Nose piercing. Getting your nose pierced – is it worth it? (The whole essence of the procedure). According to reviews, nose piercing is a fairly safe procedure


It hurts?

This is one of the least painful punctures. More unpleasant than painful. And it's also ticklish!

Can I put a ring on it right away?

In principle, it is possible. But since swelling appears after a puncture, the ring should be one size larger than the one that will fit neatly around your nose. Otherwise, the swollen tissue will put a lot of pressure on the ring, and the puncture will hurt a lot.

When can I get a ring?

We need to watch how the puncture heals. Some people are able to get a ring placed after 2 months, while for others, even after 5 months, the wound still hasn’t healed - accordingly, the ring cannot be put on. In any case, the decision should be made by your piercer, because... You can’t see the state of the puncture from the inside.

What if I have a runny nose?

It depends. If the runny nose is deep inside, in principle you can make this puncture. Although any disease takes away part of the immune system and slows down the healing of the piercing. If you have a runny nose at the bottom of your nose, it is better to postpone the piercing until you have recovered. If it starts during the process, you need to suppress it, but so that the cold remedy does not get into the fresh puncture.

How long does the swelling last? I need to go to work!

The swelling is confined to the mucous membrane inside the nose, so it will be almost invisible from the outside.

Where can you pierce your nose?

If you want to wear a ring, the piercing should be done no further than the diameter of the ring from the edge of the nostril. Ideally, you need to take a ring of the desired size with you to the procedure and mark the piercing, focusing on this ring. - If you just want to wear a stud, you need to pierce where you like it best. But the higher the puncture is made, the more difficult it will be to reach it when replacing, etc.

How can I hide my piercing if it's already done?

No way. Plan your future life with your new piercing in front of everyone!

What to do?

Any piercing is a wound, and to heal it you only need 2 things:

1. Do not interfere with the body’s ability to heal itself.

Saline solution: pour it into a clean lid/glass, put your nose in there for 2 minutes. You can breathe through your mouth. After the puncture “floats” and the crusts stuck to it get wet, you can carefully remove them with a cotton swab or toothpick. After that, rinse off the residue with clean water! The point is to remove the crusts without injuring the puncture.

Miramistin: pour it onto a cotton pad and apply it to the outside of the puncture. You can use a cotton swab from the inside. Hold it like this for half a minute or a minute. The point is to disinfect the puncture site if dirt or germs from another person’s body have gotten on it. So, what to do? Day 0-14: In the morning and evening and, if possible, during the day, wash the puncture with saline solution. Just so that discharge does not accumulate. Every time you get dirt (on the street or when touching something), apply an antiseptic. But it is advisable not to use an antiseptic more than 1-2 times a day - it still burns new skin cells in the puncture, and additional injury slows down healing and provokes scar growth. Day 15-40: The puncture hardly hurts anymore, but this does not mean that it has healed. We continue to wash the piercing 1-2 times a day, but the saline solution can be replaced with a weak soap solution. At 3-4 weeks, you can make an appointment with a specialist to replace the labret with a shorter one, if you want the jewelry not to “come out” at the most inopportune moment.

How to live with this?

Remember that the puncture is healed not by ointments, but by your body. So take care of your hygiene, eat and sleep well, strengthen your immune system, take vitamins, drink plenty of water and exercise so that any puncture heals faster.

You can change the wraps yourself from day 41, the primary healing is completed. But if the labret is constantly pulled and twisted, the skin inside the puncture may tear, and healing will begin again. This especially applies to attempts to “shove in an unfitted” ring, which is often also made of dubious material (if purchased not in our studio), so it is better to do this from your master (the replacement itself will be free, unlike jewelry), and not before the master gives the go-ahead. Remember about the puncture several times a week until it heals completely, it still needs a little washing, care and love.

What not to do?

1. Do not pull, do not twist, do not remove. The less you disturb the wound, the faster the puncture will heal. And if you take out the jewelry in the first 2-3 months, you can’t put it back on your own, you need to go to a piercer.

2. Do not use peroxide, alcohol, calendula, or any ointments. Alcohol and peroxide leave a chemical burn on new skin, which takes longer to heal and can be painful. Folk tinctures are most often made with alcohol, and ointments are a good breeding ground for bacteria.

