How to make a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair. How to easily create the effect of wet hair at home - video

Shiny wavy curls or a creative hedgehog on the head, or a smooth, strict ponytail - all this is the result of not too complicated manipulations. If at the same time create the appearance that the hair is wet, you can get a completely new stylish hairstyle. How to make the effect of wet hair on one's own? The main thing here is to know the measure, otherwise it's simple.

How to make the effect of wet hair with your own hands

Who will suit this hairstyle

What products are suitable for creating the effect of wet hair

The effect of wet hair can be done both with the help of purchased products, and using some simple products. Varnishes, mousses, gels and waxes can differ in their degree of fixation and give different effects. Strong fixatives are best used only in special cases. Often with them, the hairstyle loses its naturalness. And, most importantly, do not forget about the measure.


It does a great job of creating the effect of wet hair. However, you just need to be as careful as possible with it. The tool should be distributed very carefully and moderately so as not to get the effect of "wet icicles" instead of the desired one.


The result of using wax is a glossy fade. Wax fixes the hair exactly in the direction in which it will be styled. A waxed head with a tail looks great, or it can be used to process only the tips, creating peculiar feathers and strands. You don't need to apply it all over your hair. It is too heavy and the hairstyle can lose volume.


This tool, like various foams, has a wonderful airy structure. Therefore, they do not weigh down the hair, while perfectly fixing both soft curls and short feathers. However, before you make the effect of wet hair with mousse or foam, make sure that there is enough time for the strand to dry naturally. The use of a hair dryer in this case is unacceptable. From it, the foam will be absorbed into the hair and the conceived hairstyle will not work at all.

It is often used as a fixative. However, it can also be used to create the appearance of wet curls. If at the same time you use varnishes with a glossy effect, the result will become even more interesting.

Here you should also be careful with strong fixation. Medium is enough if you want to keep your hair for the whole day. For daily use, a weak fixation is completely suitable.

Natural products

You can fix the curls, as well as make the effect of wet hair just like natural, with the help of a sugar solution. It is enough to place 2 tablespoons in a glass of water. l. Sahara. Treat curls with this syrup. Gelatin is used in the same way. The sachet is dissolved so that a gel-like mass is obtained. With its help, make styling.

However, it is worth warning that sweet hair noticeably attracts insects, and gelatin creates a too dense film, which also causes inconvenience. Especially on a hot day. And therefore it is better to use all the same ready-made purchase means.

Creating the effect of wet hair

On curly hair

On hair curly from birth, or after a perm, carving and other hairdressing tricks, it is easiest to create such a styling. To make the effect of wet hair, first you need to wash your hair. After that, dry it slightly with a towel. And on still damp hair, apply styling gel, or mousse or wax - depending on the result that you want to get.

The product is applied to the entire length of the hair. The strands are compressed by the palms, wrinkled, simultaneously rising up. Next, let your hair dry. Better naturally. But if gel or varnish was used at the same time, then you can speed up the process with the help of a hair dryer.

The finished hairstyle can be lightly sprinkled with a light hold varnish to consolidate the result. Raise some strands and secure with hairpins. Hairpins with a large decoration, a flower, for example, look beautiful and appropriate.

On straight hair

Curls should also be damp during application. Excellent in this case, mousse or foam is suitable for the entire length of the hair, and wax for the tips. Comb the hair beforehand. Distribute the styling agent evenly. Then separate small strands and twist them into tight flagella. Carefully secure them with hairpins so that they do not bloom before drying. Let dry. Disassemble. Do not comb. Otherwise, all the work will be lost, and only a fluffy mop will turn out. Separate the strands with your fingers and fix with varnish.

You can also use curlers. To do this, wind curls on them, previously treated with the agent. Let dry. Unroll carefully. Beat lightly with hands moistened with mousse, and fix the result with varnish.

A hair dryer with a diffuser helps a lot in this matter. Immerse the nozzle into gel-treated strands and get wavy, lush, as if wet curls.

And the last, how to make the effect of wet hair in a ponytail

This hairstyle is versatile. And it's easy to do. To begin with, clean hair is collected in a ponytail. He is fixed. Then wax, gel or varnish is applied to the palms and the head is ironed with hands so that no extra strands are knocked out of the hairstyle. The "tail" itself can also be slightly ironed. From this, it will become more brilliant and strict.

