How to sew a doll so that it stands. Primitive textile doll: light, funny, pleasant. How to sew a Waldorf doll's diaper: patterns with descriptions and photos

The process of smoking fish at home is relatively simple. The result will be a wonderful appetizer for any holiday table. Despite the fact that many stores and supermarkets offer this product in a wide variety of versions, if you prepare it yourself you will be pleased with its taste.

For many, the option of smoking fish at home as a business is interesting. After all, the demand for smoked meats on the market is always high, and neither it nor sales depend on weather conditions and seasonality. Creating a smoking business is considered a very promising idea. It does not require large start-up capital, and future profits can be very high.

This procedure is performed using an aqueous salt solution. It differs from salting in the presence in recipes of vinegar, wine, lemon and other additives that change the taste of the fish.

Add to the marinade for smoking fish:

  • sea ​​salt (100 g per 2 liters of water);
  • white wine (200 g);
  • soy sauce for smoked fish (100 g);
  • lemon or lime juice (1/2 cup);
  • sugar (100 g);
  • garlic (4 cloves).

Spices for smoking fish are also added here - a mixture of black and allspice, bay leaf, cloves, coriander. Some fans add mixtures of dried or fresh herbs: dill, basil, onion, garlic, parsley.

Add all ingredients to boiling water and mix well. The prepared fish is placed in the marinade so that it is completely covered. After keeping it in a cold place for 12 hours, it is dried and smoked.

To prepare the product by wet salting, brine is used - a highly concentrated brine for smoking fish (up to 90%). To prepare it, use coarse salt, since it does not dissolve so quickly, but it better absorbs moisture from the carcass. By adding brown sugar, rum, lemon balm, white pepper, bay leaf, and cloves, the fish will acquire an unsurpassed aroma. The concentration of the solution depends on the type and size of the products.

Preparing fish for smoking involves one more important stage - the preparation of combustible raw materials that can maintain smoking for the period of time required for a specific type of preparation. Sawdust, shavings or wood chips for smoking fish are prepared from certain types of wood. Alder is often used for this purpose.

  • you should properly build a device for smoking fish - a smokehouse;
  • prepare the fish by properly salting and gutting it;
  • make a high-quality stack of firewood;
  • maintain the recommended temperature regime.


The smokehouse can be completely or partially sealed. To smoke fish at home, a partially sealed device is usually used. It is inconvenient to smoke fish on the go in a sealed smokehouse, since if the rules for using it are not followed, the structure may become deformed when heated.

Cylindrical smokehouse

It is advisable to use a stainless steel device:

  • retains temperature well inside;
  • not affected by corrosion;
  • does not allow air to pass through.

The optimal height of the device is 50-60 cm, at which you can properly smoke fish. The smokehouse is placed on supports, which can be replaced with ordinary bricks or stones.

There are devices for vertically hanging fish and horizontally placing them on shelves made of metal mesh, the distance between which is at least 15-20 cm. The smaller the smoking box, the smaller the flame should be under it.

A common version of a smokehouse with a water seal

The distance of the bottom shelf when placing fish horizontally from the bottom is at least 30 cm.

In small-sized structures, it is desirable to have a pallet:

  • the dripping fat does not fall on the smoking branches;
  • holes in the pan help maintain a constant temperature in the smokehouse;
  • when smoky branches catch fire, the fish is protected from burning;
  • hot air cools slightly as it passes through the holes in the pan, which improves the taste of smoked fish.

DIY smokehouse

You can buy a smokehouse ready-made or make it yourself from scrap materials:

Hot smoking of fish

Since it is better to smoke fish using the hot cooking method, choose low-fat varieties of fresh or defrosted fish. Suitable river and sea fish species:

  • carp, carp, pike, catfish, eel, bream, pike perch, and others;
  • herring, pollock, mackerel, sardine, herring, capelin, cod, sea bass, flounder and others;
  • red fish, sterlet.

