How to stop loving a person who doesn't love you? How to stop loving a man: practical advice and recommendations from psychologists

Love brings joy and fills life, it helps you create and become better, but its departure leaves an unhealed wound and an emptiness that is difficult to fill. It seems that life has lost its meaning when the door slammed behind him, but if you show yourself a little more love and respect than usual, you can find a path that will make it much easier to stop loving and forget someone who could not maintain your love, respect and understanding.

Let's figure out how to stop loving a man

According to statistics, representatives of the fair sex ask the question “How to stop loving” much more often. Men suffer from this, but not so much. Why this happens is difficult to say. Either women want to love so much because of the need to care and procreate that they become very attached to the partner who managed to win their heart, or men are determined to move on no matter what happens. But no matter how we are structured, it hurts everyone to lose what was good. If you don’t want to get stuck in feelings and pain for a long time, you need to start with the realization that he will endure the breakup more easily.

Let resentment and righteous anger that it is easier for men even here will be the first push that will make you look at what is happening with different eyes. After all, we don’t have enough time to waste it on unnecessary worries. It is wiser to take the advice of psychologists, pay attention to yourself and minimize all the harm that the separation caused. After all, unfortunately, it is sometimes impossible to avoid such developments in the future, no matter how hard you try to foresee everything. The only way is the absence of any relationship at all, but life without love is boring and uninteresting, no matter how much they prove the opposite.

The reason why you want to stop loving a man is also very important. If he left unexpectedly, and especially for another woman, this causes not just pain, but also a burning resentment, a desire for revenge, which must be gotten rid of. When he managed to torment and break your heart with a disgusting attitude, inaction, constant empty promises, total control, unreasonable jealousy, unwillingness to put his mother in her place, who pokes her nose into your relationship, a humiliating attitude and the antics of a tyrant, then the need to figure it out comes first in itself. Because a normal person who loves and respects himself cannot maintain a relationship for a long time with someone who behaves this way, much less experience love. But situations are different, which is why women can try to save their family for years, but not think that it’s time to change something radically.

Depending on what is the reason for the separation, the path that will allow you to stop loving him is chosen. If this is your decision, you need to do everything to disappear from his life unharmed; if he left, you need to relax and immediately start working on yourself.

If we rely on the opinions of psychologists, the period of worry due to a breakup lasts a long 1.5 - 2 years. And here it doesn’t matter whether the man was a tyrant or he left her. All the same, the woman will begin to think why she was so mistaken and remember all the wonderful things that the relationship gave her.

She will persistently return her thoughts to what happened. And plunge into the so-called “mental chewing gum”, which creates for her the feeling that she is still close to him. This is precisely what must be avoided at all costs.

Try to distract yourself with what you love, relaxation, caring for children, pets, communicating with friends, work, thoughts about the future. Become a volunteer at a shelter for homeless animals, help with walking them, collecting money, participating in groups or in a foundation that helps orphans. Do charity work, share news about finding a home for homeless animals on social networks, or send 50 rubles. to a fund that exists in your city, it will make you feel better because your concern is greatly needed by others.

A good way would be to go to the gym or study martial arts. This will not only allow you to get rid of accumulated negativity, but will improve your health, increase self-confidence and become a place for new communication. Of course, it’s difficult to immediately plunge into a new relationship until you’ve dealt with the old ones, but communicating with new people definitely won’t make things worse.

Having been immersed in so many things, do not be distracted by anything else for a month. Fill your daily routine with a variety of small and large tasks. It is better to get tired and sleep soundly than to sit and suffer. Don’t give yourself a minute’s respite to think, unless it’s related to making plans for tomorrow, a month, years ahead and choosing the next place to go. There is no way to sign up for a club, so you have to study at home and go for walks on the street. Just go out and walk around the noisy streets. No need to watch the lovers, just feel the rhythm of the city, hear the never-ending noise.

Take your favorite dog and go for walks with it as often as possible in the park in nature. Feel all the beauty that surrounds you. Listen to your favorite music, fortunately now is the age of digital devices, just don’t use two headphones at once so that you can still hear what’s happening around you and avoid getting into an unpleasant and sometimes dangerous situation.

