What kind of girls do sports guys like. What kind of girls do guys like? What do you need to be to please a guy? Councils of psychologists. Education and respect

The desire to please the opposite sex is in our blood. Men are interested in knowing what kind of guys girls like in order to become better and get the attention of the chosen person. Of course, each lady has her own tastes, but there are common qualities that will attract any beauty.

What kind of guys do girls like on the outside?

There are situations when a guy of discreet appearance has no end to fans, while handsome men sit on the sidelines. What is the secret? The thing is that the lucky ones consciously or unconsciously follow some rules of behavior with a woman. But do not forget about other qualities of an ideal man:

  • A man in any situation must remain a man. Girls instinctively choose courageous guys. Young ladies can argue as much as they like that a sports figure is not so important, but in reality they go crazy with abs. In pursuit of piles of muscles, do not get carried away. Remember: girls prefer a slender athletic figure - they are not interested in steroid boys.
  • Each young lady has her own criteria regarding the appearance of a young man. Studies show that girls find high cheekbones, full lips, light tan, dark eyebrows and eyelashes attractive.
  • A man with a beard is the embodiment of masculinity, maturity and solidity. If earlier a three-day stubble was perceived as a sign of laziness, now even slight unshavenness causes delight among the fair sex.

What kind of guys do girls like by nature

So why do girls love guys? The question is difficult. If the guys knew the answer to it, it would not be interesting to live. Let's figure out what human qualities girls like in guys:

  • Caring, attentive and faithful. It is these qualities that come first.
  • Confidence. A man convinced of his strength acts on girls like a magnet.
  • The ability to protect in case of danger, protect from any trouble.
  • Reliability.
  • Generosity. But be careful: do not confuse sympathy with self-interest.

There are no ideal people. Negative character traits are inherent in everyone and everyone. But there are those that are especially annoying for girls:

  • Tendency to tyranny. What self-respecting girl would be nice to a guy who is ready to use his fists at any moment?! A real man should be able to curb the savage in himself and peacefully resolve any dispute and conflict.
  • Relationships and selfishness are not the best combination.
  • Narcissism.
  • Jealousy. Women are not afraid of jealousy itself, they are disturbed by the events that follow it: aggression, reproaches, scandals, etc.

What kind of guy do you like

Deciding which guy you like is not so easy. Appearance plays an important role in attracting the opposite sex. The first impression of a person consists of an assessment of appearance, and then they pay attention to human qualities. Some people like thin tall guys, while others look only at athletic guys. You can't please everyone. No doubt, a handsome guy is the dream of any girl. But what if nature has not rewarded with an attractive appearance? Do not panic, develop other positive qualities in yourself:

  • Girls respect male intelligence but hate boring guys. Talking for hours about fishing or building a car, make sure the girl is interested. Otherwise, you may be considered a bore and stop communicating.
  • A good sense of humor is not only the ability to competently joke and tell funny stories. With such a man it is easy and there is always something to talk about.

At all times, women were attracted to these types of guys:

  • Bad Boys. This is the type of young man that every immature girl dreams of. With age, sympathy for such guys disappears, and girls are looking for a reliable man.
  • Sports guys. Everything is simple here: it is more pleasant to look at a toned body. In addition, girlfriends, seeing you together, will die of envy.
  • Romantics. What girl does not dream of a prince on a white horse, a candlelit dinner and a serenade under the window?!
  • Good guy. This is the perfect man in every way.

There are girls who love to try on the role of a mother or teacher. Unsuspecting modest guys fall for their bait in the hope of finding their happiness. In such conditions, yesterday's modest fellow turns into anyone: romance, brutality or a ladies' man.

Adventurers are looking for a man to match themselves. He should not stop and infringe on her, but rather feed her with much-needed emotions. Such guys are characterized by excessive activity, cheerfulness and love for extreme actions.

Let's open the secret: girls can say anything, but when they see the right guy, they lose their minds. Let him be jealous, bankrupt and champ at the table - these are trifles. Love is the main thing.

