Special products for tanning in the solarium. Indications and contraindications. The main components of creams

Modern ultraviolet cabins allow you to quickly and effortlessly achieve a deep chocolate tan, even in cases where idle lying on the beach or a trip to the sea is impossible. However, despite high quality lamps and a relatively short duration of insolation, visiting a solarium without professional cosmetics is not only ineffective, but also unsafe. Why is it so important to acquire at least several types of tanning products?

  1. Burning speed. Of course, each specialized cosmetic product for a solarium allows you to significantly accelerate the receipt of a deep and pronounced shade of tan, give it richness and durability. Modern formulas guarantee the appearance of a pleasant gilding after 2-3 sessions, which means that the time spent in the solarium will be reduced several times. In addition to speeding up the process of forming the shade itself, tanning creams save you the first 4 minutes of each tanning session in the tanning bed. Without the use of sunscreen, these minutes are spent on starting all necessary processes in the skin.
  1. Hydration and nutrition. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the epidermis gradually dries out, begins to peel off, looks dull and untidy, and the reason for this is insufficient hydration and nutrition during and after tanning sessions. High-quality creams, lotions and oils for a solarium will help preserve and replenish the loss of moisture in dermal cells, saturate the skin with nutrients and vitality.
  2. Prevention of photoaging.- another "pitfall", which allows you to successfully cope with specialized cosmetics for a solarium. Tanning formulas are thought out in such a way as to "block" the damaging ultraviolet, while not affecting the quality and depth of the resulting tan. And an additional bonus will be anti-aging components that will not only prevent early age-related changes, but also help to cope with mimic wrinkles that have already appeared, restore the tone and elasticity of sunbathing skin.

A range of professional tanning products

The palette of proposals of the modern beauty industry of tanning can satisfy even the most fastidious lover of ultraviolet booths. What to opt for in order to achieve the most pronounced effect and give the skin not only an attractive bronze tint, but also a healthy glow?

2. . Special complexes, which have an instant effect, within a couple of hours will give the skin a pleasant glow of gold. And they will allow you to achieve a richer chocolate shade in just a couple of sessions in the solarium. Cosmetics with bronzers can be applied to any skin, the main thing is to choose the right concentration of active ingredients. A small content of bronzing substances will allow owners of - phototype to quickly get a basic shade of tan, and a high percentage of active ingredients will achieve a pronounced swarthy skin tone.
3. . Creams marked "Tingle" significantly accelerate blood flow in dermal cells, supplying them with oxygen and accelerating melanin synthesis. Slight reddening of the skin and a noticeable burning sensation inherent in cosmetics with an "ant" effect will create the illusion natural tanning, and notes of copper in the resulting shade will add an attractive naturalness to the skin. Tingle is suitable for owners of a phototype of appearance, however, lovers of tanning can also use such cosmetics, having previously received a pronounced base shade.

4. . Modern Body Blash technology is suitable for those who are afraid of the tangible tingle components. With these products, neither redness nor burning will appear on the skin, only a slight pleasant blush. Active substances significantly accelerate the natural synthesis of tan pigment, thereby guaranteeing extra-dark shades in just a few UV sessions. Such cosmetics, like tingle, are recommended for naturally swarthy owners - phototypes.
5. . The legs usually tan much more slowly than the rest of the body, so they need enhanced complexes to give a uniform bronze tone. Choose the right product, guided by your own - and your legs will be perfectly swarthy and well-groomed.

6. . Delicate facial skin needs maximum protection during tanning in a solarium, which means that such sensitive areas require special cosmetics with a high content of moisturizing, nourishing and regenerating complexes. In the line of leading manufacturers, there is sure to be a suitable product for any skin, the main thing is to choose the right product based on the features of the phototype.
7. . The representatives of the stronger sex are endowed with naturally rougher skin, so the usual formulas for tanning in a solarium are not so ideal for them. Specialized cosmetics, designed with all the features in mind, will allow men to look attractively tanned and well-groomed after UV sessions!

How to choose and buy a solarium cream according to your skin type

The ideal result from visiting ultraviolet cabins is possible only if you choose the right cosmetic product based on the characteristics of your own appearance. The key criterion for choosing a particular cream is the phototype - natural ability skin to perceive the ultraviolet spectrum and respond to it with a deep, persistent bronze tint.



