Interesting contests for the VKontakte group. Contests in social networks with benefits for the company

Contests always draw attention to your Facebook or Vkontakte account. For the promotion of VKontakte groups, one of the most simple ways to grab the audience's attention. When there is no time and opportunity to organize large-scale activities, you can get by with mini-competitions that do not require too complex actions from the participants, but at the same time involve big number subscribers. We offer you 35 examples simple contests for any occasion:
We already have over 10,000 subscribers! Click "Like" to celebrate this event with us! The 100th like will win a prize!

Leave a comment below to win a free T-shirt: “The best [insert your choice] is _________.” The one with the most likes wins.

Who loves autumn? Like this post for a chance to win [insert your choice]. Winner will be announced today at 6:00 pm.

Come up with a caption for this picture. Leave your options in the comments. The comment with the most likes will receive [Insert Your Choice].

Guess how many sweets are in the bowl in the photo. The one with the closest option will receive a year's supply of candy. (Candies can be replaced with any of your products).

What will be the score in the game between Luxembourg and Russia this Saturday? Whoever has the closest option wins [Insert your own option].

If I could be anywhere in the world right now, it would be ___________. Share your dream for a chance to win [Insert your choice].

If you could only choose one [Insert the name of one of your products] from our range, what would it be? Write in the comments and get a chance to win our gift card.

Write the word "Coupon" in the comments and get a 20% discount on next purchase. The promotion is valid until 13:00 tomorrow!

We want to know you as well as your friends know you! Leave a photo of you and yours in the comments best friend for a chance to win [Insert your choice]. We will choose the winner tomorrow at noon.

Answer in the comments, in what year was our company founded? The first one to guess correctly will receive [Insert your choice].

Each 50th commenter of this post will receive our branded baseball cap as a gift. Share this good news!

Tomorrow we have a sale - everything is 50% off! Click like for a chance to win in full free purchase(maximum for 10,000 rubles). The winner will be chosen tomorrow at 11:00.

We are about to expand our range with a new product and would like to hear from you. Write in the comments which version of the pictures you think we are going to release. The winner will receive a prize - a year's supply of [Insert your product name].

Guess how many brands included in the list of the largest brands in Russia we have worked with? Leave your suggestions in the comments to get the opportunity to win a prize - free maintenance for a month.

What are you most afraid of? Write in the comments. We will reward the most interesting answers with tickets to the film “Astral 2”. We will announce the winners this Thursday.

Click "Like" if you can't wait for this weekend too. Tomorrow at 14.00 we will determine the winner, who will receive a ticket for two to the Lesnye Dali boarding house for this weekend.

Write the name of your Twitter account. Man with the largest number followers will receive a prize - a T-shirt. We will choose the winner tomorrow at 3:00 pm.

We had a great party at Rolling Stone yesterday. Click "Like" if you've been there to get a free CD with the party's best tracks.

Dressing up for [Insert appropriate holiday name]! Show a photo of your costume in the comments to win [Insert your choice]. The winner will be announced tomorrow at 5:00 pm.

Click on the picture and press “L” on your keyboard for a chance to win [Insert your choice]. Hint: pressing the "L" key allows you to like the photo. The 100th like wins!

Too much coffee [Instead of coffee, you can insert your own option] - how much? Answer in the comments and get a chance to win a prize from our coffee shop [Or specify another prize]. The winner will be announced at 7:00 (Yes, so early that you will have to wake up and have coffee).

Competition again! Add a photo of your bookshelf with [Insert your product name] in the comment. The owner of the most interesting bookshelf with the most likes will receive gift Certificate for 10,000 rubles in a bookstore

In this section, materials are posted by users of the site and are published after approval by the moderator. The editors are not responsible for spelling and other errors, although they try to correct them as much as possible.
You can add your note on this page.

Winning an apartment, a hair dryer and a coffee maker is now easier than ever. You just need to go to your feed on any social network and choose the contest that you like. Contests are held by everyone, from the pages of large brands to small local firms. But why they do this - we will figure it out.