If you don’t know what to do, start reading books, watch movies, but not about love, better some detective stories, mysticism, study foreign languages ​​or history. The main thing is not to let yourself relax for a minute. And as soon as thoughts about him arise in your head, drive them away and think about something else, something that inspires and pleases you. Imagine that he never existed in your life.

Having lived for a whole month in such a crazy rhythm, filled with a bunch of things to do, you will be much easier to overcome the next stage in order to forget it once and for all. After this, you will take a calmer look at what happened and choose the path that suits you best. Trying to immediately fall out of love, forget or get over it, as a rule, leads to nothing. There are few people so strong who told themselves “Forget” and did so. Therefore, it is very important to fill the void that arose with his departure from your life.

After all, if you don’t change anything in your usual routine, thoughts will immediately arise that at that time we were watching TV, having dinner, discussing problems, making love, going to visit, making plans, etc.

Even if he turned out to be not the hero of your novel, all the same, all those moments when you were happy with him and felt loved and desired will begin to appear in your memory. It is for this reason that it is so important to find the strength to forget about what happened, at least for 5 minutes, and quickly sketch out a plan of what you would like to do in the near future, what to achieve. Describe in words what you lack in life for complete happiness, except for personal relationships, and even better, remember childhood hobbies and dreams, some of them remain relevant, just as adults, we put them somewhere far away, on the outskirts of our lives. memory. But such shocks should precisely be the impetus that will allow us to remember them.

Having managed to fill the resulting void, you will be able to analyze with less mental loss what went wrong in the relationship and what lessons need to be learned from it. Maybe you made a mistake in choosing a partner again and it’s time to reconsider your attitude towards your own needs, or you were too caring, doing everything yourself, and he could only take advantage of the fact that he is loved so much.

Of course, returning to what happened, the pain, resentment, and disappointment will return, but you just need to experience them without going deeper and not allowing yourself to plunge into these emotions headlong. Accept them as an unpleasant, but also inevitable factor that must be endured, like a cloudy sky or cold.

Your task is to show all the love and care that is in your soul, not to the one who left, bursting into tears and once again feeling sorry for yourself that you were left alone, but to your loved one.

When a relationship ends, the question arises as to why this happened to me, who is to blame, and how unworthy I am to be loved and live a long and happy life. And since the answer to them is not easy to find, pain and resentment continue their destructive work, destroying life even more. That is why it is so important to gather all the remaining strength and internal reserves in time and make sure that you fall out of love as quickly as possible. And from this negative experience, learn useful lessons so that you can be fully armed and not be afraid to let true love into your heart again.

Good day, dear readers. In this article you will learn how to quickly fall out of love with a guy. You will become aware of ways to speed up this process. You will learn what you need to do to change your attitude towards your loved one, and how to change yourself.


If you are familiar with the phrase “I can’t stop loving a guy,” then you are unable to live a full life. We need to take action and learn to deal with this.

  1. It's time to face the truth. It is not a fact that there is unrequited love. You are deceiving yourself, trying to compensate for the lack of reciprocal feelings on the part of the guy. We need to sensibly assess the situation. It’s a good idea to imagine your prospects for the future, to imagine what kind of relationship development you might have with this person. Think about whether you need to waste yourself on a person who is far from you physically and spiritually.
  2. There is no need to be ashamed of your emotions. If tears come to your eyes, cry. Most likely, you will experience severe pain in your chest, realizing that you need to completely erase your beloved man from your heart. To make it easier, you can write a letter in which you need to express everything that has accumulated, all the pain and despair. Naturally, you don’t need to send it to anyone. Such a letter will help not only get rid of painful feelings, but also put everything in its place. Remember that pain can be a sign of a new beginning for an independent woman.
  3. Stock up on cynicism. Convince yourself that there is nothing terrible, love has passed, it was and is not. You have gained invaluable experience. Then you can be more confident in your abilities and choose your life partners more carefully.
  4. If you are unable to painlessly stop loving a guy (ex), then it’s time to start psychological work on your personality. There must be an understanding that a successful woman will not humiliate herself, hope that a man will want to restore a relationship with her, and hope that his feelings will be reciprocated. She will be a self-sufficient person, she will control the situation herself, and if something happens, she will leave, loudly slamming the door. She will not have unhappy love, she will not develop complexes and self-doubt. She will know that there are still many worthy candidates around.