What cosmetics are suitable

Pale, hypersensitive skin tans very slowly, and if you overdo it, you can burn rather than become covered with at least a little noticeable gilding. Owners of such an appearance should be extremely careful when visiting a solarium, and choose the most nourishing and moisturizing cosmetics.

What cosmetics will help overcome the tanning plateau?

A natural plateau is the deepest and richest shade of tan, which is quite difficult to “break through” without specialized cosmetics. Typically high content meant for well trained dark skin, allows you to overcome this milestone, getting an ultra-dark tone up to extreme black. However, this method is not optimal, and it is not suitable for every connoisseur of an extra-saturated tan, because slight tingling when using cosmetics with an "ant" effect, in this case it turns into a rather noticeable burning sensation.

Much easier and more efficient to alternate regularly cosmetical tools for tanning in the solarium - a combination of boosters, bronzers and tanning accelerators will allow you to overcome the plateau much faster. Change the type of cosmetics at least once a month (for example, alternating creams with s, and with DHA), and the appearance of coal-dark shades will not take long.

Choosing a tanning cream in a solarium is quite milestone. The principle of operation of such a cream is different from the usual products that we are used to taking to the beach. They do not have special reflective filters that protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation.

This protection is not needed for a solarium, since the number of such rays in this case skin gets balanced. However, it should be remembered: protection for the skin when visiting a solarium is a must, especially if your skin is light and sensitive.

It is impossible to give an exact answer to the question best cream for solarium. For each, you need to select a product individually, based on skin type and needs. Main function funds is the preparation of the skin for uniform tan.

Often such creams are rich in special components - tanning activators, which, when interacting with the skin, activate blood circulation processes. As a result of this acceleration, melanin begins to be produced faster, thanks to which our skin acquires an even chocolate shade.

In addition, various nutrients are added to the compositions of creams that care for the skin and improve its condition after being under tanning lamps.

A good and high-quality tanning product in a solarium if:

  • It does not contain whitening ingredients and ingredients that will irritate the skin.
  • After using the product, the skin becomes moisturized, velvety and smooth.
  • Not used in the manufacture of the cream mineral oils and alcohol.
  • With its help, the tan lies more evenly and faster.
Of course, you can always save and not buy special products to visit the solarium. But dermatologists warn: if you do not use at least a regular oily moisturizer, your skin after the procedure will be dry and tightened due to the large amount of lost moisture.

Rules for choosing creams for a solarium

When you choose a cream for yourself, be sure to carefully study the composition of the product, make sure that it contains components whose action is aimed at neutralizing adverse influence UV rays.

It is recommended to purchase several products at once for going to the solarium, because facial skin needs stronger care than the stratum corneum of the feet. Skin protection products different parts bodies must be from the same factory series, otherwise it may happen that areas of the body will tan unevenly.

Also, when choosing protective cosmetics for a solarium, you need to consider age category. For young girls the best choice there will be funds aimed at moisturizing, but for older women, creams of a more expensive price segment, which will include nourishing components that tighten the skin, are suitable.

Often women wonder if it is possible to go to the solarium without cream. This is a matter of choice, but it is worth remembering that without using it, your skin after the procedure will be dry and start to peel off a little, and wrinkles may also appear.

Dermatologists do not recommend using any means when going to the solarium only for people with allergies. You should also consult with a dermatologist about which tanning cream to choose for owners of problem skin who want to dry out various rashes.

The main types of tanning creams

Today, there are many types of creams for safe tanning. You can easily choose the tool according to your desire and according to your needs. Before deciding which tanning cream to buy, study their varieties to choose the most suitable for you.

Tanning cream in the solarium with bronzers

It is these creams that are most popular during the tanning procedure in the solarium. The tool will help to quickly give the skin a chocolate shade due to the coloring particles present in the composition. Also in the composition of the cream for a solarium with bronzers there are components that will nourish the body, protect it from the harmful radiation of UV lamps and free radicals.

Bronzers in specialty products can be natural or synthetic. In a product with natural ingredients, the composition often includes henna, oil walnut, carotene. The more bronzing elements present, the darker the tan will be. But it is worth noting: if the composition is simply replete with similar components, then there is a risk of dark spots over the body. In avoidance similar situations only need to buy quality products.

