Stories from real life. “I love my sister’s husband”: a difficult woman’s story about love, lies and betrayal Stories from life about the betrayal of a loved one

Another sad... no, not sad, but a wild story from a woman’s life. A frank story about the betrayal of a loved one, which is difficult, almost impossible to forgive. And about the pain that tears apart the soul.

“My husband and I have lived together for almost 20 years. Both worked and stretched as hard as they could. I won’t say that we were in poverty, but every time the question arose about purchasing something expensive, we had to either save hard or refuse to buy.

One fine day, I accidentally stumbled upon the website of a large Moscow company on the Internet with an advertisement for an open vacancy (I am an economist). The salary they offered was such that we decided we had to go. I successfully passed all tests and interviews. Then I worked under the contract for three months, after which I signed a contract for two years. It was a joy!!!

Even before I left, my husband and I were making plans to buy a house by the sea (we don’t have much left before retirement) so that our children could come to us for the summer with their grandchildren. And much more in the same spirit. In short, the plans were grandiose.

When we said goodbye, we talked frankly that I would be gone for a long time, and he was a man... and that if somewhere sometimes he finds a woman on the side, then there is nothing wrong with that, we are all living people. My only request was that he take protection.

These 2 years we called each other, he told me that he misses me very much and that I am sacred to him, he will never step over this, that everything is fine at home. He told me that he had no patience to wait, he was bored and had no strength! Always so gentle and caring!

But, returning to my city, at the airport I saw a complete stranger, an angry person. Where did all the kind words I heard on the phone go? And when I went home, I was horrified, I felt bad.

The apartment is homeless. The money that I transferred to cards, denying myself everything - no, things, no! In short, horror! Two years of work in the trash. But that wasn't the worst thing.

It turns out that as soon as I left, he brought a young girl into the apartment, she was 15 at the time (our youngest son, who stayed with him, was 14). She used my money in full, he had the card, and the code was written on a piece of paper. At any moment she calmly took it and used it as if it were her own. All bars and restaurants were open for her. But (as I found out after conducting an investigation) - without him. Why does she need a fifty-year-old man?

And he drank himself to death. All the local drunks were in our apartment. After my arrival, for another month, out of old habit, the doorbells did not stop ringing. And this young girl had several abortions, gave birth to a child, she doesn’t know from whom, and abandoned her in the maternity hospital.

And I also found out that it turns out that he had it since he was 11 years old, this is instead of raising his child! And he told me that he loves only me!

I didn’t recognize my son either. A bunch of evil and hatred towards me. My older children – two sons – didn’t even know what was going on in our apartment. They are married and live separately. From work they sometimes came to visit, saw the same young girl several times, but the younger one replied that it was his girlfriend who came to visit. Then they began to be careful: if someone came, she hid. No one even suspected that anything was wrong.

In short, we separated. And this vicious relationship of his continues to this day. And my heart is torn to pieces! He was simply obsessed with her. She tramples him, uses him. When he has some pennies - she’s with him, no - go to hell! They constantly fight and swear. And she, as she walked recklessly, still walks. He is ready to do anything, endure any of her betrayals, just so that she does not leave him.

The last time she went on a spree, he told me that he would destroy me if she did not return to him, since he believes that it was my fault that she returned and destroyed his happiness. He completely drank himself to death. It hurts me to look at this!

Recently, my husband (now ex) left for another city in the hope that this (!) will come to him, and they will live happily, because I won’t be there. And the worst thing is, I found out that she is HIV-infected! But nothing stops him! He just went crazy about her!

Since that time, the youngest son has been his copy. He repeats it exactly. He refused to live with me, went to Moscow and said that he would never return.

I lost both my husband and son! How can I survive this pain?!”

A whirlwind romance between an opera diva and a multi-billionaire womanizer began on board a luxury yacht. They danced tirelessly, and in the evenings indulged in passionate sexual pleasures. Experienced in love affairs, generous and emotional, Onassis could not be compared with the restrained and thrifty husband Callass. Ari gave expensive gifts and showered flowers on Maria.

The singer, thirsting for love all her life, lost her head. She fell head over heels in love with the “international pirate.” He became her Jason. Husband Callas, realizing that his young wife needed entertainment, was not very worried at first, thinking that Mary would soon get bored with this fleeting affair. But when the yacht moored to the shores of Mount Athos, the patriarch, in front of the amazed public, blessed Aristotle and Mary without paying attention to their spouses.