The wet hair effect is the perfect choice for curly, medium-length, dark-colored hair. However, with other parameters, this styling should not be bypassed. After all, she has an incomparable ability to distinguish her owner from the crowd.

wet hair effect- a hairstyle that stylists, beauty bloggers and other representatives of the beauty world talk about. Such styling is increasingly flickering at fashion shows, used by stars as non-standard solutions for going out.

Today, styling with the creation of the effect of wet hair, which affects only part of the hair, is in fashion. This styling looks great on hair of any structure and length, even if it is short and straight hair. Partially wet hair is when not all strands look wet, but only some of them or only the tips.

Who will suit the effect of wet hair

The fit suits everyone. Regardless of the length of the strands, the texture of the hair. The main thing is not to overdo it with styling products, so that the hairstyle looks natural, sticky strands do not form.

Keep in mind that light, like wet strands, look great in summer. It seems that you are only from the soul. Styling is especially well combined with light dresses, sundresses. After all, it would be foolish to go outside in winter with “wet curls”.

Each hairstyle requires a little special tools and skills. Here are some tips to help you get the perfect haircut:

  1. The effect of wet hair looks bright on dyed hair. Separate strands emphasize the depth of color. The winning option is to make wet curls for coloring, highlighting, highlight individual hairs;
  2. For a trip to the office, you should choose a smooth styling. To do this, use wax, then not a single curl will break out of the general head of hair. The hairstyle will look unusual, stylish, just right for a business dinner or work in a reputable company;
  3. A romantic image can be created with the help of "wet" large curls. The result obtained will not leave indifferent any gentleman;
  4. You can add various accessories, make an asymmetrical parting. Then the hairstyle will change its style, you can go to any party with it;
  5. It is worth considering the color of the hair. Brunettes need not worry, use the right amount of styling products. On dark brown, black hair, wax, foam look beautiful, deepen the original color;
  6. Blondes need to apply a minimum of styling products, highlight individual strands. After all, unwanted yellowness, the effect of dirty curls, may appear on such curls. Everything should be in moderation.

Folk remedies for a wet effect

Many ladies have recently given preference to natural cosmetics and care products. This also applies to styling products. Folk remedies will help give the hair the effect of wet hair, do not weigh down the strands. The products are absolutely natural, they will not affect the condition of the hairs in any way.

Recipe number 1.

We give the hair a wet effect with the help of components:

  • gelatin - a tablespoon;
  • cold water - 10-15 ml.


Dilute gelatin with cold water, leave to swell for 40 minutes. During this time, the consistency will become soft. elastic. Add lemon juice to the dissolved powder. Stir the resulting mixture well, put in a water bath to warm up. We are waiting for the complete dissolution of gelatin. The process takes 5 to 15 minutes. It all depends on its quality. Once the gelatin has dissolved, remove it from the heat and let it cool.

Recipe number 2.

The following components are required:

  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 50 ml;
  • sugar - a tablespoon;
  • warm water - a dessert spoon.


Mix all ingredients. With the help of a spoon, we interfere with the product, we are waiting for the complete dissolution of sugar. The resulting syrup must be applied to wet strands, then wind the hair on curlers. The design on the head is dried with a hairdryer, untwisted, fixed with varnish.

In general, natural styling products perform well and are in no way inferior to store-bought products. After them, the hair will not become brittle and dry, rather, on the contrary, it will acquire shine, silkiness.

How to create the effect of wet hair with your own hands

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly using only shampoo. Do not apply masks and do not apply balm. Dry the curls a little with a towel or hair dryer.
  2. Apply the product to your hands and rub it between your palms, then proceed to styling your hair. With careful, but light, barely touching movements, distribute the composition along the entire length. The product is selected individually for each type of hair.
  3. Twist strands on curlers or bundles, you can use only your hands. In the latter case, crumple the hair, lifting it up at the roots.
  4. If you are using plaits or curlers, proceed with drying with a hair dryer. If the shape was shaped by hand, leave the curls to dry naturally. If you have curly hair, you need to blow dry anyway.
  5. The final stage is fixing the hairstyle. Again, the varnish is chosen based on the circumstances. However, it is important to take into account the fact that long and heavy hair loses its shape much more easily than short and curly hair.