3. Cosmetics, perfumes, scrubs, oils - all this should not get into the puncture! They will either clog the puncture and discharge will begin to accumulate in it, or they will cause allergies and inflammation.

4. It is better not to smoke, drink coffee, alcohol and blood thinning medications, including aspirin, for the first week. All this dilates the blood vessels, and the blood flows stronger, and the wound takes longer to heal. Nicotine generally inhibits general immunity, thereby increasing the healing time by up to 2 times.

5. Do not go to: solarium - 2 weeks, swimming pool - 4 weeks, saunas - 1.5-2 months.

Is it normal:

Q. The pebble fell inside! Very painful!

A. It's bad, but not fatal. This happens when the swelling turns out to be greater than expected, and the wrap is just a little wider than the thickness of the labret. It is not surprising that he was pulled inside. You need to quickly run to the piercer to change the labret for a longer one. After this the pain will stop.

Q. It's been 4 months and the piercing still hurts!

A. Most likely, something in the instructions was misunderstood or simply not followed. Even the best quality jewelry does not relieve you of the need to properly care for your piercing.

Q. I replaced it with a ring, everything was fine for a week, and then it turned red, swollen and hurt!

A. The ring was clearly placed early in an unhealed puncture. In this case, it was possible to get an infection from dirty hands, jewelry, or during the process of rotating the ring inside. You need to go to an experienced piercer and replace the ring with straight jewelry.

1. Try not to pull the jewelry for the first two months. The more you worry about the puncture, the longer it will take to heal.

2. Alcohol makes swelling even worse. More swelling means more pain, it’s better just not to drink. Nicotine worsens the immune system, the puncture will take longer to heal. It's better to smoke less.

3. To make it more convenient to wash the puncture, find a lid that will fit your spout up to the level of the jewelry. Pour saline solution into the lid, bend over and put your nose in it. You can breathe through your mouth at this time. The decoration must be completely immersed in the solution!

4. Even when the puncture heals, a secretion with an unpleasant odor may periodically accumulate under the cap of the labret. To avoid it, you need to periodically take baths with saline solution.

I got my nose wing pierced when I was 23 years old. It was a rather spontaneous decision from the category of “Why not!”. If only I knew then how much I would suffer with him :)


I cannot consider myself one of those who like to pierce every millimeter of my body or cover it entirely with tattoos. But I’m forty and I didn’t want to deprive myself of the opportunity to “put glitter in more than just my ears.” But I only made up my mind at a conscious age, when the fear “my mother will kill me” and “they won’t hire me in a serious organization” disappeared.


I got my nose pierced at a tattoo parlor near my home. There, the “master” offered two places to choose from and made a puncture, armed with a catheter... Then I didn’t really read the hardware and didn’t know that such a piercing is done with a special needle, and that there are two options for nose piercing - lower, for a nostrilla or a ring, and high, only for nostrillas (which I chose at random, although I also wanted to wear rings...).

In general, I can’t say that it’s incredibly painful. The pain is rather dull, as if the nose is being squeezed very, very hard at one point, and can be tolerated.

In the end, they inserted a medical steel nostrilla into me and left me with God.


On the advice of the same “master,” I washed my nose with chlorhexidine, applied Nostrilla and applied levomekol... All this was impossible, but on the third day, surprisingly, the swelling began to subside and the puncture began to heal. Perhaps there would have been no further problems if a month later a pebble from a cheap nostrilla had not fallen out and I had not had to urgently change the decoration...

The beginning of problems

At this point I decided not to waste time on trifles and ordered myself a white gold piercing from Sokolov (shamrock). And again I went to the tattoo parlor. It was still too early to change, and since Sokolov does not specialize in such jewelry, the leg of the nostrilla was not only very wide and short, but also with a sample! The feeling is indescribable - as if I had been pierced again.

My nose hurt wildly all day, the piercing simply sank into my swollen nose... And a few days later a red pimple swelled up next to the jewelry. I began to panic, but did not take any action other than washing with Chlorhexidine.

Another master

One day at university, I accidentally caught the piercing with my hand and it fell off. I had to urgently run to wash my nose at the first aid station and look for the nearest salon so that the puncture did not have time to heal. Fortunately, I came across a good piercer who was not only able to save the puncture (the situation was deplorable - inflammation, blood, an initially crooked puncture, the jewelry was too small), but also selected a high-quality titanium jewelry in size.

