Original wedding congratulations for brother. Wedding congratulations poem from sister to brother. Original and interesting wedding greetings

Don't be sorry you're married!

Well, brother, you got it,
Today you have become a husband.
You are now the head of the family,
Take care of your spouse.
Help with housework,
Give me your entire salary
And don’t go “left”
And love her alone!
In general, happy marriage to you, brother,
Don't be sorry you're married!

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Brother, you're married now!

I have a lot of words today
Dedicated to my brother...
You have known the sweetness of shackles
Before the God of saints!

There is now a dear soul,
To wash my socks,
So that my young friend
I was collecting things.

I cleaned up after you
I stroked, woke up,
And she fed me caviar,
And washed the dishes.

And sweep the floors,
And I fed my friends,
To buy beer,
And she loved football.

Oh, what am I talking about? This is a dream!
After all, when you love
And hearts beat in unison -
You will do everything yourself!

I have a lot of words today
Dedicated to my brother...
Dear brother, don’t frown -
You are married now!!!

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My brother's wedding! Congratulations!

My brother's wedding! Congratulations!
And on this wonderful day to him,
I sincerely, sincerely wish you
Do not know the repentance of torment!
Let there be a loving wife,
And the children will soon grow up,
And in the summer along the colorful meadow
Let them run towards dad!

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My brother is getting married today!

My brother is getting married today!
He is now rich, like a sultan:
The money is making my pocket burst!
The champagne is already fizzing
And impatiently waiting for the hour,
When the bride enters the hall!
May your day be joyful
Let there be no laziness in the evening
Express your ardor so tenderly,
May there be a first-born soon!

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Funny wedding congratulations to brother

Wedding congratulations to brother

Well, brother, now he’s married!
Please accept my congratulations!
May the house always be rich,
And he had patience!
Your wife is my relatives,
I will entrust you to her!
But anyway, I’ll come -
And I’ll check your life!
Let him feed his brother well!
And you cherish her!
You left your sister for your wife,
I hope you don't regret it?)
I love you, my dear brother!
Your wife is beautiful!
Be kind to her, love her always!
And you will be happy in life!

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You, my beloved brother

You, my beloved brother,
The best holiday of your life!
After all, an invisible man burst into the house
Prankster angel!
He is in a hurry to congratulate you
It's a wonderful wedding day,
He glorifies your union today
The best song!
Be happy with your wife
Kind, sweet, young,
Adore each other forever
Passionate and crazy!

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Wedding congratulations to brother from sister

If you have a brother or sister, you are a doubly happy person. And, of course, congratulations on the wedding from a loved one is one of the most reverent and exciting moments at the celebration. For a loved one whom you have known since childhood, you need to choose special words.

How to congratulate your brother at a wedding?

  • Traditional speech at a banquet. The main thing is that the words be sincere, avoid ambiguous and offensive phrases. Most often, a gift is given after the speech. By the way, if you tried and chose a creative present, give reasons for it.
  • Humorous congratulations. There is a place for pranks and funny jokes. You can tell an interesting story from your life, the main thing is that the groom does not feel uncomfortable.
  • Hello, we are looking for talents. If you want to show off your talents, you can write a poem or perform a song for your brother. You can prepare interesting slides and arrange a demonstration. The main thing is not to drag out the presentation for more than 5-7 minutes.
  • Congratulations-practical jokes. Give a cake and accidentally fail to convey it to the newlyweds, steal the bride, hire professional actors for a scene - there are a lot of options. You can do this together with your brother’s friends, the main thing is to choose people who know how to keep secrets and control their facial expressions.

Idea for video congratulations

You can choose funny photos for each stage of the groom's life:

  • Newborn. In order not to offend your brother, you can simply choose a photo from the Internet with a funny baby. You can accompany this with funny comments: “As soon as I saw him, I realized that my parents had gotten into a huge problem somewhere.” Or “the first thing the baby did when I picked him up was take away my candy. I realized that we would become friends.”
  • Preschooler. Photo from kindergarten. You can tell about your favorite toy or a funny story from childhood. For example, how your brother protected you from a dog, and in the end you both sat on a tree for 2 hours, afraid to get down.
  • Teenager. Of course, this is a difficult period in the life of every person, but the main thing is that your brother found his way and became the person he appeared at the holiday (it is appropriate to note his good human qualities).
  • young man. Another interesting story or short story about how yesterday’s boy is already becoming a man or how you had to fight off your sister from numerous admirers would be appropriate.
  • Groom. Congratulate the newlyweds on this wonderful day, find warm and sincere words for your wishes. At the final stage, contact the bride and groom, because from now on they are a couple.