Very often there are competitions for the sake of competitions - they played something, gave it to someone and the activity ended there. Why hold contests at all? in social networks? It's not just that brands spend quite large budgets not only on prize funds, but also on the development and launch of applications. When performing any action on a social network, you should always remember why we are doing this and what results we want to achieve. After all, this is not entertainment, but one of the main tools of Internet marketing. And any tool must be used wisely.

So first and foremost important rule successful competition.

Rule number 1. Goals and objectives.

Before developing the mechanics of the contest, you must clearly define what goals you are going to achieve and what tasks to solve. And proceeding from this, it is already necessary to select the prize fund and think over the mechanics. If you have such a situation that you are forced to act the other way around - you have a prize, and for it you must think over a competition - also do not forget about the goals. Only here is important point– the concept of the competition must be commensurate with the value of the prize.

Why do we have a competition?

  • Content virality. A contest post will allow you to increase the reach of the page without attracting additional budgets.
  • Activate subscribers, which will increase engagement rates.
  • Brand loyalty. If you, as the organizer, keep all your promises and choose the winner openly and honestly, people will be drawn to you. Even those users who were not lucky, and they remained only participants, not winners, will be more loyal to your brand later.
  • New subscribers.
  • Promotions and contests can help bring a new product to market.
And so on. Who better than you to know what indicators you need to improve in your community. Determine what is your first priority, and then work out the entire strategy of the competition and the mechanisms for its launch.

Rule number 2. The ratio of the value of the prize and the mechanics of the competition.

For the most common goal - increasing the activity of participants, short contests with the maximum simple conditions like+share or like+share+action scheme.

Social networks are quite loyal to different kind activities, and opportunities for holding more than enough. The easiest option is to create a contest post with conditions and pin it to the top of the page. In the process of promoting the contest, you can simply link to the post in the announcements.

A more advanced option is a competition using the application. It is suitable if you expect a lot of participants. Also, applications are usually used with rather complex mechanics and a valuable prize. Most applications for various types of activities were created for Facebook. You can use existing ones or order an application specifically for your activity. I will say right away - the pleasure is not cheap. Applications are most suitable for holding photo contests. They are convenient to fill in the work (this can be done by the participants themselves) and track the progress of the competition. As a rule, such applications themselves rate the work by the number of votes, and the administrator will not need to waste time determining the winner.

But you don't have to run a photo contest through apps. You can ask users to post photos as comments on a post. In such cases, it will be more difficult for participants to collect votes, but it will be easy for administrators to count votes. You can also put photos in albums, so there are tons of options.

And if you want to increase the audience, it is advisable to use a valuable prize. In this case, you have every right to complicate the mechanics.

Complex photo contests with a set of likes are worth running if your goal is to increase both the audience and activity on the page. But your prize must be of high value, since the participants are required to perform quite a lot of actions.

Rule number 3. Competition rules.

You must be very clear about the terms of the competition. The more you pay attention to the rules, the less problems you will have in determining the winner.

Write down:

  • Competition start and end dates.
  • When will the winner be announced.
  • What needs to be done to win.
  • How do you choose a winner
  • Which profiles are not allowed to participate in the contest (if you are struggling with prizes, you can specify that empty or closed profiles are not allowed to participate in the contest).
  • Disqualification - for what you can exclude a participant (cheat, obviously fake account, etc.).

Rule number 4. Competition duration.

How long your contest will last depends largely on the value of the prize and on the mechanics. Everything is connected here:

Valuable prize = more difficult mechanics = takes time to complete = contest lasts longer than activity with simple rules.

For example:

  • Simple contest with mechanics: like+share - 1 week
  • Contest with like+share+ action mechanics - 1, 2 weeks (depending on how difficult the action participants need to perform)
  • Any contests where the winner is determined by the number of likes - 3-4 weeks. Depending on the value of the prize.

If you have a minimum advertising budget, you can spend it on promoting a contest post. It is advisable to consider this before launching the contest, since the illustration for the promoted post should not have a lot of text (no more than 20%), otherwise Facebook will refuse to promote such a publication.

It is very easy to launch such a promotion. You must be the administrator of the page on which you are running the contest. Post a contest post. And then click on the right under the post button - promote the post. All!

