Soda for feet from corns. Foot baths at home - various recipes. Foot bath with soda and ammonia

The hustle and bustle of modern life primarily affects health. This is where the legs of many female diseases “grow.” High heels, nylon tights, tight shoes, standing on your feet all day, fast walking - all this leads to arthritis, varicose veins, bursitis, heel spurs, corns and many other misfortunes associated with beautiful female legs. In addition to the main course of treatment, all these misfortunes can be alleviated by foot baths at home, which are not only easy to prepare, but also pleasant to the senses.

Beneficial properties of foot baths

The versatility of home foot baths is explained by the fact that there are many reflexogenic, vital zones on the feet. Any impact on them affects human health, affecting almost all body systems. Firstly, water therapy is used, which gives rest, relieves fatigue and tension, improves mood, calms and relaxes. Secondly, the thermal effect on the skin of such baths is the acceleration of blood circulation, on which the processes occurring in the body largely depend. Thirdly, the healing power of such procedures is determined by the composition of the prepared solution. You can make salt, mustard, herbal, turpentine, soda foot baths - and each of them will have specific properties. In general, they solve a variety of problems:

  • are an additional remedy in the treatment of colds (bronchitis, pneumonia, acute respiratory viral infections, acute respiratory infections);
  • help with cardiovascular diseases;
  • lower blood pressure;
  • relieve pain from inflammation of the joints, rheumatism;
  • treat abscess and fungal infections of the legs;
  • increase body temperature for a short time, thereby causing profuse sweat, with which harmful substances are removed from the body through the skin;
  • have a calming effect on the nervous system, help you fall asleep quickly and soundly until the morning;
  • relieve headache and muscle pain;
  • soften corns, remove heel spurs, make rough skin on the feet softer;
  • eliminate unpleasant foot odor and prevent excessive sweating;
  • treat all kinds of leg diseases listed above.

By choosing the right bath to solve your problem, you can alleviate your condition, recover faster from the underlying disease, and improve your physical and psycho-emotional state. All this is possible if not only the indications, but also the contraindications for such foot water procedures are observed.


You cannot do foot baths at home without a doctor’s permission if you have the following diseases and conditions:

  • with varicose veins;
  • with thrombosis;
  • for peripheral vascular diseases;
  • for diabetes mellitus;
  • with frostbite;
  • in case of individual intolerance to the components of the bath;
  • during pregnancy;
  • at temperatures above 38.5°C.

Failure to comply with these contraindications is fraught with deterioration of the condition and various side effects that will require serious treatment. If there are no such health problems, you need to find a suitable recipe and use it.

The best foot baths: recipes

Before choosing a specific foot bath recipe, pay attention to its composition: are you allergic to these components, are they all available to you in the required volume. Consider the therapeutic purpose of each bath. It would be foolish to wait for the effect of a cold treatment if you need to get rid of sweat.

  • Salt

In order to relieve congestion in the vascular system, it is recommended to take salt foot baths, which are very effective in relieving negative energy and emotional stress. There are a lot of recipes. For example, to bring down the temperature and relieve a cold, you can make a pine-salt bath. Dilute a few drops of pine oil in water and dissolve coarse sea salt. For a liter of warm (the temperature should be comfortable for your body) water there should be 1 drop of oil and 1 tablespoon of salt. The procedure lasts only half an hour, but during this time it is advisable to gradually add hot water with salt previously dissolved in it into the basin. For colds, salt foot baths can be done every day, to prevent venous diseases and relieve fatigue - twice a week.

  • Mustard

In childhood, many people probably took foot baths with mustard, which improved blood flow, warmed them and helped with colds, coughs and stuffy noses. For this procedure, only mustard powder is used, and not table mustard in its pure form. Per liter of water - 1 tablespoon of powder. You can keep your feet in a mustard bath for 10 minutes, or half an hour, but constantly add hot water to the basin. You need to do such baths every day until complete recovery.

  • Sodas

Very popular because of their versatility are foot baths with soda, which soften calluses and prevent excessive sweating of the feet. To prepare such a healing bath, ordinary baking soda is dissolved in a basin of warm water. 1 tablespoon of powder is consumed per liter of liquid. If you add half a glass of chamomile and calendula decoction to soda foot baths, they will perfectly heal microcracks and remove a layer of rough skin on the heels.

  • Turpentine

Recently, turpentine foot baths, which are prepared using a special pharmaceutical solution, have become widespread. They are recommended for arthrosis, arthritis, viral infections, hypertension, weakened immunity, and after a stroke. First, the feet need to be immersed in 3 liters of warm water (approximately 37–38 °C), add 20 ml (this is 1 capful) of solution to it, and mix. Sit like this for no more than 10 minutes. The full course of treatment ranges from 10 to 20 baths.

