How to make a New Year's hairstyle curls on an iron yourself. An important point in choosing a hairstyle

The year of the Fire Rooster is distinguished by its creativity, so you can easily experiment in creating an image.

Lots of options.

If you have already decided, it's time to think about the hairstyle.

You can decorate hairstyles with elements of curls, braids and various waves.

Hairstyle options for short hair

In order to pick stylish hairstyle V coming year, there are a lot of variations, the main thing is not to get confused when choosing.

For example, a stylish short pixie haircut does not require special styling. It is lightweight and does not create inconvenience in wearing and care. It also has a rejuvenating effect.

Young women can combine a haircut with a shaved temple on one side or both. Now asymmetry is in trend, so it is preferable to shave the temple on one side.

Also, a haircut can be supplemented with beveled bangs or side parting.

Popular in previous seasons women's haircuts"square", "bob", still remain at the peak of popularity. And the "square" is already for a long time manages to stay on top and remain the most sought-after haircut among the female half of the population.

Eat certain styles styling that can be done with a minimum investment of time and will look good on short hair lengths.

Curls different textures perfect for short hair. Fix the styling by special means, giving shine, they will create a feeling of well-groomed and complete the image.

Hairstyles for medium hair length

  • by the most win-win can be called styling and hairstyles on New Year 2017 based on curls. Wavy hair give femininity and romance even to those who have rough facial features.

In order to perform this styling, it is necessary to lift the hair at the roots and twist it with large diameter curlers.

Do the same manipulations with the strands on the sides, then make flagella out of them and stab them in the center of the head. Laying is obtained with light effect negligence.

  • Different variations of beams. The hairstyle has gained a lot of demand in winter times of the year.

The execution is quite simple, you need to collect the hair in a ponytail, high or low - at your discretion. Next, you need a roller, with the help of which a bundle will be created, it is fixed on the tail, and the waxes are pulled out from there to create a careless look. At the end, it is fixed with elastic bands, invisible or hairpins.

You can add braids to the bundle, or decorate with other weaving options, hairpins, rhinestones, pebbles or other decorations at your discretion. The more original the hairstyle, the better.

  • If you prefer hair middle length decorate with haircuts, from you can choose from “cascades”, “ladders”, “bob” and “square” options. You can add zest to the image, with the help of a side parting and various styling.
  • Another version of the newfangled festive hairstyle in the year of the Rooster, various experiments with the classic "shell". You can try to lay it like a rooster's comb. To do this, the hair is collected a little higher than with the standard hairstyle, the completed “shell” is decorated with accessories to complete the look.

The average hair length is considered the most versatile. With a minimum of effort, you can create a wide variety of images. And hairstyles on such hair will not cause much discomfort to the owners of such hair.

Hairstyle options for long hair

Much more you can show fantasy on long-haired beauties. Designers recommend wearing all kinds of tails this year.

There are many options, you can make both ordinary straight tails, curly, wavy, and tails with weaving elements, complemented by a variety of accessories.

You can paint the curls in shades of different colors, especially red - it will be very stylish and original.

Various weaves and braid-based hairstyles are quite complex and take more time to complete, so you should think through everything carefully before choosing the most suitable holiday look.

The most popular consist of curls that fit like a rooster's comb.

Accessories to complete the look

You can use tonics of red and shades of blue, for coloring strands to give originality to the bow.

Also, to decorate hairstyles, you can use various feathers, headbands, jewelry with stones and original hairpins. All that will give you originality and sophistication.

Preparing for the meeting of the New Year 2017, you need to think through all the nuances: the whimsical and conceited Fire Rooster will not tolerate a careless attitude towards himself! You won’t be able to create a complete image without styling, so look at the options that suit the occasion.

So, what should be the New Year's hairstyle so that the owner of the year likes it and makes you the queen of the night? The stylists of our fashion site will try to tell you.

So today we will tell you:

Trendy colors 2017

As in the previous season, you can't go wrong with a natural color.
All overflows of blond are relevant - from strawberry to ashy. Ideally, it is recommended to choose a shade that is slightly different from natural, so give up cardinal transformations.

