DIY changing envelope. How to sew an envelope for changing newborns with a zipper or Velcro? DIY diapers for newborns

Some pediatricians and neonatologists recommend accustoming your baby to clothes from birth, rather than trying to swaddle him tighter. However, not all newborns do well in loose clothing. Some children sleep better and behave more calmly if their arms and legs are hidden in a kind of cocoon. A transformable diaper is the most convenient option for such babies. You can wrap a baby in it in a matter of seconds, it fits freely around a small body, and the baby feels calm in it.

Types of snap-on diapers

The cocoon diaper is an envelope with a zipper or Velcro. When unfolded, this accessory has a rectangular shape, but if you fasten it, the child can be wrapped like in a cocoon. The popularity of such diapers can be explained simply - they are convenient to use, and even those who do not know how to swaddle can secure a child in a cocoon.

Inside the cocoon, the baby is in a free state - he can move his arms and legs, however, he cannot wake himself up with involuntary movements. We present the two most popular types of such diapers, which differ in the type of fasteners:

  • Zip closure. A diaper with such a fastener makes it possible to quickly dress your baby. The zipper can be unzipped from the top or from the bottom. This system allows the mother to change the diaper without completely undressing the baby. Suitable for both newborns and 2-3 month old babies.

  • Velcro. A changing diaper with Velcro, as well as with a zipper, makes it possible to change the baby's clothes and change the diaper. Velcro is a good fixation and does not come unfastened, even if the baby is actively moving. However, fastening such a product will be a little slower than fastening a zipper.

Advantages and disadvantages of “cocoons”

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In European countries, such diapers are in greatest demand. However, our compatriots who have already used a cocoon diaper, as a rule, do not want to give up this useful invention. Let's list its main advantages:

  • The main advantage of this accessory is that swaddling can be done much faster than with a regular diaper. This quality is most valuable for mothers of active and active children.
  • There is no need to wake up your baby to change a diaper. You can wear a vest or blouse in the same way. This procedure can be performed using Velcro or zipper fasteners.
  • It is very convenient to wrap a newborn in this product - due to the fasteners located in special places, the result is always neat - no unnecessary folds in the fabric that can cause discomfort to the baby.
  • The baby cannot unfold his cocoon himself - he is unlikely to be able to unfasten the zipper or Velcro.
  • This useful accessory is a good option for those mothers who could not or did not have time to master the classic methods of swaddling.
  • The cocoon is not designed to fit tightly around the baby's body, which means it does not restrict his movement and does not interfere with blood circulation.

The baby is very comfortable in this diaper

In addition to the obvious advantages, the cocoon diaper also has disadvantages. For example, such an accessory is intended only for wrapping a child; other functions are not available to it.

When going to the pediatrician for an examination, mom will have to take another diaper with her. The transformer is inconvenient to use as a bedding. In the same way, an unfolded cocoon will not be able to cover a baby in a stroller - the fasteners can cause discomfort.

With active use, Velcro does not last very long. Over time, they become clogged with dust and thread particles, and perform their function worse.

What do the experts say?

Despite the fact that modern parents often do not swaddle their baby, according to recent research, it is advisable to do so. The main reason is that the baby involuntarily flaps his arms in his sleep, which can wake himself up and even scratch him. Wrapping up your baby allows you to hide your hands, which guarantees a restful sleep. According to pediatricians, free swaddling brings the baby closer to the conditions in which he was in his mother’s stomach.

In addition, in such a cocoon, a child can sleep on his back or on his side. This is how it is recommended to position infants to reduce the likelihood of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). Thanks to these properties, the transformable diaper is recognized by experts as an excellent way to “dress” a baby.

How to swaddle a baby?

The best way to wrap your baby is to use a changing table. The diaper needs to be straightened, the legs must be inserted into the pre-fastened lower part of the envelope. Then you need to press the baby’s right hand to the body and cover it with a piece of fabric that does not have “ears”. Then press your left hand to your body over the right wing of the diaper, cover it with the free edge and fasten the Velcro. All this can be done in a couple of seconds - no extensive experience is required. If you still have questions, you can study the process by watching our video.