  • From sweat

Pour 50 grams of oak bark into 500 ml of boiling water and keep on fire for 20 minutes. After cooling and straining, mix the decoction with 5 grams of propolis tincture in alcohol and 1 tablespoon of fresh honey. Dissolve 100 ml of the resulting mixture daily in warm water and make foot baths to remove sweat and odor for ten days in a row.

  • From fatigue

If you are no stranger to herbal medicine, you can make herbal foot baths for fatigue, which perfectly relieve tension and pain. Place 2 tablespoons of linden blossom and chamomile (in any form - dry or fresh) directly into the basin, pour in a liter of boiling water, and leave for 5-10 minutes. After this, add another liter of water at the desired temperature and dissolve a couple of tablespoons of honey in the bath. The procedure time is about 20 minutes.

Properly prepared and used as intended, homemade foot baths are an additional treatment to the main course of therapy for many diseases. A pleasant, relaxing, healing procedure will help relieve stress, fatigue, tension before bed and will have a beneficial effect on the entire body.

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A beautiful pedicure can only be done on well-groomed feet, so you need to get rid of the smell of sweat, rough skin and cracked heels in every possible way. A foot bath is an indispensable tool for those who want their heels to always be soft, and well-groomed toes to highlight the skillful work of the pedicurist.

Making foot baths at home is very simple - the main thing is to choose the right recipe and strictly adhere to it. But there are so many recipes that you involuntarily get lost and don’t know which one to give preference to. In this article you will find three popular and effective bath recipes that will help you get rid of the smell of sweat, rough heels and other defects.

Soda protects beauty

Soda foot baths perfectly soften the skin, help fight calluses and corns, deeply cleanse the epidermis and promote rapid healing of microcracks. Soda is an affordable substance that is found in every home, and at the same time it solves a wide range of problems. Try using it in the following cases:

  • if deep cleansing is required;
  • with coarsening of the heels and feet in general;
  • painful corns and calluses;
  • increased sweating and unpleasant odor;
  • fungal diseases;
  • multiple cracks on the heels and foot.

Foot baths with soda can also be used as a preparation for further procedures - applying nourishing masks, pedicures. Of course, you can use regular hot water and soap, but baking soda is much more effective and has a healing effect as a pleasant bonus.

These baths are extremely easy to prepare. You only need two ingredients: warm water and baking soda. Take warm water at a comfortable temperature, not hot water.. Prepare a solution at the rate of: a tablespoon of powder per two liters of liquid. If desired, the steaming procedure can be made even more pleasant by adding just a couple of drops of your favorite essential oil. Patchouli, tea tree, lavender, chamomile, and orange oils have an excellent effect. A foot bath should certainly be enjoyable.

You need to keep your feet in it for at least 15 minutes, then treat the steamed skin with pumice and rinse with clean water. At the end of the procedure, lubricate cleansed skin with nourishing cream and put on cotton socks.

The healing power of salt baths

Sea salt contains a huge amount of useful substances - minerals such as potassium, magnesium, sodium, silicon, iron and bromine. Therefore, salt foot baths not only improve the condition of the skin, but also strengthen the nails. If you have weakened toenails and you dream of a beautiful pedicure, then take note of this recipe.

It is recommended to prepare baths with sea salt. Of course, you can use regular coarsely ground food, but its medicinal properties are not so pronounced, so give preference to sea water. Preparing the composition for the procedure is very simple - you only need to add 2 tablespoons of salt to a small basin of water. The water must be warm. Before you start salt treatments, be sure to wash your feet with soap. Then dip them in the solution and keep for about 15 minutes. After the bath, rinse your skin with clean water to avoid irritation. What effect can you expect?

  • Blood circulation improves.
  • Foot sweating decreases and unpleasant odor disappears.
  • Tension and fatigue disappear instantly.
  • Nail plates are strengthened.
  • All microcracks and scratches heal.

Systematic use of procedures with sea salt will definitely benefit your feet and nails.

Antiseptic benefits of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is actively used not only in medicine, but also in cosmetology. Its beneficial properties have long been noticed by the fair half of humanity. It’s worth starting with the fact that a foot bath with its addition is of great help when performing a pedicure - it softens and cleanses the skin of the feet. The skin is also saturated with oxygen and becomes healthier. There are many recipes with hydrogen peroxide. We bring to your attention the three most effective.