Possible methods

  1. Write a list of your wishes. The more there are, the better. Divide them into those that are difficult to achieve, those that are abstract, and those that are practically achievable. Now make them a reality.
  2. Keep a journal of positive emotions. This could be a special notebook in which you will write down your most vivid emotions throughout the day. Learn to find all the good even in the smallest little things.
  3. Laughter therapy. You need to understand that any negativity in life can be overcome with the help of joyful events, smile more.
  4. Get creative. Draw on paper what is in your heart, pour out your pain in drawings.
  5. Surround yourself with communication with people who will support you and help you take your mind off all your problems.

Changing the attitude towards the guy

Often, during the period of falling in love, we do not notice his shortcomings in our partner, we do not see how he treats us, we constantly flutter on the clouds of love, we live in a world of illusions. In order to quickly and painlessly throw a guy out of your head and heart, you need to sensibly evaluate him and convince yourself that there is no love. It was all self-deception.

  1. Think about your relationships. Surely, there have been cases when a young man caused pain or caused negative emotions through his actions. It could be the wrong word or outright betrayal. Perhaps he was secretly dating another girl.
  2. Take a good look at his appearance. Try to find flaws in it. Maybe the guy has crooked teeth or too small eyes, big ears. Look for something that will make it look ugly and unattractive upon closer inspection.
  3. Never say that you love him again. Every day, convince yourself and everyone around you that there are no more feelings and that that guy is now a complete stranger to you. Over time, you will believe it yourself.
  4. Try to collect information on the young man. Perhaps in the eyes of other people he is much worse than you think. It is not necessary to ask his friends for this. It would be more correct to simply ask your friends or even your relatives what they think.
  5. Do everything to avoid meeting him, delete his photos, contacts with him. You should, as quickly as possible, forget what the guy looks like.
  6. Try to think only bad things about your ex-lover. When you hear about it, only negative emotions should arise.

Changing ourselves

Now it is very important to understand that the young man is not worthy of your feelings and suffering. Working on yourself, on your experiences, is of great importance.

  1. Don't be alone. It is contraindicated for you to sit and drown in your memories. It is important to always be in the company of people, and those who will not remember your ex.
  2. All free time needs to be filled with some kind of entertainment or hobby. Perhaps you have long wanted to lose weight. Now is the time to start visiting the gym in your free minutes.
  3. Conduct a healthy self-assessment. Don’t think that you have many shortcomings or an imperfect figure or a problematic face. It is very important to love yourself exactly as nature created. Learn to value yourself.
  4. Dream. It is important that the former lover is not present in fantasies. It’s better if it’s some kind of mythical image of a future man.
  5. Watch comedy films, listen to pleasant music, do everything that will allow you to enjoy life.
  6. Go on a trip. A change of environment is good for you now.
  7. Take care of proper nutrition and healthy sleep.

Forgetting the guy we see every day

Your ex may turn out to be a housemate or work colleague, and after the breakup you will have to see him every day. What to do in such a situation, how can it be easier to survive the breakup?

  1. Try changing your appearance. Go to a beauty salon and have them give you a new hairstyle. This will give you self-confidence, and the guy will bite his elbows, seeing who he lost.
  2. Look around, perhaps there is a person nearby who has a genuine interest in your personality. It's time to give him a chance.
  3. Plunge yourself into work and study. All your thoughts should be busy right now.
  4. Get passionate about something, set goals for yourself and achieve great success.
  5. Give yourself a break. It is advisable to go on a trip where there will be a lot of fun and entertainment. This will help you forget about your ex quickly.

