How to make a New Year's ball from thread. Materials for making the ball. Balls made of beads, buttons and threads

Greetings to all craft lovers! Under the influence of the pre-holiday bustle, I again became involved in the creative process of creating something new and interesting. They are original decorations that can be used to decorate not only a festive Christmas tree, but also any space. Creating such toys is a fun process that both adults and children will enjoy.

Last year I already introduced you to my first experience. I made balls using knitting threads. But I didn’t post the master class, I only showed the result. If you are interested in how they are made, then you can watch a detailed video in the article “”.

Since I already have balls, although I gave away most of them last New Year, I still have a few left, I decided to experiment a little more and made flat decorations from threads using this technique. This time, I will share with you the whole process and the result of my efforts.


Knitting threads of different colors

PVA glue


Needles with tips

Foam tray

Beautiful round laces or ribbons

Various decorative decorations (sequins, glitter, ribbons, lace, etc.)

First of all, you need to draw on thick paper the templates of the toys that you want to make and cut them out. I got them like this. I decided that I would make a ball, a house, a star and a Christmas tree.

After this, we proceed directly to work. For this I used a foam tray. You can come up with something else, but this object must be flat and easily pierced with needles. One more thing. Since the thickness of the tray is not very large, and for work it is necessary that the needles fit tightly enough, I placed fabric folded several times under the tray from below. The needles pass through the bottom of the tray and penetrate the material. Thus, they are securely fastened and do not move under the tension of the threads.

At the bottom of the tray you need to put stencils of future toys and use needles to mark all the corners of the figure and some intermediate places (optional). The more needles, the more intricate and dense the pattern.

Take any deep plate and pour PVA into it. If the glue is thick, then it must be diluted with a small amount of water. The thicker the resulting liquid, the denser and stronger the resulting toy. We put the threads with which we will work in a plate and let them thoroughly soak in the liquid. This is an important point, since unimpregnated threads will remain soft. And this is not what we need. But you shouldn’t keep them there for too long. One minute is enough.

After this, we pull the thread by the tail and pull it between the needles in a variety of directions. Create a chaotic geometric pattern. Please note that I made the Christmas tree from two colors: white and green. Initially I pulled a white thread, and then a green one. Thus, the Christmas tree turns out to be a different color on both sides. I made the star entirely out of red thread.

In the same way I made a house and a ball. By the way, I also made a window on the house. It is performed after the yellow threads for the main template are stretched between the needles.

This time, I didn’t wait for my toys to dry naturally, but dried them with a hairdryer. This took some time. Do not pull out the needles while drying!

After the product is almost dry, it must be carefully separated from the tray and dried on the reverse side. This is what I got as a result. In principle, they can be left in this form. But, I decided that I would make them more artistic and decorative.

This part of the process took me most of my time. I raked out what I had in my craft arsenal and began to come up with decorating options. As you can see, I used a variety of materials: a strand of faux pearls, sequins, silk ribbons, a pebble pendant, gold ribbon, and even leftover bead mounts.

I hung each toy on round strings. Here are the Christmas thread decorations I ended up with.

To be honest, I liked the Christmas tree the most. She is beautiful in her simplicity. Pearl garlands make her very elegant and a little glamorous. I’m already thinking about making these Christmas trees as a gift to my friends, but only all of them are multi-colored. I am sure that they should also turn out beautiful and bright.

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From ordinary threads you can make many different crafts, and not only those that will gather dust on the shelf, but also useful things. For example, it could be a doll, a bracelet, a flower, slippers, a lampshade. Probably the simplest and most common craft is balls of thread. The master class in this article will be about how to make them using glue.

Materials for making the ball

Before making a ball of thread, let's consider what we need. All or many of the materials are likely to be found in every home. If you don't have something, you can always buy it. Thread balls are good because the materials they need are the simplest and most inexpensive.