  1. The traditional recipe is based on just two ingredients: warm water and peroxide. They need to be combined in a ratio of 6:1, then moisten a cotton swab in this solution. For five minutes, periodically dipping the tampon into the mixture, you need to wipe your feet, heels and soles. As a result of such actions, the skin will soften and can be easily cleaned with pumice.
  2. You can combine two recipes - prepare a bath with salt and hydrogen peroxide. To do this, add two tablespoons of sea salt to 4 liters of water and steam your feet in the resulting solution for 5 minutes. At the second stage, add two peroxide tablets, dissolve well and lower your feet into the water again. Don't be afraid that after 5 minutes the skin will turn a little white. Just rinse it with clean water, treat it with pumice stone and lubricate it with nourishing cream.
  3. If the skin is in a very neglected state - it is very rough and cracked, then you cannot do without steaming it in hot water with hydrogen peroxide. The temperature should be as high as possible, but such that you can tolerate it. For one and a half liters, take 4 tablespoons of the drug. The duration of the procedure is approximately 5 minutes. After finishing, repeat the standard steps: treat with pumice and lubricate the skin with cream.

Be sure to test the effects of these recipes on yourself, and you will see how amazing a pedicure looks on well-groomed, child-like, tender feet. In this article you have found many wonderful recipes. Finally, we would like to invite you to watch an interesting video, the author of which will share with you the composition of another bath based on sea salt and chamomile. This bath will give your feet relaxation and amazing lightness.

Hello dear readers. More and more attention is being paid to such a procedure as heel baths. What contributes to this? Understanding that even at home you can achieve a colossal positive effect in their health, without turning to doctors and cosmetologists? Maybe yes. But, only partially. A much more powerful factor stimulating such activity is the onset of spring. And this means only one thing: problems with heels are getting even worse, and soon the beaches will begin and shoes with open backs will come into use. No, the problem cannot be left to chance. Sore heels are a physical discomfort and an aesthetic flaw. This state of affairs is unacceptable not only for the fair half of humanity, but also for many men.

And, fortunately, the solution to the problem lies almost on the surface. It is heel baths that can help restore their beauty and improve their health in a fairly short time and without significant costs for this entire process. This is what we will discuss in today’s article.

Why cracked heels occur - effective treatment

Cracks in the area of ​​the feet, most often the heels, are a very, very common problem that is of a pronounced seasonal nature and mostly affects women.

However, in addition to cracks, they also encounter a number of other unpleasant symptoms that may precede or replace them. For example, the skin on the heels may peel off, change color, in places (turn white or yellow), itching, numbness may occur, corns may form, and so on.

4. Not very comfortable shoes: tight, hot, non-breathable. It can rub the feet, promote the proliferation of pathogenic microflora, disrupt normal blood circulation, and so on. In many cases, the occurrence of heel cracks is a completely predictable and expected natural result.

5. Atmospheric factors: exposure, over a long period of time, to direct sunlight, ultraviolet radiation, wind, chemical pollution of the environment and so on.

6. Bad habits , poor nutrition, lack of physical activity, or vice versa - too much physical activity, leading to increased pressure on the heels.

7. Deficiency of minerals and vitamins in the body. It can develop both due to poor-quality, unhealthy nutrition, and under the influence of internal factors, such as, for example, disturbances in the functioning of certain organs.

8. Digestive diseases, musculoskeletal system, endocrine system, cardiovascular, nervous system and others.

9. Helmitosis, fungal, viral and bacterial lesions of different layers of the skin of the feet and heels, in particular.

10. Use of harmful and low-quality products for foot care: soap, gel and others.

From all of the above, we can conclude that there are reasons for the appearance of heel cracks that can be eliminated quite easily and only by external procedures.

Others require a more thorough, comprehensive approach, and must be addressed, including as they affect the internal organ systems.

But, even in such cases, heel baths will be very useful, as they will help solve the problem at least partially, in its external manifestations. Different problems - different baths. More on this later.

What is needed for a bath

Depending on what exactly you want to get from using baths, you should choose their type.

They are:

  • cleansing
  • medicinal
  • preventive
  • tonic and others

The effect of a particular bath determines its composition. Completely different substances can be used for their preparation.

What can be taken as a basis? As a rule, this is water.

And already certain “ingredients” dissolve in it:

  • medications (glycerin, ammonia and others)
  • decoctions or infusions of herbs
  • bark, fruit peel
  • chemicals (such as vinegar, soda, kitchen or sea salt, starch, etc.)
  • essential oils
  • soap and other substances

Cracked heels are, by and large, the result of excessive tension of dry skin.

Bath for softening rough, dry heels, cracked or cracked heels

And the treatment of cracks, in combination, should be aimed, among other things, at improving the elasticity of the skin, its moisturizing, and softening. Baths are great for this.