Before smoking, it is recommended to prepare the fish: gut it and salt it. Predators up to 400 grams do not need to be gutted, since, unlike other types of fish, their stomach contents under the influence of heat do not spread across the stomach and do not create a bitter aftertaste. It is not recommended to clean the scales - they protect the fish meat from soot and soot.

For one stack in the smokehouse, the raw materials should be selected of approximately the same size and type. Smoking temperature and time depend on the weight and type of fish.

How much and what kind of fish can fit in the smokehouse at one time depends on the size of the device:

The technology of hot smoking fish begins with salting, the quality of which largely determines the taste of the finished product.

Basically, weak salting is used so that the salt concentration is 1.2-1.5%. The recipe recommends adding 1 kg of salt to 16 kg of fresh fish. It is necessary to thoroughly rub the skin covered with scales with salt by hand. If the back is thick enough, then it is recommended to make longitudinal cuts along it, filling them with salt; you should also salt the gutted belly and head, while the cook decides whether to remove or leave the gills.

The recipe for cooking fatty fish advises wrapping each salted carcass in parchment or film so that the fat does not oxidize in the air, thereby losing its taste. It is advisable to place the fish in a heap in a basin, using the lid as a small weight, securing it with wire or placing pressure on top. The resulting brine must be drained.

Preparation for smoking large fish lasts for 2-3 days, small fish takes 12-24 hours. If you use thawed carcasses, you can prepare them in 3-4 days.

Chips for hot smoking

The best firewood used for smoking is alder and juniper. But during the event, those that grow in the area are used. Large wood chips, sawdust, and young twigs are used, which are placed on the bottom of the smokehouse.

You should not use pine branches and logs, as they contain a lot of resins that will spoil the taste of the dish. Deciduous species are used: willow, poplar, beech, fruit and fruit and berry trees, which give smoked products an original aroma and taste. In the absence of juniper, you can add its fruits to the raw materials for smoking. The best raw material is considered to be alder or rowan, which makes up at least 3/4 of the total quantity.

The addition of spices - cloves, coriander, black pepper, bay leaf - helps to diversify the aroma. Some gourmets fill the belly and head of the carcass with garlic, onion, dill, and parsley. Various recipes help you experience the aromatic bouquet of a dish.

The smokehouse is placed on the base, lighting a fire below. You can adjust the heat by height above the flame, by adding logs to the fire, or by raking burning coals. Under the influence of heat, wood chips or sawdust in the middle of the smokehouse begin to smolder, enveloping the fish in hot, aromatic smoke. Care should be taken to ensure that the wooden raw materials do not catch fire, otherwise the fish may burn, ruining the taste.

The process occurring inside can be determined by the color of the smoke emanating from the structure:

  • whitish indicates evaporation of liquid;
  • yellowish may indicate burning of raw materials;
  • After half an hour, dry smoke appears with an aroma characteristic of the finished product.

The readiness of the fish is determined by its characteristic appearance - golden brown crust. When broken, the meat should come free from the bone and have the color of a boiled product. There should be no traces of blood near the spine.

Safety precautions when smoking fish

When working with hot products, you must follow safety precautions to avoid burns:

  • touch the smokehouse while preparing a dish only with oven mitts;
  • when opening the structure, do not lean over the lid to protect your face and eyes from being damaged by steam;
  • Ensure that there are no unauthorized persons, especially children, near the heating device.

Hot smoked fish can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 4-5 days. Stored in room conditions for more than 2 days is dangerous due to poisoning.

kerescan - Sep 29th, 2015

Hot smoking of fish at home is a long-term treatment of it with aromatic smoke, the temperature of which is not lower than 45°C and can reach up to 120°C. This is a method of preparing fish, after which it is completely ready for consumption. Therefore, it is popular and often used at home.

Hot smoking of fish can be roughly divided into stages: salting, drying, soaking and, directly, smoking.

