What to do when the stomach turns to stone during pregnancy. What makes the stomach stony during pregnancy: causes. Signs of close labor activity are

Starting from 36 weeks, the fetus is fully formed. Begins main stage preparation for childbirth. From this period, the pregnancy is considered fully full-term, and a child born during this period has a great chance of being born healthy. 36 obstetric week is the beginning of the ninth month. There are only four weeks ahead.

For a woman, this period is very important. There is a risk of catching an unwanted disease, constantly surrounded by thoughts about possible oligohydramnios, polyhydramnios. And it is at this time that the first harbingers of childbirth appear.

It is impossible to call the condition of a woman at 36–37 weeks stable. Every day there are new sensations that can frighten a pregnant woman. Dizziness, nausea, weakness are not uncommon during this period. The belly drops. Diarrhea is becoming more common. The most frightening sign is the periodic hardening of the abdomen. Worry and worry is not worth it. It's not started yet labor activity. So the body is preparing for a crucial moment.

Unpleasant symptoms that occur in pregnant women in the last week of pregnancy:

  • feeling of heaviness in the perineal region due to the increased weight of the child;
  • lower back pain;
  • periodic diarrhea;
  • daily increase in the volume of the abdomen;
  • the appearance of training fights;
  • there are attacks of nausea after eating;
  • intimate life causes false contractions;
  • stomach stiffens.

Just at week 36, the fetus begins to move towards the exit. Women note that breathing becomes easier, health improves. By this time, the weight of the pregnant woman increases by at least 12 kilograms. The baby's head may not come down. During the second pregnancy, this happens more often. It is especially unpleasant when the child's movements fall on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heart of the expectant mother. Sometimes it helps to stroke the belly and ask the child to be quieter.

Despite the fact that there is still a whole month before the birth, some babies decide to be born right now. Birth of healthy and full-fledged children frequent occurrence on this period.

If the stomach turns to stone for a few seconds or minutes, and after that the state of health returns to normal, you should not worry. In this case, the symptom is caused by uterine hypertonicity, which occurs after overexertion or stress.

Before you start to panic, analyze your diet. It may be that the firmness of the abdomen is due to the accumulation of gases due to malnutrition. Flatulence and bloating are frequent companions at this time.

Abdominal tension occurs in all pregnant women. It doesn't cause much discomfort. But in case of frequent manifestation of this symptom, be sure to warn your gynecologist.

The tummy can also stiffen with wrong position mothers. Change your posture and you'll be fine. It should be recalled that doctors do not recommend sleeping on your back after 20 weeks due to the possible blockage of blood flow to the lower sections. You probably won't be able to sleep on your stomach.

Overflow Bladder causes abdominal swelling. After you go to the toilet, everything should pass.

On later dates a symptom may mean polyhydramnios. The gynecologist leading the pregnancy will be able to determine the exact causes of discomfort and prescribe the appropriate treatment or measures to prevent it.

One of possible causes hard belly:

  • genital tract infections;
  • pathology of the pelvic region;
  • malformations of the uterus or fetus;
  • an increase in adrenaline in the blood after stressful situations;
  • lengthy physical exercise.

As a rule, nothing special needs to be done when the abdomen hardens. Wait for the symptom to subside. Relax, turn on pleasant music, drink green tea.

How to switch attention from unpleasant sensations

There is so little time left. Very soon, the baby will snore in the arms of his mother. While there is time, you need to check whether everything is ready for a meeting with the baby. Furnishing the room, buying the right things and clothes will help you take your mind off the harbingers of childbirth.

You can ask loved ones to do a relaxing massage of the back and lower back. A light head massage will also help to relax. Rubbing movements with the palms on the lower back help well. Just don't overdo it.

If you have been sitting in one position for a long time, which has caused a hardening of the abdomen, walk with slow, wide steps.

Get into the habit of daily evening walks before bedtime. Fresh air has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy.

sex on last month- the subject of controversy and disagreement of doctors around the world. Really, sex life may induce the onset of labor. But in case of pregnancy without complications, positive emotions even useful for the expectant mother. Orgasms during this period are more vivid, sensations are enhanced due to the flow of blood to the genitals of a woman.

Gynecologists advise to refrain from sex only under such conditions:

  • multiple pregnancy;
  • improper attachment of the placenta;
  • confirmed immaturity of the cervix;
  • partners have infections.

In any case, sex should not be extreme. Anal caresses are prohibited. Experiments can cause premature birth.