Wine bath

Everyone knows about the unique properties of natural wine. But not many people know that in order for it to show its healing properties, it is not necessary to eat it.

It can also have a tremendous healing effect when used externally as part of a foot bath. Treatments with natural wine (not necessarily expensive!) will not only be a pleasant end to the day, but will also bring extraordinary benefits.

Time of the procedure. For example, they will restore firmness and elasticity to the skin in just a few procedures. The bath procedure should last about 12-15 minutes.

Wine to water ratios. You need to prepare it like this: take warm water and mix it with wine in a ratio of 3 to 1, respectively.

Preparing your heels and feet. Before using the bath directly, you should properly prepare the skin of your feet.

They need to be washed and then rubbed with a special brush (pumice stone is an option). Next, the feet are dipped into the bath, kept in it for the required amount of time, and dried. Afterwards, socks made of wool or other natural warm fabric are put on top of them.

Tea bath

Tea is known as a tonic and restorative. And also - as an excellent ingredient for a healing bath used for heels.

Preparation. You need to take 2 spoons of tea, pour it into a teapot, and pour 500 milliliters of boiling water. After 6-7 minutes, pour the tea leaves into a container in which the feet will “steam”, adding water to a volume of 2.5-3 liters.

Procedure time - at least 16-17 minutes. The course is 2 weeks, then a 3-5 day break and can be repeated.

Contrast bath

Its main task is to improve blood circulation. And she does it very well.

Contrast foot baths are done in this way: the feet are warmed under a blanket or in socks, immersed in warm water (it needs to cover them at least to the bones, preferably higher), the temperature of which should be 29-31 degrees Celsius , hot water is continuously added to the same water in small quantities.

When the overall temperature of the bath reaches the required peak (44-46 degrees), the feet should be immersed in cold water.

The time of such a dive is no longer than 5 seconds. After this, they are immediately immersed in warm water for 7 seconds, then again in cold water, again in warm water, and so on continuously for 5-7 minutes.

You can increase the procedure time to half an hour, but this requires preparation.

Bath with starch

It heals well, helps eliminate itching, helps even out skin color, and so on.

Starch is one of the most accessible and safest means.

What is necessary. To prepare a bath with a volume of 1000 milliliters, which is 1 liter, you need to take an identical amount of warm water, 50 milliliters of natural pine oil, 55 grams of potato (or alternatively corn) starch.

Preparation. It is diluted in water, then oil is added there, everything is mixed very thoroughly.

Procedure time. The procedure should last at least 19 minutes, during which the legs should be in water up to the bones.

It is periodically necessary to “disturb” the water, because starch quickly settles. Starch baths can be used on a regular basis after 1-2 days.

Apple cider vinegar bath

They cope very well with cracks and their causes (one of the main ones is pathogenic fungi and microorganisms).

What is necessary. Prepare a bath with 6% apple cider vinegar. You need to pour about 1 liter of warm clean water into a basin; for such a volume of vinegar you will need 2.5-3.5 tablespoons.

Preparation. Mix vinegar and water in a bowl large enough to soak your feet in.

Procedure time. The procedure itself should last about 13-15 minutes. After this, it is very advisable to treat your feet with pumice, rinse them with lukewarm clean water (without vinegar), dry them, and lubricate them with cream.

Lemon juice bath

Effectively tones the skin and blood vessels, refreshes, has antiseptic properties and, of course, reliably prevents the formation of cracks in the heels, and also eliminates those that already exist.

What is needed is preparation. It is very easy to prepare and use. Add juice from one half of a lemon to 1 liter of water. If you take more water, then lemon juice too: in accordance with the amount of water.

For example: for 2 liters you will need a whole lemon and so on.

Procedure time. The duration of the bath procedure is from 17 to 21 minutes.

Milk bath

First of all, it softens extremely well, and this is the best “weapon” against cracks.

In addition, a milk bath will make the skin of your feet extremely soft and velvety.

What is necessary. For its proper preparation, it will be enough to add half a liter of natural cow's milk to 2 liters of warm clean water.

It is best if it is homemade, but store-bought quality milk will also work.

Procedure time. The average duration of the procedure is 25 minutes.

Bath with white clay

It is useful for calluses, promotes very rapid healing of wounds (including cracks), and perfectly nourishes the skin.

Preparation and ingredients. You will need approximately 1 cup of white clay powder, or 210 grams of this substance (dry white clay). For this amount you will need to take 2.5 liters of water.

It is advisable to add 1.5-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil to the mixture, preferably olive oil.