When salting raw materials for hot smoking, 16 kg of fish requires 1 kg of salt. Small fish are salted whole, medium fish are just gutted, large fish are gutted and flaked.

The process of salting fatty fish is different from salting low-fat fish.

For “thin” varieties: sprinkle the cutting board with salt and, pressing, “carry” each carcass with salt. We coat the inside of the abdomen by hand. If necessary, make an additional cut in the pulp and also tamp the salt into it.

For fatty varieties: coat the carcasses or layers by hand and wrap them in parchment. Then, put it in an enamel container, cover it with paper, cover it with a lid and secure it with a rope. Leave it like this for 1-4 days. How much to salt the fish - this time depends on its size.

Pre-drying or drying of fish.


After drying, you need to remove excess salt. To do this, wash the fish with cold water. We soak large fish for about an hour.

How to smoke fish in a hot smoker.

We heat the oven in the smokehouse, lay the fish loosely in an even layer on a special grill.

First, we carry out the smoking process over high heat, then add sawdust and close the damper more tightly, this procedure will ensure that the smokehouse is filled with smoke of the required thickness and density. Turn the fish over as needed for more even smoking. Cm. .

Small fish are smoked for 30-60 minutes, large fish – 90-180. Approximately 25% of this time should be occupied by the drying process at a temperature of 80 degrees, the rest of the time by smoking at 100 degrees.

The finished hot smoked fish has a characteristic golden hue, and the skin becomes dry. The meat is easily separated from the bones and backbone, just like boiled or fried fish.

To give finished smoked fish a beautiful look, simply wipe its surface with a piece of cloth soaked in fish oil or vegetable oil.

Fragrant and tasty hot smoked fish has a shelf life of only 3-4 days. When stored in the refrigerator, it doubles in size.

Video: Hot smoked mackerel.

Video: Hot smoked trout.

I have long wanted to make a mk for my doll) I started several times, then I got involved in the process and forgot to take pictures

But now I’ll definitely do it!

So, girls, first we need a desire)))))) Without it, nothing can be done)

For work: a sewing machine, where would we be without it? If you don’t have one, then stock up on patience, a needle and thread)

Scissors, pins, marker or chalk, thread)

Have you forgotten anything? well then we started)

Cut it out)

The fabric for the body of the dolls is cotton, you can choose linen, calico, but the calico must be dense, otherwise the seams will unravel.

So... we chose the fabric, glue the fleece liner to the inside...

We transfer our pattern onto fabric, I use a disappearing marker in my work....

We fold the fabric in half!

Then we sew along the contour....

We stitch the rounded areas slowly, I turn the wheel by hand)

Leave small holes for turning.

Let's cut out our blank

In places with folds, we cut the fabric so that folds do not form.

Oh, I forgot about the legs) The size of the foot is adjustable to fit the shoes, as the sizes are different, I had to trim it a little.

We apply it so that the seams match, and secure it with a pin.

We turn it out very carefully! So that the seams do not creep.


Then we stuff it with synthetic down, very tightly, so that there is no cellulite or creases.

If you can’t stuff it evenly, you can resort to using needles)

Stuff the carcass tightly, then secure the synthetic fluff with needles as in the photo.

We stuff the handles to the middle, then we make an assembly, tighten them with thread, it turns out to be folded. We stuff the handle to the end.

We stuff the legs very tightly! It depends on this whether the doll will stand) or whether her legs will give way and wring))))))

We sew up the remaining holes with a hidden seam!

Ufff, well, the most tedious stage is over

Now you can assemble the doll! We don’t sew anything on yet) I attached the arms/legs with pins)

This will be in the 2nd part of MK.

There we will dress her, comb her hair and draw her face))))))))))))))

Let's draw a face for Sophie...

I want to say that I myself studied in various MKs, at first I didn’t get anything, I ruined a lot of carcasses, but I didn’t give up)

I think it's turning out pretty well now)

Let's begin.....