- Threads. In principle, any are suitable: for sewing, wool, floss. Someone even manages to make such a ball out of twine or wire. However, when choosing a material for winding, you need to take into account several nuances. Different threads absorb glue differently. With some the ball will dry faster, and with others it will dry slower. It is also worth considering that the frame made from thin threads will not be so strong, and may even get wrinkled somewhere if you handle it carelessly. The craft will be most effective if you make a ball of threads of different thicknesses, textures and colors. Usually, to make such a craft, they use “iris” type yarn.

- Balloon. Also suitable for any size, color and shape. But since we will be making a ball, it is, of course, better to give preference to a round balloon, the diameter of which, when inflated, is 10-15 centimeters. These dimensions are the easiest to work with. If you plan to make miniature balls, then even fingertips, which can be purchased at any pharmacy, are suitable.

- Glue. Again, any glue will do: pencil, stationery, construction. But the latter becomes yellow after drying, and the former is not so convenient in our case. The best option would be office glue. It comes in two types: silicate and PVA. Both suit us. Both become transparent after drying. But PVA glue is not recommended to be used in its pure form, since the structure may not be as strong. Usually a mixture is prepared from glue, water (prevents the appearance of white marks on the threads) and sugar (gives the ball greater rigidity). For 100 milliliters of glue, two tablespoons of water and 14 teaspoons of sugar are enough.

Instead of glue, you can prepare a starch paste according to the following scheme. In a saucepan, mix 200 milliliters of cold water and 3 teaspoons of starch, bring to a boil. After cooling it can be used.

- Vaseline, sunflower oil or fatty cream. Before making a ball of thread, you need to lubricate it with something so that after the glue dries it can be freely removed and not spoil the craft.

- Needle, quite thick and long. You will need it to pierce a bottle of glue.

- Scissors. Useful for cutting threads and the tail of a ball.

- Gloves and apron. You can do without them if you act extremely carefully.

- Newspaper. It is better to lay it on the table on which we will make crafts, so as not to get it dirty.

- Saucer or glass. If the bottle of glue is not stable enough, you can place it in something.

- Details for decorating the ball. For this you can use anything: ribbons, sparkles, rhinestones, semolina, beads.

So, now let's move on directly to how to make a ball of thread.

Preparing the threads for work

There are two options on how to do this. Everyone chooses the one that is most convenient for him.

1. A skein of thread can be placed in a container with glue so that it is well saturated.

2. Thread the thread into a needle and make a through hole at the very bottom of the glue bottle. You can pour the glue into a plastic cup or into a Kinder Surprise egg and pierce it. Then we remove the needle to the side. Thus, the threads, passing through the bottle, will be saturated with glue. By the way, the holes need to be made a little larger than the diameter of the yarn, otherwise the threads at the end will be without glue.

Preparing the ball

The ball needs to be inflated to the desired size so that it is not too large, but dense enough. Then we tightly tie the tail of the ball into a knot, so that it does not come undone during the process. Then the entire ball needs to be lubricated with oil, Vaseline or cream using a brush or cotton pad. This can be done with your hands if you are not afraid to get dirty.

Wrap the ball with thread

If you are right-handed, then take the balloon in your left hand so that it is convenient for you to press the tip of the thread against the balloon, and with the other hand begin winding the threads. Make sure they are not dry. It is recommended to wind the threads randomly to create an interesting pattern, but you can stick to a specific pattern if you have already come up with a design for the web. Although this is, of course, difficult to do.

The more yarn you wrap, the stronger the structure will be. If you want to get openwork and balloons from threads and glue, then the winding should not be so intense. However, too little yarn will not be enough for our craft to keep its shape during use. In general, you need to find some kind of middle ground.

If you plan to attach something to the ball to hang it on, such as a ribbon, then it is best to do this in the middle of the winding. The ends can be coated with glue and covered with the main thread several times to keep everything in place.

When the winding is finished, the tip of the thread needs to be tied in a knot or simply generously coated with glue.

If you doubt that the ball of thread will be strong enough, you can additionally coat it with glue using a large brush or sponge.

Drying the product

Drying usually takes one to two days. It depends on the quantity and quality of thread and glue that are used. It is most convenient to hang the ball to dry. Tie a fairly long thread to the tail and hang the ball where it will not touch anything.