What does it take to be liked by guys? - a question asked by girls of different ages. One answer is not enough here. After all, men are also all different, everyone has their own preferences. You can't combine everything. It will be unnatural behavior, too picturesque. But still, what kind of girls do guys like, if you take the majority of them? We have compiled a list of qualities, types, characteristics, based on the opinion of the strong half of humanity, heard or read on forums, in questionnaires, television programs.

1. Beautiful and well-groomed

Girls often look back at each other thinking, “I’m prettier than her! So guys like me more. But everyone knows that everyone determines the degree of "beautifulness" for himself. Blue eyes or brown, blond hair or dark, long legs or not so - how can you compare all this with each other? It's like discussing who has greener leaves on a maple or birch. We were born that way, period. But how a girl takes care of herself, watches - this is important. Nobody likes unkempt, unwashed, untidy girls with a hole in their tights, even if they have long legs and hair.

2. Sports

Women who play sports attract the eye with a healthy appearance and a strong spirit. When you see this, you yourself want to go for a run in the morning. Usually they take life seriously: instead of clubs and discos, they visit libraries and needlework workshops, do not smoke. Many guys complain that their girlfriends smoke more than they do. More often they are tipsy. This does not fit in with the image of the princess and the future mother of his child.

3. Attentive and affectionate

Guys, these are the same children, they need not only a sexual partner, but also a friend. When something does not work out, everything falls apart, everything falls apart, you need to be able to regret them. It is not always convenient for an already grown-up young man to go to his mother to cry, but to fall on the shoulder of an attentive friend who knows how to listen and understand is a completely different matter. They appreciate those.

4. Sexy and liberated

Sexuality is also an individual concept. It has long been known that model parameters are not an indicator. External data is not the most important, you need to be able to present them and show, emphasize. Some girls, owners of magnificent forms, do not know the rest from fans, but there are those who, with a slender figure, remain old maids. Sexual attraction lights a twinkle in her eyes, a hint in her clothes and behavior in general. But do not confuse liberation and vulgarity.

5. Chaste

Despite the emancipation, the girl should look chaste. Like the first teacher. Some people are great at combining these two opposing qualities. For a serious relationship, men do not choose for themselves those about whom everyone knows everything. Glasses on her nose, a book in her hands, a modest skirt, but not to the toes, a neat hairstyle and a smart look. Ingoda girls specially become bespectacled for this.

6. Balanced, calm

Being on your own mind can be extravagant. But I would like to know what to expect from my partner in a minute or an hour. Especially if you do not look at him as a future life partner.

7. Witty

When a woman knows how to smooth out an awkward moment with a good joke and thereby restore balance in a relationship, she is irreplaceable. And if he doesn’t let you down in the company, he shows his wit, and not vulgarity and banality, this will not go unnoticed, you can be sure. But if you understand that you do not have such an ability, it is better to smile silently.

8. Active and bold

Such that at an important moment she could make the right decision. Yes, not only guys need to be courageous and brave. Often they also need a fighting girlfriend who can take her by the hand and take her, for example, to the dentist.

9. Modest, well-mannered

Recently, girls who laugh loudly in transport and swear in the store have become unfashionable. Now young men are increasingly paying attention to the “quiet” with lowered eyes to the floor, a slight smile. The girl who gave way to her grandmother in the subway will surely catch the glances of young people who are nearby. Not only will they feel ashamed, and this will distinguish you from the rest, pretending that they are sleeping.

10. Educated, interested

Getting a really good education today is not easy. There are a lot of universities, but there is little sense. When a woman has become a specialist in any business, she spends her time for the benefit of society. She is appreciated at work, they go for advice. A man will want to have such a rare copy. With her, you can find interesting topics for conversation, and maybe learn something.

11. Self-reliant

Times have changed. And now, more and more often, we change roles, the lady tries first to provide for herself with everything, to become independent, and only then start a family. Gentlemen are comfortable of course, so they like to hold on to such. But a girl is, first of all, a future mother, the violation of this law leads to her unfulfillment. The consequences can be different: constant depression, unbalanced character, frequent change of partners. Anything.