They will help you achieve a good tan, and also take care of your skin, thanks to nourishing oils and antioxidants will moisturize it. Any special cream should be applied only to dry skin. remember, that this remedy can stain clothes!

deserved good feedback such creams with bronzers for tanning in the solarium:

  1. Believe Black Bronzer. Natural cosmetic cream which has a pleasant sugar smell. With the help of the Melactiva complex, the process of melanin production is accelerated. Wheat protein perfectly tightens the skin, and caffeine and green tea prevent early aging.
  2. Bringin' black. A tool that will not leave stains and streaks on your things. The cream contains only natural ingredients - henna, oil tea tree thanks to which the skin after application will be elastic and nourished with vitamins.

With the help of bronzers, the skin changes its tone in a matter of minutes, noticeably darkening. But keep in mind that the product is also quickly washed off!

Sun cream without bronzer

This natural cosmetic, which in large quantities contains vitamins and vegetable oils that protect delicate skin from exposure to ultraviolet light. Such creams and lotions activate melanin thanks to the tanning activators present and help to achieve a natural natural look in several sessions. golden hue skin.

At the same time, tanning creams without bronzers provide careful care behind the skin and do not cause premature aging.

Depending on the brand of cream, they may include accelerators, tanning activators, various moisturizing complexes. The following have received good recommendations:

  • Dark Tan Accelerator. The tool has optimal ratio prices and quality. Contains tanning accelerators short time help achieve desired shade skin. Suitable for both fair skin, and for tanned.
  • Flex. This tool contains cocoa butter, which not only helps to achieve even shade tan, but also tighten the skin, make it soft and silky after visiting the solarium.

Tanning cream in the solarium with tingles

Such a tool will help to significantly expand the capillaries in the upper layer of the epidermis, thereby activating the process of blood microcirculation. After applying the cream, you will feel a slight tingling and burning sensation on the skin, and it is thanks to this action that the tan will go faster and more evenly.

Tanning cream with a tingle effect should not be used if your skin is delicate, sensitive and not tanned.

Effective and high-quality are such creams of this series:

  1. Devoted Creations Cream. Thanks to the tingle effect, this cosmetic cream accelerates the “sticking” of a tan several times. It contains hemp seed oil, as well as various micronutrients. Active ingredients products perfectly moisturize the epidermis. Using this cream, you will not only increase subcutaneous microcirculation, but also supply skin cells with the necessary amount of oxygen. The tool has a warming effect. It is not recommended to apply the cream on the skin of the face and body if your skin is very sensitive, as severe redness and itching may appear.
  2. Cream Hempz Naturals. Organic, which contains 95% natural elements. The cream does not contain parabens. The natural components of this cosmetic perfectly warm up the skin, increasing blood flow to its upper layers. It is available in two varieties - a regular cream and a cream with bronzers. As a result, the skin will not only be hydrated for a long time, but also provided with a beautiful lasting tan.

Moisturizing tanning cream in the solarium

The main goal of such cosmetics is to saturate the skin well with moisture and nutrients before starting the procedure. Ultraviolet rays mercilessly dry it out, as a result of which the skin loses its firmness and elasticity faster. Moistened skin endures the action of rays, maintaining its health.

It is worth noting that a regular tanning cream in a solarium will not be effective and will not replace high-quality professional creams. The latter will help to maintain the achieved skin tone for a long time after visiting the solarium.

The composition of such creams, as a rule, includes panthenol, moisturizing elements such as hemp oil, vitamins. Humidifiers accelerate the synthesis of melanin, and this, in turn, provides chocolate color skin.

  • Soleo Face Tan. Protective agent for skin care during " fake tan". With its help, the skin tans evenly without losing moisture. You can even apply the product on the face, neck and décolleté area, where the skin is sensitive and needs good protective agent.
  • Australian Gold Smooth Face. This cosmetic product is hypoallergenic. It will protect your skin from exposure. ultraviolet lamps in the solarium, and will also provide them with gentle care during the procedure. In order for the result after tanning to please you, you need to apply the cream and let it soak for about twenty minutes, and then proceed directly to the procedure.

Tanning oils in the solarium

Of course, you can replace expensive special professional cosmetics for a solarium! And for this, various natural oils, which are also originally part of tanning creams in the solarium.

