Presentation for elementary school "The Brothers Grimm". “these two Germans of whom we are rightly proud” Herbert Skurla Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm are brothers from the city of Hanau. Presentation on the topic of biography of the Brothers Grimm

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The Brothers Grimm are widely known as writers of children's fairy tales. It is rare that a person has not read their works. But few people know that there were not two brothers, but five. Jacob, Wilhelm and Ludwig simply became famous. The first two were engaged in mythology and philosophy, and achieved no less heights in this direction than in the field of writing fairy tales. And the youngest, Ludwig, was known as an excellent artist and engraver, and it was his works that subsequently adorned all the fairy tales of his older brothers.

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Yes, we know Jacob and Wilhelm as good writers of children's literature, because we all read about the beautiful Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, and we often listened and sang the cheerful songs of the Bremen Town Musicians as children. But we should not forget that the brothers received recognition from other scientists not only as folklorists, but also as scientists who have made significant strides in linguistics, philology, and in the discovery and development of new scientific directions. The brothers’ great work, on which other scientists have worked for more than 100 years, is the “German Dictionary”. Although the brothers themselves wanted to do it five times faster (and knowing their ability to work, this does not look like bragging).

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The Brothers Grimm's path as scientists began with their studies at the gymnasium, where they showed considerable promise and showed a thirst for knowledge. After graduating from high school, the brothers entered the University of Marburg, which they also graduated brilliantly and without difficulty. After university, the paths of Jacob and Wilhelm temporarily diverged - the first went to Paris to search and study various manuscripts of antiquity, while the second brother returned to Kassel to his mother.

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But in addition to manuscripts, Jacob began collecting fairy tales of various peoples, and a little later brother Wilhelm joined this activity. In 1808, Jacob became librarian to Napoleon's brother, King Jeromeau Bonaparte. Despite the fact that the brothers lived far from each other, this did not affect their work and in 1812 the collection “Children’s and Family Tales” was published.

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which brings the brothers fame and popularity. Three years later, the brothers again release a new collection. Both volumes were illustrated by Ludwig, the youngest of the brothers. After the success of the first two collections, the brothers released a new collection in two volumes, “German Legends”. Their works arouse interest among readers both among children and adults.

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However, despite such success, Jacob almost stopped studying science and folklore - when, at the Congress of Vienna in 1815, he amazed and impressed professional diplomats with his erudition and analytical mindset. Immediately he began to receive tempting offers, the acceptance of which could separate him from science.

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But still, Jacob preferred a position as a librarian next to his brother and a career in science to a career as a diplomat. Later he went to Göttingen and became a professor of German literature at the local university. A little later, Wilhelm joined him, and together they wrote “German Mythology” and completed the “German Grammar”, which consisted of 4 volumes

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Over time, scientific research and the works of the brothers faded into the background, giving way to folklore. Few people know about the brothers’ enormous contribution to the development of science. They made an undeniable contribution to world literature, filling its treasury with their priceless gift, which, without exaggeration, conquered the whole world.

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Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Brothers Grimm Once upon a time there lived a beautiful queen. One day she was sewing by the window, accidentally pricked her finger with a needle and a drop of blood fell on the snow lying on the windowsill.

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The scarlet color of blood on the snow-white cover seemed so beautiful to her that the queen sighed and said: “Oh, how I would like to have a child with a face as white as snow, with lips as scarlet as blood and curls as black as pitch.” And soon she gave birth to a girl: white-skinned, with lips as scarlet as blood and hair as black as pitch. The queen named her Snow White. Unfortunately, the queen died soon after, leaving behind the baby. After some time, the king married again. The new queen was selfish and vain and did not care about Snow White at all. She spent a lot of time in front of the magic mirror, asking every day: - Answer me in the mirror, who in the world is the cutest, the most beautiful and the whitest? And the mirror invariably answered: “You, my queen, are the most beautiful in the world.” The answer pleased the queen, but not for long. The next day she asked the same question. What scared her more than anything was that the mirror would find someone more beautiful than her. Meanwhile, Snow White grew up and became more and more beautiful every day.

