Caprice haircut for medium hair with bangs. Haircuts for short hair: bob, bob, pixie, cap, garcon. Women's haircut whim

Everyone's relationship with short women's haircuts is different. Some people find them very attractive, stylish and practical. Others find it less feminine than long hair. In any case, at least once in her life every woman thinks about cutting her hair short.

In this article we will look at the main types of short women's haircuts. And we will pay attention to the nuances of choosing haircuts for different face shapes, taking into account the type of hair, as well as the general style of the female image.

In this article:

  • » Oval face shape – any haircut, even ultra-short, is suitable;
  • Correction scheme for oval face shape

  • » Round face shape - options with any asymmetry and volume on the crown, as well as milled sharp strands are suitable: Caprice, Gavroche, Garcon, Bob - lengthening bob, asymmetrical Pixie haircut. And even a shaved temple on one side of the head! These techniques will help bring your face shape closer to oval. Bangs – oblique, asymmetrical, laid on one side. Haircuts that visually widen and shorten the face are not recommended: Cessone, classic Page and unprofiled version of the Kare;
  • Correction scheme for round face shape

  • » Rectangular face shape - since this face shape is characterized by an elongated facial contour and a high forehead, therefore, the task of a haircut is to reduce the height of the forehead and face and add volume to the sides. Haircuts with rounded outlines are perfect - Cap, Bob with bangs, Sesson, Page, Bob;
  • Correction scheme for Rectangular face shape

  • » Square face shape – needs adding volume at the top, softening the angles of the lower jaw. All short haircuts with volume on the crown and without excess volume on the sides of the face are suitable for this: Garcon, Gavroche and Pixie with asymmetrical bangs. Bob - a bob with elongated front strands that soften the jaw line;

Short haircuts have always been popular among women. Each era has its own trend - bob, bob, pixie. “Caprice” will never lose its relevance and will never go out of fashion.

Description of the haircut "Caprice"

Despite such a daring name, this haircut is quite convenient and versatile, and there are no clear rules for its creation. The result largely depends on the skills and imagination of the master. It is usually done on short or medium length hair. Suitable for straight or curly hair. The haircut does not require long styling. She looks best with bangs. The hairstyle follows the shape of the head, but due to the strands randomly sticking out in different directions and thinning, it forms a fluffy hat.

Haircut features

The main difference is that “Caprice” is suitable for all hair types and almost any face shape. Thin and sparse strands will acquire unprecedented volume, while thick and dense strands will lie obediently after styling.

Just wash your hair, then style it with a hairdryer, and it will look very stylish. And if you resort to styling products, the styling will easily last throughout the day.

Girls with an oval face type and thin neck will be able to emphasize their grace. And for those with a round face, a haircut will create the right edge and visually elongate them. “Caprice” is not recommended for those with pronounced cheekbones.

When choosing a haircut, you should take into account your appearance.

The “Caprice” haircut emphasizes not only the texture, but also the color of the hair, so you need to think about coloring in advance. In combination with copper or bright red hair color, the effect will be simply stunning. Even on gray strands, “Caprice” looks elegant.

In general, you can choose any color for this hairstyle. Young girls often pay attention to bright, interesting shades. Colored "feathers", coloring, highlighting - these are just some of the coloring methods in which you can combine several shades to create an original image.

It is worth noting that “Caprice” has no age restrictions. For young girls, this hairstyle adds the image of a rebel or a romantic person. And for middle-aged women, a haircut will add attractiveness and also make them visually younger.

Execution technology

The “Caprice” haircut, at first glance, looks quite simple. But only an experienced hairdresser can make it look fashionable and chaotic at the same time.

“Caprice” is classified as complex, so it is recommended to have it done by a trusted professional.

Execution algorithm:

By layering the strands on top of each other in steps, volume is created. Thinning adds lightness. Thin hair should be thinned slightly, while thick hair should be thinned a little more often.

A properly cut haircut and treated ends can be easily styled, while retaining volume well.

“Caprice” For short hair

The classic is short hair length. Each strand plays an important role in the image.

Business women will be interested in the lush “Caprice” because it does not require much time for styling. A haircut without sharp transitions and volume is perfect for business meetings or evening outings.

Oblique or elongated bangs make the haircut youthful. A bright color will give you confidence and will attract the attention of others.

In the summer heat, your hair won’t fall down your neck and get in the way, and in winter you can safely put on a hat and not worry about your hair getting ruined.

