Chemical peeling for the face - simple and effective recipes for home use. Facial peeling recipes at home

Modern beauty salons are ready to present today a whole range of different cosmetic services, thanks to which women look younger and remain beautiful and attractive for a long time. One of the most effective and most common methods of skin rejuvenation is chemical peeling. However, not all the fair sex can afford to visit salons. Therefore, many people successfully carry out chemical peels at home. There are no cardinal changes after one procedure, but a full course guarantees an obvious result.

The main advantage of the home cleansing and rejuvenation procedure is the absence of the risk of redness or skin burns. But before doing a chemical peel at home, you should first find out which recipe is right for your skin. To prevent burns, the composition of the chemical peel must be evenly distributed in a thin layer.

Despite the many varieties of peeling, they must be used with caution. Exfoliating products are usually not intended for all skin types and, at times, they may contain allergic components.

So, for example, owners of oily or normal skin, the procedure should be performed three times a week. There is no reason to be afraid, since this type of skin is not prone to irritation and redness, but regular cleansing is necessary in this case. It is recommended to use salicylic acid periodically - an excellent option for skin care with active sebaceous glands.

For dry skin, just one procedure in 14 days will be enough. An excellent choice would be recipes with alpha hydroxy acids, because after using them, nourishing creams penetrate into deeper layers. With sensitive skin, you need to select peeling recipes with a gentle effect, the concentration of acids in which is quite low.

The most popular chemical peel recipes

Self-performing the procedure at home is based on the use of milder formulations containing boric acid, hydrogen peroxide or calcium salt of hydrochloric acid (calcium chloride) as the main components. Unlike salon mixtures, they gently affect the skin without causing side effects. Peeling recipes at home

Boric acid peeling

A set of ingredients purchased in advance at the pharmacy: boric acid (10 g), camphor alcohol (30 ml), 10% ammonia solution (10 ml), 2 tablets of hydroperite, glycerin (30 ml) and ordinary toilet soap (grated ) mix in a deep container. Cover the skin of the face with the resulting creamy mass of white color and wait until it dries completely. After that, remove the mask with calcium chloride, wash your face and wipe it with a tissue or paper napkin.

Attention! The product should not be applied to inflamed, irritated or purulent areas of the skin.

Peeling with hydrogen peroxide

Crushed bodyaga (40 g) is thoroughly mixed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide until a foamy gel-like homogeneous paste is formed. The mask is applied to the working area with light massaging movements and left for 15-20 minutes. Then everything is washed off with warm (not hot!) Water. This procedure will have to be done 4-5 times a week for those who have oily skin type and 2-3 times for those with dry skin.

Peeling with calcium chloride

The procedure will require 5% or 10% calcium chloride (1 ampoule) and baby soap. With a cotton pad soaked in the solution, moisten the skin of the face. The drug should dry a little, after which the action must be repeated four more times. Then hands or a cotton applicator begin massaging the skin with soapy foam. The interaction of soap with calcium chloride promotes the formation of flakes on the surface of the skin. At the end, the face is washed with warm water, a soothing mask is used, and then a moisturizer.

After removing any peeling solution from the face, the face must be dried with a soft paper towel, and then lightly powdered with talcum powder.

Natural chemical peel recipes

Fruit acids are the best exfoliator for dry skin. They do not injure this vulnerable skin type, gently cleanse it and enrich it with trace elements and essential vitamins. There are several effective recipes using herbal ingredients found in many fruits.
Citric acid and other acids that make up the lemon thoroughly cleanse the pores from the accumulation of sebum, which generally leads to a general improvement of the epidermis.

Citrus Peeling Mask

To prepare it, you will need any citrus fruits, as well as any other fruits that are available at home. Grind all the ingredients, turn into gruel and gently apply a thick layer on the skin of the face. Remove after 15-20 minutes, wash with water at room temperature and apply a nourishing cream.

Lemon peeling

Many cosmetologists recommend doing a chemical peel at home using lemon juice. In addition to cleansing the skin, it helps to eliminate not only small, but even deep wrinkles. Lemon juice and purified water are combined in equal proportions and the face is covered with a cotton pad dipped in this liquid. After 5 minutes, everything is washed off and the cream is applied.

Attention! After peeling, the use of creams containing Vaseline is prohibited.

Strawberry peeling

Another delicious and effective peeling mask is strawberry-apple. Puree 5 strawberries and 1 medium apple in a blender. Apply the fruit mixture on your face for just 5 minutes. Within a minute there will be a feeling of light tingling. There is no need to worry - this is an absolutely normal reaction, characteristic of the process of renewal and purification.
Homemade peeling recipe called Exotica

Peeling "Exotica"

If you like fruit peels and are ready to keep experimenting, then it's worth trying out an exotic option. Using a blender, grind the pulp of papaya (100g) and pineapple (100g), combine the gruel with a little honey and apply on the face for no more than 5 minutes. Then remove all this exotic from the face, wash with water and apply cream.

