Mobile ecological games for a large number of participants. Interesting environmental games for schoolchildren in nature: knowledge and team spirit

Ecological chamomile. Conversation with elements of the game

Idea: "Chamomile" - a form of organization of the game on environmental theme. Each petal of the "chamomile" contains a variety of tasks, such as logical tasks, riddles, cryptograms, games for the development of imagination, auction, humorous tasks, etc. etc. The game helps to increase the overall level ecological culture children, the development of creative and communication skills. Designed for children in grades 2-4.

Game progress

Leading. Earth, the globe is our common big house, in which there is enough space for everyone: people, animals, plants ... There is one common blue roof above us - the sky. We have one common floor under our feet - the earth's surface. We all have one wonderful source of light and heat - the Sun. We have common sources of moisture: rivers, lakes, seas, oceans... Everyone needs to breathe, eat, drink, raise kids.

For many thousands and even millions of years, all kinds of animals and plants have adapted to each other and to the nature around them. And the balance has been established in nature. It is known that there should be more plants than animals that feed on them. And there should be more herbivorous animals than predators. Then there is enough food for everyone, and all kinds of plants and animals are preserved on Earth. If at least some link in this chain is destroyed, for example, plants are destroyed, the whole chain will crumble. The balance will be broken. And even a catastrophe can happen in nature. People did not suspect this for a long time and recklessly cut down forests, drained swamps, and plowing the steppes. They did not think at all that they were grossly violating the laws of nature. Finally we understood it. In order to preserve nature, and at the same time to survive themselves, people began to study the laws of wildlife very seriously. This is how the science of ECOLOGY arose. This word is composed of two Greek words: "oikos" - "house" and "logos" - "science". So, we can say that ecology is the science of our common house and the laws by which we must live in it.

I hope that the game "Ecological Chamomile" will help you and I to think again about our common home and that this home should be loved and protected.

Game conditions. A chamomile model is being made (the yellow circle is the core and any number of white petals). On reverse side petals are numbered. All details of the "chamomile" are attached to the magnetic board.

Children are divided into groups (optional). Each group chooses a commander, comes up with a team name. Then the group commanders approach the “chamomile”, “pluck” a petal, receive from the leader cards with tasks under the corresponding numbers. Teams begin to prepare the task. At the end of the allotted time, the teams take turns presenting their work.

1. Task cards.

Divide the words into two columns according to the principle "living - inanimate nature":

sun, boy, berry, sky, water, stones, mushroom, fish, hare, downpour, soil, tree.


2. Depict animals using gestures and facial expressions: a bear, a hare, a camel, a rooster, a woodpecker, a monkey.

3. Guess the riddles.

Black-winged, red-breasted,

And find shelter in the winter.

He is not afraid of a cold:

With the first snow right there. (Bullfinch.)

Coloring - grayish,

Gait - baggy,

Habit - furtive,

The screamer is hoarse. (Crow.)

Long-tailed, white-sided,

And her name is ... (magpie).

Lives in an empty hollow

Oak hammers like a chisel. (Woodpecker.)

little boy

In a gray coat

Drifting around the yard

Collects crumbs. (Sparrow.)

Who is without notes and without flute

Who is this? (Nightingale.)

All migratory birds are blacker,

Enemy of the larvae, friend of the fields,

Jump back and forth across the arable land.

And the bird is called - ... (rook).

Even though I'm a little bird

I, friends, have a habit:

When the cold starts

Directly from the north here. (Titmouse.)

4. Decrypt the cryptogram:

12, 3, 2, 3, 11, 15, 9, 3, 1 - 10, 5, 6, 3, 12, 8, ! 1, 5, 13, 1, 13, 14. 8.

Keywords: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 - the third day of the week. (Wednesday.)

6, 7, 8, 9, 5 - an institution where students receive knowledge. (School.)

10, 8, 11. 15 - the lower limbs of a person. (Legs.)

12, 8, 13, 14, 5 - the upper leafy part of potatoes, carrots, beets. (tops.)

Answer: Take care of the forest - our wealth.

5. From these modes of transport, exclude the “extra” word and explain your choice: car, ship, bicycle, motorcycle, bus, plane.

Answer: a bicycle, as it is an environmentally friendly mode of transport, because it does not run on fuel.

Leading. What other ecological pure species transport you know? (Electric locomotive, tram, trolleybus, metro.)

6. Dream up: what would happen if ...:

Would all the flowers suddenly disappear from the face of the earth?

Would there be no water?

Would the birds disappear?

7. Hold an "Auction" with classmates medicinal plants».

Your task: expressively read poems about medicinal plants. The task of classmates is to “collect” as many medicinal plants as possible, that is, at the end of the reading of the verses, those who wish should take turns naming as many plants as possible, which were discussed in the verses. The one with the longest list wins.

I am ginseng, a wonderful root.

If someone is very sick,

Find my root

And anyone will get better.

You tincture of ginseng

Appetite will return and laughter

After all, ginseng means

Miracle - "root-man".

On the path, on the path -

Everywhere weed grass

Or just plantain -

Everyone is familiar, not new!

Tied a leaf to an abscess.

A day or two will pass - and a miracle!

You are healthy without doctors.

Here is a simple leaf!

Linden - a remedy for colds,

Everyone knows about it everywhere.

Though the linden color is plain,

But healthier than tea No.

For sore throats and colds

Drink healing linden tea.

They say when they are sick:

"Come on, linden, help me out!"

There are geraniums, cloves, porridge -

There is a pharmacy chamomile.

You need to know about chamomile.

White tiny flower

For poultices, for lotions.

If the inflammation

Decoction - calm.

My seeds are healing -

When gastritis drink infusion.

Roots - kill poisons

And relieve kidney pain.

I have one problem:

When I bloom

That is the beauty of my flowers

It catches everyone's eye.

And they tear me into bouquets,

I'm afraid of them like fire!

I beg you, have mercy

And do not tear peonies in vain!

We have not only phytoncides,

That microbes are so scary

We contain vitamins

Which, no doubt, everyone needs.

And therefore, so that less often

You had to hurt

In every house, onions, garlic

All year round must have.

The one who is close friends with us,

Never get bored.

There is a lot of fragrance in the house

If mint dries in the house.

mint cake,

Infusion of mint spoon -

No more nausea

There is no hoarseness in the throat.

Validol, toothpaste -

Everywhere mint, mint, mint!

Collecting is not in vain

This grass, guys!

List the benefits of plants.

8. Make the right choice.

The seasons are written on the left, on the right - what happens in nature, in the lives of people in different times of the year. Task: connect the left column with the right with arrows correctly.

WINTER Buds swell.

Leaf fall.

…………… Rooks arrive.

………….. Indian summer.

SPRING Mushroom season.

Collection of cranberries.

…………… Grain harvesting.

SUMMER Haymaking.

Birds make nests.


AUTUMN Ice drift.