Now you know how to stop loving a guy. Nobody is saying that this is an easy task. However, there must be an understanding that you need to go through this stage of life, forget about everything and move on. Remember that life is just beginning, there are still many victories and disappointments ahead, that one fine day you will meet your destiny.

Love is such a wonderful feeling. It would seem that it is impossible to stop loving someone by force. But sometimes failed or fading love becomes too burdensome.

It's hard to accept that you have to part with your loved one (or your dreams of him), but this is the only way you will make room in your life for new relationships. Letting go of a person who doesn’t want you means letting go of yourself, giving yourself the right to love another, more suitable partner again.

How liberation goes depends on you. It is absolutely impossible to free yourself from love addiction and stop loving a guy who doesn’t love you. But by acting competently and consistently, you will definitely overcome it.

What to fight with

First, figure out what feelings you will have to fight with? What binds you to a man? After all, love comes in different forms.

Love is a gift

A feeling you can only dream of. It combines deep affection, understanding and sincere wishes for the best for your loved one.


The desire to physically possess a person, which crowds out everything else. The most unreasonable feeling.

When passion and love-gift come together, it is usually called “big” love. The best thing to do is to transfer love to a more worthy person or someone who really craves it.

Love is a habit

Giving up the usual is always difficult. Building something new is hard. We get used to a person when we feel good with him, and then we are afraid of losing this.

Love “out of habit” can have three manifestations:

  • when women cling to relationships out of fear of being left alone and do not know how to live “for themselves”;
  • the habit of suffering - women take the position of a victim in advance, choosing partners with whom relationships are impossible or painful;
  • “accepting” love is when we become attached to a person only because he appreciates us.

Ways to get rid of attachment

What tricks do women go to in order to get rid of painful mental suffering when they refuse love? You can get rid of love addiction using logic, changing your attitude towards the object of love, and specific actions.

Schematically it looks something like this:

Step 1. Realize that a break is necessary.
Step 2. Make a decision.
Step 3. Act without letting the image of your loved one return to your heart.

Relationships can be analyzed in different ways:

  • Negative when you focus on a man's shortcomings. Minus - negative feelings help, but leave an unpleasant aftertaste. It turns out that you loved in vain if the person is so bad? The bright moments of the relationship, if there were any, are also devalued.
  • Positive– when you cultivate a healthy attitude towards life, transfer all your strength to activities in which you are successful (work, creativity, friendship), and begin to live with pleasure. Only with such an attitude is it worth creating another life, free from a partner.

Here are the basic techniques that will help you fall out of love relatively quickly and painlessly.

Mental "stop"

The simplest use of this psychotherapeutic technique is to say STOP as soon as thoughts about your lover come to you, or you begin to worry about your breakup.

Gestalt therapy

In Gestalt therapy there is such a key concept as completeness. A relationship can be considered over only when there is nothing left between you, including any grudges against each other.

You can simply speak out, express to the subject of your feelings everything you think - in person or in writing. Or to do this, put an empty chair in front of you, imagining that HE is sitting in front of you.

Important: you definitely need to remember the good things, sincerely thank and forgive your loved one. And after that - say goodbye.

Advantages to disadvantages

Discrediting the image is one of the popular ways to look at your loved one soberly and critically, and stop idealizing him. We write down everything negative that is associated with his character, habits, and actions.

And we consider those qualities that seemed positive from the other side, turning them into a disadvantage (frugality - stinginess, gentleness - weak-willedness, etc.)

The exaggerated value of a partner and looking through rose-colored glasses are quickly replaced by a completely calm and objective attitude.

Redirecting love to yourself

When thinking about the object of your love, instead of the name of your loved one, insert your own name! A person who hears his name in connection with something good normalizes his emotional background and mood, and enhances his creative abilities.

Energy - in a creative direction

How much effort and time is spent on worries, thoughts and anxieties regarding the object of unrequited love? While your talents and desire to create something stand idle. If only I could use these forces for something worthwhile!

One witty person called despair the most springboard. Many people, having received stress from love experiences, reach exorbitant heights in their careers, sports or art.