How to make a "wet" effect on straight hair

Straight hair is difficult to style, as a result of which it is very difficult to achieve any effect. Also, the enumeration of the amount of styling products will contribute to the formation of "icicles", which looks extremely ugly. Make sure you get a maximum hold hairspray. As the main tool, both foam and gel are suitable. The most successful and spectacular hairstyle for long hair is called the ponytail.

Gather your hair at the crown and secure it with a tight elastic band. Take some gel and spread it on your palms. Begin to eliminate the "roosters" sticking out around the perimeter of the head. Now start processing the tail. To create a "wet" effect, dry your hair with a hair dryer and immediately apply foam. After that, collect the tail in a bun, pin it with hairpins and leave for 1 hour. After the time has elapsed, loosen your hair and begin to carefully disassemble it into separate curls. Fix the hairstyle with varnish and go ahead to conquer the heights!

How to make a "wet" effect on short hair

Prepare a maximum hold gel or wax in advance. Wash your hair and pat dry with a towel to collect water. Apply the product in the palm of your hand, rub well and evenly, then gently begin to distribute through the hair. Put your hands on your head, spread your fingers, and pull up. Your movements should resemble scissors. After you have made sure that the optimal amount of product is on your hair, leave it to dry naturally for 50 minutes, then dry it with a hair dryer for 3 minutes.

How to make a "wet" effect on curly hair

Owners of curly hair are incredibly lucky, because they can use absolutely any styling product. As mentioned earlier, it is better to purchase a gel texturizer that is 100% suitable for girls with curly hair. Many ladies apply the product only to individual strands, others prefer to cover the curls completely, it all depends on individual preferences.

Distribute the composition along the entire length of the hair or on those strands that you will make "wet". Comb them gently with a wide comb and let dry naturally. Do not resort to using a hair dryer, it will only fluff up your hair, making you look like a dandelion. After 30 minutes after drying, begin to squeeze the curls from the roots to the tips.

Wet effect hairstyles

Pony tail styling

If you are the owner of long or medium length hair and want to make a neat high ponytail out of it, then you can securely fix some individual strands in this hairstyle using the same wet hair effect.

  1. First you need to comb your hair well and collect it in a high or low ponytail.
  2. Smooth your hair and apply a small amount of styling gel to individual strands.
  3. After that, you need to let the product dry.
  4. Such a technique makes it possible to keep individual strands in the hairstyle for a long time, as a result of which it looks neat all this time.
  5. However, when creating the effect of wet hair in the case of a ponytail, as in any other case, you should not overdo it with the amount of gel, as the hair may not look wet, but greasy, as a result of which its owner will look sloppy.

Unusual beam

  1. Tie a side ponytail at the bottom or make your hair very high (at the crown).
  2. Wind your hair, fix it with varnish, build a bun with hairpins.
  3. Spray the result with a fixing spray.
  4. Accessories, weaving, whatever your heart desires, are added to the hairstyle.

Wet hair styling on short hair

If you are the owner or owner of a very short haircut, then the effect of wet hair can be created using a gel that contains reflective particles that will make the strands look wet, even after this cosmetic has dried.

  1. It is necessary to apply a small amount of cosmetic and then comb the hair with your fingers in one direction, thus forming a styling.
  2. Reviews about styling with the effect of wet hair are mixed.
  3. Someone thinks that it is beautiful, and someone is sure that there is nothing attractive about it, and the hair just looks like it has not been washed for several weeks and it sticks together.
  4. Before you start styling your hair with an effect, you need to determine this hairstyle is right for you, it looks best on curly strands, in the case of straight ones, you need to do this styling with care, but you can still, it’s only better to apply cosmetics on long hair, affecting just individual strands.
  5. Styling can be done at home, but you should not do it all the time, the hair should rest a little from the effects of cosmetics.

Cosmetic styling products

You can achieve the perfect result with the help of high-quality, properly selected styling products. Each product must be used correctly, according to its technology.


