Making dolls from threads with your own hands. How to make a doll from threads: step-by-step instructions, explanations, videos and photos for beginners and experienced craftsmen. How to make a doll from threads: step-by-step instructions for beginners

How to make a doll from threads: interesting ideas (photos and videos)

How to make a doll from threads: interesting ideas (photos and videos)

The truth, as old as the world, that there is no better gift than one made with your own hands, is still alive today - in the age of rapidly developing high IP technologies. And even though the store shelves are full of a wide variety of goods - for all tastes, colors and wallet sizes, what you put your soul into is unique. Even more interesting is the process of creating a small masterpiece. Witnessing how something is born out of practically nothing is a fabulous pleasure. Try it and you will see for yourself that the hands of each of us can create miracles from the simplest materials. For example, from threads. You can make anything out of them, for example, elegant dolls or funny toys.
A do-it-yourself thread doll is the simplest, lowest-cost and most interesting option for a gift or accessory. There are many ways to create it. Here are just two of them, and how different they are!

How to make a doll from threads

For our first thread doll with funny braids you will need:

  • remnants of acrylic yarn of white/beige/milky color or any shade you have;
  • yarn in dark shades;
  • black/brown/copper yarn;
  • a little pink thread;
  • a small amount of bright red yarn;
  • needle (gypsy);
  • cardboard;
  • scissors.

First of all, we will make the skeleton of the doll from threads. To do this, we fold white/beige/milky yarn into a kind of long skein, the length of which is 40-50 cm (plus/minus 5 cm). The width (volume) of a skein is two to three fingers of an adult. Then we bend the resulting workpiece in half, obtaining a skein 20 centimeters long.

Our next step is to create a luxurious hairstyle for the doll. This is where we need cardboard (this could be, for example, the bottom of a shoe box without sides - cut in half). We wind a black/brown/copper thread around it (not along the length, but across the width). It is necessary to make up to 60 revolutions around the cardboard.
Then, on one of the two sides of the cardboard, we tie the future hair with a thread of the same shade - strictly in the center. We make a tight, reliable knot. The dressing should be at least 10-15 cm long, so it will smoothly fit into the future hairstyle. On the back side of the cardboard, we cut the wound yarn with scissors - also strictly in the center.

We attach the hair to the first piece of light thread and gradually form the head. This is easy to do - on top of the black/brown copper tied threads we place light ones, folded in half, and tie them well with yarn of the same shade. Then we fold the light threads in half again, and, measuring one and a half to two centimeters from the top, tightly tie the base of the head (the symbolic area of ​​the neck) with a light thread.
We braid the hair into a braid, tying it at the end with a bow of pink (red) yarn (so as not to unravel). We trim the ends of the braids with scissors.
Now let’s “sculpt” the doll’s hands. We separate approximately the same volume of threads from the core of threads. It is better to do this not by weight, but on the table, so that the threads do not fly apart. We retreat a centimeter from the lower end of each handle and tie the separated yarn with matching thread. We trim the ends of the resulting brushes on both sides with scissors.

We tie the entire remaining skein in the waist area with the same thread. And we decorate it with a skirt made of yarn in the rich shades of shades you need. For this we need cardboard again. At this time, at least 70 turns should be made around it to make the skirt fluffy. Then, on one and the other side of the cardboard (in the center), under the wound yarn, we thread a thread of the same color (its length should be 20 centimeters on both sides). But this time we are not tying the thread. Carefully cut the yarn on both sides of the cardboard with scissors and get two equal halves of the skirt. We put one on the front side of the doll, the other on the back. We do this in such a way that the middle of the threads falls exactly on the waist. We carefully tie the skirt with the same threads that were used to hook the yarn on the cardboard. Let's fluff the yarn evenly so that it covers not only the front and back, but also the sides of the doll. On top you can make a belt from the same pink thread that was used for the bows. The skirt, at your discretion, can be longer than the doll’s body or shorter. In any case, it should be trimmed with scissors.
If desired, you can make the face of our beauty. To do this, use black thread and a gypsy needle to embroider the eyes. The red thread is a smiling mouth, the beige thread is a button nose. If you don’t like the braids sticking out in different directions, you can also sew them to the doll’s head - with two or three invisible stitches. The thread doll is ready. And if you sew a ribbon to it, you will get a beautiful keychain for your bag or school bag. Such a handmade gift will not leave anyone indifferent!

