Childbirth is a process that is not the same from the inside as it looks from the outside. The birth of a person This is not a staged photograph

Olga Bodnar, website editor-in-chief

Our Ukrainian Anna Geddes - that’s what we can safely call Yulia Patyaka, a famous new born photographer who creates incredible photo sessions for. The first days of a baby's life are the most magical, because he will never be the same as immediately after birth. Every mother knows about this, but not every mother has yet decided to allow a photographer to see her newly born treasure. And in vain: the photographs turn out to be so touching and sincere, tender and emotionally rich that it is, however, difficult to take your eyes off them. As a young mother, I really regret that I didn’t do such a photo shoot for my son, because you simply can’t imagine a better memory! As my friend jokes: why isn’t this a reason for a second baby? Yes, next time, when I won’t be so frightened and nervous, when I won’t flinch from every squeak of my child, I will definitely turn to the sorceress Yulia, who reveals to the world the beauty of a new life.

Yulia thinks over the style, palette and appropriate props especially for each baby. You can choose from existing ideas (there are a huge number of them on the photographer’s website!), or you can create something exclusive with it. Sometimes, a mother’s imagination can surprise even herself! All these photos are proof of how successfully you can work in tandem with a photographer who truly loves his job.

Being a young mother, Yulia knows everything about babies and makes sure that the parents are happy, and the hero of the photo shoot himself did not even notice how the first moments of his big and bright journey called “life” were being recorded.

Childbirth photo session: what it was like first hand

How did the idea come about? Julia has been photographing births for several years now, and after her photo project “Conscious Motherhood,” expectant parents began to increasingly want to take part in such a bold adventure:

“After my project, I found a couple who could trust me, and a maternity hospital that was ready to open the doors and let me into the holy of holies without unnecessary fears, for which a special low bow to everyone!” shares the photographer.

And this couple, who dared to become the first whose “maternity” photo shoot was seen by the Internet, social networks and, in general, society, was 28-year-old Tatyana and 33-year-old Vladimir. Their relationship is 3.5, and they have been married for just over a year. At that time, they were expecting a boy, their first-born Dima, and they didn’t even think about filming the birth:

“Initially, we did not plan such a photo shoot, but after a comfortable and pleasant “pregnant” shoot, somehow spontaneously, the desire to try it appeared. We were a little doubtful, of course. We thought that we would be embarrassed, and in general that this was not a very good idea, but in the end everything turned out very well. During the birth process, I didn’t notice the photographer at all (smiles) - there was no time for that. There was no time to be shy either. Of course, I will remember the doctor’s question for the rest of my life: why is your photographer crying? What can I add here: we were very pleased with the result. This is an incredible memory!” Tanya shares.

“Every time I witness a miracle, I cry with happiness... some obstetricians are already laughing at me))) Well, how else can I describe what is happening in me at that moment?” - Julia explains her tears.

As a young mother, Yulia knows firsthand what a woman feels during childbirth, and therefore cannot restrain her emotions. Every time it is an incredible excitement:

“I am very worried, because my own feelings from the birth of my son are still too fresh, and I clearly understand what a mother feels during childbirth. I’m always worried that everything will go well, I forget to breathe, arrhythmia... but the camera, it unwaveringly films. My hand is firm,” the photographer says with a smile.

Filming took place at the Kiev Perinatal Center (Maternity Hospital No. 7), in a standard maternity ward. The process itself from the beginning of labor to the birth of the baby lasted 10 hours - Yulia spent the same amount of time with the future parents, who caught valuable footage in the history of this family with her camera.

“The difficulty of shooting is that the photographer must always be nearby. Everything can happen in 20 minutes, or maybe in 28 hours. It happened differently. And all this time I am nearby. We didn’t film much from these hours - about 20-30 minutes in the delivery room - the beginning of contractions, then 20 minutes - the birth of the baby, and about 30 minutes - the next day in the ward. The waiting time is the most expensive thing in this whole undertaking, since during these 2 days the photographer does not have to plan anything, including at night,” says Yulia.

The result, as you can see, is fantastic! The photographs turned out to be truthful, but not borderline, beautiful, but without pretense or unnecessary gloss, lively and very emotional. So the photographer witnessed the birth of a handsome guy, Dmitry, who will probably return to the studio many years later for a similar idea - only for his future family.

