DIY ghost with a lantern. How to Make a High-Tech Ghost Illusion for a Halloween Party. How to make flying candles for Halloween

Halloween is the day when you can not be afraid of anything, surround yourself with unusual, frightening objects, put on funny makeup and put on an extravagant costume. Many children and teenagers are afraid of ghosts; in horror films they are portrayed as bloodthirsty and insatiable. But in reality, of course, they do not exist, and this is only a figment of human imagination.

For example, you can read a funny book about a brownie or a drummer and make an interesting craft - a corner bookmark in the shape of a ghost. And such creativity can be timed to coincide with the day of evil spirits. There are no ghosts, but we can come up with a funny character and even make one out of paper.

This tutorial shows you how to make a white ghost out of paper. The product can later be used as a corner bookmark; it will be convenient to mark the pages of a book. The figure is made using the origami technique.

In fact, this technique is suitable for modeling a butterfly. But we'll use plain white paper, add some details, and add some pen drawing to...

Bookmark – DIY origami ghost

To make a paper ghost, prepare:

  • White list;
  • ruler and scissors;
  • black pen;
  • glue.

Cut out a rectangle from a white sheet of paper (ordinary office paper works well). The size is approximately 12 cm by 6 cm. This will be a blank from which we will fold the body of a butterfly using the origami technique, which will also become the shapeless body of a ghost.

Fold the rectangle twice along the middle lines to obtain a new four-layer rectangle four times smaller in size.

Unbend the workpiece once. In the middle you will see a vertical bend line. Bend the two upper corners so as to close them along this line; this initial procedure is reminiscent of the process of modeling a boat or airplane.

Now place your finger on the side and push the sheets of paper apart, smoothing out the triangle so that it becomes straight. Thus, you seem to move the top layer from right to left.

Turn the workpiece over with the back side facing you and do the same procedure on the other side, showing a right triangle. Just move the top layer from left to right.

A gap will appear at the bottom. Take the two bottom corners, focusing on this gap, and lift them up, aligning the bottom side with the wide side of the triangle.

Use your fingers to bend the small, prominent triangles inward, pushing the layers of paper apart. All bends have already been set; there is no need to create new ones.

Lift the top layer of paper (on both sides) up and iron it to form wings. Now a white butterfly appeared in front of us. But it is not she who will flutter on the pages of the book, but a ghost - kind and frivolous.

Cut out a head and tail from the remaining paper. Glue to the butterfly craft. Now the wings will become the shapeless arms of a disembodied creature. On the head, draw eyes and a mouth with a black pen.

The result is an interesting craft for children of any age. Try it on with the book you read to make sure that using such a bookmark is very convenient.

Any holiday is an excellent occasion to transform your room, fill it with an unusual atmosphere with the help of original decoration items.

Many people's favorite holiday, Halloween, is approaching, which means it's time to think about how to decorate your room in an unusual and interesting way to surprise your friends and family, as well as please your loved ones.

In this article, the News Portal “site” has prepared for you several interesting and original ideas on how to easily and simply, and most importantly not expensively, decorate your room for the approaching nightmare night, Halloween!

Paper skeleton

How to make a paper skeleton with your own hands?

And the first element of decorating your room can be a cheerful and funny skeleton!

To make it you will need black thread or a thin black elastic band, straws (cocktail tube or empty pen refill), white paper and a black marker.

On white paper, draw a skeleton: head, body, arms and legs. Then use a black marker to draw in the details.

If you are not an important artist, you can use ready-made stencils.

Now all the parts need to be cut out.

On the back side of the body, glue two tubes with double-sided or regular tape; it is to them that the arms and legs of the future skeleton will be attached.

Thread elastic bands into the tubes, the ends of which are glued to the arms and legs with tape.

This design will make your skeleton “alive”, because any breath of even a slight draft will set it in motion.

DIY spider web

How to make a web from threads with your own hands?