The tool is great for all types of hair, has a light structure, does not weigh down the curls. It looks especially good on long strands, slightly curly by nature. Foam does not stick strands, makes the hairstyle natural. One package of the product will last you for a long time, it can be used to create other styling.


The tool is designed for an extraordinary wet effect with a large number of selected strands, asymmetrical parting. Wax looks spectacular on short hair. It is recommended to use it for ladies with dark strands, the product can give a slight yellowness to blond hairs.

With the help of wax, you can make a stable fixation of the wet effect. Warm up a little product in your palms, distribute over all strands, you can use a comb with thick teeth. Dry your hair with a diffuser.


A very insidious tool, they use it carefully. If you apply a large amount, then you can achieve dirty, weighted strands. The product has three levels of hold, choose medium for a natural effect. You can use a gel with glitter, then the styling will come out festive.

Spread the gel over wet strands, dry with a hair dryer. At the same time, you can adjust the position of the curls with your fingers, do not be afraid to give your hair unusual curls. Creativity is very important this season.

Varnish or spray

These products are used to consolidate the result. But if there is nothing else at hand, then varnish will do. Choose a strong type of fixation, you can choose a product with a glossy effect.

It is not worth leaning heavily on the varnish so that the hairstyle looks natural. You can strongly highlight some curls, and twist the rest only slightly, sprinkle with varnish, dry with a hairdryer. Light negligence, unusualness are the most popular trends of this season.

A special fixing spray is also suitable for creating a wet effect, choose a product with essential oils. Then your strands will be beautiful, silky. The light fragrance exuded by your hair will create a romantic atmosphere.

Wet Effect Technique

Giving curls the desired effect of wet hair is very simple. Use quality styling products, follow the instructions:

  1. Rinse the strands well, apply conditioner. Do not dry the curls, blot with a terry towel.
  2. Comb the hairs gently with a wide-toothed comb.
  3. Apply a styling product to the entire surface of the curls, distribute it with the same comb. The specific tool depends on the length of the strands, the type of hairstyle chosen.
  4. The desired shape is given to the hair with the help of fingers, curlers, flagella.
  5. Dry your hair well. If you do not dry the strands, they will soon lose their shape.
  6. Curly elastic curls by nature can be dried naturally, they will last without a hair dryer for a very long time.
  7. Fix the result with varnish, a special spray. Apply UV filters to keep your hair in shape even on a hot summer day.

Using simple rules, you can easily make the hairstyle of your dreams. You can make it in five minutes, and the result will delight you, everyone around you all day.

Features of the effect of "wet" hair

  1. If you work in an office or government office, use wax, not foam. It fixes curls better, and they do not start to fluff 5 hours after styling.
  2. For a romantic candlelight dinner in a cozy cafe, a hairstyle with foam applied to individual strands is suitable. In this way, you will achieve soft and graceful waves in 30 minutes.
  3. For those who like to hang out in nightclubs, we recommend resorting to a zigzag parting. With this hairstyle you will conquer the entire dance floor!
  4. Please note that the "wet" effect looks different on hair of different shades. Strands painted in different colors look very beautiful and stylish - coloring. If you are a brunette or a brown-haired woman, do not skimp on styling products, but within reason. So, for example, wax or gel with a shimmering effect will deepen the color and add shine. Light blond beauties and blondes should be careful, your hair will not look so impressive in the case of an increased amount of funds. Also note that applying the product to the entire length of the hair will emphasize the yellowness (if any). For this reason, you are advised to apply the product locally on individual curls.
  5. The "wet" effect looks more profitable in summer than in winter. Tanned skin and summer heat emphasize freshness and well-groomed appearance. In a beautiful dress or a flowing sundress, you will look very elegant. In winter, laying will seem ridiculous to many, based on weather conditions.

Video: how to create the effect of wet hair

Curly hair always looks attractive and makes the hairstyle festive. However, making them for every solemn event becomes boring and monotonous. To bring something new without drastically changing your image, you can make a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair. The fashion for such styling appeared around the mid-80s, after which everyone forgot about it, but now it has become relevant again. You can perform such a hairstyle in a beauty salon, but today we are interested in how to make the effect of wet hair at home.