  • The use of any chemical substances requires a mandatory allergy test. The tool that you are going to use, first test on a small area of ​​​​sensitive skin - in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe elbow.
  • You can do chemical peels at home either in autumn or in winter: solar activity during this period is not so high. For a week after the procedure, you need to apply creams with protective UV filters.
  • It is strictly forbidden to increase the duration of the session indicated in the instructions attached to the preparation, so as not to harm the skin. It is also unacceptable to adjust the percentage of chemically active substances at will if you prepare the peeling solution yourself.
  • Some time after applying the composition to the skin, a slight burning sensation or tingling may appear. However, when these sensations become unbearable, or the agent provoked the formation of swelling, redness, then it must be urgently washed off, neutralizing the action of chemicals. This will prevent skin burns.

Peeling today can be safely called the basis of facial skin care. The chemical peel procedure gives the skin radiance, healthy color and elasticity. The inability to visit salons for this purpose is not at all an obstacle to the desire to be young and beautiful. An excellent substitute for a professional salon procedure is a chemical peel at home. And although the effect of the home procedure is weaker, its regular implementation will provide a brilliant

It is not always possible to visit a beauty salon. It is quite possible to make a deep peeling of the face at home. A large number of exfoliating products designed for use at home are currently being produced. Procedures that were previously done only in salons can now be done independently.

Carrying out the procedure

What can you do yourself

You can exfoliate the skin with the help of, as well as trichloroacetic acid. It does not penetrate as deep into the layers of the epidermis as phenol, and does not significantly reduce deep wrinkles. But it's not that dangerous to use.

You must purchase ready-made or prepare a solution of trichloroacetic acid yourself. Commercially available products containing from 5% to 40% trichloroacetic acid. Peeling at home with a concentration above 20% is not recommended due to the risk of burns. For the first time, it is advisable to purchase a more gentle composition of 5% - 8%. You can reuse a more concentrated product.

1 - 2 weeks before peeling, it is necessary to carry out pre-peeling preparation with weak acids. You can not replace the chemical procedure with scrubs. You can do an enzyme exfoliation instead of acid exfoliation. Do not sunbathe during the pre-peeling period. It is recommended to apply daily, before going to bed, on the areas where exfoliation will be carried out, alpha - hydroxide lotion (5%).

On video peeling with weak acids:

Do a sensitivity test before use. The finished solution is applied to the inside of the arm with a cotton swab. After 3-4 minutes, the product is washed off with cold water. If no reaction (rash, itching, redness) appears in this area during the day, you can start the procedure.

Trichloroacetic acid procedure

You need to wash your face with a cleanser and gently pat the skin with a napkin. Cleaned skin must be disinfected and degreased. It is better to use witch hazel tincture for this. It doesn't dry out the skin.

The hair is hidden under a hat, the head is tilted 45 degrees. Have a neutralizer handy. Baking soda solution can be used as a neutralizer. It is made with 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 cup of water. Sensitive areas in the corners of the eyes and under the nose are protected with Vaseline.

With a cotton swab or sponge, a solution of trichloroacetic acid is applied to the face, starting from the forehead. Then the cheeks, nose and chin are covered. It is important to spread the composition with a small uniform layer. A large amount of the product can cause severe burns.

The peeling solution is kept on the skin until frost appears (about 3-4 minutes). Frost in cosmetology is called coagulative necrosis of the skin of various depths (eschar). Outwardly, it looks like a whitish coating of the treated area and resembles frost. A moderate burning sensation may be felt during acid exposure to the skin.

In saloa conditions, you can do.

On video peeling with trichloroacetic acid:

After the appearance of frost, the composition is neutralized with a solution of baking soda or a special agent. Then rinse the face with cold water, gently blot it with a tissue and apply a triple antibiotic cream (Neosporin or Triple Antibiotic Ointment).

Post-peel activities

The skin will be covered with frost for about half an hour after the procedure. In the next few days, a crust will appear on the face. All these days it is recommended to apply an antibiotic ointment to prevent inflammation and infection. The crusts should fall off on their own. You can't cut them off prematurely.

The result of peeling with trichloroacetic acid

Immediately after the procedure, it is worth making a compress with an infusion of a string. One tablespoon of raw materials is poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted for 15 - 20 minutes. Gauze folded in several layers is dipped into the cooled and filtered liquid and applied to the damaged skin. After 10 minutes, the compress is removed.

