Turmeric mask for rejuvenation. Turmeric is the secret ingredient for the beauty and health of your skin How to wash turmeric off your face

Hello! In this article, we will talk about turmeric face masks, their benefits for the beauty and health of the skin, and share recipes for masks that are easy to prepare at home.

“Gold of India” is the name of this aromatic seasoning. Turmeric (also known as Indian saffron) is considered a women's spice in its homeland, because turmeric face masks are the simplest and most effective secret to the radiant skin of Indian women. Why not learn from the experience of overseas beauties and get to know this wonderful remedy better?

Composition and properties of turmeric

The popularity of the spice all over the world is no coincidence. The rich composition of turmeric root (namely, this bright yellow powder is made from it) determines its beneficial effect on the human body.

Composition of turmeric

Half the pharmacy is made up of one spice! Therefore, turmeric is a strong natural antibiotic and antiseptic, antiviral and antifungal agent. It rejuvenates the body and restores proper liver function. Warm milk with a pinch of seasoning before bedtime cleanses the intestines. The spice is used to boost immunity and even prevent cancer.

Turmeric in cosmetology

A healthy body means beautiful skin. But it is best to combine the beneficial effects from the inside with the use of turmeric powder from the outside. The spice is used even for dermatological problems, and the role of a cosmetologist is even easier for her! Turmeric is quite capable of restoring health and radiance to your skin. The simplest home remedy is, of course, masks.

Effects of turmeric masks on the skin

This useful spice as part of homemade beauty products will be useful for ladies of any age. It will relieve very young ladies from rashes, and for older girls it will remove oily shine on the cheeks and forehead, and smooth out the first expression wrinkles. Well, older women will appreciate anti-aging masks with turmeric. On your skin, this spice can:

  • cleanse and tighten pores;
  • regulate the activity of the sebaceous glands;
  • cope with pimples, minor rashes and unevenness on the face, and acne;
  • smooth dry skin, remove fine wrinkles;
  • restore and protect the skin from wind, sun, salt water;
  • smooth out scars and scars, cure bruises:
  • rejuvenate the skin with long-term, systematic use;
  • even out facial tone, lighten age spots;
  • soothe, remove swelling and peeling;
  • slow down hair growth where needed;
  • relieve inflammation and speed up wound healing;
  • help in the treatment of eczema and psoriasis.

Indications for the use of masks with turmeric

Homemade beauty remedies with turmeric can truly do wonders if used correctly. So that the lack of results does not upset you, when choosing the composition of the mask, consider your skin type and the problem you want to solve. Also, take note of the direct indications for using products with turmeric. This:

  • oily skin with rashes;
  • enlarged pores;
  • aging skin;
  • dry skin requiring nutrition.


Like any remedy, turmeric also has contraindications for use. Be careful with it if:

  • you have very sensitive skin. On such skin, intense exposure to spices may cause itching and irritation;
  • You are allergic to this spice. To rule it out, don’t forget to do a test: mix a little powder with water and rub this mixture on a small area of ​​skin (on the inner bend of the elbow or wrist, not on the face!). If after a few minutes there are no unpleasant sensations or reactions, then feel free to use the spice;
  • there are wounds or purulent elements on the skin;
  • your skin is too irritated and flaky.

Use turmeric with caution during pregnancy and rosacea. In the first case, a woman's skin is very unpredictable in its reactions, so do not overdo it. And with rosacea, increased blood circulation caused by the action of the spice can provoke redness and aggravate the situation.

Features of using turmeric masks

Most of the beneficial properties of turmeric are due to curcumin, a strong natural dye. But this is also the main difficulty of using the spice on the skin, because no one wants to walk around with a yellow face after a beauty session. Don't worry, your skin color will not only not be affected, it will get better. Besides the problem of coloring, there are several other features of using turmeric in masks.

  1. When buying a spice, read the information on the packaging: it should not contain anything other than turmeric itself.
  2. Mix ingredients in a non-metallic bowl with a wooden spoon. This way the composition will not oxidize.
  3. The mixture will stain everything it touches, so wear clothes that you don't mind. The same goes for towels and bed linen.
  4. Before the procedure, thoroughly clean the skin.
  5. Apply the mask with a cosmetic brush or wear gloves - yellow nails are unlikely to be part of your plans.
  6. If you have very fair skin, reduce the turmeric content in your formulations to a minimum. The amount of powder on the tip of a teaspoon will be sufficient.
  7. The exposure time of the mixtures is no more than 15 minutes, because our main ingredient has a rather intense effect. For the same reason, do not do these masks more than twice a week.
  8. It is best to remove masks from the skin with tampons or napkins soaked in milk or warm water.
  9. Make masks before bed, because the spice not only colors the skin (yellowness will be noticeable for two or three hours), but also warms it up, causing redness. By morning everything goes away.
  10. For one course, five to seven procedures will be enough.

Of course, the more turmeric in the composition, the more effective the mask. But the more your skin will turn yellow. Don't be alarmed, but leave everything as it is overnight. In the morning, surprised by the incredible smoothness of your skin, you can return your face to its natural color.