Of course, it was a kind of performance. But further, more. One evening, Aristotle’s wife came to Batista’s cabin and reported on the love scene that she had observed in her husband’s cabin. Tina Onassis took the children from the yacht and decided to file for divorce. Soon the spouses Maria and Meneghini left Onassis's yacht. But Ari was not going to give up and continued to pursue Maria.

He wanted to completely take over her heart and soul. Ari began sending her gifts, flowers and jewelry. “I will give you the whole world,” he promised Callas, and offered her husband a payoff: “As much as you need: a million, three, five, just let her go.” Maria gave up, she was so in love and sure that this feeling was mutual that she herself filed for divorce and went after her beloved.

At this time, Aristotle did not stop persuading his wife to cancel the divorce decision. In decent Greek families, divorce was not approved. He was seriously infatuated with Maria, but had no intention of radically changing his life for her. However, the divorce took place and Aria became a free man. He continued to court Maria, gave her passionate nights of sex, was generous, and tolerated her constant hysterics about concerts, although he was not at all keen on opera. He was a real man's lover for her, he combed her hair at night and knew how to be gentle.

Maria drowned in the rays of this love, she was so grateful to Aria for this feeling that she decided to completely devote herself to him. Following her beloved everywhere, Callas began to cancel concerts, refuse lucrative contracts, and rearrange her schedule. She agreed to sing only where Onassis had business. Reporters discussed this connection in full and began to write about Callas not as an opera diva, but as the mistress of the richest man on the planet.

Aristotle Onassis, having achieved his goal, enjoyed the fame and love of Mary. And she waited... now, now this will come, he will propose marriage to her. But Onassis had completely different plans. When Aria promised to give her the whole world, he did not mean a marriage proposal at all. Maria suited him as a mistress, but was not at all suitable for the role of a wife. Without waiting for the proposal, Kallas decided to speed things up by announcing in the press about the imminent wedding. The next morning, Onassis told reporters that it was just her fantasy. This was the first, but not the last, humiliation Callass suffered from Onassis.


Ari began to tire of Mary's devotion and sacrifice. He publicly insulted her, calling her a “complete idiot” or “nothing.” Onassis did not hesitate to raise his hand against her, and did not hesitate to take out her bad mood in front of his friends.

Maria endured everything, she idolized Ari and forgave any attacks against her. Somehow she tried to defend herself by expressing her claims to him. In response, Onassis shouted: “Shut up, you nightclub singer!” Callas suffered, but she loved. The constant nervous tension began to affect her voice. The first symptom appeared when Maria performed a Donizetti opera in Dallas; her voice gave out. The press did not leave this event unnoticed. Then, performing in Rome, Callas had to leave the stage in the middle of the concert. She sang less and less.

And at this time Onassis was already courting another woman. He set himself the goal of gaining attention from the wife of US President Jacqueline Kennedy. He showered her with gifts, without hiding it from Kallas at all.

At forty-three, Maria became pregnant. Her joy knew no bounds. Now he and Ari will finally have a real family. But Onassis forbade her to give birth. He already had two heirs, and he really wanted to have an illegitimate child as well. Onassis gave Maria an ultimatum: “Either me or the child.” And again Kallass conceded.

She had to have an abortion late in her pregnancy. Maria barely survived this operation. Onassis thanked Callas for this step by giving her a fur stole.

Subsequently, Callass could not forgive herself that, out of fear of losing Onassis, she sacrificed her child. Two years later, on board the famous yacht “Christina,” Onassis and Callas swore so much that all the servants hid in their cabins. Finally, Onassis could not stand it and shouted at Maria: “Get out!” Callas replied that he would not see her again.

It seems Onassis was not too upset, since a month later his engagement to Jacqueline Kennedy was announced. This happened on the island of Scorpio, which Aristotle promised to give to Callas. By that time, a tragic event had already occurred when Kennedy was assassinated. This marriage was called the deal of the century. Jacqueline dispelled the myth of herself as the first lady of the country by marrying an uneducated, only six years of high school graduate, albeit a rich but not revered billionaire. She received his wealth. Onassis bought himself the most famous woman in the world. The marriage of Onassis and Jacqueline was condemned by the whole world.

The newspapers wrote, “John Kennedy has died a second time.” At that moment, Callas also “died.” From such a shock she lost her voice and left the stage forever. She retired to her apartment in New York.

