Questions to get to know a girl better. Questions for girls: secrets of “seductive” interrogation

If you don’t know what questions to ask a guy when talking on a date, then today’s selection is just for you. Here you will find the top 100 interesting questions for a guy that you can ask him in various situations, as well as in VK correspondence. You will be able to maintain a conversation, arouse his interest in you, and also get to know him better.

This will be even more useful if you are going on a date with your new acquaintance. The main thing is to know a few rules on how to ask questions correctly:

#1 Don't bombard your interlocutor with questions. In this case, the guy will be tense, and he will want to immediately run away from you.

#2 Ask about what interests you. For example, you want to find out what hobbies a guy has, how he likes to spend his free time. If you are really interested, you can easily continue the conversation. If you ask just to fill a pause, communication will not go well. The third point follows from this.

#3 After asking a guy about something, develop the topic. Express your attitude to the situation. Ask a clarifying question and so on. In this way, natural communication develops.

100 questions for a guy

  1. Name one thing that makes you smile?
  2. What are you most proud of?
  3. What makes you smile?
  4. At what point in your life were you most scared?
  5. What moment from your childhood do you remember most?
  6. What gives you the most pleasure in life today?
  7. What's your favorite movie?
  8. Tell me about one thing, important or not, that you haven't told anyone else?
  9. If you had to urgently move to another country, what three things would you take with you first?
  10. Do you have pets?
  11. What's your favorite ice cream?
  12. Who are you closest to in your family?
  13. Tell me your favorite joke?
  14. What's the stupidest thing you've ever done?
  15. If you could change your past, what moment would you choose?
  16. What is your most positive trait?
  17. When you are in a bad mood, how do you try to get out of it?
  18. What are your hobbies?
  19. What do you enjoy most about your job?
  20. What trait characterizes you most?
  21. Describe yourself in three words?
  22. Which country did you like best of all the ones you've been to?
  23. How would your best friend describe you?
  24. What's your favorite alcoholic drink?
  25. What is your idea of ​​an ideal date?
  26. If you could have three wishes granted, what would they be?
  27. Best compliment you've ever received?
  28. What are your talents?
  29. Describe your best friend?
  30. The main thing you should do before you die?
  31. If you were given a million dollars right now, what would you spend it on?
  32. How do you usually spend your weekend?
  33. Who are you according to your zodiac sign? Do you fit the general characteristics of this sign?
  34. What do you regret most?
  35. What can immediately improve your mood?
  36. What would you change about yourself?
  37. If you had the opportunity to start your life over, would you take the opportunity?
  38. When was the last time you cried? For what reason?
  39. Would you like to have children?
  40. What scares you most about the future?
  41. What kind of future family do you imagine?
  42. Favorite saying or proverb?
  43. Have you ever truly fallen in love?
  44. Have you had your heart broken?
  45. How do you understand the concept of “love”?
  46. What lesson did you learn from your past relationships?
  47. Craziest thing you've done?
  48. Where do you see yourself in five years?
  49. What's your dream job?
  50. What's your favorite word?
  51. Favorite book?
  52. What is the main goal in your life?
  53. Name 3 of your shortcomings?
  54. What questions would you like to ask me?
  55. Who is your idol?
  56. What are your bad/good habits?
  57. Tell us about your first kiss?
  58. Which famous person would you like to chat with?
  59. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  60. What do you like more: reading books or watching movies?
  61. What's your favorite song?
  62. If you had one day to live, what would you do?
  63. Is the glass half empty or full? What's in the glass?
  64. If you wanted to write a book, what would it be about?
  65. What do you usually think about in the morning after waking up?
  66. Any tattoos?
  67. They gave you a yacht. What will you call her?
  68. What's your favorite color?
  69. Favorite season?
  70. Would you feel comfortable if you went to a restaurant or movie alone?
  71. If you had an extra hour in the day, what would you do with it?
  72. What do you keep in the trunk of your car?
  73. What was your name at school?
  74. What is your favorite sport?
  75. If we were dating, how would you celebrate our first anniversary?
  76. Have you ever cried while watching a movie?
  77. What's your favorite car brand?
  78. Favorite dish?
  79. What do you pay attention to when meeting a girl?
  80. Your favorite restaurant/cafe?
  81. What will you do on a rainy day?
  82. What's your favorite computer game?
  83. Are you a believer?
  84. Can you dance?
  85. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
  86. What qualities attract you in a girl?
  87. Do you prefer active or passive recreation?
  88. What inspires you?
  89. Are you afraid of old age?
  90. How do you imagine yourself at 60?
  91. At what age did you first fall in love?
  92. At what age did you confess your love?
  93. How important is sex in a relationship in your opinion?
  94. What do you think about open relationships?
  95. What would you choose: wealth or fame?
  96. Do you like cleaning your room?
  97. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  98. Favorite month of the year?
  99. Do you sing in the shower?
  100. If you could choose a superpower, what would it be?