  • Oily skin need to be cleaned with cotton pads soaked in kefir or lemon juice. After this, wash your face with warm water and use your regular day cream.
  • Dry and combination skin rub with a paste of vegetable oil and flour. Any edible oil and oat, buckwheat or wheat flour will do. Then wash your face as usual and apply your day cream.

The skin will turn slightly yellow if flour or dairy is present in your homemade beauty product.

Recipes for turmeric face masks at home

How not to get lost in the abundance of recipes and what ingredients to choose? Below we have divided the masks according to skin types and problems that need to be addressed.

Masks for dry skin


You will need:

  • turmeric;
  • milk.

Dilute the spice powder with warm milk to form a mixture like batter. The fattier the milk, the more pronounced the moisturizing effect of the mask will be.


  • Turmeric - half a teaspoon;
  • liquid sour cream - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • banana puree - 1 teaspoon;
  • oatmeal - 1 tbsp. spoon.

If you don’t find oat flour on sale, make it yourself: grind some oats in a coffee grinder. Apply the mixture to the skin, rubbing lightly in a circular motion. Leave for 15 minutes.


  • Turmeric - 0.5 parts;
  • aloe juice - 1 part;
  • honey - 0.5 parts.

Candied or solid honey should be heated in a water bath. You can squeeze aloe juice at home or buy it at a pharmacy - it is sold in ampoules.

If you have severe rosacea, you cannot use honey in masks. Always add aloe leaf juice instead.

Anti-peeling mask

  • Turmeric;
  • vegetable oil.

Dry skin will gratefully accept oils such as sesame, olive, avocado, almond, castor, and walnut oil. Warm one of these oils slightly, mix with spices and apply lightly to the skin.

Don't forget that the effect of any mask will be even more beneficial if you drop a little essential oil into it. Oils suitable for dry skin soften and warm. These are ginger, saffron, geranium, jasmine, cardamom and nutmeg.

Masks for oily skin

For acne

  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • black clay - 1 teaspoon;
  • chamomile decoction - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Face mask with turmeric and clay will find fans among women of any skin type. Black clay will help with rashes. It absorbs impurities, slowly but surely unclogs pores and treats acne.

After removing this mask, wash your face with additional ubtan, a paste made from ground herbs and flour. Or use a very light scrub. This type of washing can completely cleanse the pores of possible clay residues.


  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • oat flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • calendula infusion - 2 tbsp. spoons.

When you combine the ingredients, leave them for 10 minutes. The flour will swell slightly. You may want to add a little water for easier application. This mask cleanses pores, evens out, and refreshes the complexion.


  • Spice - 1 part;
  • pea flour - 1 part;
  • mineral water - 2 parts.

Spare the coffee grinder: to get flour, take not whole peas, but pea flakes. Leave the mixture to swell for 10 minutes, as in the previous recipe. The mask nourishes the skin and makes it matte.

To tighten pores

  • Turmeric - half a teaspoon;
  • white clay - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • tomato pulp or tomato paste - 1 teaspoon.

Like turmeric, tomato tightens pores. It is best to rub fresh tomato pulp through a sieve. But the greenhouse vegetable will be of little use, so in winter use tomato paste, diluting it with water.

Anti-freckle mask

  • Turmeric - 1 part;
  • lemon juice - 0.5 parts;
  • water - 0.5 parts.

Dilute the juice with water and mix with the spice. If you use this composition, be sure to protect your skin with a cream with an SPF factor of at least 20 before leaving the house.

Mask against inflammation on the face

  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • tea tree (essential oil) - 5 drops;
  • water - 1 tbsp. spoon.

The oil in this composition is easy to replace. You will get the same effect from lavender, eucalyptus, cloves, and patchouli. Choose the scent you like best.


  • Turmeric - a pinch;
  • oatmeal, pea or lentil flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • fresh strawberry puree - 1 teaspoon;
  • grape seed oil - 1 teaspoon.

The oil in the recipe can be replaced with almond, sunflower, mustard or corn oil.

Masks for normal and combination skin

Cleansing mask

  • Turmeric - half a teaspoon;
  • pea flour - 1 tbsp. spoon;
  • cream - 2 tbsp. spoons.

Instead of cream, sour cream or full-fat milk is suitable, but not kefir, otherwise the mask will dry out the skin.


  • Turmeric - 1 part;
  • milk powder - 1 part;
  • rose water - 2 parts.

The ingredients of this composition make the skin soft, nourish and strengthen blood vessels, thanks to the action of rose water.

Regenerating maska for face with turmeric and honey

  • Turmeric;
  • water.

Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. This mask will rejuvenate the face and smooth the skin, restoring the health of its cells.

Whitening mask

  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • yogurt without additives - 1 teaspoon;
  • honey - a few drops.

The composition will lighten not only freckles, but also acne marks and age spots. Leave it on the skin for half an hour for better effects.

Masks for mature skin

To appreciate the rejuvenating effect of the spice, just mix a pinch of turmeric with night cream. But you will be pleased with the truly spectacular effects of turmeric masks against wrinkles.

Mask of Youth

  • Turmeric - 1 part;
  • blue clay - 2 parts;
  • rose water - 2 parts.

The action of each component of the mixture renews cells, smoothes wrinkles, and gives the skin softness.