You can simply leave the ball on the newspaper, but then you will have to turn it over periodically, and drying will take much longer.

Removing the ball

When the threads are completely dry from the glue, you can begin to remove the balloon. If it is stuck, you need to carefully peel it off with your fingers; you can use a pencil with an eraser at the end.

There are two ways to remove the ball.

  1. Untie or cut off the tail and slowly deflate the balloon.
  2. Poke the balloon in several places and it will deflate on its own.

If after this the ball of thread is deformed, then it can then be given its original shape.

Decorating the craft

If you are completely satisfied with the appearance of the resulting craft, you can skip this point. However, you can transform balls of thread with your own hands so that you get a real interior decoration that the designer himself would make.

Various details are suitable for decoration, for example:

Nail glitter;

Beads or seed beads;

Ribbons, ribbons;


Coffee beans and much more.

The ball will become much more festive and stronger if you spray it with glitter hairspray. The effect of transfusion in the light can be achieved in another way. Coat the ball with glue again and sprinkle with glitter, leave until completely dry.

It will be convenient to use a glue gun to attach small parts. If it's not there, don't worry. This can be done with glue and a thin brush or cotton swab.

What can be made from a ball of thread?

A composition of several balls looks great. You can simply place them on the table in a beautiful dish or make a garland from them.

If you wrap the balloon only halfway, you will get a beautiful bowl. You can make a snowman by gluing one ball onto another, a chicken or another animal.

If you don’t wait for the glue to dry, cut the ball of thread to the middle several times and bend the edges, you will get elegant openwork flowers. “Petals” can be decorated with ribbons or braid.

You can make other crafts from a ball of thread if you use a little imagination.

Now you know how to make a ball of thread that will be a wonderful interior decoration or an excellent gift for friends or family for the New Year. Such a craft is just a godsend when you want to please many people, but you are very limited financially. Even children can make such balls, and everyone will enjoy the process: both adults and kids.

New Year is a magical holiday! Not only children, but also adults are looking forward to it. And decorating a Christmas tree with toys, garland and tinsel is a very exciting activity. Especially when you do it with your kids.
On the eve of the New Year 2017, a competition of New Year's toys for the Christmas tree began in our kindergarten. And so my eldest son and I decided to take part in it. We spent a long time choosing which New Year's toy we should make. In the end, we decided on a Christmas tree ball made of threads. When I was at school, we made these in the Skillful Hands club.
To make our Christmas ball we will need the following:

  • balloon;
  • yarn or thick threads;
  • PVA glue and super glue;
  • glitter;
  • tinsel;
  • sequins;
  • needle with a wide eye;
  • fat cream;
  • ribbon.

1. First you need to inflate the balloon to the size we need. Remember that the size of the ball directly determines the size of the future toy.

2. Then we lubricate our inflatable ball with rich baby cream. It’s even better to lubricate it with Vaseline, but, unfortunately, I don’t have it at home. This is done so that the threads with which we wrap it will easily come off the ball after drying.

3. Next, insert the thread into the eye of the needle and pierce the bottle with PVA glue, approximately in the middle, so that the thread of yarn gets wet as it passes through it.

4. Now we begin to carefully wrap our balloon. First, leave a large distance between the threads of yarn. Then we gradually reduce this distance. As a result, our balloon should be well wrapped and look a little like a cocoon. We cut the thread and glue it to the top of the ball.

5. While the threads are not dry, you need to sprinkle the ball with glitter, which you can make yourself from tinsel or rain. But you can do without it. My son and I decided to sprinkle it to make our Christmas tree ball brighter and more beautiful.

6. That’s it, now you need to leave it to dry for about a day.
The next day, we carefully pierced the ball with a needle and removed it from the workpiece - the “cocoon”.

7. Now comes the fun part, namely decorating the toy.
We make flowers from ribbons - simply by twisting them. We had blue ribbon available at home, so our flowers are blue. And carefully, using super glue, glue them to the “cocoon” ball in a chaotic manner.

