Stories of life to lift the mood. Uplifting stories (12 cases from life). Good mood in movies and cartoons

If you are tormented by the blues and you are convinced that everything is bad and good, bright and good in the World, then urgently take one serving of "", you can drink a cup of fresh coffee or tea and the whole week will be just great!

Your positive healers. :follow:

The kids are talking

I was on the bus. The grandmother, on the contrary, teaches the little boy the names of the fingers: “Big, index - they are indicated, middle - he is in the middle, nameless - he was unlucky, they didn’t come up with a name, and the little finger.” The kid repeats: "Big, index, medium, unlucky ..."

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My daughter (6 years old), usually a restless child, walked all day without mood. She asked, they say, who offended, what do you think. Answered:
- About pigs. The teacher said that their necks were designed in such a way that they could never look at the sky, and sobbed.
Life didn't prepare me for this...

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I twisted my hair today. Daughter (4 years old) looks, looks at me, and then gives out:
- Mom, your hair is so excited!

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Daughter comes from the garden:
- Mom, give me a piggy bank, I'll throw 10 rubles there.
- Where did you get them?
- Fedor from our group gave, said to save us with him for an apartment, it's scary to take loans now!

About neighbors

We have a kind person living in the entrance. In someone's apartment there is a Wi-Fi router without a password. And the speed is good. The point "Use" is called. I surf the Internet for free. But a couple of times a day, the point changes its name to something like this: “Relax” or “Sorry, business”, “Until 22:00”. And the password appears. Oh my god, I adore this man and I look forward to the moment when the name of the point changes to a mobile number or an apartment number to thank him.

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Two years ago we moved to a quiet courtyard in the city center. The house is cozy, quiet and smooth. The husband pulled a rope between the trees, and they began to dry the laundry. Once we arrived home late in the evening, and the linen was gone. They were upset, of course, but they did not call the police because of a couple of sheets. And in the morning a neighbor came with our dry and neatly folded linen. She says that the rain began to drizzle, she decided to take it off.

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When I feel sad and lonely, I buy a helium balloon on the way home. And here I was returning from work with a balloon. Before opening the front door, I thought that the next ball would go bad and there would be no joy left, so let me please at least someone. I tied the ball to the door handle - a lonely pensioner who imagines that I constantly knock on his walls. She pressed the call button and disappeared into the silence of her apartment. About an hour later, the doorbell rings, I open it, and there is a waffle cake. Sadness has vanished!

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I live in an old house. The entrance is always terribly dirty, there was no light, they did not clean it. A 23-year-old girl moved into a neighboring apartment. She turned on the light bulbs in the entire entrance, collected cobwebs from the ceilings, washed the windows, and swept away the dirt. Somehow I go home from work, and she works again - she brushes the railing with a brush. It even brightened in the entrance, it’s nice to go in. It became a shame that we are such pigs. Convoked, undertook to restore cleanliness in the yard. They removed the garbage, patched up the curbs, bought flowers for the entrance. And the girl chipped in for a gift.

Our relatives…

My boyfriend works as an animator - he entertains kids in a bear costume. And this bear is exactly like my bear from childhood. And when I feel bad and want to speak out, my beloved puts on this suit, I sit on his knees and start talking about everything, and he listens. I’ll cry for half an hour, and then I feel like I was born again. This is bear therapy.

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Once I was on a bus, accidentally looked at the ceiling, and there was a sunbeam from my phone. And there is another one nearby. I started to drive my bunny all over the bus, and the other began to catch up with me. When we pulled up to my stop, I stood near the door. And suddenly someone hugged me from behind and said: “Here you are!” That's how I met my husband.

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My husband's name is Eugene, he works in a large team and often comes home angry and twitchy. To relieve stress, I put him to bed, give him ice cream and tell fairy tales that I myself came up with: about the hero Zhenya the Good Molodets, who cruelly but fairly punished the villains, and when he screwed up himself - about Zhenya the Fool, who, of course, all in the end corrected. Always falls asleep with a smile.