Video: various do-it-yourself thread dolls

Cute thread toy

You can make amazing toys from ordinary threads. Let's say, a touching octopus. And not just one! All you need for this:

  • wool threads of any color;
  • a piece of fabric/foam rubber;
  • wool yarn of the opposite color;
  • cardboard or wooden surface;
  • scissors;
  • beads/small beads;
  • red thread;
  • rubber band/hair band;
  • needle with a wide eye.

We wrap 60-80 circles of thread of the color of your choice around the cardboard (it can also be the bottom of a shoe box or a candy box, or a wooden surface). We thread a thread of a contrasting color through the center of the skein on one side of the cardboard and tie it. On the other hand, cut the wound yarn (clearly in the center).
We make a small ball from a piece of fabric/foam rubber and insert it under the tied strings, carefully masking it under them. This is the head of a thread toy. Under it we tie a thread tightly to match the main yarn.
And now, actually, the legs of the octopus. To do this, divide all the threads into 8 equal parts. We braid them like braids. Having stepped back 1 cm from the bottom of the braid (you can do less - as you like), tie it tightly with a thread polar from the main color (it is better to first make 2-3 turns, and only then make a knot). To prevent the rest of the yarn divided into equal parts from interfering, we fix it with elastic bands. As we weave the braided legs, remove them.
We bring the octopus's head to life by sewing on eyes using beads or small beads. From red thread - a perky smile. The octopus's nose can be embroidered either from contrasting threads or from matching yarn. All that is needed for this is to make a few stitches in one place (a kind of tubercle).

By the way, these toys made of threads will be especially fun if you make hair. They should be the same color as the ties on the octopus legs. The hair can first be made separately from threads wound and tied in the middle, and then sewn on. Or you can immediately insert them with a needle, fixing them with small knots - each hair separately. Whatever you prefer. In any case, the hair (thick and smooth, different in length and fluffy, short and sticking out in a perky hedgehog) will give the octopus a special charm. And if you make a ribbon or braid between the hair and string beads on it, toys made of threads will turn into a completely exclusive accessory or decoration. It can be hung not only on a bag, but also above a crib, on a lampshade, or on the handle of a chest of drawers. A flock of octopuses of different colors and sizes will look especially interesting.
Dolls, toys, made with your own hands and even from threads are not just an excellent gift, but also a very interesting pastime, especially with children. Try it, you will definitely like it.

Video: funny animals made of threads


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Motanka dolls are not just toys created for children to play with. These are amulets. They can be found in every culture in the world. Historians claim that the first ones appeared more than five centuries ago. These dolls differ from ordinary ones in that they do not have a face. According to the beliefs of the ancient Slavs, a soul enters a doll through its face, and it can be both good and evil. Motankas were made to protect the home and family members. They protected housing, children, farms, livestock and crops. The material for production was natural. Dolls, as a rule, were decorated with national ornaments and embroidery. People believed that the spirit of their ancestors lived in this amulet, capable of passing on experience from generation to generation. That this apotropaia is capable of bringing good luck and profit. There are many ways to make reels. This master class describes an example of making a doll from yarn.
To make a motanka doll you will need:

Acrylic yarn in two colors;
- hard cardboard or book;
- scissors;
- glue or glue gun;
- cardboard for the base;
- (ribbons, beads, beads, etc.);
- small pieces of fabric for clothing.
Stages of product creation:
Creating the torso
The height of the body depends on the height of the base (cardboard or book). Take a book and wind the yarn.
Having wound a sufficient amount, we cut the threads with scissors on one side and the other of the book.

The hair will be long, so we use the same base for winding the threads. We wind the yarn. Cut on one side.

We tie a bunch of threads tightly in the middle. Fold it in half. We tie it around, as close to the edge as possible.

Around the bundle of yarn for creating hair, we evenly distribute the previously prepared yarn for the doll’s body. We tie it tightly. Carefully trim the edges with scissors. For more secure fixation, you can use glue.

We turn the resulting bundle over and select the hair in one direction and the body in the other. You can tie your hair so it doesn't get in the way. Subsequently, they can be braided or styled in your hair.

We tighten and fix the yarn to form the head and neck.