Don't ask an endless number of questions, one after another. It’s better to choose a couple of interesting ones, depending on the situation, and develop a conversation from them. This will be the most interesting and natural way. Good luck!

You just met and you don’t know how to break up a boring conversation? Every girl should have interesting and funny questions in her arsenal, to some extent with a trick, in order to test her ingenuity as best as possible, which will not let any guy get bored (maybe even vulgar ones). We present a whole list of questions for all occasions, with which you can 100% forget about uncomfortable silent pauses in communication with guys.

This block of questions will allow you not only to hook your interlocutor for further communication, but also to find out all his sides, which of course will give rise to certain conclusions. As a rule, these are questions of a general nature that are very flattering to a guy, because contrary to the stereotype about all women being talkative, men simply love to talk about themselves to their loved ones. First of all, ask the guy about his hobbies and preferences. These questions will be relevant to everyone without exception, both men and women. Think about what question you would be happy to answer and ask it without any hesitation. For example:

  • What music can you not imagine your life without?
  • What's the most recent movie you watched?
  • Do you like camping?
  • What food do you hate?
  • How do you feel about religion? Do you believe in God?
  • What's your favorite dessert?
  • Are you afraid of spiders?
  • Do you like to go to discos? Have you been to costume parties?
  • Who are you according to your zodiac sign? Do you believe in the horoscope?
  • Have you had your hand read?
  • Do you have a best friend? How did you meet?
  • What do you like more – accepting or giving gifts?
  • What were your fears as a child?
  • What can throw you off balance?
  • What would you not be able to forgive?
  • What not to do when first communicating?
  • What's the funniest incident in your life?
  • Do you believe in ghosts?
  • Tell me about your first crush. Do you believe in love at first sight?
  • What is the first memory in your life?
  • Imagine you win a million dollars, what will you spend it on?
  • Have you ever fought?
  • What words did you say incorrectly as a child?
  • What item do you use every day and consider irreplaceable?
  • Have you had prophetic dreams?

Looking for first date questions?


These simple topics will allow you not only to find common interests and discuss common taste preferences, but also to discover new styles of music, movie genres and other useful information. But under no circumstances should you criticize him. As they say, there are as many opinions as there are people. Try to initially tune in to listen, let the interlocutor open up and do not impose. At such moments, it is important to feel whether the given topic appeals to the young man. Ask more clarifying questions to the given topics, thereby showing genuine interest in the conversation.

Cool questions

This block of questions will be useful to you if you decide to defuse the situation after some serious conversation, or if you don’t want to talk about serious topics at all. Particularly interesting and funny are the answers to questions like “what would you do if ...” or “what would you do ...”:

  • If you were sent to a desert island for a whole year and could take 2 people with you, who would you invite with you?
  • If you stayed overnight in a hypermarket, what would you do?
  • Would you like to star in a porn film and what genre would this film be?
  • How would you react if suddenly everyone's clothes disappeared?
  • Would you like to become a woman for one day and what would you do first?
  • Would you like to change your appearance forever with someone and what would you never change?
  • What superpower do you want to have and why?
  • Who do you think you were in a past life?
  • Ever woke up in an unfamiliar place?
  • Imagine that you were given the opportunity to commit any crime with impunity, would you do it and what kind?
  • What is better, a fat girl, but with big breasts, or a thin girl, but with a bad neckline?
  • When will we submit the application to the registry office?
  • Would you take the surname of your future wife?
  • Let's do this right now, ready?
  • You have the opportunity to make any wish within 30 seconds. Tell me quickly which one!
  • If you knew that the world would end tomorrow, how would you live your last day?
  • Did you go on a blind date and did you like the girl? What would you do if she wasn't your type at all?
  • Imagine that you have a time machine, what time will you go to?

It is very important not to cross the line into flirtatious humor. It is such a simple dialogue that will help him relax and open up as much as possible. Try to make jokes about off-topic topics without touching on family, friendship, religion, or his salary, so as not to make the person uncomfortable.

