How to beautifully make shorts from old jeans. How to make shorts from jeans

With one movement of the hand, old denim trousers turn into... stylish shorts! It’s easy to make such a wardrobe item yourself without much effort, and decorative elements and modern solutions for decorating shorts will add a special fashionable touch.

Probably, many fashionistas and needlewomen have been convinced more than once that the most exclusive and unique wardrobe items are obtained only when you put effort into creating them yourself. Moreover, a beautiful and original thing can never lose its relevance and go out of fashion.

A prime example is denim shorts. After all, if you pay attention, you will notice that every season they remain at the peak of popularity. There is something special about denim shorts that reminds every person of lightness, carefreeness, summer, the sea, sexuality and bright T-shirts. The best thing about denim shorts is that you don't have to spend any money to buy them!

Beautiful denim shorts can be made from old denim pants. This will allow you to save your personal funds and make this wardrobe item as stylish and attractive as possible.

How to make stylish shorts from old denim pants?

Steps to transform old jeans into stylish fashionable shorts:

  • Planning. This stage involves your thorough preparation for the process. To do this, you should do two most important things: find old trousers that you don’t mind cutting with scissors and clearly define for yourself exactly what result you want to achieve
  • Denim fabric. It’s also worth paying attention to what fabric your jeans are made of. Modern denim can be thick and thin, stretch and 100% cotton. It is worth knowing that stretch jeans are not the best option for creating shorts, since such fabric is not designed to keep its shape. On the other hand, pants that are too baggy will turn into baggy shorts
  • Fabric processing. This stage involves high-quality washing of denim trousers so that they have the opportunity to “shrink”, that is, not significantly decrease in size. If you wash already cut jeans into shorts, you risk shortening the finished item of clothing, which may look a little worse
  • Choose the length of your future shorts. This is necessary in order to properly trim the fabric. Eg, capris should be cut strictly along the calf muscle. This version of long shorts is perfect for those women who have problems with the fullness of their legs and do not like drastic changes in their image. Bermuda- another version of shorts, it involves cutting the legs at the knee level. Short shorts suitable for both young girls and women with slender long legs without a hint of cellulite and other figure flaws. These shorts are good to wear to the beach and around the city in extreme heat, combined with light T-shirts and sandals.
  • Set boundaries. This is an important stage in the creation of shorts, which determines and decides their beauty. To do this, you need to put on trousers, stand in front of a mirror and clearly draw the boundaries of their circumcision. To do this, you need to draw a line with a piece of dry soap, chalk, or simply fasten a pin. After this, the jeans that have already been removed from the body should be placed on the table and a border should be drawn under the ruler so that the cut line is even. The jeans are cut along the drawn line and hemmed either by hand, by machine, or simply ruffled. At the end of the work, you can devote a little time to decorative processing of the jeans. This can be embroidery, creating scuffs, holes, sewing on beads and sequins, gluing rhinestones

creating beautiful shorts step by step

How to cut jeans to fit men's shorts?

The advantage of denim shorts is that they suit almost every man of any age, status, and body type. And the best part is that you don’t have to spend any money on purchasing them; they can easily be made from old, unwanted denim trousers. Your diligence and hard work will help the shorts become original, stylish and fashionable.

To make good denim shorts you need:

  • Find old, unnecessary trousers that you don’t mind cutting off. Pay careful attention to the material of the trousers, because stretch is not the best fabric for experimentation. It contains too many rubberized threads, which will worsen the appearance of the product
  • Pants that are too big will end up becoming baggy, loose shorts, and skinny jeans will end up being tight shorts. In any case, trousers should be washed in a machine and dried before hemming and cutting. This will allow them to “sit down” a little for high-quality processing of trousers and creation of shorts
  • The best option for shorts for men is Berbuda. These are shorts that reach the knee in length. To correctly determine your ideal length, you should put washed and dried trousers on your body and stand in front of a mirror. Using a pin, determine the required and preferred length, and secure the pin. Take off your trousers and place them on the table, draw an even edge to the cut using chalk, adding one centimeter (it is needed to tuck the fabric and hem it)
  • Cut the trousers precisely along a certain border. Tuck the fabric and stitch it very carefully on the sewing machine. This will give the product a neat and finished look. If you wish, you can also add some decorative elements that will decorate the product and make it incredibly stylish.