Brunettes will be pleased with the prospect of being in a trend without making any special innovations: using dark tones gaining momentum. Against the background of black strands, gold or metal jewelry looks advantageous, which the feathered patron of the year loves so much.

Brown-haired women remained out of focus for a long time, but now their turn has come to rejoice - the hazelnut shade is recognized as one of the most fashionable this winter. Soft play of tone will suit the face of any charmer.

What could please the Red Rooster more than red curls? To make your hair look natural, choose copper tones, which are especially well combined with green eyes and fair skin. And take note that cherry red, burgundy or eggplant have gone out of fashion, so hurry up to fix the situation.

When choosing coloring, it is not necessary to bet on monochrome - the play of colors will make you attractive. If you want to try ombre or balayage, better than chance can not found! Just don't make abrupt transitions and your image will be on top.

Hairstyles and styling for the New Year 2017

For a retro party fit image in the style of the 80s, when the beauties flaunted a shock of perky curls. The curls falling below the shoulders look spectacular, but the owners short curls, framing the head with a halo, will not be left without attention.

If nature has rewarded you with unruly curls, forget about the habit of pulling them out with a styler. Latest fashion trends do not imply a fight with the characteristics of the hair, but the study of their potential, so put the “iron” in the far corner of the shelf

Soft in fashion light wave, and to get stylish styling It is enough to part the hair with a straight parting. Do not forget that the hairstyle should look a little sloppy - a curl filled with varnish to a state of complete immobility has managed to become a sign of bad taste.

Owners of straight hair can rejoice: mirror smoothness is back in fashion. Bunches, tails, smooth curls or just straight hair - take your pick!

If you prefer practicality, bet on braids, a low ponytail or careless buncurrent trends imply simplicity and ease even on solemn days.

You can experiment with the famous "shell" by making it look like a cockscomb. Lay your hair closer to the crown, forming a light bouffant, add bright pen- and the hairstyle will please with a spectacular interpretation.

Christmas hair accessories

To please the Rooster, give preference to the whole range of red overflows, choosing hairpins and hair ties. You are free to bet on other tones that can be seen in the dancing tongues of fire, so pay attention to purple, green, blue and yellow.

Shiny jewelry that will appeal to the conceited symbol of the year is especially honored. Use time-tested jewelry, but high-quality jewelry will also be appropriate: fashion for individuality allows you to demonstrate a decent hand-made. The main thing is to approach the design of the New Year's hairstyle with imagination, and you are guaranteed success!

Hairstyle Ideas for the New Year of the Rooster 2017

The closer the New Year approaches, the more questions arise about how to celebrate it, how it should be New Year's table… But, the image in which you will enjoy the holiday is no less important. And this applies not only New Year's outfit, and everything that complements it. surprise and delight with their diversity. It doesn't matter how long your hair is. A hairstyle in the style of a - la "Fiery Rooster" can be chosen for absolutely everyone.

Each year dictates new fashion trends which are sometimes strikingly different from the previous year. There is a growing need for the originality of the script for the meeting of the holiday, so it is better to plan everything in advance, including thinking through your image to the smallest detail.
The hairstyle plays an important role in creating the image. The year 2017 brings new ideas and principles for creating New Year's hairstyles. The highlights will be gloss and extravagance. Hair accessories will play an important role. They must be necessarily bright, so that they can be used to focus on the head. No wonder women give great importance hair care, because they contain all of their female power and energy. In order for this strength and energy to multiply in the coming year, you should prepare your hair for the New Year's Eve. beautiful hairstyle at least a week in advance.
In general, it is better not to visit hairdressers and beauty salons immediately before the holiday, otherwise the hair will be difficult to tame, and the hairstyle may not hold. With a new hairstyle, you need to walk around for a while, get used to it. Hair coloring is also undesirable in last days so that there is time to correct the shortcomings, change the shade if the desired result was not achieved.
When the preparations with the appearance of the hair are completed, you can directly engage in the selection of a fashionable hairstyle. The trend of 2017 will be all high voluminous hairstyles for long hair and bold volume for short hair. Like a cock's comb women's hairstyle should rise like a mop and should not be “sleek”.