When to go to the hospital

If discomfort intensify, the pain increases, and does not subside, it is worth calling an ambulance. Wait for the doctor only in a horizontal position.

Danger signs:

  • bloody issues;
  • sharp pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • dizziness, vomiting, diarrhea;
  • profusely flowing amniotic fluid in the absence of contractions.

Even more than usual white discharge should also be a cause for concern.

Such symptoms indicate a threat to the life of the mother and child, and are absolute indications for hospitalization. The pregnant woman is taken to the nearest department of the maternity hospital, because the period of 36 weeks is considered the period when a baby can appear at any moment.

Most often, after examination and short treatment, the expectant mother is allowed to go home. But there is little good in hypertonicity, so you need to go to the hospital. There are cases when the expectant mother is offered to lie in the pathology department. Doctors will be watching her around the clock. Only under supervision qualified specialist you can save the fetus and continue the positive course of pregnancy. In the hospital, the pregnant woman will be prescribed sedatives and antispasmodics, possibly hormonal preparations. They will relieve tension in the abdomen and regulate hormonal levels.

In parallel with drugs for the mother, drugs are prescribed that accelerate the development of the child's lungs.

Even before the first signs of manifestation of uterine hypertonicity, it is necessary to think about prevention.

  1. Avoid with your spouse bad habits. Smoking and alcohol adversely affect the body of a pregnant woman and can also cause hypertension.
  2. Pass full examination a doctor to rule out the presence inflammatory processes and infectious diseases.
  3. Learn relaxation techniques. Yoga classes will help to avoid possible stress. Auto-training and Pilates have also helped many pregnant women.

Let your pregnancy will pass successfully and such a problem as hardening of the abdomen does not bother you! Have fun with interesting position, because you have to wait quite a bit, and the baby will be born.

Pregnancy and childbirth

35, 36, 37, 39, 40 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach turns to stone: causes and diagnoses

Bearing a fetus is a responsible task, which is accompanied by amazing sensations and unusual states.

If the pregnancy is the first, then any deviation from the norm is perceived by the woman with caution and apprehension.

Such a reaction is natural and it is necessary to control the condition of the baby in the womb.

Very often, the fears of expectant mothers cause uterine contractions, when it seems that the stomach turns to stone for a while.

35th week of pregnancy: the stomach turns to stone - the beginning of training

This period is characterized increased activity fetus - the mother's stomach gradually becomes cramped for the baby, and he is trying in every possible way to declare this. The slightest movement is clearly felt not only by the uterus, but also by other organs.

Some pregnant women sometimes experience shortness of breath due to the displacement of the lungs under the pressure of the enlarged uterus. For the same reason, heartburn occurs and constant urge to urination.

At the 35th week of pregnancy, the stomach stiffens with some physical exertion and even after an uncomfortable sleep.

Any muscle tension can cause spasms - short, impulsive, slightly painful. Preterm birth at this time is a fairly common phenomenon.

However, you should not worry, babies born at 35 weeks adapt and develop normally.

Signs of close labor activity are:

  • Removal of the mucous plug
  • Bloody issues
  • Prolapse of the abdomen
  • Contractions that increase in intensity and frequency
  • Drainage of amniotic fluid

Often the stomach stiffens during pregnancy from excessive fatigue, with prolonged walking, standing, or during a long stay in sitting position. The feeling of contraction and tension in the abdomen disappears after a few minutes of rest or a calm measured walk.

Sometimes, from interception of breath, spasms of the abdominal muscles occur, which last only a couple of minutes and disappear as soon as their supply of oxygen from the air is restored.

36 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach turns to stone - what to do

This period brings restless and sleepless nights, increasing pain in the legs and lower back. More and more time to rest. Sharp movements: turns, tilts, sips, instantly cause a spasm of the abdominal muscles, provoking their short-term "petrification".

But there is also positive points in this period, the tummy gradually sinks lower and breathing becomes easier.

By this time, it is already desirable to pick up a bandage, it will help unload the back and support the stomach.

You need to be careful: 36 weeks of pregnancy and the stomach becomes stony in combination with aching pains in the lower back - this is a reason to see a doctor, perhaps the birth is already close. In some cases, these symptoms appear and disappear without the onset of labor.

Consultation with a gynecologist and ultrasound will help to exclude the development of pathologies, such as placental abruption, and avoid opening bleeding at this time.