DIY cocoon diaper

Today you can buy a diaper with a zipper or Velcro in many children's stores. However, it’s even better to sew it yourself. To make it, you will need natural fabric - cotton jersey, chintz or flannel will do. Note that knitted fabrics fit the body better, fasten well and allow the child to feel most comfortable. So, we sew a comfortable cocoon for the baby ourselves.

Velcro diaper

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with our master class on making a cocoon. Even a beginner can cope with the job. If you know how to sew, you can create a double-sided diaper from two types of fabric of different colors.

Try to make a diaper with your own hands that is 51 cm long and 28 cm wide, excluding the ears. For a double-sided envelope you will need:

  • flannel – 114 cm with a width of 90 cm;
  • cotton – 114 cm, width 90 cm;
  • adhesive tape (Velcro) – 46 cm;
  • scissors;
  • threads;
  • pins;
  • needle;
  • pattern.

Before cutting, the fabric must be washed and ironed. This way you can be sure that the finished product will not shrink. Now you can get to work. The pattern in the photo is given taking into account seam allowances of 12 mm wide and consists of 2 parts - the main part and the pocket part for the legs.

Pattern of the large (main) part of the cocoon Leg pocket pattern

Transfer the pattern to paper and cut it out.

Then pin the finished template to the laid out fabric with pins, outline it with chalk or pencil, and cut it out.

It is important to follow the direction of the grain thread so that the product does not warp later. The grain thread should run parallel to the back of the workpiece. In the same way, you need to cut the workpiece from another type of fabric. On the pocket part it is necessary to mark the places where the adhesive tape is attached.

Now sew the parts, finish the seams, turn the product inside out and iron it. The Velcro diaper, made by yourself, is ready to put your baby to bed.

Diaper with zipper

To create a cocoon we will need:

  • pliers;
  • 2 zippers (about 45 cm in length);
  • (allowances are indicated in inches and are equal to 1.5-2 cm);
  • fabric (the back is solid, the front is divided into two + strip 60x6 cm);
  • stretch fabric on the collar.

First, use pliers to remove the metal stopper from both zippers and remove the sliders.

Turn the fabric over from top to bottom and sew 2 parts of the zipper onto the corresponding “shelves” to the green mark (5-6 cm from the top border of the future cocoon).

Follow the photo instructions to make a two-way zipper:

Sew a thin protective strip measuring 3x60 from the remaining fabric measuring 6x60:

Place the inside under the fastener, fasten and stitch as shown in the photo:

Cut off the excess hanging piece:

Sew a strip along the edge along the entire cocoon:

It has always been accessible and convenient for young parents to use. The baby grows up and by 3-4 months no longer needs swaddling, but diapers remain a necessary thing in everyday life. Can buy diapers, but if you liked a certain color of cut-out chintz, but there are no diapers with that color, then you can sew diapers with your own hands.

If you have a desire to sew diapers yourself (and this desire is commendable and exciting, especially for mothers who love to sew and do all sorts of handicrafts), then the first thing you need to do is choose a fabric.

Advice: do not buy pieces of calico for diapers. Calico is a hard fabric that sheds heavily. She easily gives away the dye and dyes herself, and dyes are undesirable when it comes to things that a newborn needs. Opt for chintz - it is a soft, non-fading fabric that is breathable. If you need warm diapers, a flannel or flannel will do.

Newborn diaper size

The width of the chintz fabric can be 80 cm, 90 cm. Just what you need. You choose the length yourself - this is the advantage of sewing diapers yourself. Usually it is 1.1m or 1.20m. The bigger, the better. Light diapers will require at least 10 pieces. For 10 diapers you will need 12 m of fabric.

The width of the canvas or flannel can be different: 75cm, 90cm, 1.5m and 1.8m. You can choose the best option - 90cm wide and 120cm long.

How to sew diapers for a newborn with your own hands

  • The fabric should be marked with a pencil along the edge of the fabric.
  • Cut the marks and tear the fabric according to the marks.
  • Finish the edges. It is better not to make a seam with a hem - it will be tough on baby skin. It is enough to go overlock or zigzag (you can order processing in the studio) or overcast by hand.
  • The finished product must be washed and ironed on both sides.