how to determine and correctly make the length of men's shorts

There are several ways to decorate men's shorts:

  • Make a few abrasions in the knee area, side and back pockets, seams
  • Make several special holes or cuts
  • Sew labels or fabric inserts with inscriptions or brands
  • Sew on metal spikes, snaps, buttons or chains

How to properly and evenly cut jeans for shorts?

Jeans have never gone out of fashion and products made from this fabric have always remained relevant, in demand and fashionable. Any person: woman, man or child can feel comfortable, stylish and beautiful in a denim product.

Fashionable denim shorts can be completely different: wide and narrow, short and long, simple and decorated with many decorative elements.

In some cases, you can even find fashionable ultra short shorts that look extremely flattering and sexy on young girls, revealing the buttock crease on the leg.

If you want loose summer shorts that you can happily wear all summer long, then Bermuda shorts are your best choice.

Loose jeans that are not tapered at the bottom are useful for this. This style has been fashionable for several seasons in a row, and decorative elements such as scuffs and holes can add special style.

How to make fashionable denim shorts from old trousers yourself?

How to make your own shorts:

  • The length of the shorts should definitely be determined while the pants are on the body. If you determine it with your pants off, you always run the risk of making them too short and shorter than you expected.
  • Having determined the length, you should fix it for yourself in any convenient way and then draw a border on the table exactly under the ruler so that the cut is correct and uniform, the same and even for both legs
  • You need to cut the shorts with a margin, that is, you need to add another one and a half centimeters to the length that you measured while looking in the mirror. This amount of fabric is needed to make a beautiful edge and stitch it
  • This stitch must be done from the wrong side so that an even seam remains on the outside of the fabric. The disheveled edge, where the nicknames stick out, must be tucked inward

The finished product must be decorated with various modern decorative elements. Everything you need for decoration can be found at any hardware store.

stitching on homemade denim shorts from the wrong side

homemade denim shorts without stitching on the hem, shorts with frayed hems and decorative holes

Making your own denim Bermuda shorts from old denim trousers
DIY sewing of denim shorts, original stitching on the edge of the leg on the outside - a stylish solution

How to make fashionable shorts out of old jeans?

We can say with confidence that the presence of various decorative elements in them is responsible for how your homemade shorts look: stylish or not. Every new season you can see how modern designers come up with more and more new ways to highlight everyday clothes and elevate them to a stylish and universally recognized level.

If you have successfully determined the ideal length for yourself and cut your jeans, turning them into shorts, the next thing you need to do is to spend energy on decorating and decorating them. Such decoration can be either minimal or global, it all depends on your preferences and your style.


  • Scuffs are one of the simplest and most fashionable decorative elements that can be present on shorts of any length and any style.
  • Scuffs will decorate your shorts and add special ease, lightness and summer mood to them.
  • You can make abrasions using available tools: pumice stone, sandpaper, blade, eyebrow tweezers, manicure scissors
  • Simple light and white abrasions are created by rubbing a pumice stone or sandpaper over the fabric. Sometimes you have to put in a lot of effort to get exactly the result you expected. However, you create your own individual style and any labor costs will more than pay off for you
  • When rubbing the fabric, place thick cardboard under the bottom (between the fabrics of the trouser leg), which will prevent rubbing of other layers of fabric
  • You can make stylish holes using a blade that you use to cut into the fabric. After this, use nail scissors or tweezers to remove all the vertical threads. As a result, you will get a stylish “rip” in your jeans, which can be made both on the knees and on the pocket area

scuff marks on denim shorts


  • Another trendy way to decorate jeans
  • Making a stylish and beautiful hole is very simple - you just need to cut the fabric horizontally in the selected area several times. The distance between the cuts should be approximately one centimeter
  • After this, use eyebrow tweezers to pull out all the vertical threads from the cuts and get a stylish hole
  • You can also use scissors to cut a round hole or a square-shaped hole. The edges of the cut hole should be thoroughly rubbed with pumice or sandpaper.