We wind a slightly smaller amount of yarn of the color of the body onto the base. Cut on both sides. Pull it on one side as tightly as possible. We braid the braid. We fix it.

We divide the yarn of the doll blank into two equal parts. We insert our hands into the middle and secure them tightly with thread around the circumference.
In order for the doll to stand, it must be placed on a rigid base using a glue gun. To do this, we make a cone out of cardboard or plastic.

The doll is ready. All that remains is to dress and decorate her. Your imagination plays a role here. In this case, it is a shiny fabric in the form of a mesh, secured with a canvas of the corresponding color. The hair is styled using a beaded braid. The costume and hairstyle are decorated with flowers. You can dress the doll in a national costume or a modern trend. So that she would not be lonely - create a couple.

Since ancient times, dolls made from fabric and thread have been present in Slavic culture. They were created without a single knot or seam, details by winding thread. Therefore, such dolls were called “motanki”. A do-it-yourself doll made from threads, the making master class of which you will see in our article, was made for different purposes. It served as a toy for little girls. Homes were decorated with such crafts. There were figures wound up for a special purpose. These are amulet dolls designed to protect the owner from all sorts of troubles, attract good luck, health, happiness and wealth.

In the article we will look at how in the old days women twisted dolls-amulets from simple yarn, what significance they had for people, their features and manufacturing principles. We will also tell you how to make such a doll from threads with your own hands. The master class that we bring to your attention will help you understand all stages of the process. This doll, of course, will not be an old amulet, but children will definitely like it. This craft can be made for a kindergarten or school as an exhibit in a folk culture museum.

The meaning of the amulet doll

Only women made amulet dolls from threads with their own hands. For winding, pure red yarn or from different shades of threads was used, but with the obligatory presence of red. He was of great importance in the life of the Slavs. He was considered a symbol of prosperity, beauty and wealth. Before starting work on the amulet, the woman prepared mentally, recited special spells that were supposed to help her endow the doll with the necessary strength and energy.

Such products were made before every major holiday, be it harvesting or planting a new one, receiving matchmakers or marriage. They made a doll for a newborn child and placed it in his crib so that the amulet would preserve his health.

Features of the amulet doll

The figurines were made in the shape of a person, but facial features were not drawn on the doll’s head. There were no eyes or mouth. The ancient Slavs believed that if you give a doll a face, it will become animated. Then an evil spirit can move into her. If you do not draw the face, then the amulet will have great power, so no evil spirits will be able to take possession of it.

As already mentioned, the dolls were not sewn, but wound up from both fabric and yarn. To highlight any part of the body, they took a thick thread and wound it in a spiral many times. This way the desired figure was obtained. The spiral also had a magical meaning, since it was believed that all energy in the Universe moves in the same way. This is a symbol of growth and development, multiplication and the emergence of new things. It resembles a natural vortex that people have seen in nature.

Getting started on a craft

With the advent of Christianity in Rus', such amulets became a thing of the distant past. Nowadays, do-it-yourself thread dolls are created for children as toys. The process of making crafts from threads can be planned while working with children of senior preschool age in kindergarten. We begin work with a short historical excursion. Children are told about the ancient purpose of such a doll, they explain how difficult it was for ancient people to cope with troubles and troubles, to survive in a world full of mysteries.

Previously, there was no TV, no Internet, no telephone. People did not know how to read, and only a few citizens had books. No one understood the true nature of things, for example, why it rains or the wind blows, why one year was fruitful and not the next, what to do if a person got sick.

People relied on higher powers, cast magic spells and made amulets, thus trying to protect themselves from troubles.

Necessary materials

First, let's figure out what materials you will need to make your own doll from threads. The master class that we will present below is based on the use of yarn. Any thread will be suitable for crafts, because the children will not be preparing a talisman, but will make an old craft for their games and for general development.

It is more convenient to use the diagram, a sample of which is shown in the photo below.

To ensure that all the threads are the same length, the child needs to prepare a cardboard template. It needs to be made dense, so roll it from several layers of paper. In order for a children's toy to retain its shape longer, you can finish all windings of threads by tying a knot.

How to make a doll from threads

To make a craft, carefully look at the step-by-step photo presented above. It is very easy to make a doll from threads with your own hands. We take a piece of cardboard and tightly wrap a large number of threads around it to make the figure three-dimensional. You can use a hardcover book as a template. Then, on one side of the workpiece, a thread is threaded between the yarn and the cardboard and a tight knot is tied. On the other hand, scissors cut all the threads. Now the cardboard template can be removed.