12. Unobtrusive

All the guys unanimously claim that the girls themselves jumping on your neck, endlessly ringing the door and the phone scare even moms and dads. It is better when she behaves neutrally.

13. Loyal and reliable

Nobody likes individuals walking around with anyone. This is completely frivolous, unhygienic and simply dishonest. Respect for a loved one will not be replaced by long eyelashes, a wasp waist, a keen sense of humor, originality.


Those who have a headache all the time, and sudden guests cause a sigh of grief, most often left alone. You have to be sincerely friendly person, not for someone, for yourself. A positive attitude towards life makes it easier, attracts people, makes troubles less bitter.

15. Household

“It should be such that when you come home, you rest,” say representatives of the strong half of humanity. Housekeeping is visible when a young man comes to visit a classmate, sees her room, for example. Things laid out on the shelves, flowers on the windowsill, a bed made with a soft blanket. Or it's the other way around.

16. Addicted

You can spend your free time in different ways, lying on the couch, sitting with your girlfriends all day on a bench in the yard, talking pointlessly on the phone. Or you can get yourself a hobby, go to interesting courses, so as not to waste time. And then surprise your friends with original birthday crafts, achievements in sports, knowledge and skills.

17. Proud

Inaccessible cause hunting instincts. You always want to take possession of what is inaccessible. Proud women command respect, but not everyone realizes that sometimes this trait is

ruins their relationship with people. And yet, this impregnability reminds the guys of something royal, and who among them does not want to be next to the queen.

18. Outgoing

When a woman knows how to stop in time during a quarrel, quickly forget the words spoken on emotions. Can live on as if nothing happened, not continue the conflict to save something more important. Such a partner, the guy will always be grateful for his quickness.

19. Wise

Of course, experience accumulates over the years. In what situations, what to do, we understand later, after thinking everything over carefully. But there are wise girls or cunning ones who are still very young. They know how not to offend themselves and not to forget others.

20. Harmonious

The rarest type of person in general is one in which many different qualities can be combined. Modesty with sexuality, pride with appeasement, thrift with education. A girl who can be the golden mean, show a sense of proportion, probably does not know how to get rid of bows. And then she will decide who will become her soul mate.

A woman's desire to please the opposite sex is a natural manifestation of her natural essence. But it shouldn't cover everything else. For some girls, it's crazy. In their pursuit of male location, they lose their heads: they devote their available free time, money and even health to this. After all, putting tons of cosmetics on themselves, burning and drying out their hair, tormenting their legs with heels, they significantly bring their old age closer, spoil their skin, hair, posture, and sometimes their mood. And they completely forget about self-development, self-realization, deprive relatives and friends of the attention. Without thinking at the same time that appearance is the initial indicator. Don't forget to just take care of yourself. After all, if you carefully read what is written above, the main thing is the inner world.

Each person is individual. Do not look for idols, look for zest in yourself. Everyone has them. Are you wondering what kind of girls guys like? There can be only one answer - different, but certainly interesting.

Video: types of girls that guys don't like

And in this video, Lyubov Barskaya will tell you about 8 types of girls who do not like guys:

Every man sometimes does not understand why he is so handsome, sweet and caring alone, and a stupid jock with a lot of fans. And girls sometimes can not answer this question. Do girls like jocks? Or is it all stereotypical thinking? Let's take a look at our personal experience and expert research.

Do girls like jocks?

Girls like pitching, and the statistics speak for it. But the reason for this is not the desire to touch a beautiful body, but genetics and natural selection. After all, every woman tries to choose the most attractive, strong and physically developed male for procreation. Although sometimes this mechanism does not work. Since the living conditions have now changed, girls can handle a lot of physical work on their own. Therefore, they look for other qualities in a partner.

According to studies, men go to the gym to gain about 12-15 kg of muscle. At a time when girls would like to see their chosen one with additional muscles in the range of 8-10 kg. That is, being well physically developed is important, but bodybuilders are not held in high esteem by women.