Short hair should either be dyed bright color, or carry out highlighting of individual strands, creating a sense of volume. You can create a dizzying shape with a curling iron or perm. Or style your hair in or glam rock. Of course, for such hairstyles, you also need the appropriate one.

As for New Year's hairstyles for medium length hair, one should proceed from the degree of their density. You can make a high ponytail or a bun, while decorating your hair with some bright detail. To increase the volume of the hairstyle, you can use special rollers. Curls, braids and corrugated strands can be combined with each other in various interesting variations.

Braids, as before, remain relevant, and this a good option For long hair but you have to choose unusual options weaving. Worth giving preference bright accessories: ribbons, brooches, tiaras, large ones that can be woven into hair. Part of the hair can be left loose, then they should be styled with a curling iron or make a “corrugation”.

Hairstyles for the New Year of the Fire Rooster 2017 are very active. There is no need to be afraid of brightness, in the New Year it is quite justified. After all, we do not wear such hairstyles every day. And besides, an extraordinary hairstyle will be remembered for a long time by all those present at the holiday party, and will allow you to become the queen of New Year's Eve.

Do you already know with what hairstyle you will appear at a magical holiday? Create yourself vivid image that will be remembered for a whole year!

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New Year - magical holiday, which we are looking forward to with special impatience and begin to prepare for it a month in advance, or even earlier. And, of course, every woman thinks over her image in advance. simply must be special, spectacular, memorable. Together with festive attire It will set the mood for the coming year. is the time of the Fiery Red Rooster. This means that the hairstyle for the new year 2017 should match this imposing symbol. Let's find out soon the advice of astrologers and stylists for New Year's image- We will choose a hairstyle and makeup for her.


New Year's hairstyle 2017 - the year of the fiery red Rooster

According to the established tradition, each year has its own owner. Red will reign in 2017 fiery rooster. He, like any other character, has his own preferences in appearance. This does not mean that you need to make colored mohawks like a cockerel. Stylists and astrologers give the following advice.

The rooster is a proud, extravagant and spectacular bird. Means, key points hairstyles for celebrating the New Year and the image in general are:

  • Brightness and , and in detail.
  • Courage and audacity.
  • Creativity.
  • Gloss and luxury.

The main rule is that hairstyle and makeup for the new year 2017 should be in harmony with clothing and accessories in general.

The color palette, as you already understood, is preferably bright and expressive. Choose Christmas accessories for hair of the following colors:

  1. Red,
  2. Gold,
  3. Yellow,
  4. Orange,
  5. Green,
  6. Blue,

Do not forget that cockerels love everything pretentious and catchy, so this new year's eve you can completely break away. When else, if not now, will you be able to afford to decorate your hair with feathers, sequins, rhinestones, sequined ribbons, gold crown rims with large stones.

But in the pre-New Year's fuss, do not forget about one condition. The hairstyle should correspond not only to the image, but also to the place of the celebration. Think in advance where, how and with whom you will celebrate the holiday - at home like a family, with friends at a party, dancing until you drop, in a chic restaurant, on a snowy hill or skating rink, on the street under fireworks, outside the city, etc. For each place, the styling for the new year 2017 should be appropriate. Agree, riding down a hill with "candelabra" on your head is not very convenient.

For your inspiration, options for New Year's women's, men's and children's hairstyles 2017.

Braids like in a fairy tale

New Year is the most fabulous holiday, so you can try on the image of the heroine of a fairy tale. Whether it's Barbara beauty - long braid, or Elsa from a cold heart.

Any braids are ideal for any celebration format. Volumetric in the technique of French or reverse weave, spikelet, - ideal for an informal meeting of the New Year.

For a solemn atmosphere, you can make a more chic braid using the weaving technique "", with openwork details, Greek weaving around the head, elegant bun from a braid. Decorate your hair with accessories with stones, rhinestones, feathers, weave in shiny ribbons - and luxurious hairstyle ready!

