible panic covers me. My pulse quickens, I can’t sit still quietly, I need to go somewhere and do something, I don’t have enough air. To distract myself, I drink a heavy dose of valerian and go with my mother to the store to buy bread for sandwiches... but the panic does not subside and by the evening I feel very bad, by the time my grandmother and other relatives arrive, my temperature rises and I go to bed at 9 o’clock , having previously signed the packages and explained to mom what and where to take...


JUNE 11 Mom runs into the room with her eyes round with excitement, “Natasha, get up.” I sit up on the bed, have time to think, “Well, I seem to be feeling fine,” and then a stylist comes into the apartment and I fall into her hands.
I bought my natural hair from Dynamo link. They screwed them up for me before the wedding. Make did not rehearse before the wedding, which she regretted. The makeup became perfect in the afternoon, in the morning it seemed very bright, but while I was sitting in the chair (2.5 hours) I felt worse and worse, in vain I tried to convince myself not to worry, the temperature rose again. And I absolutely didn’t care what I looked like. In the meantime, the videographer and photographer arrived, everyone came and girlfriends, friends, relatives came, everyone came into the room - said “ooh” and “ah” and “beauty”. And then everything merged into one continuous ball. They took me into the bedroom, where, besides me, about five other people were changing clothes, fixing their hair, powdering their nose, pulled on a dress, didn’t even tighten the corset, took a photo and made me wait for the groom, while they ran off to ransom. As if in a fog, I heard screams and laughter outside the window, and I only thought about not falling under the table.

This is such beauty

I'm sitting... waiting... and in the meantime

Here's the meeting

The ransom went sooooo quickly, and now the groom is already in the room, leaning over to kiss me, and I responded, “Don’t touch, don’t kiss, don’t pour me anything.” This is such a “romantic” meeting.
According to all those who saw me in the morning, I looked like either a mummy or a statue.
We got to the registry office quickly, there were no traffic jams, we even managed to take a photo in the park in front of the registry office.

And so, having handed over the rings, pillow and folder to the aunties, we stand in front of the doors of the ceremonial registration hall. All the guests enter the hall, we remain outside the door, we are given the last instructions, we are announced and we enter the hall to the music of Yesterday by the Beatles o_O. 😕
I listened to the receptionist’s speech, but didn’t hear it, the thought kept spinning in my head: “What kind of song was playing? I’ve been rehearsing for a whole year about entering the hall to Mendelssohn, is it possible that my hearing has become distorted from excitement?” Apart from this, everything went well, the rings were not dropped, nothing was mixed up). And then the pleasantries began in the form of congratulations, many, many gorgeous bouquets, and of course, in the arms of a loved one from the registry office, accompanied by the clapping of firecrackers and rose petals.

After a short walk and photo shoot in the city center, we went to Ledovy.
Before that, I had been skating for 4 years with breaks (starting from adulthood and even took part in the “Russian Winter” - competitions for adult amateurs). Lesha bought skates in March 2010. That is. He studied for 14 months on average a couple of times a week - minus the New Year holidays and vacation trips. I choreographed the dance (program) myself. I also thought out the sketch of the costumes myself, and a seamstress I knew sewed. I also decorated it with rhinestones, braid and sequins myself.

Everything went well, but, as with any competition, the rehearsal went much better than the skate.
It's a pity, but the videographer is smart, he collected the best pieces of the dance, it turned out to be very good in the video).
After the dance, we were interviewed for Klin news (in Klin, it turns out we were the first to rent the Ice Palace for such events)

After Ice, we hung around the cars for too long, as a result, only a couple of stops with champagne and we were already at the cottage. We hurriedly ate a couple of tartlets and went to a photo shoot in Alfares (these are stables, a 10-minute drive from the cottage). We were late, so we only had 15 minutes for the photo shoot. The manager brought out a beautiful horse, although he was very afraid of my dress, he kept dancing and drooling on the spot. With grief in half, constantly calming and stroking the horse, we took a photo. Mmmm, they charged us 3000 rubles for this. =) But a wedding is a wedding, we paid and went to the banquet.