Another important factor that scares girls away from jocks is narcissism and selfishness. After all, 75% of such men are in love with themselves, ready to devote time only to themselves and live for themselves.

Therefore, now women are looking for the following qualities in guys:

  • Purposefulness;
  • Good sense of humour;
  • Ability to take responsibility;
  • caring;
  • Patience;
  • Ability and desire to earn money;
  • Compromise;
  • Kindness and tenderness;
  • Education.

Of course, such a list may differ, supplemented by other qualities. But one thing is clear - the presence of a mountain of muscles without additional advantages - does not have weight. In such a fight, an ordinary guy will have more chances, but with a huge supply of these "advantages".

Girls like jocks - why?

Nobody will dispute the fact that a beautiful male body is good. As we found out, muscles + intelligence, care and a number of other qualities are the formula for an ideal guy. Why do girls like jocks besides that? Here are some reasons:

  • Opportunity to receive protection and guardianship;
  • Thrift;
  • Feeling "like behind a stone wall";
  • The desire to tame a big and strong man;
  • The desire to feel small and defenseless next to him;
  • The female instinct is to find for itself a "producer and continuer of the family";
  • Hot and passionate lover;
  • a point of pride;
  • Desire to arouse the envy of other girls.

By the way, researchers from Illinois found out that ladies consider the abs, buttocks, shoulders, chest and biceps to be the most attractive male parts of the body. Therefore, by developing these parts (not forgetting about internal qualities), you can earn a lot of attention from the female.

Like it or not, but everything is determined by feelings and the feeling of "your person or not." Whether he's a jock or a nerd, it doesn't matter if he's attracted to him and his brain doesn't work anymore. But a woman is also a "neck" to direct the "head" (man) in the necessary direction. That is, you can instill in him a desire to play sports, develop, become better, combining the best features of a male representative. Then there will be the perfect pumped-up guy next to you!

To visually answer the question of what girls like in guys, I turned directly to attractive girls who are my friends. As a basis for the question, I took widespread stereotypes about what kind of guys girls like, for example, beliefs such as that girls like muscular, thin, tall, rich, “bad”, who can ask questions at the first meeting, and others. As I have seen, some of this is true, some are just myths.

I asked the girls the following question:

Write, please, your opinion about what girls like in guys? What are the traits? And which ones do you not like? And also, is it true that girls like inflated, thin and tall men?

The answers are in these screenshots:


Girls like tall guys. Basically, these are thin guys without excess weight and not necessarily inflated. Girls prefer men with a V-shaped torso and inflated abdominal muscles. These guys are easier. This does not mean that everyone likes sports guys, but sports should be friends.

Men like girls with healthy skin. Also attractive is the hourglass figure, which means a predisposition to successful childbearing.

Most pick-up gurus don't have great looks, are tall, have a beefy figure, but have had great success with women. For example, I have one friend, Igor Lapin, he is an expert in the field of dating in the club. So he, not possessing high growth, has very attractive girls. They are also not tall, so I am always surprised - all his girls are like a selection.

That is, appearance is not the most important thing, and if girls like inflated or thin, then this is not a critical factor in their choice. However, despite this, you need to eat well, sleep well, exercise and enjoy your physical activity. Guys who look healthy also seem more cheerful and confident.

Cleanliness and tidiness

If you take care of yourself, you demonstrate to the outside world that you are not sick and not subject to harmful environmental influences. All you need to do is be clean. Everyone can do it. Regularly wash your hair, brush and take care of your teeth. Watch for fresh breath. During a real meeting with a girl, this can become a very attractive masculine quality, and then it is quite possible that you.

Ability to communicate freely and effectively

This paragraph is not only about your ability to communicate, but also about your body language. The ability to communicate beautifully and effectively is a very powerful way to get a girl interested. Check yourself - do you speak clearly and clearly? Pay attention to how you speak. Does it sound like the speech of a socially successful person? Or do you sound like a modest guy who doesn't like other people's attention? Do you talk like a guy your age or like an old man?