We will need acrylic paints for textiles, paper, pencil, scissors and brushes, and we also need a dry cloth to wipe off excess paint, cilia and glue.

The first thing I do is sketch the face, determine the size of the eyes and lips.

Secondly, I make eye stencils, without them I can’t get symmetrical eyes Drew it, cut it out, tried it on my head) Did it fit? Great!

So we attach them with a pin and trace them with a pencil!

We paint the eye with white acrylic paint, I do it in several layers, letting each layer dry..

We do all this with a semi-dry brush.
We draw a nose, lips, if you have difficulty, you can also do it using a stencil)

Using a dry brush we draw shadows above the upper eyelid, eyebrows, blush)

Now we glue the eyelashes.

For this we need glue moment, I have a transparent gel.

We measure the length, cut it, apply glue... and it turns out beautiful)))))))

By the way, to glue eyelashes, I help myself with tweezers, it’s more convenient)

This is such a cutie)

Well, we’ve reached the most interesting moment - we’re dressing up our doll)

I never get what I originally intended) the image is always supplemented and changed during the work) Sometimes I don’t even know what the result will be))))))))

But I didn’t back down here) The result makes me happy, I hope you like it too)

Well? Shall we begin?

We stopped at assembling the doll...

There are a lot of photos under the cut.

I found some great examples on the Internet on how to sew on arms/legs.

I think everything is clear here)

To sew the legs straight and the doll stands confidently, I do this:

1. I have my big needle, without it I’m like without hands)

I place the legs at the same level and string them evenly onto the needle)

2. I mark the puncture sites with a disappearing marker.

3. Then I connect everything with the carcass

I sew as shown in Fig. No. 3

So, our doll stands confidently. Now we begin to slowly dress her!

The first thing I sew from clothes is pontalons. I love polka dots)

I decided to show this method, because there are often small pieces left that are a pity to throw away, but there also seems to be nowhere to use them (So we have 4 pieces of fabric.

1. Transfer the pattern to the fabric, fold it with another piece)

2. sew along the center of the pants to the middle.... as in the photo.

when you turn it looks like this

We sew. Then we turn the bottom and top, sew them. We sew lace along the bottom. (top photos)

Next we sew between the legs....

Turn it inside out and iron it.
We put on pantaloons)

Take a rectangle of the width and length you need. Hem the top and bottom + I also sewed on lace.

Then we gather the top, tighten it, put it on the doll. Sew it on.

I used this principle to make all my skirts.

I decided to make a blouse using wide linen lace, it’s about 10 cm.

The lace was white - I don’t want that) We need to age it....

For this we need warm water, coffee and cinnamon...

We take coffee depending on what. what shade do we want...

I don’t need dark, I poured 2 teaspoons... cinnamon on the eye)

Soak the lace for a few seconds and remove.

We leave it to dry. The lace has acquired a yellowish tint, there are small stains and a pleasant aroma)

Here's another sign what can you dye fabric with and what shade will it come out with)

We try it on the doll, find the desired option and sew it on.

Decorate with buttons.

Now the sleeves....I got a little carried away and didn’t take a photo of part of the work.

First, measure the sleeve size (length and width) according to your hand. Transfer the sleeve pattern to the fabric.

We sew it on. We put it on the hand. Decorate with lace if you like.

Using the same principle, I make the upper sleeve - a flashlight. But I make it much wider so that it can be gathered at the bottom.

But first we sew on the arms, as well as the legs (with thread fastening)

After the hands are in place, we disguise the button under our puffy sleeve. everything is in place....

Except for the head)

We sew it on with a hidden seam, very tightly)

After the head sits firmly in place, we proceed to the hairstyle.

Special hair for dolls. Curls)

I unravel them, divide them into small bunches and sew them in rows along the head.

It turns out very cool)

You can style your hair as you wish)

That's it, it seems that's all)

We decorate and add details to our doll!

The result makes me very happy)

I hope I was able to help you)