In psychology, this phenomenon has long been described as sublimation - the transformation of sexual energy into creative energy. Any interesting activity that will captivate you completely will do - writing your own book (you can even write about the object of your love), dancing, singing, learning languages, etc.

By the way, physical activity - playing sports, using exercise equipment, active cleaning or working in the country - is a completely healthy way to switch attention.

"Friend" instead of "beloved"

As long as you cherish memories of how wonderful you had with your partner, you will return to your passion.

Stop looking at your ex-boyfriend as a sexual partner. Say to yourself instead of “beloved” - friend. Instead of memories of intimate meetings, remember more neutral ones - tea with cake or innocent walks.

Wedge with wedge

The method is popular, but controversial. It is hardly possible to create a new love right away, but the feeling that you are starting a relationship with an unloved person will only increase your craving for your former lover.

Laughter therapy

Much has been said about the benefits of good emotions and laughter. It’s quite possible to use them to distract yourself, improve your mood, and maybe even look at many things in your relationship with your former loved one with humor.

Getting rid of reminders

Remember, the less often you talk and remember HIM, the faster you will fall out of love.

  • Get rid of things that were left from him, gifts, photos;
  • Avoid talking about your ex-boyfriend with mutual friends;
  • Remove him from your contact list in mail, social networks, Skype;
  • Delete his number from your phone memory. While you are dialing the number yourself, you will have time to stop yourself. But you better stop yourself from calling him!

If he calls, do not let him enter your life again, resolve all issues briefly and in one conversation, ask him not to call you for a while.

But you shouldn’t tear into pieces or delete valuable photos without a trace, so as not to regret it later.

It is important that they are not in the public domain:

Change of image

Be sure to take care of yourself - change your color, change your hairstyle, buy new things, lose extra pounds or put effort into fighting smoking. The main thing is that you will see yourself in the mirror differently, successful and prettier. Then you will believe that you can really build a new life.

A change of scenery

Vacations and new experiences are an excellent cure for any negative experiences.

You can rearrange anything in the apartment, make repairs or change the design. In your new environment, nothing should remind you of your ex.

Small pleasures

Enjoy every moment, do what brings you joy. Listen to your favorite music (not sad), go to the cinema, watch comedies, visit clubs, dance, socialize, take care of animals and children, go shopping, see a beautician and hairdresser. This will not replace your man, but it will fill the emptiness in your soul.

All these techniques will help you. However, there are different circumstances that require a different approach.

How to stop loving a man

Who do you work with?

It is difficult to forcefully lose feelings for a man with whom you are forced to work side by side and whom you see every day. Worries and worries about how you look distract you from work. Nobody needs distracted and suffering employees. And a deliberate desire to show how well you are doing will suggest your frivolity.

Changing jobs is the most effective solution.

But what to do if the job is extremely desirable for you:

If he is married

Sober thinking, as in no other case, will be to your benefit if you set out to stop loving a married man.

It takes men about 4-6 months to decide on your place in his life. Moreover, according to statistics, less than 8% of men marry their mistresses. If you are endlessly fed fairy tales about divorce and great love, run!

To decide to do this, understand the obvious:

  • You waste your life on fruitless expectations, although during this time you could build a happy family and give birth to children.
  • You are being used only for sex, and it is humiliating.
  • By humiliating yourself, you risk perpetuating a flawed relationship model in your head: either respect or sex.

Here are some good ways to calm down your feelings for a married man:

  • put yourself in his wife's shoes- how he lies to her, dodges, writes SMS to his mistresses. Thus you will see all the abomination of your beloved;
  • imagine your relationship with him in five years. Most likely, nothing will change, and it will not become yours. Now turn this into a positive - imagine how happy you will be with your loved one in the same 5 years if you break off a bad relationship.
  • push him away. Behave not like a mistress, with whom everything is easy and smooth, but “like a wife”: with showdowns, ridiculous calls, claims. Demand more often: “Marry me...”, declare your plans for him. It will be easier for you to stop loving a confused and irritated lover, and a man who is frightened by such prospects will himself look for a reason to end the relationship.
  • find a reason to get angry- didn’t come when you waited for him for several hours with a cold dinner, deceived him, etc. Do you want to endure this in the future?
  • set the distance. Don’t believe him if he promises to change everything - these are empty phrases.