Anti-wrinkle mask

  • Spice - 1 part;
  • cream - 1 part;
  • honey - 1 part.

For age spots

  • Turmeric - 1 teaspoon;
  • saffron or almond oil - 1 tbsp. spoon.

Remove the mixture with a cotton pad soaked in milk.

Moisturizing mask

  • Turmeric - half a teaspoon;
  • whole egg yolk;
  • glycerin - 1 teaspoon.

Prepare the mixture in a small jar and store in the refrigerator for 7 - 10 days.

Universal masks

Turmeric mask

Just apply a paste of turmeric and water on your face for 2 to 3 minutes. This treatment will cleanse the skin, heal cracks, and improve blood circulation.

Mask against irritation after hair removal

Apply the spice mixed with water to the inflamed areas of the skin. After 15 minutes, wash off. A nice bonus: turmeric will slow down hair growth, and over time it will thin it, turning it dark and coarse into almost invisible. Just remember to use it regularly.

For wounds and cuts, feel free to use turmeric as an antiseptic. Rinse damaged skin with water and sprinkle generously with spice.

From scars

You will need honey, spice and milk in equal parts. Keep the mixture for half an hour.

Eye mask

Mix a pinch of spice with almond oil. Leave for 20 minutes. You will notice how wrinkles smooth out and your skin brightens.

Mask for dark circles under the eyes

For this you will need to prepare:

  • quarter tsp turmeric;
  • the same amount of tomato juice;
  • a pinch of pea flour;
  • lemon juice - a few drops.

Apply this mixture under your eyes for 20 minutes three times a week.

And finally exotic recipe : the secret of radiant skin for Eastern brides, a cleansing full body massage. Mix mustard oil, pea or wheat flour and turmeric in proportions 1:4:0.5. Add just enough water to get a soft dough. Apply to the body, wait patiently for it to dry and remove by rubbing the skin. Enjoy your beauty and health by remembering to replenish your turmeric supplies on your spice rack in a timely manner.

Recipes and video reviews of a turmeric-based face mask for facial skin rejuvenation

Turmeric is a well-known oriental spice, an aromatic powder made from the dried roots of a plant of the ginger family. Due to its unique chemical composition, it has recently gained wide popularity both in cooking and folk medicine, and in cosmetology.

So absolutely everyone will like a turmeric mask. And for ladies of Balzac age, as it has rejuvenating properties. And for teenagers, because it has an anti-inflammatory effect. And for those who are trying to get rid of scars: this spice promotes rapid and high-quality tissue regeneration. The main thing is to learn how to do it at home and use it for its intended purpose.

Effect on the skin

In cosmetology, turmeric is useful for its anti-aging, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties. Its unique composition contains substances that will leave no chance for wrinkles, pimples and scars. So for caring for problem skin, such a mask will be simply ideal. Although, in the absence of the above-mentioned cosmetic disadvantages, this product can be used as a preventive measure. Each element in its composition performs a specific function:

  • essential oil soothes irritated, inflamed skin, providing an antiseptic effect - thanks to it, masks made from this spice are considered very effective remedies for acne;
  • pyridoxine(vitamin B6) helps him in this, providing an excellent anti-inflammatory effect: any origin is eliminated under the influence of masks made from this powder;
  • folic acid(vitamin B9) increases the skin’s resistance to various aggressive external factors: in winter, the skin will be afraid of peeling from frost and wind, in summer - burns from ultraviolet radiation;
  • ascorbic acid(vitamin C) rejuvenates, being a natural antioxidant and smoothing out age and expression wrinkles;
  • phylloquinone(vitamin K) fights swelling and yellowness of the skin;
  • niacin(vitamin B3) regenerates damaged tissue, which allows it to be used as a cosmetic restorative for scars and postoperative sutures;
  • choline(vitamin-like substance) is very useful for oily skin, as it normalizes the functioning and activity of the sebaceous glands.

With the combined effect of all these little “builders” of eternal female beauty and youth, turmeric is an ideal product for home facial skin care. If you regularly and correctly make cosmetic masks from it, not a trace will remain of many defects and complexes. But first you need to learn how to use it correctly in home cosmetology.

Home beauty salon: application

If you decide to use turmeric as a cosmetic product, you must remember that it is an oriental (i.e. exotic) spice. Therefore, you cannot use it at random, otherwise it will end in a terrible allergy or thermal burn. Learn for yourself some of the nuances of preparing masks from it, follow the recommendations from experts - and then you will be able to enjoy the wonderful effect of turmeric on the most problematic skin.

  1. Having chosen a recipe for a mask with turmeric, test it for the presence of allergenic components. Rub the prepared mixture on your wrist and monitor the reaction. The product can be used in the absence of itching and characteristic redness.
  2. Turmeric is a potent substance, so do not overuse cosmetics based on it. Action time - no more than 15 minutes. Frequency of use: 1-2 times a week.
  3. It is best to mix it with other products in ceramic or wooden containers, because metal ones cause oxidation.
  4. Turmeric should not be used as a cosmetic if there are fresh wounds or severe inflammation on the face.

Considering these recommendations, you can make your own turmeric masks for any skin type. Preventive and nutritious - for normal skin, anti-inflammatory - for problematic skin, rejuvenating - for mature skin. It is very important to determine which recipe to choose so that it turns out to be as useful as possible.

