The dog has green snot coming out of his nose. How to treat a runny nose in a dog with folk remedies

A dog's nasal discharge is not always a sign of a common cold. The reason may lie in serious infectious diseases. There are so many reasons that cause snot from a dog’s nose that, alas, it is impossible to do without the help of a veterinarian in making an accurate diagnosis.

Main symptoms - what to look for

What a dog owner can observe with rhinitis:

  • Mucus comes from the nose - of varying consistency and shade. Green or yellow-green snot in a dog is a sign of a long course of the disease (longer than 1 week), when bacteria have already appeared (they change the color and consistency of the snot).
  • Along with snot, sneezing and attempts to scratch the nose or lick it are usually observed. If you actively try to constantly shake your head, you may suspect the presence of a foreign object in the nose.
  • Discharges on only one side may indicate a tumor, polyps or foreign objects.
  • With advanced growths of tumor neoplasms, deformation of the bridge of the nose or the entire muzzle may be observed, and ichor may be mixed with the mucus.
  • The eyes may become sour and watery eyes may appear (the nasal and lacrimal ducts are combined into the nasolacrimal duct, so all of the above symptoms often occur simultaneously). In some diseases, the eyes simultaneously turn red and conjunctivitis develops.
  • Always with rhinitis, the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity swells and becomes very red (this can only be noticed independently in large dogs with large nostrils; in other cases, this is determined by a veterinarian during an instrumental examination).
  • Swelling and congestion of the nose are determined by breathing through the mouth - the cheeks are swollen or the mouth is open.
  • Curvature of the nose and/or nasal septum due to injury, falls or blows - visible changes in the shape of the nose, the outline of the muzzle, and the tip of the nose.
  • In severe illnesses, body temperature may also rise, lethargy and weakness appear, appetite decreases or disappears completely, and thirst appears (if the dog breathes with its mouth open).

For a more accurate diagnosis, you may need to clarify a few more points:

  • does the amount of snot change when you tilt your head, during sleep or wakefulness, in the morning/day/evening, is it difficult to breathe after physical activity;
  • when nasal discharge was first noticed, and over what period of time it thickened and changed color (if such a fact was noted);
  • the discharge is strong or scanty, does it have time to dry out and form crusts around the nose, or is it just constantly wet;
  • all the time there was snot coming out of one nostril or two;
  • how the dog sleeps - with its mouth open or manages to breathe through its nose;
  • does rhinitis cause any inconvenience to the pet or does he not pay attention to it.

How to help if snot is detected

A runny nose is not a separate disease, it is a symptom that something is going wrong in the body. Treatment of snot in dogs will directly depend on the cause that provoked it. Final comments are always up to the specialist!


With a true allergy, sneezing and lacrimation are added to the snot. Possible itching and rash on the body. What is characteristic is that the nasal discharge is serous (transparent, liquid), tears do not sour in the corners of the eyes.

The nose does not need to be rinsed, but antihistamines must be prescribed:

  • diphenhydramine (0.3-1 ml/kg of animal weight, depending on size, up to 2 times/day);
  • tavegil (0.5-1 tablet per animal every 12 hours);
  • diazolin (after feeding 1-3 tablets or tablets, depending on the size of the dog, once or twice a day);
  • suprastin (1/2-1 tablet 1-2 times a day, depending on the size of the dog and the response to the drug).

In particularly protracted cases, hormonal and/or steroid drugs may be prescribed.


Resting on a draft or cold floor often affects your pet's health. In acute rhinitis, when the snot is clear and watery, frequent rinsing is not required. It is enough to use Derinat or Pinosol nasal drops (herbal oil-based preparations) - 2-3 drops 2-3 times a day for up to 2 weeks (but usually 7 days are enough). You can place bags of warm sand, salt or buckwheat on the bridge of your nose to warm it up - up to 3 times a day.

It is forbidden to use heating if the snot is green and thick!

If the snot thickens, turns yellow-green and begins to dry around the nose, be sure to carefully remove the crusts before washing and instilling them (use 3% hydrogen peroxide or a mixture of glycerin and vitamin A). Rinse your nose well with a mixture of 1% soda and 0.5% tannin (1:1). Drip chloramphenicol eye drops - 2 times a day, 2-3 drops, for no longer than 10 days.