Trick questions

Every girl tries to find out as much as possible all the “skeletons in the closet” of the opposite sex. But how to do this without the guy even suspecting it? It's very easy! All you have to do is ask a couple of tricky questions, and he will rat himself out.

  • Can you openly tell a person about his shortcomings?
  • Have there been cases of theft on your part?
  • Should a wife report to her husband about her purchases?
  • Would you lend money to someone you barely know?
  • How do you feel about cheating? How many times did you cheat?
  • Slept with ex-girlfriends?
  • Are you able to trust your email or social network password to your girlfriend?
  • Are you a jealous person?
  • What would you answer if a girl approached you on the street and asked you to have sex?
  • What incident from your life would you like to forget?
  • Imagine the situation: you were invited to your ex-girlfriend’s wedding, will you take your current girlfriend with you?
  • How do you cut loved ones out of your life?
  • Have there been times when you thought you were in love with two girls at the same time? How did you do?
  • What three points can you not imagine the ideal girl without?
  • What parts of the body do men pay attention to first?
  • What was the most expensive gift you gave to your loved one?
  • What would your reaction be if your best friend admitted that he was gay?

These topics are quite sensitive, especially for men. People prefer not to discuss some moments in life; the main thing is not to make a mistake and not step on this “mine”. Be vigilant, learn to feel the subtle threads of dialogue so as not to accidentally break them. You should not insist on answers if the person is obviously not in the mood to discuss them. You also shouldn’t expect 100% truth; men’s answers to such topics very rarely coincide with reality. Avoid questions of a personal nature (related specifically to you) - they are useless. You risk hearing unpleasant things or obvious lies. Be content with the fact that he is communicating with you, and this is obviously a good sign!

Vulgar questions

What to do when you have known each other for a long time and it’s time to move on to “piquant topics”? Then these questions will definitely come in handy for you to take note of.

  • Do you like to watch 18+ films and what kind exactly?
  • What size is your penis?
  • What was your first time having sex like? Describe your first sexual partner.
  • The funniest incident during lovemaking
  • Have your parents ever caught you pleasuring yourself?
  • How often do you satisfy yourself?
  • Kissed a man?
  • Tell us about your most extreme sexual experience.
  • Have you ever had a threesome, and if not, did you want to try it?
  • Used the services of a prostitute?
  • Have you tried phone sex?
  • What is your favorite position?
  • Do you give girls oral sex in the bikini area?
  • Had sex with a complete stranger?
  • What was your longest break from sex?
  • Have you ever had nocturnal emissions?

Don’t even think about asking these questions during your first conversation! In any case, this is a sign of bad upbringing. Communicating in this spirit, you can safely forget about searching for a gentleman who will valiantly seek your hand in marriage. And remember that not all guys are equally relaxed in matters of this nature. Try to find an individual approach to everyone. Good luck!

Therefore, by the word “communication” most of us quite rightly mean conversation. That is, information exchange.

Of course, eye contact is great too. Eye to eye - this state conveys a current of mood and interest. A person who does not look his interlocutor in the face is probably either hiding something or is angry. But this happens mainly with people who know each other well and have something to keep silent about. In other cases, communication can be almost a one-sided monologue, more often - a full-fledged dialogue, where questions are asked and appropriate answers are given.

So how to start communicating with a stranger, especially if you are an introvert?

Bulat Okudzhava wrote timeless lines: “Everyone writes as he hears, everyone hears as he breathes...”

And the famous Carnegie in his time argued that the greatest interest for each person is the personality itself. And in the process of communication you can achieve success only if you listen carefully or talk about things that are interesting to the individual. It is unmistakable to talk about him himself, and without any falsehood. The key to success is to be as sincerely interested in your interlocutor as possible.

Talk to your interlocutor, ask, answer yourself, the more often you practice this, the easier and easier it becomes.

Embarrassment and how to overcome it

Having a question ready is great.

But this is not enough! How to force yourself to take the first step and say the first word?

Someone can help following methods:

  1. Reduce the significance of the situation. To do this, imagine that the girl is your sister. It’s funny to blush and think about what you say to your little sister every day.
  2. Increase your importance. Embarrassment usually occurs due to the fact that thoughts interfere that such a beauty will not want to communicate with an unremarkable guy.
  3. It is worth advising you to remember your successes and achievements, start to be proud of yourself and acquire a royal posture.