It is advisable not to go out for several days and minimize contact with others. You should not apply cosmetics, wash with soap, shave and pluck hair on injured areas of the skin. When going outside, use a face cream with UV protection (at least 30 SPF).

Peeling with trichloroacetic acid is not carried out for pregnant and lactating women, as well as for people with oncological, endocrine and dermatological diseases.

You can also make a facial peel at home with lemon, recipe.

Peeling with glycolic acid

Glycolic acid is an alpha hydroxy acid (fruit). It easily penetrates the upper layers of the epidermis and does not cause serious damage to the skin. This type of peeling is more gentle, but less deep.

10-15 days before exfoliation, it is recommended to apply a product containing a small percentage of glycolic acid to the face code. It can be Sesderma serum (6%) or Reviva Labs cream (5%).

In the pre-peeling period, sun exposure should be avoided. On the eve of the procedure, it is necessary to conduct a sensitivity test to the agent.

How to do ? For the first peeling, it is better to use a product with a glycolic acid concentration of 10% - 15%. It is applied to the inner surface of the hand and washed off after 3 minutes. The result is evaluated in a day.

Before exfoliation, the face is cleansed with liquid ichthyol soap. A lotion with a concentration of glycolic acid of 5% is applied to the skin dried with a napkin. It will remove any remaining dirt and grease. It is washed off with cold water and the surface is dried.

After that, the main composition is applied, starting from the forehead and ending with the chin. The eyelids are treated last. The composition is left to act for 10 minutes and neutralized with cold water. If the procedure caused skin irritation, burning or redness, it is better to use a special composition to neutralize. Even if discomfort appeared in one place, it is necessary to neutralize the agent on the entire treated surface.

On the video procedure with glycolic acid:

Lactolan peeling - face cream will help soothe the skin after. It is carefully driven into the surface with fingertips. Pieces of gauze folded in several layers soaked in warm water are placed on the cream. After 10-15 minutes, the face is rinsed with warm water and a moisturizer is applied.

After the procedure, there is slight redness and peeling of the skin. The skin will recover in 1-3 days. After peeling, you should avoid sunlight and use creams with ultraviolet filters.

The procedure is contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, in addition, people with dermatological and oncological diseases.

Other types at home

You can exfoliate your face with fruit acids contained in products. Fruit peel recipes are simple and affordable. Pineapple can be used to improve complexion. 200 g of crushed fruit pulp in a blender is mixed with 2 tablespoons of honey.

In order for the mixture to acquire the necessary consistency of thick sour cream, a little flour is added to it. It is better to take oatmeal. It can be obtained by grinding oatmeal in a coffee grinder. The mask is applied for 10 minutes, then washed off.

Banana and kiwi can be added to the composition for fruit peeling. They are crushed with a blender and mixed in equal proportions. To 100 g of the mixture add 200 g of pineapple puree. The mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes and washed off. Such exfoliation does not significantly rejuvenate the skin, but it can safely improve its appearance.

It is also quite effective and popular, which is so easy to try to do at home.

Currently, beauty salons offer a huge range of cosmetic services that allow women to remain beautiful, attractive and look younger. One of the most common ways to rejuvenate the skin is a chemical peel.

Unfortunately, not everyone can visit salons, but everyone wants to stay young as long as possible. Therefore, many of the fair sex do chemical peels at home. The effect of this procedure is weaker than that of a peeling performed by a specialist cosmetologist, but nevertheless, after a full course, the result becomes obvious.

Indications for chemical peels

Home chemical peeling helps to get rid of such skin problems as:

  • acne (acne);
  • oily seborrhea;
  • hyperpigmentation;
  • problem oily skin;
  • small wrinkles;
  • comedones ("black dots").

If you have any imperfections on your skin, then a chemical peel will help get rid of them. Under the action of active substances, the top layer of keratinized cells "dissolves" and is removed. New smooth skin remains on the face.

With peeling:

  • the process of cell regeneration is enhanced;
  • increases the production of collagen and elastin;
  • wrinkles are smoothed;
  • the skin acquires a tone, a healthy color and a natural beautiful appearance;
  • the functioning of the sebaceous glands is normalized;
  • prevents the appearance of acne and inflammation on the skin.


Before doing home peeling for the face, you need to consult a beautician. The specialist will advise how to perform it correctly and not harm the skin. It must be remembered that such cosmetic procedures are not suitable for everyone. Chemical peeling at home is unacceptable if:

  • there are inflammations and exacerbations of acne (except for salicylic peeling);
  • there are damages, wounds, burns on the skin;
  • the skin is too thin, dehydrated or irritated;
  • there are infectious, oncological or other diseases or herpes in the active phase;
  • fever due to viral or respiratory diseases.