Only after this the inflammation began to subside. She gave me the right recommendations for care. I write them here:

  • No ointments if there is no pus! (Ointments promote the proliferation of microorganisms!)
  • 2 times a day, make hot baths for the nose with saline solution (sold at any pharmacy. Place the closed ampoule in a mug of hot water, wait, pour the saline solution into a small container (I used a lid from a jar), place a puncture in the nose, wait 2 minutes, wash everything off with running water)
  • You can gently moisten the puncture with Miramistin once a day, but only if there was contact with dirty hands in order to disinfect it. It's better to avoid this.
  • DO NOT TOUCH the puncture!!! And don't scroll anything.
  • Get piercings done only by a good piercer, using a special needle.
  • For the first time, the jewelry should be made of titanium, and it is better to be as long as possible, as the nose will swell.

Bottom line

Now, thank God, everything is fine. My nose hasn’t hurt for several months now, I could probably change my jewelry, but I’m still afraid :)

General impressions

In general, this type of piercing is quite popular; the grandmothers at the entrance are definitely already used to it. I hardly notice it anymore, but I don’t want to take it off; I like the slight informality in the image.

Many girls get their nose pierced. According to reviews, this is a virtually painless procedure, and there are rarely complications after it. How true is this? Before going to the salon and piercing any part of the body, you need to think carefully. On one side of the scale is the desire to decorate oneself and stand out from the crowd, and on the other is the risk of introducing an infection into the body.

Types of punctures

The most common piercing is a nose piercing. But, to be more precise, earlobe piercings come first, although for some reason they are not generally considered piercings.

Experiments with other parts of the body are not held in high esteem by the conservative portion of the population. Mostly, punctures are made by rebellious youth and representatives of informal movements. Nose piercing is considered the most harmless, and many boys and girls are ready to decorate the protruding part of the face.

There are several types of nose piercings, namely:

  1. Nose wing piercing. The easiest and most common option is when a hole is punched on the left or right, on the side surface, or on both sides at once. This method is considered safe, the puncture heals from one to one and a half months, the risk of complications is minimal. However, if you pierce not the middle of the wing, but its upper part at the highest point, then the procedure becomes painful and the canal does not heal well.
  2. Septum. Perforation of the nasal septum, either the soft tissue under the cartilage, or the cartilage itself at the top. Pain during the procedure only bothers you at the moment of puncture, so this type of piercing does not involve the use of painkillers. Healing - 1-1.5 months.
  3. Septril. According to reviews, it is better to trust nasal piercing only to trusted professionals with extensive experience, since the canal is pierced vertically, and there is a high probability of touching the cartilage. The procedure is painful and often leads to complications.
  4. Bridge. This is an option for extreme and informal people, since the puncture is carried out in the upper part of the bridge of the nose, at eye level. This piercing option can be done vertically or horizontally, the type of decoration is a barbell.
  5. Austin Bar. Piercing the tip of the nose in a horizontal direction.
  6. Nasallang. Simultaneous piercing of the wings and septum, combined into one decoration.


A specialist in the salon will help you decide on the choice of puncture point. As part of the consultation before the procedure, he will tell you which option is more or less painful, and which case will have a lower risk of complications. In addition, in the salon, a dot is drawn with a special surgical marker before the puncture, and you can clearly see how the jewelry will look on a particular area of ​​the skin.

And also, immediately before the procedure, the skin at the site of the intended piercing will be thoroughly disinfected to eliminate the possibility of infection.

Description of the procedure

The nose is pierced using a regular piercing needle. The gun is not suitable for this, as the area is too small and curved, and it will be very difficult to make a channel exactly in the chosen place.

A sterile needle is a thinner and more versatile instrument. Before making a canal, the master attaches several clamps to the nose to highlight the desired place. The needle then punctures through the clamp. The skin is thoroughly disinfected. If necessary, give pain relief. When piercing the wings, a special plug is inserted into the nostrils so as not to damage other areas. When the puncture has already been made, the jewelry is immediately inserted into it. Then comes secondary disinfection. All manipulations take no more than 10 minutes.