Procedure time. You can use the bath when its temperature is about 40 degrees Celsius. To do this, it can be heated. You need to keep your feet in the bath until it cools down. This will take 20-25 minutes.

After the procedure, the remaining clay can be washed off under a warm shower. Do it 1-2 times a week.

Herbal bath

When we talk about it, we should mean a very extensive list of herbs that can be used to prepare a bath:

  • sagebrush
  • calendula
  • nettle
  • hawthorn
  • celandine
  • horsetail
  • series and so on

However, field chamomile beats all the popularity ratings, quite deservedly. It has a number of unique properties that help solve a huge number of foot problems, including the problem of cracking.

It can also be used for sweating, unpleasant odor, pain, itching, fatigue, swelling, heaviness in the legs and similar conditions.

Preparation. Chamomile (2 tablespoons of dry pharmaceutical raw materials) should be poured with a glass of water (boiling water), left for 25 minutes, strained and diluted in 1 liter of water.

Time. The proportions can be increased accordingly. Perform the procedure for at least 20 minutes. You can safely do such baths 2-3 times a week.

Sea salt bath

Effectively nourishes, improves skin condition, and prevents pathological changes in it.

To get such a bath, you just need to dilute salt (200 grams) in 2 liters of warm, clean water.

In addition to the baths listed above, there are other recipes that allow you to achieve significant results in a relatively short period of time, significantly improving the physical and aesthetic condition of your heels. Among them is a bath in peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide bath for heels

Pour hot water into a small basin. For 3 liters you need to add 6-7 tablespoons of pharmacy hydrogen peroxide (3%).

The feet are placed in this mixture for 10-12 minutes.

You can use such baths in courses: 2 weeks, with a week break, until a sustainable positive effect is achieved.

Heel bath with soda, or soda-soap bath

Soda is a universal remedy. In addition, it is practically safe. Especially when we talk about its external application.

Soda foot bath

What will you need? For the bath you need to take a tablespoon of soda per 2 liters of warm water. Dissolve baking soda in water and pour the mixture into a bowl.

Time. The procedure takes about 14-19 minutes. To enhance the effect, you can add a little essential oil (literally a couple of drops): lemon, orange, lavender, and so on.

Soda and soap foot bath

Another option for a soda bath is a soda-soap bath. To prepare it, it is better to take regular laundry “printed” soap.

Such a bath will help to cope with calluses and corns, soften rough skin on the heels, heal cracks on them, and so on.

The classic recipe for this bath: water (2.5 liters), soda (5-6 teaspoons), finely ground soap (about 2 tablespoons.

Time. It dissolves in warm water, then soda is added there. The bath lasts 30 minutes.

Aspirin bath for heels

The simplest recipe - great results. 2-3 tablets of pharmaceutical aspirin should be dissolved in hot water.

Keep your feet in this solution for 25 minutes. The bath helps even with the most advanced cracks and calluses.

Can be used daily for 9-11 days, repeat after a week break.

Baths with aspirin, for preventive purposes, are recommended to be used 1-3 times a week.

Precautionary measures

Do not use baths, or use them with caution if you!

1. Individual intolerance to any of the components included in the bath.

2. Age up to 14 years.

3. There are large wounds on the feet.

Never exceed the dosage, and also follow all recommendations for the preparation and use of a particular bath. Be healthy!

Beautiful legs with smooth and delicate skin, perfect heels are the dream of every woman and girl. For foot care, creams and scrubs are used, pedicures are performed, and massages are performed. Foot baths provide enormous benefits. Making them at home is not at all difficult; you just need to set aside half an hour of time for yourself and your loved one.

In contact with

With the help of these effective procedures, you can give rest to feet tired during the day, soften the skin of the feet, get rid of calluses and corns, reduce sweating, refresh and moisturize the skin on the feet.

Components for baths can be easily purchased at a pharmacy or your nearest store.

Cheap and cheerful!

Who is suitable for foot baths?

Check with your doctor to see if you can warm up your feet. For most baths, warm or hot water is used, which is undesirable for some diseases.

  • Varicose veins;
  • Sores and open wounds on the legs;
  • Heat;
  • Allergy to some components;
  • Vascular diseases.

How to carry out the procedure

You will need:

  • A basin of sufficient volume (or a special bath with a hydromassage effect);
  • Required amount of warm or hot water;
  • Bath components;
  • Free time: 20 minutes for the procedure and half an hour to lie down after it to consolidate the effect.

For tired feet

Running around the shops, household chores, hated heels, working behind the counter lead to the fact that at the end of the day you literally “can’t feel your feet.” Swelling, heaviness, swollen veins, muscle pain– there are many unpleasant symptoms. Make foot baths! There will be no trace of fatigue left.