denim shorts with holes


  • Women's denim shorts decorated with lace are especially popular.
  • You can sew the lace fabric yourself to the wrong side of the shorts where there is a hole
  • The edge of the trouser leg or the pocket area is trimmed with lace fabric
  • Lace can be sewn along the seams or in the waistband area
  • You can easily choose the color and style of lace yourself and sew it on either by machine or by hand

women's denim shorts with lace

Decorative elements:

  • You can decorate denim shorts with the many different decorative elements that are sold in modern hardware stores.
  • Metal simple and figured buttons, ribbons, buttons, stripes and chains are used
  • You can combine several styles in one wardrobe item

stylish denim shorts decorated with decorative metal star-shaped snaps

fashionable denim shorts decorated with metal spikes

modern denim shorts, decorated with many decorative elements

How to make jeans shorts with a turn up?

Roll-up shorts are a wonderfully simple yet stylish piece that will become your go-to casual outfit. These shorts can easily be made from old jeans yourself.

Shorts with a turn-up step by step:

  • Find suitable trousers, determine the required length of future stylish shorts in front of the mirror, secure it with a pin and remove the trousers
  • From the marked value, you should step back another three to five centimeters (depending on the width of the desired hem) and use a ruler and pen to draw a clear, even cut line
  • Cut off the excess bottom of the trousers with scissors
  • There is one secret that will allow you to cut the fabric as evenly as possible: cut each side (front and back) separately
  • Take the iron and carefully iron the hem, turning it the way you like it
  • If you want to hide the cut tousled edge, fold it inward again and press firmly again.
  • Sew the edges to each other either with a basting to then sew on the machine, or very carefully with your own hands to achieve the perfect result.

You can also independently adjust the thickness and height of the cuff by turning it one or more times.

roll-up shorts

How to fray denim shorts?

If you're making denim shorts from plain denim pants, you'll likely want to add a few stylish and decorative touches to them.

The easiest and best way is to create frays that will literally “transform” ordinary shorts into an incredibly fashionable wardrobe item.

Where to make scuffs on shorts:

  • On the knees- one of the best options for placing scuffs, here your efforts will be noticeable and will always attract the attention of others
  • On the pockets - the wear looks good on both the back and side pockets. In some cases, you can wipe the fabric so hard that the lining fabric of the pocket is visible.
  • On the hips - It’s also one of the winning options that will make ordinary shorts very stylish. Some abrasions may be horizontal, but vertical ones will always make the silhouette more elongated and slender.
  • On the butt - This type of fraying is suitable for short women's denim shorts, which can enhance the sexuality of a girl and reveal “pieces” of the naked body
  • special cleaning for fish

How to make ripped shorts with your own hands?

Ripped shorts are a stylish and modern wardrobe item. Making them is not at all difficult by cutting and ruffling the fabric with the same tools described in this article. But along with this, it is important to know where the holes on the shorts look most advantageous:

  • On the knees- a stylish modern solution. The hole can be either a small abrasion or a large area cut out with scissors and always frayed threads along all edges
  • On the pockets - a stylish solution that will open up the lining pocket area. You can also sew other fabrics of different textures and colors, as well as lace, into such holes on the reverse side
  • On the butt - a stylish but bold solution that will add sexuality to the female body

In any case, the hole should not be simply cut off with scissors. The edges of the hole must be rubbed until the threads are frayed so that the hole looks as beautiful and stylish as possible.

torn shorts in the pocket area

ripped shorts at the hips

torn shorts on the butt

How to make shorts from pants?