For nose piercings, different types of jewelry are used - rings, barbells, half rings, bananas, studs, tunnels, etc. But an aesthetic appearance is far from the main requirement. Much more important characteristics are safety in contact with an open wound, hypoallergenic material and the possibility of its disinfection, ease of removal and maintenance.

Therefore, immediately after the puncture, it is necessary to install products made of surgical steel or bioplast, or from inert metals - gold, titanium or silver. You can place decorations made of wood or bone into the already formed channel.

Depending on the type of nose piercing, earrings can have the following shapes:

  1. For wings - studs, labrets, rings, tunnels, half rings, nostrillas.
  2. High wing piercing - small studs.
  3. The nasal septum (septum) - rings, rods and half rings.
  4. Septril - rings, bars and crossbars.
  5. Bridge - bars and rings.
  6. Nasallang - rings and bars.

Let's move on to discuss the next issue.


What to do after a nose piercing? How long it takes for the wound to heal and whether complications arise will depend on the thoroughness of further care. In order to avoid negative consequences, you must follow the following recommendations:

  1. Not touching the puncture site with your hands is a direct path to infection.
  2. Carefully treat the damaged area. Usually, “Miromestin” or “Chlorhexidine” is used for this, or a saline solution - one tablespoon of salt per glass of boiled water.
  3. For preventive purposes, a solution with sea water is instilled into the nose during the entire healing period.
  4. To remove excess disinfectant liquid, the puncture site should be blotted with a piece of sterile bandage.
  5. You can remove the jewelry only after the wound has healed well and the canal has fully formed.
  6. There is no need to remove the crust, otherwise the risk of infection will increase.
  7. Do not allow any cosmetics to come into contact with the puncture site.

How long does it take for a nose to heal after a piercing? It depends on the place where the piercing was done and on the individual characteristics of the body. Even if the wound does not get infected, it will take 3-4 weeks to heal for one person, and several months for another.

It is impossible to say exactly how long a nose piercing will take to heal. The easiest and least traumatic wing piercing will take a month, sometimes 6-8 weeks. For other nasal piercings, the canal can take three to six months to form.

Complications after piercing

According to reviews, a nose piercing can cause the following negative consequences:

  1. Rejection is a reaction to jewelry made from low-quality materials. It is rare, and it is quite easy to avoid if you do not buy the product in dubious places.
  2. Inflammation. Infection is most often the result of improper care, when bacteria are introduced from dirty hands. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully follow all care recommendations, and if inflammation is detected, apply compresses with antimicrobial agents (Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Levomekol, etc.) on both sides of the puncture. If the signs of infection do not disappear within two days, then the jewelry should be removed and the canal should be filled.
  3. Keloid scars. Unsightly formations in the form of rings or beads. Most often they occur when a puncture becomes infected, less often as a result of the individual characteristics of the body. They can be removed surgically - cut and sanded.

According to reviews, nose piercing is a fairly safe procedure

There are still risks of complications, but with good care they are minimized. However, the question remains whether it is worth getting a nose piercing in principle.

Many women are convinced that nose piercing as a form of decoration is becoming a thing of the past. And it’s not a matter of conservative views; they are convinced that barbells and rings on the face do not correspond to fashion trends. There is an opinion that a stud with a small stone cheapens the look and is suitable only for schoolgirls, but not for fashionable, beautiful and self-confident girls. Such decoration looks even more ridiculous on older ladies, which looks more like a desperate and unsuccessful attempt to look younger than one’s age.

But some women still get a nose piercing and are extremely pleased with the results. They believe that with such decoration they look both stylish and a little daring. So whether it’s worth it or not, everyone must decide for themselves.

Piercing different parts of the body is no longer something out of the ordinary. Every second girl either has earrings on her body, or once had them. Nose piercing is considered the most common type of body art. But despite this, it still carries a certain danger. If you don’t know how and what to pierce with or choose the wrong side of the piercing, you can end up in an extremely awkward situation.