Try to avoid poetry - most often they seem to be written as a carbon copy, and not everyone has oratory abilities. A beautiful congratulation in prose is more appropriate.

If you have creative friends, write a short play about the bride and groom. Assign roles, and when one of you is given the floor, go on stage. Congratulations after the performance can also be done collectively, having distributed the speeches in advance.

Wedding congratulations from brother

Example 1. Brother, so you left the ranks of bachelors. And looking at the bride, I understand you perfectly! You have everything a newlywed could wish for - love, mutual understanding, youth, beauty! And the rest will follow! I sincerely congratulate you on this holiday, and I want to say to the bride: “Welcome to the family.” Be happy, love and appreciate each other, do not be offended over trifles. Smile at each other, support and inspire. May there be peace, prosperity and prosperity in your home. Good luck! Bitterly!

Example 2. Brother, today you are getting married, and it is hard to believe. Now you will go your own way, but I still hope that your beautiful wife will sometimes let you go fishing with me. Otherwise, we'll have to arrange your escape. But seriously, be happy guys. Build your future, don’t pay attention to envious people! Appreciate and take care of your feelings, I want to take a walk at your golden wedding and babysit my nephews! May your union become stronger over the years, and may the fire in your hearts never cool down! Happy holiday, newlyweds! Bitterly!

Example 3. Now there are no bachelors left in our family - my brother is getting married today. I once knew everything about his life, and suddenly strange things began to happen. He began to go to football less often and gave up his favorite fishing. And I realized: my brother fell in love. Today I am incredibly pleased and happy to see how happy you are. I want to say thank you to the bride: you gave my brother wings. My dears, may your flight be long and happy. Take care of your feelings, may peace, harmony and comfort always reign in your home! Children's voices are ringing and the laughter of people you will be glad to see does not subside! From now on, you are one whole, so live in harmony and love! Bitterly!

Congratulations on the wedding of brother from sister

Example 1. My dear brother! Since childhood, you have been not only my brother, but also a friend, a protector, and a vest - and I had enough reasons for frustration. I didn’t think that you would get married so soon, because, like any sister, I want to keep such a treasure for myself. But I’m not greedy, and seeing how happy you are with (name of the bride), I’m sincerely happy for you. Be not just a husband in the family, but a beloved spouse and a reliable support. Let there be no one more important in your life together than the person to whom you said “yes” today! and put the ring on your finger. I believe that you will overcome all adversity together and find your long-awaited happiness! Take care of your love, don’t break your hug and always hold the hand of your loved one, because with it you hold his heart! I wish you happiness, goodness and prosperity! Bitter for the young!

Example 2. My beloved brother! I was once told a legend that when people were created, each of them was given only half a soul. And since then, their lives have been spent in search of a soul mate with whom they would become one. I see that you have found your soul mate! Hold her tight and don't let go! Walk hand in hand for decades, keep the fire of love and tenderness in your hearts! Let there be peace and harmony in your family, don’t quarrel over trifles, cherish your relationships! I really want us to meet at the silver and then at the golden wedding, and your couple radiates the same light and happiness as today! May your dreams come true and may good luck accompany you in all your endeavors! May your life be long and sweet! That's why it's bitter!

Example 3. Brother, you have always been first in everything, and in matters of creating a family, you have surpassed me! And I am sincerely happy for you, because I see how your eyes glow with happiness and how tightly you hold your hands! I wish that your family is friendly and strong, that all issues are resolved easily and amicably! Many people consider marriage a quiet haven, but I wish you that your haven will also be cheerful, filled with the sound of children's voices and the laughter of welcome guests! May your union last for many years, and may your feelings only multiply! And finally, a little trick for my brother: remember that a kiss is the best way to temporarily shut up the woman you love and occupy her thoughts. I love you, my dears! Advice and love to you!

As you can see, nothing supernatural is required from you, just express your feelings and bring sincere congratulations!

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Say goodbye to your bachelor life
After all, now you are happily married.
Try to be a good husband.
Happy marriage, dear brother!

You are very lucky with your wife,
One can only dream about something like this!
Take care of her and be worthy.
What more could I ask for?

Every day you love me more and more,
Making each other happy again and again.
And have children as soon as possible.
Happy holiday! Advice and love to you!

In a tie and jacket,
Strict but beautiful
Today my brother is the groom,
He is very happy.
And the bride is beautiful
Just a peek.
New young family
Celebrating the birth!
I wish you warmth
And goodness and happiness.
Keep the light burning
You are the passion of love.