TOP 10 best recipes

When choosing a mask recipe, first of all pay attention to its composition. It should not contain irritating or allergy-causing components. And be sure to consider exactly what effect the mask has: is this option suitable for you?

For dry skin

  • With milk

Mix turmeric powder (1 tsp) with milk (1 tbsp), dilute with a small amount of water. A cosmetic face mask made from turmeric and milk is ideal for regular care of dry skin. The fattier the milk, the greater the moisturizing effect it will have.

  • With olive oil

Mix turmeric powder (a pinch) with olive oil (a tablespoon). This mask will help relieve overly dry skin.

For mature skin

  • For wrinkles

Mix turmeric powder (a pinch) with blue clay (1 tablespoon), dilute with a small amount of water. The mask is recommended for ladies of Balzac age.

  • With honey

Mix turmeric powder (a pinch) with honey (1 teaspoon), add kefir (2 tablespoons). A homemade face mask made from turmeric and honey will smooth out wrinkles, tighten folds, make the double chin invisible - will have a lifting effect on mature skin.

For problem skin

  • For acne

Mix turmeric powder (a pinch) with sandalwood powder (less than a teaspoon), grind with cottage cheese (2 tbsp.).

  • From scars

Mix turmeric powder (1 teaspoon) with fresh pea flour (no more than 1 tablespoon), add cream (2 tablespoons).

For normal skin

  • Universal

Mix turmeric powder (a pinch) with lemon juice, almond oil, saffron powder (a teaspoon of each ingredient), warm glycerin, low-fat cottage cheese (a tablespoon each), honey, aloe pulp (2 teaspoons each), radish juice. and carrots (one tablespoon).

  • With essential oil

Dilute turmeric powder (a pinch) with water (50 ml), add tea tree ether (5 drops).

For oily skin

  • With oatmeal

Mix turmeric powder (half a teaspoon) with oatmeal (1 tablespoon), dilute with a small amount of water.

  • With sour cream

Mix turmeric powder (pinch) with low-fat sour cream (1 tablespoon), rose water (teaspoon). The mask will improve your complexion and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, but the sour cream should not be too greasy.

Any turmeric mask you choose will have the most positive effect on your skin. It will speed up the healing of scars and postoperative sutures, get rid of pimples and acne, smooth out wrinkles, and tighten problem areas. Along the way, it will nourish the skin with all the beneficial substances it needs (vitamins, amino acids, minerals, flavonoids), making it shine with beauty, health and youth at any time of the day.

The sunny seasoning turmeric, or Indian saffron, although it appeared relatively recently in the kitchens of our housewives, now confidently occupies one of the leading positions in modern cooking, giving dishes a specific taste and original color.

And this exotic seasoning has no less confidently declared itself in medicine and cosmetology. It is this quality of turmeric – its use in cosmetology – that we will talk about today.

First of all, it should be emphasized that turmeric removes toxins, strengthens the immune system, is a natural antibiotic and a powerful antioxidant for the whole body. It is also recognized as an excellent remedy for rejuvenating and cleansing the skin. This is facilitated by the antioxidant CURCUMIN, which is part of the spice, which prolongs the youthfulness of the facial skin by protecting its cells from free radicals. The spice also contains essential oils: borneol, sabinene, phellandrene, zingiberene - acting as antiseptics, as well as youth vitamin E, vitamins B1, B2, B3, K, antioxidant vitamin C, folic acid and the following microelements: calcium, magnesium , phosphorus, selenium, iron, iodine, copper... An impressive list, isn’t it?

Turmeric cleanses pores and skin, improves complexion, fights teenage acne, heals wounds and cracks, smoothes and lightens scars.

Turmeric is indispensable for combating microbial skin lesions; it can destroy Staphylococcus aureus.

Homemade turmeric masks

  • improve complexion;
  • smooth out wrinkles;
  • reduce foci of inflammation;
  • remove greasy shine;
  • reduce acne;
  • lighten scars.

Turmeric is also used in hair masks.

Apply turmeric masks in the evening before bed. This is due to the fact that the mask turns the skin yellow, which will disappear by morning. If you still need to remove excess yellowness from the skin, wipe your face with a mixture of kefir, a couple of drops of lemon juice (2-3 drops) and oat bran.

It is better to apply masks with turmeric to the face with a cosmetic brush, so as not to stain your hands and nails.

Purifying mask:

Mix one teaspoon of white clay with a quarter teaspoon of turmeric. Add water and mix until creamy.

Mask for dry skin for regular care:

Add 1 tablespoon of milk to 1 teaspoon of turmeric. To increase the moisturizing effect, you can replace milk with cream.

To help dry skin get rid of flaking, you can mix a pinch of turmeric with 1 tablespoon of olive oil.

For normal facial skin:

You can make a mask by mixing turmeric with water and adding tea tree essential oil.

For oily skin:

A mask based on oatmeal is perfect: 1 tablespoon of oatmeal + half a teaspoon of turmeric with the addition of a small amount of water immediately before using the mask.