  4. A good psychological way is detachment. This is a way to fantasize that you are not you, but a robot that you look at from the outside. And if they suddenly refuse or ridicule it, it will be him, not you.
  5. For those who lack self-confidence, we can recommend pickup training.

All meetings can be divided into 2 types:

  1. A completely random meeting that requires an instant reaction, otherwise you may never meet again.
  2. A meeting that can be calculated and worth preparing for. These include meetings in educational institutions, gyms, and at parties with friends.

If you have an ability explore interests, do it. Having common topics in conversation is a huge plus.
And putting yourself in a more respectable appearance can also be a good idea. Pump up your muscles, buy a new thing, beautiful, but in which you will be comfortable and confident.

A girl needs to be assessed with a cold and reasonable look. Yes, this is difficult to do. Especially if you like her. But at least a couple of points of your strategy need to be assessed to avoid getting into trouble:

  • does the girl have a sense of humor or is she rather serious and academic;
  • she is relaxed or feels out of place;
  • How close is your social level?

What is the first thing to ask a girl when meeting her? The classic of the genre is to behave just like a girl. She is timid, you pretend to seek her sympathy. After all, they say that empathy and compassion are also important in communication.

She is an extreme person, which means you too can amaze with extraordinary antics. You can even write your question on a poster and approach the girl with it! It is very important to ensure that the answer to the first question is “yes”.

The most trivial example: “Girl, is this Ushinsky Street?”

It's great when you make a girl laugh or at least make her smile.
Example: “Girl, if you smile now, the whole street will light up... and I will finally find the keys I lost...”

Entry is not required. But a couple of standard words will, as it were, prepare the girl for the question. And it will be easier for you too. Lifesavers like this:

  1. Excuse me, please, …
  2. Sorry…
  3. Sorry for the stupid question...
  4. You won't help me figure it out...
  5. Tell me...
  6. Sorry, ... (You don’t have to shy away from slang.)
  7. Do you know any foreign language? It's great! You don’t need free communication, you need to know a couple of phrases in English, for example, and attract attention by starting with “Thank you for being worried,” “Excuse me,” or “I beg your pardon.”

For the sake of such a beautiful conversation starter, you can even specifically learn a few phrases on the Internet. Seductive French is a good way to start communication. The fluent Spanish is great. Choose!

Wherein smile— ensure your success by 99.99%. But the smile should be adequate to the facial expression of the girl you are addressing.

Most correct adapt to her mood. She's playful—smile widely. She is serious and businesslike - only slightly, as if apologizing. But remember that assertiveness and courage are attractive in a man. Take the initiative and conduct the conversation as if you are sure that she also enjoys it.

There is a good psychological way not to be afraid and overcome embarrassment: mentally imagine that the girl has already answered you. We played out a good scenario within ourselves, as if we threw such a version into reality - and this version is more likely to materialize.

remember, that the first sentence is very important, but there should be a continuation of the question. Try asking questions with a view to further conversation. But don't chatter. Let the girl answer. If she tries to joke back, laugh! Give her the opportunity to ask something herself. And then a thin thread of full-fledged communication will stretch.

Examples of the best questions

What questions can you ask? Basically, it doesn't matter what exactly you ask. Main- listen with interest, let the girl talk. Assent, be surprised, admire.

The question is just a pretext. To get to know a girl and understand whether you match her way of thinking, temperament, etc. you just need to start asking.

  1. What do you like more - watching movies or dancing?
  2. If you are at sea, what would you prefer - swimming or sunbathing?
  3. I wonder if our favorite dishes are the same? I love sushi. And you?
  4. I have an older brother. Are you alone in the family?
  5. Do you like listening to music? Which one? Should I invite you to some concert?
  6. What is your favorite time of year?
  7. If you are allowed to point at any point on the globe and be transported there. What will you choose?
  8. Without which your food is not food. Meat? Or sweets?
  9. Do you think it’s time to throw away paper books in favor of electronic media or not? Do you have a library at home?
  10. Tell me honestly, does your beauty come from your mom or your dad?
  11. I just watched the movie “so-and-so.” Did you watch?
  12. Do you love roses?
  13. Do you think a cowboy hat and a lasso would suit me?
  14. Do you want me to grow my hair to shoulder length or shave my head?
  15. How much money do you think your chosen one should receive? What floor do you live on? Should I prepare climbing equipment to climb through your window or should I just climb a tree?
  16. Has anyone dedicated poetry to you yet? I think that if Pushkin were alive, I would have to fight a duel with him because of you!
  17. Do you like cats or dogs more?
  18. Do you believe in horoscopes? Today I am predicted to meet for the rest of my life.
  19. If I fly to Thailand or New Zealand, what exotic fruit should I bring?
  20. Do you love autumn?
  21. What did you dream of becoming as a child?