And in general, think - if he leaves his family for you, will you trust such a person capable of betrayal, and do you need a traitor?

Video: How to stop being a mistress

If both are married

For a woman who has fallen in love with another man, if she herself is married, such a feeling can practically become a tragedy. She needs to look at her family relationships from the outside and understand why you were drawn to someone else.

Maybe the relationship with your husband has outlived its usefulness and you should abandon your old attachments in favor of new love. Or maybe you make too many demands on your husband and behave cruelly. Here, the help of a specialist will not be superfluous, so as not to ruin a marriage with a truly valuable person.

It is important to remain as calm as possible and the usual rhythm that is established in your family. If you start changing your image, making drastic changes, it will look strange. Focus on household chores or work, think about how much good your husband has given you, and how lucky you are that you managed to understand this in time.

After betrayal

The hardest thing is restoring trust after betrayal. Again, you will be faced with a choice whether to break off the relationship with this person or forgive him.

If you decide to forget the cheater:

After divorce

The situation is similar to when your partner stops loving you or leaves you. But the difficulty is that, perhaps, you have a joint “nest” or even children who are so similar to your ex. You feel that everything you have done has been in vain. Here in the first place is a change of environment and useful activity.

Basic advice: Try to understand that your future life with your ex-spouse may not have been at all cloudless and pleasant. You are now free from his betrayals, scattered socks, sprees with friends, endless household chores, etc.

Who do you live with?

When ending a relationship, people sometimes cannot immediately leave or change apartments. However, this must be done as quickly as possible. If, while living with him, you make scandals and quarrels, this can help kill your wonderful feelings. If a man shows indifference, your suffering is inevitable.


who abandoned you

It's useful to start with the negative:

  • Evaluate your ex critically;
  • Thicken the colors, imagine him in the most ridiculous situations, bring everything to the point of absurdity.

This quite quickly makes the woman “sober up” and calm down.
Next, we think and act only in a positive way:

  • We fill our souls with emotions - we lead an active lifestyle, work on ourselves, help people, etc.
  • We find the positives in your breakup (lots of free time for yourself, no need to please his family anymore).


It’s strange that many women manage to love and feel sorry for people with alcohol addiction. It's a personal choice, but realize:

  • It will get worse;
  • He loves being intoxicated more than he loves you;
  • You will not have healthy children;
  • Pathetic, unkempt, sick - is this the one you dream of?

Psychologists consider love as a necessary feeling that needs to be learned. Breaking up a relationship is always trauma, pain, bitterness. But it is possible to learn not only to love sincerely, but also to be calm about the state of things if suddenly the love turns out to be not mutual.

In addition, a smart person always understands that anyone who gets into a relationship with someone runs the risk of losing the person you love. He knows that in this case it will hurt, but this should not interfere with experiencing happiness and enjoying love at the moment.

General principles for those who want to fall out of love:

  • Start living your own life and mind your own business;
  • Firmly cut off communication and any reminders of a man;
  • Don't try to get him back, do not call or bother with messages;
  • Work on improving your self-esteem, expand your horizons, improve your appearance;
  • Be on top. Making a scandal, saying nasty things - all this is not in your favor;
  • Don't try to be friends until the feelings fade away;
  • Don't complain about fate— you can cry into someone’s vest only once, and at the very beginning;
  • Do not use as a vest other men - they avoid women who are “all bad.”

At the first stage, it is useful to “wash the bones” of your ex and sort out all his negative qualities (understand that he is not worth tears). Further - only positive things!

  • Keep a joy journal, daily writing down the joyful events of your life in a beautiful notebook.
  • Remember your dreams. Make a list of wishes, choose those that can really come true and imagine that they have already come true. Thoughts, as we know, materialize. All that remains is to move in the right direction.