Remember that most seducers in the world focus on communication skills. This is a really powerful tool. It is very important that you speak loudly and clearly. It is important that you do not communicate too quickly. Stay relaxed and try to evoke positive emotions in those around you. Also, the communication skill manifests itself at a distance, a correctly written girl can instantly raise your rating in her eyes.

As I said before, non-verbal language means much more than verbal. In fact, up to 93% of the information your interlocutor receives from your body. Therefore, you can meet and like a girl without saying a word at all.


Olya put this item in second place in the ranking, what she likes the most in guys. Jokes not only make people feel good, but also show a high level of intelligence. You seem content with life and most likely everything is working out for you. Agree, no one wants to be with a gloomy person who is always in a bad mood and is not satisfied with his life.

Everyone can learn to joke. This is the same skill as, for example, walking, reading, and even using the VKontakte website.

Style and clothes

The first place, according to Ekaterina, is met by clothes. “In appearance, neatness, dressed modern and neat,” she said. A person who does not know how to dress well is completely unaware of how bad he looks in the eyes of people who know how to dress and take care of themselves. And most women are like that. This, unfortunately, for men who do not like to go shopping and buy things for themselves, is an indicator of very little social value. And clothes are not only an indicator of your social success, but also simply emphasizing your physical parameters.

Perhaps to some extent, your style is a subjective thing, because there is an unthinkable number of shapes and sizes that different guys and girls like. It's important to be unique (but make sure your uniqueness isn't off-putting).

Good advice: when you go shopping, ask your friend, sister or any girl to help you - ask what she likes in guys.


Purposeful, imperious, proactive, accomplished in life, the guy likes the girls from my survey. It is very important to have some big goal or even several in life. Whether it's a career or self-realization in creativity. And you must constantly broadcast to your environment the intention to achieve success in some area. You must have relevant hobbies and a circle of acquaintances. This is a very attractive quality of a man, when he has a passion for his work, it shows his firmness and desire to achieve success by all means. In fact, you draw certain perspectives in the girl’s head, according to which, being with you, she will be protected and also happy with life.

Too full immersion in passion is a repulsive factor. Nobody likes workaholics. Be careful.

Need level

Imagine a rock star or celebrity. It is clear that they have no need for money or sex because they are high up in the social hierarchy. All people, and especially women, like men who have climbed high. This shows their leadership qualities and attractive genes. If you have ever talked with a person who has and achieved a lot, then you would never hear him complain about the lack of love or material wealth. The survival rate for these people is extremely high. This does not mean that you now have to pretend that you do not need anything. Just lower the importance of your goals and calmly move towards them.

All of the above points are a generalized answer to the question of what girls like in guys, as well as your approximate plan of action. Once again, carefully read the answers of the girls, whether they like muscular, tall, thin athletic, rich, cute or bad guys. These are firsthand answers.

When it comes to the question of what kind of guys girls like, you can often come to the conclusion that each woman has individual preferences.

Some of them pay more attention to physical features, while others have high demands in terms of intelligence, manners and upbringing.

And yet, it can be stated that there are some qualities that are more likely to make men like women.

What kind of guys do girls like. 8 scientific facts

1. Leadership

Let's imagine how it was in the days of the cavemen, when men hunted mammoths, and on Sundays, instead of going to church or hugging the sofa, they fought bears.

In such an environment, the best opportunity for a woman to survive and bear children was to enlist all kinds of support from the man who led the tribe.

According to psychologists, this evolutionary programming still has a strong impact on women's preferences today.

It has been found that members of a certain social group find its leader more attractive than people who are not members of it.

For example, employees of a certain firm are more likely to find its leader attractive than people outside the company's staff.

How can you develop this trait? Start small. Leadership is in many ways an art that takes time to master.

Put yourself in a situation where you have to take responsibility for its successful resolution.

It can be something as simple as organizing a country trip for a group of your friends. But you might get fired up with a more ambitious project like .