Vasoconstrictor drops are not used for dogs! Human drugs such as Galazolin, Naphthyzin, Sanorin, Nasol are especially not recommended for use!

Foreign bodies

Dogs love to dig for things and literally stick their noses everywhere, so blockage of the nasal passages by a foreign body is not uncommon. This can be understood by snot from only one nostril (mostly), wheezing breathing, or no air movement at all from the clogged side. In addition, the dog may shake its head and rub its muzzle with its paw, clearly making it clear that something is wrong.

If the dog is large with large nostrils, the object is visible, and the owner has no doubt about removing it on his own - you can try to act. When lighting the nasal passages, be sure to cover your dog's eyes! But the most correct action is to seek help from a specialist. The peculiarity of the structure of the dog’s nasal passages is such that if a foreign body is ineptly removed, there is a risk of pushing it even deeper into the nasopharynx.

Tumors, polyps

After examining the nasal cavity and muzzle, a decision is usually made to remove the tumors. The type of tumor, size and nature of the tumor can only be determined by a specialist. New growths that cause deformation of the bridge of the nose or the muzzle as a whole are worthy of special attention.

Before the operation, it is necessary to conduct additional studies to correctly select anesthesia and surgical tactics. Rhinitis usually goes away after the tumor is removed and postoperative wounds heal.

Infectious diseases

Only a veterinarian can determine the type of infection, especially since the causative agent can be not only viruses or bacteria, but also fungi. Specific therapy is prescribed, depending on the type of infection - antiviral, antimicrobial or antifungal drugs. At the same time, general strengthening agents and stimulating immunity are recommended.

Nasal rinsing is indicated when the discharge is thick, yellow-green and makes breathing difficult. Therapeutic drops are used similar to those used for colds (Pinosol, Derinat, chloramphenicol eye drops). To increase local immunity of the nasal mucosa, Thymogen drops are often prescribed - 2-3 drops to a dog weighing up to 10 kg once a day for 7-10 days.

Diseases such as adenovirus and plague (Carré disease) deserve special attention. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. Only a specialist can determine that a dog has these particular ailments based on a clinical examination and related diagnostic methods.

Cleft palate

If a cleft palate is detected, only surgical assistance is provided. The effectiveness of the operation will depend on the severity of the anomaly. There are times when it is impossible to help even promptly. The veterinary surgeon always has the final say.

Secondary rhinitis in internal diseases

Mandatory cure of the primary disease. During the treatment of the underlying disease, you can use Maxidin drops 0.15%.

Local irritation

Dogs can even detect odors that humans cannot hear. Those. their sensitivity to odors is many times higher. Acrid smoke, vapors from household chemical solutions or powders can cause local irritation of the nasal mucosa when inhaled, causing swelling of the nasopharynx, snot and lacrimation. Help is similar to allergies, but if local irritation occurs, be sure to rinse your nose.

For rinsing, use pharmaceutical saline solution, furatsilin (1 tablet per glass of warm water) or homemade solution of table salt (half a teaspoon of salt per half liter of warm boiled water).

Deformations in the structure of the nasal passages

Any visible changes to the nose (such as a deviated septum or fractures) are corrected surgically. The runny nose stops after all procedures are completed and postoperative wounds heal.

Physiological narrowing of the nostrils

In short-faced dog breeds, the periodic discharge of clear snot is considered a physiological feature. It is necessary to monitor the hygiene of your pet’s nasal passages by periodically washing them. It is also important to monitor your general health to prevent the addition of a secondary bacterial infection and the development of harmful microorganisms in “healthy” mucus.

General restorative therapy

The causes of a runny nose can be anything, but in each case, restorative therapy to stimulate the functioning of the immune system will not hurt. This is especially indicated for viral infections:

  • ribotan (one dose intramuscularly 0.5-2 ml per animal, depending on size; course duration - up to 5 days);
  • fosprenil (the daily dose should not be more than 0.4 ml/kg; subcutaneously or intramuscularly for a week: if given orally, the dosage is doubled);
  • immunofan (1 ml intramuscularly or under the skin in the withers area once a day; course up to 1 week, but at least 5 days);
  • cycloferon (dose depends on the weight of the animal: up to 3 kg - 0.4 ml/kg, 3-5 kg ​​- 0.3 ml/kg; up to 12 kg - 0.15 ml/kg, for very large dogs the calculation is 0.1 ml /kg Scheme: the first two days – daily, then – every other day; a total of 5 injections in 8 days);
  • gamavit (0.3-0.5 ml/kg once or twice a day, every other day for 2-6 weeks).