Set targeting, budget and launch.

Place information about the competition on all possible resources. It can be a corporate website, blog, email newsletter, etc.

    Business correspondence

You can safely place information about the competition in the signature of your letter. Thus, all your customers and partners will know about the promotion.

    Website traffic

Lead people from the site to your contest post. Place a cross-cutting banner or pop-up window on the site with a call to participate.

Rule number 6. If you are afraid of prizes - it is better not to start.

Prizolovy - good or evil? Fight them or use them for good? How can experienced contestants help?

Many do not want to hold contests on their pages, as the first and most active participants are experienced prize winners.

But, if you know in advance what you will encounter, you can turn a minus into a plus.

Why be afraid of prizes when they can give your contest reach and engagement? Let them serve as the engine for your competition! Are you afraid of cheats? Write in detail in the conditions - in which case you have the right to disqualify a participant.

If you are raffling off a serious prize, give it back after providing passport data.

Do not turn the prize-winners against yourself, you can be friends with them!

Rule number 7. Use of specialized services.

Use of smart technologies. In order to run a contest, you need goals, an idea, and a graphic representation. If you do not want to waste your time, then you can use the services of marketers or any web services. For example, using , you can pick up an idea for the competition, a template with prescribed rules and a suitable image. And with the built-in graphic editor, which does not require knowledge of special programs, you can easily brand a picture and add necessary elements. Thus, instead of racking your brains and looking for a designer, you can prepare a contest post in a few minutes. By the way, the service will help you not only in holding contests, but also in planning daily posting.

Rule number 8. Rules for rules.

Interesting contests always draw attention to your social network account. When there is no time and opportunity to organize large-scale activities, you can get by with mini-competitions that do not require too complex actions from the participants, but at the same time involve a large number of subscribers. We offer you 35 examples of simple contests for any occasion:

Social Media Contest Ideas

  • We already have over 10,000 subscribers! Click "Like" to celebrate this event with us! The 100th like will win a prize!
  • Leave a comment below to win a free t-shirt: “The best [insert your choice] is _________.” The one with the most likes wins.
  • How would you rate the product in the picture on a scale of 0 to 10? Whoever gives the best explanation in the comment will get this product absolutely free. The winner will be chosen tomorrow at 11:00.
  • Who loves autumn? Like this post for a chance to win [insert your choice]. Winner will be announced today at 6:00 pm.
  • Come up with a caption for this picture. Leave your options in the comments. The comment with the most likes will receive [Insert Your Choice].
  • Guess how many sweets are in the bowl in the photo. The one with the closest option will receive a year's supply of candy. (Candies can be replaced with any of your products).
  • On a scale of 0 to 10, how much do you like [Insert your company name]. Tomorrow at 14.00 we will choose the biggest fan and put his photo on the header of our page.
  • What will be the score in the game between Luxembourg and Russia this Saturday? Whoever has the closest option wins [Insert your own option].
  • If I could be anywhere in the world right now, it would be ___________. Share your dream for a chance to win [Insert your choice].
  • If you could only choose one [Insert the name of one of your products] from our range, what would it be? Write in the comments and get a chance to win our gift card.
  • Write the word "Coupon" in the comments and get a 20% discount on your next purchase. The promotion is valid until 13:00 tomorrow!
  • We want to know you as well as your friends know you! Leave a photo of you and your best friend in the comment for a chance to win [insert your choice]. We will choose the winner tomorrow at noon.
  • Answer in the comments, in what year was our company founded? The first one to guess correctly will receive [Insert your choice].
  • Each 50th commenter of this post will receive our branded baseball cap as a gift. Share this good news!
  • Tomorrow we have a sale - everything is 50% off! Click like for a chance to win a completely free purchase (up to 10,000 rubles). The winner will be chosen tomorrow at 11:00.
  • We are about to expand our range with a new product and would like to hear from you. Write in the comments which version of the pictures you think we are going to release. The winner will receive a prize - a year's supply of [Insert your product name].
  • Guess how many brands included in the list of the largest brands in Russia we have worked with? Leave your guesses in the comments to get the opportunity to win a prize - free maintenance for a month.
  • What are you most afraid of? Write in the comments. We will reward the most interesting answers with tickets to the film “Astral 2”. We will announce the winners this Thursday.
  • Click "Like" if you can't wait for this weekend too. Tomorrow at 14.00 we will determine the winner, who will receive a ticket for two to the Lesnye Dali boarding house for this weekend.
  • Write the name of your Twitter account. The person with the most followers will receive a T-shirt. We will choose the winner tomorrow at 3:00 pm.
  • We had a great party at Rolling Stone yesterday. Click "Like" if you've been there to get a free CD with the party's best tracks.
  • Dressing up for [Insert appropriate holiday name]! Show a photo of your costume in the comments to win [Insert your choice]. The winner will be announced tomorrow at 5:00 pm.
  • What did you want to be when you grow up? Share your childhood dream in the comments to win [insert your choice]. We will choose the winner on Friday.
  • Click on the picture and press “L” on your keyboard for a chance to win [Insert your choice]. Hint: pressing the "L" key allows you to like the photo. The 100th like wins!
  • Too much coffee [Instead of coffee, you can insert your own option] - how much? Answer in the comments and get a chance to win a prize from our coffee shop [Or specify another prize]. The winner will be announced at 7:00 (Yes, so early that you will have to wake up and have coffee).
  • Competition again! Add a photo of your bookshelf with [Insert your product name] in the comment. The owner of the most interesting bookshelf, who has collected the maximum number of likes, will receive a gift certificate for 10,000 rubles in the bookstore …
  • What did you do last weekend? Show the photo in the comments of the post. The photo with the most likes wins.
  • Which movie character star Wars: Hidden threat” says the very first sound in the movie? Try to guess and you can get a Darth Vader T-shirt.
  • Which of the Russian football players managed to score five goals in one match? Write your answers in the comments and get a chance to win tickets to the Russian Football Championship. The winner will be determined tomorrow!
  • Let's settle! Write the serial number in the comments. If we count to 200, we will randomly select 10 participants and give them tickets to The Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
  • My favorite song is _____ performed by ______. Name your favorite song and artist for a chance to win tickets to the next concert. The winner will be chosen tomorrow at noon.
  • On the beach, I love _______ the most. Write what you like to do on the beach and get a chance to win a trip to Turkey for two!
  • List the names of all dogs that have been in space. The first 10 people with correct answers will win tickets to the Memorial Museum of Cosmonautics.
  • “The ice has broken, gentlemen of the jury! The ice has broken!..” - Name what movie this quote is from and what character it belongs to in order to win [Insert your choice]. The winner will be announced tomorrow at 6:00 pm.
  • Prove that you love summer! Write a comment about it and invite your friends to vote for it. If you are among the top 5 in terms of the number of likes, then you can start packing your bags. The hot beaches of Thailand are already waiting for you.

If you have any ideas what social media contests could be, write in the comments!

Do you have a company community on VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki or Instagram? This fact must be used to promote the brand, attract new members and increase their loyalty. How to do it? One of effective ways- contest. About how to create the right motivation, expand the audience and find everything you need, will be discussed today.

Benefits of holding

  • Growth in the number of visitors and subscribers of communities.
  • Good motivation to act according to your rules (if there is a valuable prize).
  • Recognition and loyalty, especially if the prize is your product.
  • Strengthening reputation.
  • Entertainment that can turn a single customer into a regular customer and an active member of the community.


  • Not everyone who comes to the group for the competition will be specifically interested in you and your products. It could be a friend of the member who joined the community, voted, and hastily left it.
  • Contests in social networks attract “prizes”, they have little interest in fair competition and they will do everything to win. Especially if the prize is an iPhone, a tablet, a camera, etc. They can be calculated, but you need to think about how to “cut off their oxygen” even before the launch of the competition, prescribing the rules for participation.
  • The competition is ideally regulated legally. More on this later.
  • It may happen that in an already promoted competition there is a gap in the rules. The need to “rewind” always annoys those who have already set about fulfilling the conditions. That is why you approach writing rules as meticulously as possible.