You will have to update your haircut on short hair quite often - once every 3-5 weeks.

For medium hair

It is not uncommon for “Caprice” to be performed at medium length. It is created according to the same principle as on short hair. Only on the back of the head the hair must cover the neck. At this length the haircut looks unusual. And the styling methods double. Due to the long strands, the hairstyle looks good for 1.5-2 months without updating.

For long hair

It’s difficult to create a “whim” on long strands. Since thinning should add volume, which is almost impossible to do on hair below the shoulder blades. At best, instead of “Caprice” you may get “Cascade” or “She-Wolf”. Outwardly, they look approximately the same, but each technology has a number of nuances that distinguish them from each other. Therefore, owners of long curls are advised to pay attention to other haircuts.

Haircut "Caprice" with bangs

This option goes well with long and choppy bangs. This way it is possible to perfectly model the oval of the face. Some hairdressers believe that such a haircut will ruin a round face. But with elongated bangs, the hairstyle immediately becomes interesting and elongates the oval of the face.

Types of bangs suitable for “Caprice”:

  • long - the bangs merge with the rest of the hair and do not stand out from the overall length;
  • oblique bangs with torn ends - this option elongates the face and gives the image a slight asymmetry;
  • classic torn bangs - have no clear boundaries, the strands are cut to different lengths.

But in any case, the bangs are thinned out, because they should not lie on the forehead like a veil.

Care and styling

The Caprice haircut began to gain popularity back in the 2000s, but remains popular today. And in 2019 it entered the top 5 hairstyles according to stylists. It's time to change yourself and add style to your image.

Many women dream of having a haircut that allows them to change depending on their mood or occasion. At the same time, transformation should not take much time. An option that meets such requirements is the “Caprice” haircut. With the help of a hairstyle you can create a cute, feminine or eccentric, mischievous look. This property is based on the way the structure of the haircut is designed. The master carefully mills the hair or performs graduations in the form of feathers. This option allows you to get additional volume and experiment with styling.

Description of the haircut

The women's haircut "Caprice" appeared during the period of rapid development of hairdressing in the 70s. Numerous experiments with images led to the invention of elegant chaos based on existing classical forms.

The name “Caprice” reflected the essence of the hairstyle: the model accepts different styling methods, satisfying the wishes of the owner. The haircut is created according to a scheme that assumes the master’s fantasy approach to the matter. Each option becomes unique, which also appeals to demanding people.

The “Caprice” haircut is performed on short or medium hair. The shape of the hairstyle follows the contours of the head, acting as a fluffy hat. The outline of the haircut is uneven. The structure consists of randomly arranged strands, which creates a fashionable feeling of negligence. The model assumes the presence of bangs, but does not exclude the absence of the element.

The hairstyle is created using abundant thinning or graduation of the base shape. The option is original and fantasy, allowing you to reveal your individuality. The haircut is easy to care for and is suitable for hair of different textures. The hairstyle will be appreciated by women of different ages and social status.

Who is it suitable for?

The “Caprice” haircut is universal: you can choose a variation for everyone, with the exception of rare cases where the hairstyle does not match the appearance of the owner. For example, it is not recommended to choose a model for obese women with a massive oval and masculine facial features.

Owners of a pronounced round, square oval, short neck are better off choosing a modification with a medium length, be sure to complement the hairstyle with oblique bangs. It is also recommended for owners of tight curls to give up whims.

whim for short hair

A vast field for experimentation opens up for owners of triangular, narrow, elongated, oval face types. The hairstyle will allow you to advantageously play up angular features and improve the expression of “blurred” lines.

"Caprice" with a multi-level cutting technique is ideal for treating fine hair. Hair with such a structure will acquire volume and an interesting texture. The model allows you to achieve optimal results on hair of any type. Thick, slightly curly, unruly, even weakened strands acquire a presentable appearance.

whim for medium hair

“Caprice” fits organically into the images of young girls and mature women. The haircut will allow you to create a casual mess for an informal meeting, a neat business look or a festive hairstyle. Each option takes a minimum of time and requires a little effort. Making small changes will allow you to transform quickly.

“Caprice” is rarely done without bangs. Shortening the front strands allows you to achieve a complete look. With the help of bangs you can correct some “bottlenecks” of external data. The absence of an element is usually allowed by those with the right traits and bold character.