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One day, the queen, as usual, asked the magic mirror: - Answer me in the mirror, who in the world is the cutest, the most beautiful and the whitest? And the mirror answered her: “You, queen, are beautiful, but Snow White is the cutest of all, the most beautiful and whitest of all.”

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The Queen was seriously angry and immediately thought of how to get rid of Snow White. The queen secretly called one of the royal hunters. - Take Snow White to the forest and throw her there. “Make sure she doesn’t find her way back,” the queen ordered. The hunter took Snow White to the other end of the kingdom and left her there alone in the dense forest.

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Snow White was very scared, she wanted to cry. However, first she decided to find a place to stay for the night. She walked through the forest until she came across a tiny hut. She knocked on the door, but no one answered. Then she entered the hut.

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There she saw a table with seven plates on it. And upstairs, in the bedroom there were seven cots. Snow White was tired and hungry. She had a little snack and lay down on one of the beds. At night, the seven dwarves returned to their hut and saw Snow White sleeping. She looked so cute that the gnomes decided not to wake her. The next morning they listened carefully to the story of Snow White. “Stay with us, no one will hurt you here,” the seven dwarves advised.“Buy an apple,” she suggested to Snow White. The apples looked so delicious that Snow White couldn’t resist buying one. But the apple was poisoned. As soon as Snow White bit him, she immediately fell to the floor.

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The dwarfs came home in the evening, found the lifeless Snow White and thought that she had died. The gnomes were greatly saddened and could not decide to bury her. They made a crystal coffin, put Snow White in it and carried it to the top of a high mountain. From that day on, one of the gnomes guarded her peace. Many years passed, it seemed that Snow White was only sleeping. One day, a handsome prince was riding on horseback near a mountain and saw Snow White in a glass coffin. She was so lovely that the prince fell in love with her at first sight. - Allow me to take her with me to the palace. I promise to protect her peace. “I can’t live without her,” he begged the dwarfs. The dwarfs were moved by the prince’s heartfelt request and agreed.

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As soon as the royal servants lifted the crystal coffin, a piece of a poisoned apple fell out of Snow White’s mouth and she woke up. Snow White saw the prince and immediately fell in love with him. Soon Snow White and the prince got married and lived and lived and made good things.

In the county of Hanau in Hesse, in the very heart of Germany, lived the Brothers Grimm. There were as many brothers as there were fingers on one hand, and even a little sister, Lotta. Their father was a judge, and their good mother ran the household. In the county of Hanau in Hesse, in the very heart of Germany, lived the Brothers Grimm. There were as many brothers as there were fingers on one hand, and even a little sister, Lotta. Their father was a judge, and their good mother ran the household. Hanau 13th century

When Jacob turned six, the family moved to his father’s homeland, to quiet and cozy Steinau. There were plenty of miracles here. What was the cost of one old house where the Grimms settled? House of the Grimm family in Steinau House of the Grimm family in Steinau and where, according to the stories of adults, a ghost wandered in the dead of night. And there was also a city wall, near which there were two springs and where, according to the same adults, storks brought children, and a huge “bee” garden.

Oh, how the Grimm family then needed a good fairy from a fairy tale, “who knows how best to avert trouble”! For many years, this good fairy for the Brothers Grimm was their mother’s sister. She helped children get an education. Oh, how the Grimm family then needed a good fairy from a fairy tale, “who knows how best to avert trouble”! For many years, this good fairy for the Brothers Grimm was their mother’s sister. She helped children get an education.

Kassel of the 8th century The whole world opened up to two serious and zealous young men from the provinces: Paris, Vienna, Berlin, Stockholm. In the meantime, a postal carriage, decorated with coats of arms, took them to the city of Kassel, to the Lyceum, which they were able to graduate in four years instead of the required seven.

University in Marburg But the legal profession, chosen according to family tradition, attracts the brothers less and less. It is much more interesting to find majestic medieval poems and tales in ancient manuscripts. But the legal profession, chosen according to family tradition, attracts the brothers less and less. It is much more interesting to find majestic medieval poems and tales in ancient manuscripts.