Before the competition, we work out the rules: what the participant needs to do in order to qualify for victory.

  • Content Creation. Text slogans, poems, comments, stories, as well as photo or video materials, animated videos. You can ask your audience to create anything. It is necessary to clearly indicate what the topic of creativity is, what should be in the frame or what action the video should contain. It is logical if your product is mentioned in the work. A poem about the product, a photo of it, a video of it being used, etc. Of course, if you're selling bicycles, don't ask participants to ride a thin rubber band between two sheer cliffs. Stop at what the majority can. By the way, in the previous issue of the newsletter, it was mentioned about, which solves several problems for your company at once.
  • Puzzles. You can think of one problem for all participants that needs to be solved. The winner will be the one who gives the correct answer first. It can also be a series of questions about a product or company. If there are several people who answered correctly, it is worth thinking about the final stage.
  • Repost. The most popular and simplest mechanic is a repost and the subsequent collection of post likes on the wall of the participant’s personal page. Be careful! Many resort to cheating: there are communities and applications on social networks for those who exchange likes and reposts to win contests.

Competition advertisement


There are several award options for the winner of your contest. Consider the most common of them and mention what will not make you tense up even minimally.

  1. Gadgets. The most common option that attracts a non-target audience. Many of these participants will simply "disperse" after the announcement of the results, so you should think several times before choosing this method of reward.
  2. Product. You can reward what you sell, especially if your product is not so easy to buy. This may be a certificate for the provision of a service, a specific product of your line. You should not offer a discount - either all or nothing.
  3. themed gift. Let's say you sell children's toys. Parents will be more willing to fight for a trip to Disneyland than for a six-foot bear. At this stage, at the same time, the non-target audience is eliminated, only young parents remain. Another example: you sell kitchen sets. Here you can offer not a furniture creation service, but, for example, an oven, refrigerator, dishwasher- something that is in almost every kitchen and in any case will be needed by those who have taken care of the situation. Do you sell books? Choose to draw a deluxe edition of The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, and not a dictionary of synonyms, which no one buys for the second year.
  4. Social network currency. You can hold regular small draws, where the reward will be votes, "oks" or credits. This is convenient and attracts those who play in applications.

See to it that the reward for the considerable effort required is worthy. It is also important not to overestimate the required actions, otherwise the community will be filled with an untargeted crowd.

How to announce the winner?

  • Remember that the results of the competition must be justified, and this largely depends on the prescribed rules. Tell us what you liked about each entry and why such a winner.
  • Well, if you manage to attract to the jury famous person in the country or your city. If the goal is to attract only residents of a certain region to the competition, you can make a separate event out of the award and film it, and then publish it in the photo or video section of the community.
  • During the awards, do not forget about everyone who tried. Post their photos, texts or other generated content that did not win, but excelled.
  • Before holding a competition, it is important to clearly understand who your audience is, their social status and intellect. Based on this, you can roughly outline what you can offer to participate in the competition.
  • Set the goals that you want to achieve with the competition (advertising a new product, increasing the number of subscribers, etc.).
  • Consider how to determine the winner: by the number of likes, reposts, comments, or with the help of a jury. Don't keep the experts a secret - introduce the participants to those who will evaluate their work.
  • Even if you chose a gift that is not related to your business, try to focus on your company.
  • From an already primitive idea to take a certain photo or come up with a slogan, you can make an effective contest with a large number of participants. It is important to make the idea interesting.
  • Do not be wiser with the conditions, but remember that many people like to present someone else's work at the competition. To do this, use .
  • Contests should be an addition rather than the main way to promote the group. They quickly get used to the freebie: if you hold contests every week for six months, and then stop abruptly, part of the audience will become indignant.
  • You can run a contest on several social networks at once, if the format is suitable. The main thing is to follow the rules. You may even need an assistant.
  • Think over not only the conditions, but also the name of the competition, the plot, graphic elements (the image of prizes to increase motivation). This may be a character that personifies the organizer of the competition.
  • Items to be completed can be numbered and highlighted.
  • Be sure to indicate the grounds for disqualifying the participant and restrictions (only a member of the group can participate / vote, etc.).
  • Track the number of likes and reposts, the ways they "follow", use.
  • Before launching a contest, find out all the ways to cheat indicators to win. In the conditions, indicate that their use is prohibited.
  • Unless otherwise specified in the rules, you can extend the competition period or announce another stage. But the rule change will not please everyone.
  • Make a "secret community" out of the participants, come up with a name. For example, “tea experts” for an online tea store, “photo fans” for an image contest, etc.
  • Often, after the announcement of the results, a wave of resentment or indignation may arise (“why did he win, and not me”). Here you must show all your diplomacy skills and.
  • Remember that the competition is the application of efforts on the part of the participant, his conscious will to win and the attraction of help. Determination of the winner by the method random selection is a lottery in which a random participant wins.