Do not forget about the discharge - by this time they become more mucous and scanty, the color of the mucus changes to brown, yellow or greenish in the presence of an unpleasant pungent odor may indicate the development of an infection.

37th week of pregnancy: the stomach turns to stone, how to relieve symptoms

This period is most likely premature birth especially among multiparous women and pregnant twins. Constant combat readiness is shown: a bag to the maternity hospital and consultations of relatives are its necessary attributes.

False contractions may appear more and more often, as if training the expectant mother before the main event, a woman may not pay attention to them, since she already knows how to remove similar symptoms.

If the stomach stiffens at 37 weeks of gestation, the following measures can be taken:

  • Lie down (on your back or on your side) and try to relax all the muscles as much as possible.
  • With prolonged immobilization, on the contrary, walk with a slow, measured step, controlling your breathing - it should be free and moderately deep.
  • A light massage of the abdomen with your fingertips and gentle strokes will help relieve tension. The same manipulations can be carried out on the back while sitting and all over the body, on the head. The goal is maximum relaxation.
  • It relieves fatigue and muscle tension by rubbing the lower back with palms until a slight burning sensation appears.

Those women who have reached this period remember very well how great the desire to bring childbirth closer during this period is great.

Every day is hard - it's hard to sit, lie down, eat, sleep, walk. You have to do a little of everything, otherwise there is constant fatigue.

In addition, swelling and palpitations do not forget to remind yourself after each extra portion of the liquid. The breast of a woman in this month is poured even more strongly, colostrum is possible.

At the 39th week of pregnancy, the stomach stiffens quite often, and these sensations are also joined by aching and pulling pain lower back and hip joints.

Doctors recommend alleviating the condition of expectant mothers during this period with a foot massage from the feet to the hips, cool foot baths, frequent breaks for rest and fractional light meals. Women during this period are especially sensitive, they require attention and affection.

40 weeks of pregnancy, the stomach turns to stone - it means soon to the hospital

40-42 weeks - the time of childbirth. It is worth being careful and attentive to yourself, any overvoltage affects the state of the whole organism. The fetus during this period is already fully prepared for birth. He is so cramped in the womb that his movements become slow and rare, but their strength increases significantly.

Signs of pathologies at this time are:

  1. Permanent bleeding
  2. acute pain in the lower abdomen, which is unbearable. If at 40 weeks of pregnancy the stomach becomes stony and at the same time no fetal movements are felt for 3 hours or more.
  3. Increase in body temperature
  4. Vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness and loss of consciousness
  5. Drainage of amniotic fluid without contractions

If these symptoms appear, urgent hospitalization is mandatory, otherwise the lives of the mother and child are at risk.

It is very important for pregnant women not only to be aware of their responsibility for the child, but also to be sure of a safe delivery throughout the entire pregnancy.

If the abdomen becomes stony during pregnancy, then this does not at all mean the presence or development of fetal pathology.

The uterus is a muscular organ and its contractions often (in the absence of negative examination results) indicate stretching of the muscles under the action of hormones and an increasing size of the fetus.

Faith in yourself, in your strength, taking care of your own health are the foundations happy pregnancy and childbirth.


As soon as she learns that she is pregnant, a woman immediately changes her attitude towards own body. The expectant mother carefully listens to any signals from the inside, and often they alert her or even frighten her. It happens that in women the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy, it becomes hard and tense. If other unpleasant sensations are added to this, then the pregnant woman begins to wonder if this is normal. And he does the right thing, because a hard belly during pregnancy often warns of increased risks in terms of bearing.

Why a hard belly during pregnancy: reasons

The hardness of the abdomen during the period of bearing a child suggests that the muscle tissue of the uterus spasms, which leads to an increase in the tone of the reproductive organ. This comes with several dangers. Under conditions of uterine hypertonicity, uteroplacental circulation is significantly worsened, as a result of which the fetus may experience oxygen starvation and survive intrauterine hypoxia. In addition, the risk of detachment of the fetal egg or placenta, miscarriage or premature birth is significantly increased.

It is difficult to determine exactly what exactly became the root cause of uterine hypertonicity, but various factors can lead to this:

  • physical stress;
  • emotional upheavals and outbursts;
  • orgasm;
  • overfilled bladder;
  • infections and inflammation in the genitourinary system;
  • viral diseases, influenza;
  • violations in the work of the digestive tract (flatulence, colitis, dysbacteriosis);
  • polyhydramnios during pregnancy;
  • pathologies in the pelvic organs;
  • smoking and drinking, etc.