Positions change one after another: secretary of the military mission, diplomat, librarian. But even working in the library with Wilhelm (at times a “pleasant and useful activity”) does not allow me to do the main thing. The native “old language, poetic art and law” - this is what captivates the brothers more and more.

Over the years, the first articles by Jacob and Wilhelm appeared, and by 1811, the first books. Sometimes they were signed with the name of one of the brothers. And if the work could not be divided, they simply put two words: “The Brothers Grimm.”

“Collected by the Brothers Grimm” they also wrote on their most famous book, “Children’s and Family Tales,” the first volume of which became a Christmas gift in 1812. Among those who helped the brothers in collecting fairy tales were modest maids and baronial daughters, and one of the storytellers, the twelve-year-old daughter of a pharmacist, many years later became Wilhelm’s wife.

The storm - expulsion from the University of Göttingen and from the possessions of the Hanoverian king for supporting freedom and the constitution - was helped to survive by faithful friendship. “You and I will never part!” “We are so accustomed to our community that separation for me is tantamount to death.”

The brothers were not alike: the serious Jacob, who eschews “idle” companies, and the soft, romantic Wilhelm. How can one not remember their student nicknames “Old Man” and “Kid”. The brothers were not alike: the serious Jacob, who eschews “idle” companies, and the soft, romantic Wilhelm. How can one not remember their student nicknames “Old Man” and “Kid”.

And yet fame overtook them. She greeted her brothers with cheers in the student classrooms. Jacob Grimm's work on the “Grammar” and “Dictionary” of the German language aroused more interest than the fairy tale collection in its time. The brothers became members of many scientific communities, national academies, professors and one of the founders of the science of German studies.

Well, everything is like in a fairy tale? No, recognition was not the golden rain that fell in one of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm. It was just the result of work, the work that forced young Jacob to save time so much that he only went to get his hair cut when he had grown real curls, and cut his hair as short as possible so as to spend less time on it.

“German Grammar” in four volumes of a thousand pages each, the multi-volume “Dictionary of the German Language”, which other scientists were able to complete only a hundred years later, “German heroic tales”, “German mythology”, “Antiquities of German law”, “History of the German language” "and much more. “German Grammar” in four volumes of a thousand pages each, the multi-volume “Dictionary of the German Language”, which other scientists were able to complete only a hundred years later, “German heroic tales”, “German mythology”, “Antiquities of German law”, “History of the German language” "and much more. Throughout their lives, the Grimm brothers wrote and prepared for publication many incredibly important and complex scientific works that live to this day:

What about fairy tales? These mysterious “Little Men”, “The Musicians of Bremen” and “The Devil with Three Golden Hairs”?.. As they say in one of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: “If they have not died yet, they are still alive.” What about fairy tales? These mysterious “Little Men”, “The Musicians of Bremen” and “The Devil with Three Golden Hairs”?.. As they say in one of the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm: “If they have not died yet, they are still alive.”

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Slide text: We love the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm (literary quiz)

Slide text: Plan: Introduction. Biography of writers. Quiz. Dramatization of fairy tales. Summing up.

Slide text: Dear good fairy tale We go without fear And together we say: We go to the brothers Grimm! And the heroes will meet us, Beauties and trolls, Frog and pot, And bean and coal. And we recognize the musicians of Bremen with confidence. And Rosette and Belyanochka in a fairy-tale meadow. And we repeat again: We are going to the Brothers Grimm!

Slide text: Biography of the Brothers Grimm The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official in the city of Hanau. Their father was first a lawyer in Hanau, and then dealt with legal issues for the Prince of Hanau. The eldest, Jacob, was born on January 4, 1785, Wilhelm on February 24, 1786. From a very early age, the brothers were bound by close bonds of friendship that lasted throughout their lives. The brothers' father died in 1796, and only thanks to the help of their maternal aunt, the Grimm brothers were able to complete their studies, for which they showed excellent abilities very early on.

Slide text: After graduating from the Kassel Lyceum, the brothers entered the University of Marburg, wanting time to study Russian German and study legal sciences following the example of their father. However, later the Brothers Grimm began to devote more and more free time to foreign literature and eventually did this all their lives. Since 1805 to 1809 Jacob Grimm was in the service. At first he was Jerome Bonaparte's librarian in Wilhelmsgeg for some time, and then a statistical auditor.