Remember that you will definitely overcome everything! You have gone through a lot and deserve the most sincere mutual love, and it will certainly come to you!

Video: How to get rid of love addiction

When there are not enough of these hormones in the blood, apathy, melancholy, pain and torment begin, a person looks for an opportunity to see the object of his adoration, to get another “dose” of happiness. But sometimes, from the abundance of these hormones, from this slavish attachment, you just want to run away. The article “How to stop loving a man: advice from a psychologist” will teach you how to get rid of manic dependence on the object of admiration.

How to stop loving a married man: advice from a psychologist

It is worth initially distinguishing between different types of love, its different forms. Love is often confused with attachment, dependence, one's own desire to compensate for loneliness or the tendency to indulge oneself in sublime lyrical fantasies, the subconscious action of the “victim”, in order to experience similar feelings and be a participant in a powerful love affair, so romantic and tragic. At such moments, you need to understand yourself, discover such inclinations and abstract from everything that causes such feelings.

It often seems to us that a person, of course, does not like to experience sadness, pain, etc. But psychologists have proven that this is not so, and we ourselves can notice that sadness and joy are eternal companions of our lives. This is also due to the fact that we like to be sad, we need it. This does not mean that every person is a masochist, but everyone likes being sad to a lesser extent. But there are people who become dependent on this feeling, and non-reciprocal love, which makes them suffer and suffer, really pleases them, although they cannot admit it. Such people will not want to part with the object of their desires and their subconscious will push them to actions that only strengthen their “doomed” state. In this case, psychologists advise you to stop loving the man and reconsider your views on the current state of things. After all, it is better to start a full life than to constantly suffer more and more, increasing your “dose”. But to say “don’t like me!” easy - but how to stop loving a man? The advice of a psychologist is extremely necessary in order not to get confused in your desires and problems.

But there are also cases of true love, love that is bitter and gratuitous, non-reciprocal. It happens that sometimes we have to forget the people we love. And it would be much more correct not to waste your time and forget the person who brings you pain, so that in the future you can meet the one and only one.

“He turned out to be a moral sadist, how can we forget him now?”, “We have no future, but I can’t live without him...”, “I love him, I should be near him, I should help him, but... he doesn’t want to to be close to me”, “He hates me and we haven’t seen each other for so long”, “He doesn’t respect me at all, treats me like a nonentity, doesn’t pay attention, but I love him so much!..” - all excerpts of these letters is only a grain of sand among the desert of bitterness that such a situation brings to women. The right way out would be to start a new life, look for new doors, although it is difficult to leave the previous life... So how to stop loving the man you love? What advice from a psychologist will help us in such a situation?

The hardest part will be making the decision to break the connection. You yourself must realize that this is really the end of the relationship and it will not bring you anything better. Your chosen one does not pay attention to you, does not experience romantic feelings in you, you become the initiator of all meetings, your self-esteem is also low, you increasingly return in your thoughts to the past, and when thinking about him, you experience bitterness and anxiety, you cannot decide on your feelings and you don’t know what to do, but he does everything the way he wants, the way it’s convenient for him... If you recognize yourself among some phrases, this is a clear sign that it’s time to end the relationship. Find the strength to part with the past and decide to forget your lover. Often, this is what your life will be like next...

How to stop loving a man quickly

If you often decide to forget him, but just at these moments it happens that he begins to behave sincerely, to show attention to you... Don’t be fooled by this, you will only strengthen your attachment to him and prove your weakness. Such a solution is like walking in a closed circle; you will always return to your problem, and you will not be able to escape from it. If you make a decision, be strong and firm in your intentions, make sure that you really won’t return to it, have an internal monologue, give yourself reasons why you should do this and... make up your mind, no matter how difficult and bitter it may seem .

Sometimes, there are some psychological barriers to forgetting a man. Find out something, tell him your opinion - act in such a way as to satisfy that detail that does not let you leave him. A session with a psychologist or psychotherapist, writing down your thoughts in a diary, or a long conversation with your best friend should help you “prepare” your mind for change. Remember, in this case there are no words “I can’t”, there are “I don’t want” and “I won’t”.