Skin rejuvenation mask:

Consists of equal amounts of milk powder and turmeric, diluted with cold water to the consistency of thick sour cream. Keep this mask on your face for 10 minutes.

Note: to improve your facial skin, you don’t have to use masks; you just need to eat this spice more often and the effect will not be long in coming. Turmeric normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, helps cleanse the body of toxins, enhances metabolic processes, which has a positive effect on the condition of the skin and your appearance.

Turmeric in the fight against wrinkles

Specialists from the American Academy of Dermatology have proven the benefits of spice for aging skin. They claim that turmeric creams are 15% more effective.

Anti-wrinkle masks:

  • Dilute equal parts of turmeric and rice flour with milk or tomato juice, apply evenly to the face (except for the area around the eyes). Wash off after 30 minutes;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of turmeric, 1 spoon of honey, 1 tsp. Mix a spoonful of cream and apply on face for 5-10 minutes.

The easiest way to make turmeric cream is to mix the spice with Vaseline. Turmeric masks can be used by all skin types.

Turmeric is the enemy of acne

Thanks to curcumin, which is part of the spice, you can fight inflammation on the skin of the face such as pimples or acne.

Try these acne mask recipes:

  • Mix a spoon with a small amount of milk (instead of milk, you can dilute turmeric in water with a few drops of lime juice). Apply the mixture to your face for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  • Mix a spoonful of turmeric with a small amount of jojoba oil, or coconut or sesame oil. Wash off the mask after 30 minutes. After a few days of using the mask, the inflammation will go away.

Turmeric and hair care

The spice can be used for hair growth. To do this, mix equal parts of turmeric, henna and cinnamon. You can add a pinch of red pepper to this mixture. The product can be used 3-4 times a month. The mixture accelerates hair growth, helps increase hair strength, volume and shine.

You can even lighten your hair several shades with turmeric. To do this, you need to mix 5 g of turmeric, 4 tablespoons of chamomile and the zest of 2 lemons. Pour boiling water (800 ml) and let it brew. Then, working with gloves, apply the mixture evenly to your hair, put on a cap and hold for 20-25 minutes.

Turmeric will help in teeth whitening

To do this, mix turmeric with salt and lemon juice to form a thick paste. Clean once a day for no more than 2 weeks. But what to do if you have sensitive enamel and you really want to whiten your teeth? You can remove salt or lemon juice from the mixture, or both. And just brush your teeth with turmeric powder.

Turmeric is very popular in Asian countries, it is very beneficial not only for health, but also for the skin. The scientific name of this spice is longa, this spice is obtained by grinding the roots of this plant. Turmeric is known as the golden spice of life and is a natural skin care ingredient that is applied topically to the skin. Turmeric has amazing anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antibacterial and anti-aging properties that make it not only an excellent medicine, but also one of the most powerful skin care products. There are a number of benefits from using turmeric, these include:

  • use as an antiseptic, applying turmeric to minor cuts and burns, it helps the wounds heal quickly;
  • has anti-cancer properties;
  • Helps in detoxifying harmful chemicals and toxins from the body;
  • prevents leukemia;
  • when included in your daily diet, helps improve immunity;
  • delays the aging process, promotes cell growth and rejuvenation;
  • improves metabolism and thus helps in weight adjustment;
  • has anti-inflammatory properties and is a natural cure for rheumatoid arthritis.

Many people are bothered by various skin problems, turmeric is the perfect solution for all of them. Turmeric is excellent at exfoliating dead skin cells, brightening the skin and reducing the appearance of acne scars. With regular use of turmeric, the skin will look young, radiant and beautiful.

How does turmeric work for skin?

Stress, pollution, and poor diet all take a toll on the skin. For natural beauty of the skin, you should choose natural skin care products and turmeric is one of such products. Turmeric has a large number of beneficial substances, such as vitamins A, B, C, K and E, and is also rich in curcumin, calcium, iron, copper, manganese, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus, potassium and sodium. Turmeric also contains pyridoxine, riboflavin, niacin, dietary fiber and folic acid. For healthy and beautiful skin, turmeric can be used both internally and externally.
Due to its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, turmeric has been used for centuries to reduce the signs of aging. Turmeric is excellent for skin care, it prevents the development of skin infections, perfectly rejuvenates sagging and aging skin, stimulates the regeneration process of the skin, fights pigmentation and perfectly brightens the skin, and also prevents and treats pimples, acne and acne scars. Let's take a closer look at the effect of turmeric on the skin:

  1. Acne is a common problem for many people, where bacteria and dirt gets trapped in the pores and breaks out as pimples. Turmeric helps treat acne and helps maintain clear skin. It also controls sebum production, which subsequently leads to reduction in acne.
  2. Pigmentation is a hormonal change from exposure to sunlight; the body begins to produce too much melanin, which subsequently leads to pigmentation of the skin. Consistent use of turmeric helps reduce skin pigmentation.
  3. Burns – Turmeric also helps speed up the healing and lightening of burns.
  4. Stretch marks are a skin defect that especially bothers young mothers. Applying turmeric on fresh stretch marks will help lighten them to a great extent.
  5. Skin Conditions – Consistent use of turmeric can help fight serious skin conditions such as psoriasis, eczema, red rashes on the skin, and signs of chickenpox and smallpox.
  6. Glowing Skin – Regular consumption of turmeric brightens the skin tone and gives a glow to the face.
  7. Moisturizes – Turmeric is a great ingredient for dry skin. Using turmeric with milk is good for moisturizing dry skin.
  8. Bruises – Children are more prone to bruises and minor cuts. When applied to minor cuts and bruises, turmeric powder helps wounds heal faster.
  9. Clear Skin - Massaging the skin with turmeric, milk and cream helps reduce and remove unwanted hairs on the skin.
  10. Aging – Turmeric helps slow down the aging process in the body. The antioxidants present in turmeric powder play a key role in anti-aging.