What about the doctors and the famous medical bureaucracy: did they really react normally to the idea of ​​filming childbirth? As Yulia says, everyone was very enthusiastic about the shooting itself and contributed as much as they could to it, which surprised even her:

“What I was surprised by was the approach and attitude of the doctors. We have long been accusing doctors of negligence and corruption, this is the norm for our society, but, honestly, I can’t say anything bad about my own births, or those where I filmed: we had a completely different, truly positive experience of communication with doctors,” says Patyaka.

What is the importance of such photo projects?

First of all, it is to instill in Ukrainian society a taste and understanding of what the mission of a photographer is. According to Yulia, many are simply not ready for reality, since for people the world of photo shoots is matinees, outfits, curls, bright makeup and posing in front of gilded columns and flower arches:

“But the value of photography lies in something completely different. Photos are originally intended to document important moments in life. The key word is "IMPORTANT". And I consider this my duty and plan to move further and further away from production, including filming for newborn babies. The photo project with childbirth was the first step in this direction, a test for the reaction of society. My shooting reflects life. I’m not afraid to look into her eyes and record what others want to hide,” Yulia says frankly.

One cannot but agree: such photo sessions are not art, they are life that the photographer managed to slow down, catch, stop, a moment that will forever remain in a person’s memory in the form of a living and unique photograph. This is probably the progress our society is moving towards: we no longer want to hide behind the artificial decorations of photo studios, we want to be real. Even in the photo.

We wanted to do this report for a long time, from the very foundation of the site. But it was impossible to find a couple of heroes who would allow a Vox Populi correspondent to be present at the most important moment of their lives - during the birth of a child. Brave Adil and Zarina allowed us to show what partner childbirth is and how important a man’s help is for a woman. The report was filmed by our former intern, and now a full member of the team, Zhanara Karimova.

1. The heroes of our report are Adil and Zarina.

On September 20, I met with them to find out how they were feeling while waiting for the addition to their family. From the very beginning of the pregnancy, they knew that they would give birth together. Adil does not want to leave his beloved wife at such a difficult moment.

“My heart just bleeds when I imagine her alone with unfamiliar doctors, it shouldn’t be like this,” he shares.

2. Zarina: This is such an important moment in our lives that it seems to me that it would be abnormal not to share it. Although I don’t promise, maybe at the last moment I’ll ask him to leave.

Adil: We are now trying to set each other up like this: yes, this is not an easy task, several hours of physical suffering. But we want to go through it, this is the last step before the birth of our child. If you tune in to this thought, it will be easier. Especially when the child is desired and you want it to be born quickly and your family to become larger.

3. Zarina: We attended the “school of mothers”, but I fell asleep on Adil’s shoulder a couple of times. He later told me what was there. And we also went to a breastfeeding seminar. Basically they taught how to breathe and relax correctly. We studied poses for relaxation, our teacher constantly emphasized the importance of partner support. Three spouses attended the classes together with their wives, of whom, however, only Adil is going to give birth. Our course was quite short, there are 10-day courses, but we went for 4 days for 2 hours. These courses were provided by the center and were included in the pregnancy registration.

I was observed in the same place where I was going to give birth - at the private clinic Keruen-Medicus. We also went to a free breastfeeding seminar, Milky Help.

A friend from work told me that she attended courses taught by a psychologist. Everything was like in the Alcoholics Anonymous club - they only talked about bad things and fears, and my colleague was the only one with a positive attitude towards childbirth. She left the course in a depressed mood, but the money was paid, and she had to complete the course to the end.

Adil: But there are other courses that are very good and useful, especially for young parents who are expecting their first child. I would recommend everyone to take not those courses that set you up for bad things, but those that provide practical knowledge and explain what childbirth is. Knowing what to expect helps a lot.

4. Zarina: My mood is constantly changing. If I am not busy with anything, then terrible thoughts begin to overcome me. There are fears associated with childbirth, with what to do in the first days after childbirth, then generally absurd fears: what school will he go to? what kind of person will he be? How will you meet the love of your life? So it's best for me to keep myself busy. But recently Adil admitted that he was afraid for me, for the birth process itself, and this somehow helped me. When he sincerely said that he was also afraid, I felt his support doubly.

5. Zarina: When they say that after partner childbirth, husbands no longer want their wives as women or get divorced, I want to ask: where are the statistics? For me these are just rumors, unsubstantiated.

Adil: I can’t imagine how anyone could want to leave their family.

Zarina: Not everyone knows that you need to take your own food to the maternity hospital. After all, if you give birth at 3–4 o’clock in the morning, it will be difficult to wait for breakfast. Therefore, it is recommended to put crackers, slices, and water in your bag. In my blog I talked to one mother, she recommended taking more water, but in small bottles to make it easier to lift, because the woman is very weak after childbirth. It is also advisable to have in your bag: urological pads, diapers for adults, disposable oilcloths, a robe, a nightie, a blindfold, earplugs, a video camera, a disposable toothbrush and paste, bath accessories, anti-varicose stockings, a postpartum bandage, a tablet, a camera, reminders about breathing and postures, nursing underwear, breast pads.

After giving birth, Zarina said that everything she collected was useful to her, except anti-varicose stockings, earplugs (there were only three women in labor in the entire maternity ward, including Zarina, so it was very quiet) and a postpartum bandage (the doctors dissuaded Zarina from tightening her belly after giving birth, so how this can harm the recovery process).

7. Zarina: In the state maternity hospital you need to immediately take things for the child: diapers, baby vests, diapers, but in a private clinic we were told that they would give us everything for the first days. That's why the baby's bag is folded, but we won't take it right away.

8. Zarina: We read books - a piece there, a little in another book. Because there are so many conflicting views on raising a child. You need to listen to yourself, I also really trust Adil. Children of all ages love it. I’ll read something, we’ll discuss it, sometimes we’ll agree, sometimes we won’t, we’ll argue, in the end he convinces me, because he’s a professor and knows how to convince (laughs).

After this meeting, we were all looking forward to that very day! And then on the evening of September 27, I received a message to be ready. And at one in the morning - an SMS: “We are leaving for the hospital.” I was in a strange state, I had not yet fully realized what was waiting for me in the maternity hospital, I arrived at the clinic at 1.40, where the guard laughed: they didn’t let me sleep. Having gone up to the 4th floor, I found Zarina’s room, heard her voice and the baby’s heartbeat, which was heard throughout the room thanks to the CTG machine.

9. Zarina: At first I was happy about the start of contractions, because I knew that I was “overshooting” my period, and this was harmful for the child. But then, when I realized how painful it was, I became scared. When Adil came home from work, I told him: “It seems that we will give birth today.”

10. That day, Zarina went to lunch with a friend and on the way, while typing a message to her, she twisted her ankle and fell down the stairs. After lunch, Zarina went about her business, later returned and went to bed with the thought that, due to the stress she had suffered, she would probably give birth today. I woke up at 18.30 from the first contractions, which I began to observe.

11. Adil: The week was hard, and I thought I would get enough sleep that day. We were told that we would give birth on Monday, and it was Friday evening. And we thought these were training fights.

Zarina: I sent him to bed, from 11 to 1 am I watched the contractions myself, and when it became completely unbearable, we went to the hospital. And there we climbed the stairs to the 4th floor, since there was no elevator, and it was a bit difficult. Then they examined me and said that the active phase had begun.

12. Adil supported his wife in every possible way, massaging her frozen feet.

13. To prevent my feet from freezing, it was decided to wear socks. Due to the sprained leg, this turned out to be a difficult task. The first socks were too small, but the second ones were put on after several unsuccessful attempts.

15. – Hurray! We gave birth to a son?! No, we put on a sock,” Adil joked.

16. The same device that shows your heart rate and makes it possible to listen to it, and loudly. The child's heart was beating so fast, as if he was trying to convey something, say something.

17. The spouses have already done joint relaxation exercises that they learned in the courses. A poster on this topic was found in the ward. They discussed that the guy on it has a very sympathetic expression on his face, while the girl, on the contrary, has a fighting expression.

18. Adil reads the course notes and is surprised because Zarina’s signs are all mixed up, it’s difficult to understand what phase she is in now.

19. Adil: When we decided to try out the exercises that we were taught at the “school of mothers,” it seemed to me that they did not help Zarina at all. Maybe it's because we arrived late? The doctors said that if we had arrived earlier, everything could have gone faster. My heart bled when I saw that nothing was helping my beloved, she was all cold and shaking.

20. Zarina: Although it wasn’t obvious to me, the exercises still helped to take my mind off the pain.

21. Attempts to hear my son.

22. Childbirth without pain - is it possible?

24. Around 3-4 in the morning our heroes were transferred to a larger ward; the previous one was cramped and stuffy. Zarina tried to find a position that would make her feel better.

26. When his wife was taken for examination, Adil could not find a place for himself, walked along the corridor, trying to hear what the doctors were saying.

27. Adil: A sense of responsibility awakens instantly when you realize that this is that very moment. This must be done today, otherwise it is impossible.

29. Zarina: At the very beginning, I said that perhaps at the last moment I would ask Adil to leave the delivery room. But I couldn’t have done it without him, it was very strong support.

30. Zarina: My main mistake was that I did not clearly distinguish between the period of contractions and the period of rest. I needed to relax emotionally, but I was in constant tension. I was very scared. And only at the very end, during childbirth, I finally managed to relax a little.

31. All this time Zarina asked about anesthesia...

32. ...which she had done at 4.50.

33. Zarina: I heard that many women in labor are even ashamed to undergo anesthesia, they believe that the child is harmed, that it is selfish, and so on. But I have no doubt that it is harmless to the child and helps the mother.

34. Zarina: Epidural anesthesia disappointed me a little - I thought that after it you wouldn’t feel any pain at all. But it turned out that it simply eases the pain a little during labor, allowing the woman in labor to gain strength before the birth itself. It was such a disappointment... But I was still able to fall asleep, between contractions I even had dreams. And then the pain intensified, and I began to panic: why? I asked the doctor several times to give me anesthesia, to which she replied: “No, no, businesslike, that’s it, you should give birth now!”

36. While Zarina was sleeping, we also managed to rest a little. Although it couldn’t be called a dream, I couldn’t shake the feeling that the hardest part was about to begin.

37. And here it is! The anesthesia has passed, requests for delivery are still rejected, everyone goes to the delivery room.

38. It’s warm and a little stuffy here. It’s dark outside, it’s about 6 o’clock in the morning.

39. The doctors did not put pressure, but they encouraged me to give birth. Zarina’s doctor, who managed her pregnancy, Zhanara Ibadullaevna, was present at the birth. She was very supportive: she gave me water, encouraged me and suggested what to do.

40. Adil provided support and breathed with Zarina. He said everything the doctors said, but with love and care in his voice.

It was not easy to be in the room, watching and listening to how Zarina was suffering. Thoughts flashed through my head: if it’s hard for me, then what is it like for her now.

41. This went on for about an hour. Sometimes I went out into the corridor to breathe, where I could still hear Zarina suffering.

42. But Adil did not leave his beloved for a second. The doctor calmly repeated that the process had taken a long time and now it was possible to harm the child, and asked Zarina to pull herself together and start pushing and breathing correctly.

At some point, she realized what needed to be done, and then it seemed that Adil was pushing along with Zarina. And the doctors kept saying: “Here, I see hairs, that’s right, continue, a little more.”

43. Zarina: It is very important to listen to doctors, and Adil gave me very good, practical advice. It was difficult to relax, but when I was able to do it towards the end, then the process began. And before that I didn’t understand, I refused to understand, this went on for about half an hour. The doctors, led by obstetrician-gynecologist Larisa Aleksandrovna Sokolova, were very good. Advice to other doctors: when everyone starts supporting in unison, like a team of fans - “Come on, come on! You can!" - It helps. And Adil said: “Good girl, well done, you’re doing everything right.” I was not alone in this room, we all shared the excitement and pain at that moment, and then the process began.

44. A man is born! I cannot describe the feelings I felt at that moment. In those seconds when he appeared, I was confused, even a huge weight fell from my shoulders.

45. I witnessed the birth of a small miracle, there is no other way to say it. This is such a touching moment that I couldn’t help but shed a few tears.

When the child is placed on the mother's chest, the realization comes that everything was not in vain.

Zarina: The first five seconds after the baby was born it was quiet, I managed to get worried and asked why he wasn’t crying. And at that moment he was heard crying, and then they put him on my chest. He was so scared and upset, and I was so happy that here he was, our baby, healthy and safe.

46. ​​Now the baby needs to be warmed up.

47. Adil: I don’t regret at all that I went to give birth with Zarina. We met expectant parents of husbands at school who either did not know whether they would go to the birth, or categorically decided that they would not go. They gave different reasons. But I was once again convinced that if the child is desired and your love is real, then partner childbirth is what you should do.

50. Weight: 4.146. Both Adil and Zarina have been vegetarians for several years. On this score, they joked that if he had been born small and puny, everyone would have said: “Well, of course, both are vegetarians. What did you want?". And they gave birth to a strong man, a hero.

51. You can find many articles in which pregnant women are recommended to eat meat, since the child simply needs iron to maintain hemoglobin. But Zarina did not eat meat, only sometimes fish.

52. Zarina: I know many pregnant women who ate meat, but their hemoglobin was below normal, and the child developed hypoxia, a lack of oxygen. On the day I gave birth, they immediately took a blood test - my hemoglobin was like that of a healthy nulliparous woman who eats kilograms of meat. Throughout my pregnancy, my hemoglobin was always within the normal range and even slightly higher at certain times; there was no hypoxia. The main thing is to build a diet correctly. In this regard, Adil helped me a lot.

53. After childbirth, the placenta came out unnoticed, without much effort.

54. Happy parents have already started calling their relatives.

55. Adil: Childbirth is something that people should go through together. I think it was a very important experience for me.

57. First attempts to feed my son. Adil walked around his wife from all sides and tried to help with feeding. At this point, I left the newly made parents alone with their child and left. A week later I paid a visit to finish our report.

58. When asked, well, isn’t it hard for you and your child, the young parents refused to answer, they just spat.

“I was lucky that I arrived from the delivery room to the ward in time for breakfast. Despite the fatigue, I was terribly hungry. I was so excited, I was excited, although I had not slept all night and was in pain. They brought me porridge. If I gave birth at 3 a.m., I wouldn’t make it until the morning. It turned out that I couldn’t eat the dry goods that we took with us from home. Therefore, my advice to expectant mothers: take food and water to the maternity hospital,” says Zarina.

59. The child was given the name Minar. Adil explains that it is associated with the place of conception:

– We had a honeymoon in India. Upon our return, we learned that Zarina was pregnant, and when we looked through photos of the honeymoon, we noticed a photo of a very tall minaret in Delhi - Qutub Minar. And we thought about what an interesting name it was and put it on the shelf in our heads. We discussed other options, but over time we realized that this name was original and had a good meaning. Our firstborn was born tall as a tower.

60. Several years ago, in his blog, Adil compiled a list of phobias, which included pregnant women and infants. Both parents admitted that they were always afraid of pregnant women. But when Zarina became pregnant, this phobia disappeared somewhere, and towards all women.

Adil: Now pregnancy seems so natural. Now it’s even somehow strange without a belly. The fear of infants persisted during pregnancy. It’s easier with older children, but you’re afraid to hurt the little ones, you don’t know how to handle them. And when you hold your child in your arms, it’s somehow natural.

Zarina: Before giving birth, I watched so many videos, pictures, and studied how to handle newborns. I was so afraid. But when you take your baby in your arms, everything works out.

Childbirth - one of the most important moments in a woman’s life. But more often than not, there is nothing left to remember except fleeting memories of this period. Photographer Monet Nicole considers this unfair and tries to correct the situation by taking amazing photos before, after, and after childbirth.

"I've witnessed and captured moments of incredible power, incredible doubt, and incredible joy. It's simple: nothing evokes stronger emotions than the memory of childbirth," Monet told POPSUGAR.

We offer you 24 photographs from a series of works by Monet Nicole, which will show you, (photo) and (photo).

"It always amazes me what first-time parents choose to do for their baby. It can be so difficult to relax and trust your body when you haven't been through childbirth before, and yet many of my clients do it. "

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

“Words cannot describe the strength of this woman who gave birth to her perfect baby girl naturally just minutes before she was scheduled to go into emergency.”

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

"This mom was transferred from our local maternity hospital to the hospital when her blood pressure became too high. It must be so difficult when your birth plan changes dramatically. But when I walked in, this amazing woman was laughing and smiling."

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

"They called me and said that . I found them in the bathroom. Mom was sitting in the bathtub with the clear intention of giving birth. I asked dad, “Do you want to catch your baby?” The midwife ran through the door a few minutes before the baby was born."

Photos of newborns, photos before birth

"This mom is currently in the process of preparing for a home birth with a midwife. Seeing her push and pull her own baby was one of the most touching moments I've been trusted to film."

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"This family gave birth to their sixth child at home - with the older girls watching and offering support. The sun was shining, the children were excited to meet their baby brother, and the birth couldn't have been more beautiful."

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

"Her birth was beautiful from start to finish. After Maeve was born, Erin leaned back in the bathtub and I captured that moment, which was by far one of my favorite moments ever. Umbilical cord on belly, baby on breast, and the relief on her face still excite me."

Photos before birth

"I love seeing siblings during labor. They often hold up surprisingly well! Much better than some adults. This big brother donned his Batman cape as soon as his mom went into labor. He stayed with her throughout." offering your support and love."

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

"Even though I photograph a lot of home births, I love working with families who want to give birth to their babies in a hospital. They are just as beautiful and just as powerful. One of my favorite moments to capture is during a birth (regardless from where it happens) - this is the moment when the child falls into the arms of his mother."

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

"Logan gave birth to Jack knowing that she would not be able to spend much time with him. She wanted to document his birth and his life because she knew that these moments, despite the darkness, could be filled with light. Logan's face shows longing and love "It is the longing and love that every parent feels for their child. A longing and love that becomes sharper when we realize that, despite our great love, we cannot protect them from evil."

Photos before birth

"She remained so peaceful and calm throughout her labor. She floated in the bathtub, sometimes completely submerged during or after contractions. So often people think that unmedicated labor means screaming or extreme pain, but it most often looks like this way."

Photos before birth

"Giving birth can be one of the most loving experiences of your life. Many of my clients say they treasure birth photos even more than wedding photos because I was able to capture natural, unstaged moments like this one." ".

"Cesarean birth is incredible, a wonderful experience to see and film. As more providers work to make this birth experience more family friendly, I was allowed to come back and film these moments."

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

"Her baby was born in a robe. They carefully removed it after he was born and then her mother held the baby to her chest. Lots of love, so much relief."

Photos before birth

"The love between Jennifer and Josh was so strong. In a few months, Jennifer will be filming my own birth story. I am lucky to be working with her and we are raising our children together!"

Photos before birth

“This moment: such strength and beauty! Do you see the man in the corner? This is her father, he is an obstetrician-gynecologist. He so calmly watched this birth with the midwife, and even suggested something to her a couple of times.”

Photos of newborns, photos after birth

"I have no words for this photo! This birth of a child for me is just so many emotions."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after cesarean section

"So often women say that in the operating room there is no opportunity for... I have seen this as many times as I have heard that it is impossible. Women deserve this chance. A caesarean section is also a birth, and it remains one of the most profound and important days in a woman's life. If a woman wants her baby to be placed on her chest immediately after birth, then let's do everything possible to make this happen."

Photos of newborns, photos after childbirth, photos after cesarean section

"Home birth after a C-section is often an incredibly powerful experience. Dr. Mike is actually a chiropractor and he guided his wife through labor. They worked beautifully together - he held her while she pushed and when they pulled out their daughter and held her "I felt such joy and love."

"Surprisingly, women don't cry as much after childbirth as I thought when I first started my career. I think a lot of us are in shock, so those teary emotions come a little later. So whenever a mom cries, it's something special for me. I love the way the tears roll down this mom's face."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I love crowning shots. Some birth photographers don't show them to anyone, but I think they're so powerful and really show off how incredible a woman's body is."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

"I have been lucky enough to photograph several babies born in a smock. You can see the bag of water that remains intact around this baby's head. The midwife calmly removes the membranes within just a few seconds of this incredible moment."

Photos after childbirth, photos of newborns

“This birth went so fast that I barely had time to catch it somewhere in the middle! As soon as the client called me, I immediately ran and, of course, mom was already laboring. I had just enough time to take the camera and capture this moment."

There are few such joyful events in life as the birth of a child. A tiny and beautiful baby awakens a storm of emotions in each of us. It is not surprising that the number of photographers offering photography during pregnancy and young children has increased significantly. But there is another significant point that is often missed, perhaps due to the fact that such shooting has a number of difficulties. This is the moment when a child is born.

Such a photo session, coupled with photographs of the expectant mother and subsequent photographs of the growing baby, will create the most complete story of the child’s life. Below are some tips on how to prepare for and conduct a photo shoot in the maternity hospital.

On call work

If you are interested in photographing during childbirth, make sure you have free time to do so. Labor can be quick or very long.

There is no set time for them (even in the case of a caesarean section, because the doctor's work schedule can change in an emergency). Be prepared to cancel other photo sessions if the need arises. You should have the opportunity to “break free” and go to the maternity hospital at the moment when the need arises.

This is not a staged photo

Nurses, doctors, orderlies and interns will be coming in and out of the room all the time. You won't be able to stop them to take a good photo. You just have to accept it and work among people in the space that you have.

No flash

The expectant mother is very tense at this moment. And the flash will only distract. That says it all.

Don't interfere with others' work

Questions about procedures, medications, your opinion about childbirth or the actions of doctors are absolutely unnecessary. You are here to document the event, not to quiz the medical professionals.

In addition, your task is to convey the atmosphere, emotions, and not a photographic statement of the medical details of the process.

Organize everything in advance

One of the most important points. Talk to your doctor and medical staff. Talking to your doctor will help you find out if there are any special rules for filming or recording the birth.

It also gives you the opportunity to talk about what will happen if your client has a C-section. Some doctors resolve the issue of having the photographer in the room with the anesthesiologist. In case of an emergency, you will not be allowed into the room. In most cases, the anesthesiologist has the final say. If you are denied filming, do not take it personally, because at this moment the doctors act in the patient's favor.

You must obtain permission and consent to film in a medical facility. Preferably documented. So that when it’s time to film, you won’t be asked to leave by the house staff or security. You won't have time to solve problems on the day of delivery.

Prepare a Backup Plan

You need to make sure you know where the client will be taken after giving birth. Your doctor will tell you this during your appointment, but be sure you know exactly where the right room is.

Find out all the details in advance, think about possible angles and composition. Warn the client that there may be situations when you will not be allowed into the birth process itself for a reason beyond your or his control. Therefore, you will have to take pictures only immediately before and immediately after childbirth.

Prepare for the unexpected

Babies don't care about your time, the doctors' time, or anyone else's. They are born when they want. Be prepared for a quick or long run. Make sure you have a spare battery for your camera or phone and extra memory cards. Don't forget to take money for lunch if you have to stay late.

It is better to prepare everything in advance than not to take anything and end up in the hospital for a long time without food and with 10% of the charge remaining.

Film the story

This is the second most important piece of advice after obtaining consent in principle for a photo shoot of the birth process from a medical institution.

Flowers, balloons, visitors... It all helps tell the story. Capture the moments your customers would want to remember. Even remove the sign with the nurse's name and room number on it. Your clients will probably want to remember the nurse's name. If there is a shift change, take a photo of this moment too.

If you see a clock somewhere, let it be included in the frame. Not everyone remembers the exact time of birth years later.

Take everything off until the baby is born. Perhaps the expectant mother will have a favorite nurse, and you will help her remember her name. Often parents want to show their gratitude to the staff, and your photos will remind them of the names of the people who cared for them.

Creating a similar story, insurance in case you are not allowed into the room immediately at the time of birth. The client will still have a memory of this event.

Moreover, it is precisely this story that is the main subject of the shooting. Photographing the birth process itself is unlikely to evoke touching emotions in anyone.

Remember - this is not your day

Don't try to communicate with everyone and be the center of attention. You can easily attract attention to yourself without even realizing that you have overshadowed the real heroine of this day - the expectant mother. Let her know that you are here to photograph whatever she wants. This will make the birth easier and allow her to concentrate.

Take black and white photos

Prepare both color and black and white versions of your photographs. The reason is very simple. Some people don't really like the medical staff. Others cannot stand the sight of blood, or even the hint of it, or vernix (the cheese-like substance that coats newborns). Some other medical or physiological details may also look quite good in black and white, but are unattractive in color.

When clients put together a baby album, they may want black and white photos. Don't let them do it on their own. Take control of photo processing and provide ready-made options. Clients may choose to use full color images, but you can give them the choice. Don't forget to photograph your baby's legs, arms and ears. Such photographs most of all evoke the affection of parents and relatives. Especially when something comes into the frame that allows you to understand the miniature body of a newborn.

Maternity photography is very different from portrait photography. You won't always get perfect photos. Strangers may enter the frame. Someone can turn the light on or off. Anything can happen. Scenes can constantly change. Such a photo shoot is more likely to be a reportage shoot, where there is no time and space for staging, choosing the best moment or angle, or glamorous creativity.

Keep your camera ready and be prepared for changing events. Seize the moment and learn from your experience. The next birth will be easier, and you will gradually learn to adapt and navigate during childbirth, and each time your stories will get better and better. Your clients will love you for it and you will grow as a photographer, artist and person with every moment you bring to life.

There are already a couple of weeks left until the long-awaited day when the baby will be born. The expectant mother is worried about how not to miss the onset of labor and arrive at the maternity hospital on time, how to be prepared for something that she has never experienced before? In order to calm your anxiety, you need to learn as much as possible about what is ahead of you and how the process of giving birth to a child occurs.

It's time to get ready: harbingers of childbirth

The first thing to remember is labor does not start suddenly and does not happen instantly. This process can take from 8-9 hours to 18-20 hours, so don’t worry about the first one that appears and immediately throw your bag with things in the car and go to.

Next, the head is fixed. It is lowered so low that the baby can no longer change its position. After the head is fixed, it lowers. This occurs due to the fact that the volume of amniotic fluid presses on the baby, and contractions of the uterine walls during contractions press the baby down and promote its movement along the birth canal.

Head flexion

When the baby encounters resistance on its way in the form of a narrow passage of the cervix and pelvic floor, under the influence of pressure its head bends, pressing its chin to the chest. Thus, the head enters the birth canal with its smallest diameter, oblique, which is approximately 9.5 cm, rather than the 12 cm straight diameter.

Internal turn

This is such a turn of the baby’s head, during which the back of his head, from an anterior position, often turns towards the mother’s pubis, a little less often towards the sacrum. This is an important process of childbirth that ensures the successful passage of the baby. The rotation continues until the head reaches the level of the sit bones.

Head extension

After the head is in the maximum bent state and has undergone a full internal rotation, it reaches the vulva and begins to unbend. The back of the head is directed towards the mother's pubic area. In this case, parts of the baby's head appear in this order: first the back of the head, then the crown, forehead, nose, mouth and finally the chin. After the head appears, its chin “looks” exactly in the direction of the anal area of ​​the woman in labor.

External turn

The emerging head again changes its location in an effort to return to its original position. The back of the head turns again in the direction in which it was turned until the internal rotation occurred. Next, the baby’s shoulders rotate, in which one, the front one, fits under the mother’s pubic area, and the second, the back one, comes from the front side of the sacral area.

Did you know? During labor, a woman loses a significant amount of blood, and it can reach half a liter. But most often this volume is 250 ml.

After the external rotation of the baby’s head has occurred, its front shoulder appears outward. Following it, the second one appears very soon. Once the baby's shoulders have passed through the birth canal and are born, the birth of the rest of the body occurs almost instantly and very easily - the baby literally pops out like a cork.

Possible complications and surgery

Sometimes the process of childbirth, for one reason or another, may be accompanied by some complications and, as a result, medical or surgical intervention.

The birth process is too long. If the fetus is too large in relation to the size of the mother's birth canal, then childbirth can take place using obstetric forceps, or through.
If the relationship between the birth canal and the size of the fetus is normal, but the baby is still moving too slowly, they can administer an oxytocin drip. If the drug does not give results, carry out.

Fetal presentation also affects the progress of labor. The most successful is with the head down and the face directed towards the sacrum. In this case, the volume occupied by the baby is minimal. If, however, if the chin or forehead, or buttocks are present, or the baby is located across the birth canal, and this condition does not change, childbirth is possible only through.

The entry of amniotic fluid into the mother's bloodstream, uterine bleeding due to the remaining remains of the placenta, rupture of the vagina or uterus requires urgent surgical intervention. However, such complications are quite rare.

Now you already know how to give birth to children, and you are preparing for the birth of your baby. Preparing things for a trip to the maternity hospital and following the advice of obstetricians and gynecologists is not all that needs to be done before such an important day.

The psychological state of the mother is one of the main things in this complex process. It’s good if you attend courses for pregnant women or courses for pregnant women during pregnancy. There you will be taught how to breathe correctly during contractions and relaxation methods (for example, swinging on a fitball).

Important! A woman’s psychological attitude plays a big role. It is directly related to the sensation of pain during labor. If a woman enters labor under stress because she fears labor pain or complications, her pain can be quite severe.

This happens for the reason that in a state of stress the body reacts in a certain way - it mobilizes defense mechanisms in the body and contributes to the tension of all muscles. However, the uterus is a muscle. The process of childbirth is aimed at opening the cervix and relaxing it. But stress causes tension. And thus, two mutually exclusive forces collide. In their opposition, the pain of childbirth only intensifies. Therefore, the expectant mother should enter labor in a friendly mood and good spirits. You need to relax, rejoice at the birth of your son or daughter. Try meditation practices, deep breathing. It will be easier to relax if you sing songs or read rhymes to your baby who is ready to be born.

At the birth of a child, it can only be used according to medical indications, and it is also believed that it does not have a very good effect on the baby.

With artificial anesthesia, the mother does not feel the processes occurring in the body, does not control what is happening to her, and besides, this is a serious medical intervention. Therefore, it is better to prepare for childbirth from the beginning of pregnancy and enter into it in a calm and joyful mood. There are cases when women even experience pleasure and orgasm during childbirth.

Did you know? By the time of birth, the placenta weighs about half a kilo, and its weight is directly related to the size of the baby. However, expulsion of the placenta is the simplest stage in the birth process and is quick and painless.

A very important and responsible process that a woman and child go through. If you are ready for this action, if you are familiar with the mechanism of labor, you are aware of how to give birth to a child and you are happy to expect the baby to appear, then childbirth will be easy and painless.