Nikon has launched a competition in its VKontakte community. This is an annual event that is looked forward to as valuable prizes are offered. At the same time, you need to demonstrate your talent. There were no additional announcements in the group, but there was

Do you have a company community on VKontakte, Facebook, Odnoklassniki or Instagram? This fact must be used to promote the brand, attract new members and increase their loyalty. How to do it? One of the most effective ways is competition.

  • Growth in the number of visitors and subscribers of communities;
  • Good motivation to act according to your rules (if there is a valuable prize);
  • Recognition and loyalty, especially if the prize is your product;
  • Strengthening reputation;
  • Entertainment that can turn a single customer into a regular customer and an active member of the community.
  • Not everyone who comes to the group for the competition will be specifically interested in you and your products. This may be a friend of the participant who joined the community, voted, and hastily left it;
  • Contests in social networks attract "prizes", they have little interest in fair competition and they will do everything to win. Especially if the prize is an iPhone, tablet, camera, etc. They can be calculated, but you need to think about how to “block their oxygen” even before the launch of the competition, prescribing the rules for participation;
  • The competition is ideally regulated legally;
  • It may happen that in an already promoted competition there is a gap in the rules. The need to “rewind” always annoys those who have already set about fulfilling the conditions. That is why you approach writing rules as meticulously as possible.

The mechanics of holding contests in social networks

Before the competition, we work out the rules: what the participant needs to do in order to qualify for victory:

Content creation.

Text slogans, poems, comments, stories, as well as photo or video materials, animated videos. You can ask your audience to create anything. It is necessary to clearly indicate what the topic of creativity is, what should be in the frame or what action the video should contain. It is logical if your product is mentioned in the work. A poem about the product, a photo with it, a video where it is used, etc. Of course, if you are selling bicycles, you should not ask participants to ride a thin rubber band between two sheer cliffs. Stop at what the majority can. By the way, there are also review contests that solve several problems for your company at once.


You can think of one problem for all participants that needs to be solved. The winner will be the one who gives the correct answer first. It can also be a series of questions about a product or company. If there are several people who answered correctly, it is worth thinking about the final stage.


The most popular and simplest mechanic is a repost and subsequent collection of post likes on the wall of the participant's personal page. Be careful! Many resort to cheating: there are communities and applications on social networks for those who exchange likes and reposts to win contests.

How to promote a contest on a social network:

  1. Give information on the site in the form of news with a link to the contest page;
  2. Notify your subscribers by e-mail with a link to the group on the social network. You can include this information in the notification letters about the acceptance of the order, processing, sending;
  3. A few days before the start, place an announcement of the competition in the group. It is better if you notify the audience twice: the first time 7 days in advance, the second time a couple of days before the start;
  4. Discuss the possibility of exchanging posts with a community that has the audience you need;
  5. If you have a budget, run advertising campaign in a social network;
  6. If you intend to raffle off an expensive prize and attract as many interested as possible, consider posting press releases on websites;
  7. Don't forget about a unique hashtag for the contest that can be used on Instagram, Facebook, VKontakte, Twitter, and so on;
  8. Even during the competition, remind about it. Some may have missed the information but would have taken part.

How to encourage the participants of the action in the social network:

There are several award options for the winner of your contest. Consider the most common of them and mention what will not make you tense up even minimally.