Just like with jeans, you can make shorts of any style and length and from any other fabric. The main thing is to always choose 100% cotton fabric for these experiments, which will perfectly retain its shape and be easy to sew.

In any case, shorts are best made from thick fabric, similar in texture to denim. Pay close attention to the style of your jeans to get the expected results for your future shorts.

Video: “How to make shorts from old jeans?”

Glad to meet you! Again the conversation will be about useful alterations from old to new. This time, how to make your own jeans shorts. There are many tricks in this handicraft, which we will tell you about today.

How to transform old into new?

In every housewife's wardrobe, old, worn clothes lie idle. It's time to get down to business and give them new life! Thick seams scare you? Experienced craftswomen shared some tricks that will help cope with this problem.

How to set up a sewing machine

Let's start sewing

And we finish...

  1. To make a belt loop, take pieces of fabric 3.5 cm wide. Iron them 1.3 cm on one side and 1.0 cm on the other. Sew along the front side with thick threads, departing 3 mm from the edge.

To ensure that the reverse side is no different from the branded one, make a “goat” seam. The finished belt loop is 6.5 cm.

Scheme for converting jeans into shorts

Getting fashionable shorts is very easy. First, measure the desired length and draw a cutting line around the entire circumference of the leg with chalk. Measure again and cut. Your dream is for the new thing to have a lapel.

Crafts lessons for beginner seamstresses

Young girls all over the world have fallen in love with ripped shorts. Why don't we create our own masterpieces? A new thing can come from old ones. Measure the required length, cut, and tear off with your hands where there are no seams. Cut at the seams with scissors.

Important! Cutting lines today are made in a V-shape. This way the product looks much more original than when cut in a straight line.

To obtain transverse stripes, just cut the shorts with scissors, then pull out the threads. Don't forget that the holes will get even bigger when washed, so don't overdo it!

To make your shorts even more frayed, rub them with sandpaper.

Ombre shorts

Beautiful pants are obtained by dyeing them in the form of “ombre”. This technique has gained real popularity. Dyeing process:

  • Dilute dry acrylic paints for fabric with water strictly according to the instructions.
  • There are two methods of gradient painting: paint of one color or two colors.
  • Dilute a small amount of dye so that the color is not saturated.
  • Place most of the product in a container with liquid and hold for 5 minutes.
  • Take out the shorts and dilute the remaining paint in the same water.
  • In a darker liquid, lower the product again and hold for 5 minutes. In this case, you need to lower it to a shorter length than the first time. The second part of the product should be darker.

How to decorate a new thing

Wearing simple shorts is no longer interesting. They need to be decorated! How to decorate a new wardrobe item? Here you can give free rein to your creative desires.

Things look beautiful if they are decorated with appliqués, sequins, or beads.

Shorts with lace look feminine.

Women's shorts with lace can be made in a few minutes:

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  • cut off the edges on both sides,
  • sew in lace.

Lace can be sewn onto the pockets or along the entire line of the legs, it all depends on your imagination.

What if you try to cut not in a straight line, but in a zigzag? Nothing complicated! Take a cap from a plastic bottle, trace it, cut it, and process it using an overlocker.

No one has ever seen such a new thing!

Dear friends, when going on vacation, do not rush to the store for new clothes. You know how to make your own jeans shorts!

They have been on trend for several seasons now. This little thing is quite versatile and can be combined with any style, which is why fashionistas are so eager to get it into their wardrobe. But you don’t even need to go to the store for this. It is enough to take a closer look at old and already worn out jeans. Learn how to make your own denim shorts.

Choosing the right model

Today, both ultra-short shorts and quite long ones, reaching almost to the knees, are popular. Of course, when choosing a suitable style, you need to start from the characteristics of your own figure.