The type of drug and course of use are determined by a veterinary specialist!

Question answer

How to rinse a dog's nose?

Small dogs (puppies and small breeds) are usually not washed, but gently cleaned using cotton swabs well moistened with the required solution. Medium and large breed dogs can be rinsed with special solutions heated to body temperature using syringes without a needle (10 cc) or a small rubber bulb. The procedure is carried out after removing dried crusts around the nostrils and on the nose itself, if any. You can soak the crusts with regular warm boiled water or hydrogen peroxide.

It is better if two people do the procedure - one holds the pet, the other washes it. The dog must be secured in a sitting position. You can wear a muzzle that comes without fixing the nasal mirror. Carefully inject small volumes of rinsing solutions into each nostril and wait until they flow out. You can blot the muzzle with a soft cloth without rubbing or injuring the nasal planum too much. Perhaps the pet will sneeze - this is good and helps to remove mucus and already thick snot from the depths of the nasal passages. Wait until the sneeze ends and continue the procedure until clear solution flows from the nostrils.

What can be used as a flushing fluid?

For dogs, you can use:

  • pharmaceutical saline solution 0.9%;
  • furatsilin solution (1 tablet dissolves in a glass of warm water);
  • homemade solution of table salt (add 1 tsp of regular table salt to 1 liter of boiling water, boil for up to 2 minutes, cool, filter);
  • boric acid solution (not stronger than 3%);
  • a mixture of solutions of 1% soda and 0.5% tannin in a 1:1 ratio;
  • pure 1% soda solution (half a teaspoon of soda is dissolved in half a liter of boiled cooled water);
  • Dixidin 1%, diluted with boiled water to a concentration of 0.5%.

It is better to check with a specialist for all instructions on the frequency of washing and dose.

Is dog runny nose contagious to humans?

The snot itself does not pose a danger to humans, i.e. The owner will not have a “running nose” because the pet is sick. But some causes of rhinitis can cause some discomfort (for example, fleas and ticks can bite people). You should not neglect basic hygiene rules when caring for a sick animal!

The dog has snot running - what should the pet owner do?

If there are clear and watery discharges, you can try to help your pet yourself by examining the nasal passages for the presence of foreign objects, giving antihistamines and rinsing the nose. If the snot is accompanied by at least some other signs of general malaise, a visit to the veterinarian is mandatory so as not to miss the development of a serious infectious disease!

If your dog has red eyes and snot?

In almost every case, the eyes are involved in the process due to the connection between the nasal and tear ducts. If the snot-tears are clear, there is a high probability of an allergy; if the conjunctiva of the eye turns red and there is nitrous, the discharge from the nose is thick - this is a sign of infection.

What if a dog sneezes and has snot?

Almost all runny noses are accompanied by sneezing and snorting, because... irritate the nasal mucosa. It is important to pay attention to other accompanying symptoms, if any.

The dog has a cough and snot

If rhinitis is accompanied by any respiratory symptoms - coughing, hoarse breathing, sneezing, lethargy and, especially, fever, a visit to the veterinarian cannot be postponed! Cough is accompanied by snot in severe viral or bacterial infections!

Thanks to their nose and well-developed sense of smell, dogs perceive the world around them more fully. For them, the ability to smell means analyzing the information received. The sense of smell helps to navigate the area, remember the way home, and sense the approach of danger. leads to a temporary loss of smell, depriving the dog of the joys of life. Some animals make a living from their sense of smell, for example, sniffer dogs or hunters. It is very important for them to have a healthy nose. Having considered the main causes of runny nose in four-legged pets, you can provide timely assistance and cure the animal.

Causes of a runny nose in a dog

What are the possible causes of frequent sneezing?