9. Guess riddles.

Very strong and resilient

Builders - a reliable friend.

Houses, steps, pedestals

They will become beautiful and noticeable. (Granite.)

If you meet on the road

Then the legs get stuck a lot.

And to make a bowl or vase -

She'll be needed right away. (Clay.)

In mom's kitchen

Assistant is great

He is a blue flower

Blooms from a match. (Natural gas.)

He really needs the kids

He's on the paths in the yard

He is at a construction site and on the beach,

And it's even melted in glass. (Sand.)

It's black and shiny

Our real friend.

He brings warmth to the house,

It makes the houses light.

Helps to melt steel

Make paints and enamels. (Coal)

Even without it, the car

Not a mile to go

Airplanes, helicopters

Won't take flight

The rocket will not rise.

Guess what it is? (Oil.)

Plants grew in the swamp ...

And now it's fuel and fertilizer. (Peat.)

She cooked for a long time in a blast furnace,

So that later they would make scissors and keys for us. (Iron ore.)

10. What animal does the tail belong to?

She swims with her tail. (Fish.)

With the help of his tail, he crawls along the bottom of the river. (Cancer.)

She has a tail instead of a rudder. (Bird.)

Thanks to the tail, he pushes off the ground and jumps the farthest, and also sits, leaning on his tail. (Kangaroo.)

She has a tail extra hand. (Monkey.)

She steers with her tail, jumping from branch to branch.

She has a fly swatter tail. (Cow, horse.)

She has a rattle on her tail, with which she scares enemies. (Rattlesnake.)

In case of danger of being caught by the tail, she discards it. (Lizard.)

11. Decipher the phrase: AGINK YANSARK.

Answer: Red Book.

Leading. What do you know about the Red Book? (Children's answers.)

12. Solve problems from G. Oster's "Problem Book".

Pupils of one of the schools make sure that water does not flow from the taps in vain. Therefore, half of the students of this school come to class with unwashed hands. The other half of the guys come not only with unwashed hands, but also with unwashed faces. How many students are there in this school if 290 boys and 46 girls come to class every day with unwashed faces? (672.)

Last year, Ninochka met a boy, and he gave her a kitten. This year, Ninochka met 12 boys, and each gave her two kittens. Now Ninochka wants to meet another boy and is going to give him all her kittens. How many kittens has a chance to get this unknown boy to Ninochka? (25.)

13. Snow is one of the signs of the Russian winter. It is called differently. Fill in the missing words in the sentences. (They are listed separately below.)

Fresh, clean, snow that has just covered the ground is called ... (powders).

If snowflakes stick together on the fly, we call them ... (flakes).

If hard white balls hurt the cheeks and forehead, then they are called ... (groats.)

The wind drives the snow, and it rushes along the ground like a snake. This is ... (drifting).

The wind is spinning, blowing snow in the air. This is ... (blizzard).

On a plain or in a steppe, where there is no control over the wind, a real snow storm can break out - ... (blizzard).

For old, stale, with a hard crust of snow, there is a crispy word in Russian - ... (nast).

Lucky case "Window to nature"
(environmental game for primary school age)

Prepared by: Potkina Vera Yurievna
GPA Educator
MBOU "Muvyr secondary school"
Sharkansky district of the Republic of Udmurtia

Education of the ecological culture of children at this time is very important. We are all children of nature, and from an early age we must know it, love it, use it wisely. The world around us is a complex living organism. And every part of this organism requires careful personal care. For example, if we take wintering birds, then most of them, unable to withstand the winter cold, die. This is where human care and care are needed. From here begins the love of children for the world around them. To learn more about our nature, to develop the horizons of children, we invite you to participate in the game - " Lucky case».

Target: upbringing careful attitude to nature through the use game forms work with children.
1) develop interest in the living world of nature;
2) cultivate respect for each other.

1. Lotto barrels with numbers 1-12.
2. Stopwatch or watch with a second hand.
3. Certificates of Honor, signal cards, paper, pens.

Game progress

Two teams take part in the game. Each team has 6 people. The game consists of seven games and is designed for 40-45 minutes. Fans are also divided into two teams and take part in the game.

1 game. "Warm-up"

(Kegs 1 to 12)
Team captains participate in the first game. They take turns pulling out kegs with numbers from 1 to 12. One of them is “happy”, the team gets 3 points for it, but no question is asked. For each correct answer to the remaining questions, the team receives 2 points. Each team is given 30 seconds to think about the answer to the question, after which the answer to the question must be heard.
If the answer is no or it is wrong, then its fans can help their team. In this case, the team receives only 1 point for the correct answer.

Complete the sentence by naming the appropriate animal.
1. Cunning, like ... (fox)
2. Clumsy as .... (bear)

3. Cowardly, like ... .. (hare)
4. Hungry as .... (wolf)
5. Prickly, like .... (hedgehog)
6. Him, like ... .. (fish)
7. Dirty as ... (pig)
8. Hardworking, like ... (horse)
9. "Happy."
10. Beautiful as .... (butterfly)
11. Talkative, like ... (magpie)
12. Hardy, like ... (moose)

2 game. "Further, further, further"

In one minute, each team must answer questions and score the maximum number of points.

Questions for 1 team:
1. What does a moose lose every winter? (Horns)
2. Bloodthirsty predator of our forests. (Wolf)
3. An animal of our forests, similar to a cat. (Lynx)
4. He clothes people with his wool. (Ram)
5. What kind of bird is hammering an oak tree like a chisel? (Woodpecker)
6. She is very cunning and careful, eats mice and rodents. (Fox)
7. Are hares born blind or sighted? (Sighted)
8. Who grows teeth every day? (Hare, beaver)
9. Lives in a mink, gnaws crusts, short legs, afraid of cats. (Mouse)
10. The largest predator of our forests. (Brown bear)
11. What do mouse-like rodents eat? (grain)
12. Where is the grasshopper's ear? (On the foot)

Questions for team 2:
1. Are cubs born blind or sighted? (Blind)
2. How many legs does a spider have? (Eight)
3. Prickly animal, hibernates in winter. (Hedgehog)
4. In spring, they breed in water bodies, and in summer they live in forests and meadows. (toads, frogs)
5. A ball of fluff, long ear, jumps deftly, loves carrots. (Hare)
6. Orderlies of the forest. (Ants)
7. Striped beetle - a potato pest. (Colorado beetle)
8. Which bird breeds its chicks in winter? (Crossbill)
9. What forest animal is greedy for raspberries? (Bear)
10. Is the hare oblique? (No)
11. The largest animal in our forests. (Elk)
12. How many legs does a beetle have? (Six)

3 game. "Troubles from a barrel"

1. Predator, the only representative of the cat family in our forests. (Lynx)
2. A valuable fur animal feeds on mouse-like rodents, catches birds, and eats carrion. (Fox)
3. Settles on rivers, arranges dams from willow branches, silt and turf.
(River beaver)
4. This animal leads an arboreal lifestyle, descends to the ground to search for food, and also feeds on the seeds of coniferous trees. (Squirrel)
5. This prickly animal lives in our forests, brings great benefits by eating mouse-like rodents. (Hedgehog)
6. Its numbers are low. It feeds on plant and animal food.