Hair color for a whim is not of fundamental importance. The haircut looks equally good with a natural and bright shade. Highlighting and multi-color coloring fit organically into the image. Lightened strands on a darker background are distinguished by their ability to rejuvenate the appearance.

Preparatory stage

“Caprice” is classified as a complex multi-level haircut. A hairstyle will require the hairdresser to correctly assess the client’s appearance, an individual approach in the manner of execution, imagination and creativity. The work of a hairdresser is assessed individually. Making “Caprice” usually costs 500–3000 rubles.

Incorrectly performed work will negatively affect the appearance and ability to install. It is difficult to correct the situation. Therefore, you should take the choice of a hairdresser seriously. Trying to cut your own hair at home or asking incompetent friends for help is not recommended.

whimsy behind and in front

Strands are processed using standard hairdressing scissors. Thinning is done with a serrated tool. To prepare the strands, a skeletal comb is required, and clips are required to hold unused curls.

To perform a haircut, you need a suitable base: hair of a certain length and format. It will be possible to create a short hairstyle from a classic bob, but those with a pixie or half-box will have to grow the length.

Execution technology

  1. Clean, damp hair is combed and parted into zones using a comb. A vertical line is drawn in the center of the head, a horizontal line is drawn along the top of the head between the ears. Another horizontal line is drawn in the middle of the back of the head. All parts, except the working one, are secured with clamps.
  2. Work starts from the bottom. A control strand is formed, which will become a length guide. The lower occipital area is cut evenly. The strands are pulled back and cut at right angles. In the upper occipital zone, shortening of the strands is formed. Hair is cut according to the principle of a cascade cut: the upper layers are shorter than the lower ones. The length difference step is determined individually.
  3. The umbo-parietal region is cut according to the principle of vertical graduation. Often the strands are decorated with feathers, which increases the impression of ragged carelessness.
  4. The bangs are modeled according to the chosen principle. Often the image is complemented by torn oblique or straight cutting of strands. Youth models are characterized by a noticeable difference in length. This can be tracked from the front and back.
  5. The final step is thinning. Thick hair is carefully thinned out, sparse, thin hair is carefully styled.

The option for medium hair is made on the basis of a bob or cascade. The master cuts the main model's hair, finalizes the hairstyle with the help of abundant thinning and grading.

The professionalism of the performer, the ability to correctly assess appearance, and use imagination will help achieve an impressive result. A properly executed haircut beautifies the owner and requires minimal attention.

Video of a graduated haircut for medium hair.

Video of haircuts that make you look younger.

Styling and care

A short haircut requires minimal attention. For styling, you can limit yourself to simply tousling clean hair with your fingers moistened with gel or wax for fixation. The strands are separated and form a neat mess. It turns out to be a mischievous, hooligan look.

For a more elegant look, you can lift your hair at the roots by curling the strands with a round brush while blow-drying. Using styling products, the ends of the strands are separated, directed inward.

As a festive option, you can curl your curls. Use curlers or a styler. Large curls look chic. Small curls create a playful look.

Medium length haircuts require more attention, especially for those with thin hair. Use a hairdryer and brushing to achieve volume at the roots. Curls are curled or left in disarray. The hairstyle is secured with varnish.

The short whim will have to be updated once every 4–6 weeks. The medium length option is adjusted once every 2–3 months. The model is considered unpretentious and requires minimal attention.

Comparison with analogues

“Caprice” is often compared to “Italian” and cascade. The options are universal, cut using multi-layer technology, and require minimal care. “Italian” and cascade haircuts are cut using the same technology, but differ in step width. “Italian” has smoother contours, the cascade has clear transitions in length. Compared to its analogues, “Caprice” is distinguished by its individual approach and ragged layering.

Italian and cascade

Advantages and disadvantages

The “Caprice” haircut has a minimum of “contraindications”. The option is universal and practical. The hairstyle is suitable for women of any age and lifestyle. The model rejuvenates and gives a stylish look. You can imagine, change, and show originality endlessly.

The hairstyle is complex to perform, which increases the demands on the professionalism of the hairdresser. The short length option will have to be updated frequently. These are a few disadvantages of the model.

Examples from celebrities

Among the stars, “Caprice” is preferred by few. The hairstyle is often chosen as a transition option to shorter eccentric or graceful models. The option was highly appreciated; Sharon Stone, Pink, and Victoria Beckham wore it for a long time.