How to use turmeric for skin

Using turmeric for skin care helps prevent various problems that arise on the surface of the skin. Turmeric is an inexpensive and all-natural ingredient that helps brighten the skin, smooth out fine lines and wrinkles, and give the skin its natural complexion. But despite the healing properties of turmeric for health and beauty, it can be harmful to your skin if used in combination with other ingredients. Therefore, it is necessary to use it precisely with those products with which it goes well. Below are recipes for using turmeric for all skin types, as well as for other skin problems.

Turmeric masks for dry skin

Dry skin needs nutrition and hydration, turmeric fights well against dry skin, it successfully removes signs of aging, flaking and dull skin. Turmeric masks against dry skin are also used for fading and aging skin of the face and body. Let's look at several effective recipes for dry skin.

Turmeric and chickpea flour mask

1 teaspoon chickpea flour
1 teaspoon milk or cream (more can be added if needed)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask in circular motions on a clean face and neck for 10 - 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask gives the skin softness and elasticity and is well suited for dry skin.

Turmeric and olive oil mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 pinch turmeric powder
1 egg white
¼ teaspoon freshly squeezed lemon juice
0.5 teaspoon olive oil

Place the egg white in a bowl and beat until foamy, then add turmeric powder, lemon juice, rose water, olive oil and mix well, then apply the mask in a circular motion on a clean face and neck for 10 - 15 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask is great for dry facial skin, and this composition can also be applied to the knees and elbows to eliminate the feeling of dryness.

Turmeric and cream mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
¼ teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon heavy cream
0.5 teaspoon rose water

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask in circular motions on a clean face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Regular use of this mask will add radiance to dry and dull skin.

Turmeric and avocado oil mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
½ teaspoon turmeric powder

1 teaspoon avocado oil (can be replaced with olive oil)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 15 - 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes dry skin. This mask also reduces signs of aging and restores damaged skin.

Turmeric and almond oil mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

1 teaspoon natural honey
1 teaspoon natural yogurt or milk
1 teaspoon almond oil (can be replaced with jojoba oil)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 15 - 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin. It also protects the skin from irritation, infections and improves the appearance of dry skin.

Mask – turmeric and sugar scrub

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon sugar
1 teaspoon warm natural milk

Place all the ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask-scrub in a circular motion on a clean face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. Also, for beautiful skin, you can use this composition in the form of a drink, add one teaspoon of turmeric powder, sugar to a glass of warm or hot milk and mix well, then drink in one gulp. You need to drink this drink daily to eliminate skin problems.

Turmeric masks for problem skin

Problematic skin is a consequence of improper functioning of the sebaceous glands or excessive production of sebum, which entails the following problems, such as oily sheen, pimples, comedones, acne and scars. These are one of the most common problems that appear from excessive oily skin. Turmeric has a beneficial effect on oily skin, as it controls the secretion of sebum and the release of an oily substance that is produced by the sebaceous glands. Turmeric is a good acne treatment and has antiseptic and antibacterial properties that effectively treat pimples, comedones and blackheads to ensure radiant and youthful looking skin. Turmeric-based masks reduce oil production by the sebaceous glands, help reduce inflammation and remove acne scars. So, let's look at several effective recipes for problem skin.

Turmeric and yogurt mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoons chickpea flour
1 tablespoon yogurt (you can add more if needed)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask in circular motions on a clean face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. Yogurt can improve your complexion, turmeric helps fight pimples and acne. The mask effectively removes dead skin cells.

Turmeric and sandalwood mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoons sandalwood powder
3 drops lemon juice
2 tablespoons milk

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask in circular motions on a clean face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. The mask is effective in combating oily skin; it perfectly regulates the production of sebum.

Turmeric and orange juice mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
½ tablespoon sandalwood powder
2 - 3 tablespoons orange juice

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. Sandalwood powder is a natural astringent. Orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin C, which helps get rid of blemishes on the skin. The mask works well against pimples and acne.

Turmeric and honey mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon natural honey

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly until a paste forms. Then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold.

Turmeric and Melia Mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
25 - 30 fresh melia leaves
5 drops neem oil

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend thoroughly until a paste forms. Then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. The mask effectively treats pimples, acne and scars, thanks to its antibacterial and antifungal properties.

Turmeric and oatmeal mask

To prepare the mask you will need:

2 tablespoons oatmeal (chopped)
2 tablespoons warm water

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask in circular motions on a clean face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. This procedure should be carried out daily before taking a bath or shower. The mask exfoliates dead skin cells well and makes the skin fresh, glowing and flawless. Apart from removing dead skin cells and impurities, a turmeric mask maintains the skin's natural pH balance and imparts a healthy glow.