The theme of a smile and a good mood is popular not only in films and music. It is relevant in everyday life, because a lot changes from a smile.

Psychologists about mood

First, a few serious words in this generally light and fun article. Soul specialists - traditional, Vedic, alternative psychologists - unanimously repeat the importance of a good mood in a person's life.

In psychology, there is even a whole trend called "felicitism", in other words, the science of happiness. Attempts to measure happiness, describe it, find its recipes lead to nothing but another confirmation of how important it is to be happy.

In the well-known song from childhood, it was very correctly said that "a smile will make everyone brighter" - and indeed, happiness is outwardly projected by a smile, and it attracts others to its owner.

Effect of mood on health

It is not at all necessary to cite data from a controversial alternative psychology about the connection between thought forms and diseases in order to prove the importance of a good mood. Suffice it to recall one good neuropathologist from the district clinic, who always advises patients to keep their spirits up and believe in the best so that the treatment will help.

There is also scientific data on the relationship between professional activity and typical diseases, for example, executives are more likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, workers - from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, teachers - from mental and nervous disorders. At first glance, such relationships are logical based on the lifestyle of representatives of these areas, however, stress also plays a significant role here, and negativity plays a role for everyone in its own way.

Yes, and their own observations can not be put anywhere: optimistic and benevolent people get sick much less and generally feel better.

How to lift your mood?

Concluding the serious part of the essay, there are several ways to improve your mood:

  • communicate with a pleasant and easy person;
  • watch your favorite comedy or funny videos about animals;
  • play with the kids - funny and lively;
  • read a joke or funny rhymes;
  • listen to a satirist.

It is noticeable that the word plays a leading role in raising the mood, isn't it?

10 facts about a smile

The components of a good mood are not only words, but also a sincere, joyful facial expression. Here are some interesting facts about smiling:

  • she is contagious;
  • inspires confidence;
  • attracts others;
  • women have a "built-in" smile, men have humorous stories;
  • a smile evokes sympathy;
  • laughter through tears - in physiology they are identical;
  • laughter is a strong endorphin;
  • laughing together is more fun;
  • a real smile is expressed not by the mouth, but by the eyes;
  • satellites - "crow's feet".

Good mood in movies and cartoons

Salt comedies - words to cheer up. Already the end of the film, and the audience is still laughing and repeating their favorite phrases. Let's remember some pearls:

  • "For you to do explanatory work among me."
  • "Where is our prosecutor? Where Napoleon used to lie."
  • "I need to take a bath, have a cup of coffee."
  • "Semyon Semenych..."
  • "Why did you lie down? - We fell."
  • "I have tongue-tied since childhood: I think as I think, but I speak as I speak."
  • "I am a speech pathologist for the correction of speech effects."

Who doesn't know these famous smile-inducing phrases?

Humor happens for different ages: they also live in cartoons to cheer up:

  • "I already get tired at work, I barely have the strength to watch TV."
  • "Working together - for my benefit - it unites."
  • "We have not been to any Tahiti, we are well fed here."
  • "Well, you come in, if sho."

It is enough to read - and a smile spreads on your face - a positive to cheer you up!

Positive for corporate

Corporate events are newfangled inventions of restless HRs for additional motivation of sad employees. The holiday should be fun, and the corporate one is no exception.

Entire scenarios of the event are created, roles, words are distributed, costumes are selected and, of course, funny rhymes - how could it be without them?

Here are some of the famous ones:

Horses die from work,

Well, I'm an immortal pony!

Words to the boss:

If work goes well
And profitability is growing
This means our boss -
Doing things right.

Or a postcard from the head of a subordinate:

You work for seven;

You are never late;

You always smile at everyone;

You don't complain about anything;

You don't gossip about anyone.

A cool rhyme to cheer up the boss, and the whole team:

We're not sneaky at all.
But we want to sneak up:
Our leader is strong -
It's a sin not to praise him!