Coconut oil for solarium

If you do not want to resort to exposure to industrial creams on the skin, then you can use coconut oil as a substitute for professional cosmetics for artificial tanning.

Here are some health benefits of coconut oil that are essential for a safe tanning session:

  1. The composition of the oil contains fatty capric and lauric acids, which nourish the skin well, as well as an excellent antioxidant - vitamin E.
  2. Thanks to coconut oil the skin after visiting the solarium will not crack and peel. The main components of the oil are stably saturated fats, which, when applied, form a protective barrier, reduce moisture loss, and prevent skin from peeling or getting burned.
  3. With the help of coconut oil, you will prevent the appearance of early wrinkles.
  4. The tool will help speed up the tanning process.
  5. The oil is suitable for use even for allergy sufferers.
  6. Helps the skin get as much vitamin D as possible.

Olive oil for solarium

Olive oil is considered to be one of the most suitable for tanning if you want to protect your skin and achieve an even skin tone.

Advantages olive oil, which are indispensable when going to the solarium:

  • The oil will help protect the skin during the treatment by visibly softening the effect of UV lamps.
  • After a tanning session, the skin will be soft and supple.
  • With the help of olive oil, after the procedure, you will not be bothered by the problems of dryness and flaking of the epidermis.
  • Thanks to this product, the tan will “stick” faster and better.

An excellent solution is to use Johnsons Baby oil in the solarium, which attracts tan well.

How to choose a cream after a solarium

A special cream must also be used after the end of the tanning procedure, that is, at home. As a rule, such cosmetics are moisturizing and nourishing lotions, balms, creams.

There may be bronzing particles in the cream after a tanning bed, which help to fix the tan and even make it a few tones darker. Thus, you will save your time and money on subsequent trips to the solarium.

When choosing a product, be sure to familiarize yourself with its composition: it must contain vitamins A and E, which will prevent the skin from aging quickly and losing elasticity. In addition, ideally, after-tanning creams should contain hyaluronic acid, thermal water. It is these substances that will not allow the skin to lose too much moisture, help to avoid peeling.

Also, the composition of such after-sun products often includes glycerin, avocado oil, grape seed oil.

You can opt for such creams:

  1. Brown Sugar White Chocolate. A tan fixer with a mild care complex. Contains argan oil and cocoa bean oil.
  2. Hemp Nation. Contains coconut milk and papaya extract. Cools the skin and actively moisturizes it.

Rules for the use of solarium cream

Before entering the solarium, take a shower, cleanse the skin of the remnants of cosmetics (especially creams and perfumes). The next step is to scrub your body well so that the tan can lie flat.

Protective cream should be applied a couple of minutes before the procedure. Remember: the lighter the skin, the thicker the product layer should be. Use separate cosmetic products for face and body skin care.

After you have visited the solarium, you should know how to properly care for your skin so that the effect of going for " artificial sun» preserved as long as possible:

  • Wash in the shower under warm water using a soft gel with cooling and caring ingredients: chamomile, menthol, mint, sage.
  • Do not use scrubs or products containing soap. Such cosmetics can cause irritation and remove the layer of cells with melanin.
  • The agent must be applied to clean skin(after taking a shower), so you get the most useful result.

It should be remembered that if you do not properly care for your skin after tanning in a solarium, irritation and dark spots.

How to choose a solarium cream - look at the video:

Going to the solarium is very convenient when you want to get tanned skin without spending a lot of time on it. At the same time, it is important to remember about your health and make sure that this procedure does not cause harm. When choosing special products for visiting the “artificial beach”, you need to take into account your skin type, individual preferences, and also study the composition of creams. It is preferable to purchase cosmetics for the procedure in organic stores.

How many tanning sessions do you need for a quick tan?

First of all, it is necessary to define the concept of "fast". It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to get a uniform and deep tan in 1-2 sessions in any solarium. Before visiting a solarium, be sure to consult a doctor if you can sunbathe, as there are many contraindications for these procedures.

No matter how perfect the technique is, however, certain processes in the human body, including the pigmentation of the skin, go on as usual. And if you try to speed up the tanning process, you risk burning your skin. However, in 5-10 solarium sessions it is quite possible to get the desired result.

What types of solariums are effective for a quick tan?