The most common option that attracts a non-target audience. Many of these participants will simply "disperse" after the announcement of the results, so you should think several times before choosing this method of reward.


You can reward what you sell, especially if your product is not so easy to buy. This may be a certificate for the provision of a service, a specific product of your line. You shouldn't offer a discount - it's either all or nothing.

Themed gift.

Let's say you sell children's toys. Parents will be more willing to fight for a trip to Disneyland than for a six-foot bear. At this stage, at the same time, the non-target audience is eliminated, only young parents remain. Another example: You sell kitchen sets. Here you can offer not a furniture creation service, but, for example, an oven, a refrigerator, a dishwasher - something that is in almost every kitchen and in any case will be needed by those who have taken care of the decor. Do you sell books? Choose to draw a deluxe edition of The Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter, and not a dictionary of synonyms, which no one buys for the second year.

You can hold regular small draws, where the reward will be votes, "oks" or credits. This is convenient and attracts those who play in applications.

See to it that the reward for the considerable effort required is worthy. It is also important not to overestimate the required actions, otherwise the community will be filled with an untargeted crowd.

How to announce the winner:

  • Remember that the results of the competition must be justified, and this largely depends on the prescribed rules. Tell us what you liked about each entry and why such a winner;
  • Well, if you manage to attract a well-known person in the country or your city to the jury. If the goal is to attract only residents of a certain region to the competition, you can make a separate event out of the award and film it, and then publish it in the photo or video section of the community;
  • During the awards, do not forget about everyone who tried. Post their photos, texts or other generated content that did not win, but excelled.
  1. Before holding a competition, it is important to clearly understand who your audience is, its social status and intelligence. Based on this, you can roughly outline what you can offer to participate in the competition;
  2. Set goals that you are trying to achieve by holding a contest (advertising a new product, increasing the number of subscribers, etc.);
  3. Consider how to determine the winner: by the number of likes, reposts, comments, or with the help of a jury. Do not make a secret out of the experts - introduce the participants to those who will evaluate their work;
  4. Even if you have chosen a gift that is not related to your business, try to focus on your company;
  5. From an already primitive idea to take a certain photo or come up with a slogan, you can make an effective contest with a large number of participants. It is important to make the idea interesting;
  6. Do not be wiser with the conditions, but remember that many people like to present someone else's work at the competition. To do this, use the search by images and services for checking the uniqueness of content;
  7. Contests should be an addition rather than the main way to promote the group. They quickly get used to the free one: if you hold contests every week for six months, and then stop abruptly, part of the audience will become indignant;
  8. You can run a contest on several social networks at once, if the format is suitable. The main thing is to follow the rules. You may even need an assistant;
  9. Think over not only the conditions, but also the name of the competition, the plot, graphic elements (the image of prizes to increase motivation). It can be a character that personifies the organizer of the competition;
  10. Items to be completed can be numbered and highlighted;
  11. Be sure to indicate the grounds for disqualifying the participant and restrictions (only a member of the group can participate / vote, etc.);
  12. Track the number of likes and reposts, the ways they "follow", use services that will show where your contest or company was mentioned;
  13. Before launching a contest, find out all the ways to cheat indicators to win. Specify in the conditions that their use is prohibited;
  14. If the rules did not stipulate other conditions, you can extend the contest period or announce another stage. But the rule change will not please everyone;
  15. Make a "secret community" out of the participants, come up with a name. For example, “tea experts” for an online tea store, “photofans” for an image contest, and the like;
  16. Often, after the announcement of the results, a wave of resentment or indignation may arise (“why did he win, and not me”). Here you must show all your diplomacy skills and effectively deal with the negative;
  17. Remember that the competition is the application of efforts on the part of the participant, his conscious will to win and the attraction of help. Determination of the winner by random selection is a lottery in which a random participant wins.

10 ideas for contests

Idea #1: Invite a friend.

Idea #2: I like it because...

Another simple but sufficient effective option timeline competition. Its essence is for the user to like the contest post and tell in the comment why he wants to receive this prize or why he loves your brand or company. You can also ask users to use a hashtag of your own design, like Inglot does. To win a free makeover, contestants must share why they love Inglot in the comments and use the hashtag #ILoveInglotBecause.