Herbal baths

  • Prepare an infusion with medicinal herbs: chamomile, calendula, lemon balm, mint. You can take one herb or make a collection;
  • Pour a couple of tablespoons of the dry mixture with a glass of boiling water. Leave for half an hour;
  • Pour the infusion into a bowl of warm water;
  • The bath is done for 20 minutes, or longer;
  • Apply the cream and lie down with your legs elevated.

Breath of the sea

Salt foot baths tone, relieve fatigue, and cleanse pores.

  • Sea salt – 1/2 cup;
  • Hot water – up to 4 liters.

Dissolve regular sea salt in warm water. You can also take the flavored one. Immerse your feet and keep in the basin for about half an hour.

For greater effect, add a few drops of fir, orange, and peppermint essential oils.

After the procedure - cream and rest.

Soda will help

A simple foot bath with soda will help you relieve fatigue. The same one that every housewife has in her kitchen.

  • Pour 2-3 liters of warm water into a basin, add baking soda in the amount of 3 tbsp. l;
  • Soak your feet in the soda solution for about 10 minutes;
  • Rinse, wipe, lubricate with moisturizer.

A healing decoction of calendula or chamomile added to a soda solution will enhance the effect of the components. Sweating will also decrease. Relaxing foot baths with regular soda will give you pleasant moments of peace and relaxation.

How to get rid of swelling

Swelling is a frequent accompaniment of tired legs. If your feet are swollen after a hard day, take a bath with chamomile, linden blossom and honey.

It's simple:

  • Chamomile and linden flowers (take each component in equal proportions) are infused in a glass of boiling water for 10 minutes;
  • A tablespoon of honey is dissolved in a liter of water, and the herbal infusion is poured into the same basin;
  • Keep your feet in pleasant warm water for a quarter of an hour.

After the procedure, a gel or cream is applied to improve blood circulation.

Decongestant foot baths with infusions of horsetail, mountain ash, wormwood and calendula have a good effect. The method of preparing the infusion is the same.

If your feet are sweating

It’s not very pleasant, you’ll agree. Regular baths for sweaty feet will help cope with the unpleasant odor and reduce sweating.

Salt foot baths are very effective. To achieve the best results, use a decoction of oak bark along with salt. Tea tree oil also gives a good effect.


  • Sea salt - about 2 tablespoons dissolved in water, add essential oil or vegetable decoction - a few tablespoons.
  • The water is at a temperature sufficient to steam your feet, about +80C. The procedure takes no more than a quarter of an hour. Dry your feet, sprinkle with talcum powder or apply cream.

Foot baths with fruit vinegar will also help. A couple of teaspoons of vinegar are dissolved in 2 liters of warm water. After 10 minutes, wash your feet and apply cream. Cannot be used on wounds and cracks. Also effective against foot fungus.

How to get rid of corns?

A soda-soap foot bath will come to the rescue. There is no simpler or more effective remedy for corns.

Perform procedures regularly, and soon your heels and feet will forget about painful and disfiguring calluses.

  • Use a coarse grater to rub regular laundry soap. Need 1 tablespoon;
  • Pour soap and 2-3 teaspoons of soda into hot water (take 1 liter);
  • Steam your legs longer;
  • Half an hour - and the rough skin will soften. It is removed with pumice or scissors;
  • Afterwards, wash, dry your feet, and apply cream to them.

Application of white clay

A softening foot bath will remove dead skin. White clay is a natural component for the following procedures:

  • Dissolve 3 tbsp in warm water. powder;
  • Feet are in the water for 20 minutes;
  • Remove softened rough skin, rinse feet, dry and apply cream.

Fighting a cold

Foot baths with mustard will help defeat the disease.

They cannot be done if the temperature is elevated.

Warm up your feet if you are cold, wet, or feel the first signs of a cold.

  • Mustard powder - a tablespoon;
  • Add a little water so that it just covers the “bones”. Dissolve the powder in hot water. Warm up your feet for about 15 minutes. Make sure that the water does not cool down;
  • Wash your feet well, put on wool socks, lie down under a blanket and drink warming tea.

Moisturizing foot baths

Paraffin foot baths nourish, moisturize the skin and give relaxation. Fatigue and heaviness in the legs disappear.

  • Wipe your feet with lotion;
  • Melt cosmetic paraffin in a water bath, cool slightly so as not to get burned;
  • Pour the warm mass into a basin or bath and lower your feet for a couple of seconds. Get it. Let the film dry;
  • Do this several times;
  • A thick layer of paraffin has already covered your feet;
  • Put a cellophane pact over it, and woolen socks on top;
  • After half an hour, remove the paraffin layer, wash your feet, massage the cream.