Also, contraindications include cardiovascular and mental illness, pregnancy and breastfeeding, as well as rosacea.

If you have at least one of the above contraindications, then you cannot do a chemical peel.

Enzyme peeling

The use of enzymes is the most gentle of all types of chemical peels. Nevertheless, before carrying out this cosmetic procedure, it is necessary to consult a beautician.

For a composition that includes enzymes such as bromelain, papain and trypsin and other enzymes, as well as fruit acids in a small concentration, is used. This cosmetic procedure is superficial and is not designed to deal with deep wrinkles, scars and scars. But it can help restore firmness and elasticity of the skin, get rid of fine wrinkles, age spots, acne marks, freckles. The principle of action is based on the dissolution of the upper layer of keratinized cells. At the same time, the skin of the face becomes smooth, tender, acquires a healthy glow and beauty.

This type of procedure is not used for infectious skin diseases or exacerbations of acne.

The procedure for performing an enzyme peel:

  1. The first step is to cleanse the skin with a lotion and apply a pre-peel solution. This type of chemical peel can be used not only for the face, but also for the neck and décolleté.
  2. The enzyme composition should be applied in a thin layer and left for 10-30 minutes (the time depends on the type of skin: how long you need to keep it for you, the master of the beauty salon will advise).
  3. Then you need to wash with warm water. You can apply a soothing cream. While the skin is irritated, it is undesirable to touch the face with your hands.

Salicylic peeling

This type of chemical acid peeling refers to superficial or superficial-medium (depending on the concentration of the solution). It is made on the basis of salicylic acid obtained from willow bark, as well as shrubs from the rose family. The acid has an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect and has been used in cosmetology for quite a long time. Peeling can be applied to the face, neck, hands (back of the hands) and décolleté.

For problematic oily skin, the treatment of acne and acne marks, the removal of age spots, a 15% solution of salicylic acid is used. To get rid of wrinkles and age-related skin changes - 30%.

Salicylic peeling should not be used when taking hypoglycemic drugs.


  1. At the preparatory stage, 2 weeks before peeling, visits to the sauna, bath, swimming pool, solarium should be excluded and not sunbathing.
  2. Immediately before the procedure, you need to clean the skin with cosmetic milk and apply a special agent with a disinfecting effect.
  3. Then a solution of salicylic acid is applied to the skin. At the same time, avoid contact with the area around the eyes. The active substance is left for 10-15 minutes.
  4. After that, salicylic acid is washed off with a special neutralizing solution and moisturizing the skin with a soothing regenerating gel based on aloe vera.

After performing a cosmetic procedure, the skin may turn red and peel off a little. After 5–7 days, the epidermis will fully recover, the skin will acquire a beautiful, smooth, elastic, toned appearance, wrinkles will smooth out, pigmentation will decrease, acne formation will significantly decrease.

The course of salicylic peeling includes 5-10 procedures at intervals of about 10-14 days. No more than 3 courses can be conducted per year.

Peeling with calcium chloride

Doing a chemical peel at home using calcium chloride is a simple and inexpensive procedure, and the results are excellent. It will help get rid of blackheads, acne marks, freckles and age spots, skin irregularities and make it more tender, elastic, complexion will become even and beautiful.

You will need calcium chloride - a 5% solution in ampoules, you can buy it at a pharmacy.

Peeling is performed as follows:

  1. You need to wash and cleanse your face with lotion or tonic.
  2. Using a cotton pad, apply a solution of calcium chloride to the face and leave to dry completely. Then, in the same way, you need to apply the next layer. In total, 4 layers should be obtained (in subsequent sessions, you can increase the number of layers, but not more than 8).
  3. Next, you need to lather your fingertips or a cotton pad with baby soap (without any additives). Massage the face with massage movements so that pellets form. The skin under them becomes smooth and shiny.
  4. Then you need to remove all the pellets and wash with warm water. After the procedure, you can wipe your face with chamomile decoction or make a moisturizing banana mask.

This cosmetic procedure is quite effective and can be successfully used for normal, combination and oily skin. The result is visible after the first application. Peeling can be repeated after 7 days. The course consists of 4-5 sessions, after completing the full course, a break of 1-2 months is required.