Rice. 29.1. Competition from the company Inglot.

Idea #3: Answer the question.

Alternatively, you can ask users to answer the question of how the Rafinad restaurant does it.

Rice. 29.2. Competition on Facebook from the Rafinad restaurant.

One more example. Vladkhleb held a series small competitions, in which users were asked to answer a question about the cake shown in the photo. Those who answered the question correctly got the opportunity to taste goodies.

Rice. 29.3. Competition on Facebook from Vladakhleb.

Idea #4: "Guess"

Another version of the competition with comments - guess what it is. We ask users to guess what is shown in the photo or how much of this something is shown. There are examples when users are asked to guess how many sweets are in the jar, count how many packs of tea are “hidden” in the photo, or even guess when the first snow will fall.

Rice. 29.4. An example of "guess-ki" from the Facebook page Rafinada.

The second version of "guess-ki" from the Great Football page. Sports clubs and pages very often hold such contests and achieve very good activity among users, because it is easy and fun to participate in such promotions.

Rice. 29.5. Competition on Facebook from the Great Football page.

Idea #5: Fill in the blank.

Another option for holding a contest, in order to participate in which you need to leave a comment. To celebrate Daughter's Day, Future Generali asks users to complete the phrase "Daughter is unique because _______" and offers a prize for the best answer.

Rice. 29.6. Facebook contest by Future Generali.

Idea #6: Trivia.

Trivia or, as it is called in Russian, a question with suggested answers - good way activate your users. It is easy to participate in such a contest, so users are willing to do it. Here's a great example from the Dolphinarium in Dubai, where users were asked to select the correct answer to win a free seaplane tour. Pay attention to user activity: 291 likes, 88 reposts and almost 600 comments. Good result for a page with 37,000 fans!

Rice. 29.7. Competition on Facebook from the Dolphinarium in Dubai.

Idea #7: Come up with a caption for the photo.

Another effective and fun way to grab the attention of Facebook users. As it is clear from the title, in order to take part in the competition, the user must come up with a title, slogan, dialogue, and so on for the published photo page. Trend We Love, for example, encouraged the page's fans to come up with a name for a series of trend photos they posted weekly on the page.

Rice. 29.8. Facebook contest from the Trend We Love page.

Idea #8: Photo contest.

Photo contests are, of course, one of the most interesting and creative options shares, which usually causes good activity from users. As we all know, visual content attracts most attention, since it is easier for our brain to digest it, so users willingly like and comment on it. At the same time, the creation of visual content requires time and effort, which serves as some barrier to participation, that is, there will definitely be fewer participants. This is confirmed by a good but unpopular competition from 20th Century Fox Russia, where users have to dress up as Justin Timberlake, take a photo and post a photo on the wall of the page. The prize is a VA-Bank movie poster signed by Justin. Here, of course, there is a tactical mistake on the part of the page administrators. They needed to reach out to Justin's fans and tell them about the competition, rather than invite an untargeted audience to participate in it. However, photo contests are necessary and important, as they attract much more attention and are remembered longer than other types of contests. An example of a photo contest in which (rather female) users were required to show the contents of their handbags by taking a photo of it and placing the photo on the page.

Rice. 29.9. Facebook contest from the Be Smart page.

Idea number 9: Creative competition.

`The idea of ​​such a competition is a bit like a photo contest, but here you have to show more abilities and talents. Users can be asked to compose a poem, talk about their experience with the brand, draw something (with their own hands or on a computer), or make something.

An example of such a competition at the Ripol publishing house, where users were asked to write haiku - Japanese style poems on autumn theme

Rice. 29.10. Competition on Facebook from the publishing house Ripol.

Idea #10: Crowdsourcing.

As the name itself says, with the help of this competition, a brand or company transfers part of its functions to users. For example, we can ask users to choose a color for a new product, choose the ingredients of a new dish or completely create it, come up with an original service name, and so on.

For example, users are asked to come up with interesting name for a new cocktail and receive a gift for the most original name.

Rice. 29.11. Facebook Contest by JW Marriott Hotel.

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