Slide text: In 1815, he was sent along with a representative of the Electorate of Kassel to the Congress of Vienna. However, the service was a burden to him and in 1816 he left it, rejecting the professorship offered in Bonn, and took the position of librarian in Kassel, where his brother Wilhelm had been secretary of the library since 1814. Both brothers were constantly engaged in their scientific research. This period in their lives was very fruitful. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm married; but the brothers continued to work together.

Slide text: In 1830, Jacob Grimm was invited to Göttingen as a professor of German literature and senior librarian at the local university. Wilhelm entered the same place as a junior librarian, and in 1835 he was promoted to full professor. But the Brothers' stay in Göttingen was short-lived. A new king came to power in 1837. The brothers protested his changes to the constitution and were fired. They had to temporarily settle in Kassel, but they did not have to stay there for long.

Slide text: In 1840, Frederick William of Prussia ascended the throne, he immediately summoned his brothers to Berlin. They were elected members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and received the right to lecture at the University of Berlin. From then on, the Brothers Grimm lived in Berlin constantly until their death. Wilhelm Grimm died on December 16, 1859, and four years later, on September 20, 1863, Jacob also died. During their lives, the brothers published many works, and their collection “Children's and Family Tales,” published in 1812, thanks to which millions of children around the world learned their fairy tales, rightfully took its place in the treasury of world literature.

Slide text: Quiz

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Slide text: (Tailor Hans from the fairy tale “The Brave Little Tailor.”) Task for team No. 1 The character in the fairy tale by the Brothers Grimm was an ordinary man of average height, but he considered himself stronger and braver than all the people in the world. He was not even afraid to fight a real giant and, what is most interesting, he defeated him. State the character's name and profession.

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Slide text: (The capricious princess from the fairy tale “King Thrushbeard.”) Task for team No. 2. The heroine of which Brothers Grimm fairy tale rejected all the suitors, mocking them, giving them offensive nicknames?

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Slide text: Task for team No. 1. In which fairy tale, three characters ran away from an old woman and went traveling. They tried to cross the stream, but they failed. Task for team No. 2. The heroines of which fairy tale were terribly ugly: one had a big leg, another had a big lip, and the third had a very big toe. (Bob, Straw and Ember from the fairy tale of the same name.) (Three spinners from the fairy tale of the same name.)

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Slide text: Task for team No. 1. Which four friends were not afraid to fight the robbers twice and even drove them out of the forest, although they themselves were not at all warlike, but were engaged in very peaceful affairs. (Donkey, cat, dog and rooster from the fairy tale “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”)

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Slide text: Task for team No. 2. The characters of which fairy tale, having one weapon for all, nevertheless were afraid of a bumblebee, hit their foreheads on a rake and mistook the hare for an unprecedented monster? (Seven brave men from the fairy tale of the same name.)

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Slide text: The next competition will be held by the Capricious Princess and the Brave Little Tailor. They will tell stories from fairy tales. And you guys have to answer - did this really happen to them, or are they confusing something?

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Slide text: The Queen. I was walking through the forest one day and suddenly I saw that a gnome had a long beard stuck in a crevice in a tree. So I cut it with small scissors and freed the gnome. (Not true. This happened not to the Capricious Queen, but to Rosochka and Belyanochka.)

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Slide text: Tailor. I have a terrible sweet tooth. I love everything sweet. I especially love jam. On our street there is often a woman selling jam. And I only buy plum from her. (True. The brave little tailor Hans bought plum jam.)

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Slide text: The Queen. One day I was sitting in the market and selling clay cups and bowls. Suddenly some drunken hussar galloped on his horse right over the pots and trampled everything. (True. The fairy tale “King Thrushbeard.”)

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Slide text: Tailor. One day an evil dwarf turned me into a bear. And I was forced to walk in bearskin for a long time until I defeated the dwarf and freed him from his spell. (Not true. This happened to the prince in the fairy tale “White and Rosette.”)