If your dog is constantly sneezing and snorting, you need to find out the cause of the runny nose. More often .

Allergic reaction

Allergies can be caused by cigarette smoke.

Appears in some animals from inhalation of dust, pollen, and the strong smell of perfumes and household chemicals.

Cigarette smoke and mold in the house can also become... The body's reaction to new foods sometimes also causes sneezing. Allergies are manifested not only by a runny nose, but you can also observe following symptoms :

  • repeated sneezing when inhaling an allergen. For example, a dog is allergic to pollen, and during a walk he ran across a lawn with flowers. Pollen got into the nose and clung to the animal’s paws and fur. Hence the repeated sneezing, not only at the moment of inhalation, but also at home, after a walk;
  • the allergen irritates the throat, so it appears during breathing;
  • swelling of the nose;
  • skin itching, skin irritation;
  • nasal discharge in the form of watery or whitish mucus.

Perhaps the cause of the allergy is at home. If your pet constantly sneezes and snorts without going for a walk, you need to pay attention to when and after contact with what this happens. Perhaps they washed things with a new powder or purchased a floor cleaner with a different scent. Cigarettes and their smoke become a problem not only for humans, but also the dog suffers from an allergic reaction when inhaling the pungent aroma of tobacco.

Anatomical structure

Dogs with flat noses often have breathing problems.

Some dogs have a predisposition to developing a runny nose, this is due to the anatomical features of the structure of the skull and nose.

Dogs with a flattened nose experience breathing problems more often than other dogs.

Foreign body in the nasal passage

A dog with its nose in the sand may sneeze.

Sneezing can be caused by a foreign body getting into the nasal passages.

Dogs who like to pick their noses in the ground while walking suffer from blades of grass and dust particles getting into their noses. In this case, mechanical irritation of the nose occurs and sneezing occurs. This process is a natural protection against foreign objects. The pet can inhale the flea, which will also cause irritation and frequent sneezing.

Nose injury

A dog can injure its nose while playing.

Active pets often get injured during play. The owner may not notice that the dog has hit its nose on something hard . And already at home you will notice bloody discharge from the nose and the dog’s sneezing. In this case, it is recommended to show the animal to a veterinarian to rule out a fracture.


A runny nose and sneezing occur when infected with worms. Waste products cause, immunity decreases, it is easier for a dog to catch it.

Helminths can get into the nostrils animal when inhaled and produce mechanical irritation leading to sneezing. When worms get into the throat, a cough appears. Helminthiasis can be suspected if the dog scratches its butt or tries to ride it on the surface of the floor. Although this symptom also occurs with other diseases, for example, with blockage of the paraanal glands.

When infected with worms, the dog develops a runny nose.

Infectious diseases

A dog with distemper develops a runny nose and severe lethargy.

Nasal polyps prevent your dog from breathing normally.

The specialist will determine the nature of the tumor and recommend further treatment or surgical removal.

Chronic diseases

Under stress, your dog may develop a runny nose.

A long-term chronic disease leads to a weakening of the body's defenses. Microorganisms inhabiting the body are activated, and inflammatory processes occur. A runny nose may appear in the background. Pregnancy and old age also cause nasal discharge.

First aid for a dog with a runny nose

You can remove a foreign object from your nose using tweezers.

Treatment at home

  • If your dog has a cold, you need to keep it in a warm room and treat its nose with anti-inflammatory agents applied to a cotton swab.
  • You can use thymogen or maxidin.
  • The crusts on the nose need to be softened and removed. A peroxide solution is suitable for this purpose.
  • After the procedure, you can lubricate your nose with a rich cream; it is better to take baby cream with vitamins or Vaseline.
  • The nasal passages are treated at least 3 times a day. If the symptoms of the disease do not disappear, but increase, difficulty breathing and coughing appear, it is necessary to show the dog to a specialist.

For treatment, you can use the drug Thymogen.

Possible addition of a bacterial infection, development.

Pinosol and onion juice

Pinosol drops help well in treatment.

You can use Pinosol drops or make the medicine yourself. Onion juice helps, used in diluted form. The juice must be squeezed out of the bulb and diluted with water in a ratio of 1:2, then the product is applied to cotton swabs and inserted into the nasal passages for a short time.