4 game. " A dark horse"

1. I fly over the flowers,
I collect honey in honeycombs.
All day - business, business,
I am a worker - (bee)

2. Egor walked, under his feet
The ball is prickly - touchy.
Breathing, snorting: do not touch!
Well, of course - this is .... (hedgehog)

3. Everything is the other way around
In this fabulous forest.
And the bunny lives here
Not afraid at all ... .. (fox)

4. Bored chickens, life is bad
In the yard without ... (rooster)

5. Annoying squeaks
Strives to bite into the neck,
This little bastard
Hands, cheeks bitten.
If there are a lot of them - a nightmare!
And when one - (mosquito)!

6. Everything is sad: peek-a-boo! Ku-ku!
Sitting in more often on a bitch,
Or somewhere on the edge
Lonely .... (cuckoo)

Game with the audience "Tell me a word"

At Matryona, as her own,
Fussing ... (sparrows)
They know, they know
At the trough they snoop
They say: what-what-what,
(hawk) spinning why?
What-what-what, why (crow)
Checks Matrena's yard.
What-what-what, why (forty)
Did you fly by accident?
Something she was looking for
And sped away from the hayloft.
Found something white
She took something in her beak!
Why, what-what-what
(pigeon) also here why?
And why, than finally
Here and (jackdaw), and (starling)
And Matryona knows what
Who is behind what, what is flying here?

5 game. Questions for fans

1. Why does a hare need big ears?
A) to hear better.
b) not to overheat
B) for braking when cornering.
2. Do insects wash themselves?
A) never.
B) not always and not all.
C) many and quite often.

6 game. "Race for the Leader"

Questions for 1 team
1. She was born in water, but lives on earth. (Frog)
2. Who sleeps upside down? (Bat)
3. Who is born twice, dies once? (Bird)
4. What does a hedgehog do in winter? (asleep)
5. What do newborn bats eat? (Mother's milk)
6. Piglet digs in the ground, I swim in a dirty puddle. (Pig)
7. What bird is the symbol of Udmurtia? (Yus is a swan)
8. What forest animal is greedy for raspberries? (Bear)
9. A handsome lake man who looks like a deuce. (Swan)
10. Clay cat, or pig for the accumulation of initial capital. (Money box)

Questions 2 team
1. A rodent building a dam. (Beaver)
2. Who picks apples with their backs? (Hedgehog)
3. Who runs with their hind legs forward? (Hare)
4. Who is called the orderly of the forest? (Wolf, ant, woodpecker)
5. The cubs of which animals feed on the milk of a strange mother? (Hares)
6. What happens to a crow after 3 years? (4 years)
7. Where do crayfish hibernate? (In burrows, along river banks)
8. I am the best watchman at home and have known everyone since childhood. (Dog)
9. You can easily name who gives us milk. (Cow)
10. What is the largest bird that lives in our forests? (Capercaillie)

7 game.

Each team asks its rivals two riddles that they prepared at home.
While the jury is summing up the results, the game “Birds Have Arrived” is played with the fans of the teams. The host calls only the birds, if he is mistaken, then the fans clap their hands.
- Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, flies and swifts (claps)
- What is wrong? (flies), and flies are insects. You are right, the game continues.
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, tits, storks, crows, jackdaws, pasta. (claps).
The game starts again.
- Birds have arrived: pigeons, martens. If the children do not pay attention to the marten, the leader announces the score 1:0 in his favor.

Martens are not birds at all, and so on.
- Birds arrived: pigeons, tits, jackdaws and swifts, lapwings, siskins, storks, cuckoos, scops owls, swans, starlings .... you are all great!
The results of the game are summed up. Awarding of the winning team, the best team players and the best fans. The winning team receives sweet prizes. The best players and fans receive diplomas and sweet prizes.


The presented games reflect the experience of relation to nature that exists among different peoples. In the old days, man was distinguished by the worship of the forces of nature, respectful attitude to plants and animals. In games, people sought to establish themselves in their strengths and capabilities; overcome fear of some natural phenomena. Therefore, in their content there are elements of free treatment of nature - joking, teasing, manifestations of power over it.

To ensure that the content of the games does not contradict modern look on ecological development children, it is advisable for the teacher in the process of explaining them to pay attention to real connections and dependencies that exist in nature, on the relationship between man and nature. Some games can be supplemented in such a way that while playing, children learn the experience of a humane-valuable attitude towards nature.

Game "Earth, water, fire, air"

The players stand in a circle, in the middle - the leader. He throws the ball to one of the players, while saying one of four words: "earth", "water", "air", "fire". If the driver said “land!”, The one who caught the ball must quickly name the one who lives in this environment; to the word "water!" the player calls the name of the fish; to the word "air!" - the name of the birds. At the word "fire!" everyone should quickly turn around several times, waving their hands. The ball is then returned to the driver. The one who makes a mistake is out of the game.

The game "Flowers"

Each player chooses the name of a flower for himself. The same name cannot be given to more than one child. By lot, the selected flower, for example, a rose, starts the game. She names a flower, for example, a poppy. Poppy runs, and the rose catches up with him. When the poppy is in danger of being caught, he names some other flower participating in the game. The named flower runs away. The caught one changes its name and is included in the game again. The one who has never been caught wins.

Players can be called flowers, animals, fish, birds. Each time, the leader of the group before the start of the game tells the children about different colors, fish, animals, birds.

Physical education "Rain, pour more fun"

Rain, pour more fun!
Don't feel sorry for the warm drops.
For forests, for fields
And for little kids
For both moms and dads.
Cap-cap! Cap-cap!
It will be, it will be summer
Dressed in a rainbow.
Hot sun bright color,
Bright, beautiful, yellow and blue,
green, red and more!

(P. Sinyavsky)

Players are placed freely. Each has a ribbon in one of the four colors. On lines 1-6, all players wave their hands. On lines 7-11 they move in jumps. At this time, the host lays out four hoops on the floor different color. At the signal of the leader, the players gather at the hoop of their color. (The hoop can be replaced with a cube, pins and other colored objects.)

Game "Nevod"

Children choose "fish". A bright scarf or a wreath of flowers is put on her head. The fish stands in the center of the round dance, depicting a net. At a distance of 15-20 steps from the round dance, he sets up four poles decorated with ribbons. The fish, breaking through the net, runs to one of the poles. If they do not catch up with her, she becomes free, and another child is chosen as a fish; and if they catch up, they return to the round dance, but the one who caught up with her becomes the fish.