In one of her letters to Onassis, Maria wrote “You didn’t believe that I could die of love. Know this: I died. The world has gone deaf. I can't sing anymore. No, you will read this. I'll force you. You will hear my voice everywhere - it will haunt you even in your dreams, it will surround you, deprive you of your mind, and you will surrender, because he knows how to take any fortress. He will avenge me, for my prelude shame, for my current loneliness without the child whom God gave me so late and whom you - Ari, you! - forced me to kill..."

A curse

A successful deal did not bring Aristotle happiness. His new wife was not at all interested in his affairs. She was a cold and calculating woman. She knew how to spend his money in style and enjoy her own life. And then Ari again turns to Mary, a patient, selfless woman who loves HIM. Callass forgave Onassis. Ari even thinks about divorcing Jacqueline and proposing to Maria, but the Callas curse begins to come true. In 1973, Onassis's beloved son Alexander died in a plane crash. Aria could not cope with this loss and two years later he himself dies.

Maria did not leave her beloved man until the last day. At this time, Jacqueline was calmly walking around New York. In September 1977, Maria went to Onassis’s grave on the island of Scorpio with a bouquet of white roses. She said goodbye to him to meet again. That same year she dies in her apartment. Doctors diagnosed a heart attack. There was another version - suicide.

P.S. Throughout his life, Aristotle Onassis suffered from myasthenia gravis. It is a neuromuscular disease of the autoimmune system characterized by fatigue. As a rule, people with this disease are not very capable. But, despite this diagnosis, Ari led not only an active sexual and emotional life, but also managed to make a lot of money, devoting a lot of strength and energy to the business.

Shall we talk?

What is this story about? About a brilliant businessman and a passionate man who was able to conquer more than one woman’s heart?

Shall we talk?... I look forward to your thoughts on this tragic and instructive story.

Lenka woke up with the sun shining right in her face. The feeling is not pleasant. This surprised her a little: Lena loved the bright sun and clear days. And here it really hurts the eyes. She stretched out on the bed, wondering if it was time to get up or if she could still lie down.

Kitty Kitty Kitty! - she called Pushka, who was sitting on a chair nearby and looking at her strangely.

Lenka tried to touch him with her hand, but the cat arched his back, hissed angrily and hid under the nightstand in the hallway. “Hmm... seems the baby is angry? Oh, exactly! I forgot to buy him food! Nothing! He won’t die until the evening!”

And suddenly she remembered everything: yesterday’s scandal with her older sister Anna, the showdown with her beloved. Night gatherings with someone unknown in a bar, an argument with a taxi driver who did not want to drive in the rain on the road past the quarry... From the alcohol she drank in the evening, obviously too much, there was a strange feeling that the body did not belong to her, and her mood was not the best . “One way or another, I’ll have to go to Anka’s, pick up my son, whom I left with her for the weekend, and I should call my beloved as soon as possible...”

Lenka understood that everyone with whom she argued yesterday was right, alas... She lied to her sister for four years, telling fables that her son’s father was a completely different person. And now the truth has come out... And Anka exploded:

How could you contact him? Not only is he married, he is also the husband of my best friend! It's outrageous! I am ashamed of you!

Anka, don’t be too heavy, you are very correct... Everyone fights for their own happiness...

Have you thought about her? You fight for your own happiness at the expense of someone else's life!

Why should I care about someone else's problems? I have enough of my own troubles!

Someone else's? Have you forgotten that when my parents passed away and I ended up in the hospital, it was Lisa who took you to her place? That she treated you like her beloved little (note: love-my!) sister? And then you climbed into bed with her husband? Do you understand that she won’t survive if she finds out the truth about your relationship?

Lenka understood. Lisa is very, very good. But... it happened... Fate. It’s not her and Mitya’s fault that they fell in love with each other.

You know that Lisa is sick... How long does she have left in this world? Do you want to shorten the life of a person who treated you so well?

I love him. And I will fight for him to the end!

You can’t build your happiness on someone else’s grief! No matter how hackneyed this phrase may be, but...

Lenka jumped out of the apartment, slamming the door: “I’m fed up! I'm sick of everything! It's time to talk to him again. Something needs to be decided! Why should I think about her and not about my son Artem, who needs a father? Although... I know perfectly well what Mitya will answer...” Naturally, the conversation with my beloved did not yield anything:

Lena, I told you a hundred times: to divorce Lisa means to kill her: a sick heart can’t stand it!

I hate both you and her! - Lenka screamed into the phone, disconnected and cried: - I want to die!

Lenka remembered that then there was a bar, it seems, more than one...