Polyp in the nose

If a runny nose occurs due to a nasal polyp, it is recommended to remove it surgically . The disease is often recurrent, so your pet will need to be taken regularly for repeated examinations. If a tumor is detected in the nose, it is determined which category it belongs to: benign or malignant. Benign ones are removed, but for malignant ones the prognosis is unfavorable, but radiation treatment may be recommended.

If a tumor is found, the veterinarian will determine its category.


If the runny nose is allergic in nature, you can try to find out what caused it.

It's sad, but allergies are an incurable disease. By identifying the allergen and protecting the dog from it, you can achieve remission. Allergies to pollen and grass are unlikely to be avoided, so you will have to use antihistamines to alleviate the condition. This may be suprastin, diphenhydramine or other drugs recommended by the veterinarian. Medicines can be prescribed one-time to relieve symptoms or as a course.


If your dog's cough and runny nose are caused by worms, it is necessary to remove them.

When selecting anthelmintic drugs, the weight and age of the dog are taken into account. Special gentle products are purchased for puppies. Recommended deworming remedies: Milbemax, Drontal Plus, Febtal combo, Pratel and others.


Distemper treatment should be started immediately when the first symptoms appear.

The drug Bromhexine will improve breathing and relieve cough.

The best products are considered to be from companies Biocenter, Narvak, Merial, Biovet .

The serum is administered as a single dose 2 ml per 5 kg weight animal. For large dogs, the dose is 5 ml. If improvement was not achieved on the first day, the administration of the drug is repeated. In addition, interferon or other immunostimulants are prescribed to maintain immunity. Antipyretics are used to relieve fever. The pharmaceutical products Bromhexine or Mucaltin will help relieve coughing and improve breathing. They help cleanse the bronchi of mucus and improve the pet’s breathing. Purulent eye discharge is treated with drops, which can be purchased at a veterinary pharmacy. A weak solution of manganese can also be used to wash the eyes.

Daily walks will help strengthen your puppy's immunity.

Cleanliness in the room where your pet lives will help protect it from dust allergies, so it is very important to carry out wet cleaning with disinfectants.

Video about runny nose in dogs

Sneezing in dogs is not uncommon, but should not be ignored. If your dog is sneezing, check to see if the sneezing is accompanied by other symptoms. Sneezing is a reflex with which the body gets rid of a foreign body located in the nasal cavity.

Causes of sneezing in dogs

There are many reasons for sneezing, including:

  • allergy;
  • cold;
  • foreign body;
  • injury;
  • disease;
  • heart problems;
  • infections;
  • rhinitis.

If your dog sneezes during a walk, do not rush to sound the alarm; single sneezes are quite appropriate. It is known that the dog smells everything; often dust, earth, seeds or pollen of plants, etc. are found in the dog’s nose. If sneezing is frequent and other symptoms are added, you need to figure out why the dog is sneezing, whether it is sick, and whether it is worth taking it to the veterinarian.

If your dog sneezes and snorts, rubs his nose with his paw, or waves his head, there is probably something stuck in his nose. There is blood coming from the nose and other discharge is noted. Look - if it is impossible to remove the object yourself, it is time to take the dog to the veterinarian to remove the foreign body from the nostrils.

A case where a dog sneezes blood and at the same time drinks a lot and greedily indicates an injury. A dog can run into a hard object or hit itself while running. A veterinarian is needed to identify the degree of injury in order to avoid complications and consequences.

The cause of sneezing in a dog is also age - if the dog is elderly, sneezing can indicate heart problems. If your pet is already a decent number of years old, ask your veterinarian to do a cardiogram and carefully listen to the heart. Action is required if, shortly before the onset of sneezing, the dog experienced great physical exertion, experienced fright, etc.


Dogs explore the world with their noses; dogs have a highly developed sense of smell; in the modern world with a difficult environmental situation and an abundance of artificial odors, an allergic dog is not uncommon. What can trigger allergies in a dog:

  1. Tobacco smoke, especially if the owners are non-smokers, and on the street (at the entrance) you passed a smoking person;
  2. Plant pollen. Possible seasonal allergies to a specific plant;
  3. Mold;
  4. Dust;
  5. Household chemicals that have a strong odor, and an allergy can occur, for example, to aftershave balm;
  6. An insect bite can have serious consequences, threatening the life of the pet;
  7. A flea collar that seems harmless;
  8. Food bowl;
  9. Certain foods.