Wet hair styling products

Before you start creating the hairstyle itself, you need to decide what tools you will use for this. You can purchase both a ready-made cosmetic product and make it yourself.

Cosmetical tools


The foam is recommended for use by girls with long strands that have natural waves. In this case, this tool is ideal for creating such styling. It will not weigh down the strands, and the hair will not stick together. At the same time, the curls will retain their shape all day. Please note that if you use styling foam, then after applying it, it is not recommended to use a hair dryer to dry curls. They should dry on their own.


In this case, you need a texturizer. Please note that it costs a little more than a regular gel, but it is he who will help create the effect of wet hair without sticking them together and without making them heavier. In addition, this tool will help give curls a beautiful shine. Stylists use it when doing styling.


This tool is recommended for use by girls with short curls. It will fix the strands in exactly the shape that you give them. Note that in this case, after applying this product to the curls, it is necessary to dry them with a hairdryer with a diffuser nozzle.

Varnish and spray

These products should be used by those girls who have long curls, as well as those who have medium length hair. However, it is better to give preference to a spray, and only fix the finished result with varnish. The fact is that it glues the hair and therefore the hairstyle may not turn out to be very attractive. If your hair is too heavy and difficult to curl, then it is best for you to use varnish from the very beginning of styling. In this case, it is better to take a tool with a strong fixation, since it is it that will help to save the hair for a long time.

for medium length hair without bangs

for medium hair

for long hair without bangs

home remedies

If cosmetics are not suitable for you for any reason, then you can make the effect of wet hair at home using traditional cosmetology recipes.


You will need:

  1. Gelatin - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Water - 10 ml.

Add the indicated amount of cold water to the gelatin and leave it for 40 minutes to swell. After that, mix it with lemon juice and hold this remedy a little over steam so that it completely dissolves. Then you can use it for styling. The principle in this case will be the same as that of hair gel.



  1. Sugar - 1 tablespoon.
  2. Lemon juice - 2.5 tablespoons.
  3. Water - 10 ml.

Dissolve sugar in warm water and add lemon juice to it. Mix thoroughly and you can use for styling according to the rules that you will find below.

in ponytail

on loose hair

in a hairdo with tied back hair

on straight hair

How to make a hairstyle with the effect of wet hair?

To perform this hairstyle, you need to proceed as follows.

  1. Wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. It is also recommended to perform conditioning.
  2. Dry your hair a little, but it should remain damp. It is best if they dry naturally, so you should try to do without a hair dryer. Just wrap your curls in a towel for a few minutes.
  3. Put the styling product of your choice on the curls. In this case, you should proceed carefully. Try not to apply too much product, otherwise your hairstyle will look unattractive.
  4. Comb your curls. To do this, you should use a wide-toothed comb, as it will ideally separate the hair, and they will not stick together when curling.
  5. Wind curls on curlers. After that, dry them with a hairdryer or leave them to dry naturally, but in this case, keep in mind that this will take you several hours. If you have short hair, then you should not use curlers. You just need to process them with a hairdryer with a diffuser attachment, and the hairstyle is ready.
  6. After the hair is completely dry, carefully remove the curlers. Next, separate them into curls with your hands. Please note that you do not need to comb them, otherwise the hairstyle will not work.
  7. If you want the styling to last for a long time, fix it with varnish.


You were able to make sure that you can easily perform the effect of wet hair at home on your own if you follow the rules indicated in this article. Only this will guarantee that you will get a beautiful and fashionable hairstyle.

Wet effect on short hair is fashionable and relevant in the coming season. Emerging at the end of the eighties, the rebellious strands of mischievous girls from time to time give way to smooth styling of a business woman or braids in ethnic style. But then they again victoriously return to the world podiums.

A great idea to give your hair a casual chic and natural look with a small amount of money and effort is being addressed by leading fashion houses. In their shows, the effect of wet hair is used by: Valentino, Versace, Kenzo, Marc Jacobs. Elle magazine in its articles calls the effect of wet hair on short hair the trend of the 2016-2017 season.