The sun will light up from the sparkles of the eyes of lovers -
And it seems that the whole world has become brighter!
For your union, my newlyweds,
I raise my glass with joy.

You are not just my brother, you are my pride!
And in your heart there is a sea of ​​kindness,
Handsome in appearance, but firm in character.
I believe you will be a super husband!

After all, I, of course, know you better,
And it was not for nothing that we were friends since childhood.
Brother, I remember so often
That time when we shared everything.

We stood strong, brother for brother,
We solved all problems together.
I regret it, honestly, sometimes I even regret it
That they grew up, leaving their father's house.

I have never seen your chosen one more beautiful,
And she loves you with all her soul!
And the world is simply decorated with your happiness.
May great success await your family.

Your family and friends are all happy for you,
We will all help you together!
And you don’t even need gratitude,
Just let me become an uncle as soon as possible.

I wish you luck, good luck and success in everything,
May you fall in love with each other again and again.
And the overflow of childish laughter
Your home is also ready to hear!

Brother, today you became a husband,
You and your wife have created a union of love!
May everything work out great for you
In business, in career... Well, in personal life!

You please each other, inspire,
Appreciate, give in if necessary,
Be kind, strive for your dreams,
Enjoy your path to happiness!

Brother, you are so handsome
Tall, stately and happy.
Your bride is beautiful
Beautiful appearance and soul.

The daring guests shout to you:
“Kiss! It’s bitter, young people!”
Of course, the whole family is here,
Friends arrived for the holiday.

All toasts and congratulations sound,
Praise for the newlyweds,
Champagne flows like a river -
As they say, a feast!

But the holiday will end someday,
Let it be remembered, guys.
Appreciate your spouse, dear brother,
And know that I am sincerely happy for you!

My brother, now in your destiny
One of the most important days.
When you get married, don’t forget -
Be a wonderful husband.
Love your wife with all your heart.
Your days will be good
Only if you appreciate
Her alone. I wish to live
You have been together for many years.
As they say, love, advice.
And you, bride, are your hearth
Support not in words,
But in deed, wisdom, mind.
And let your home be bright!

My beloved brother, dear,
On such a significant day
I want to wish you
Create a happy family!

Let the glasses ring,
Let your hearts beat in unison,
Love should only be sweet!
Let’s shout to the newlyweds: “Bitter!”

May the wedding bring happiness
To you, my beloved brother,
Your family is lucky in everything,
There will be love, like in the best books!

You definitely deserve it
Your bride is so beautiful
I wish you only the best
And all sorts of joys to you.

On the glorious day of marriage
I congratulate my beloved brother!
I wish you happiness in your family life,
Hurry up to give birth to a daughter and son!

So that you are the head of the family,
But he did not command his wife,
So that, like behind a stone wall,
Your family was behind you!

So that love reigns in the family,
And life gave only joy,
So that you and your beautiful wife,
Lived to see the golden wedding!

You, my brother, are not just a guy,
You are already a groom today.
Congratulations on your happy day,
A sea of ​​happiness for two.

Let the family be your support,
Let the wife understand.
So that in love and respect
Your life flowed easily.

Well, brother, you got it,
Today you have become a husband.
You are now the head of the family,
Take care of your spouse.
Help with housework,
Give me your entire salary
And don’t go “left”
And love her alone!
In general, happy marriage to you, brother,
Don't be sorry you're married!


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Create a postcard

Congratulations on your brother's wedding.

I'm in connection with my brother's wedding
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart,
May you all live a furry life,
The kids were good.
And wish you health,
I want happiness, joy
At this big wedding,
And everything I am silent about.
There is so much I want to tell you,
Even words are not enough
Rip out my heart and give it to you
Ready from your chest.


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Create a postcard

Wedding congratulations to brother

Well, brother, now he’s married!
Please accept my congratulations!
May the house always be rich,
And he had patience!
Your wife is my relatives,
I will entrust you to her!
But anyway, I’ll come -
And I’ll check your life!
Let him feed his brother well!
And you cherish her!
You left your sister for your wife,
I hope you don't regret it?)
I love you, my dear brother!
Your wife is beautiful!
Be kind to her, love her always!
And you will be happy in life!


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Create a postcard

My brother is getting married today
His whole life will change
Now, of course, for the better!
Like a ray of sunshine
He's having fun today.
He weighed his decision!
So let it be bright, fabulous,
With my beloved wife next to me
Happy days are flowing
Family, beautiful!


