Waiting for vacation statuses. Congratulations on your return from vacation. Short statuses about vacation without rest

Rest after mental work does not at all consist in doing nothing, but in changing things: physical work is not only pleasant, but also useful rest after mental work.

"Ushinsky Konstantin Dmitrievich"

Rest: what you do when no one is telling you what to do.

"Prendergast Joseph"

When going on vacation, take half as many things and twice as much money.

"Susan Anderson"

Vacation is a time that confirms the fact that there are no irreplaceable people.

"Alexey Kalinin"

Vacation is when each subsequent day is a rest after the previous one.

After I asked the seller at the store for two loaves of Windows, I realized that I had not been on vacation for a very long time.

The last day before my vacation to work I had to walk through the door sideways - my happy face couldn’t get through!

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it now...

Woke up happy? So you are a vacationer.

Conversation between two snowflakes: - Where are you flying? - To Greenland. I'll take a vacation. And you? - In America. I'll make them panic.

The best rest is a change of activities.

"Pavlov Ivan Petrovich"

A checkbook is your personal and very accurate predictor of your vacation destination.

"Aron Vigushin"

Kebabs should always be made only by a man, because only a man knows how to mount them correctly and fry them well!

We are the ones taking a vacation to have fun at the dacha.

I spent two weeks at a ski resort. It was so cold there that I almost got married.

"Shelley Winters"

Throughout our lives we are gradually prepared for adulthood. We may or may not go to kindergarten. At school, some control appears. And there is less rest - only three months, plus spring and autumn holidays. University is even stricter. Student, pass to the dormitory, two weeks of winter rest, and two months of summer rest. And after that we are ready for work and a month of vacation.

“Only this week! Last minute trips to the most beautiful, most fiery regions of Russia. You will never forget this vacation!” – this is what firefighting propaganda should be like.

“It’s time for you to go on vacation” is also a kind of diagnosis.

And on the weekends, you can dream about how you will dream on vacation.

After all, the best thing about any vacation is not so much relaxing yourself, but watching others work.

"Kenneth Graham"

There are sharks in the sea, toads in the river, mosquitoes in the forest, and people at home. And where, tell me, can a normal person relax? Igor Krasnovsky

It's boring on vacation. There's nothing to dream about on vacation.

Let's divide the world: the sea for you, the waves for me; heaven for you, stars for me; sun for you, light for me, or even better - all for you, and you for me!

Even you should have fun with commercial benefit for yourself.


For our tourists in a hotel, anything that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir.

Dear alarm clock! Do not call me more! It's all over between us! I'm leaving! On vacation.

If it weren’t for the director, I would have read more. Look forward to visiting your site - I will come back more often. The director is on vacation soon.

Forgot about your vacation? So, it's time to forget about work!

The law of meanness bitch works always and seven days a week! Damn, I’ll meet you and send you on a long vacation!

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to go crazy and go to the dacha! I will water, weed, dig.

Personal life went on indefinite leave. Please do not disturb.

My favorite dream is about a vacation.

My sleep has gone on vacation! Will be back next holidays.

My conscience took a vacation.

On a foreign beach: - Masha, did you leave Barsik food? - I thought you left... - Well, no matter what the vacation, we bury the cat!

We don't need GPA just so we don't lose our vacation.

Find time to relax, as there is always work, but life tends to end.

Don't wait for a miracle, create a miracle yourself! – the boss said before leaving for vacation.

Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty broke.

"Leonard Louis Levinson"

With vacation, employers seem to be saying: “There are no irreplaceable people, we can do without you. And one month - and a whole year.”

"Fortin Louis"

Vacation is when you find a bottle of cold champagne in the refrigerator in the morning and think: “Why not?”

The first week after the New Year holidays - you get into work, the second - you’re a little tired, the third - you’re fucking tired of working! A month - it’s time to take a vacation, I deserve it.

My beloved's vacation ended and he went back to work. A whole day without him now seems like eternal hard labor to me.

For some people, vacation differs from work only in that they sit at a different computer.

The wife went on vacation and left her husband and child alone at home. And then the son comes up to his dad and says: “Dad, I again forgot how to put on underpants correctly...” The father sighed, took the underpants and showed: “Look, son, I’ll explain it again - the yellow spot forward, the brown spot back!”

Traditionally, he went on vacation at the height of the heating season.

And my grandfather went on vacation to Germany and, out of habit, took Berlin.