The only thing you shouldn’t do is touch on personal questions, like: “How long have you been wearing makeup, how much do you weigh, there were a lot of guys before me, how old are you?”

Or questions that cause negative associations: “How long does your mother allow you to be absent?”, “What are your grades at school?”

Video about what questions to ask a girl when meeting her, what you can ask a girl and what not.

Another video about questions to ask a girl when meeting her.


In the gym for dating are appropriate special questions:

  1. Excuse me, is the entrance to the pool there? (point in the wrong direction on purpose) Second time here, I don’t remember. How long have you been studying? Do you only go to the gym or go to the pool? And how is it here?...
  2. Tell me, is it possible to hire a personal trainer here? You haven't worked out with a personal trainer. Don't know if it's expensive?
  3. How do you like the coach? In my opinion, I was completely driven.
  4. And they have yoga here. I was there and I liked it. Don't want to try it?
  5. Do you know if they have water aerobics here? How? That flock of fat women? No, I'd rather study here. With you.

There is no need to overdo it with politeness. They showed themselves, their muscles, their level. And you can postpone the continuation until next time. Then you will talk like old acquaintances.

Bar, disco

In a more relaxed atmosphere, when music is playing, some drinks are drunk, and phrases for getting to know each other should be more vivid and assertive.


  1. Young woman! I have a tragedy!
  2. Curiosity will make her at least wonder what happened. Then you can say: “I wanted to become a Nobel laureate, and I almost became, but I found out that mathematicians are not given this prize!” This interesting story can be told further.

  3. Girl, my sister bet me a thousand that I don't have a girlfriend. Can you now say just two words to my cell phone? (“I AM!” Half the money is yours.)
  4. Girl, on my back there is a T-shirt with the inscription: The most beautiful girl - ... Here is a felt-tip pen, you wouldn’t write your name there!
  5. Girl, I just wrote a poem in your honor. Tell me, is the rhyme “glazishchi” “for thousands” appropriate?
  6. Carefully! Watch your step, please! My friend told me that I lost my head because of you... It must be lying around here somewhere. Don't step on it!
  7. Do you know that this composition was written not by Sting, but by me. Don't believe me? And you do the right thing and earn this flower!


There is much more room for imagination here. But there is also a greater danger that the girl will get lost among passers-by. The goal is to establish a strong connection.

Ask emotionally, freely, but keeping a distance, without excessive arrogance:

  1. Girl, if you pass by and don’t tell me where else I can see you, you’ll never know what... (invent it yourself)
  2. Oh no no no! Girl, it's not good to create emergency situations. After all, if I were driving, I would have already crashed into a pole, because I would have been staring in your direction. Do you understand this?
  3. My friend was right! I got so drunk yesterday that I still see stars. Dear star, how many orchestras do you think are roaring in my ears?
  4. My dream is to get an autograph from Nicole Kidman! Don't tell me you're not her. I will not believe! What should I do for you to drop me a few words on this business card?

No one can guarantee one hundred percent results, but learning the above questions and using them in appropriate situations is half the success.

And under no circumstances don't ask trivial questions about “What time is it?”, “What is your name?” or even direct questions: “Can I meet you?”, “Could you give me your phone number?”
Most likely, the girl will pass by, the impression will be hopelessly spoiled and the acquaintance will not take place.

Another video about what questions to ask when meeting a girl in order to interest her and get to know her. How and what should you ask a girl when you first meet her?

Any questions can be used. What is more important is the verbal side, that is, body language, how confident, pleasant your voice is and appropriate appearance and behavior.

AND be sure to remember to smile and sincere admiration for the one you want to meet.

Many novice pick-up artists, due to their inexperience, sometimes don’t know what to talk to a girl about, what to ask her, awkward pauses occur when you don’t know what to say on a date and this stresses them and the girl out.
Here are a few examples of questions asked of girls that may not be trivial or boring.