Short and tight denim shorts made from old jeans can only be worn by long-legged beauties with ideal parameters. For girls with appetizing shapes, we recommend choosing elongated, straight-cut models. If you have extra centimeters on your waist or tummy, we recommend taking high-waisted items as a basis.

Before you make your own jeans shorts, clearly determine their length. First cut the trousers to the knee, and then bend them, determining the ideal option for you. Also keep in mind that several centimeters of length will be spent on processing the edge.

You can simply make a cut edge, a cuff, hem the edge with a double seam, or create a fashionable fringe. We'll talk more about all the options below.

How to make shorts from jeans with your own hands

1. Determine the exact length and try to duplicate it for the second leg. For convenience, you can draw a line with chalk or a pencil, taking into account the allowance (2-3 centimeters). If you plan to add fringe along the edge, the cut may be uneven.

2. Using sharp scissors, cut the jeans along the marked line.

3. At this stage, the creation of the shorts can be completed. But if you want to get a fashionable and original item, then we offer several decor options.

How to process the edge?

They are very easy to create with your own hands. But perhaps the most labor-intensive stage of this process is edge processing. Making a fashionable fringe is the most convenient option. You just need to fluff the edge with your hands and get rid of the horizontal threads.

If you prefer a more restrained style, you will have to remember the labor lessons and the basics of working with a sewing machine. If your machine can make an overlock stitch, then it is better to process the edge with it. Otherwise, simply fold the fabric along the previously determined line. Using pins, pin the material in several places and sew by hand for convenience. Next, you need to make a double stitch using dense threads on a machine.

If you want to get a stylish cuff at the bottom, then simply fold the trouser leg several times, only in this case it must be cut off with a large margin. This option is not suitable for tapered trousers. In such a situation, you will have to cut out the cuffs separately from the cut off legs. Sew them wrong side up and attach to the shorts.

How to make your own denim shorts bright and stylish

Today, shorts are considered incredibly fashionable not in the standard blue color, but in rich colors. You can buy them at a sewing store. They dissolve in water and are very easy to apply with a brush.

Shorts are an item of clothing most often worn in hot weather. The shorts market has hundreds of ready-made models. However, in order to emphasize your authenticity, you can sew your own shorts using modern patterns. If you don't have much experience in modeling and designing clothes, you can take the easier route and create shorts from old jeans. In this case, you will become the owner of a truly exclusive item and save money.

You can sew denim shorts without special drawings or professional sewing equipment. Even a beginner, armed with tips and tricks, can create a high-quality product that is not embarrassing to wear to a party or to the beach.

Which jeans are suitable?

The first step to making denim shorts is to decide which pair of old pants you can use as a base. The choice of model will depend on your preferences. For example, if you like a high waist on your pants, then it is best to use old high-waisted jeans for your shorts.

It is not recommended to use pants that are too tapered, since after cutting, the part that went into shorts may turn out to be too tight. In addition, such a product can rub a lot, especially during prolonged wear.

It is better to refuse options with ready-made scuffs and holes. These jeans are more difficult to adjust in length. On regular shorts, you can create your own trim and place decorative elements.

Carefully examine your wardrobe for the most spacious model. If you don’t have one, then you can turn to your boyfriend’s wardrobe. Boyfriend shorts are all the rage right now, so don't be afraid to create your own from your boyfriend's old jeans.

If we talk about colors, jeans with non-standard shades (gray, pink or black) are preferable. These tones will make your future shorts even more original.

Taking measurements

Once you have decided on a pair of old jeans to sew, take all the necessary measurements. If you chose your boyfriend pants, you may need to narrow the waist of the item, so in addition to the length of the future shorts, also measure your waist and hip circumference.

It may seem that cutting off the legs is easy and without special markings and measurements. However, this is not true: this method will almost certainly not work. An incorrectly cut piece will ruin the entire product. Before making the first cut, correctly measure the desired length on both legs and do not forget to allow for seam allowance (usually 3-5 cm depending on the number of hems).