8. We only have silver sequins, so we glue them on, also with super glue, so that they end up between the flowers.

9. On top of the “cocoon”, where the balloon was tied, it didn’t turn out very nice, so we simultaneously disguised and decorated this place with a twisted narrow ribbon and a large shiny button.

10. And so that our ball toy can be hung on the New Year tree, we also make a loop from a ribbon, only green, so that it does not merge with the flowers, and decorate it with a small piece of tinsel. The size of the loop should depend on the size of the toy.

11. So that our ball could not only be hung on the Christmas tree, but also used as interior decoration, we glued a little green tinsel to the bottom. And this is what we got.

We don’t yet know whether our ball toy will take any prizes at a competition in kindergarten, since the competition is not over yet. But my eldest son said that we made the most beautiful ball, he had never seen such a beautiful one. And for me this is the best praise.

Happy New Year 2017 everyone!!!

Useful tips

Snowmen made of threads

You can create very beautiful crafts from ordinary threads.

For the New Year, it is customary to decorate the Christmas tree with various toys. From threads and glue you can make such popular Christmas tree decorations as balls.

In addition, threads and glue can be used to create Christmas trees of different colors and sizes, and to make the picture complete, you can put a snowman near the Christmas tree, which can also be made from threads.

On our website you will also find:

  • DIY New Year's monkey craft
  • DIY Christmas balls
  • How to make a Christmas tree with your own hands

Shiny ball made of thread and PVA glue

You will need:

Several balloons

PVA glue

White thread


Small bowl.

1. Pour PVA glue into a bowl and dilute it with a small amount of water.

* If the glue runs out and you are not finished yet, you can add more water.

2. Inflate the balloons. Their size directly affects the size of your future New Year's balls.

3. Prepare a white thread, tie one end to the tail of the ball and start wrapping the thread around the entire ball. Cover the surface of the ball as much as possible.

4. Dip the ball wrapped in thread into a bowl of PVA glue and water and start turning it so that the glue is absorbed into the thread from all sides.

5. Before the glue dries, sprinkle glitter on the ball.

6. So that the ball can dry, you can hang it on a stretched thread using a paper clip or place it on a jar (without a lid).

7. After 24 hours, remove your Christmas decoration and use scissors or another object to burst the ball inside. Carefully pull out the ball; it will be slightly glued to the thread.

* By making several of these shiny balls, you can decorate your Christmas tree or interior. If you get a few branches, you can hang New Year's balls on them, decorating the branches with tinsel.

DIY Christmas balls made of threads

You will need:

Air balloons

Thick threads (for knitting, for example)

PVA glue

Plastic bowl or cup for glue (or other container that you can poke a couple of small holes in)

thick needle


1. Inflate the balloon to the desired size and tie a tail. If you want to make it more round, press it down with your hands.

2. Use a needle and thread to pierce a plastic bowl or cup. This should be done as close to the bottom as possible. You can also simply dip the thread into a container of glue.

3. Pour PVA glue into a container and dilute it with a small amount of water to save glue.

4. Slowly pull the thread through the glue container and begin to wind the ball with it. Since you will be removing the ball after the glue dries, it is better to leave a little space near the tail in advance to pull it out.

5. Once you have wrapped the ball tightly, cut the thread. You can leave a small tail to make a loop and hang the ball on the Christmas tree, for example.

6. Leave the ball to dry. In the natural way it will take 24 hours or a little more. You can speed up the process by placing the ball near the radiator or drying it with a hairdryer.

7. When the glue has completely hardened on all sides, pierce the ball and carefully pull it out.

8. If desired, you can decorate the ball. Try painting it, gluing plastic or paper snowflakes, sequins, or covering it with sparkles.

Another option:

How to make a ball of thread: gift wrapping

You will need:

Large ball of thread

Acrylic paint and brush

PVA glue


Scissors or utility knife

A long piece of tape.

1. Inflate the balloon and wrap it with thread as tightly as possible. In some places, add a little PVA glue to secure the thread.

* The main thing is to wrap the ball so that nothing is visible through the thread. You can cover all the threads with a thin layer of PVA glue.