Educator: Matveeva L.V.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten No. 97 "Semitsvetik"

of a general developmental type with the priority implementation of activities on cognitive - speech development children."

the city of Cheboksary

Lesson for grade 1 on the topic

"Mobile games of ecological orientation"


teacher - psychologist kindergarten

Sivruk Natalya Arkadievna.

Cheboksary -2013

Explanatory note

The relevance of environmental education in the world is generally recognized. Aggravation of local, regional and global environmental issues, leading to a deterioration in the life and health of people, are associated with the alienation that has arisen in the relationship between man and the nature around him, the lack of an appropriate level of environmental awareness, feelings and practical readiness for environmentally expedient activities among people.

The foundations of environmental education are laid in childhood, therefore, a full-fledged, effective use means and methods of development of ecological culture in children up to school age It has great importance. It is at this stage of education and upbringing of the child that the acquaintance with the general whole picture peace and begins holistic formation moral and aesthetic attitude towards him.

At preschool age, it is especially important to develop good feelings in children, since increased emotionality and cognitive orientation to the living world of nature often lead to negative experimentation on living beings: children tear off the wings of butterflies, legs of spiders to find out how they do without them, cut off a cat mustaches (“still grow”), tear apart worms, etc.

The reasons for the incorrect attitude of children to objects of wildlife may be insufficient emotionally - sensitive experience of communicating with objects of wildlife, lack of skills in caring for them, low level development of observation, lack or absence of ecological information about plants and animals as living beings, bad example adults.

In this regard, the solution to the problem of the formation of ecological culture at preschool age is determined not only by the formation of a system of environmental knowledge in children, but also in a better knowledge of oneself, the establishment of environmentally justified relationships with the natural and social world.

The personality of a preschooler is formed in vigorous activity with the world around him. In outdoor games, the physical and mental activity of the child is harmoniously combined. Physical activity child It is a natural need to move, to overcome obstacles. Hardening procedures in kindergarten and at home, health promotion are important steps in environmental education. mental activity - this is an activity aimed at understanding the world around, including oneself, one's relationships with others.

Under the influence of increased motor mode due to the game component in 6-year-old children, the efficiency of assimilation of information increases; in slow children, the functional mobility of nervous processes is activated (Nabokova Sh.K. The influence of outdoor games on some psychophysiological characteristics of children of six years of age / / Theory and practice: physical culture. 1996. No. 3)

characteristic feature outdoor games is that their content is based on a pronounced motor activity. Content motor activity players creates a favorable stimulating environment for the formation of their moral and volitional qualities, the development of cognitive abilities, emotional sphere. The semantic content of the ecological orientation of the plot of the outdoor game, the recitative used in it, the child's perception of the characters of the plot and their actions, the creative

reincarnation in their images, children penetrate into the "inner life" of nature, into its figurative and semantic interpretation, which possibly contributes to the development of environmental consciousness.

Great developmental value is inherent in the rules of the game. By regulating the behavior and relationships of players, games form children's organization, arbitrariness in behavior, the ability to cooperate with peers to achieve a common team result. All these qualities are a very important component of children's readiness for schooling.

Thus, the use of environmental outdoor games can be one of the means of play therapy and a form of environmental education in working with preschoolers.

These games can be played with children at any time. free time one or more at a time. In one lesson, one is played a new game, at the request of the children, you can repeat the games they already know.

Games can be used for systematic classes with a subgroup of children (7-10 people). Classes are recommended to be held 1-2 times a week for an average of 30 minutes. The minimum required to achieve tangible results is 11-14 sessions.

It is supposed to encourage children to come up with their own stories for the game. Games invented by children contribute to the development of imagination and creativity. They help in solving correctional problems, as children include problems that concern them in the content of games..

    "Right wrong"

Material : pictures depicting animals and plants.

Target : development of motor reaction speed, attention, observation, concentration on the task, forms arbitrariness, expands knowledge about the diversity of animal and plant species.

Content : the participants form a circle, in the center of which the leader becomes. He shows cards with the image of animals, plants and names them. All participants are watching closely. When the picture is named correctly, the children quickly make one clap of their hands. If the name does not match the picture, the children jump in place. Anyone who made a mistake or did not immediately perform the action is out of the game.

Note : Players must respond with an action immediately after the named animal or plant.


Material : scarf (kerchief)

Target : development of coordination of movements, orientation in space, the formation of self-confidence, enrichment of knowledge about the features of the lifestyle of bats, their way of eating.

Content : children are offered a riddle.

« All night flies,

Produces insects.

And it will be light

Hide in a hollow"


Then the presenter talks about unique animals that sleep during the day and hunt at night: “There are mice on earth that have adapted to fly. The so-called wings they formed thin skin connecting the fingers of the forelimbs. Bats feed on insects that they hunt at night. During the day, bats hide under attic roofs, in hollow trees, etc. Bats see almost nothing, but they hear well and perceive reflected sounds.”

The host determines the boundaries of the territory where the game will take place. A "bat" is chosen and the players are "insects". " bat» is blindfolded with a scarf, and she starts catching the others. The caught player becomes a "bat" and begins to drive.

Note :

    Players must not cross the border;

    Players - "insects" publish different sounds to facilitate the search for the "bat".


Material : tennis ball, or some round small object.

Target : develops arbitrariness, observation, initiative, expands the circle of knowledge about the lifestyle of birds, introduces children to in an unusual way rearing cuckoo chicks.

Content : children are invited to guess the riddle:

"Never builds a nest,

Leaves eggs for neighbors

And he doesn’t remember the chicks ”


Then the facilitator tells the children about the lifestyle of the cuckoo:

"The cuckoo is very interesting bird. She does not know how to make nests and raise her chicks. Therefore, it lays its eggs in the nests of other birds, which then feed the cuckoo, mistaking it for its chick. Cuckoos are very voracious and useful in that they eat a lot of harmful insects.

Players are located in the center of a large circle, or one of the halves of the hall.

The driver is chosen - "cuckoo". She has an egg. The rest of the players come up with a name for the bird and stand around the “cuckoo”, stretch their arms forward, rounding their palms - “nest”.

The "cuckoo" goes in a circle and seems to put an egg in the "nest" for everyone. At the same time he says:

"Here I fly in a circle,

I put all the eggs in the nest.

Close the nests tight

Look, don't yawn"

In the palms of one of the players, the “cuckoo” imperceptibly leaves an “egg”, quickly leaves the circle and says: “Cuckoo, cuckoo.” The “bird” that has the egg left must have time to run out of the circle, and the rest to catch it. The caught "bird" becomes a "cuckoo". If she manages to run out of the circle, then the "cuckoo" does not change and the game continues with the same roles.

Note : you can catch a "bird" only after the words: "Ku-ku, ku-ku."

    "Hungry Bear"

Target : develops attention, concentration on the task, arbitrariness; reinforces knowledge about food relations between animals and plants using the example of a bear; expands the horizons about the species diversity of plants and animals.

Content : the host gives introductory environmental information: “Everything in nature has its purpose. Every plant and animal has a role to play. Despite this, the living world is one and everything in it is interconnected.