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Create a postcard

I hasten to congratulate you on your wedding

I hasten to congratulate you on your wedding
Today my brother.
I wish my brother to get along with his wife,
And so that love lives in the family,
May today be a glorious holiday,
Cheerful, joyful, crazy!
To become the most important thing in life
For the young - to be a couple forever!


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Create a postcard

Brother, don’t be shy, we’ll have everything...Okay!

I want to congratulate my brother
Happy marriage!
Let everything be as it should be
And with great desire:

Life is one for yourself and for others
And the love is great!
May your wife always be -
Faithful and modest!

May the kids be forever
Clean and well-fed!
Don't look at the skirts oncoming,
There will be broken eyes...

Congratulations, brother, on your Wedding Day!
You will live forever in the dust,
If you wear earrings, dresses
You give to your wife,

And of course, everything in the world:
Cottages and cars...
Know that you are responsible for your wives and women
Their men!

Be cheerful and fun,
No matter what happens,
And with hospitable friends,
Let the tequila flow!

Well, and so in family life
It will only be sweet!
Don't be sour - clench your teeth
If it gets BITTER!


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Create a postcard

Happy wedding, my dear brother!
Be happy with your young wife
Build a good, powerful house,
To live forever in it
The whole friendly family could!
Let there be daughters and sons!
Let laughter and songs and dreams,
And every year on this day - flowers!

Congratulations on the wedding to brother

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Create a postcard

My brother is a family man, now he is not alone!

Today you have become a family man,
My dear brother, oh, how glad I am,
Boast about your daughter, son,
And there will be a whole kindergarten!

Now you won't be completely drunk,
You won't fall into Olivier
With your face on a plate
You are in a decent family!

Now you'll be clean shaven
And go to bed on time,
Your best friend doesn't fuck anymore
Your lawful wife!

I congratulate you, dear brother,
Happy wedding, this is your success!
I wish to be loved,
But don't forget your loud laugh!

No matter how hard life hits you,
No matter how I sometimes sausage,
So that fate does not let you down,
You laugh like a groovy one!

Let the wife understand everything,
And helps every day,
Doesn’t nag much, doesn’t scold,
Live long and in love!


Congratulations on starting a family
Congratulations brother!
Let your days be bright,
And you are healthy and rich.

May your wife be happy
Kind, gentle, sweet.
To be faithful only to you,
I waited from any road.

May God send heirs,
To leave your mark,
And let your flight together
It will last a hundred years.

Love is a trainer that has power
She said: “Ale-up!” - and you are married.
May your marriage be strong and beautiful!
I wish to find happiness in it, brother,

The kind where the fanfare of passion sounds
They would rise above the surface of the earth!
And so that acrobatic stunts
Brought to the birth of children!

Starting from today’s wonderful day, may every moment of your life, dear brother, be filled with reverent love, extraordinary harmony, sincere care, wonderful successes, wonderful mood! After all, marriage should bring only true happiness! Congratulations on this joyful event!

On your wedding day I wish you, brother,
To make the entire program for men -
I built a house and grew my garden,
So that your little son is like you.

So that I could make my wife happy,
To make her proud of you
To always love her alone,
And he was always faithful to her alone!

How long have you played soldiers?
Launched a boat, climbed fences?..
Today I raise my glass,
So that “Bitter!” shout with everyone in chorus.

Be happy, brother, with your chosen wife,
Try to avoid ridiculous frictions,
I wish only bright things, dear:
Success, peace, informed decisions.

Let luck come to you at your wedding
And remains with you inseparably,
Let love only grow stronger and stronger,
May everything always go well!

My dear brother, I congratulate you on a magnificent day that put an end to your carefree bachelor life! Let your marriage be of high quality and bring you continuous joy from the very first minute. Be the most beloved and unique person for your soul mate and also love her deeply yourself!

Just recently we played together
And they even fought, sparing no effort,
But the years passed unnoticed,
And you invited guests to the wedding!

So accept my congratulations, brother.
And wishes for earthly joy!
May your life be filled with luck,
Love and family warmth,

All unnecessary barriers will disappear,
Prosperity will come to your cozy home,
The honeymoon will bring delight
And the feelings will grow stronger day after day!

Brother, today you are already married,
Happiness is that we found love in each other,
May your feelings grow stronger over the years,
This is a whole art in life!

May prosperity await you in fate,
In the unison of hearts there is euphony,
What will captivate the world with pure beauty,
And unites life with a dream!