After the child has grown out of diapers, and even put them in a crib, stroller, etc. There is no longer any need, the diapers can be torn into 4 more pieces, the edges can be processed and you will get soft handkerchiefs (from calico diapers) or small towels for the baby (from flannelette diapers).

While expecting a baby, future parents will have to purchase a lot of things that will be needed in the first months of the child's life. One of these necessary items is diapers. Of course, you can buy several dozen in the store, or you can make them yourself, which will cost you much less.

How to sew diapers for a baby

What fabric to choose for diapers for a newborn

The skin of a small child is delicate and sensitive, so only delicate fabrics are suitable for him. It will be optimal if you purchase natural cotton fabric: – chintz; - flannel; - linen; - calico. Please ensure that no synthetic fibers are added to the fabric. It is better to purchase two types of fabric - thin (chintz, linen or calico), from which you can make light diapers, and thick flannel, from which diapers will come out warmer. It’s good if the fabric is not just white, but with a funny pattern - after all, you are creating a thing whose appearance should please both you and the baby.

How many diapers does a newborn need?

The number of diapers you will need depends on whether you plan to swaddle your baby or whether you prefer to dress him in blouses and pants. If you choose swaddling, then in the first month of your baby’s life it is advisable to have about 30 diapers. You can make a dozen thin diapers measuring 80x120, which will be convenient to use during bathing or to place where you want to place a naked baby. You will also need diapers measuring 120x120 - they will be most convenient for swaddling immediately after the baby is born. Finally, make some 120x150 diapers, because babies grow quickly and you will soon need larger diapers.

If the baby was born large, sew more diapers in the 120x150 format, because soon you will only be able to use them

With the birth of a child, young parents have many questions - how to feed, how to play, what to wear and how to go for walks. The issue of choosing clothes and swaddling a baby is one of the most important. The child must be wrapped so that he is warm, cozy and comfortable.


Our ancestors noticed that a baby is comfortable if his arms and legs are well swaddled. This way the child feels like he is still in his familiar environment, he feels protected and doesn’t scare himself with his hands.

Previously, they swaddled with a large piece of cloth, well steamed and ironed. The material chosen was soft, non-prickly - such that it would not cause irritation to delicate skin.

Now swaddling has reached a new level. In addition to the numerous fashionable devices that the market for newborns is rich in, a large number of technologically savvy things have appeared that make life easier for both mother and baby. Such inventions include a cocoon diaper. Its peculiarity is that it is dimensionless and can be sewn at home. First, a pattern is built. A do-it-yourself cocoon diaper can be sewn in a couple of hours.


Diapers of this design can be different. Velcro, buttons or ties can be used as fasteners. This diaper is suitable for natural swaddling - when the corners are wrapped around the baby's body and tucked under layers of fabric.

The appearance may also vary between different diapers. Most of them are a T-shaped cocoon with a pocket at the bottom. There is also a variety in which the lower part, like the side flaps, is folding and is not fixed with additional fasteners.

Constructing a pattern

To sew a diaper you need a pattern. By the way, a do-it-yourself cocoon diaper is sewn very simply and quickly.

For the pattern, you need to draw a large letter “T” on the fabric that is selected for the product. Then, at the base of the letter, the bottom needs to be slightly widened so that it approaches the shape of a circle.

You need to cut out 2 parts of this letter. If the diaper is lined, then 4 parts are cut out, while the inner two should be 5 mm smaller (seam allowance).

In order for the diaper to fit a child from 0 to 3 months, the dimensions must be generous:

  • height 65-90 cm;
  • width at the narrow part - 50 cm;
  • The maximum width of the shelves is 90 cm.

Since the child is wrapped in such a diaper up to his neck, the height of the pattern should be such that it does not create a cushion near the head. To avoid this, the baby is placed along the upper edge of the product, and the bottom is slightly free - it is convenient for the baby to move his legs, which is especially popular with children.

Now that the pattern is ready, the cocoon diaper must be cut out with your own hands.