The best way to take measurements is with a measuring tape and a piece of chalk. All markings must be done from the wrong side. This will ensure that any measuring lines do not detract from the appearance of the shorts and that the cut does not end up higher than the pockets.

If you are a beginner, but decide not to put off making denim shorts, you can use a drawstring or charging cable to mark the desired length. Instead of chalk, regular soap will do: it will be visible on the fabric and will be easily erased after washing.

Making shorts from jeans

To create unique shorts you will need:

  • old jeans;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure;
  • chalk or soap;
  • sewing machine;
  • decorative elements;
  • pumice or medium-grit sandpaper to create scuff marks.

Stage 1. Make markings and test cuts

Draw cutting lines on the fabric according to the measurements. It is not recommended to make the legs of shorts too short, since directly on the figure the shorts may be located significantly higher than the intended fit. This item will most likely look like underwear, so be careful when choosing the length.

Don't be afraid to cut out fragments. This uncertainty can affect the entire short formation process. To combat this and get a better feel for the fabric, make a few practice cuts on the bottoms of the jeans before cutting along your intended line.

Stage 2. Cut off the jeans legs

If you followed the previous tips, you should have no problem cutting off the excess fabric from your jeans correctly. It is recommended to first cut the material 2-3 cm below the marking line. This will leave room for additional manipulations after fitting.

Be careful when cutting fabric around the side seams of your jeans. These are often the most difficult areas to process, since the material there is formed in several layers. Take your time and do not change the angle of the scissors so as not to cut off an extra piece of fabric.

Be sure to try on the product after cutting. Remove excess threads and determine the final length of the product. On yourself, you can roll up the legs and see how the shorts fit with a shorter length.

If you want to get a product with asymmetrical legs, then mark additional lines on the fabric. It is also better to cut the fabric using these marks after trying it on. Shorts that have a higher rise on the sides and are as low as possible between the legs look interesting.

You can leave the product in this form, without processing, simply tucking the edges.

Stage 3. Processing the edges of the shorts

If you still decide to leave the gates, then they need to be properly designed.

  1. Start by using an overlocker or hand stitch to finish the edges of the shorts. This will help prevent the threads from fraying and also prevent the side seams from coming apart.
  2. Then fold the fabric to the distance required for the hems. Fold again. You should have two layers of material.
  3. Iron the hems and sew them on the sides using a blind stitch (sew one centimeter on each side).

Stage 4. Adding decorative elements and finishing

To trim the bottom of the shorts, you can form a fringe edge. To do this you will need a sewing needle or tweezers. Using them, remove the threads located horizontally, and then fluff the edge with a regular brush. Ideally, the length of the fringe is 2-3 cm.

To keep the fringe at the set length and prevent the fabric from unraveling further, machine stitch a seam or two along the circumference of the legs. They will secure the fringe.

To decorate the shorts, use rivets, sequins and rhinestones, and also create two or three abrasions on the back or front of the product. Holes and abrasions are best done using tweezers (remove each vertical thread individually) or pumice.

The most popular summer clothing is shorts and Bermuda shorts. You don't have to buy new shorts to update your summer wardrobe a little. After all, there is always the opportunity to make shorts from old jeans that are tired or don’t fit at the waist; we also have this option for alteration.

How to make shorts from jeans with your own hands - we will tell you in this material. In order to make denim shorts at home, you can do without a sewing machine, just scissors, a stiff brush, and a needle and thread to match the color of the jeans. If you want to make women's trendy cut-off shorts from old jeans, choose one of the types of decor suggested below. It is possible to make homemade cool and cool shorts with your own hands.

Denim shorts with laces and pocket decor.

Denim shorts are a great option for summer. Things made with your own hands are worn with special pleasure. How to cut jeans or overalls and how to alter them? First of all, don't rush. Take a pin, chalk, or a piece of soap and put the jeans on yourself. Decide how long the shorts you want to make. If your choice is Bermuda shorts, then you should cut at knee level. If you want to make women’s shorts with your own hands with a turn-up, then you need to take into account the extra 3-5 cm for the turn-up. You can shorten and trim the excess later. So, we make shorts from jeans. Instructions.