At the peak of fashion

Wet-look hairstyles are still trendy, but they have a few features that make them different from the bouffant hair of the 80s or the perky curls of the 2000s (Fig. 1). What are the features of modern styling?

Figure 1. Wet look curls.

  1. According to stylists, wet strands should look natural and relaxed. Therefore, for styling hair, you need to use as few products as possible. It is better to refuse a comb altogether.
  2. In the coming season and in the future of 2017, the wet effect looks preferable on short hair. On long hair, it is used partially, leaving splendor at the roots and emphasizing individual strands.
  3. Wet effect looks fashionable on super short haircuts.
  4. Popular for decades, bob haircuts, bob, cascade with a wet effect look completely new.
  5. Wet-styled hair is especially popular in summer. This hairstyle looks great on the beach, in an outdoor cafe, on board a cruise ship.


There are several simple and affordable options for styling hair with a wet effect (Fig. 2). They require a minimum of cosmetics, hairdressing accessories and tools. Here are some simple tips to help you choose the right styling products:

  1. Use a light texture gel - hair looks more natural with it. This is especially true for short haircuts. A strong hold gel can give the impression of an unwashed head.
  2. Waxed styling can look untidy if the product is applied to the hair roots. Wax emphasize individual strands and curls.
  3. On thin and slightly curly hair, a wet effect is created using varnish or spray. Wet hair is divided into curls and sprayed with a product. Hands give the hairstyle a finished look.
  4. Mousses and foams are ideal for a wet effect on curly hair. Dry curls are slightly moisturized, applying the product, and shaped as needed.
  5. The texturizer is a special professional tool for shaping curls. Stylists use it to create a variety of looks. With it, straighten curly long hair and, conversely, form strong perky curls.

How to do wet styling? The choice of means depends on your preferences, the structure and color of the hair.

Figure 2. Simple styling with a wet effect.

For gel styling you will need:

  • gel;
  • shampoo;
  • large comb, comb or own hands.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. Wash your hair with your usual shampoo. Lightly dry, trying to achieve the effect of drier hair at the roots and wet at the ends.
  2. Apply the gel to the hair, trying to emphasize the natural strands. For a very short haircut, fluff the strands with your hands, lifting them up. If you have medium length hair, shape the strands by squeezing them in your hands. This method is also suitable for styling long hair.
  3. Using your own hands or a very large comb, shape your hair as needed.
  4. Dry your hair naturally.
  5. Already dry curls, if desired, give the effect of disheveledness with a hair dryer.

Mousse, foam and wax styling

For styling with mousse or foam, you need:

  • mousse or foam;
  • curlers.

Install in the following order:

  1. Moisturize dry, clean hair. Apply a styling agent on them and divide into strands.
  2. After forming individual curls, let them air dry. Don't use a blow dryer or you'll end up with a dandelion hairstyle.
  3. Finish the look by styling the strands and lightly fixing with varnish.

For waxing you will need:

  • wax;
  • comb;

Installation sequence:

  1. Apply a small amount of wax to slightly damp strands.
  2. Distribute with a comb along the entire length, except for the roots.
  3. Dry a little with a hairdryer and, squeezing with your hands, form individual strands, style them and let them air dry naturally.


Curly and curly curls are easy to style with a texturizer. This relatively new tool allows you to design individual curls and give your hair a stylish and well-groomed look. It can also be used for wet styling on short hair. The tool has a number of advantages. It retains moisture and protects the hair from drying out, does not contain oils and does not attract dust. In order to create a “wet” hairstyle, the product must be applied to individual strands, shaped with your hands, laid beautifully and allowed to dry. A hair dryer or other device for drying hair is not necessary.

Please note that texturizers are chemicals. Different manufacturers have different properties. Read the instructions for use carefully and follow them strictly.


The effect of wet hair is appropriate to create an image for any occasion. Neatly designed curls are suitable for a business suit and an evening dress, bold and disheveled - an indispensable option for a disco.

Among the most current trends: straight short curls, combed back, "male" haircuts with the effect of a freshly taken shower, romantic strands in the boho style.

Wet style can be both bold and gentle.

The hairstyle is simple in execution, practical. The main means for its creation are affordable and are in the arsenal of cosmetics for every fashionista.