Funny poem to lift your spirits

There is a talent - to compose funny. Not only Ilf and Petrov are masters, but in our time there are such specialists. Appreciate the depth of thought and smile:

If I were not constantly

So modest and honest and strange and boo

Then I would oh would, I would oh would,

i would uh.

And just an optimistic little rhyme:

If life deceives you -
Don't be sad, don't be angry
On the day of despondency - humble yourself:
The day of fun, believe me, will come!
The heart lives in the future.
Real sad? - everything is instant, everything will pass,
Whatever passes will be nice!

Mood uplifter

Funny is all around us. One of the most famous ethnographers of the humor around us was Mikhail Zadornov - the surname was deliberately invented. He manages to see and hear the funny, as they say, "on the spot".

For example, the declaration:

"Need 2 workers who want to work instead of 2 who didn't want to work".

Line from the catering receipt: "Herring with bast".

There are funny things in politics too. This is how the newspapers went crazy a few years ago: "Elections 2008: save the country! Hide your grandmother's passport!"

Schoolchildren have a special talent for making people laugh: what they write in their notebooks cheers up not only teachers, but also all visitors to Internet pages.

Note in the diary: "I climbed the wall to the 4th floor during recess!"

Checking the work in the notebook: "Where is exercise 43? What are you thinking about, Andrey?" Answer: "About the girls."

Diary entry 12/21/2012: "The whole lesson was waiting for the end of the world."

The kids are wondering

Girls and boys.

How to attract a girl?

Psychologists say that women really appreciate a man: building a hierarchy of important qualities, they attribute him to the top five most desirable features.

A poem to cheer up a girl is the best way to please her. The female sex loves compliments no less than men, and from laudatory odes in their honor, the mood will definitely improve.

You can send her a little rhyme-SMS, or you can issue a stylish postcard with heartfelt words in her honor. And the girls are very fond of when they are addressed by name and address nominal congratulations.

You can send a quatrain rhyme to your mobile phone:

Don't be sad, but smile
And in nothing
Everything will be fine - I know!
I miss you so much!

Which of the girls refuses to receive such an SMS in the morning?

Or here's a cool rhyme to cheer up:

I don't have breakfast in the morning because I think about you. I don’t have lunch during the day - I think about you. I don't have dinner in the evening - I think about you. I don’t sleep at night - I WANT TO EAT!

Make sure that a rhyme to cheer up a girl is a great tool!

funny ditties

Of course, humor is different at every age: what is funny to a schoolboy will only make an adult smile, and vice versa. However, there is a cool rhyme to cheer up, which will “smile” anyone, and ditties are especially popular among the laughing ones:

Egor answered the lesson -
The teacher fainted!
From his ignorance
The teacher is unconscious.

On the computer in the game
Finished playing Denis in the morning.
At school at the blackboard Denis,
Like a computer, it freezes itself.

Short poems are popular to cheer up not only school subjects, but also industrial ones:

Oh, work, you, work,
Oh, I'm worn out:
I'm stuck in my office
Like a scarecrow in the garden!

Eh, work, you, work,
Best friend:
All day long we are inseparable
Like a horse and a girth!

Smile: funny stories

But the funniest stories are always stories from life: kids are weird, adults are weird. People will laugh not only short poems to cheer up, but also prose: stories about glamorous blondes sitting behind the wheel are especially chic. Here is one of the stories told by an eyewitness.

Once he was waiting at the tire shop for his horse to be repaired, and at that time a red Lexus drove up to the workshop with a glamorous girl from the now popular breed behind the wheel.

The guys at the service station were comedians and after the repair they half-jokingly ask how to pump up the wheels. The girl, without batting an eye, asked again: "What is there?"

The guys looked at each other: "Air with different tastes: there is peach, strawberry."

The entire service station is already giggling, pricking up its ears, and the conversation continues. The girl calmly specifies the price, and the master just as calmly issues an invoice for 800 rubles for 4 wheels. She seems to be happy with the price, because she orders air with strawberries.