How to insert a nose piercing step by step

The technique for putting on an earring depends on its shape and piercing location. Nose wing piercing is considered traditional, while septum piercing is more unusual. The septum is the cartilage that is located between the nostrils. The following types of earrings are used for piercing:

  • Carnations. The simple design of a barbell, a clip and decoration made them a real must-have for girls. Inserting this earring will not be difficult, in addition, if necessary, it can be quickly removed. Decorated with a stone, which can be triangular, round, oval or any other shape;
  • Hook, snail, spiral. This is a more professional earring. The key difference is the unusual curved shape. While the nail clip may protrude unsightly and be noticeable from some angles of the head, the hook is completely invisible from the inside;
  • Rings. Rarely used for piercings in the wing of the nose, but they are excellent for the septum, ear, lip or eyebrow. They consist of an open ring and a ball-clamp. Most often, threaded connections are used as fastening; this allows you to quickly and securely secure the jewelry in the puncture.

Before putting on any jewelry, it must be disinfected. The best solution for this is Chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide. Please note that noble metals react differently to medical disinfectants (they may darken or lighten), and steel jewelry even rusts. Therefore, before processing, it is better to test the selected composition on an inconspicuous part of the earring.

How to put a stud earring on your nose:

  1. The puncture is washed with alcohol or Chlorhexidine. Be sure to wipe the inside of your nose. Dust often collects on the mucous membrane, which you don’t even know about. It is this that can subsequently cause inflammation and suppuration;
  2. The edge of the nose is gently pulled back. In professional conditions, it is fixed with forceps, but if they are not at hand, then simply hold the wing with your fingers;
  3. The tip of the nail is carefully placed into the puncture. You don't need to press hard to push it in. Just gently twist the rod in the hole. Two problems may arise here: the nail does not go through or is stuck. This happens due to the hole becoming overgrown or the wrong direction. Try gently twisting the barbell in different directions. If the earring went further, then you just didn’t hit the hole right away. If it stalls, then you need to go to the salon - perhaps the piercing is overgrown; Drawing of putting on stud earrings
  4. When the edge of the nail protrudes from the hole, you need to pull it down using tweezers. A clip is placed on the tip of the earring. Do not press too hard, otherwise there will be inflammation. Try to fix the earring in the middle position, but do not let it dangle, otherwise it will fall out.

In order to put a ring in your nose piercing Almost similar actions are performed. But, if a cartilage puncture was made, the algorithm may change slightly.

  1. The ring is disinfected and expanded to the desired level. You simply cannot insert a tightly tightened septum piercing into the hole;
  2. The free edge of the ring (without thread for clamping) is threaded into the hole in the nose and carefully moved along the cartilage. If your nose still hurts, we recommend treating the mucous membrane with a painkiller when getting dressed; Drawing ring for septum
  3. While twisting the earring, you need to push it towards the exit. If it’s difficult, you can slightly rock the ring in different directions;
  4. When the end of the earring protrudes from the hole, a fixing ball is screwed onto the second part. If the ring has a classic shape (completely round), then it is screwed to the maximum position and secured with a clamp.

The most difficult thing to put on a nose piercing is a snail. This is a special type of earring that is quite difficult to install into a puncture yourself without previous experience.

How to insert a hook earring into a nose piercing:

  1. It is recommended to apply a small amount of Bepanten or other regenerating ointment (Spasatel, Levomekol) to the surface of the tip. This will speed up healing and help insert the earring;
  2. The tip of the snail needs to be screwed in to its end. You can see by the shape of the earring, but after the drop you will need to slightly change the position of the earring; Drawing Earring for snail piercing
  3. The flat section of the earring is simply pushed lightly into the nose. It is important not to put pressure on the piercing, otherwise there may be complications in the form of beauty and inflammation. If the hook is difficult to pass through, slightly tilt it first to the left, then to the right;
  4. When the earring is inserted, no clips or fasteners are put on it. The tip is simply pressed firmly against the mucous membrane. Thus, the hole is quickly and reliably closed. If you can’t screw in the hook, it’s better to go to a salon. At home, you can scratch the nasal mucosa, after which the piercing will begin to actively heal.

Video: how piercings are done in salons

Consequences and contraindications

As such, there are no direct contraindications to piercing. The only thing you need to pay attention to is the speed of wound healing. The longer the puncture takes to heal, the higher the likelihood of infection entering the wound. This is fraught with various complications in care and even surgical interventions.