Now you need to select the head in the blank, as shown in our photo. You can make a doll from threads with your own hands without using additional materials. However, when forming the head of a figurine, some craftswomen insert a small piece of padding polyester or ordinary cotton wool between the threads. Then the doll's head turns out to be more round and dense. After this, take an additional piece of yarn and wind it slightly below the first knot (under the inserted padding polyester). This way we form the neck of the pupa.

How to make hands

To make hands for our thread doll, you will again need a cardboard template. Threads are wound on it, but there are much fewer layers wound. The thread is cut at the end of the row and the workpiece is carefully removed from the template. Place it on the table, straightening the threads evenly. Next, cut two identical pieces of thread and, stepping back 1 cm from the edge, wrap each of them several times around the entire bunch. In this way we separate the palms of the hands. The folds of the threads on both sides are cut and trimmed with scissors.

When the arms are made, they are inserted in the center of the body so that they look out from both sides. Pull them a little towards the doll's head. To prevent them from falling down, another piece of thread is wound under them around the entire body, its edges are tied into a knot. It turns out to be a kind of waist of a man. This way you get a finished girl doll.

Boy figure

How to make a boy doll from threads with your own hands? At the bottom of the workpiece, under the waistline, there is a wide skirt. It needs to be divided approximately in half and the feet should be highlighted on each part from below. To do this, simply make a few tight turns around the bottom of each bun. Try to keep the edge distances the same on both legs. At the end of winding, tie knots. The male person is also ready. If somewhere the threads are of different lengths, just straighten them with scissors.

We looked at how to make a doll from threads with your own hands. We offered the simplest master class so that even preschool children could make such a craft.

There are more complex technologies with which the doll is given different hairstyles, different threads are used to create the face and hair. If you want to repeat the manufacture exactly as our distant ancestors did, then do not forget the important rule of all “spools”: you cannot tie knots on them. All fastenings of the arms, legs, head and torso occur exclusively by tightly winding threads. If your yarn is soft, then it is better to use simple nylon or cotton threads on spools for such purposes.

Additional items

We described in detail how to make a doll from yarn with your own hands. Let's look at how you can decorate such crafts. In the photographs in the article you can see that often before tying a knot to form palms, the doll’s hands are braided. You can make them from a different color yarn to create dress sleeves.

In the photo above they are decorated with lanterns along their entire length. By adding threads of a different color to the main bundle, you can lift them up before wrapping the neck and subsequently give the doll a hairstyle - braid braids or gather a ponytail. Using additional threads, it is interesting to make an apron for a girl. To do this, you just need to throw them around your neck and tie them around your belt in several turns, spreading the edges in different directions.

Amulet doll

To make dolls from threads with your own hands, step-by-step instructions are given above. Let’s finally look at what a real amulet doll called “Ten Hands” looked like. It was made from bast wool, the threads of which had a natural color and fine structure. This amulet was intended for young housewives and unmarried women to help them manage their household and manage everything. They made such a doll with sentences at a time in the winter. Each hand was wrapped with simple threads of different colors. Mostly wool or linen material was used.

For each pair of hands, the girl whispered her wish. They should be assistants in various matters. Which ones, each girl chose at her own discretion. A thick braid was tied on the doll's head and a red thread was woven in to show the beauty of the mistress. An embroidered apron or ribbon with ornaments was attached to the belt. The skirt was also decorated with red bows. An unmarried girl used this way to attract guys to her person. It is believed that the “Ten-Handed” amulet is one of the oldest in our culture. It has Indian roots, since the god Shiva had many hands helping him in his affairs.

In the article, we examined in detail how to make modern dolls from threads for children’s games, and also recalled the history of this ancient doll and its significance in the life of the ancient Slavs.

Girls love to dress up their dolls, sew new clothes for them, and make tiny furniture from scrap materials. But why not try
toys for girls with your own hands - after all, this is no less exciting and creative activity that will allow you to spend time profitably.

To make a cute doll from threads with her daughter, mom can look at the yarn website, the nearest craft store, or simply unravel old knitting.