If you decide to stop loving a man, first destroy everything that reminds you of him - phone number, photographs, tear up or burn him and your letters (burn it, this causes a more contrasting psychological effect). Don’t allow yourself to be reminded of him, and especially don’t need to see him. Talk to your mutual friends so that they don't mention him or start conversations about him. Find the bad qualities in him, visually realize them, imagine your dark future using them, design the situation.

When you abstract yourself from everything connected with it, keep yourself busy with something, take care of yourself, play sports, study and work - this will distract you from negative thoughts and serve as the best medicine. Get creative, devote yourself to a new idea - and soon you will feel that the emptiness is filled, everything falls into place, and you begin to enjoy life again.

But don’t allow yourself to be lonely, act as your heart tells you, fill your soul with love - communicate with friends, relatives, make new acquaintances and, when you feel that you are ready, open yourself to new relationships. Then your wound will be completely healed.

And remember that everything depends on you and your desire. Time does not heal, you treat yourself, the duration of treatment depends on you. When some doors close, others open, and at times we need to close the old locks ourselves in order to get into a new, bright future.

Love is a great and wonderful feeling. But what to do if it reaches a dead end? How to stop loving a man, not suffer and let go, and is this even possible in principle?


Alas, it is unlikely that it will be possible to answer the last question in the affirmative. After all, love captures a person on a psychological, physical, and even, sometimes, on a spiritual level. You will have to suffer, but is that bad? Remember the joke that if you wake up in the morning and nothing hurts, then you are dead? Suffering is as much a part of human life as joy, and it proves that you are a normal, good person.

However, this does not remove the relevance of the question of how to stop loving and forget a person. What do psychologists advise on this matter?


Firstly, you shouldn’t try to cover your friend with just black paint. It turns out that you loved a pathetic nonentity? You will feel bitterness not only because you lost your loved one, but also because you were such a fool. For what? Realize that with the separation from this person, a certain stage in your life has ended. Now you are free, and you are grateful to the past because there was something good in it, but that’s all. The past has already spoken, it's time to look to the future.

But everything is new there, and you have to conform.

How to stop loving your lover?

Easily! It is already in the past and you need it like last year’s snow. Something fantastically interesting and unprecedented awaits you ahead, you just have to see it.

The past is to the past

  1. On how to stop loving a man, the psychologist’s advice will coincide with those that a wise friend would give you.
  2. Start a new life.
  3. Give yourself a new hairstyle, change your wardrobe, makeup, and apartment interior.
  4. Go on vacation to a place where you have long wanted to go, or simply somewhere you have never been.
  5. If possible, change your job and place of residence. Don’t drag your feet, the past should no longer interest you.
  6. Delete all contacts from your phone that can remind you of him.

How to stop loving a man and not suffer?

It will not be possible to do this completely, but it is possible to reduce these unpleasant experiences to a minimum. Unless you have a penchant for masochism and specifically select options for yourself when you can become a victim. In all other cases, try to change the situation, do not remind yourself once again about your failed lover, remind yourself that he is not at all what you would like.

Look into the future

Try to predict your past with and without this person, and in such a way that it becomes clear: you will be better off without him. If you see that this man is dating you only for sex and has no intention of getting married, then imagine your future with him. Most likely, in three years everything will remain the same: he will lie and have fun, and you will wait for the weather by the sea. And the years go by! A woman’s age is not very long, and we don’t have much time allotted for marriage and motherhood!

But after parting with If you are an adventurer, you will be able to meet a man who will appreciate you not only as a source of sexual pleasure, but also as a person. And with him you can create a real family, have children, and be truly happy. So don’t even think about whether it’s possible to stop loving a person. It is possible, and even in your case necessary, to find your happiness.

Think about the fact that it is impossible to build on a lie. If something has gone wrong with you and it has become impossible to revive the relationship, end it. Thank your friend and your past for all the good things that happened to you and let go. Believe me, there will be even more good things in the future!