So, for example, animals and plants are interconnected through food. Some feed on others, and therefore cannot exist without each other. Let's see what such a mighty beast as a bear eats.

In the spring, hungry after hibernation, he eats various animals: roe deer, fish and even ants, and in summer and autumn he likes to eat acorns, different root crops and other plants."

A "bear" and a breeder are selected. The rest of the players come up with the names of animals and plants from what the bear eats. "Bear" does not hear it. Once the roles are set, everyone except the bear squats down and pretends to be asleep.

At this time, a “bear” approaches the breeder and says “Knock, knock!” The breeder wakes up and asks:

Who is there?


Why did you come?

I am hungry.

What exactly?

The bear calls what he wants to eat, for example, "acorns."

If the required food is available, the breeder says: “There is such food, take it!”

The player with the name of the required food runs away, and the "bear" catches him. The caught player becomes a "bear". The uncaught player stays in their original role, having changed their name.

Note :

    The player must run to a predetermined place, for example, in a circle or beyond the line.

    The player who was touched by the “bear” with his hand is considered to be caught until he reaches the designated place.

5. "Property Borders"

Target : development of a motor reaction, concentration on performance, organization; the formation of ideas about the existence of ordered relationships in nature on the example of the division of territories of ownership between animals.

Content : the host asks the children. What do they know about how animals determine their "place of residence", and reports the following information: "Animals, like people, have their own" home. Especially large predators always mark the boundaries of their possessions, where it is not allowed to enter, and even more so, to get food for animals from another family. Seeing a stranger on their territory who wants to take away food, animals begin to drive him away. There are strict laws in nature, and all animals obey them. Therefore, a person cannot interfere, so as not to violate these relationships and not harm his smaller brothers.

The players are divided into two teams that stand on opposite lines of the site. These will be two "families of wolves", one of which owns the territory between them. A line is drawn in the middle of this area.

A player is called - a "wolf", who walks or runs through someone else's territory. Once on the middle line, he becomes noticed by opposite "wolves" who rush towards the stranger and try to catch him. The team that catches the most aliens wins.

Note :

    The called player must definitely go beyond the middle line.

    You can start catching only when the called player crosses the middle line.

    If the player did not have time to go back and turned out to be pissed on the court, then he brings a victory point to the opposing team.

    In order to avoid clashes between children, in a team with players entering someone else's territory, it is better to line up away from the line of the site.

6. "Fire"

Target : development of the speed of motor reaction, orientation in space, arbitrariness, familiarization of children with the rules for handling fire in the forest; focuses on the damage caused by fire irreparable harm to all living things.

Content: the host begins with the question: “Children, do you know how to handle fire in the forest?”. Then, after listening to the children’s answers, a generalization is made: “A fire should be lit on old bonfires or in an open place, free from vegetation and dryness within a radius of 2-4 m. Before leaving, the fire should be completely covered with sand or flooded with water.

Remember, nothing will grow at the site of the fire for several years, and a fire left unattended can cause a fire, especially terrible in the forest. It ruthlessly destroys all life in its path, leaving behind a black void.

A breeder is chosen, who becomes in the center of the circle formed by the players. Each player comes up with the name of a plant, tree, forest dweller. The breeder chooses any player and, starting from him, asks each player in turn a question and receives an answer:

Who was in the forest? - Tourists.

What they were doing? - The fire was lit.

How was the fire extinguished? - They did not extinguish at all.

And what - be it, happened? - Fire.

The one on whom the last answer falls, acting as "fire", begins to catch up with the players, who scatter in different directions. The player touched by the "fire" "lights up" and begins to catch up with the remaining players. The game continues until there is only one unflagged player left. This player becomes the breeder and the game starts with a new one.

Note :

    You can run only after the word fire;

    It is forbidden for a long time chase the same evader.

    "Don't Wet Your Wings"

Target : development of the accuracy of hand movement, speed of motor reaction, attention, activation of the insecure, development of confidence, teaches to act in an organized manner, shows that all phenomena in nature are interconnected and not random; explains the activity of insects depending on weather conditions.Content: the host activates the attention of the children: “Children, have you ever seen insects flying in the rain?”. Together with the children, the reason for the lack of activity of insects during precipitation is clarified: “Insects fly in during the rain so as not to wet their wings. Wet wings become heavy and curl. Therefore, butterflies, dragonflies, bees hide in their houses in the rain.The leader is chosen. The rest of the players - "butterflies" stand in the "house" hoop. The driver with the ball stands away from the players and, having said the words: “The sun is shining,” throws the ball up. At this time, the "butterflies" should "fly out" and change houses, flying from hoop to hoop. Having caught the ball and with the words “Rain starts”, the driver throws it into the “butterfly”, which did not have time to “fly” into its “house”. If the “rain” (ball) hits the “butterfly”, she crouches and no longer participates in the game.Game continues. Until one "butterfly" remains. During the game, you can change the driver. To increase the effectiveness of his actions, the driver can use several balls.Note :
    You can not throw the ball at a player who managed to occupy the "house". "House" can be occupied by only one player.

    "Bird in a Cage"

Target : development of attention, support for initiative, independence, concentration, development of the desire to achieve the goal, form the desire of children to take care of animals, a sense of compassion for those in trouble, understand the meaning of freedom for wild animals.

Content: The presenter provides environmental information about the lifestyle of wild animals: “Wild animals are born to live in the wild. They move freely, feed and breed where it is convenient for them. Therefore, getting into the cage, they adapt with great difficulty to this way of life. It is a pity that many people do not understand this and destroy animals in this way, which are caught and forcibly forcibly closed in a cage. In captivity, wild animals are very bored, stop rejoicing, many animals do not bring offspring, and some even die. Remember, children, that wild animals must be free in order to live a fulfilling life.”

Children are invited to play and help the bird out of the cage.

Children form a circle. Draw a square in the middle. There are 2 players in the square: the 1st is the “bird”, the 2nd plays the role of the “cage”. In the circle are players who want to free the "bird". They are trying to release it - to transfer it into a circle. The player "cage" - does not allow them to get closer to the bird - by touching the players with a hand or a twig. Returns them to the circle.

Player. The one who manages to free the “bird” becomes a “cage” himself. And the player plays the role of a bird.


    The player - "bird" stands motionless in the square.

    The player - "cell" has no right to leave the square.


Target : development of attention, concentration, promote the development of initiative and independence, form interest in the life of birds, pay attention to the regulation of insect numbers by birds.

Content : the host activates the attention of children with environmental information: “Children, who knows what benefits birds bring? Birds are very useful, many of them catch annoying and harmful insects, as, for example, the swallow you know well does.

2 swallows are selected, the rest of the players are “midges”. The "midges" scatter ("scatter") around the site, and the "swallow" catches up with them, trying to touch someone with his hand.

The caught "mouse" is out of the game. The "swallow" that catches more "midges" wins.