First of all, thanks to my husband, who stoically withstood all my hysterics about “we don’t have time to do anything,” glued the basket and chocolates and met all my desires. And of course the parents who helped us financially and morally.
Thanks to the photographer and especially the videographer for capturing the moments. Thanks to the stylist who stoically tried to cover up my bags under my eyes and almost succeeded. Thanks to everyone who came and especially to the girls who had a great time at the ransom and decorated the porch. And a huge thank you to the cottage owners who helped decorate everything and prepared an amazing menu for the banquet.

Well, the fact that the wedding passed in a fog due to illness is of course very disappointing. I dreamed about this day so much, but I don’t remember almost anything with my own eyes.
And Hurray, my smart husband agreed that we would have a mini wedding again for our anniversary. I will wear a white short dress (the image is still in the planning stage), we have already rented the same cottage and will celebrate the chintz wedding as it should be. In the morning we’ll go with friends and champagne to drive around the city and take pictures, and in the afternoon we’ll go to a banquet (well, not really a banquet, more like barbecue and snacks), taking our parents and closest relatives as well. My sister will be the presenter. When he suggested it to me, I realized that all was not lost and jumped “to the ceiling” for joy. And now... I have a notebook with lists again! So my next report will be in the “Anniversary Report” thread.
And thanks to everyone who managed to read my Talmud, I tried, I hope it will be useful to someone.
And using my example, I ask all brides NOT TO WORRY, so as not to be like me on such an important and joyful day. Even if some annoying little things happen, it’s not worth it, the main thing is to be happy and not worry.

Such a celebration is chosen quite rarely; the whole point, of course, is the cold weather. Few people like to freeze and wrap themselves in warm clothes, covering their holiday outfits with them. But, despite this, a wedding in winter also has its advantages that other times of the year do not have, and it is also a real fabulous time of miracles and magic.

Pros and cons of the season


  1. Very low prices for all wedding services. And you don’t have to stand in lines at the registry office to submit an application and choose the desired date, which will probably be free.
  2. Yours the photos will resemble a real winter fairy tale, among snowy nature. And only at this time is it possible.
  3. If you are going to, then this will be a great opportunity not only to relax, but also to arrange for yourself hot summer right in the middle of cold winter and go to a warm country.


  1. The most important negative point is considered frosty weather. It is because of this that newlyweds rarely manage to have a photo shoot outside and have to come up with places to hide from the cold and take wedding photos. Also, due to weather conditions, it is almost impossible to conduct on-site registration.
  2. If you do decide to shoot outdoors, you will need to properly insulate yourself and warn your guests about this in advance. A large amount of winter and heavy clothing can cause discomfort both for the newlyweds and their invitees, which is also a minus.
  3. Enough high prices for flowers, but their variety is very small.
  4. Expensive vegetables and fruits. Also, don’t forget about New Year’s corporate parties and holidays. At this time, you need to try to find a free cafe or restaurant, rental prices which will not be small.
  5. Sometimes there's a thaw, so it’s worth remembering that both white snow and dirty puddles are possible outside. In this case, you need to be extremely careful so as not to get dirty.

Where to celebrate

Indoor locations are, of course, prime wedding venues during the colder months.

Restaurant or cafe

The most common option in winter, where you definitely won’t freeze; also, most likely, there is already everything you need for your banquet, and the decoration will take very little time. The main thing is to find a beautiful room, because most of your photos will be taken there. A fireworks display outside will be a great end to the evening.

Rent a country cottage

A house in a winter forest is a very suitable place for a holiday in the cold, especially if it has a fireplace and wooden furniture. By the way, if it’s not too cold, then you can arrange the registration and photo session right on the street, and then go inside the building to warm up and celebrate. This way, your entire wedding day will take place in one place, which is a big plus for many. There is no need to spend money on a limousine and waste time on the road, moving from one place to another.

Rent a club, hotel, holiday home or camp site outside the city

In principle, this option is similar to the previous one, only it differs in a large area and territory. This is a solution with a large number of guests, who, by the way, can easily be accommodated right in the same hotel and they will not have to leave immediately after the banquet.

Shed in a woods

This idea is with a small number of invitees. It’s also not much different from the two previous ideas: you can arrange a photo shoot and on-site registration in nature, but save on renting a huge house.