Allergy symptoms vary: the dog constantly sneezes, skin itches, coughing, snot, and watery eyes. Breathing may be difficult, irritation appears on the skin, and in some cases, hair loss is noted.

Allergies in dogs are permanent and seasonal; if you notice that the symptoms are similar, go to the doctor. The doctor will prescribe an antiallergic drug for your pet.


Single sneezes in dogs should not be a cause for concern. When a dog coughs and sneezes for a day or more, the phenomenon is recognized as a sign of a cold. A cold is accompanied by lethargy of the animal, swelling of the eyes, cough, and the presence of snot.

In today's world with an abundance of clothing for dogs, walking in cold weather without clothes is considered wrong. Clothes are made for any breed, gender, or size of dog. You can pick up a dog coat without leaving your home via the Internet; the courier will deliver the order to your apartment door. Dress your dog in cold weather or avoid long walks.

Select owners believe that it is useful to walk the dog without clothes, they say, nature has provided for everything. However, most dogs now live in apartments or warm rooms; the dog’s body loses the ability to warm itself in cold weather. Dogs living in the yard and dogs living in apartments react differently to the cold, keep this simple fact in mind.

During illness, the dog should be fed often, little by little, so that the food remains fresh and not sour. The consistency of the food resembles porridge. During illness, it is advisable to limit your pet’s contact with other animals, so as not to infect or catch someone else’s disease while the immune system is weakened.

The canine influenza virus is dangerous, easily transmitted by airborne droplets between dogs. To reduce the risk of disease, veterinarians advise vaccinating pets once a year. Vaccinations are allowed from the age when puppies change their teeth. Puppies under six months of age show extremely vulnerable immunity. By noticing the disease in time, you can protect the animal from dire consequences.


The cause of a dog's severe sneezing is sometimes an oral infection. As a rule, symptoms accompany sneezing: unpleasant odor from the mouth, caries, swollen gums. The source of the problem, the infection, needs to be treated, although they are rare.

A possible cause of sneezing is a rare disease - a tumor in the nose. To determine, an x-ray of the nasal sinuses is prescribed.

Dogs with a naturally flat nose tend to sneeze frequently; this is not always a sign of illness.

Adenovirosis is considered a common disease. Conjunctivitis is added as an additional symptom to sneezing and runny nose. Sometimes the symptoms are confused with plague; it is important to show the animal to a veterinarian to avoid dire consequences. Adenovirus can be accompanied by diarrhea and vomiting.

Perhaps sneezing was a manifestation of bronchitis or pneumonia. With bronchitis, a dry cough appears; with pneumonia, the cough is accompanied by shortness of breath and signs of intoxication.

There are cases when a dog sneezes while eating and throws out liquid food through the nostrils. These are physiological disorders (pathology) that occur when the puppies’ hard palate does not heal or the relaxation of the sphincter at the vestibule of the esophagus is impaired.

Prolonged sneezing causes swelling in the nasal mucosa, which leads to difficulty breathing. You can check your dog's nasal congestion using a mirror - just hold it up to your nose and watch for fogging.

After hypothermia, a dog may develop rhinitis - green or purulent discharge from the nose with an extremely unpleasant odor. The cause is a bacterial or fungal infection, infection of the upper jaw and a foreign body not removed in time.

Pay attention to your dog's health - get the necessary vaccinations on time, and do not allow your pet to become hypothermic. Try to walk your pet in a suit; the range of clothes for dogs will appeal to any picky owner.

Monitor your pet’s diet at all times and avoid contact with dogs—possible carriers of the virus. Do not delay visiting the veterinarian if strange symptoms appear.

A dog that has a runny nose requires more attention than it might seem at first glance. You can't compare human diseases with canine ones. If in a person a normal runny nose can be cured with drops alone, then with a dog things are much more complicated. Inflammation of the respiratory tract may or may not be a warning sign that the dog is seriously ill. The timeliness of measures taken and correct diagnosis are important here.