    Every 2-3 minutes a new "swallow" is selected.

    "Delicate, graceful butterflies"

Target : develop observation, orientation in space, independence, arbitrariness; to form a perception of the beauty of nature (on the example of butterflies), an understanding of the role of butterflies in nature.

Environmental information: the host reports: “Butterflies are insects that adorn fields and meadows. These elegant and graceful insects often attract our attention with the beauty of their wings. Their size and color are varied. But all butterflies have very delicate and fragile wings. By touching them with our hands, we erase the color and can damage the chitin (wing skeleton), after which the butterflies are no longer able to fly, cannot get their own food and die.

Butterflies are not only beautiful, but also useful in that, feeding on the pollen of plants, they pollinate them. In addition, many butterflies are already very rare and are listed in the Red Book.

Remember if you meet beautiful butterfly, wait, do not rush to catch it and pick it up, this will not bring you joy. Better admire its natural flight and natural living beauty.

Content : for the game, a driver is chosen, the rest are “butterflies”. Each "butterfly", except for one, has its own circle - a "flower". At the command of the driver. "Butterflies are flying!" each player represents a flying butterfly. At the command "Butterflies pollinate flowers and fly away from danger!" "butterflies" occupy "flowers". As soon as one "butterfly" remains, the driver in the role of "danger" begins to chase her. Running away, she can pass the baton to another "butterfly", running into her "house", she changes roles with her, and so on.


    If the leader overtakes the "butterfly" with his hand, she "dies" and changes roles with the leader.

    The new driver starts the game with the words: "Butterflies fly!"

    "Who eats whom"

Target : development motor activity, attention, the formation of arbitrariness, responsibility for the results of personal actions, support for the insecure, consolidates knowledge about the goals of nutrition on the example of specific animals and plants, explains their necessity for the existence of the animal and plant world, helps to survive the emotional experience of working in a team.

Environmental information: the host reports: “All animals and plants are interconnected. Food chains are the main way of interaction between living things. Each animal exists due to the fact that it constantly feeds on some specific animals or plants and thereby regulates their numbers. For example, hedgehogs, snakes, foxes eat mice. Therefore, despite the fact that rodents are unpretentious and multiply rapidly, they do not become so numerous as to pose a danger to humans and animals. Since mice are needed for food by many animals, it cannot be said that they are superfluous in nature or only harmful. Now name the food links between clover, grain, mouse, hare, fox. Answer: 1) clover - hare - fox. 2) grain - mouse - fox.

Content : The group is divided into 2-4 teams (5 people each). Roles are distributed in each team: "grain", "clover", "hare", "mouse" and "fox". At the command of the host, "Plants and animals are resting" - everyone moves freely, depicting their animal or plant. After the command: "The food chain is" clover! each team builds its own line, corresponding to the food chain: clover - hare - fox. At the command "Food chain -" grain! participants line up in the sequence "grain - mouse - fox", at the command "Food chain -" clover! participants line up in the sequence "clover hare - fox".


    The order and number of commands given by the leader are arbitrary.

    The first team to complete the task receives a point.

    The team with the most points wins.

    "Gray Partridge and Colorado Beetle"

Target : development of the speed of motor reaction, accustom to act in an organized manner; fosters endurance, concentration on the task; informs about the benefits of gray partridge for potato fields.

Environmental Information : presenter informs the children that Colorado beetles are the main pests of potato fields and a tasty food for the gray partridge.

Content : Players choose "grey partridge". The rest of the children - "Colorado beetles" - stand behind the "partridge" in a column that moves around the site. There is a conversation between the "partridge" and the "beetles":

Colorado beetles, where are you?

We are here in the potato field.

Colorado beetles, are you afraid of birds?

No! Only the gray partridge.

And I, the gray partridge, will eat all the bugs!

After the word “eat”, the “beetles” scatter, and the “partridge” tries to bite them.

The game lasts 1-2 minutes, after which the “partridge” is changed.


    Players must be in the column until the words "I'll eat all the bugs!".

    Caught "beetles" go to the observers of the game.

    After the time has elapsed, the number of edible "bugs" is counted and, having chosen a new "partridge", the game starts over.

    "Don't touch the chick"

Target : development of speed-strength abilities, speed of motor reaction, ability to control the ball, accuracy; education of responsibility for the results of personal actions, independence, courage, honesty; creating conditions for the manifestation of mutual assistance; show a sense of joy for the success of comrades; develop a sense of compassion for animals; warns against touching chicks found in nature.

Material: balls

Location : Kindergarten area

Environmental Information : the presenter reports: “Children, do you know why you can’t touch and even more so take with you the chicks you found in nature? Because, Firstly, we will not create appropriate living and nutritional conditions for him, and he will die with us. Secondly, probably next to him is or is looking for a mother that we can scare away. If, walking through the forest, you see a screaming chick, try to quietly leave from there, do not touch and in no case take it with you.

Content : the group of children is divided into three subgroups: “chicks”, “know-nothings” and “young naturalists”. Two lines are drawn, the distance between which is 5 m. Near the 1st there are “chicks”. In the gap between the lines, "young naturalists" are dispersed, and behind the 2nd line - "dunno".

"Yunnaty": "Why did you come?".

"Dunno": "We want to pick up the chicks."

Youths: "You can't touch them."

"Dunno": "Why?"

“Young naturalists”: “They are still small, only their mother can help them. We don't allow them to be touched!"

After these words, “you can’t touch the “know-no-knows” trying to hit the “chicks” with the ball. "Youngsters" must keep the ball in their possession. If the ball touches the "chick", he is out of the game.


    "Chicks" must be motionless in the game.

    For each ball caught, the “junnats” receive 3 points. For each ball hit and for each ball that hit the field, “chicks”, “young naturalists” and “dunno” get 1 point. The eliminated “chick” adds 3 points to the “don't know”.

    The team with the most points wins.

    Behind the "chicks" should be placed 2-3 assistants who throw (return) the balls to the "dunno".

    "Bird Flight"

Target : developing interest in joint game, striving to achieve the goal, responsibility for the results of personal and team actions; to promote the manifestation of mutual assistance; information about the influence of the seasons on the life of birds.

Material: 2 ropes

Location : Kindergarten site or playground

Environmental Information : “Most of the birds are migratory, i.e. fly away for the winter to the southern regions due to lack of food and warmth, and return in the spring. Their path is long and very difficult, so they fly in flocks - big families helping each other."

Content : Children are divided into teams - "flocks". The players of each team are built in a column, there is a distance between the players. The columns are arranged in parallel at a distance of at least 3 m from one another. Teams receive on a long rope, which the children hold on to. In front of the column, the start line is marked and at a distance of 60 - 100 m, the finish line is “south”. At the command "Birds flew south!" The “birds” of each “flock”, holding on to their rope, must reach the “south”. The "pack" that arrived first in full strength is considered the winner.