Images of newlyweds


In winter, the bride faces a particularly pressing question; here, of course, it is better to choose one made from thick fabric. There are plenty of ideas for styles of such dresses:

  • with long lace sleeves, collars or completely closed;
  • Options with a lot of decor look very beautiful and expensive, these can be precious stones, embroidery, rhinestones or pearls;
  • Modern designers also offer models with fur, in which you will look like a real snow queen.

, of course, boots or boots are better; options with fur trim will look elegant.

Advice! An interesting idea would be to put on felt boots, throw on a shawl or a warm stole and take mittens.

, these are orchids, callas and anemones. Compositions with the addition of cones and fir branches look original.

Don't be afraid to use artificial flowers or satin ribbons. And if your outfits include knitted items, then the bouquet can be made from balls of woolen threads.


A man will need to choose a suit made of warm material. You can wear trousers and a vest or cardigan. But this is still not enough for the street, because if it takes place in the fresh air, you will have to throw on a coat.

The groom, like the bride, can put on felt boots, mittens and a bright scarf. But this is only if the future wife is dressed the same way, because the newlyweds must be in complete harmony with each other.

The highlight of a man’s look will be a knitted butterfly, a boutonniere made of a cone or a fir branch.


Photos in the winter season are beautiful, and you can diversify them with various accessories:

  • mittens;
  • scarves;
  • hats;
  • shawls;
  • blankets;
  • snoods;
  • felt boots;
  • sweaters and cardigans.

It turns out interesting when the newlyweds are dressed in the same style and the same color scheme.

Only in winter you can take unique shots that will not be available, for example, ice skating or sledding, playing snowballs, or lying in the snow.

Not only things, but also animals can serve as attributes. Recently, it has become popular to take pictures with dogs such as huskies and huskies. You can also use horses in your shots. Daredevils can ride on horseback, while calmer couples can ride in a horse-drawn carriage. The most original photographs will be those with deer.

If there is no frost outside, then you can have a picnic in the forest, set up various wedding decorations: a table, tea with bagels and a samovar, pine branches.

Fruits, vegetables, flags, candles, balls of wool, frames and carnival masks will help you decorate your photo zone.

Wedding decoration


In winter time It is appropriate to serve hearty dishes to guests, because this is not . The festive table should be based on meat and fish dishes:

  • kebabs;
  • steaks;
  • roast pig, goose or duck;
  • For a snack, sandwiches with caviar, red fish and tartlets with pate are suitable;
  • hot salads;
  • and even cream soup.

As a dessert, you can offer pies, and also make a mini Candy Bar, which consists of sweets, coffee and tea. Mulled wine, which is so relevant in the winter cold, will fit perfectly into the composition of non-alcoholic drinks.

The wedding cake can be decorated with snowmen, snowflakes and pine cones.

Decoration of the banquet area

When decorating a banquet, use glass candlesticks, sculptures, chandeliers and white fabrics, and if your wedding is planned before the New Year, then it would be a good idea to decorate the hall with garlands and lanterns, and perhaps even use a Christmas tree with toys and gifts under it as decor. Place spruce or pine branches with cones; it’s good if there is a fireplace in the room.

  • silver;
  • white;
  • violet;
  • lactic;
  • beige;
  • dark green;
  • turquoise;
  • chocolate.

If you don’t like the colors listed above, then use one of the universal shades designed for any season:

  • pale green;
  • yellow;


It has become very popular in recent years. Below we will look at those suitable specifically for the winter season.


Everyone knows that the main fruit in winter is, of course, tangerines. It will be interesting and original to decorate your holiday in this style. The decor should be dominated by orange in combination with white and, naturally, the tangerines themselves.

Russian folk

Here it would be good to rent a mansion in the forest or even get by with a private house in the village. It’s interesting to come to the registry office not by car, but by three horses with bells.

Incorporate customs into your wedding day such as:

  • festivities;
  • a lot of guests;
  • fun competitions;
  • dancing;
  • bride price;
  • songs;
  • loaf;
  • as well as other details that remind you of culture.

The design of the banquet area should be dominated by red, white and black colors, wooden furniture and bright ornaments.