Witnesses to this vivid conversation can hardly restrain their laughter and, unable to stand it, burst into laughter: you don’t see such a hilarious picture every day. The girl, not at all embarrassed and without a shadow of a smile, waits until her wheels are pumped with sweet berries, counts out the money and safely sets off. People don't just laugh, they cry.

The story had a continuation, when a couple of days later the already familiar red Lexus stopped near the workshop, from which a rather serious uncle emerged. When he asked who pumped the wheels on this car a couple of days ago, everyone became quiet and pressed against the wall: here he came, the hour of reckoning, now the showdown will begin. But there was nowhere to go, and the owner of the establishment stepped forward, confirming that the tires on the car were inflated here.

The man nevertheless specified how the wheels were pumped up on his wife’s car, and when the completely embarrassed guys confirmed that with strawberry air, he did what no one expected - pulled out a wad of money and handed a thousand rubles to the owner of the service station.

As it turned out, the husband was not at all angry, but, on the contrary, had been neighing for several days and amused all his acquaintances with his wife's adventure. And when there was no more strength left to laugh, he decided to come, thank for the entertainment and encourage financially resourceful masters.

And here is another little story from the auto series: Sergei Viktorovich parked so badly that they wrote to him in the car: “Fool” ”.

They are quite popular and Observant people noticed the following pattern:

If the husband answers his wife "no", then the question was something like: "How long will you watch your football?" If the husband answers his wife: "As you wish," then the question was something like: "Can I get orange highlighting?" If the husband answers the wife "yes", she probably asked: "Are you listening to me?!"

And finally, a few well-aimed statements by Zadornov:

  • Only our man, crossing the road at a red light, can be knocked down by a pedestrian running towards him.
  • Do not dig a hole for your neighbor, otherwise he will use it as a trench.

Interesting things happen to us every day, but we are in a hurry somewhere so often that sometimes we don’t notice or simply forget about these wonderful moments, fixing our consciousness on not the best situations that happened to us that day. So today we offer to look at your day through a "positive" magnifying glass :)

Read a selection of stories, these are shared by people on the Internet.

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My grandfather was very fond of borscht. And so the whole month grandmother cooked it, with the exception of one day, when she cooked some other soup. And it was on this day that, after eating a bowl of soup, grandfather said: “The soup is good, of course, but, Petrovna, could you cook borscht tomorrow? I missed him madly.”

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Whenever we argue with my husband, we sleep in different rooms. We were given a kitten a month ago. Now, if the husband goes to another room, the cat grabs his hand with his teeth and pulls in the direction of the bed - he will not calm down until we all fall asleep together, embracing. This is how the cat solves our conflicts.

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My morning began with tasteless coffee, a tuft of hair pulled out, and my kitten "doing his job" in my new 15,000-ruble boots. Then, when I got to work, I found out that I had been fired. Last night my boyfriend proposed to me. I am the happiest girl in the world!

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I realized that my eyesight was very bad when I walked around the park from work and tried to lure the cat. For a long time “kiss-kiss” to her, coming closer, and she croaked and flew away.

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I am a single father. Yesterday I heard a neighbor say that I am a bad father. Like the little one screamed all day. I just didn't let her eat plasticine.

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She left to live in another city six months ago. Mom sent a parcel with winter things and hid a chocolate bar in her boot. When I found it, I cried for half an hour. I miss you terribly. Appreciate your parents, for them we are all the same kids.

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Recently I went with my mother to my brother's birthday, my mother called a taxi. A car with a child seat arrives: it turns out that the question of the operator “Are you traveling with a child?” Mom replied, "Yes." I am 23

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Once I was walking around the center in new shoes and badly rubbed my leg. There are no pharmacies or shops nearby. I’m limping, I’m completely desperate, I endure hellish pain, and then a girl catches up with me and with a smile gives me a pack of plasters! Here it is - female mutual understanding.

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This morning I was very pleased with a man of about 50 in the subway. He read the book and laughed heartily at some moments. And then he remembered that people were looking at him, and again he became gloomy and serious. But, reaching the funny page, he again began to laugh and smile like a child. How cool is that.