    All children must move without letting go of the rope. If the player is "off", the team must help him to grab onto the rope. Otherwise, he is out of the game.

    The "flock" ends its journey when the last "bird" crosses the finish line.

    "Larks and Harmful Insects"

Target : development of attention, observation; activate insecure children; formation of self-confidence, initiative, cooperation; to cultivate honesty, justice in assessing the actions of comrades; inform about the importance of birds in the regulation of the number of harmful insects.

Environmental information: “Birds are one of the many and varied groups of wildlife. Therefore, their influence on nature is very great. They regulate the number of insects, rodents and other animals, including those harmful to humans and their economy. Many birds feed on fruits, plants and berries, thereby spreading their seeds around the globe. Birds of prey are nature's orderlies, eating weak and sick animals that can infect others. It should be noted that the birds are very beautiful and melodious. The singing of birds pleases the ear of any person and therefore their significance is great too. The lark is a songbird that lives in the field. It is very useful in that it eats insects harmful to crops. Like many other birds, he decorates and enlivens the meadow with his wonderful song.

Content: for the game, a platform (carpet) is determined - a field with crops, behind which there are 2 - 3-leading "larks". In the field there are players - "insects". "Larks" announce: "We, singing larks, will fly to the crops, we will find and eat harmful insects there." After these words, they begin to catch up with the "insects", to touch them. Caught children are out of the game. After 1-2 minutes, the drivers change. Those “larks” who caught more “harmful insects” win.


    It is forbidden to run out of the area (field).

    The duration of the game for all drivers is the same.

    It is forbidden to push or grab players by the clothes.

    "Cunning Bugs"

Target : development of observation, attention, concentration on the task, arbitrariness of behavior; explains the meaning defensive reaction Zhukov.

Environmental information: “We know that different animals like to eat beetles, especially birds. But beetles, in turn, are not as defenseless as it seems at first glance. For example, they, sensing danger, can become immobile, i.e. pretend to be dead, then they will not be eaten, because birds easily notice only moving insects.

Content: for the game, the driver is selected - “birds”. A circle is drawn away from the site - this is a bird's nest. Players - "beetles" are on the site. At the signal of the host, "The bird is sleeping in the nest," the "bugs" run and frolic. At the second signal "Bird!" The driver “flies out”, and the “bugs” freeze in the position in which the signal caught them. The driver "bird" inspects the "beetles" and, noticing the one moving, takes him to his nest. For one exit, she can take away several "beetles". Then the words sound again: “The bird is sleeping in the nest”, after which the “bird” flies into the nest and the “beetles” come to life. During the game, the drivers change. The "bird" that caught more "beetles" wins.


    It is forbidden for a "bird" to watch one "beetle" for a long time.

    In the nest, the driver stands with his back to the players, after the “bird” command, he quickly turns around and, noticing the one who did not have time to stop, takes him to his nest.

    "Spiders and Flies"

Target : development of arbitrariness, cooperation, ability to act together, reduction of emotional stress; informs about the life of spiders.

Environmental information: “Spiders are of great benefit by regulating the number of insects, which in large numbers can be dangerous to humans and animals. Weaving a web, they build webs for insects, such as flies, which are carriers of various infections. Once in the web, the fly becomes tangled and pulls on its threads, which serves as a signal for the spider, which runs out of cover and grabs its prisoner.

Content: in the middle of the site a wide strip is indicated - "web". Start lines are drawn on both sides of the web at the same distance.

In the "web" there are 2 - 3 leading "spiders". The rest of the players are "flies".

At the command of the host, "The flies flew!" players start moving from one starting line through the web to another starting line and back. !spiders”, being on the “web”, try to brush the “flies” with their hand. The caught "fly" becomes a "spider" and participates in catching "flies". Those “flies” that have been uncaught for the longest time win.


    "Flies" do not run back out of the web and do not stop.

    The salted "flies" become "spiders", and the ones that stop are out of the game.

    "Diversity of Species"

Target :development of attention, visual control, memory, concentration on the task; education of arbitrariness, responsibility; creating a positive emotional background in a mood; the formation of interest in representatives of the animal and plant world.

Material: cards with the image of animals and plants.

Content: Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns at the start line. After a certain distance, cards with the image of animals are laid out on the floor. Children receive


    The first team to cover the distance and make fewer mistakes when collecting the required cards (after viewing the cards collected by the teams) wins.

    The children who completed the task stand at the end of the column.

    After the end of the run, the leader looks through the cards of each team, naming the animals aloud, and the children are invited to check the correctness of the choice made.

    As tasks for teams, if there are appropriate sets of cards, grouping can be offered. animals on :

a) carnivores and herbivores;

b) furry and smooth-haired;

c) water and land;

d) northern and southern;

plants on :

a) coniferous and deciduous trees;

b) flowering and non-flowering;

c) heat-loving and frost-resistant;

d) meadow and forest plants;

e) poisonous and edible

g) indoor and wild;

h) fruits and vegetables;

    There can be duplicate cards in one set; their total number should not be less than the number of children in the team.

    "Guess who"

Target : development creative imagination, empathy, expressive movements, arbitrary and confident behavior, improve observation, attention.

Content: all players think of an animal and form a circle. A leader is chosen, who becomes in a circle. At the command of the teacher, the players one by one approach the driver and, with the help of sounds or movements, depict the conceived animal. The driver must recognize this animal.


    If the driver did not guess the animal, then he remains in the circle and continues to guess the animals further, and the players, all together, determine the animal that was not guessed. If the driver recognizes the animal, then he changes roles with the player. Players should not prompt the driver.

    "A bird is not a bird"

Target : development of attention, memory, arbitrariness, expansion and consolidation of knowledge about objects of wildlife.

Material: ball

Content: the children stand in a circle in the center of the leader, he throws the ball to the children and calls the name of the bird or someone else. If a bird is named, then the player must catch the ball, if not, then skip. Who made a mistake becomes an observer.


    The most attentive wins.

    The topics of the terms used in the game can be different, for example: edible - inedible, insect - not an insect, mushrooms - not mushrooms, forest plants - not forest plants, pets - not pets, etc.

    "Frogs and herons"

Target : development of creative imagination, expressiveness of movements, empathy, attention, arbitrariness of behavior; the formation of a positive attitude towards nature and interest in knowledge about the nutritional relationships of animals and their lifestyle.

Environmental information: “The frogs are very useful and needed by nature. They eat a large number of mosquitoes, midges, gadflies and other insects, reducing their numbers. At the same time, frogs themselves serve as food for many birds and animals. Especially these amphibians are loved by herons"

Content: children playing the role of "frogs" are located in big square(on a carpet or playground) or in a circle - in a "swamp". Outside the "swamp" there are two players or one - "herons". At the command of the leader, the “herons” walk along the “swamp”, imitating the walking of a heron (the knee rises high, then a wide step is taken) and catch the “frogs”. "Frogs" escape from uninvited guests by jumping on two legs.