She went into the kitchen and made a sandwich and coffee as usual. The food and drink seemed tasteless. I dialed my sister’s phone and began:

Hello? Anh, let's not raise this topic anymore, okay? It hurts me myself, but understand, it’s not our fault that we fell in love... That’s how fate decreed it! Hissing in the receiver, then from somewhere far away Anna’s voice:

Call back, we can't hear you!

“Doesn’t want to talk to me? Well, okay!"

Then I made up my mind and called Mitya:

Mitka, listen... There is silence on the phone.

Well, Mitya...

Not a word in response!

“Angry? Well, let!" I got dressed and left the apartment. I ran into my neighbor on the stairs:

Good morning, Maria Petrovna! But the always talkative and friendly old lady did not even look at her and went up the stairs. Baba Katya, who was sitting on a bench at the entrance, and the janitor Semenych reacted to Lenka in exactly the same way: they looked at Lenka as if she were an empty place. “It’s strange... Was I rowdy yesterday? Okay, it’ll grind, there will be flour!”

There was no one at the stop. Lenka approached the taxi, which seemed to be waiting for her. The car started moving, but the driver didn’t even ask where to go. She named the street and house number, but he chuckled strangely in response. The old man's face seemed familiar to her.

Here they are at the sister's house.

Can you wait for me for a few minutes?

There's no point in going anywhere... they won't see or hear you anymore.

I don’t understand... Why? He sighed heavily.

You do not remember anything?


He sighed again:

I don't want to disappoint you, but you and I died yesterday...

What?! - Lenka yelled.

On a slippery road we fell into a construction quarry...

She began to remember something.

Do you remember what you screamed when you got into my car drunk? No? You screamed that you wanted to die... Literally in a minute I thought about the same thing...

What about you?

I have cancer, severe pain, I don’t want to be a burden for my daughter... We ourselves called the old woman with a scythe, alas... And she heard us.

Lenka couldn’t believe what she heard.

Are we no more? - She thought for a while. - So that’s why no one sees me...

What do you mean he doesn't see? - the taxi driver asked.

Well, from the neighbors... And my cat hissed when I called him...

What did you want? - the man chuckled. - People in this world do not see the dead, but animals feel very keenly.

They were silent for a while. Everyone thought about their own things. Tears streamed down Lenka's face.

Do you want me to show you something? - the taxi driver suggested and, without waiting for an answer, wiped the foggy windshield of the car. Suddenly, as if out of a fog, a picture appeared: a courtyard illuminated by the sun. Her father and mother are sitting in the gazebo, drinking tea; next to her, in a rocking chair, her grandmother, as usual, is knitting something.

Should I go to them? After all, they also died... Oh, and who are these two girls waving their hands at us?

Your children...

I have a son...

These are your unborn daughters. Do you remember how you terminated your pregnancy five years ago? You had twins. And then you killed them...

Lenka rushed forward:

I will ask them for forgiveness...

Do not rush. They have forgiven you. But you can't go to them now.

Why? Are we dead?

We have not yet entered the world of the dead. We are between worlds... You and I have not been found yet. Everyone knows that we died, an oncoming car saw us, but the quarry is very deep, more than sixty meters, it’s winter, the divers do not agree to go to the bottom... It’s very dangerous...

What about Artem? My sister Anka? Mitya? - she cried.

They will dream about you.

Sleep is the boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living...

But what then? Well, when will we be buried?

The man said dully:

- “Souls fly away, fly away...

And everyone in the world knows about their loved ones. And when trouble knocks on their house, they fly to the windows like a white bird...”

Beautiful poems... did you write?

No, it's from the Internet! Lenka looked at him somehow incredulously.

Do you think I've been a taxi driver all my life? Previously, daughter, I was a teacher at school. After the death of his wife, he started drinking and... this is the result: an incurable disease and... but I digress. When you get to the world of the dead, you will still remain close to your loved ones. You will touch your face with a ray of sun, you will fall like a snowflake, a drop of rain... You will knock on the window with the wind, you will fly like a white bird onto the windowsill...

How do you know this?

I already had clinical death. Then they saved me... -I love my loved ones very much and want them to be happy...

I woke up with a heavy heart, my soul was unbearably painful: Lenka was no more. I will never hear her laugh, I will never see the cute dimples on her cheeks. I wanted to howl in despair. And suddenly a phrase appeared in my brain: “A dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living...”