There are 2 types of solariums, differing in the lamps used in them. These are tanning systems that use:
- lamps low pressure;
- lamps high pressure.

In the first types, A- and B-radiation are produced. Tan in them turns out a little slower, but it lasts longer on the skin. It is these solariums that are most preferred for fair-skinned people who are prone to sunburn. Tanning systems with high pressure lamps produce more A-rays by acting on melanin and quickly oxidizing it. In such solariums tan rich color can be obtained faster, but it is advisable to visit them for swarthy people or owners of a natural tan.

In addition, solariums are:
- horizontal;
- vertical;
- in the form of chairs.
The chairs also use a system with powerful A-beams, but usually those people who need only a slight change in skin color tan in such tanning salons. visible parts body.

The most powerful in their radiation are vertical solariums. The session lasts no more than 10 minutes.

Ways to enhance the tan in the solarium

If you want to tan quickly enough without getting a skin burn, take care of it even before visiting the solarium. In no case should you apply makeup, as well as use any cosmetic products (including soap).

A few hours before a tanning bed, remove dead skin cells by exfoliating your body with a body scrub. To quickly and evenly tan in the solarium, use special creams or lotions that are designed specifically for this procedure. However, be careful: do not use tanning creams in the sun in the solarium.

It is not recommended to sunbathe in the solarium more than 2 cycles per year. One course includes no more than 20 sessions. The amount of the latter and the time spent under the lamps depend on various factors: skin type, the presence of a natural tan, specifications equipment.

You need to visit the procedures no more than 2 days (48 hours) after the previous visit to the solarium, so that your skin recovers and rests. To prevent it premature aging, observe moderation in creating a fake tan.

Unfortunately, not every year there is an opportunity to go to warm countries to soak up the scorching sun and enjoy the sea breeze to your heart's content. In a metropolis, you have to make do with a solarium in order to get an even beautiful tan who want to get it as soon as possible.

Basic rules for using the solarium

Before going to the solarium, you should take a shower and clean the skin of cosmetics. This will enable ultraviolet rays to more intensely affect the epithelium. This procedure must be carried out a few hours before a tanning session, otherwise you risk getting burned, which will adversely affect your skin and general well-being.

Decide on the type of solarium. In "lying" solariums, lamps with A- and B-radiation are combined, i.e. the tan will appear not only quickly enough, but will also stay on the skin for a long time. These models are equipped with a special air conditioning system, there is an audio system, so that while sunbathing, you can listen to your favorite music. Before enjoying the pleasant, relaxing atmosphere, make sure the solarium is clean and disinfected. It is best if the salon worker performs this procedure in front of your eyes.

There are also vertical solariums, which have their own advantages: they are quite powerful, so you should not abuse ultraviolet light - the session should not exceed 10 minutes. In terms of hygiene, they are more convenient - you do not have to come into contact with their surface. To enhance your tan, choose a solarium with new lamps - only in this case you can count on a long-lasting deep tan.

In an effort to darken, do not forget about the means of protection - a hat on your head, protective glasses And. of course, stikini on the nipples and large moles.

After the procedure, you should not take a shower for two hours - let the tan fix on the skin. Now there is a new function - a solarium with a shower. Moisture attracts ultraviolet more strongly, and the shade comes out more natural.

Little secrets for quick tanning

If you want to quickly get a tan, then do not refuse special products that are sold right there in the salons - creams, lotions, oils. They contain activators and accelerators of melanin production in the body. These products help you get a deeper tan by reducing the amount of time you spend in the cabin, which is important for the health of your skin.

There are special drops - "Vetoron", they can be bought at any pharmacy. The main component that is part of their composition is beta-carotene, which affects the rapid manifestation of a tan. Drops should be drunk according to the instructions, and the result will not be long in coming.

Some foods help you tan faster. Carrots and carrot juice are leaders in this list - catalysts for the release of melanin. Peaches, melon, tomatoes, broccoli also enhance the tan.

If you start sunbathing with the first warm rays of the sun, gradually increasing the time spent on the beach. However, our climatic conditions do not always allow us to achieve such a result. In addition, not all of us have the opportunity to sunbathe in nature, and even for several months in a row. As a rule, we become "chocolates" during the holidays, which, unfortunately, are short-lived. But this problem can be solved alternative way, namely, preferring the solarium booth to the sun. Do you want to know how you can quickly get a beautiful golden skin tone in a beauty salon? And to enhance the tan in the solarium? Then you have come to the right address.