An example of how to make a doll from threads is presented in our master class. We recommend not limiting yourself to one toy - and making a whole family of homemade dolls.

To make it you will need:

  • knitting threads of two colors
  • scraps of woolen fabric in different colors
  • beautiful button or beads
  • cardboard
  • marker
  • scissors

Manufacturing process:

1. Wrap threads of the color of your future doll on thick cardboard.

2. Now you need to carefully remove the cardboard, and tie the remaining ends of the yarn with a double knot.

3. Take a thread and tightly tie a skein of thread with it to form the doll's neck. The head should not be too big.

4. The arms are made according to the same principle as the body, only there should be fewer layers of winding. Tie the ends of the resulting skein with thread - these are the doll’s hands.

5. Divide the threads that form the body of the toy in the middle so that you can insert the doll's arms. After this, tie the torso again with thread to form a waist.

6. Cut the bottom of the skein in half, divide the loose ends into two equal bundles to make the legs of the craft, and tie at the bottom. If you want the doll to wear a skirt, just cut the bottom loops - no need to do the legs.

7. Cut out the doll's face from a piece of wool fabric in a contrasting color and attach the craft to the head using glue.

8. Use yellow threads to form hair by tying a bunch of threads in the center. If desired, have short bangs. Attach the hair with glue.

9. Now use a marker to draw the eyes and smiling mouth of the toy.

10. The last stage of making a doll from threads is dressing the toy in clothes. Simply cut out a rectangle of fabric and make holes in it for the arms. Decorate your blouse with a fancy button or beads.

A funny thread doll will add to your daughter's toy collection. Having learned to make crafts on their own, the child will be able to give them to his friends and relatives. In addition, crafts like thread dolls will help develop a child’s love of creativity and handicrafts.

Since ancient times, dolls-amulets have been made in Rus' for children and for the home. It was believed that they protected from the evil eye and disease, from bad news and all misfortunes. You can make such a doll with your own hands from threads.

Tools and materials

For the amulet doll you will need:

  • Threads or yarn of different colors.
  • A sheet of thin cardboard.
  • Scissors.
  • Super glue.
  • The book is 20 cm wide.
  • Beads.
  • Decorative tape, braid, pieces of linen fabric or chintz - for decoration.

Threads or yarn can be used either new or used. If they have been used previously, the material must be wetted and dried under tension. Wavy threads also look good. Acrylic yarn also looks original.

Operating procedure

Step 1. Choose yarn. If the balls are different sizes, then the dolls will turn out to be different sizes.

Step 2. Make a structure from a tripod and crossbars. You can use a flat book or any object of suitable shape.

Step 3. Now you need to wrap the yarn around the crossbars 70-100 times. Same for a book or board.

Tip: when wrapping the threads, do not pull them too tight.

Step 4. You need to retreat about 1/5 of the workpiece from the top and bandage it, forming a head. Then carefully remove the future doll and tighten the knot tightly.

Step 5. So that the amulet doll can be hung, you need to make a loop. To do this, a piece of yarn is pulled through the hole in the head and tied. On a board or book, the loop is made immediately. And then it is tightened in the neck area.

Step 6. The lower part of the product is cut off.

Step 7. The arms and body of the doll are formed randomly. Approximately two identical strands are separated horizontally and most of them vertically.

Step 8. Then the waist is emphasized.

Step 9. And the hands are designated. The do-it-yourself girl doll is ready. It can be further decorated: make an apron, kokoshnik, wreath.

Step 10. To get a talisman in the shape of a boy, just divide the lower part of the body into two parts and mark the feet.

Such figurines can be hung at home, decorated with a Christmas tree, or used in various compositions.

You can make the work a little more complicated and braid your arms and legs.

For the arms, the braid is braided separately and then threaded through the body before the waist is marked. It is tightly fixed directly under the hands so that they do not slip out. You can insert a cardboard cone under the skirt and distribute the yarn evenly or glue it. Then the amulet, made with your own hands, will stand on its own. All that remains is to glue the beads on the face and tie a ribbon to the belt.

For a boy's amulet, the lower part of the body needs to be divided into two parts and braided. Bandage the feet from below and another doll, made by yourself, is ready.

Such products can be made together with children, since it does not take a lot of time, and the result is visible quickly. In addition, leftover yarn is used, which is a pity to throw away, and there is not enough to knit something.