Once girls see that you can take control of a group of people with complete ease and also inspire them to take action, you will appear in front of their eyes many times more attractive.

2. Social proof

Women don't want to be with a man who sits at home all day playing Xbox.

Girls like guys who are at the center of life events, wherever they go. Women like men who are the soul of the company and are always surrounded by other people.

As a result, the girls themselves involuntarily strive to become a part of such an exciting life, which is the power of social confirmation.

In a 2010 study, psychologists asked a group of volunteers to rate the attractiveness of men and women from photographs.

After that, the same volunteers were shown photographs of the same people, but this time in an embrace with a representative of the opposite sex, each of whom was presented as or a guy of the subjects of the study.

What are the conclusions? Boys and girls who were photographed next to attractive “ex” were rated by almost all volunteers as more attractive.

Therefore, in parallel with focusing efforts on, it will not be superfluous to engage in general development of social skills, meeting interesting people and expanding the circle of friends.

Develop friendships with those people who add value to your life and your social validation.

3. Sense of humor

Scientists say that people perceive a good sense of humor as a sign of intelligence and developed social skills.

For the same reason, women are evolutionarily conditioned to respond to the presence of mind as an attraction factor.

The logic is this: a smart man will be better able to provide and protect a woman and her future children.

As a rule, a sense of humor is an innate human trait, but if there are white spots in this area, this skill can be developed.

If you have always been able to make the people around you laugh, then you have a precious gift that you should not forget to use in the process.

4. Non-fussy movements

Take a look at any alpha hero from some famous movie. The first thing you will notice is that they do everything, smoothly and slowly.

Think, for example, of Clint Eastwood's character. He doesn't talk much throughout the movie, but he looks like the coolest guy ever.

Scientists have found that men who have leisurely movements and speech are often perceived as more confident, and therefore more liked by girls.

5. Athletic physique

Of all the existing male forms, women like the “V-shaped” athletic male body, that is, the well-defined upper body muscles and narrow waist, most of all.

Such interesting personalities will not stop halfway, realizing their plans, and will also show courage and enterprise.

8. Good job and high income

Commercialism is a bad quality. But it's better to face the truth than to pretend that money doesn't matter.

Girls like guys who have a prestigious job and a high income, as well as having the attributes of a successful man, which should include their own living space and a good car. Hmmm ... What is prestigious for a Russian is a common thing for an American.

But even if you can not boast of the above gizmos, it does not matter. Just dropping, remember that you have something to strive for.

9. Positivity

Every person wants to surround himself with happy and positive people, and not those who bring negative emotions and have a destructive influence.

Happiness is a state available to everyone, but most people prefer to remain immersed in their suffering.

Any man throughout his life will lie in wait for difficulties, and how he can cope with them is of great importance.

Some use their black stripes as a source of personal development, while others use hard times as an excuse to remain miserable.

10. Ability to communicate

As well as a good sense of humor, skill is an attractive feature for any woman.

Women like men in whose company they feel comfortable and at ease.

Be a pleasant conversationalist, speak in a calm low voice, showing genuine interest in the girl during the conversation.

11. Spontaneity

Women love spontaneity and intrigue.

This doesn't mean you should spend your time visiting a new country or giving your friend a champagne bath.

Be spontaneous in the little things. Invite the girl to do some dance steps during a walk or write an unexpected message.

12. Good manners and respectful attitude

Treat any person with the appropriate respect if they deserve your respect. By addressing people in this way, you will receive a respectful attitude in return.

In addition to the ability to show strength, girls like good manners in guys, beautiful manners, a sense of tact and skill behind them.

13. Male attention and care

If you are convinced that women only want diamonds, expensive jewelry and spa vacations, quickly put this rubbish out of your head.

Minor, but thoughtful, will make the girl's heart beat faster.

Listen to what she has to say, and sooner or later you will find out that she, for example, loves potted violets or cat pendants.

Also, don't forget to ask her how her day was, how she's feeling, and what's on her mind. Women need things like air.