2. Using a brush, apply acrylic paint to the thread. You should not skimp on paint, because in addition to color, it also holds the threads together well.

3. Hang the ball to dry overnight. If you have nowhere to hang it, you can put it on the neck of the jar.

4. When the paint has dried, burst the ball and pull it out of the “cocoon”.

5. Cut the resulting cocoon in half using scissors or a stationery knife. To make this easier, wrap the ball with one thread of a contrasting color and start cutting along this line.

6. Using a screwdriver, make several symmetrical holes on both sides of the cocoon.

7. Place gifts wrapped in beautiful paper inside.

8. Pull the ribbon crosswise through the holes and tie it in a bow at the end.

New Year's balls made of thread: foam ball with jute rope

You will need:

Styrofoam ball

Jute rope

PVA glue


1. Wrap a jute rope around a foam ball, attaching it with PVA glue.

2. Decorate the balloon as you like. Use sparkles, stickers, sequins.

You can make a Christmas tree in the same way, only instead of a ball you use a foam cone.

Balls of thread (video)

Option 1.

Option 2.

DIY thread balls (photo)

Christmas tree made of threads. Option 1.

You will need:


Regular tape

PVA glue


2. Wrap the cone in cling film or wide tape.

3. Pour PVA glue into a bowl (you can dilute it with a little water).

4. Dip the thread into the bowl of glue and begin wrapping it around the cone, starting from the top of the head. The thread should not be squeezed too hard - there should be enough glue left on it to attach well to the cone.

5. Leave the craft for 24 hours to allow the glue to dry, or you can use a hair dryer to speed up the process.

6. After the glue has dried, carefully remove the thread tree from the cone.

7. You can start decorating your Christmas tree. Any decorations are suitable for this - sparkles, sequins, buttons, beads, pompoms, etc. You can also place an electric candle under the tree to make it look even more beautiful.

DIY thread tree. Option 2.

You will need:


Cling film or wide tape

Regular tape

PVA glue

Garland with lights.

1. Make a cone out of paper. Make small cuts at the bottom, leaving 2 cm between them. The cuts are needed so that you can stretch the thread between them.

2. In a bowl, dilute PVA glue with water.

3. Begin to saturate the thread with glue and wrap it around the cone, threading the thread through the cuts and wrapping the entire cone. Leave the glue to dry.

4. When everything is dry, carefully remove the string tree from the cone. To make this easier, cut off the edge of the base of the cone (where the cuts are). Start slowly turning the cone until it comes unstuck.

5. Glue, sew or staple the ribbon to the bottom of the tree.

6. Place a garland of lights inside the tree. If the light bulbs are small, then they can be secured inside the tree using thin wire or Christmas tree decorations that have wire fastenings. You can also use paper clips.

Here is another photo instruction:

Beautiful white Christmas tree made of threads. Option 3.

How to make a knitted Christmas tree from threads for the New Year

Good afternoon - today we will make balls from threads... such openwork cobweb balls that can be hung as Christmas tree decorations... or use as LAMP and LAMPSHAD...or you can make cocoons from such thread balls New Year's GARLAND... And such balls of thread can also be even candlesticks or other home decor elements.

You have seen such balls many times... But in THIS ARTICLE... I will show you COMPLEX versions of this technique.

So let's start in order...

  1. First I'll show you WHAT'S POSSIBLE MAKE from such balls
  2. And then I'll tell you HOW TO DO IT such a ball of thread with your own hands.

What can be done


IDEA 1 – New Year's tree.

You can decorate a New Year's table with these balls... if find the frame. THE FRAMEWORK WILL BE splayed tree branch... we wrap such a branch with an LED Christmas tree garland and hang balls of thread on the branches.

IDEA 2 – Table compositions with fresh flowers.

You can wear these openwork spider web balls... TO THE TOP arrange small vases. By the way, the vases can be the same small ones transparent (or white) balls(similar, not condoms) into which we take a little water... drop the flower heads into them... and we tie the neck of such a ball to the top of the ball... This is what we see in the photo below.