Sharon Stone and Victoria Beckham

Many people associate short hair with a loss of femininity. Having created the elegant chaos of "Caprice", you will be convinced of the opposite. The hairstyle is original and elegant, it will charm you and save you from daily attention.

The women's caprice haircut is one of the most versatile, performed on medium or short hair (photo below). The peculiarity is that there are no clear rules, except that it is not done on long strands. Usually, bangs are assumed - asymmetrical or classic.

Redhead with bangs options
popular trend women's
whim of a star

Under certain circumstances, the bangs do not stand out and smoothly flow into the main length of the hair. Regardless of the haircut format, it must be multi-level and with milled (torn) strands.

Will it fit?

Like any short hairstyle, caprice draws attention to the neck and facial features. Therefore, it looks best on slender young ladies with neat facial features and a long neck.

There is no age limit for getting a haircut. It suits everyone: from very young representatives of the fair sex up to Balzac age.

For girls, whim creates a romantic, playful image. It makes older women look stylish and much younger than their age.

The versatility of women's haircuts lies in the fact that whim suits any type of face (see photo below). The exception is chubby ladies. It is better for them to choose a bob, bob, cascade or sesson.

The type and structure of hair also does not matter. This adds even more variety to the already huge variety of hairstyles.

Having bangs helps hide facial imperfections, but bangs are not necessary. If you don’t need to hide, for example, a narrow forehead, or distract attention from a large nose or wrinkles on the forehead, you can do without it.

Do it yourself

The technique of cutting a whim for short strands with bangs, as shown in the photo, at home is quite a difficult task. Below are recommendations that will help you avoid mistakes and simplify and structure the process.


  • sharp professional scissors or a special blade;
  • thinning scissors;
  • peignoir;
  • good lighting of the work area;
  • sprayer with water;
  • a comb with frequent and rare teeth.

Unpretentious styling

Despite such a telling name, styling is not at all capricious. Caprice for medium curls is styled differently and directly depends on the type and structure of the hair. Some hair doesn't require much styling, while others need to be styled regularly.

Before you decide on a hairstyle, decide whether you have the opportunity and desire to style it regularly. The advantage of the hairstyle is the variability of styling.

Thin hair is given volume during the styling process. For thick hair, this is not necessary, since the multi-level structure of the hairstyle will already make the hair look voluminous.

Caprice for short hair is styled with the effect of careless, tousled strands sticking out in different directions. It turns out original and stylish. More classic methods are also used: when styling with a hairdryer, the strands are twisted inward or outward.

A straightener will help you create unusual curls of an “irregular” shape. The hairstyle takes time, but it perfectly diversifies styling methods and is suitable for an evening dress.

Despite the apparent simplicity of the whim, the method of creating (especially for short hair), and styling a hairstyle at home, it is still better to contact a hairdresser-stylist in order to create a truly harmonious image.

The whim haircut is performed on short and medium hair and involves a multi-layered voluminous haircut in steps. The ends of the hair are randomly scattered to the sides, and the peculiarity of the haircut is that it is both difficult to perform and lacks strict rules.


Who is the whim haircut suitable for?

The caprice haircut is suitable mainly for thin girls with a sophisticated face and a swan neck. But some types of haircuts will also decorate curvy ladies. It is better to avoid such a haircut, but sometimes the situation can be corrected with the help of oblique bangs, which will slightly elongate the face.

This haircut looks equally beautiful both on straight and on. Excess thickness can be removed with the help, and volume will be gained by the hair due to the multi-layered haircut.

Caprice haircut options

Caprice haircut for medium hair involves elongated strands at the back of the head and hair along the entire length. Volume from the hair at the top of the head will add volume to the hairstyle, and a round face can slightly elongate.

Caprice haircut for short hair It looks very dynamic, but at the same time feminine and elegant, thanks to the open neck. A thick cap of long hair on the top of the head and short strands at the temples exclude the possibility of girls wearing this haircut.

Caprice haircut with bangs. Most often they use an oblique torn one, but for girls with oval or oval hair, you can try wearing a whim with straight, not too long and torn bangs.

Haircut styling whim

  • You can style your hair randomly drying them with a hairdryer. It is important to give the haircut volume at the crown: using foam or hair mousse, or.
  • Medium length hair can be straighten with a hair dryer and a round comb, the main thing is to lift the strands from the root for volume. The strands framing the face can be curled with the ends inward or apart.
  • Curly hair is possible dry with foam using a hair dryer, forming curls with your fingers.