Important Notes

  • Be sure to test for an allergic reaction before using any chemicals. This is a very important point that cannot be ignored. The test is carried out on sensitive skin on the inside of the elbow.
  • Do home chemical peels only in autumn or winter, when solar activity is not too high. For several days (at least 7) ​​after chemical exposure, use a cream with an ultraviolet filter.
  • In no case should you exceed the time for performing the procedure indicated in the instructions for the drug, so as not to harm the skin. It is also unacceptable to increase the percentage of active substances if you are preparing a peeling solution yourself.
  • When applying the composition to the skin, a slight tingling, burning sensation is possible. But if these sensations are too strong, if the composition has caused swelling or a sharp reddening, then it is necessary to immediately wash it off and neutralize the action of chemicals in order to prevent a burn.

The peels described here have a superficial effect. If you need deeper treatments to get rid of scars, scars and deep wrinkles, then they should be performed by a professional beautician in a beauty salon. Only a specialist will be able to choose the right concentration of active substances for peeling the deep layers of the epidermis, while not harming the skin and preventing burns.

Thus, chemical peeling is a fairly effective tool that will help you maintain the beauty and youthfulness of your facial skin.

In the photo - the procedure of deep peeling at home

Girls and women with problem skin, who pay huge amounts of money for the services of beauty salons, sooner or later begin to be interested in how to do a deep facial peel at home, without resorting to the services of specialists. As a rule, to their great joy, it turns out that it is quite possible to carry out such events on their own, having previously taken care of purchasing the appropriate cosmetic products or bases for the corresponding masks.

Deep peeling: the essence and specifics of the method

Along with the superficial and median types of peeling procedures, the method of deep cleaning of tissues is the most effective tool that allows you to simultaneously solve a lot of both primitive and very specific, complex problems that arise in relation to the skin of the face. So, with the help of this event:

  • Total deep cleaning of pores from dirt, black dots, blockages.
  • Improvement of blood circulation, stabilization of the sebaceous glands.
  • Getting rid of facial tissues from the constant effect of drying.
  • Solving the problem of hyperpigmentation of the skin.
  • Exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the epidermis.
  • Elimination of dead cells that prevent complete renewal and rejuvenation of the skin.
  • Alignment and elasticity of facial tissues, elimination and smoothing of any irregularities on its surface - the consequences of acne, stretch marks, scars, wrinkles, etc.

After the cleaning procedure, the skin immediately becomes elastic, smoothed, silky, looks much more attractive and younger. It is not surprising that the cost of such pleasure in professional salons is usually very significant, because any woman wants to get the effect of youth and beauty in just one visit to a specialist.

If we speak the professional language of specialists in the field of cosmetology, then we can characterize the specifics of the deep peeling procedure through the principle of its action. It lies in the fact that during this event, the effect on tissues occurs not on the superficial, horny, layer of the epidermis, but at the level of the reticular dermis. This method allows you to thoroughly cleanse the face of any unwanted manifestations and formations on its surface. However, with all its advantages, it has one significant drawback: peeling of this class is a five-minute surgical operation. So, for example, if a deep chemical peeling of the face is performed, then during its implementation strong and almost always unsafe substances for humans are used - acids of thirty to seventy percent concentration that can cause great damage - a severe tissue burn, especially if they are used incorrectly. For this reason, experts in the field of cosmetology do not recommend doing enhanced peeling on their own, in order to avoid irreparable consequences.

Restrictions on Deep Facial Cleansing

Before you carry out deep peeling at home, you need to understand for yourself what it is and what contraindications exist for this procedure. So, for example, women with oily, flabby, prone to rapid pollution skin, owners of enlarged pores, wrinkles and stretch marks, tend to line up in the first rows in a peeling office, striving to restore youth and freshness to their face. This procedure can give the effect of young skin to women at any age.

In the photo - a girl before and after the procedure of deep facial peeling

At the same time, there are a number of categories of people for whom this technique, if not contraindicated, then at least not recommended. For example, you should not turn to deep peeling if the skin of the face differs in a number of features:

  • If the skin is hypersensitive, thin, painfully responsive to any impact.
  • If there are any pustules, wounds (especially open ones), scratches and other obvious tissue damage on the face.
  • If one of the serious skin diseases is diagnosed.
  • If the skin is recognized as too problematic and the elements of peeling agents can easily irritate the foci of inflammation.

There are certain restrictions on the implementation of this method of cleaning the skin of the face for women who are in position, as well as breastfeeding. It is better for them to wait until the lactation period has passed and only then return to peeling procedures.

Recipes for deep peeling at home

In salons, when cosmetologists perform a deep peeling procedure, the sequence of actions is the following set of manipulations:

  1. Initially, tissues are treated with special disinfectants, which is necessary to normalize the acid balance and prepare the surface for further work with it.
  2. Then a thin layer of acid (30-70%) is applied to the skin and left for a certain amount of time (depending on the type of agent used, the degree of its concentration, the specifics of the procedure).
  3. After a strictly fixed amount of time, the beautician thoroughly cleanses the skin with a special acid neutralizer.
  4. After peeling, a moisturizing soothing cream is applied to the treated surface.