And it dawned on me. I saw her dream, a mortal dream, in which she tried to understand what had happened! "Nonsense! It doesn’t happen like that!” Suddenly the faces of those little girls, unborn twins, appeared before my eyes. I felt bitter about Lenka’s abortion. I am that same Mitya...

The room smelled of cigarette smoke. I crawled into the kitchen. Liza, my wife, stood near the window, chilly wrapped in a scarf.

Have you started smoking again? You can't!

“I don’t care anymore,” she said indifferently and added: “I feel sorry for her... A bitch, of course, but not a bad woman.” She was also unlucky in life. Who will your son stay with now?

At first I was speechless, and then I squeezed out:

Did you know everything? About your son?

Yes... I knew...

Why was she silent?

What to say? You know, my heart can’t stand it for long. The days are already numbered. I can’t give birth, and I can’t make love either - even strong positive emotions are prohibited. What can I give you? What will I leave behind? Nothing. Emptiness.

I went to the buffet, poured myself half a glass of cognac and drank it in one gulp. I didn’t know what to talk about with my wife now, how to justify myself, and is it even worth it? And then he almost fell when Lisa said:

A dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living... I dreamed about Lenka today... She asked for forgiveness and begged to take care of her son... You must take him! After all, according to her, it is officially registered in your name? I was silent.

Can you hear me? - the wife asked nervously.

What are we going to do with it? I've been at work all day... And you... feel bad...

We'll manage. I promised Lenka. I must!

Lisa, it was a dream, well, or an obsession inspired by stress. You don't owe anyone anything!

You must! - the wife shouted and grabbed her heart.

You feel bad? - I was worried.

Yes, I feel bad that the person I love actually turns out to be heartless and cold! Don't you understand? The boy has no one now! He's all alone!

He has Anna...

No aunt can replace your own father! I consider the conversation over. Start doing paperwork.

But everything turned out to be not so simple. After all, at that time taxis had not yet been picked up. Yes, some

the guy noticed how Lenka got into this particular car, other people saw: the car flew into a quarry, but no one will issue a death certificate until the bodies are identified. Officially, it’s as if they weren’t dead. I called Anna:

Give me my son!

No! If it weren't for you, maybe my sister would be alive.

And then Lisa came to the rescue:

I'll talk to her... She'll understand. I don’t know the details of their conversation, but a couple of days later the doorbell rang. Anna and Artemka are on the threshold.

“Dad,” the son screamed joyfully. - How I missed you. Do you know that mommy left?

Where? “I don’t know why,” I asked, confused.

On a business trip. For a long time. And Aunt Anya said that now I will live with you. Is it true?


And who are you? - the baby turned to Lisa.

I? I'm your dad's wife. My name is Lisa.

Do you have children?

No,” it was clear that it was difficult for her to answer.

It's a pity. Maybe they will show up later? So the son settled with us.

That same day I dreamed about Lenka: “Thank you... I will be with you. And I will help...” And I remembered again: “A dream is the boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living...”

Artem very quickly became attached to Lisa, and she also became attached to him. And then I heard their conversation, which made me feel uneasy:

Aunt Lisa, will mom arrive soon? I miss her so much!

No, Temochka, not soon... But, believe me, she is always next to you! She thinks about you constantly...

But I don’t see her?

She touches your face with a ray of sunshine, falls like a snowflake, a drop of rain... Knocks with the wind, flies like a bird onto your window... - before she had time to say this, her son screamed:

Aunt Lisa, look, there's mom! - and pointed to the white dove sitting on the windowsill. - Did she come to say “Good morning” to me? - Yes baby...

And I, a grown man who, as they say, had lived through Crimea and Rome, stood outside the door and could barely hold back my tears. ...The bodies of Lenka and the taxi driver were raised in the spring. They buried their beloved in a closed coffin. Not to say goodbye, not to see for the last time, not to touch... I never dreamed of her again. But a day after the funeral, Lisa unexpectedly said:

A dream is a boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world of the dead meets the world of the living... Larisa came to me. She said it was the last time. And there was also a strange phrase: “I give you my heart...” Probably she was just saying thank you.

We understood what this phrase meant a few weeks later, when Lisa was admitted for a routine examination.

- It can not be! — The doctor threw up his hands in surprise. - It seems that your wife has a completely healthy heart. Without any signs of illness. Tell me, where were you treated? Abroad?

She gave her her heart... - I muttered in shock.

What? Who gave it? - the cardiologist did not understand my phrase.