Secret one: more often, but less!

To enhance the tan in the solarium, you need to visit the salon every two days. At the same time, the time spent in the booth should not exceed more than 5 minutes. Despite the fact that the lamps in the solarium do not act on the skin as quickly as the sun's rays, the risk of getting burned still remains. That is why you do not need to visit a solarium every day in the hope of finding a beautiful tan or stay in a booth for 10, 15, or even 20 minutes. Such actions will not lead to anything good.

Secret two: healthy food for golden skin tone

The simplest, safest and effective method enhancing tanning in the solarium is the use of special products that contain beta-carotene. So, a salad of grated carrots, richly dressed vegetable oil, will help you become a tanned "chocolate" in just a few sessions. Carrot juice has the same effect. Beta-carotene, which is found in carrots, has a beneficial effect on receptors responsible for contact with sunbeams which enhances the tan.

By the way, the use of cereals and tomato juice will also help you tan quickly.

Secret three: aromatic cocoa

Experts say that a glass of cocoa, drunk half an hour before visiting the solarium, allows you to activate the tan, and also contributes to enhanced skin hydration. In addition, this fragrant drink perfectly reveals the shade of tan, making it more intense and dark. Don't like cocoa? Then you can eat a few pieces of chocolate an hour before visiting the solarium.

Secret #4: Moisturize your skin

In order to enhance the tan that you have acquired using the above methods, it is necessary to constantly maintain the moisture balance of the skin. To do this, use creams, shower gels and body lotions that contain moisturizing and nourishing ingredients. In no case should your skin dry out, otherwise the tan will quickly disappear.

Secret Five: Using Special Cosmetics

Today you can buy many various means designed to protect the skin during tanning in a solarium. Such cosmetics are divided into three groups:

  • activators allow you to quickly get dark shade skin;
  • developers help increase the production of melanin in the body;
  • prolongators make tan more stable.

Do not forget that sunbed creams work on a different principle than beach creams, as they are aimed at hydrating the skin. Well-moisturized skin transmits 50% more UV rays than dry skin. Therefore, properly selected cosmetics will allow you to reduce the time spent in the solarium by half, while the result will be much better.

Please note that the product of your choice contains components that increase the perception of ultraviolet rays, such as hemp oil, peptides, DNA plant acid, tingle. Using these creams, you can easily enhance the tan in the solarium without harming your health.

A visit to the solarium is a must and important procedure for many women and men. Wherein required attribute considered cosmetics for solarium. It allows you to get best tan and protect the skin from harmful influence ultraviolet flows. This will prevent dry skin and rapid aging.

It is important to choose the right tanning product, and take into account the type of skin and individual preferences.

Most often, cosmetics for tanning in a solarium are designed to accelerate or prolong the acquired color. At the same time, demand different means to protect the skin. For artificial irradiation, ordinary sunscreen is not suitable. Such compounds can cause allergic symptoms under the influence of lamps.

  1. They protect the surface of the skin from drying, burning and peeling.
  2. The cream makes the skin darkening process faster.
  3. Provides a smoother, more even tan.
  4. Is different healing properties and increases the elasticity of the skin.
  5. Restores the structure of the skin and nourishes it.
  6. Gives the skin the desired shade.

Overview of popular options

Solarium cosmetics are divided into two varieties: forcibly coloring the skin and allowing you to achieve an imitation of a natural tan.

One of the most popular companies is Emerald Bay. The range of creams of this company is quite wide. Emerald Bay involves the use of a variety of additives and essential oils.

Devoted creations products are also popular. The company produces universal products. Devoted creams allow you to get a tan and improve blood circulation. The entire Devoted line is renowned for improving skin firmness and reducing expression lines.

Popular manufacturers include Australian Gold products. Their creams are effective. Many reviews of Australian Gold products are positive. The cream of this line is very different pleasant smell and affordable price.

To others popular brands include Solbianca, Kolastyna and Soleo.

Cosmetics for tanning in a solarium is divided into three varieties:

  1. Prologues allow you to prolong the effect of tanning. Make it better and more sustainable.
  2. Developers affect the activation of the production of a substance such as melanin.
  3. The activator helps to get a darker tone.