In the photo - peeling procedure in a beauty salon

In a similar way, the implementation of such procedures at home is carried out. The main thing to remember during their implementation: not one iota should deviate from the primary recipe. Thus, the concentration of the substance should in no case be more than recommended, and the time spent on the surface of the skin should not increase. Remember that negligence and carelessness during this method of cleaning the skin can lead to burns, scars, and irreversible changes in the structure of tissues. And one more thing - despite the specifics of deep tissue cleaning procedures in beauty salons, at home they are usually significantly softened in order to protect ladies from all possible risks as much as possible.

Effective peeling with calcium chloride

Most often, home deep peeling is performed using calcium chloride. The procedure is carried out as follows:

In the photo - calcium chloride in ampoules

  • An ampoule of calcium chloride is purchased in a pharmacy (an example is in the photo). For the first time, a five percent solution of this substance is required, in subsequent times (if there are normal consequences after the first procedure), a ten percent solution can be used. Exceeding the concentration of 10% is strictly prohibited.
  • Before the event, you need to conduct a small test for skin reaction: apply an acid solution to the inside of the arm (wrist, elbow bend), which is supposed to treat the face. If the skin reacts normally (it will only tingle, but not burn, hurt and blush), then you can carry out a similar procedure directly on the face.
  • Then the surface of the skin of the face is prepared for the peeling event. It is thoroughly washed, and then treated with lotion, thereby cleaning it from grease and dirt.
  • A cotton pad is moistened with a five percent solution of calcium chloride, after which they wipe the entire face, periodically dipping it in the prepared liquid.
  • When the first applied layer of cleanser begins to dry slowly, you can apply the second. The total number of such layers should be of the order of four (up to eight layers can be applied in subsequent times).
  • After the last of the applied layers of calcium chloride has completely dried, you can start rolling the mask. To do this, you need to lubricate the fingers with baby soap and carefully remove the previously applied layers of calcium chloride from the face in a circular motion.
  • Having rolled up not only the mask in this way, but also the keratinized layers that have receded from the skin, you need to rinse your face very well, first with warm water, and then with cool, soothing the skin after the procedure.
  • The final touch is the application of a moisturizing cream on the face, which will finally soothe the disturbed skin.

More information about the specifics of home peeling with calcium chloride is described in this video:

Several different masks for deep cleansing of the skin

There are several different ways to carry out enhanced facial tissue processing at home. Most often, homemade masks and scrubs are used for this. Here are the compositions of some of them.

  • The mass for application to the skin of the face is made from one tablespoon of cream (as an option - sour cream), to which one teaspoon of salt and one teaspoon of soda are added. The solution is left for five minutes, after which it is washed off and a moisturizer is applied.
  • A rice-based face mask is made in this way: one teaspoon of rice is ground in a coffee grinder to a fractional state, then two tablespoons of cottage cheese, half a teaspoon of olive oil are added to the resulting mass. All mix well and spread on the face for fifteen minutes.

In each of the above cases, it is better to do a small test on the hand. before doing the actual cleansing.

Chemical peeling of the face is actually not such a difficult procedure to do it every time in the salon. And at the same time, the cost of drugs spent on one session is just a penny.

Hence the desire of many to try to do the peeling procedure on their own.

To get the desired effect, you need to take a few simple steps:

  • determine what skin problems you plan to solve with peeling;
  • choose the type of peeling that meets your needs;
  • take care of pre-peel preparation and post-peel skin care.

Funds for

You can perform a chemical facial peel at home using:

  • natural products, which in their composition contain active ingredients that have a peeling effect;
  • professional cosmetics used for the peeling procedure in the salon;
  • pharmaceutical preparations and preparations from the list of shops for soap making and preparation of home cosmetics, which contain active ingredients that are part of peeling preparations.

The main components that have an exfoliating effect on the skin:

  • enzymes (they are also enzymes);
  • acids.

Video: About chemical peeling


Enzymes used in cosmetology are proteolytic enzymes (active protein substances that break bonds between molecules) of plant (papain, bromelain) and animal origin (trypsin). They destroy the substance that binds the horny scales of the skin and accelerates skin renewal.

Who is Enzyme Peeling for?

  • young people with problem skin;
  • those who want to get rid of freckles and light age spots;
  • people with hyperkeratosis;
  • to prepare the skin for skin care procedures.

The simplest remedy is the cosmetic product Enzyme-Salicylic Peeling Stop Problems. It is designed specifically for skin care at home, because its use does not require special knowledge and skills, and the risk of side effects is reduced to zero.