Turmeric masks for sensitive skin

Turmeric is also successfully used for sensitive skin; it has a positive effect on the skin. Turmeric can soothe sensitive skin, nourishes, eliminates itching, redness and inflammation. So, let's look at some effective recipes for sensitive skin.

Turmeric and mint mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
½ teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon mint (chopped)
2 teaspoons milk
1 teaspoon natural honey

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 15 - 20 minutes and rinse with warm water. This mask effectively soothes sensitive skin. The mask can be used every day until positive results occur.

Turmeric and jojoba oil mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon jojoba oil

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 15 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. This mask nourishes the skin well.

Turmeric masks for other problems

Turmeric is excellent at combating major skin problems, such as wrinkles on the face, skin pigmentation, stretch marks on the body, unwanted hair in the mouth, rough skin on the feet and elbows, and unwanted tan marks on the face. Turmeric protects the skin well from ultraviolet rays, removes the first signs of skin aging (wrinkles and age spots), and treats stretch marks, scars. Let's look at several effective recipes for various skin problems.

Turmeric and curd mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
4 teaspoons soft cottage cheese

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 20 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. The mask is designed for dull skin, it gives the skin radiance and a fresh look.

Turmeric and tomato juice mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon rice powder
1 teaspoon natural milk
1 teaspoon tomato juice (fresh)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. The mask helps reduce wrinkles on the face and also brightens the skin.

Turmeric and kefir mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
2 teaspoons kefir

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. The mask is great for eliminating fine wrinkles, even if you don’t have them, regular use of this mask will work as a preventative.

Turmeric and castor oil for stretch marks

1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon castor oil (can be replaced with olive or cocoa butter)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mixture to the affected area of ​​skin and massage for 1 minute, then leave for 20 - 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. This composition should be used before taking a bath or shower. The procedure for treating stretch marks should be carried out daily until the stretch marks disappear. The sooner you start treating stretch marks, the easier it will be to eliminate them.

Turmeric and yogurt for stretch marks

1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon natural yogurt (can be replaced with soft cottage cheese)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mixture to the affected area of ​​skin and massage for 1 minute, then leave for 20 - 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. This procedure should be carried out daily before taking a bath or shower until the stretch marks disappear.

Turmeric and coconut oil for stretch marks

1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon buttermilk
1 teaspoon coconut oil

First, you need to melt the coconut oil in a water bath (if you are using solid organic oil), then let it cool and add buttermilk, turmeric powder and mix everything thoroughly. Now you can apply the mass to the affected area of ​​the skin and massage for 1 minute, then leave for 20 - 30 minutes and rinse with warm water. This procedure should be carried out daily before taking a bath or shower until the stretch marks disappear.

Turmeric and cucumber juice mask

To prepare the mask you will need:
1 teaspoon turmeric powder
1 teaspoon fresh cucumber juice (can be replaced with lemon juice)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mask to a clean face and neck for 30 minutes and rinse with warm water and then cold. When used regularly, this mask effectively treats skin pigmentation.

Turmeric and chickpea flour mask for facial hair

To prepare the mask you will need:
¼ cup chickpea flour (Besan)
2 teaspoons turmeric powder

Place all ingredients in a storage container and mix well. Before preparing the mask, you need to take two teaspoons of the mixture and put it in a bowl. Then add the required amount of natural milk and mix well to form a paste. Apply the mask in a thick, even layer on a clean face, and then in the opposite direction of your hair growth, begin to gently and gently rub in, do not put too much pressure on the skin, as redness may appear. After the procedure, rinse off the mass with warm water, then cold water and apply moisturizer. This mask removes unwanted hair on the face well. The procedure should be carried out two or three times a week.

Turmeric for treating cracked feet

3 tablespoons turmeric powder
2 tablespoons pure coconut oil (melted)

Place all ingredients in a bowl and mix well, then apply the mixture to clean feet, then, if desired, wrap your feet in a bandage or napkin and leave for 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water and mild soap. The mask has excellent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. This composition is very effective for treating cracked heels. Turmeric contains curcuminoids, which are very effective in treating infections, as well as mycosis. The procedure should be carried out daily until the cracks in the legs disappear.

Turmeric and Sandalwood Powder Night Cream

1 tablespoon turmeric powder
½ cup yogurt
1 teaspoon sandalwood powder
5 drops freshly squeezed lemon juice
4 threads saffron (chopped)
¼ cup almonds

First you need to soak the almonds in cold water overnight, then in the morning peel and grind in a blender until a paste forms. Now you can add yogurt, sandalwood powder, lemon juice, saffron, turmeric powder and mix thoroughly. After preparing the cream, it should be placed in a glass jar with an airtight lid and stored in the refrigerator. Apply the cream every evening to a clean face before going to bed. This cream is used to treat inflammatory skin processes and remove tan. It gives the skin a bright, radiant and fair complexion and also makes the complexion smooth.

So, we have looked at the main benefits of turmeric powder for skin care, with regular use of turmeric as a cosmetic product, you will notice positive results within a few months.