Complications after nose piercing:

  • Runny nose. An extremely unpleasant, but natural consequence. The body perceives a violation of the integrity of the mucous membrane as a viral attack. To get rid of it, he “turns on” all protective processes, including a runny nose. This trouble goes away within a few days;
  • Soreness. When the septum is punctured, an unpleasant sensation of sensitivity in the tip of the nose occurs. You can't actually touch it. At the same time, the cartilage does not hurt - there are no nerve endings in it. Pain from the wing of the nose can spread to the entire half of the face where the puncture is located. The same phenomenon is observed in those who have had eyebrow piercings;
  • Inflammation and suppuration. Naturally, if the nose is inflamed, then it was not taken care of correctly. But punctures in this part of the body are very difficult to wash - the mucous membrane is not visible. And suppuration cannot be recognized in any way until an unpleasant odor appears;
  • Problems with eating. This happens not only after tongue or lip piercing. When chewing, the nose moves slightly, as when speaking. Any movement in the first few weeks after the puncture will produce a dull pain in the wing or tip of the nose;
  • Bulge at the piercing site. Is your nose red and slightly swollen? It is better to simply remove the earring and carefully treat the hole before the wing or septum completely festers. You need to do the same if the earring falls through.

Earrings and jewelry for nose piercing

Earrings are divided not only by shape, but also by purpose and the material from which they are made. The following materials are used to make piercing earrings:

  • Medical steel. Previously, all salons that provided ear, eyebrow and nose piercing services worked only with such jewelry. But, it is important to know one thing - the term “medical steel” does not exist at all. This is the name given to the combination of steel and titanium. It does not in any way affect the healing rate of the puncture, but is not susceptible to corrosion;
  • Plastic. It looks very unusual and is almost invisible in holes due to its light weight. Enjoys special love among informal girls. It is easy to care for and resistant to external negative factors. In addition, it does not freeze in cold weather;
  • Gold piercing in the nose is the most expensive, but the safest. The main advantages of this noble metal are that it promotes regeneration and is extremely rarely rejected by the body;
  • Silver. Cheaper than gold, but no less popular precious metal. Suitable for almost everyone. May cause allergies only in exceptional cases.

Treatment and care of the nose after piercing

Improper piercing care is extremely dangerous. It is the cause of more than 90% of inflammation and suppuration.

Drawing is the result of improper care of the septum

To avoid troubles associated with piercing, you need to know the following rules:

How long does it take to heal?

Much depends on the characteristics of the body and the chosen time of year. According to statistics, piercings and tattoos heal much slower in winter and autumn than in summer. This is affected by vitamin deficiency, hypothermia and decreased immunity.

A navel piercing takes at least six months to heal, lips – 2 months. The cartilage in the septum never heals. It simply “overwrites” which is why it stops bothering its owner. Reviews claim that the piercing in the wing of the nose will heal completely only after 6 – 8 months.

Meaning - which side is the piercing on?

Sometimes on women's forums you can find arguments that piercings on different sides of the face have a hidden sacred meaning. In fact, these are all stereotypes. The choice of which side of the nose to pierce is purely individual and depends only on the beauty of the chosen half of the face.

Some girls prefer a parting on the left side, others - on the right. Same with punctures. To finally decide, you can try on a fake or magnetic piercing. Due to the fact that such a false piercing looks very natural, it will be an excellent experiment for your appearance if you want to pierce your skin, but are afraid.

The photo of the nose piercing clearly shows that it looks great on both the right and left sides of the face. Moreover, it does not vulgarize the image one bit, but only emphasizes the sophistication of the appearance.

A beautiful nose piercing will add zest and charm, add elegance and sexuality to your appearance, focusing attention on your beautiful facial features. A nose piercing is not as painful as it seems at first glance, but this intervention in the body requires careful preparation:

  • make sure that blood clotting is normal, there are no chronic heart diseases, runny nose and fever;
  • give up hormonal medications, including contraceptives;
  • reduce coffee consumption, eliminate additives and medications, including aspirin;
  • Do not drink alcohol during the day to avoid blood thinning.

How much does a nose piercing cost?