It’s annoying when your holidays are just starting, mom goes on vacation, mom goes to work, dad goes on vacation.

Most of all, a person needs rest immediately after a vacation.

"Albert Hubbard"

On a Sunday I suddenly feel so languid, but on a weekday I’d rather be at home!

"Andreev Vladimir"

An ideal way to spend your summer holiday. Heat, loneliness, freedom.

"Haruki Murakami"

Everyone has the right to spend their vacation the way they want! And some are also an opportunity.

He is so... so desirable, mysterious, extraordinary, fabulous, necessary, unique, bright, irreplaceable, long-awaited...))) my VACATION

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What I want most now is to be at the airport and hear that my plane is taking off to the sea in a few minutes...

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Nothing pleases the eye more than a packed suitcase at sea...

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Most of all I want to go on vacation a month before and 10 months after it.

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Summer... sun... sea... beach... children... bags... husband... luggage... room... bed... shower... hubbub... was there a vacation - you'll understand...

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where...

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It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to, I’ll freak out and leave. To the dacha. I will water, weed, dig...

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After a good vacation, you need to rest for another week.

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All good things come to an end sooner or later... The moral of this fable is - the Khan has come to leave ((

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On the last day before vacation, I had to walk in sideways to work - a satisfied smile couldn’t fit through the door.

The degree of tanning is determined by the whiteness of the butt relative to the rest of the body.

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There are two photographs on my passport. At the first I am sober, and the second - so that they can be released from Turkey and Egypt...

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My girlfriend always talks about a trip to the Canaries. But I don’t mind... Let him speak.

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For our tourists, everything in the hotel that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir!

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Everyone who has returned from vacation definitely has a friend who will slap you on your burnt shoulder and ask: “So, how was your rest?”

For some people, the only difference between vacation and work is that they sit at a different computer.

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You need to get out of vacation, just like from a binge, gradually))

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Stop for a moment, you're on vacation!!!

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Vacations come and go, but you never want to work.

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A Russian person's vacation lasts 2 months, since he prepares for vacation for two weeks and gets out of it for two weeks..

Tears and hysterics - that's such a drama. I gained four kilograms during my vacation...

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Nothing tires you more than someone else's rest.

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Cheer yourself up on a dull, gray, winter Friday! Write your vacation application with colorful markers!

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Russian vacation - two weeks on the beach and 50 weeks aground.

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Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it so much now...

Statuses about work with meaning

It's good to work two jobs! Lots of money! But not because they pay a lot - but because there is no time to spend.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Never before has a person been so close to perfection as when writing a resume!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Thursday is still better than Sunday! Because on Thursday tomorrow is Friday, and on Sunday tomorrow is Monday!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

If you don't know how to use your head, use a shovel.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Work ennobles a person, but idleness makes him happy.

If your office is often entered without knocking, hang a dartboard on the inside of the door.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

- What should a specialist do for a salary of ten thousand rubles? - Nothing... And even a little harm!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Choose a job you like, and you will never have to work a single day in your life.

In our country, everything is PAID: To be born!, To study!, To be treated!, To die! - Is there anything for FREE??? - Yes... Work!!!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Work hard and pay your taxes honestly. Thousands of workers in the state apparatus are counting on you.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

The specifics of life in a metropolis are such that some workers get tired before they even get to work.

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o Chief, remember! White (not tanned) color indicates employees who still want to go on vacation!

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

I still can’t figure it out: do I have a job, or does my job have me?..

O_ o o_O O_ o o_O O_ o

Before vacation

If there is still a lot of time before your expected vacation, you can write in your account about your expectations and dreams. This will provide an opportunity to take a break from the routine so that the joyful moment comes sooner. Current options:

  • I'm exhausted without you. Come, my vacation, I beg you!
  • I spend hours swimming in the sea, wandering along sandy beaches, turning my face towards the breeze... It seems like I'm hallucinating. Vacation, save me!
  • Manager, pay attention: all employees with white skin color must be urgently sent to the sea!
  • I can only think about one thing now - a trip to the resort.
  • There is an effective way to get rid of depression - pack your suitcase as soon as possible!
  • What year? Last working day before rest.
  • Did you know that vacation is the fifth season of the year? It's a pity that it's shorter than all the others!

They will definitely warm your soul and allow you to while away boring and gray everyday life. And those who read the status about vacation will be captured by nostalgia. Very soon it will be possible not to monitor the numbers on the calendar and the days of the week, forget about the alarm clock and important reports, devoting yourself to pleasant leisure time.