The result is a composition of balls of thread with flowers, which can be used to decorate a wedding... or a New Year's table

Or you can put these balls in a slide in a flat vase... Pour water onto the bottom of the vase... and push the stems of tall, not heavy flowers (for example, gerberas) THROUGH THE BALLS - the balls will keep the flower stems in balance.

And it’s important - if you are planning such a composition with water... then it’s better to roll up such a ball of thread NOT from simple threads... but from metal ones- that is, made of wire. Because a regular ball of thread will get wet and lose its shape.

IDEA 3 – threads of balloons in HANGING COMPOSITIONS for holiday decoration.

You can attach such balls to a CHANDELIER - just over the dinner ball... and lower them nicely so that the balls are at different heights. And it is better to use balls not of the same color - but of two shades that combine in composition. Red + white, Green + blue, Gold + brown, etc.

Balls of the same thread color also look beautiful... but DIFFERENT SIZES... and DIFFERENT DENSITY thread openwork.

That is, we will need to inflate balls of different sizes... and when we wind our thread, soaked in glue, onto one ball bigger and THICKER... and on the other ball less and less often(so that the holes remain).

Such a white composition is perfect for decorating a wedding - if the wedding is planned in the yard, that is, in nature, then such voluminous balls can be mounted on a tree branch.

IDEA 4 – BALLS made of threads as table and ceiling lamps.

You can make cocoon balls from such thread balls table lamps if you carefully insert a chain of incandescent light bulbs into the balls...

You can make one lamp - with one light bulb socket. In the photo below we see an example of such a lamp made from a spider web ball. Light socket stand made from regular ICE CREAM STICKS.

You can take this chuck holder idea... or you can just buy a ready-made stand with lamp socket at a craft store... or buy a cheap lamp with a shade and remove the shade from it... and somehow decorate the stand so that it doesn’t look like cheap China (for example, cover it with napkins using the decoupage technique... or cover it with a mosaic of glass pebbles).

Balls made of threads - can be used as hanging lampshades for ceiling lamp. In the interior, both one lampshade and a whole series of multi-colored lamps look beautiful (reminiscent of a Japanese-style interior).

This is how beautiful a lampshade like this can look in the interior of a room. Bedrooms...children's...hallway.

Light bulb sockets are sold together with a cord... Or you can buy everything separately and install it with the hands of a familiar electrician.

IDEA 5 – New Year’s garland made from an LED chain and balls of thread.

You can also buy the most a regular garland with small LEDs– and make thread balls of different sizes and colors. We insert LEDs into such balls - so that they stick and do not jump out of the balls, it is better to secure them with tape or thread.

Such a garland can consist of airy cocoon balls made of thin wire (as in the photo below). The shine of the wire will additionally reflect and refract the light from the LEDs.

Or the garland can be made of THREAD balls - then the light of such a garland will be calm and softly diffused (as in the photo below).

These are the beautiful sparkling highlights we get on the wall from such a garland.

Can be done ONE LARGE round nito cocoon ball to - and stretch a garland into it in a chaotic manner (so that the light bulbs are evenly distributed over the entire surface of the ball) - we get a beautiful ball-lamp sparkling with several lights at once (left photo below)

Or you can do decorative GARLAND SCREEN made of thread balls and shiny glass pendants... (as in the right photo below). The result is a very beautiful and delicate screen-curtain - thanks to the fact that the openwork and airy balls of the screen do not look bulky and the glass beads dilute and decorate the flowing surface of the curtain.

IDEA 6 – SNOWMAN made of balls wrapped in thread.

You can also make a craft with your children to decorate the New Year - a snowman made from balls of thread. You need to make three balls of different sizes (plus you can also make small balls on your hands).

IDEA 6 – CANDLESTICKS made of balls wrapped in thread.

Candle balls needed make it bigger– so that the candle flame is away from the walls and top of the ball. And the ball itself must have LARGE HOLES (i.e. NOT TIGHT winding) - through these holes the heat of the candle will immediately evaporate... and the threads will not heat up.