In addition, the tummy can stiffen when you stay in one position for a long time. For this reason, a hard stomach becomes more often in the mornings or in the evenings, when mommy lies on her side or on her back. By the way, keep in mind that after 20 weeks of pregnancy, doctors do not recommend sleeping on your stomach (although, most likely, this will already be impossible or difficult).

Not all causes are equally dangerous, but if you feel that you have a hard stomach during pregnancy, then you should pay attention to this and take extra care.

Hard belly during early pregnancy

The first weeks of pregnancy are associated with increased risks. Exactly on early dates happens most often spontaneous interruption pregnancy. Therefore, at the slightest malaise or discomfort on the part of your body, it is better to consult a doctor. Now you should take care, reduce physical activity, relax more, learn to relax and find a source of positive emotions.

If a hard stomach in the early stages is strongly and regularly tense, and especially if it hurts at the same time, and bleeding from the vagina is also observed, then it is urgent to consult a doctor.

When the baby is already growing up enough, and the mother clearly hears his movements, the tummy tenses more often, which is also associated with motor activity crumbs. Sometimes hardness is felt on one side, if the baby, for example, puts forward the ass or knee. But the threat of increased uterine tone does not disappear until the very end of pregnancy. And if the stomach tenses up very often, then this should certainly become an alarm bell.

If the abdomen is swollen and hard during pregnancy, then you should reconsider your eating habits and addictions. Flatulence and bloating can be the result of malnutrition: exclude gas-producing foods from your menu and eat small portions, but more often.

There is also something else to take into account. Already from the second trimester, in preparation for future childbirth, a woman may experience training contractions, accompanied by slight tension and spasm at the bottom. They do not pose any danger: such contractions are not intense, are irregular and soon disappear on their own.

If there are several weeks left before childbirth, then a hard belly during pregnancy at 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 weeks may portend their imminent onset and be the norm.

What to do when a hard belly during pregnancy

Tension in the abdomen, of course, cannot be completely harmless, but at the same time, it is far from always being dangerous. If a woman’s tummy only sometimes hardens during pregnancy, but does not hurt, if this is repeated infrequently and only after excessive stress, or, for example, hardness appears when walking fast, then most likely there is no reason to worry. In such cases, doctors advise to lie down, take comfortable posture and relax as much as possible - soon the discomfort will disappear. Henceforth, it is necessary to avoid any overexertion and try to rest more during the day.

However, in some cases it is necessary to consult a doctor immediately. Consultation with a specialist is necessary if:

  • the tummy is very hard and it does not go away;
  • hard and sore;
  • hardness is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen or as during menstruation, in the lower back, in the region of the sacrum, coccyx, rectum;
  • red or brown discharge from the vagina;
  • discomfort in the peritoneal area appears regularly, often recurs, or pain and tension increase;
  • fainting, severe nausea, vomiting occur;
  • there are false urges to defecate.

If the stomach seizes suddenly and very strongly, then you need to drink 2 tablets of No-shpa, lie on your side and call an ambulance.

Finally, I would like to say a few words of comfort. This symptom worries many pregnant women. But the vast majority of them safely carry the baby to due date. The prognosis and outcome of abdominal tension largely depends on your correct and timely actions, and their algorithm in such a situation is very simple: maximum calmness and comfort (both physical and emotional) and urgent medical consultation if pain, discomfort or mental anxiety. It is possible that the gynecologist will advise you to lighten your daily schedule or prescribe safe sedatives, relaxing uterine tone drugs. But if he offers hospitalization due to the risk of miscarriage, then it is better not to refuse.

Especially for - Elena Semenova

The process of "petrification" of the abdomen indicates the onset muscle hypertonicity uterus. Such a diagnosis is inevitable for all pregnant women; this is a completely natural sign for a certain stage of childbearing. For those who give birth for the first time, it may seem that such symptoms are abnormal, but do not worry, everything is fine. This state does not pose any threat.

Why does the stomach stiffen during pregnancy?

It’s worth noting right away: girls may have such seals in the lower part abdominal cavity at absolutely any time (during sleep, in reality). However, this most often occurs in recent weeks pregnancy. It also happens when a woman is pregnant with twins.

What do seals mean and why do they occur? This happens due to the fact that the uterus consists of muscles that can change their state - be elastic, soft, relaxed. Basically, the stomach stiffens with spasms: then the muscles of the uterus tense up.