In the style of winter or “Winter's Tale”

Here are the main details:

  • crystal glassware;
  • expensive translucent fabrics in bluish shades;
  • silver cutlery;
  • snowflakes;
  • white pearls, sparkles and rhinestones;
  • garlands of stars and balls;
  • imitation icicles;
  • You can put compositions of snow-covered flowers, branches and cones on the tables.

Lighting in the banquet area needs to be carefully considered; it should be slightly dim and dim.

"The Snow Queen"

This theme is based on the famous fairy tale. Use glass and shiny parts that imitate ice, as well as mirrors and white in the decor.


Decorate the hall with fabrics, burlap, pine cones, moss, everything should resemble. The color palette of this theme is not bright, but on the contrary, calm - beige, dark greenish and cream shades. It would be a good idea to rent a house outside the city or a cottage for such a wedding.


Another motif that is so popular in winter. Decorate the room with knitted items:

  • chair covers;
  • candlesticks and vases made from fabrics;
  • balls.

The color scheme for this style is based on pastel shades - mint, light pink, soft blue, peach, lavender, pale yellow. It is also good to combine these colors with brighter ones, for example, take a light, cold tone as a basis, and complement it with a dark color from a warm palette. A good combination is made with white, pink and fuchsia or green, orange and purple.

In a photo shoot, it’s great to use knitted outfits such as sweaters, cardigans, mittens, shawls, hats and scarves.


This theme stands out for its varied design, because it is based on combining incompatible things. What should? Of course:

  • antiques;
  • feathers;
  • natural fabrics – cotton, burlap, jeans, linen, lace;
  • ethnic elements - silver dishes, metal candlesticks, figurines;
  • deer horns;
  • flashlights;
  • multi-colored ribbons;
  • carpets.

The main shades are beige, milky, chocolate, yellow and golden. For such a wedding, it would be great to rent a country house and hold the ceremony outside, because according to this style, the holiday should take place in nature, and then you can go to warm up and celebrate indoors.

New Year or Christmas

New Year's attributes should be present here:

  • decorated Christmas trees;
  • beautifully packaged gifts;
  • Garlands;
  • wreaths for the New Year;
  • It’s good if there is a fireplace in the room.

It would be interesting to make a bride’s bouquet not from flowers, but from fir cones and pine branches. During an outdoor photo shoot, newlyweds can wear identical bright mittens and scarves in the desired colors.

The color scheme for this theme is red and green.

Folk signs for a winter wedding

  1. December - one might say, this is the ideal month to get married, because it promises happy and easy union husband and wife, and many children. Spouses will experience romantic feelings and love for each other throughout their lives.
  2. January is the most unfavorable time for exchanging rings. To husband and wife it will be hard to live together. A spouse can become a widow very quickly.
  3. February is a great month to go to the registry office. Married life will be harmonious, long, strong and happy. Husband and wife will live literally soul to soul.
  4. Winter - good season to start a family.

Summer is certainly considered the most popular time of year for a wedding, but there are also those brides who dream of a winter celebration. Just imagine: bright sun, high snowdrifts, light snowflakes swirling in the air... - magnificent fairy-tale scenery for wedding photographs, isn’t it?

Of course, winter weddings have their own charm and magic, but in order for everything to go exactly as you dreamed, it is necessary to take into account some features of the preparation. In this article I will describe several ideas and options, give recommendations, and also provide a list of beautiful places for a photo shoot in winter.

Wedding walk in winter in nature

Outdoor wedding photo shoot in winter: advantages and disadvantages

Undoubtedly, picturesque winter landscapes can become a magnificent backdrop for wedding photographs. If you dream of winter photographs in nature, you should especially carefully choose the location for shooting. A large park such as Serebryany Bor is best. It’s easy to find a beautiful location here, film a leisurely walk of the bride and groom in a winter forest, and also take beautiful panoramic photos.

Advantages of a winter photo shoot in nature:

  • Stylish winter looks
  • Incredibly beautiful landscapes


  • It is difficult to adjust to the weather: the day may be too cold or slushy, and snow may not fall at all
  • It is more difficult for newlyweds to pose outdoors in winter
  • You need to think through a lot of details to create a stylish look.