I didn't answer. Because it’s very difficult for me to believe this myself. Did a deceased woman give her unspent health to her living rival? This is from the realm of science fiction novels!

Two years have passed since Lenka's death. Artem calls Lisa mom. My wife became a completely different person. She used to be timid, sickly and quiet. She walked silently, like a shadow. And now her laughter can be heard more and more often in the house... She has grown stronger, is making plans for the future and is no longer thinking about death. And I know who to mentally thank for this: my beloved Lenka, who gave her heart when she was lost between two worlds and was waiting for liberation...

And recently we found out that Lisa and I will have a child... a girl... And again the words brought by angels on white wings from another world ring in our heads: “A dream is the boundary between two worlds, a personal space where the world meets.” the dead with the world of the living... I will help in any way I can"

I don’t want to sound crazy, but I often feel Lenka as if she’s somewhere nearby. And then I remember the words of the elderly taxi driver from Lenka’s posthumous dream: “You will always be next to them. You will touch your face with a ray of sun, you will fall like a snowflake, a drop of rain... You will knock on the window with the wind, you will fly like a white bird onto the windowsill...

I love them too much and want them to be happy... And it hurts me so much that I won’t be able to talk to my son, touch him...

Everything depends only on you!"

And then I think: “Thank you, Lenka. Thank you for your son, for giving your heart to Lisa, for the fact that my wife has become completely different... Thank you for the daughter who will be born soon... Thank you for your boundless love for all of us... I love you too . And I know that sooner or later we will meet.” Souls fly away, fly away... They cover their loved ones with their wings, They hug their loved ones with the warm wind. Souls fly away, fly away...

Reading stories about wives cheating on their own husbands is always extremely interesting. In them we learn to look at the situation of the heroes from the outside, try on different roles, analyze and draw conclusions, try to learn life from the mistakes of others. But what if stories about an unfaithful wife cease to be someone’s story and become reality? What makes women cheat and, most importantly, what feelings do they have to live with after this? What is betrayal - the beginning of a new thing or the end of the present?

I cheated on my husband...

Treason is always seen in a negative way, no matter what circumstances precede it. This is not surprising, because it implies lies, resentment and betrayal, destroys relationships, breaks destinies, and changes people’s characters. The infidelity of representatives of the fair half of humanity is especially acutely perceived - it causes contempt, misunderstanding, and condemnation. When you visit forums with women’s stories about cheating on their husbands, you immediately come across uncompromising accusations and insults against the author of the post. Let's today leave all prejudices, sighs and values ​​that are familiar to us, and try to rationally look at the motives and possible consequences of female adultery.

Arina Veselova, psychotherapist, family psychologist, shares real stories from her own practice about female infidelity.

Tatyana, 22 years old, married for 2 years, husband 26 years old, no children. “My husband is perfect - he will help with cleaning, take us to the movies, and cook dinner. Fulfills all my whims, I’m definitely MARRIED with him. Sometimes he is too calm, but in my mind I understand that this is perfect for family life (I’ve seen enough of passionate relationships from the outside, where you can raise your hand against your wife and insult her; I definitely don’t want that). I'm graduating from college and I needed to make a big presentation of my project on the computer. I’m not very friendly with technology (shameful in the 21st century) at this level, so we started looking for a person who would help in this matter. The choice fell on his fellow programmer. He has a girlfriend and I have a husband, so we all agreed to this freelance training without a shadow of a doubt. Anton (the name of the client’s husband – the psychologist’s note) worked late, and Kostya and I sat either with us or with him, and my husband then joined us after work. One day I came to Kostya, and he asked if I would drink beer with him, otherwise he was very tired. I agreed, but asked, just in case, maybe I should come tomorrow, and let him rest today. He refused, assured that he just wanted to relax a little, and besides, the contract was more expensive than money. We fiddled around on the computer for about 20 minutes, then he started showing his photos, turned on the music, and we started talking. That day the project didn’t come to mind, and the beer was doing its job. Suddenly Kostya asked if we were watching adult films with Anton. I answered honestly that yes, it happens. Then he, without hesitating for a second, opened the folder and launched an intimate video. He simply invited me, as if to his old friend, to check out the figure of a porn actress... I did not dare to say anything and sat in silence, watching the banal plot. Kostya was looking at me, I was looking at the monitor, but I could directly feel his breathing. In general, the stars aligned so that everything happened to us. It was wild, passionate, I don’t know what liberated me so much – the beer, the movie, the secrecy or his assertiveness. That was our last meeting, he practically didn’t help in any way, but he filled me with some kind of strength, madness, fire. I feel uncomfortable in front of my loved one, but I’m not going to tell him anything. Our relationship with my husband has strengthened, although maybe I’m just trying to make amends (I haven’t figured it out yet). Would I do it again? Probably yes, that’s why that meeting was the last.”