Now we will tell you how to sew a cocoon diaper, and in what order to do it:

  • Before cutting, the fabric must be washed and thoroughly ironed. This is necessary in order to understand how the material will behave after heat treatment.
  • The ironed fabric is cut.
  • Then you need to sew the lining and outer layer. To do this, the fabrics are placed on top of each other, right side to right side. The material is stitched on the sides so that a small section remains through which the entire structure can be turned out.

Cocoon diaper with zipper

Different mothers evaluate different fasteners in their own way. Some find it convenient to simply wrap the baby, while others prefer Velcro. A sizeless cocoon diaper with a zipper is a universal option that is convenient for any age of the baby.

To get a high-quality diaper, you will need a two-way factory zipper (you can use a ready-made one of the required length, about 50 cm). You also need fabric and sharp scissors. Its pattern consists of several parts:

  • the back of the diaper looks like a large oval;
  • the two front parts of the diaper, their length and circumference must match the back part. It would be correct to draw two ovals, cut the second in half and add 5 mm to the seams;
  • facing for collar. A soft knitted tape can be used.

First the collar is trimmed. Then the zipper is sewn to the cocoon. After this, the front halves with a zipper are sewn on the sides to the back of the cocoon.

Such a diaper must be lined so that the zipper does not interfere with the child, does not prick or cause discomfort.

Velcro diaper

Ideal for newborns. It's easy to swaddle your baby in it, it's convenient to unfasten it to change the diaper - there's no need to unwrap the whole baby.

In order to sew a warm Velcro diaper, you need 3 types of fabric: fluffy material for the outside, fleece for the lining, flannel or flannel for the inside.

The pattern is standard - something like the letter “T”.

Each layer of fabric should be the same size as the previous one. In this version, three layers are stitched at once.

Velcro is first sewn onto the inside, on the sides - the layer of fabric that will adhere to the baby's body. The second part is sewn on the outside. This must be done strictly symmetrically so that the fasteners come together. All layers are stitched together.

Another option is a Velcro newborn diaper, in which the Velcro is positioned vertically on one side.

In this configuration, it is convenient to place the child in the middle and secure it with the side sleeves.

Asymmetrical diaper

Most mothers have noticed that when swaddling a baby, the right side of the diaper is actively used, and the left is used to fix the material on the baby.

Based on this, a specific pattern is ergonomically convenient. The cocoon diaper is sewn with your own hands so that the right side is larger than the left.

When swaddling, the left side is placed on the baby, the bottom is wrapped around the legs, and the right side is wrapped around the body so that the long panel is in front and reaches the Velcro or fastener. A cocoon diaper with a zipper using this pattern will not work, as the zipper will get in the way.

For convenience, to avoid creasing of the fabric in the arm area, you can make small darts. To do this, triangles are cut out on the fabric with an apex angle of no more than 15 degrees. They are positioned so that the base coincides with the armpit on the pattern. This is where the wide part of the pattern begins. These drawn triangles are cut out and the fabric is sewn at this place. It turns out that excess material is removed and the product fits comfortably around the baby.

Swaddling is more comfortable for the baby and more convenient for the mother than dressing. In a diaper, a newborn is not afraid of the movements of his arms and legs. He feels in a cozy nest, like his mother's tummy. What size should diapers be, how to care for them, what material are they made of, where can I get them, and what else can they be used for?

From this article you will learn:

When soft swaddling is primarily about protecting and enclosing the baby. This does not hinder his movements, does not tie his arms and legs. In Rus', children were swaddled for a long time. A large sheet, measuring 1.1x1.1 and 1.2x1.2 m, is used as:

  • blanket;
  • sun cape;
  • sheet;
  • towel;
  • a cover when breastfeeding in a public place;
  • for wrapping large children.

During the first baths, diapers for newborns play the role of bedding in the bath. During breastfeeding in a side-lying position, a diaper is placed under the baby so that saliva drips onto it. During a massage, the baby is placed on a sheet; during physiotherapy procedures, such as electrophoresis, the baby is wrapped in one diaper and placed on the second. Sometimes, for orthopedic diseases, tight swaddling of the legs is indicated. Then two products are sewn together.