Candlesticks from threads can be made hanging (pictured below)…

And there may be floor (or table)) – like here in the photo below. The bottom example illustrates what happens if the ball is made larger. Then you can make the cells between the threads smaller. And then, in order to put a candle there, you will need to cut through the web ball with scissors hole on the side... or the hole may be at the bottom(that is, we cut out the bottom... put a candle on the floor and cover it with a ball on top of the part where the hole is in the bottom).

By the way, instead of a candle, you can use a solar-powered garden lantern.

IDEA 7 – balls made of thread for the New Year tree.

These balls are also good to hang on a Christmas tree. It is better to make New Year's balls from small balloons. (that is, you need to buy small balls (these are used to make garlands for weddings) such balls are sold in departments of hypermarkets, where there is a shelf with decorations for children's birthdays.

Also the thread itself immediately after wrapping the ball - while it is still wet and sticky from glue - sprinkle with glitter. You can get glitter for free if you trim the fluffy Christmas tree garland finely.


three convenient ways.

ESSENCE OF THE WORK to create a ball of thread it looks like this... We wrap a small balloon with thread soaked in glue... And when the glue cocoon of thread dries, we burst the ball, take out its fragments from the cocoon, and get an openwork ball of thread.

Adhesive solutions can be different:

  • You can dilute WALLPAPER glue (paste based on starch)... or dilute and cook the starch with water yourself.

  • You can use SILICATE glue (Soviet transparent for paper)

  • You can use PVA GLUE in its pure form... or in a diluted form - then add water and sugar to it.

And the ways in which the work is done can be different:

METHOD ONE – through the bottle.

For convenience, it is recommended to thread the thread into a needle... use the needle to pierce the bottle with silicone glue through (enlarge it, pick out the hole so that the thread passes freely through the bottle)... This way we get a “mini-device” for wetting the thread with glue without dirtying the table.

METHOD TWO– put a skein of thread in a bowl of glue – as in the left photo below... if you don’t want to spoil the whole ball (because it’s too big) – then you can pass the thread through the bowl of glue by hand (as in the right photo)


The thread on the ball should not be wound very tightly - so that the ball does not tighten and is not compressed by the thread. Otherwise we will get a crooked product.


It is best to dry the glue ball for 2-3 days. So that it hardens properly. If you start removing the ball before it has completely dried, you may end up with a wrinkled product.

Before bursting the ball, you need to make sure that it easily moves away from the walls of the thread cocoon. To do this, you can use the blunt end of a pencil to gently press on the ball THROUGH THE HOLES BETWEEN THE THREADS - in different sides of the ball - push the ball with a pencil so that it comes off everywhere from the walls of the cocoon.

After this, we burst the ball and pull out the burst rag by the tail.

AND ALSO... you can add a cocoon-web LACE.

But this technique can be supplemented with elements knitted applique from the same threads... For example, you can make a piece of a knitted pattern in advance (as in the photo below) ...

To do this, first crochet pattern element(this can be a pattern for any crocheted napkin)… a small element, only the first few rows of the pattern… Glue this lace knitted circle to the surface of the ball. Drying...

Then we shave the end of the glue thread - and thread it into a NEEDLE. And with such a thread and needle we begin to carefully (so as not to pierce) wrap the ball, and pick up (as we wind) the edges of the lace applique... and we get a cocoon into which a crocheted lace detail is sewn. Like in the photo below.

Or you can do it differently - IT’S EVEN EASIER TO DO

  • wrap the ball with threads... dry...
  • WITHOUT removing the balloon with scissors, cut a round hole (the size of your knitted applique) and apply glue to this head area on the balloon...
  • soak the knitted applique with glue and attach it to the ball (so that its edges touch the edges of the web). When all this is dry you can remove the ball.

Openwork BALLS made of wire.

Using the same principle, ball-windings are made from wire. You just need to do it carefully so that the end of the wire does not cut into the ball and so that the wire itself does not cut the ball..

Here are some ideas on how to make a ball of thread yourself. As you can see, everything is quick and simple. Even a child can easily master the whole process.

Happy crafting!

Olga Klishevskaya, especially for the site ""
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