The option that the symbol of the year will like the most is the spikelet-scallop. from the top of the head to the back of the head with tie-backs. Then pull the loops out of each link of the pigtail. They will resemble a cockscomb.

Curls - a win-win option

Don't know what to choose? Then bet on curls. This great option styling for the new year for women with hair of any length. Today it is fashionable to curl hair from the middle of the length. This is a great option for long and medium hair.

On medium hair, you can make a New Year's perm from the very roots, with large spiral curls. It is also fashionable to curl bob and bob haircuts with light waves.

So that the curls do not look boring, lay them on one side, fix them with invisibility at the back. Feel free to put on a crown or headbands with stones and gilding - when else, if not now, will their hour come!

Rooster tail

A hairstyle that can be safely called a cockerel's tail or comb. These are different variations based on ponytail with bouffants and coca on the head.

It's easy to do this:

  1. Leave a wide strand on top of the face.
  2. Gather the rest of your hair into a ponytail at the crown or back of your head.
  3. Strands can be straightened with an iron or, conversely, curled.
  4. Comb and ruffle the ponytail so that it resembles a lush "rooster".
  5. Now carefully comb the strand near the face and connect it with the tail, securing it with invisibility. It will resemble a "comb".

Excessive accuracy is not needed here. The styling style is casual. Smooth sides only.

With a combed fluffy ponytail, you can also make different New Year's women's hairstyles. make braids or plaits leading to the base of the tail.

New Year's bunch

A bunch for the new year 2017 - great hairstyle for different holiday formats. With it, you can dance until you drop at a party or look like a queen in a restaurant. There are also a lot of bundle options.

Here are the New Year's options:

  • Flirty bun with a bow.
  • Elegant and luxurious bun of curls.
  • Stylish with a braid.

It is enough to decorate it with a catchy accessory, and a simple bun will turn into a beautiful New Year's hairstyle.

The Great Gatsby

If you decide to arrange a themed retro party in the spirit of the 20s of the last century (Haven't you already? It's time to get better), then choose retro wave styling and stylish accessories.

How to do styling a la Chicago or the Great Gatsby, you can read in this. Retro waves look good on long hair as well as on the shortest strands.

New Year's hairstyles for girls 2017

On this fabulous holiday, you should think about it in advance. After all, girls are looking forward to the New Year and want to look like fairy-tale heroines.

For little fashionistas, hairstyles with ponytails and pigtails, decorated with multi-colored bright ribbons, are well suited, beautiful hairpins and bows.

You can also make fashionable for a girl for the New Year. And the ends can be curled.

Curly curls look charming on little princesses. If the girl has straight hair, use curlers instead of a curling iron. Soft foam rubber or boomerangs are suitable. It is not recommended to use tongs, plastic curlers, Velcro and thermal curlers.

  1. Moisten each strand with water from a spray bottle
  2. And wind it on curlers.
  3. Then remove them and straighten the curls with your fingers.
  4. Decorate with a beautiful headband or hairpin.

Men's hairstyles for the new year

Of course, men also want to celebrate the holiday fully armed. Fashionable image here determines the haircut you have chosen. Everything is very simple here - just style your hair according to your hairstyle.

If you wear, you can style your hair on the side or slick back. At the same time, for the New Year it is better to choose a lush, rather than a smooth styling option. To do this, tousle your hair and use not a gel, but a mousse or styling paste.

An option for extreme people - if you want something completely original, then on haircuts with short temples you can shave the pattern.

Makeup for the new year 2017

New Year's makeup 2017 also involves brightness, expressiveness and gloss. It is desirable to make only one accent - eyes or lips. if you chose red lipstick, then it’s enough to make black before your eyes classic arrow. If bright makeup eyes, then the lips should be a calm shade.

  1. Face - the tone should be perfect. Apply the base Foundation And finishing powder. New Year is the time for face contouring. But it's better to practice beforehand. You can also safely use strobing and baking techniques, do not be afraid to overdo it with a highlighter.
  2. Eyes - use the classic pencil eye makeup technique, clear arrows, ombre eyeshadow transitions from one color to another, classic smokey with added shine.
  3. Lips - try the trendy ombre lip makeup. Mix several lipstick colors, blend and add gloss to the center of the lips.
  4. Eyelashes - mascara in several layers, and preferably false eyelashes.