For a homemade web you will need: 3 dry branches and threads.

First you need to fix the branches together. Arrange the branches crosswise, and then use a thread to tie them in the center.

Now you can start weaving the web (see photo).

To make the craft look lively and interesting, we recommend making a small funny spider, and then placing it on a homemade web.

This interior decoration element will look great in the corners of the room, wall or cabinets.

Bringing with your own hands

How to make a ghost with your own hands?

What would Halloween be without a ghost? And that is why at least one ghost is simply obliged to live in your room!

To make such a spectacular room decoration object you will need: white threads, a metal hanger and black adhesive paper.

The hanger must be bent (see photo) and then white threads must be tied to it. The more threads you tie, the more voluminous your homemade ghost will look.

Cut out eyes and a mouth from adhesive black paper and glue to the threads.

This craft will look especially cool on the porch of a private house or on a window with the window open. Any breeze will set the homemade propulsion in motion and will look very intimidating.

How to make a ghost out of paper?

If you don’t have a hanger and a lot of thread, then the ghost can be made from plain white paper.

Roll up neat balls from white paper. Wrap the tip of the bag in a bagel.

Surely everyone has a couple of black clothes hangers in their wardrobe. They will become the basis for creating bats to decorate the room.

From black construction paper, cut out the silhouette of wings, as well as a round muzzle and ears.

Glue all paper parts to the hanger with double-sided tape.

The eyes and nose can be made from buttons.

These bats will be a wonderful decoration for a chandelier, cornice or bookshelves.

And you’ve also decided what you’ll prepare for a family dinner, now’s the time to think about... We have previously offered you a master class. Today we will tell you how to make a ghost out of gauze with your own hands, which you can use to complement your Halloween decor.

Making a ghost with your own hands is very simple, and the material for such decoration cannot be found in every home. Just follow the step-by-step instructions and you will succeed.

To make a gauze ghost with your own hands, you will need:

  • tall glass or vase;
  • liquid starch;
  • gauze;
  • a round object (a small pumpkin, a ball, a balloon, for a little ghost - an egg);
  • scissors.

How to make a ghost from gauze with your own hands

You can make one big ghost out of cheesecloth, or you can make many small ones and connect them into a Halloween garland.

Take a round object (in the master class a small one is used, but you can use any other round object) and place it on a glass or any other surface that will serve as a base (vase, plastic bottle). The pumpkin should lie steadily on the glass and not tip it over. If this is an issue, you can always tape the item down for added stability.

If you want to make a ghost with “handles,” place two glasses or smaller plastic bottles on the sides. When the base or conditional shape of your ghost is ready, start cutting the gauze. The size of the gauze depends on what size ghost you want. Cut the gauze in half.

Cover your work surface. Place a form in the middle for the future ghost. Take one piece of cheesecloth and fold it in half, then cover the prepared pan.

Place the gauze underneath to give the ghost the desired shape. The ends of the gauze must touch the surface so that the ghost can “stand.” If you're going to hang a ghost, then this is optional.

Once the cheesecloth is laid out the way you want, take your starch spray and spray the liquid onto the cheesecloth to completely saturate it. Check whether the gauze is sufficiently saturated with liquid. Also check the hardening of the ghost as the gauze dries. If the gauze does not become hard, spray more.

How to make liquid starch with your own hands

Liquid starch is usually used for washing or during ironing. To make liquid starch at home, dissolve corn or potato starch in cold water. Make sure to mix the mixture well so that there are no lumps left. After this, set the mixture aside and boil water in a saucepan. When the water boils, add the diluted starch to the pan. Stir the contents of the pan. Continue stirring for about a minute before removing the pan from the heat. Let the mixture cool and only then pour it into a spray bottle.

Once your ghost is firm enough, remove the mold from under the cheesecloth. If done correctly, the ghost should stand without supports. Add eyes and mouth if desired. Black paper, black felt, or a black marker are all great options to add expression to your ghost.