During rest

When the workplace is far away and colleagues are still working hard, many people feel euphoric. On social networks they post many photographs against the backdrop of famous landmarks, the sea, and beautiful nature. As a rule, pictures are complemented by a short status about vacation:

  • The happiest days of my life have arrived!
  • I want the rest to last 11 months, and somehow I’ll find the strength for 28 days of work.
  • There’s so much to do... I don’t have time to score!
  • My smile is wider than the ocean, it’s too early for me to return from vacation!

Such phrases will make friends who are working at that moment a little jealous of the author, rejoice for him, and leave questions and comments.

When the holiday is over

Unfortunately, all pleasant moments tend to end too quickly. Usually a person already wants to rest again. Then this vacation status would be suitable:

  • Was I on vacation? Or did I dream it all?
  • I want the 11 months to fly by faster. Then I will find myself in a fairy tale again!
  • I just started to come out of depression and have already returned to it again...
  • If I become president, the first thing I will do is extend everyone’s vacation!
  • Vacation, you will remain in my heart forever!

Memories of places visited and impressions received will help you continue to work successfully, achieve new heights, smile at everyone, and feel great.

Winter holidays

What is the best winter vacation status to post on your profile? Don’t be upset if your boss sends you on vacation during the cold season. We need to greet this news with positivity. Firstly, due to the low temperature outside it is always pleasant to leave for a warm country. Secondly, we must not forget about winter activities - snowboarding, skating, skiing. Such leisure can also be extremely interesting. In such circumstances, the following statuses are suitable:

  • It’s so good when it’s 40 degrees below zero and a blizzard outside, but a piece of summer warms your soul!
  • I am very glad that in this winter cold I don’t have to rush to work. Bliss!
  • Colleagues come back from vacation black, but I am destined to return blue. I am an individual!
  • Winter is the best time to relax!

It’s nice to forget about at any time of the year. A vacation status will help you cheer up, look forward to the weekend, and share your joy or regrets about the end of your vacation with everyone. In any case, these important life events must be reflected in your account.

Quotes and statuses about vacation, no matter how beautiful they are, still cannot replace the vacation itself. But they will give you a reason to dream and, perhaps, plan your upcoming vacation.

The best antidepressant is a suitcase packed for vacation.

Vacation is when every next day you can rest from the previous one.

Planning a vacation is very easy: the boss says when, the wife where...

Stop for a moment, you're on vacation!!!

Blessed is he who believes. But truly blessed is the one who lies on the seashore and is in no hurry.

The best way to relax is to escape from the people in the city to the jellyfish in the sea.

Take me away from here on vacation.

Only vacation pay ends faster than vacations.

Nothing tires you more than someone else's rest.

Vacation, sea, sun, beach - I miss it so much now...

The frantic pace of life, the rapid flow of information, work, family - it’s natural that you want to take a break from all this. It was for such cases that they came up with temporary release from work or, to put it more simply, vacation. Officially, this is the time provided by the employer for rest. It is calculated in calendar days. But this definition is boring. In order to understand what it really is, we offer you cool quotes, short aphorisms and beautiful quotes about vacation.

Funny quotes about vacation and work

For some people, the only difference between vacation and work is that they sit at a different computer.

Vacations come and go, but you never want to work.

Labor turned a monkey into a man, but vacation shows how easily a person returns to his original state.

There are two types of leave: one for your own, and the second for your boss. Moreover, the second may be no worse than the first.

What you do at work will be decided by your boss, but you will have to plan your vacation yourself.

No matter how long the vacation, you still realize at the end of the first working day that you didn’t rest enough.

Eternity is the last two working hours before vacation.

How nice it is to do nothing and then relax!

No one needs a vacation more than a person who has just returned from vacation.

Work ennobles a person, but vacation makes him happy.

Short statuses about vacation without rest

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to, I’ll freak out and leave. To the dacha. I will water, weed, dig...

Stability is when during vacation a person exchanges his work computer for a home one.

Summer smells like vacation for those who have been on vacation. For everyone else, summer smells of envy and longing.

As always, the dream of a vacation turned out to be better than the vacation itself.

I was tired, but became exhausted - this is a vacation spent at the dacha.

The mother-in-law decided that the best vacation was renovation.

Find time to relax, as there is always work, but life tends to end.

For some, it turns out that vacation is designed to dream about vacation.

The sun shines for everyone, but only the lucky ones sunbathe.