Length of cropped bermuda jeans.

The cutting and sewing technique is simple. After you have decided on the length, take off your jeans and lay them out on the table or floor. The main thing is that the surface is smooth. We mark the fabric by folding the jeans in half, with the back pockets facing up. We combine the external seams, waistband, and pocket rivets. It is better to pin all the combined places with tailor's pins to avoid displacement.

Next, measure the distance from the waistband to the inner crotch seam, and the same from the waistband along the outer seam. We draw a line. The bottom cut line should be parallel to this line. The marks are checked again and the trouser legs are cut. Cut it evenly; you can take long scissors - it’s more convenient. Next, we need to process the bottom of the shorts from old jeans with our own hands.

Bottom processing

Our task is to carefully process the bottom of the product. Do not try to make a double denim stitch on shorts - this is done on a special basis. equipment. There are several options for processing the bottom: make sections with fringe, turn up, or sew by hand.

- the simplest option for designing the bottom of shorts. It looks great in women's models; fringe is also found in men's Bermuda shorts. To create fringe, many people recommend washing the item in the washing machine, and even more than once. This is fraught with the fact that the fringe threads can ruin the washer; you won’t get a neat bottom - it will still need to be finished. It is better for this purpose to take a stiff brush and comb out the excess threads from the cut. Another option: carefully “pluck” the white base with eyebrow tweezers. Fringe will give the shorts a special charm.

- a good option for processing the bottom. There are double and triple gates. This season, the rolled-up trouser leg is decorated with a strip of thin cotton fabric. A strip of fabric is sewn to the inside of the pants. But this option is more suitable for the toughest men. The most popular men's shorts are Bermuda shorts.

If this is a regular fold, just fold the denim shorts as many times as you want and iron them. To prevent the hem from unfolding, you can sew it with hidden stitches to the seams.

How to make fashionable shorts out of old jeans? Of course, due to the decor and decorations. Shorts for women can be white, black, high-waisted or low-waisted, short or not very short. Decor options: small holes, embroidery, patches, sequins, lacing, lace. You can choose the coolest finishes.

Judging by the price tag in the store, shorts with holes are not cheap at all, but rather the opposite. How to make ripped shorts? Firstly, to do this, you must place thick cardboard or a piece of plywood in the middle of the trouser leg, so you will not cut the denim shorts at the back. Holes can be made using a sharp utility knife or blade. To begin, take a piece of chalk or a piece of soap and draw future holes on the shorts. We don’t recommend getting carried away and making big holes.

Practice on a cut piece of jeans. On all denim jeans, white threads are the warp and blue threads are the weft. The white base of standard denim runs parallel to the floor. Our task is to select all the dark weft threads. This is most conveniently done with nail scissors: carefully remove the dark threads, leaving only the white base.

The cuts should be parallel, with a distance of no more than 1 cm. This is how this heart is made. The hole can have any shape: square, rectangular, irregular.

To prevent the threads from spilling out, it is advisable to glue the edges of the hole with non-woven material on the wrong side, or secure it in another way. For example: sew a piece of fabric on the wrong side, let it show through. Or change the burlap on the pockets.

How to decorate short shorts in an interesting way? A good option is cotton fabric of a matching color. You can decorate the back pockets, or the entire front half of denim shorts. Fashion 2017 - shorts of asymmetrical length.

The fabric can be any: these jacquard fragments are sewn on by hand.

Using rope lacing and denim inserts, you can increase the size of the shorts if they are too small for you.

If you are not interested in regular shorts, you can decorate them with these patches:

Lately we have often seen a fashion for hand embroidery. Satin stitch or cross stitch is used to decorate denim clothing, including shorts. Stitch embroidery ideas: