A tragedy with a mystical connotation in Yuntolovsky Park. Grandmother from rezha strangled her own granddaughter with a telephone wire

In the quiet small town of Rezh, Sverdlovsk region, a terrible tragedy occurred, worthy of the plots of the king of horror Stephen King himself. The grandmother suddenly attacked her granddaughter and strangled her with a wire. A few hours later, the pensioner was detained in her own apartment, peacefully drinking tea. The grandmother was shocked to learn that her granddaughter was dead. As it turned out, the woman herself does not remember a minute from that evening...

That day Tatyana, the mother of the deceased 9-year-old girl, was at work. Tatyana divorced her husband a long time ago - they did not get along in character. He went to live in Yekaterinburg, and Tanya stayed with her daughter and mother in Rezha - a small, calm city is much better for a child than a noisy metropolis. But in order to earn money and feed her daughter and mother, Tatyana had to travel to the capital of the Urals. A physician by training, she easily found a job as a nurse in one of the private clinics in the city. Periodically, she had to leave for several weeks. At this time, 58-year-old grandmother Lyudmila K., Tatyana’s mother, was looking after her daughter. The pensioner tried to work part-time at the post office for a while, but had to give up the extra work due to severe headaches.

On that ill-fated evening, at the end of March, everything was as usual. The granddaughter was playing on the floor in the apartment, the grandmother was watching TV. There were no signs of trouble, but it still came. The grandmother suddenly flared up and began shouting at the girl. The frightened child tried to run to the kitchen, but did not have time. Lyudmila grabbed something heavy - the first thing that came to hand, and hit the child on the back of the head with all her strength. The girl fell and began to call for help. Then the grandmother took a phone charger from the table and put a noose around the 9-year-old child’s neck.

“The grandmother herself says that she absolutely does not remember that moment. He remembers how they sat in a large room and played, but the murder itself, no. A forensic examination found that the pensioner suffered and continues to suffer from mental illness. As it turned out, she had already complained to doctors about headaches more than once. On the last visit, the paramedic wrote out a referral for Lyudmila to the Yekaterinburg hospital for examination, but the grandmother simply did not have time to go to the city, the head of the investigation department for the city, Rezh Alexander Danilov, told KP-Ekaterinburg.

According to the girl’s mother, Lyudmila had no signs of illness before, so no one was afraid to leave the girl with her grandmother.

– In general, the family is characterized positively. There have never been any complaints about them. They were not registered anywhere on the preventive register,” noted the press service of the regional prosecutor’s office.

As a result, the city court of Rezha declared the pensioner mentally ill. The grandmother will soon be sent for compulsory treatment to a closed clinic. However, the court decision has not yet entered into legal force and can be appealed.

St. Petersburg law enforcement officers will have to investigate a chilling drama: a 53-year-old woman with her 1-month-old granddaughter disappeared under very strange circumstances. When the woman was insane and the child was dead.

According to the baby's parents, until today they did not notice anything strange in the grandmother's behavior. She helped raise her eldest child, and when her granddaughter was born, she took leave to help the family care for her. Yesterday, at about one o'clock in the afternoon, the woman went out for a walk with her granddaughter as usual. And she disappeared.

The girl’s mother, Sofia, spoke about her last conversation with the missing woman: “She called and said: ‘I’m going home.’” On the phone, the young mother heard that her daughter was crying - it was time to feed her. When grandmother did not come half an hour later, Sofia called her, but the phone was already turned off.

The young mother went out into the street to look for them, but it was all in vain, and the stories of the people she met frightened her even more. Thus, one local resident, who was walking her dog and saw a grandmother and granddaughter, said that she met them in Yuntolovsky Park - a rather remote place where there are many ponds and swamps.

The woman with the dog said that dogs are not allowed for walks in such a place. There’s a forest there, you can’t get through... Then I saw that the child was crying. And then I saw an empty stroller, REN TV quotes Sofia as saying.

At about six in the evening, Sofia’s husband contacted the police with a statement about the disappearance of her grandmother and his daughter. Almost fifty people went out to search for them, and rescuers also used drones and other equipment. Soon they found an empty stroller in which the grandmother took her granddaughter, but without a cradle with a baby. In the stroller was the grandmother’s mobile phone, as well as the baby’s diapers, diapers and blanket, all of which were bloodied, media reported.

Making their way along the tracks left by the pensioner in the Yuntolovsky nature reserve, the rescuers were surprised: even a physically strong person would find it difficult to pass here, what can we say about a grandmother with a baby in her arms.

The grandmother was found at about four o'clock in the morning on June 16. She was sitting in a ravine (according to other sources, in a reservoir) two kilometers from the found stroller. According to the searchers, they discovered a terrible picture: the woman was in an insane state, covered in blood and with traces of cuts on her hands, and next to her was a dead girl. At the same time, the pensioner said something about demons and that the world does not need her and her child, since they bring evil. Further, media reports differ: according to some sources, the woman had a sharp object in her hands, according to others, there was no knife or anything else that could have caused cuts nearby.

The woman was hospitalized and diagnosed with hypothermia and severe blood loss. In the near future, specialists will make a conclusion about her mental state. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case under the article “Murder”. Law enforcement officials will have to establish the exact cause and circumstances of the child’s death.


A story from St. Petersburg about a child found in the forest shocked the whole country. And every new detail in it turns out to be more and more creepy. A girl who was born just a month ago was found in the thicket of the Yuntolovsky nature reserve with signs of strangulation. Next to my grandmother, who is alive, despite the fact that she tried to open her veins. Maxim Urazaev learned the shocking details of this drama.

See also:

After almost 12 hours of searching, a 53-year-old woman was found in the swamps of the Yuntolovsky nature reserve with her dead granddaughter in her arms. The grandmother also wanted to kill herself, experts suggest. The veins on her wrists have been carelessly cut by some sharp object. The woman was conscious, but behaved inappropriately - she complained to investigators that she had been haunted by demons for two days. The baby’s mother had not noticed anything strange until that day; there was an excellent relationship between the relatives. The granddaughter's next walk with her grandmother did not cause any concerns.

“She called and said: I’m going home. I'll be there in half an hour. When she didn’t show up, I called my husband and went to look,” says the mother of the deceased child.

Independent searches did not bring results. The police, investigators, neighbors, journalists and employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, including colleagues of the parents of the missing girl, joined the operation - many of them went to the Yuntolovsky forest during their non-working hours. Local residents helped to find the stroller. Empty. Grandmother climbed into the wilderness of the forest, where they don’t even go for a walk with dogs. Not like with a baby in a stroller.

The Yuntolovsky reserve is a large forest area within the city. Two rivers and many reservoirs... Residents of nearby houses say that the place is quiet and deserted. But not the safest.

Those who first approached the woman say that they heard her utter words that supposedly she and her child were not needed by the world and were bringing only evil. Now the grandmother is in intensive care, under the supervision of doctors. When she comes to her senses, she will have to undergo a psychiatric examination.

The grandmother killed her granddaughter by strangling her in the Yuntolovsky nature reserve, and then tried to gnaw her veins. Anita was only one month old. The Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation opened a criminal case. Marina Mirgaleeva said that the girl has demons, and the cross on her body does not help her.

A terrible incident occurred in St. Petersburg. It all started with a message that appeared in a local social network group, based on which Sergo Otarievich Kolbai, who holds the position of deputy chief of fire department 14, had his mother-in-law and her month-old baby go for a walk last Thursday. According to preliminary information, the woman went to the Yuntolovsky forest park. The firefighter’s colleagues also turned to caring people who could help in the search.

Sergo Kolbaia became a father on May 11; his wife, who became Miss EMERCOM Russia four years ago, gave birth to his daughter Anita. The couple already has an eldest daughter, she is one year old. Neighbors speak of the family as intelligent, pleasant people. The couple lives with their children and mother-in-law in the Primorsky district. Sofia’s mother previously worked in a kindergarten where children with developmental disabilities attended, and after retiring she devoted all her time to children and grandchildren. According to neighbors, Anita’s grandmother was a smart, smiling woman, and was very happy about the birth of her second granddaughter.

But on June 15, the irreparable happened. Marina Mirgaleeva, as always, went for a walk with the child, after 1.5 hours her daughter called her to remind her about feeding Anita. While talking with her mother, Sofia heard a child's cry in the background, and the woman herself answered nervously, but promised to return on time. After a short period of time, Mirgaleeva’s phone was no longer available. In the evening, the Main Directorate of the City Ministry of Emergency Situations received an application, up to 140 service employees were immediately sent to search, and after a while up to 400 employees. Dog handlers also helped in the search. It is noted that it was not easy for search engines due to the difficult terrain. Many could not understand how a woman with a stroller could walk through this territory; it is difficult to walk here.

After a while, an empty stroller and a baby’s bloody blanket were found, and 2 km away Mirgaleeva was found, who was in a state of shock. The woman had blood and wounds on her wrists, and a dead child lay next to her. The girl died as a result of suffocation. Now the woman is in the hospital, a criminal case has been opened against her and examinations with psychiatrists have been scheduled.

The family's neighbors do not allow them to see the deceased's parents, and the Emergency Situations Ministry employees also remain silent. It is reported that Anita's grandmother previously claimed that there were demons inside her, and the cross did not help her.

For several hours, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and volunteers searched for a missing woman who was walking with her one-month-old granddaughter. Her daughter reported her mother's disappearance at about six o'clock in the evening on June 15. According to the woman, a 55-year-old woman and her child were walking in the Yuntolovsky reserve and when it was time to return home, they stopped communicating.

The woman was taken to the hospital in serious condition. When her condition stabilizes, she will be sent for a psychological and psychiatric examination. The Investigative Committee opened a criminal case into the incident under Article 105 Part 2.

The stroller of the baby who disappeared during the day was previously sent to the forensic laboratory for examination. Experts will study the biological traces found on the handrails and fabrics. A fingerprint examination will also be conducted.

Lisa Alert volunteers joined the search for the grandmother and granddaughter immediately after reports of their disappearance. They made an announcement on social networks and shared some details. It turned out that the grandmother called her daughter and said that she and the child were already on their way home. It was at 15.30. The child could be heard crying.