Victoria, 36 years old, married for 15 years, has two sons. “I work as a teacher, so I always devote a lot of time to my appearance. Igor (husband) approves of my desire to be well-groomed, because I am the face of my class and I am not ashamed to become an example for growing girls. My husband is excellent - his money goes to the family, I can spend my money however I want. And in everyday life he is a helper, and in bed he is a lion, and as a father, there are no complaints. I’ve never thought about cheating, because I don’t have time, and I don’t want to waste energy on making contact or hiding what’s happening. We met Vladimir in a restaurant when we were celebrating the christening of a good friend’s daughter with a large group. Oh, it was hard to take your eyes off him - big, confident, immaculately dressed, arrogant, but gallant. He arrived for dinner alone, in an expensive car, so it’s no wonder that everyone was staring at him. Even then the thought flashed through my mind that, probably, I would have cheated with this, if I had even considered such a prospect. After 2 weeks, I was traveling on business and went to a cozy cafe in the city to drink coffee. Vova was sitting with a friend at lunch. He recognized me, immediately approached me and acted as if we had known each other for a long time. He told me not to go anywhere, he would be right back. They left, but after 10 minutes he fulfilled his promise and arrived alone. We sat at a table and chatted for a long time. Volodya is a very interesting conversationalist, and he did not spare compliments addressed to me. I had to leave, and he directly asked when we would see each other again. I objected, because it’s one thing if the meeting happened suddenly, and planned dates are not included in my plans, I’m still a married lady. He said “okay,” and even somewhere deep down I was upset. Another 2 days later we ran into each other in a shopping center (I doubt it was an accident, although our town is really small). He came close to me, so that I could not breathe from his passion, and offered to leave for another city. For a day, on a business trip... I agreed and was immediately scared! Why, why did I agree, how will I explain this to my husband and I will understand WHY I am going there?! “I can leave at any moment,” this thought calmed me down and gave me strength. My husband took the news calmly; I often traveled to the regional center on business. She didn’t take the car, she said that I was going with colleagues. Yes, these were the most unforgettable 10 hours of my life. Vova has a large apartment there, so we enjoyed each other everywhere. I was fascinated and frightened by his strength and experience, such men only exist in books! He wanted to take me away from Igor, but I wasn’t going to ruin anything. Yes, I’m terribly pleased to be in the center of the universe (with him I feel exactly like that), but I can’t betray my family. Sometimes I want to tell my spouse, but I can’t afford to hurt him. And the sons? They won't understand me at all..."

Anya, 26 years old, married for 1 year. “My husband, Vitalik, puts me in practically nothing. Either I didn’t cook what he wanted, then he wants more in bed, or I need to gain a little weight. It's annoying! When I ask why he needs me so much, he says that he loves me very much, and there is nothing wrong with criticism. Allegedly, one should always accept comments from a loved one and close person with understanding, because he only wishes me the best! One evening his friends came, and he began to make fun of me in their presence. He said that I could feed him sour borscht or fall asleep after the first glass of wine. It's a shame - that's an understatement. I was so angry that I was ready to burst into tears. As a result, they got drunk, Vitalya wandered off to watch TV, and within 2 minutes he was snoring. One guy immediately went home, and the second stayed behind under the pretext of charging his phone a little. He was so gentle, holding my hand and whispering that he would always appreciate a companion like me. We had sex right in the kitchen. I didn’t think about anything, neither about my husband, nor about betrayal, I just had fun. My comrade left, and I couldn’t sleep for a long time, I remembered his caresses. I’m not ashamed of Vitalik, it’s my own fault. After a while (he again pointed at something to me), I told him about what had happened, he was taken aback and didn’t even scream, as I expected. We haven’t discussed what will happen next, we just parted ways.”

Human nature is limitless in exploring the unknown. Female infidelity in three different variations had its own thread and led to a logical outcome. What can be said about these cases?

Different destinies - different betrayals

It was not for nothing that I gave examples of real infidelities of completely different wives - with different characters, status and attitude of their faithful towards them. Based on the above, can we conclude that betrayal occurs only when a marriage is falling apart at the seams? Absolutely not!