While caring for our face, neck, hands and other parts of the body, we often undeservedly forget to pay attention to our feet. And in vain, there are many active points on the surface of the feet that affect different organs, so a person’s well-being depends on this. A good solution for caring for our feet is to use foot baths at home.

What are foot baths used for?

Foot baths are not only a pleasant procedure. They are a great way to relieve the fatigue that has accumulated during the day. Using different recipes for such procedures, you can bring your feet into ideal shape and get rid of many problems with them: cure fungus and other inflammations, remove cracks and rough skin, and also get rid of the smell of sweat. Having given your feet a neat look with soft heels, there is no shame in wearing open shoes.

Rules for the procedure

In order for the procedures to be as pleasant as possible, to be beneficial and to become an effective means of relieving foot problems, you need to follow certain rules:

  • It is advisable to carry them out before rest or before bedtime in order to relax as much as possible;
  • It is better to carry out the procedures immediately after preparing the composition, while the water is warm, then they will provide maximum benefit;
  • the concentration of the incoming components must correspond to the amount specified in the recipes, this will help prevent irritation of the skin of the feet and allergic reactions;
  • the duration should be at least 20 minutes, after which you must rest lying down to consolidate the effect;
  • after steaming your feet, it is recommended to exfoliate your heels using pumice or a scrub, pat your feet dry with a soft towel, lubricate them with nourishing cream and put on wool or cotton socks;
  • Baths should be taken up to 3 times a week, the entire course should include 10–15 sessions, then reduce the frequency of taking baths to 1 time a week, performing them only for the purpose of prevention.

Contraindications for use

Foot procedures that include different components have contraindications:

  • in the presence of tumors, not necessarily malignant, as well as various pathologies;
  • in case of elevated temperature and during exacerbation of diseases;
  • for vascular problems and heart diseases;
  • if a diagnosis of oncology is made;
  • for varicose veins of the legs and thrombosis;
  • if you are allergic to the components in the bath;
  • in the presence of long-term non-healing wounds or fresh cuts in the area of ​​the feet.

Foot bath recipes

From fungus and other diseases

A common problem of the feet is fungal diseases, and even more serious is the presence of eczema or lichen. The fungus is usually transmitted by visiting public baths and swimming pools, as well as by using other people's things. This disease manifests itself as itching, cracking of the skin, redness and swelling, yellowing of the nails and their thickening.

  • With salt (preferably sea salt) and soda. Preparation: Stir sea salt and 1 tbsp baking soda into 2 liters of warm water. spoon and add a little liquid soap.
  • With tar soap and soda. Preparation: prepare a soap solution using tar soap in warm water and add 1 tbsp. spoon of soda.
  • Using infusion from a mixture of lilac, calendula, oak bark and celandine. Method of preparation: all ingredients, taken 1 tsp. mix and put in a glass container, then pour boiling water over it. Leave the mixture for 2 hours and pour into a container for the procedure, diluting with a small amount of boiling water.

Anti-fungal baths should be carried out for at least 30 minutes. After finishing, dry your feet with a soft towel, apply medicinal ointment and put on socks.

For sweating and unpleasant foot odor

Many people face the problem of sweating feet. This may be due not only to illness, but also to simple lack of hygiene and constant wearing of solid shoes. You can get rid of sweaty feet and odor using the following recipes:

  • Baths based on salt, herbal infusion and cinnamon. Method of use: mix 30 g of dry herbs from wormwood, chamomile flowers and pine needles, pour boiling water over them and leave for at least an hour. Pour the infusion into a container, add hot water, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of salt and a little cinnamon.
  • Based chamomile infusion. Method of preparation: steam 40 g of dried chamomile flowers with boiling water, steeping them for about half an hour, then pour through a colander into a basin, adding hot water.
  • Using vinegar. Directions for use: add a little vinegar (preferably apple cider vinegar) to a bowl of warm water. Carry out the procedure for at least 20 minutes.