Photo: Home Peeling Stop Problems

Due to the combination of the exfoliating effect of papain and the anti-acne effect of salicylic acid, Enzyme Salicylic Peeling Stop Problems has a pronounced effect on the skin, perfectly cleanses its surface and prepares it for applying caring masks and creams. From the number of professional tools, you can use funds from the company Kosmoteros, Dermagenetic, Algoterm, Janssen.

Peelings Algoterm good because they are suitable for sensitive, couperose skin. Dermagenetic can be bought without problems in many salons, as cosmetologists often recommend it to their clients for home care.

If you want to prepare an enzyme peel at home on your own, then you can purchase papain in the online store of goods for soap making. There you can find other components that you will need in your work.

The recipe for preparation may seem too complicated for those who have never prepared cosmetics at home. But its obvious advantage is that you can choose the ingredients for the recipe based on the needs of the skin.

Video: Procedure in the salon

Option 1.

You need to take:

  • oatmeal 50 gr. (can be replaced with maltodextrin if needed)
  • green clay 20 gr.;
  • papain 4 gr.;
  • niacinamide 1.5 gr.;
  • L-arginine 1.5 gr. (sold in sports nutrition stores);
  • ascorbic acid 1.5 gr.;
  • trypsin 2 bottles of 10 mg (pharmaceutical drug);
  • pearls 1.5 gr;
  • diatomaceous (diatomaceous) earth 10 gr.

All components are mixed and ground in a blender or coffee grinder to a fine powder. A lot of powder is obtained, but due to the lack of water in the composition, it can be stored for a long time without loss of useful properties.

To use chemical home peeling, pour a small amount of powder into a container and mix it with water, hydrosol (flower water) or a professional activator for diluting peels and alginates.

The consistency should be such that you can easily apply the mixture on your face without much spreading. It is necessary to keep the mask on the face for 7-10 minutes, then roll up the mixture and the exfoliated epithelium with your hands, rinse off the rest with warm water. This recipe is great for dry and sensitive skin. If there is rosacea, then niacinamide should be excluded.

Option 2.

This peeling option is prepared only immediately before application and is not subject to storage. The resulting mask is applied to the face for 10 minutes, washed off with water.


Different acids have different effects on the skin and are used to eliminate various cosmetic defects.

Who needs acid peels:

  • persons with problematic skin, both oily and prone to dryness;
  • those who have the first signs of skin aging: loss of firmness, elasticity, sagging skin, the appearance of the first shallow wrinkles;
  • those who have freckles, pigmentation, uneven skin color;
  • those who have thick, bumpy skin;
  • those who have acne, pimples, acne and post-acne.

All acids do an excellent job of exfoliating the skin. Only some work with the keratinized layer of the epidermis (superficial peeling), while others penetrate deep into the skin (median and deep peeling).

Salicylic acid is the best known and most commonly used component in cosmetics with a strong anti-inflammatory and anti-acne effect.

Azelaic acid suitable for sensitive skin with rosacea, perfectly whitens.

Retinoic and glycolic acids perfectly cleanse the surface of the skin from dead epithelium and help accelerate the renewal of facial skin.

Lactic acid is part of the surface moisturizing complex of the skin, therefore its moisturizing effect can be used to increase the degree of hydration of dry skin. You can make excellent almond, glycolic, lemon and milk peels from home remedies.

Curious to know what trichloroacetic acid peeling is? Watch the video, where you can familiarize yourself with the procedure in detail.

Read the description of the coral peeling procedure and post-peeling skin care at home.


Almond peeling

You will need:

  • oatmeal 2 tablespoons;
  • crushed almonds 2 tablespoons;
  • brewed green tea 50 ml;
  • heavy cream 1 tablespoon.

Mix all components of the mask and let stand for 20 minutes. The drug is applied to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté for 10 minutes, and then washed off with warm water.


You will need:

  • 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese;
  • 3 tablespoons of kefir, curdled milk or whey.

The more peroxidized milk or whey, the more lactic acid is formed, and the more effective the procedure will be.

The ingredients of the mask are mixed and applied to the face for 10-15 minutes, then washed off with warm water.


The most readily available source of glycolic acid is grapes. Those who have the opportunity to use unripe grapes are especially lucky, since it is in green grapes that there is a lot of glycolic acid, and as it ripens, its amount decreases.

We take a handful of unripe grapes for the home peeling procedure, grind them in a blender and apply on the face and neck for 10-15 minutes, rinse with warm water.


You will need:

  • juice of 1 lemon;
  • juice of one orange;
  • 2 tablespoons of milk.