    "Herons" walk through the "swamp" without distorting the technique of movement: a high knee and a wide step.

    Frogs can only move by jumping.

    The game lasts 1-2 minutes, after which the number of caught (dead) “frogs” is counted and a new pair of “herons” is selected.

    "Animal world"

Target : development of creative imagination, thinking, attention, memory; formation of interest in knowledge about the animal world

Content : all players in a circle and dance, spin. The driver stands aside. After the words of the driver “Freeze on the spot!” players freeze in different poses, depicting their image of an animal. Approaching the player, the driver tries to guess the depicted animal. If he does not guess correctly, the player calls him, and the driver moves on to the next player. If the driver has guessed the displayed image, the player who depicted him must have time to run out of the circle, and the driver must overpower him. If the driver manages to pin the player, then this player becomes the driver. If not, the game starts again.


    The driver can ask the player what letter the depicted animal begins with.

    During guessing, the driver stands from the player in the position of the main stance at arm's length.

    "Owl in defense of the field"

Target development of creative imagination, attention, arbitrary behavior activating insecure children; the formation of interest in memorizing the food connection "mouse - owl" and its importance for the protection of crops from rodents.

Environmental information: “The owl is a very useful bird. It feeds on mouse-like rodents and thereby regulates their numbers. If there were a lot of them, they would destroy all crops and crops, especially grain crops. It is also very important that the owl hunts for mice at night when, it would seem, no one should interfere, they eat.

Content : Two circles are drawn on the site: a small one - “a field where grain grows”, and a large circle around it. Playing "mice" are located around a large circle. Between the circles there is an “owl”, which is trying to catch the “mice” that run into the “field”. Caught Mice are out of the game. "Owl" changes after a while. The “owl” that has caught the most mice wins.


    "Owl" has the right to catch mice, both on the field and in a large circle, but if there is no one on the "field", it must be in its zone - between the circles.

    "Mice" must constantly run into the "field"

    "Hedgehog and Mice"

Target : development of memory, attention, observation, speed of movements and motor reaction, orientation in space; the formation of arbitrariness, responsibility for the results of personal and joint actions, cooperation, interest in the way of life of animals connected in the food chain and the essence of their behavior.

Environmental information: “Hedgehogs feed on mice, regulating their numbers. If there were no mice, there would be practically nothing for hedgehogs to eat. In nature, everyone needs each other, everything is interconnected.”

Content : all children, together with the players - "mice" become in a circle. "Hedgehog" - in the center of the circle. On a signal, everyone goes to the right, "hedgehog" - to the left. The players say the words:

A hedgehog is running - stupid-dumb;

All prickly, sharp tooth,

Hedgehog - hedgehog, where are you?

What's wrong with you?

After these words, everyone stops. On a signal, one player approaches the “hedgehog” and says:

Hedgehog legs stupid-dumb!

Hedgehog eyes loop-loop!

Hears a hedgehog - everywhere is quiet,

Chu! A mouse is scratching in the leaves!

The hedgehog starts catching mice that run around the circle, run in and out of it. Players can also catch a mouse that is in the circle if they have time to quickly crouch and lower their arms.


    All act exactly according to the text.

    "Hedgehog" stains "mice" by lightly touching them with your hand.

    A mouse spotted with a hedgehog or a mouse caught by the players is immediately out of the game.

    During the game, children should not hold hands all the time, the “mice” should run freely between the children.

    A “mouse” can jump out of the “mousetrap” of children only between players who did not hold hands, or under the hands of players who did not hold hands, or under the hands of players who did not have time to sit down and lower them halfway down.


Target : formation of coordination of collective actions, positive character traits: initiative, endurance, friendliness; develops attention, speed of reaction, interest in the lifestyle of snakes.

Environmental information: “Snakes are very interesting animals. different sizes, from 8cm to 10m. They have a head and a long body, imperceptibly turning into a tail. These animals do not have limbs, but they move due to the contractile movements of their flexible and strong body.

Content : the players line up in a column one at a time and take the belt of the one who is in front with their hands. The whole column is a “snake”, the first in the column is the “head”, the last is the “tail”. At the signal, the “head” should catch the “tail” that runs away from it. The "head" that caught the "tail" goes to the end of the column, the game starts again.


    Players must hold tightly with their hands one by one, being careful not to break the column.

    If the "tail" and "head" come off during the game, they lost and are out of the game.

    "Cunning Sparrow"

Target : development of attention, memory, concentration on the task, the formation of coherence of collective actions; development of empathy and interest in knowledge about various types birds.

Environmental information: “Sparrow most often lives in settlements. It depends on the characteristics of his diet. Sparrow loves to eat bread crumbs, various food waste, hemp, sunflower, melon seeds, etc. In winter, when everything is covered with snow, it is difficult for birds to find food, and they are in great need of feeding. A hungry bird is very cold and often dies from this.

Content : players choose their own bird names (sparrow, owl, tit, jackdaw, etc.). The player who imitates a sparrow lies down and pretends to be sick. A line is drawn far from him, behind which he can hide from his pursuers. An owl is circling around him. A “titmouse” comes up to her and asks:

Sparrow at home?

At home.

What does he do?

The patient lies.

What hurts him?


Go, owl, into the garden, pluck the buckwheat grass, put a hanger on his shoulders.

Soared, titmouse, soared, sister.

He does not take steam, only gives heat.

The "tit" leaves, and all the other "birds" come up to the "owl" and ask:

Sparrow at home?

At home.

What is he doing?

He snoops around the yard, collects crumbs, does not go home, steals hemp. Hearing these words, the "sparrow" runs away, and the rest chase after him, trying to catch him.


    Players chasing the "sparrow" are prohibited from pushing it or grabbing it by the clothes. "Sparrow" can fly away from the pursuers if it has time to cross the line. During the dialogue, the children do not obscure the way for the "sparrow" towards the shelter.


Target : development of attention, speed of reaction, memory, concentration on the task; the formation of a careful attitude towards plants when harvesting fruits.

Material: a rope 3 m long with a ball tied to one end - "apple"

Environmental information: “Trees and other plants are amazing creations of nature. Life is impossible without them. Only they are able to release oxygen, purify the air, strengthen the soil with their roots. They give us fruit. But do you know that to grow, for example, an apple tree and wait for apples, you have to wait for many years. Therefore, you need to take care of the plants, do not break them and carefully remove their gifts. Let's gently, as if carefully, touch the "apple" while jumping, so as not to break or bend the branch of the apple tree.

Content : the “apple” is thrown over the stop (branch, bough, hook), and the end of the rope is tied at such a height that, by jumping, the smallest player in height can get it. Then all the players line up in order of height. The one who could not touch the "apple" is out of the game. When each player makes one attempt, the "apple" rises several turns and the game continues until the most dexterous one remains.


    There are options for playing with "pear", "plum" and other fruit trees.


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