Gauze Ghost: Ideas for How to Place Halloween Decoration in Your Home

You can make a good or evil ghost, one or several, hang it from a chandelier or place it on the floor. Whatever you decide, this will create a special atmosphere in the house and become an unusual decoration for any room.

As you can see, it’s quite simple to do something like this, but how much delight children will have from such homemade ghosts made of gauze. Scary, terribly happy holiday to you!


Lesson result:

Hello! It's Red ;)
So I decided to make a lesson ordered by one of the visitors to this site. ;) The lesson is called "Ghost" :)

1. We will need two images, a person (as a ghost) and a background (back view). I took the view of the cemetery, and the grim reaper ;)

2. Open the cemetery image in Photoshop.

3. Make the cemetery darker (so it looks like evening or night). To do this we go to

and put
at my own discretion (I set -76).

4. Now open the image of the future ghost:

We select the figure from the background. For this I used the Quick Mask. Select a tool
Brush tool
Press D on your keyboard to set the default foreground and background colors, and click on the Quick Mask icon:

Now double-click with the left mouse on the same icon and set the following settings:

Paint the desired part of the figure:

Press Q on your keyboard to make the shaded area a selection:

5. Then copy the selection by pressing Ctrl+C. After that, open the image of the cemetery and paste the selected shape onto it using Ctrl+V:

6. Now press Ctrl+T and resize the shape and place it in a suitable place. To proportionally reduce the shape, hold down the Shift key and drag the frame by the corner. Then press Enter.

7. Then we go to the style palette. You can get there by clicking in the layers window (if it is closed, press F7) on the button
Add A Layer Style:

8. Select a parameter
Outer Glow
and set these settings ( "Luminosity" is "Brightness"):

9. Now in the layers panel change the layer blending mode from Normal to Screen (Screen), and set
by 75%.

Then we go to
Filter-Blur-Gaussian Blur
(Filter-Smear-Gaussian Blur)

and set the value
at your discretion (I used 1px).

10. At this point we should have this:

11. Now let's make the ghost black and white.
You can also do this by pressing Ctrl+Shift+U.

Well, that's all)) The order has been completed and I'm free)) Bye everyone and see you until the next lesson! ;)

Use these old plastic soda bottles for a unique Halloween decoration. We all love reusing old things, and this floating ghost is so adorable, you'll want to make one out of every bottle you have on hand. You just need a few extra parts and it's so easy that kids can do it, with adult supervision of course.

Read on for how to make a ghost, take some old bottles and create this cute little guy to decorate your room, porch or living room!

Step 1: Things you will need to make the ghost:

Fabric stiffening spray
Small container
Matching mat
Black material for eyes and mouth
Small terracotta pot, or you can use a regular bottle
Styrofoam (1 to insert inside the pot, 1 large for the head and 2 small for the hands)
Wooden sticks.

Step 2: Ok, let's get started.........

1. Make the mold for your ghost that we offer you. You can also use your own ideas on how to make a ghost. Insert a large foam ball into the pot. Insert the stick into the styrofoam and place the head on top.

2. Insert the hand sticks into the foam. Wrap plastic or polyethylene wrap around the Styrofoam so that the cheesecloth does not stick. If you can't find Styrofoam, you can use bottles and other things that are tailored to the size and shape of your ghost.

3. Cut a piece of cheesecloth, making sure it is large enough to drape the shape.

4. Place the potty on a mat in a place where you can leave it overnight.

5. Soak gauze with starch composition and drape according to your shape. Crimp, shape and shape the ghost just the way you like it. Let dry.

6. Once dry, take out the mold and cut out round eyes and mouth. Stick them on your ghost.

Now everything is ready, and you can place the made ghost on the table or wherever you want........

Step 3: Finally.........

Happy Halloween.........

Don't forget to tell your friends how to make a ghost, try it yourself and post your version of the project in the comment box below.

Based on materials from