It is better to get piercing done in specialized salons with a license and good recommendations. Be sure to sign up for a consultation: the conditions and cleanliness of the office, the presence of an autoclave for sterilizing instruments will help you make the right choice of salon and specialist. The cost of the service varies from 600 to 3000 rubles. You should not save money, but rather order the entire package of services, which includes: preparation of a nose piercing, work by a specialist, jewelry, and necessary medications.

Who does it suit?

Piercing focuses attention on the face, so for those with a long and narrow nose, it is better to decorate the ear or navel. If the eyes are large, slanted and expressive, then the decoration on the bridge of the nose will look better. The owner of lush lips with a clear and beautiful contour can afford a piercing of the nasal septum. In the legal or medical field, in banks and large corporations, piercing will become an obstacle to your career. For safety reasons, even rings and chains are prohibited in factories and restaurants. Flashy earrings for nose piercings are not always appropriate when communicating with clients, so it’s better to embellish yourself carnations with a small pebble.

How to wear a nose piercing? Treat your hands with an alcohol solution and remove the product. Unfasten the new decoration and disinfect all parts. You can coat it with cream or Vaseline and insert it into the hole while exhaling, or holding your breath, otherwise the small part will get into the respiratory tract!

Nose piercing at home

Doing a piercing yourself is risky, but if you are confident in your own abilities and are not afraid of needles and blood, then you need to carefully prepare and purchase materials:

  • three pairs of latex sterile gloves;
  • sterile disposable piercing needle;
  • cotton wool;
  • disinfectant solution or alcohol;
  • piercing clip;
  • jewelry made of titanium or surgical steel of a suitable size, not too large in diameter and not massive.

Be sure to prepare yourself mentally and study the piercing process. Nose piercing, the video of which should be previewed, is not such a harmless procedure.

Puncture (septum) of the sinus

  • You should not do the piercing in hot and dry weather, so that dust does not get into the wound, and sweat does not provoke complications.
  • Mark the puncture site with a special marker. You should make sure that the piercing is at the right distance from the edge of the nose.
  • Sterilize your hands and wear gloves.
  • Sterilize the jewelry and the puncture site from the outside and inside.
  • Insert the clamp so as not to pierce the nasal septum with the needle.
  • Insert the needle with a sharp and strong movement.
  • Insert the jewelry and treat the wound with alcohol.

After the piercing, the nose will be red and inflamed, the wound may bleed for several days, and the eyes will water. If this doesn't go away within a week, you should consult a doctor.

After the procedure, you cannot swim in ponds, go to the sauna, get exposed to rain, or stand in drafts for about a month. A runny nose can make it difficult to clean the nose and cause inflammation. The jewelry cannot be removed until the wound has completely healed, otherwise complications are guaranteed and the product will be difficult to put on. At first, you should abandon towels and cosmetics.

What to process?

You should wipe the puncture twice a day with chlorhexidine or miramestene, saline solution or a solution with sea salt, twisting the jewelry a little so that the solution gets onto the piercing channel. You should not clean your piercing with hydrogen peroxide, alcohol or tea tree oil, as they can cause a crust to appear.

How long does it take for a nose to heal after a piercing?

The wound heals in 4-10 weeks if there are no significant complications. At first there will be redness and yellowish fluid, which will subside within two weeks. The decoration is removed only after six months, otherwise the canal may be damaged and an infection may occur.

Possible consequences

If the nose is pierced or processed incorrectly, a granuloma appears. Warm compresses should be applied several times a day until it disappears completely. The formation in the form of a lump with an abscess should be treated with hyoxyzone or levomekol, washed with miramistin, and after the pus comes out, with oflocaine.

If your nose hurts after a puncture, and a sticky translucent liquid is released from the wound, then you should contact a specialist or dermatologist. You should wipe the jewelry, especially near the clasp, as a lot of bacteria accumulate there.

If your nose piercing does not heal for a long time, you should consult a doctor to prevent the appearance of calloid scars. They are the most dangerous consequence of piercing, so you should not self-medicate. The doctor will prescribe injections and ointments, but neglected treatment will lead to surgery. In this case, you should stop piercing for a while.

How to remove a nose piercing?

  • disinfect hands;
  • carefully unfasten the latch of the product;
  • pull the decoration out of the hole using smooth movements;
  • treat the wound.

Piercing gives confidence and femininity, but saving and haste will harm your beauty and health. Prick yourself wisely, dear readers!