A dog's runny nose can be a sign of a serious illness.

The symptoms of a runny nose are approximately the same as in humans. The dog sneezes, rubs its nose with its paws, and there is a constant flow of colorless liquid from the nose. After a while, the animal begins to make sniffling sounds through its nose.

With an advanced form of the runny nose: the course turns into purulent discharge. The dog begins to breathe through the mouth due to crusts on the nasal mucosa. The animal loses its appetite and expresses apathy towards everything happening around it.


IMPORTANT. Brachycephalic breeds with congenital “defects”: French, American, Pekingese, Pug, Boxer, Shar Pei, Bullmastiff, Mastino, Brussels, Belgian and Barbançon Griffon, as well as Japanese Chin and Tibetan Spaniel. However, you should not relax with such dogs, because identifying their cold will be somewhat more difficult.

Dwarf dog breeds are more prone to runny noses than others. They should be protected from drafts and dressed in warm clothes for walks. Depending on weather conditions, delay going outside, and if the pet does get wet, it should be wiped dry.

The largest breeds of dogs are most susceptible to runny nose.

Large breeds can be hardened from a young age by reading the relevant literature beforehand. You should first make sure there are no chronic diseases.

How to treat runny nose in dogs at home

You can try to cure a runny nose at an early stage on your own. There are several medications designed specifically for dogs:

  • derinat - drops that clear the sinuses of mucus and support the immune system.
  • Pinosol - designed to thin thick nasal discharge.
  • Maksidin - eliminates the symptoms of allergic reactions.
  • anandin – has an anti-inflammatory effect, intended for instillation into the nose and eyes.

With a prolonged runny nose, crusts appear in the dog's nose, which can be softened with 3% hydrogen peroxide and then removed. The area where the crust was will need to be lubricated with Vaseline or vegetable oil.

All of these methods are good if you are sure that the dog is not suffering from any serious illness.

IMPORTANT. If the animal's nasal discharge turns green or yellow, urgent consultation with a veterinarian is necessary.

First aid for a runny nose

Before visiting a veterinarian, every dog ​​owner should know how to provide first aid.

Before contacting a doctor, it is important to give your dog first aid.

Watch your pet's water: it must be clean. Add a spoonful of honey to the water to make your dog more willing to drink. Add vitamins to your diet for immunity. If your dog refuses to eat, cook him meat broth.

Make sure that your dog's bed is not exposed to drafts. If your dog is shaking from the cold, add a blanket or a warm heating pad. At the same time, the dog’s room should not be too hot. Dry air will dry out the mucous surfaces of the nasopharynx, which promotes the formation of crusts.

Give your dog a massage: the acceleration of blood in the vessels will warm it up faster and improve its well-being.

Wipe the animal's nose and eyes from discharge in a timely manner so that it does not irritate the outer areas of the skin.

Think about the number of walks. They may need to be reduced or eliminated altogether. If not, then insulate the dog with special clothing.

Change your dog's collar, bowl, food and toys just in case. Perhaps these things could have caused her allergic reaction.

Important. Never administer first aid to a dog with a runny nose using human medications! They are unlikely to help the animal. Moreover, they can seriously harm your health.

Contacting a veterinarian will ensure the correct diagnosis. The dog will then be prescribed treatment for a runny nose.

Diseases that can cause a runny nose:

  • . This disease has several degrees of severity. The risk of occurrence occurs mainly in winter or late autumn.
  • Adenovirosis is a viral disease that is very difficult for puppies of any breed to tolerate.
  • Pathogenesis – the virus is localized in the respiratory tract and can cause the onset of pneumonia.

Do not self-medicate, but consult a veterinarian; a runny nose in dogs can occur not only due to a cold.

These are the main diseases that dogs are susceptible to. When making a diagnosis, the veterinarian will rely on many factors regarding the particular animal. Try to provide the specialist with all the information about your pet, even if you don’t consider some of it important.


Dogs will not be able to accurately describe their state of health, but their behavior can easily determine possible illness. Responding to the first symptoms of the disease in a timely manner is a big step towards a cure and a speedy recovery of the animal.