1. Is there anywhere else on your body a mole that I haven’t seen yet?
2. Are you by any chance the same criminal who recently robbed that jewelry store?
3. Do you have a pet? In general, what is your favorite animal? Would you like to become him in your next life?
4. You probably really love new shoes? How many pairs do you buy per season?
5. Is there anything that can irritate you more than anything else? What is this?
6. Do you like watching horror movies? How much can they impress you?
7. Do you like to wear makeup? Does it give you pleasure, or are you happy with the result?
8. Do you have a hobby? What do you like to do most in your free time?
9. What do you usually take with you when you go out? Can you also live for a month at the North Pole with the contents of your handbag?
10. How many languages ​​do you know? Do you feel when you speak with an accent on them?
11. At what age did you first fall in love with a guy? Was it mutual love?
12. Do you like doing housework? What's your least favorite thing to do?
13. How often do you tell lies?
14. What character trait do you dislike most in a person?
15. What traits of your character do you like most?
16. Have you ever been bitten by a dog?
17. What do you not know how to do and what would you like to do very well and would be happy to learn?
18. Do you often go abroad?
19. Do you love children? How many children would you like to have?
20. Does it ever happen to you that nothing can force you to do something?
21. Do you like cats? Why?
22. Can you imagine your life at the North Pole/in the village/in the mountains? What do you think you would do there? 23. What do you think? Are you a lucky person? What do you usually have luck with?
24. Do you like to be photographed? Do you have any favorite photos?
25. Are you registered in in social networks? How do you feel about communicating and dating online?
26. Do you like what you do?
27. What would you like to become if you had another chance to choose a profession?
28. Who do you think you would become for anything in the world?
29. Are you more of an open or closed person to society?
30. What interests you more, career growth or family? What could be the obstacle in each case?
31. What would you be proud of throughout your life? How do you feel about your possible failures?
32. Do you have something for which you would be willing to give your life?
33. Can you remember whether anything you wished for on New Year’s Eve came true?
34. Have there been any situations in your life that contributed to a radical change in your thinking?
35. Do you have an idol? Who would you like to be like?
36. In which group of people do you spend most of your time?
37. What do you think you would do with a huge amount of money that would be given to you just like that?
38. Where do you dream to go to relax?
39. Would you like to become a movie star or a famous singer? If so, why?
40. Would you like to go back to your childhood? What are the happiest moments from your childhood that you can remember?
41. Were you a calm child or did you always cause trouble for your parents?
42. Can you imagine what you would be like if you were a boy?
43. How would you like your boyfriend to be?
44. If you were given two trips for only one way to another distant country, who would you take with you?
45. Do you think you have more friends or enemies?
46. ​​Are you a romantic or more of a realist by nature?
47. If you were given the opportunity to choose where to be born, which country would you choose?
48. How do you think a man differs from a woman?
49. What can make you happy? And what can lead to frantic delight?
50. Do you have any shortcomings, and which ones bother you the most?
51. What is your feature that distinguishes you from others?
52. Are you satisfied with everything about your appearance? If not, what would you like to change?
53. What do you think? God exists?
54. Do you have any enemies?
55. Do you believe in karma and that if you do something bad to someone, it will boomerang back to you?
56. Played computer games, which ones?
57. Did you kiss a guy first?

But still try not to use

It just so happens, guys, that for many of us, I would even say for the majority, the topic - and what questions to ask girls, to put it mildly, remains a sore subject. After reading this article to the end, you will understand why this is a problem for many, and you will also get a ready-made list of what you can ask a girl and what you can tell her about.

Come on, before we talk about important things, first a little lyrics. It is undeniable that women definitely like men who can and do speak well, one way or another, but the expression about the fact that women love with their ears is, although not one hundred percent true, but there is a meaning in it. And in order to be an interesting conversationalist you need to be a comprehensively developed guy, that is.

Also, in order to develop your communication, you can do some practical exercises, for example, “Delusion Generator” and “Throat”. They are among my videos, which you can watch right now by clicking. In these videos I cover this topic in more detail. I don’t really like to write on a blog, I’m still a lazy person, it’s easier for me to talk on camera ;). So, it’s better not to read me.

And yet, before the most interesting thing, one moment - questions are not the most important thing, what is important is how you ask them. So, let's go.

Most interesting questions for girls, these are always those that are associated with her appearance, clothing, face and behavior. That is, as they say - about her. Many, by the way, in order not to ask a lot of questions and generally not knowing what to talk about, take the girl to the cinema, because talking there is not relevant, and then somewhere else.