When mixing milk and juice, the milk should curdle. Nothing wrong with that. And the benefits of milk proteins for the skin will be invaluable. The mask turns out to be quite liquid, because it can be applied in several layers: apply a layer, wait a couple of minutes until it dries, apply the next one.

The total time the mask is on the skin is no more than 15 minutes, then it must be washed off with warm water.


You will need 1 sachet (1 gram) of ascorbic acid and a few drops of water. Ascorbic acid should be taken in powder without additives. Empty the contents of the sachet into a container.

Add a couple of drops of water, stir and apply on the face evenly for 15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. After washing off the peeling, you can apply a solution of vitamin E (tocopherol acetate) to the skin and leave it overnight.

From pharmacy products for chemical peeling at home, you can use ready-made creams with azelaic (skonoren, finevin) and retinoic acid (retinoic ointment, Radevit cream, Differin).

These products, unlike salon peels, should be used daily for a certain number of weeks or months. But they act softer, but just as effective.

At the same time, the skin does not receive injury in the form of a chemical burn, but receives constant stimulation to renew, accelerate exfoliation, rejuvenation and eliminate acne, acne and post-acne. If desired, you can spend "" calcium chloride. For salicylic peeling, salicylic acid or salicylic alcohol can be used.

It is extremely difficult to buy pure salicylic acid in free sale. But a 2% alcohol solution of salicylic acid (it is salicylic alcohol) can be found in any pharmacy. It is best to carry out such a procedure pointwise on individual elements of the rash or dark spots that form at the site of healed acne.

To do this, salicylic acid is applied to the skin in problem areas with a cotton swab. Some zones can be treated twice, but only if there is such a need, otherwise you will have to treat a local burn later.

The constant use of inflammatory elements on the skin for cauterization gradually leads to a decrease in the number of acne and post-acne by reducing the number of pathogenic bacteria that cause inflammation in the mouths of the sebaceous glands, and eliminating such a mechanism for the spread of pathogenic bacteria as self-squeezing acne.

Salon preparations

From salon products for home chemical peeling, you can use preparations from GiGi, Mediderma, Arcadia and many others.

A feature of salon peelings at home is that preparation and post-peeling care are required to obtain the desired result. For its peeling composition, each manufacturer issues detailed instructions for use. Therefore, it is desirable that for the drug that you purchase, you also find instructions or a procedure protocol developed by the manufacturer. Usually, cosmetologists share such instructions and protocols with each other on specialized forums.

Most of the protocols are freely available on our website with relevant articles. You can prepare a homemade chemical peel based on lactic acid by purchasing the necessary components from online soap shops. Usually in the store there is an 80% solution of lactic acid. For home peeling, it is necessary to dilute it to a 30-40% solution.

You should not apply a more concentrated solution, as you will need a neutralizer to remove it from the skin.

You can prepare a neutralizer at home from ordinary baking soda, but it is difficult to calculate the desired concentration of alkali in a solution. To prepare the skin for exposure to acid, you can use creams with azelaic or retinoic acids for 2-3 weeks.

You can prepare the simplest cream and tonic with lactic acid in the composition and cook soap with the addition of lactic acid. The first time, of course, you will have to tinker if you are going to prepare cosmetics for the first time, but then everything will go like clockwork.

You can find craftswomen in thematic communities and order homemade cosmetics and soap with the addition of lactic acid from them in order to completely repeat all the stages of salon care.

Video: Almond Dry Cleaning

Chemical peeling at home with lactic acid

Step 1. Wipe the cleansed skin of the face with medical alcohol for degreasing. On areas of thin and sensitive skin around the eyes, the transition of the skin of the nose to the mucous membrane, on the red border of the lips and around the mouth, it is better to apply a greasy cream or petroleum jelly.

Step 2 A solution of lactic acid must be applied with a cotton pad in the following sequence: forehead, temples, cheeks, nose, chin. For the first time, leave the acid solution on the skin for no more than 2-3 minutes. The solution can be washed off earlier if the burning sensation becomes unbearable.

Here .

Is it true that medium TCA peels cause some bad long-term effects on the skin? Find out .

Limitations to be aware of

  1. Whatever your cosmetologist tells you, peelings are an autumn-winter procedure. Any acids reduce the skin's natural protection against ultraviolet radiation, increase the risk of pigmentation and other signs of photoaging.
  2. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, peelings can be done only at your own peril and risk, since the reaction of the skin to them can be unpredictable.
  3. Do not fanatically do peeling procedures several times a week, exceeding the allowable concentration of acid in the preparation, without properly preparing the skin for the procedure. The best effect is the effect that comes gradually and stays with you after you finish the course of home peels.