Winter photo shoot in a loft

Wedding photo shoot in winter in the studio

A great option, especially for a small wedding, is to hold a wedding photo shoot in a studio. Now in Moscow there is a very large selection of photo studios with a variety of interiors, but for winter weddings the loft style can be called the most suitable. Simplicity and conciseness combined with an abundance of candles and greenery makes a wedding in a loft an excellent idea for winter.

If you are planning a small winter wedding, you can conduct the entire photo session in the interiors of the studio: the morning of the bride, the meeting of the couple, a joint photo session and the exchange of rings - all this can be filmed in one place.

In addition, you can think through the decor in advance: the registration area, printing, table setting, even sweets and cake, if you want. Organizing such a shoot will cost about 40-50 thousand rubles, depending on the complexity of the decor and your wishes, the process itself will take about 3 hours, during which time you can collect a whole wedding story.

You can see examples of such weddings, get advice and order organization from my team at

  1. Choose a spacious room

    To create a full-fledged wedding story, the photographer will need several locations; you should not choose a hall with an area of ​​less than 70 meters. It is important that the studio has large panoramic windows; this will make it possible to work with natural light, which is important for wedding photography.

  2. The interior of the hall and furniture matter

    Choose a hall that suits your image and wedding style as a whole. So, for example, luxurious images with a classic tailcoat and a very fluffy dress will not fit into the laconic loft style; here it is better to choose a classic room with stucco molding and crystal chandeliers.

  3. Concept and decor will help create a beautiful story

    If you choose a spacious studio without furniture or decor, the pictures will turn out monotonous. To make your story look interesting, think through the details and decor.

  4. Boudoir photo shoot

    If you want to photograph the bride's morning and the process of getting ready, be sure to think about the boudoir look - beautiful lingerie, a robe or boudoir dress are just as important as the wedding attire. By the way, you can rent a boudoir dress.
    You can also pay attention to the groom’s preparations; don’t forget to think through the details for him too.

  5. Time to shoot

    As in the case of a street photo shoot, it is better to plan the shooting for the first half of the day, in the interval from 10.00 to 15.00, when there is natural light in the room.

Pros of a photo shoot in the studio:

  • The entire wedding day can be filmed in one place
  • Saves time, as shooting takes only 3 hours
  • You can choose the interior to match your wedding style
  • Shooting in warm, comfortable conditions


  • For December and early January, it is necessary to book the hall several months in advance, due to the heavy workload of photo studios with New Year's shootings

Ideas for a winter wedding

Places for a wedding photo shoot in winter

In addition to street photography and studio interiors, there is a whole list of places where you can take photographs, sheltered from the cold and bad weather. The choice of interesting interiors is huge, for every taste and style of celebration. Numerous hotels, restaurants, shopping centers and estates in the capital are at your service.

  • GUM

    It is quite popular among newlyweds as a location for photography. There are beautiful old interiors, numerous stairs and bridges, facades of expensive shops and the spirit of the Soviet era.
    The disadvantages of filming here include the large influx of tourists and other weddings.
    Price: free of charge, but you must obtain permission from the administration.

  • Hotel Korston

    A very good option is a wedding photo shoot in Korston. There is a deposit system here; in order to obtain permission to film, you need to make a deposit; for this amount, a buffet will be arranged for guests during the filming. If you are just a couple, you can use the deposit amount to order dinner at one of the hotel restaurants on another day.

    There are a lot of beautiful places for photographs; special attention should be paid to the Extra Lounge restaurant, on the 20th floor of the hotel. The hotel has a modern interior in high-tech style, perfect for photos.

  • Winter photo shoot in Korston

  • Restaurant Turandot

    A magnificent restaurant in the very center of the capital with luxurious palace interiors. There is also a deposit system for wedding photo shoots. The mansion has several halls, each of which amazes the imagination: a painted ceiling, a marble staircase, antique statues - all this will decorate your photographs.

A wedding photo shoot in winter is an amazing opportunity to find yourself in a fairy tale. Nature itself creates luxurious scenery: delicate lace of snowflakes, ice sparkling with gems, snow-white snowdrifts... If you do not want to depend on the vagaries of nature, a wonderful alternative is shooting indoors. During our meeting, I will certainly offer several photography scenarios.