For swelling and fatigue in the legs

When legs get tired, they often swell. If this is not a sign of a serious illness, then foot baths may well help get rid of swelling. The following recipes are used for them:

For cracked heels

Cracked heels appear when the skin is too dry. You can get rid of them by steaming the rough skin of your feet, scraping the skin with a pumice stone and taking special baths:

  • From a decoction of dried St. John's wort leaves with the addition of vinegar. Preparation: 1 tbsp. Pour boiling water (2 cups) over a spoonful of St. John's wort leaves and simmer for 10 minutes. After the broth has cooled to a warm state, add 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar.
  • From a decoction of potato peels. Preparation: boil the potato peels in 2 liters of water, then pour the broth through a sieve and, after cooling until warm, take baths for about half an hour, then clean the heels with pumice. The procedure is allowed to be carried out every day.
  • From potato or corn starch. Directions for use: 1 tbsp. l. starch, pour 1 liter of warm water, stir and keep the feet in the solution for 15–20 minutes, gradually add warmer, clean water. After this, wet your feet and apply cream. Procedures must be carried out daily.

For numbness in the legs

Legs can go numb for various reasons. This can happen when wearing tight shoes and sitting. It is worse when the legs go numb due to spinal disease, diabetes and other serious diseases.

Anti-numbness baths can help if blood circulation is simply temporarily impaired, and they help restore it. The most common recipes are as follows:

  • Contrast baths. Directions for use: Pour hot and cold water into two containers. The hot one should be at a temperature that can be withstood. Cold water should be ice cold. Alternating (every minute) a cold bath with a hot one increases blood circulation and the numbness goes away.
  • Usage table salt, ammonia and camphor alcohol. Directions for use: dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of water. a spoonful of salt, add camphor alcohol in the amount of 10 g, ammonia 10% - 50 g. Stir everything and take baths at room temperature for 10 minutes, and also rub the joints with this product. It is better to carry out procedures at night. These products effectively increase blood circulation.
  • Using sea ​​salt, dry mustard and baking soda. Directions for use: add 1 tbsp to 2 liters of warm water. a spoonful of sea salt, dry mustard and 0.5 tbsp. spoons of baking soda. Mix everything well and use the mixture to carry out the procedure for numbness in the legs for at least 30 minutes. After finishing the procedure, wipe your feet with a towel and put on warm socks.

For calluses and corns

A common foot problem in the summer is calluses and rough skin. This is due to uncomfortable open shoes. Softening baths are especially helpful for such phenomena. Recipes can be the following:

  • Using sea ​​salt and ammonia. Directions for use: add 2 tbsp to 1 liter of warm water. spoons of sea salt and ammonia, stir everything and keep in the foot for about 15 minutes. After this procedure, the skin will become soft, which will make it possible to remove calluses.
  • Using liquid soap, ammonia and soda. Directions for use: 2 liters. add 1 tbsp of warm water. spoon of soap, alcohol and soda and keep your feet in this mixture for about 30 minutes. Then remove the softened skin with pumice and remove calluses.
  • With boric acid. Method of use: add 50 ml of boric acid to 0.5 liters of water and take this bath for 10-15 minutes. After this, pat your feet dry with a towel and lubricate them with Vaseline. Cover the calluses with a medical plaster and put on cotton socks. Carry out the procedure at night. In the morning, wash your feet using hot water and then wipe dry.

To cleanse feet from dead skin

To soften rough skin, you can make baths using the following recipes:

  • Based baking soda and essential softening oil. Directions for use: add 1 tbsp to 1 liter of water. a spoonful of baking soda and a few drops of rose or tea tree oil.
  • Based sea ​​salt and citrus essential oil: orange, lemon or grapefruit. You can use a mixture of them. Directions for use: add salt and citrus oil to 1 liter of water.

You need to perform the procedures for at least 30 minutes, and then remove the steamed skin from your feet using pumice.

For joint diseases

One of the common joint diseases is gout. It occurs when there is an excess of uric acid salts in the joints, as a result they become inflamed and change over time.

This is a serious disease that requires medical intervention. Foot baths can only be used to prevent exacerbations of joint diseases. Common recipes are:

  • Based soda with iodine. Directions for use: Add 1 tbsp to 3 liters of hot water. a spoonful of soda and 8–9 drops of alcoholic iodine. The bath should be taken immediately after the reaction of the active ingredients interacts with the release of foam. Then the effect on the joint is maximum. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes.
  • Based on cooking salt and iodine. Directions for use: 4 tbsp. Dissolve tablespoons of salt in 2 liters of water and add about 20 drops of alcoholic iodine. It is better to carry out the procedure for about half an hour at night. After completing the procedure, you can lubricate the problem area with camphor oil.
  • Based decoction of chamomile and iodine. Directions for use: add salt to a decoction of dried chamomile flowers in a ratio of 100 g per 5 liters of warm water, and after stirring, add 1 tsp. Yoda. Take baths to relieve swelling if necessary.

Video: foot baths

Using the folk recipes for baths collected in this article, you can always keep your feet in order and prevent serious problems with them.