In the late stages of pregnancy, at about 25-26, 34-35 weeks, the woman's body begins to slowly prepare for childbirth: the so-called imitation of the appearance of a child occurs. During these weeks, the muscles tighten, thereby stretching and acquiring elasticity, preparing for the upcoming generic processes. Do not worry if a slight pain is felt below: it is precisely such unpleasant tingling that minimizes the main pain - during the birth of the baby.

Breston-Hickst is the scientific name for such a process as prenatal contractions. A woman in position may feel a slight pain tingling below, as if something is pulling. The frequency of such spasms is up to 3-5 times per hour lasting 2-3 minutes.

With regular symptoms of this nature on early stages pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps this is due to the high tone of the uterus, which adversely affects the development of the baby. The child begins to feel oxygen starvation, which affects his blood pressure. As a consequence, embryos may be at risk of complications in physical development. It is better not to take risks and consult a professional gynecologist for a maximum of 2, 3 days.

What to do if the stomach hardens in late pregnancy?

If such symptoms occur (in the second, third trimester, etc.), the following tips should be followed:

  1. You can not stay in a dream in one position. Of course, it is difficult to control yourself, but you need to try to roll over from one side to the other more often.
  2. Do not engage in serious physical activity.
  3. With an increase in the tone of the uterus, when the greatest compaction is felt, it is necessary to take a relaxed position.

In pregnant women who complain of a hardening belly (no matter morning time, afternoon or evening) the following symptoms may also appear:

  • constant feeling that "pulls" in the pubic part;
  • diarrhea;
  • light discharge from the vagina with blood;
  • the fetus does not move and does not knock with legs;
  • constant feeling of premature contractions.

If you experience any of the above symptoms, contact your doctor immediately! Requires treatment.

Help from a specialist with a stone stomach

In any case, a doctor's consultation is necessary. special tool(tonusometer), the doctor listens to the fetus and decides how serious the seals are. The gynecologist may prescribe an additional ultrasound procedure, after which it will become clear what position the fetus is in and how strong the spasms of the muscles of the intravaginal space are.

In this article:

Many expectant mothers have a stony stomach at week 39. Why is this happening? Some women think that childbirth is already beginning, others are worried that something bad is happening to the baby. The answer in most situations is simple - these are training fights.

At one point, the stomach turns to stone, it becomes hard, the lower back seems to be covered by a dense ring, during pregnancy at a period of 40 weeks this can happen several times a day, so many are frightened and do not know what it is and when it is necessary to go to the doctor.

What happens in the mother's body

Changes are constantly taking place in the mother's body. If in the early timeline is coming the formation of conditions for the growth and development of the fetus, then in the third trimester female body begins to gradually prepare for birth.

Starting from the 39th week of pregnancy, almost everyone has a stony stomach - what is it for - expectant mothers begin to guess, and when the most important and long-awaited meeting with a baby?

Changes at 39 weeks pregnant

After 36 weeks, the pregnancy is considered full-term, but most women give birth between 38 and 41 weeks. If at 39 weeks the stomach turns to stone , such a sign is a signal that the body is ready for the birth of a child, but childbirth does not always occur on this day.

Often in pregnant women in the later stages, training contractions are observed, in which:

  • there is a spasm of the muscles, and the stomach becomes hard;
  • pulls the lower back;
  • arises nagging pain that surrounds the belly.

A distinctive feature from the true ones can be considered the absence of periodic contractions, the intensity of the attacks does not increase, the contractions are short in time.

When the stomach often stiffens for a period of 39 weeks, it is necessary to follow the contractions, note the time interval when they repeat, as well as the duration of each period. Depending on the data received, you should decide whether to stay at home or go to the hospital.

at 40 weeks

At the onset of 40 weeks, you can expect labor to begin at any time, so you should not ignore the condition when the stomach turns to stone or the lower back hurts. At this time, active preparation of women's reproductive system to the birth of a baby: the cervix becomes more elastic, it shortens and acquires smooth contours.

At 40 weeks of gestation, it can happen, which indicates soon start childbirth - they usually occur within a week, while the pregnant woman has red-brown mucous discharge, the stomach often becomes stony, there are pulling discomfort in the lower abdomen.