Super Tan cosmetics

The American manufacturer supertan presents a line that belongs to premium class drugs. Super Tan is a professional cosmetics, which is characterized by the content natural ingredients. All ingredients are obtained from varieties of exotic plants. super tan products guarantee luxurious color skin. At the same time, you can get the desired result in a short time.

Creams from Super Tan protect the surface of the skin from negative impact ultraviolet irradiation. The collection has universal cream and tools for local use. For example, for legs or face.

Some Super Tan preparations contain components with a tingle effect. There is a cream with a bronzer, with pepper or after sun.

Lines from Super Tan help solve the problem: how to enhance the tan in the solarium. Main Feature Super Tan preparations is a substance such as endorphin.

Many buyers note the convenience of supertan brand packaging. The preparations are easy to apply and do not leave streaks and marks.

Tan Master Company

The Tan master brand belongs to domestic manufacturers. The company issues funds for natural basis for solarium. The preparations Tan master contains a large number of plant compounds, antioxidants, vitamins and oils.

Tan master is becoming more and more popular as it produces product lines based on age. There is a cream for girls up to 25 years old, as well as for older women and for men. There are creams for individual areas: for the legs, face and hands.

Tan master preparations gently moisturize the skin and provide quality care. The Tan master brand is the result of the work of several specialists from different countries. This brand offers a large assortment By affordable price. In the production of the Tan brand, modern technologies are involved.

Brand Soleo

The Soleo brand represents the professional cosmetic products. Soleo is popular in the market European countries. Similar products are suitable even for light and sensitive skin. Cream from Soleo allows you to create a rich and stable tan, and also creates full protection from ultraviolet radiation.

Soleo products are represented by an extensive range, in which you can find a tan activator, developer and fixer, as well as a separate line for legs.

Soleo creams are selected depending on the type of skin and the degree of the right tan. Means are produced in packages, the volume of which varies from 10 to 500 ml. Brand

Soleo allows you to choose the optimal composition for each skin type. It is this cosmetics that better than others allows you to solve the problem of how to enhance tanning in a solarium.

There are different Soleo lines. For example, a foot cream or a composition with a slimming effect.

Emerald Bay Company

The Emerald Bay brand refers to high quality cosmetics. It is based on exclusive developments and new technologies. Emerald Bay creams contain only natural ingredients. Using Emerald Bay compositions, you can reduce the time spent in the solarium and at the same time get an aesthetic tan.

The cosmetic line is represented by an extensive range of products for all skin types.

Emerald Bay tanning products, which contain bronzers, soften the skin and prolong the resulting shade.

The composition of some Emerald Bay creams has a warming effect. natural ingredients contribute to intense hydration of the skin and its elasticity.

Emerald Bay contains powerful antioxidants that have a beneficial effect on the general condition of the skin.

Cosmetics Devoted Creations

Devoted Creations brand products are different high cost. This is an American made product. Devoted has several tanning lines in its arsenal. One of the most popular creams is Azure.

Protective cosmetics for the solarium, as well as products for the legs and face are presented. There is a separate Devoted line for fair skin. The basis of the drug contains innovative formulas. The cream of this company contains a unique complex that helps prevent the appearance of cellulite. The texture of Devoted preparations is like an emulsion.

Azure and other preparations contain antioxidants and components that help combat the effect orange peel. Some Devoted products are complemented by a lifting effect.

Is different positive qualities lotion Cube. It gently affects the skin and moisturizes well. Cube is suitable for girls who prefer a bright tan.

Cosmetics Estelle

Estelle cosmetics is considered professional, it contains substances that help to quickly achieve the effect of a tan. Cream from Estelle contains a bronzer and an activator. Some compositions of Estel are supplemented formic acid. Certain acids allow you to eliminate bad smell, which can remain after a solarium.

A series of preparations from Estelle allows you to make the tanning procedure safe and comfortable. Each cream from Estelle provides a stable and uniform darkening of the skin.

Solbianca cosmetics

Solbianca is a relatively young brand that was created by a domestic manufacturer. These products are created in laboratory conditions and from high-quality raw materials. The Solbianca brand contains about 16 quality tanning products. Solbianca creams differ in the base of natural ingredients: mineral complexes and oils. Herbal ingredients provide skin quality care and protection.