14. Honesty

Honesty is the foundation for many other personality traits such as integrity and dependability.

Many women complain that men say one thing and then do another. If a girl is sure that you are honest with her, she will have no reason to distrust or doubt you.

15. Reliability

Girls like guys who are not afraid of commitment.

Reliability and responsibility can be manifested even in the fulfillment of minor requests, if a man has made his promise.

16. Sexual Compatibility

Therefore, in the absence of sexual compatibility, such relationships will either be short-lived or painful.

1. Having a habit of complaining

Surely there is nothing more repulsive to a girl than a guy who constantly complains. And the more complaints, the lower the level of respect for such a man falls.

Have you stepped into a puddle and cursed out loud everything in the world because your trousers got dirty? Minus one point.

Do you constantly complain that you have very little free time, that you are desperately and unsuccessfully trying to move up the career ladder, and indeed the whole world is against you? Another minus 20 points and the game is over.

2. Guys who don't have friends

Women want men to be attractive not only to them, but to have other people sympathize with their companions.

The lack of a social circle is sure to cause women's anxiety. The girl will begin to think that something is wrong with the guy if she is the only one who spends time with him.

This is probably the simplest trap and the easiest to avoid. But there are times when guys please her too.

The way out in this case is very simple -.

3. Needy and insecure guys who put girls on a pedestal

In modern society, the process of seducing women most often comes down to male attempts to logically convince the girl that she needs to enter into a relationship with this particular guy.

As a result, the whole complex of flattering and showing oneself in the role of the needy is involved: the girl is told how beautiful she is, likes her photos on social networks, or the guys, as if trying on a peacock costume, are trying to show what wonderful contenders for love they are.

Men are constantly looking at women's breasts. It does not offend or embarrass us. It's a little silly. This is childish. This is paradoxical. But men who constantly look at our breasts will never be the ones who attract us.
Christina Hendricks

And the problem is not that guys show interest in girls, but how they do it:

  • There is nothing wrong with a man if he looks, appreciates and enjoys what he sees a woman's face, figure, legs or breasts, even if this is done quite directly and obviously. However, staring constantly at the same girl is too much. You can watch, but you can’t take it - this is the conviction of an insecure man.
  • If a guy looks at a girl furtively, so that she does not notice it, but at the same time everything is completely clear to the girl, this is another manifestation of insecure behavior. Either look or don't look, or know how to cover your tracks. If you like it - communicate, if you don't like it - leave it to someone else.
  • Attempts to run after a girl, constantly call her, take offense at her, find out why she did this or that - this is generally the edge.

Women are accustomed to the current situation in society, and they like it ... They like that they again and again receive confirmation of their sexual demand, but they rarely want to link their fate with the subjects of such attention.

If you have had experience with a large number of women, you have probably noticed that often girls, especially very attractive ones, may not seem the most supportive of your attention.

Their cold attitude has a direct relationship with a large supply of male options.

For every beautiful girl living in a big city, thousands of men try throughout her life, saying the same words and acting the same way.

So by doing this, you will become just number 3,275 for this girl. She is looking for a man who will do otherwise, who will not become her idolater.

It's not that the bad guys get everything. The thing is, the good ones don't get anything.
David X

So if a guy seems needy or clearly insecure, exacerbating his disadvantageous position by trying to harass a girl, constantly calling her and sending text messages one after another, she will simply flip through it like a page of a Soviet encyclopedic dictionary and move on to the next interesting section of her life. .

Guys that girls really like never put them on a pedestal.

In conclusion. You are sufficient

- this is a very useful component of the life of every man, but you should not be tied to the onset of the desired result.

If you think you need to develop some important masculine qualities in order to please girls, remind yourself, “You are already good enough for girls to like.”

Firstly, personal development has no limits, so there is a possibility of being in a state of eternal waiting.

Secondly, the awareness of achievement is already the time to start acting.

Thirdly, once at the finish line, you may realize that even without all this acquired tinsel, “You were already sufficient then.”