Gorgeous look is ready! Happy New Year to you, friends.

Klabukova Tatiana

Hairstyle for the New Year 2017 is a difficult choice, because you have to walk with it all night. Therefore, building intricate “Babylons” on the head is clearly not an option. The editors have prepared for you a selection of unpretentious, but stylish options New Year's styling to help you make a lasting impression.

Careless braid - for romantic natures

The best female site for women

Do you still associate the braid with going to school and the image of a “nerd”? And in vain! Unusual weaving, where large strands are intertwined with thin ones, will look great on any hair and give it additional volume.

To add festive look some zest, you can weave a few pearls into your hair or decorate them with a large flower.

Boho chic hairstyle

IN last years enjoys particular popularity. Delicate, with a slight effect of negligence, hairstyles for the New Year 2017 are well suited to glamorous dresses, and even to business ones. trouser suits.

boho world

Do you want your image to be truly elegant and festive? Then take Special attention choice of accessories. It can be elastic bands with beautiful large flowers or stunning hairpins with pearls. The main thing is that all jewelry is in harmony with your main outfit.

High knot with bow

I'm in fashion

And this option will appeal to fans of retro style. This - perfect option for long hair: curls do not climb into the eyes, and the neck visually becomes thinner and more delicate.

Although creating such a hairstyle for the New Year 2017 for long hair will take a lot of time, the result is clearly worth it. And the “highlight” can be sparkling rhinestones, pearls and silver hairpins.

Tip: a high knot goes well with short ones. romantic dresses, as well as retro outfits.

classic shell

Hairstyle "shell" for the New Year-2017 | Pantry of beauty

Unsure which hairstyle suits your face shape? Feel free to make a shell - it suits everyone without exception and looks very elegant. In addition, such a hairstyle for the New Year makes it possible to experiment with makeup - from gentle and natural to bright “hooligan”.

Tip: To complete the look, use elongated earrings and clips, as well as bright hairpins.

Braid with a tail - a fashion trend


One of the most current trends 2016-2017 - combination of ponytail and beautiful braid. Here you have an inexhaustible space for experiments.

The classic version is a careless weaving on the side, smoothly turning into a tail. The braid can end at the level of the elastic band, go down the entire length of the curls or freely braid them - in any case, such an image will look great even without expensive jewelry.

Bow hairstyle

Love to experiment? Then be sure to try to make a bow hairstyle for the New Year 2017. It is perfect for both adult ladies and girls. Plus, it's not that hard to make:

  1. Comb all your hair back and make a high ponytail.
  2. Take one strand and wrap it around the base of the ponytail.
  3. Divide the curls into two equal parts.
  4. Take one strand, comb it well and twist it into a roll with two fingers, and then secure it at the very base of the tail with a beautiful hairpin.
  5. Repeat the same with the second half of the hair. Ready!

We also offer you to watch a short video and learn how to make a stylish bow hairstyle in just a few minutes.

Bundle of curls


A bun of curls is a great choice for both long hair and medium length curls. Unlike a regular knot, this hairstyle for the New Year gives extra volume. And if in the midst of the celebration a couple of strands break out - no one will notice!


You can do this styling without problems at home. After twisting the hair with a curling iron and varnish, collect the hair in a bun. It is better to fix each curl separately, laying it in the “top-down” direction.

Tip: a bunch of curls is self-sufficient, so accessories should be as concise as possible: a small tiara, a thin headband or a comb with beads and rhinestones on one side.

Hairstyles for short hair

Although the owners short haircuts a few options for what hairstyle to do for the New Year 2017, this does not mean that they are not. your the best helpers will be well-chosen jewelry.

The easiest option is to lift your hair with a beautiful headband or tiara. This will make your image truly sophisticated and noble.

Look interesting asymmetrical styling. To do this, you need to lift part of the hair above the forehead and fix it at the back of the head. Very soft and original!