My opinion on this matter is that on a first date, no movie is better, because you just need to talk to the girl, learn something about her, tell her about yourself. To do this, it is better to choose a cozy cafe with sofas.

A list of questions to ask a girl when meeting her and on a date. When meeting someone, it is best to ask some unusual questions to make her interested. You need to ask not only questions, but also tell something about her, since the girl is a very curious creature, she will be interested in hearing about herself. Here are a few of my tips on this matter:

In general, communication with a girl (no matter on a date or just when getting to know each other) should consist of more than just questions, it should look like this. You either ask something about her, or tell something about her (for example, using the phrase - “You are a very unusual girl... You have unusual..... (Ears, eyes, nose, hands, etc.)" ).

Or you tell something about yourself - “I’ve always liked girls with hair like that. I always wanted to understand how something fits into such a small bag.” That is, once again - about her, about myself, about her. Only with such a scheme will your communication look complete.

By the way, about what question to ask a girl and questions in general. Questions are not always good! I'll explain now. Ninety percent of men in particular, and in general, ask women in life, thereby shifting all responsibility onto them. But girls don't like responsibility. “Can I meet you? Can I give you a treat? Can I kiss you? Can I take your phone?”

If we talk about such questions, they are extremely undesirable, despite the fact that ninety-nine percent of men ask them. This is a “Bottom” position and does not lead to effective seduction. And it is important for a girl that a man takes, and not asks, offers, and does not ask, do you feel the difference?

And society and our mother’s upbringing taught us to grovel and beg from women, but this is completely ineffective. In order to understand this, read the messages that will be sent to your email right now or read the article “” and. In the meantime, here are a couple of examples: It’s not possible to meet you, but I want to talk to you. I can’t write down your phone number, but let me write it down, or I’ll write down your phone number, dictate. A man does not ask for fire, he either gives it or takes it by force.

Why don’t you know what to talk about, what questions to ask a girl, and are you looking for an answer in this article?

Let's first figure out why this happens. Why can you always find a common language with guys, for example, but not with girls? Everything again comes from social frameworks, fears in your head and upbringing. And in general, it depends on the context.

Imagine a situation - you need to go up to a beautiful girl for work and ask something about work and ask her to sign some papers. You can do it pretty easily. But, if I tell you - go and tell this girl that you liked her or go and, then you will immediately be stupefied. You are unlikely to be able to come up and say a few words to her. Strange, right?

The whole secret is that you are not comfortable around a girl, you are worried, shy and, let’s call it, “afraid.” Approaching a girl is like walking into a tiger's cage. If you are allowed inside now, then your brain will be able to invent some questions, but will only think about how to get out of the cage. That's the only reason you don't know now.

You shouldn’t ask questions about what to say and ask the girl, and look for ready-made templates, but you need to dig deeper. You need to reach a state in which your brain starts working, and not thinking, “How can I get out of here.” At our trainings there are various exercises for this, and in particular the “Throat” exercise, when you approach a girl and tell her everything that you see now, describe her.

Watch the video - 5 reasons why you won’t have sex with the girl you like

Find out ALL the secrets of communicating with girls - Watch our videos

For example, I wouldn’t talk about sex right at the first meeting; this might make the girl a little wary, although I’m already talking about it.

And there is also such a phenomenon - “Fast”, that is, from acquaintance to sex, no more than two hours pass. This is where you need it, but I don’t recommend it for you yet.

It is also not advisable to talk about religion (But, you can at most ask whether she is a believer or not) and about politics.

You shouldn't ask her about her ex-boyfriends, it won't give you anything anyway. I had such a funny case when an acquaintance of mine was hanging out with a girl for two months, and they had not yet had sex. He once asked her: “When did you have sex with your ex? How long will it take? She replied that a week after we met. He probably felt scared))), although he asked a stupid question in itself.

It is also not advisable to ask “Do you like me?” In this way, you are putting yourself under evaluation and making it clear to her that it is she who is evaluating you, and not you. This is a pronounced “Bottom” position.

It’s not at all necessary to try to fatten her up on a date and, accordingly, ask if she wants to eat. The girl came to chat with you, not to eat, so just order tea right away and that’s it.

It’s also not very good to ask such interesting questions to a girl in quotes, like where do you study and what do you do for work. In general, it’s better not to talk about work, because the topic is quite boring, although if she has an interesting and creative job, then why not.

Even more useful information that you can get here!

The most important rule is that whatever you ask or say must be emotional. That is, with sparkling eyes and sincere interest in the girl.