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Slide text: The Queen. Now I’m such a beauty! And before I was an old woman with huge white teeth. I lived at the bottom of a well, and one of my guests was kind and hard-working, and the other was lazy and evil. (Not true. The Queen describes the portrait of Mrs. Metelitsa.)

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Slide text: Tailor. One day I brought to the king an unprecedented animal with one horn on its head. It was called that - a unicorn. And the king was so frightened that he threw off his robe and ran away. This is how he scared both the king and his entire army. (True. The fairy tale “The Brave Little Tailor.”)

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Slide text: Dramatization of fairy tales

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Slide text: Last competition. The teams were given homework: to dramatize excerpts from fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm, using only gestures. The competitors must guess what kind of fairy tale they see in front of them. The first team dramatizes an excerpt from the fairy tale “Little Men”. The shoemaker leaves boots cut from fabric on the table, hides and peeks. Little people come and sew boots from blanks. The second team shows an excerpt from the fairy tale “The Fox and the Geese”. The geese cackle, gathered in a circle. The fox approaches and explains that he wants to eat them. At first the geese cry, asking the fox to have mercy on them. Lisa doesn't agree. Then the geese ask permission to sing. The fox allows it - the geese sing for so long that the fox falls asleep. The geese are running away.

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Brothers Grimm Biography Jacob Grimm () The Brothers Grimm - Jacob and Wilhelm - lived in Germany. They really were brothers. The brothers studied philology (that is, the science of the language and culture of different peoples). Brothers Grimm Biography Jacob Grimm () The Brothers Grimm - Jacob and Wilhelm - lived in Germany. They really were brothers. The brothers studied philology (that is, the science of the language and culture of different peoples). Wilhelm Grimm (

The Brothers Grimm were born into the family of an official in the city of Hanau. Their father was first a lawyer in Hanau, and then dealt with legal issues for the Prince of Hanau. The eldest, Jacob, was born on January 4, 1785, Wilhelm on February 24, 1786. From a very early age, the brothers were bound by close bonds of friendship that lasted throughout their lives. The brothers' father died in 1796, and only thanks to the help of their maternal aunt, the Grimm brothers were able to complete their studies, for which they showed excellent abilities very early on. After graduating from the Kassel Lyceum, the brothers entered the University of Marburg, wanting to study law following the example of their father. However, later the brothers Grimm began to devote more and more free time to the study of domestic German and foreign literature and eventually did this all their lives. Since 1805 to 1809 Jacob Grimm was in the service. At first he was Jerome Bonaparte's librarian in Wilhelmsgeg for some time, and then a statistical auditor.

In 1815, he was sent along with a representative of the Electorate of Kassel to the Congress of Vienna. However, the service was a burden to him and in 1816 he left it, rejecting the professorship offered in Bonn, and took the position of librarian in Kassel, where his brother Wilhelm had been secretary of the library since 1814. Both brothers were constantly engaged in their scientific research. This period in their lives was very fruitful. In 1825, Wilhelm Grimm married; but the brothers continued to work together. In 1829, the director of the Kassel Library died, but his place was taken not by Jacob Grimm, but by a complete stranger. The brothers had to resign.

In 1830, Jacob Grimm was invited to Göttingen as a professor of German literature and senior librarian at the local university. Wilhelm entered the same place as a junior librarian, and in 1835 he was promoted to full professor. But the Brothers' stay in Göttingen was short-lived. A new king came to power in 1837. The brothers protested his changes to the constitution and were fired. They had to temporarily settle in Kassel, but they did not have to stay there for long. In 1840, Frederick William of Prussia ascended the throne, he immediately summoned his brothers to Berlin. They were elected members of the Berlin Academy of Sciences and received the right to lecture at the University of Berlin. From then on, the Brothers Grimm lived in Berlin constantly until their death. Wilhelm Grimm died on December 16, 1859, and four years later, on September 20, 1863, Jacob also died. During their lives, the brothers published many works, and their collection “Children's and Family Tales,” published in 1812, thanks to which millions of children around the world learned their fairy tales, rightfully took its place in the treasury of world literature.