Rest is a very rare opportunity to think about business.

Summer is considered the most suitable time of year for relaxation. The sun, the heat - it's time to relax. True, many of us don’t have very long vacations, so we don’t want to waste time. And, only having managed to slam the office door behind us with a satisfied smile, most of us immediately pack our bags and rush to the airport, train station, or bus station. Everything in order to fully enjoy the days allotted for rest. But, of course, it is advisable to think carefully about your entire vacation and prepare for it in advance. Well, so that it doesn’t turn out like in this quote: you’re just starting to feel like a free person, like you - you still have vacation, but there’s no money.

Aphorisms about vacation with meaning

There is nothing more hopeless than having fun according to plan.

I am never so busy as during my leisure hours.

You have to pay for a vacation, but you have to overpay for a good one.

Some work to relax, others relax to work.

It is more difficult to rest your head than your body.

Vacation: two weeks on the beach and fifty broke.

Rest is proper laziness.

The main thing on vacation is to relax without rest!

Tourism is the best vacation, but vacation is better than tourism.

You can't spend your vacation - it always ends on time.

Vacations are such a popular topic that people very often talk about them, who will go where, where is better, what are the prices, what to see and have time to do. To show off your intellect in such a conversation, these quotes and statuses about vacation will be quite useful. After all, vacation is meant to take a break, even from one’s own personality. Therefore, you can safely show off other people’s witticisms and aphorisms.

How much we sometimes need a vacation, but in reality it is still very far away. What to do in this case? No, under no circumstances should you despair. Get in a positive mood by simply posting a beautiful photo of a sandy beach, and attach a cheerful status to this photo that will remind you that vacation is coming soon, the main thing is to wait for it. You can find this status on this page. A huge number of statuses will cheer you up, and you can use them to cheer up someone close to you. They will certainly appreciate it. In addition, by reading these statuses, your mood will rise and you will get the feeling that life is beautiful, and that you can find a positive place in gray everyday life.

I'm going on vacation, dear friends, there is no need to envy and wish good luck. I will be very happy without it!

It's great to be on vacation! I want to clean, I want to wash, I want to iron. If I want to go crazy and go to the dacha! I will water, weed, dig.

I want summer. It’s stupid to hang out on the street, trying to find shade, so that the breeze blows, not thinking and not even knowing the day of the week!

When going on vacation, take half as many things and twice as much money.

Someone comes back from vacation tanned, and someone blue.

Cool statuses about vacation: If your cat barked at you, then it’s time for you to go on vacation...

As soon as a girl of questionable behavior appeared on the beach, a crowd of doubters immediately formed around her.

The sun is shining but not warming, vacation is warming but not shining...

After rest, you need to rest.

All good things come to an end sooner or later - the moral of this phrase is that the Khan has come to leave.

As long as there are legs, the road does not end; as long as there is a butt, something happens to it.

For our tourists in a hotel, anything that is not nailed to the floor is a souvenir...

How good it is to do nothing at first, and then relax a little more

Dear alarm clock! Do not call me more! It's all over between us! I'm leaving! On vacation...

The last day before my vacation to work I had to walk through the door sideways - my happy face couldn’t get through!

It's hard to stop in time when you're lying on the couch selflessly and recklessly...

The first vacation is like the first sex... You look forward to it, but don’t know what to do!

You have to live in such a way that it would be embarrassing to tell, but it’s nice to remember!

The girl went to the sea, and did not rest herself, and did not give it to others.

If there is a line at the pharmacy for condoms and pregnancy tests, it means summer has come.

And my vacation has begun! People, borrow a liver for three weeks... I’ll return it double...

Cool vacation statuses: In the summer you can’t see the difference between outerwear and underwear.

If it weren’t for such heat on weekdays and not such rain on weekends, then I would probably get through the time without vacation easier!

Everyone has the right to spend their vacation the way they want! And some are also an opportunity...

A nice girl, looking for a young man for an exciting trip to Ivanovo to visit my parents, we’ll like it, we can stay.

The length of girls' skirts depends on the thermometer; the higher the temperature, the shorter the skirts.

Where did you spend your vacation? - In the Canary Islands. - Where is it? - I have no idea, I flew by plane.

The sun, air and water will never help, Only sex and indifference strengthen the body!!!

The circle of the sun, the sky around - this is a drawing of a boy... A naked woman, vodka, a barbecue - it was his father who helped him.

Boss uncles, if you want to see beautiful girls during the beach season, let them go on vacation!