Why does the stomach turn to stone at 40 weeks? This is due to false contractions. Thus, the body seems to be checking whether it is ready for such a complex and lengthy process as childbirth. If a woman is expecting the birth of her first child, then such contractions are often accompanied by anxiety or fear, because she does not know what will happen next. If it is, then mom already knows the whole sequence of the process and tries to remain calm.

at 41 weeks

If the 41st week of pregnancy has already begun, and the long-awaited meeting with the baby still does not happen, although future mother often the stomach turns to stone, you should not worry. After all, a baby is considered only after 42 weeks.

Often there are errors in calculating the duration of pregnancy. obstetric term and physiological may differ by 2 weeks, since it is not always possible to accurately determine the day when conception occurred.

Pregnancy during this period is accompanied by the following phenomena:

  • sometimes the lower abdomen hurts, which may be accompanied by its hardening;
  • discomfort in the perineum, as well as the hip joints;
  • mood swings;
  • cork discharge, if it has not happened before.

Possible complaints and problems

At the final stage of pregnancy, starting at 39 weeks, expectant mothers have a stony stomach, and this happens often.

At the same time, the woman indicates various symptoms and uncomfortable conditions.:

  • Due to the fact that the uterus is greatly enlarged, it presses on the large intestine, which causes flatulence.
  • Since the release of bile from the gallbladder is impaired, the pregnant woman indicates heaviness in the projection of the right hypochondrium. It does not hurt, but there is pressure in this area.
  • In the last weeks of pregnancy, especially at 39-41, the expectant mother often has a stony stomach, which occurs due to hypertonicity of the muscles of the uterus.
  • The growing fetus presses on the perineum and leads to expansion pelvic bones, which causes pain in the projection of the pubic symphysis.
  • Due to overstretching skin their dryness occurs, striae are often formed.

If the stomach becomes stony during pregnancy at 40 weeks, you should not worry about this. Your body is already ready for the birth of a child, so this exciting event will happen very soon.

Why does the stomach turn to stone?

As a rule, unusual sensations in the abdomen appear when a woman is about to give birth. This is the main sign indicating the imminent birth of a baby, especially if the stomach stiffens and hurts at 40 weeks of gestation.

It should be noted that not only at the 39th and 40th week of pregnancy, the stomach becomes stony - this can happen in any period of bearing a child. Why is this happening?

There are several reasons:

  • hypertonicity . The uterus is made up of smooth muscle fibers that tend to contract, resulting in a feeling of tension in the abdomen. This condition can occur with overwork, stress, sometimes women indicate that hypertonicity occurs after an obstetric examination.
  • Braxton Hicks contractions . When future mom she is expecting her first child, she can be frightened if her stomach turns to stone at the 40th week of pregnancy and it is not clear what it is. Training contractions prepare the uterus and the entire body for a complex and lengthy process.

pregnant at the end last trimester you need to listen to the signals that her body gives. If the lower abdomen is pulled, and it turns to stone at 40 weeks, the beginning and end of contractions should be noted, as well as the duration of the intervals between them. If the pain appears every 10 minutes, it is urgent to go to the hospital.

How to relieve discomfort?

From the moment a pregnant woman begins to periodically feel training contractions and her stomach stiffens at 39 weeks of pregnancy, the expectant mother begins to worry main question- When is the birth? Unfortunately, no doctor will give an exact answer, but it should be understood that the expectant mother is entering the finish line - an exciting event can happen any day.

When the stomach often stiffens at week 40, while childbirth does not begin, you can reduce discomfort in the following ways:

  • in the event of a false contraction, it is necessary to lie down and rest;
  • to ease the feeling stone belly, you need to get on all fours and bend your back down, then round it;
  • at severe pain it is allowed to take a No-shpy pill, which will relieve muscle spasm;
  • you can not lie on your back for a long time and in the same position;
  • You can not lift weights and overexert.

In what cases should you urgently see a doctor?

There are situations when it is necessary to urgently seek medical help.

It is better to do this for those who have a stony stomach at 40 weeks of pregnancy, while the following symptoms are determined:

  • bleeding;
  • sudden hyperthermia;
  • dizziness followed by loss of consciousness;
  • there are no signs of baby moving;
  • regular contractions with a break of 5-10 minutes.

Why does the stomach turn to stone at the 40th week of pregnancy? Such a sign indicates that everything is already ready for the birth of a child, and it remains only to wait for this meeting. During contractions, try not to be nervous, think that soon you will see your baby for the first time.

Useful video about the last weeks of pregnancy and training contractions