In the first story, where the wife cheated on her husband, the suppression of hidden desires and the childishness of the girl can be traced. She is comfortable with a calm husband, but she is secretly ready to go on an adventure with any (reliable!) passionate man. She could leave when the person said that he was tired and would drink beer, or when after 20 minutes they were distracted from the project, and, of course, she should have been indignant when the friend turned on an adult video. It was not alcohol that pushed her to have violent sex with a friend of her legal companion; it only “pulled” to the surface everything that she lacked in her own marriage. From the woman’s story about her infidelity, it becomes clear that this incident brought her and her husband closer, but, nevertheless, the unfaithful woman does not exclude the fact of a repeat incident. This key formulation conceals Tatyana’s incorrect attitude towards family. What was the provoking factor - an unsuccessful parental example, distortion of family values ​​through authoritative people/books/films, previous bitter experience - is still unknown, but it is obvious that relationships in such torment will not last long.

Infantility lies precisely in ignoring or hushing up one's problems. Replacing unsatisfied desires will never bring true pleasure. Learn to articulate your desires, overcome barriers and free yourself from existing pressures.

A story where an adult woman cheated on her husband with an influential man only says that she loves to be in the spotlight, to feel that he is ready to lay the whole world at her feet. Of course, each of us likes this, we love with our eyes and appreciate people by their actions. But my husband also did things - he helped, took me to restaurants, was a wonderful lover and a caring father. Why did he fade into the background?

We all need a second wind sometimes. Who finds it and where depends only on our inner filling. Apparently, for Victoria, Vladimir became just that second wind, youth, flirtation, unbridledness. But with her mind she understood that the family, the system that had been created over a long time, should not be destroyed. In such cases, a serious intrapersonal conflict develops, which, if not resolved, will end in severe depression, which can develop into chronic neurasthenia.

Advice: In the case of conflicting desires and reality, you need to understand yourself in order to understand and accept your true motives. Don’t be afraid to seek help from a specialist, so you will have a chance to remain not only happy, but also psychologically healthy.

As for the story where the wife tells her husband about how she cheated on him, everything is obvious - the girl is ruled by her reluctance to continue the relationship. This can be veiled by various subtexts - to flick him on the nose (like, look, you are making fun of me, and someone is caressing), to hurt (you are like this, and I am like this to you), etc. But the main idea of ​​this story - awareness of your failed marriage. As a specialist, I usually fight for the family if there is something to save. In this story, where the wife gave herself to another in front of her husband (even if he was sleeping), unfortunately, there is nothing to fight for. Incompatibility of temperaments, disrespect, frustration, disagreement, discrepancy in moral values, unwillingness to accept oneself and each other, to work on oneself, denial of one’s mistakes, etc. – a bad basis for a happy union.

Can a husband be blamed for cheating on his wife? Indirectly, yes. But “I deceived you because you brought me down” sounds somewhat ridiculous, you must agree. Usually, I say that it is good when such relationships end at a stage where the spouses still have nothing to share or the bitter realization has not come that you have lived half your life somehow, not the way you dreamed.

What can be said about female infidelity? Are they as weak, driven and defenseless as they seem? Of course not! We are endowed with natural strength, dexterity and intuition; we always know exactly where we are going and how our road will end. We are wise, so it would be wrong and incorrect to attribute carnal pleasures to a coincidence of circumstances. Women are not hostages of the situation - this is a fact.

For example, in my practice, there are also non-standard infidelities of wives from eyewitness accounts, where these eyewitnesses, in fact, are husbands. It was with their consent that sexual intercourse took place between the wife and the person who was carefully selected by the faithful. Can this be called cheating? No, it can rather be called the diversity of the sexual life of two adult, mature partners. Here no one suppresses, coerces, or blackmails anyone. Everyone saves their marriage and feeds their feelings exactly the way they want and feel. If this does not cause discomfort, moral trauma, pain and other negative emotions to the other half, why not?

In all the stories “How I Cheated on My Husband” you can see the unique story of each woman, unlike the others. There is only one conclusion from such stories - betrayal does not save you from pain, does not rehabilitate relationships, does not glue families together, and does not replace love. Betrayal makes you feel guilty, drives you into a corner, inflicts wounds, and destroys. If you are experiencing dissatisfaction in your marriage, do not rush into the arms of another. I assure you, you will get a lot more problems than you had before! Someone else's bed feeds illusions, but usually ends in emptiness. Be happy!