Seven reasons to have a winter wedding:

It is worth paying tribute to traditions, because it was in winter that weddings took place in Ancient Rus'.

There are no excessive queues at the registry offices.

The services of a toastmaster, makeup artist, hairdresser, and restaurant rental will cost less.

Makeup will retain its freshness and will not “float” as in summer.

It will be easier to hold a festive banquet (there will be no annoying insects and unbearable heat).

You can save on your honeymoon by taking advantage of special offers from travel agencies.

You will have the opportunity to have a luxurious wedding photo shoot in winter.

How to order a wedding photo session in winter in Moscow

Call or write to me. You can leave a request for a call on the website.

Come to a meeting where you will get acquainted with my work, and we will discuss in detail the options for holding a wedding photo shoot.


Book your date and time. To do this you need to make an advance payment (30%). The remaining 70% - on the day of completion of the Celebration, or the next day.


Photos will be ready within 1.5-2.5 months.

Especially for my clients:

  • Is your dream wedding in winter? A photo session will help you capture every moment of an amazing day at an affordable cost. I will help you plan your budget by offering several service packages for ordering photographer at the registry office.
  • Highest quality images. You will receive retouched portraits and artistically processed photos in black and white and full color.
  • Punctual execution of agreements. You will be able to admire your photos in exactly 1.5-2.5 months.

Cost of a wedding photo shoot in winter

"Classic" 25,000 rubles "Light" 15,000 rubles "Mini" 10,000 rubles
Joint planning of the day's events, filming locations, preparation of ideas + + +
Wedding photography 14 hours 6 hours 3 hours
Author's processing of all photographs (color, light correction, cropping) min. 500 min. 300 min. 150
Photo retouching minimum 40 minimum 25 minimum 15
Personal gallery with Master and Guest passwords + + +
Some photographs in black and white format + + +
Photo availability time 1.5-2.5 months 1.5-2.5 months 1.5 months

Winter is a fabulously wonderful time of year. Winter weddings are always charming, incredibly elegant, filled with magic and romance.

Preparing for a winter photo shoot

Winter is a time when we all wait for a miracle that brings good changes, newness and freshness of impressions. This is an ideal period for weddings of creative people who are not afraid to experiment. The main thing is to take into account some nuances during preparation.

What better time to wear furs and massive jewelry than in winter! A fur boa or muff will keep you warm and become a sophisticated accessory. A wedding dress can be complemented with a scarf, hat, mittens, and a cozy knitted jacket. Such an original image of a bride cannot be repeated in the summer. Winter is the right time to experiment with textures and colors.

If you are having a winter wedding, the photo shoot can be held outside. In this case, elegant restaurant shoes should be replaced with boots during a walk. Particularly brave brides do not limit themselves to boots when purchasing wedding felt boots.

The bride's bouquet

  • For a winter wedding, you can order two bridal bouquets: the main one and one specifically for the photo shoot.
  • An interesting alternative is a composition of non-freezing materials: pine cones, rattan, spruce branches, berries, feathers, twigs.
The winter bouquet is a magnificent creation, prompted by the inexhaustible imagination of florists.

Options for a photo shoot in winter

White outfits make the parks, estates, and palaces of the capital truly fabulous and evoke a lot of ideas for realizing the creative ideas of the photographer. A wedding photo shoot in winter in Moscow can be held in a studio, outdoors, or indoors. It all depends on the format of the event and the wishes of the newlyweds.

Options for a walking (street) winter photo shoot:

  • Snow-covered Neskuchny Garden, old Arbat, Moscow boulevards;
  • Serebryany Bor, park named after. Gorky;
  • botanical garden and "Apothecary garden".

Professional equipment allows you to fill even a cloudy winter day with light, and advice on choosing clothes and shooting time will help you stay warm and enjoy our work together.

For winter photography in closed places, you can choose the Kuskovo estate, Tsaritsyno, the Turandot restaurant, the Lomakovsky Museum - for lovers of retro style, the halls of the Izmailovo Kremlin. Each location has its own characteristics and provides a stunning backdrop for luxurious wedding photos.