Where to find?

There are at least four options for getting accessories for your baby: accepting them as a gift, sewing them yourself, ordering them from a seamstress, or buying them ready-made. Perhaps your parents still have the samples they wrapped you in. Wash, iron and you're done. Used diapers are even better for newborn skin. Unless, of course, they are too washed out and have no stubborn stains.

You can sew from existing fabric or purchased fabric. You can rummage through suitcases with a dowry. There will probably be several meters of material suitable for cutting baby accessories. They buy ready-made ones in children's goods departments, and the material in fabric stores. Available individually or in sets. Focus on the width of the cut - this will be one of the sides of the future sheet.

What materials are baby diapers made from?

Depending on the type of product, you can predict what size diapers you will see. There are disposable and reusable variations. Disposable absorbents are usually taken to the children's clinic. The following sizes are common: 40x60, 60x60, 60x90 cm. Reusable diapers are sewn from the following materials:

  • flannel;
  • chintz;
  • knitwear;
  • muslin;
  • footer;
  • cooler

Some products combine two types of material. For example, knitwear-knitwear or knitwear-footer.

Velcro diapers are available for babies weighing from 4.5 to 8.5 kg. When carrying out hygienic care for a newborn, waterproof medical samples based on oilcloth and microfiber are ideal. There are terry products that protect the mattress from leaks. The items with an elastic band measure 118x58 cm, the diapers in the bag measure 71x71 cm.

Care instructions

Products treated with overlog are more comfortable for the baby. But if the material frays or is thick like flannel, then you can fold the edges and stitch it. Long edges do not need to be processed.

About two months before the expected birth, you can already wash baby diapers, observing the temperature conditions of the material. And by the time they are discharged from the hospital, let their relatives look at both sides. This way, the baby will have fresh “outfits” ready.

It’s easier to stack them in the same position and place them on the shelf of the closet with baby clothes. Diapers should be accessible and easy to pull out. It’s convenient when thin and warm alternate. Chad needs 24-30 pieces. As soon as half of them are dirty, you can put them in the washing machine, and while they are washed, use the diapers or the rest.

What size should baby diapers be?

Since the woven fabric usually has a width of 80 or 150 cm, the width of the diapers is adjusted to these dimensions. And with length there is greater freedom. The size of the specimen is selected depending on the type of swaddling. The following stages gradually pass: full, armpit and legs.

In the future, the legs should only be wrapped at night. If the arms are open, then you can put a blouse on the child. If the child is a summer child, then warm sheets are also needed, as they are softer and the nights can be cool.

Valid at intervals of 2 weeks to a month. You will see for yourself when the baby is ready to move to the next stage of swaddling. Babies are usually wrapped up to three months. But for some it takes longer: for medical reasons or if it helps them fall asleep better. At the same time, wrap yourself in two diapers: thin and warm.

Standard dimensions of diapers: 80x120 or 95x120 cm. For complete comfortable swaddling - 120x120 or 150x120 cm. Then used as a sheet for a crib. 80x95 cm - small, perhaps for the first time. 95x100, 100x100 cm are already more convenient, but for two or three months.

During this time, the child has already recovered significantly, grown up, began to swing his arms and legs more strongly, trying to lose weight. 110x110 cm - if you swaddle after three to four months. A warm flannel sheet may be smaller than a cotton inner sheet. Since there is no need to wrap the miracle in several layers. It's just for warmth and softness.

Table of typical diaper sizes for some materials

Size, cmMaterial 70x50 100x120 120x75 120x80 120x90 120x95 120x105 130x90 150x90
batiste +
cooler +
microfiber +
chintz + +
knitwear + + +
flannel + + + + +
footer + +

Diapers begin to be prepared before the baby is born; they are aimed at a newborn, but are very useful for caring for an older child. Large items take longer to dry and require more ironing than compact items. But it’s convenient to wrap the whole baby in large ones.

Since you do not know in advance how long and what type of swaddling you will use, it is better that the size of the baby diaper be from 1.1 m in width and length. They can also be used for other purposes. Thin and warm types made of different materials should be on hand. How exactly to make or receive sheets is up to you.