It doesn't matter how long the girl's hair is. If she wants to look beautiful, then she will definitely look for options for easy, beautiful and at the same time, simple styling for every day. Of course, visiting a beauty salon every time before going to work is costly and inconvenient. Of course, you can braid your hair into a braid, collect a ponytail or a bun.

But if you want to leave your hair loose, but you want something new, creating the effect of “wet” hair will do. This option is suitable for those who have medium length hair. This hairstyle will look great on owners of thick long hair.

What are the main points you need to know before starting to create a new image?

Initially, you need to understand what styling tool will be optimal for you. So, the most popular and effective styling tool is foam . If you want to create a spectacular hairstyle at home, then you simply cannot find a better assistant. Most often, this styling product is chosen by those who have long hair that is a little curly on its own. A very big plus is that during styling, the foam will not weigh down the hair, and will create the look of a natural, rather than sticky style. However, it is worth remembering that the foam is best dried on the hair not with a hair dryer, but in a natural way. I know that the majority of the female population of the planet Earth, as always, has limited time, sometimes there are problems with natural drying.

To perform a simple hairstyle, you can use and hair styling gel . The gel will give a wet effect to the hair without much difficulty. However, it is quite easy to go overboard with it. So you have to be very careful in this matter. If you apply more gel than necessary, even clean hair will look heavy. It is also possible not very pleasant effect of unwashed hair. It is worth remembering that the degree of fixation in gels is different. To create a wet effect, the best option is gel textulizer . This magnificent tool is not cheap, but with it the laying process will turn into an easy and simple matter. By the way, for professional hairdressers, this tool is the first assistant during styling. Can be used for styling wax . This tool is indispensable for those who have short hair. Perfect for those who have hair that is easy to style. Wax is evenly applied to the entire length of the hair, after which they should be combed with a comb and dried with a diffuser.

In order to consolidate all this beauty, one cannot do without strong hold varnish . Suitable for this purpose and spray. It is not advisable to “water” the created hairstyle with varnish very much, as this will give the appearance of “dried” and depleted hair. And the original task of the "wet" effect is completely opposite.

As for the creation of the hairstyle itself, it is not difficult to make it. Moreover, this option is suitable for a walk, and for work, and for a solemn event. A big plus is that with a minimum of time and effort, it will last a lot. Before you start styling your hair, it must be well wash up. If the hair tends to get tangled, you can not do without a balm. After that, you need to carefully dry your hair in order to remove unwanted moisture . But remember that wet hair is very easy to damage, so you should be careful. If styling is done on short hair, then you can proceed to the process immediately after washing your hair. If the hair is long, you should wait about 15 minutes for the excess moisture to “leave” in the towel. If time is very short, then you can dry your hair with a hairdryer, but for styling, they must remain damp.

After follows apply the selected styling product to the entire length of the hair . Someone applies it immediately along the entire length, that is, in one approach. For others, it is convenient to work with each strand separately. The main thing to remember is that in this matter it is impossible to “overdo it” with the styling tool, otherwise all the work will go down the drain. After you need to go through the comb along the entire length of the hair. Ready hairstyle by no means must not be combed . Otherwise, instead of a “wet” effect, there will be something similar to fluff on the head. Next, you should create separate strands and dry them with a diffuser. You can also just "rumple" the hair with your hands. However, the latter option is suitable for those whose hair is naturally wavy and easy to style.

Of course, it is best to wait until the laid curls dry themselves, without a hair dryer. Then the effect will be more natural. Although, if over time, as always, there is a problem (and girls have no other way), then a “hot” assistant will come to the rescue. It is worth remembering that it is impossible to overdry the curls, this will have a bad effect on the hair.

At the end of the procedure, fix the hair with medium or strong hold hairspray , depending on the type of hair.

A big plus of this hairstyle is that it will suit any hair length. This look looks good on both blondes and brunettes. Yes, and on its basis, you can create a fairly large number of hairstyles. Just beautifully fix the hair at the back of the head or remove the strands on one side, securing them with a beautiful hairpin. What happens next depends only on the imagination and the event for which the stylish image was performed.

Hairstyle wet effect: 30 ideas