Turmeric leaves yellow marks on the skin, so it is recommended to add some turmeric to your skin care routine.
Before applying the mask, you need to wear an old T-shirt or robe (which is not a shame), because turmeric leaves stains on the fabric.
It is recommended to do a turmeric-based mask in the evening before bed or during the day, but on the condition that you do not go anywhere, because... Turmeric gives the skin a yellowish tint. The yellow tint will go away after a while, so don't worry.


Before using turmeric, be sure to test for tolerance to this component, because... it may cause an allergic reaction.

Turmeric (or haldi) is a spice obtained from the roots of the plant of the same name. Its component, curcumin, not only helps reduce joint pain, but also relieves inflammation and stops the growth of cancer cells. Turmeric also contains a ton of herbal ingredients recommended for skin care.

  1. Antibacterial properties. Turmeric paste is used in folk medicine to treat burns and cuts. It also prevents the development of bacterial infections.
  2. Anti-aging properties. Turmeric is also beneficial for aging skin. In India, haldi powder has been a part of wedding rituals for many years. Even today, brides and grooms apply a paste of equal parts of ground turmeric, chickpea flour () and milk on their face and body before bathing. This simple trick rejuvenates the skin and makes it glow.
  3. Turmeric slows down facial hair growth when used daily.
  4. Increases skin elasticity and stimulates new cell growth thanks to its high antioxidant content.
  5. Makes skin lighter and fights pigmentation. This is why many natural cosmetics manufacturers use turmeric as an active ingredient in their products.
  6. Relieves dandruff and itchy scalp - a scientifically proven fact.
  7. Suitable for oily skin. The following recipe is popular in the East: mix equal parts sandalwood paste (made from sandalwood bark powder), ground turmeric, add a little orange juice. Apply this spicy mask on your face for 10 minutes. After drying, rinse with warm water. Read the article till the end and you will find another interesting recipe using haldi for oily skin care.
  8. Masks stretch marks and makes them lighter. To solve this problem, in addition to turmeric, use chickpea flour, raw (not pasteurized) milk, rose water or yogurt. The listed ingredients lighten the skin, thereby eliminating stretch marks.
  9. Turmeric gets rid of acne and its consequences - smoothes acne scars.
  10. For cracked heels, dilute turmeric powder with castor or coconut oil. This product softens rough skin well.

Homemade masks for different skin types

For dry

Dry skin constantly requires intensive hydration, regardless of the time of year, although its condition noticeably worsens during periods of particularly aggressive environmental influences - winter and summer.

Homemade masks are effective for caring for such skin. The recipes given below help to saturate the skin with moisture, and their turmeric content gives the skin a glow.

  1. Stir 2 tsp. chickpea flour (besan), 1 tsp. sandalwood powder and cream, and a pinch of turmeric. Add just a little bit of almond or olive oil to this mixture. Make sure that there are no lumps in the resulting paste. Apply to face and neck. Leave for a quarter of an hour.
  2. Combine 1 egg white with a few drops of olive or almond oil. Add 1/2 tsp there. rose water, lemon juice and a little turmeric. Apply the mask to the driest areas of the skin of the face, the back of the elbows and knees. Wait for the mixture to dry completely.

For oily

Excessive secretion of sebum from the sebaceous glands is the main cause of oily skin. To get rid of this, systematic pore cleaning is recommended. To regulate sebum production, you can try a turmeric mask.

To prepare it, mix 2 tsp. low-fat yogurt and 1 tsp. Indian green clay, 2 tsp. rose water and a pinch of turmeric. If desired, you can also add sandalwood bark powder, as it tightens pores well. Apply this paste mixture to your face for a quarter of an hour.

For sensitive

Taking care of sensitive skin is not so easy. For example, she is prone to allergies, and not all cosmetics are suitable for her care. Redness, inflammation and itching are the main visible signs of sensitive skin. Turmeric and aloe vera are extremely beneficial for it, as they soothe and reduce inflammation.

Mix 2 tsp. Indian clay, 1 tsp. “live” yogurt, 1/2 tsp. aloe vera gel and a little turmeric. Procedure time: a third of an hour.

For light

It is well known that turmeric helps reduce pigmentation, removes dark spots from the skin, dark circles and tanning. In addition, it helps get rid of wrinkles and crow's feet, has antiseptic properties and soothes burnt skin (as we know, fair skin is most susceptible to sunburn).

The recipe for a mask for fair skin is very simple: mix chickpea flour, lemon juice and turmeric. Hold for 10 minutes.

Other cosmetic recipes

Acne treatment

Prepare a mask by combining the following ingredients: turmeric, sandalwood bark powder and lime juice. Leave on your face for 10 minutes.

Acne Scar Removal

To get rid of scars, apply a mixture of turmeric and water to your face and leave for a quarter of an hour.


You can reduce the number of wrinkles using a paste mask made from turmeric, rice flour, milk and tomato juice. Procedure time: 30 minutes.

To slow down aging

Slow down the aging process by mixing turmeric with milk or yogurt. Apply to face using circular movements. Let the mask dry before washing it off.

Removing tan marks

Prepare a mixture of turmeric and lime juice, spread a thin layer on your face. Keep it for about half an hour.