Environmental studies. Introductory lesson on ecology “We are photoecologists


1. give to children elementary representations about the sources of air pollution, about the importance of clean air for our health.
- Continue to acquaint children with the properties of water, independently conduct experiments. To consolidate the importance of water and air in human life and in general in life on Earth.
2. Educate careful attitude to the surrounding reality, to promote education ecological culture.
- To form the ability to analyze the actions of people and their own, to draw environmental conclusions.
3. To consolidate with the children the concept of "oxygen" and "carbon dioxide" and the sources of their occurrence.
- to consolidate social skills: the ability to work in a group, take into account the opinion of a partner, defend one's own opinion, prove one's case, instill a respect for nature.

Preliminary work:

1. Conversations about water and its role in human life. Conversations about the need for air for the breathing of living beings; Conducting experiments with water. Games with balloons and inflatable toys; observation of the movement of air in nature - the wind, its strength, direction; reading works of art by S.Ya.Marshak, A.S. Pushkin. V. Bianchi, F. Tyutcheva.

Posters with drawings, envelopes, drawings with problem situations, transparent glasses, cotton wool, a water filter, oilcloths, paper fish, figures of fish, algae, ducks, bottles, bags, car wheels, two hoops.

Lesson progress
I. Guys today, when I came to work, I saw a letter. And it is addressed to us, senior group"Pock". The letter says capital letters"Very important" and "Urgent!" Letter from Lesovik. "Urgently! Need help residents of the flower town. They got into trouble. Residents are constantly getting sick, weakening, unable to work and play! Something happened. Help me to understand! Your Lesovik."
Will the guys help, find out the cause of the misfortune? (Yes!)
How can we get to the flower town? It is far away, and we need unusual transport. What Dunno flew with his friends? (In a balloon) Right! That's what we need. Let's do it now.

Physical education "Balloon"
Inflate the balloon, get ready for the road. (Everyone stands in a small circle, then, imitating that they inflate air in it, the circle is expanded)
waiting Wonderland, we need to get there (we walk in place)
We fly to our friends, we want to help (circle in place and squat down)
Educator: Well, here we are. Look guys, is this what Flower City looks like? (Children come up to a poster that shows a large factory with pipes from which black smoke comes out, there are only stumps around the factory, sewage flows into the river.)
Children: No! The city of flowers has beautiful nature, many trees, flowers, birds, insects, beautiful houses, the sun shines brightly, the sky is blue.
Educator: Right. Guys, look, here is another letter from the residents of the flower town. Let's read: “Help, save, we decided to make our town as big a city as yours, so that there are big houses and huge, profitable factories, but we did something wrong, and instead big city we have big problems. The air became dirty, the forest animals fled from us, and the water in the river became so muddy and dirty, and now you can’t see fish in it. Yes, we also get sick and cough, what have we done wrong? Help me to understand"

Questions for children:

Guys, what do you think happened in the Flower City?
Children: Residents ruined nature, cut down the forest, polluted the water.
What happened to the river?
Children: The river was polluted with sewage from the factory.

Can fish live in such a river?
Children: No, the water is too dirty.
4. What happened to the forest? Where have the animals gone?
Children: The forest was cut down, the animals fled, because they had nowhere to live.
5. And what will happen to the inhabitants of the town?
Children: They will get sick. They need help.

Educator: Guys, let's help fix the situation (Yes)

II. Didactic game"Good bad".
Let's go to the tables. You have picture cards on your desks environmental issues. You need to determine whether people are doing the right thing or not. If correct, then circle the picture with a green felt-tip pen, if not, with red. Explain why this is bad or good.
Karinka "They wash the car in the river"- (red felt-tip pen) - bad, people do wrong, because. pollute the water, fish and algae cannot live in dirty water. If people swim, they will get sick. Cars need to be washed in car washes.
Picture " Wounded tree"- (green felt-tip pen) - If the tree has a wound, you need to close up the wound with earth; if the branches are broken - bandage with a ribbon, a cloth.
Picture "Bonfire"- (red felt-tip pen) - You can’t make a fire in the forest, and if it’s lit, put it out: cover it with earth, fill it with water.
Picture "Feeding troughs. birdhouse"- (green felt-tip pen) - In winter, you need to hang out feeders to feed the birds; in the spring - birdhouses, so that the birds hatch their chicks.
Picture "Garbage"- (red felt-tip pen) - You can’t leave garbage behind, you need to collect it in a bag or bag and take it with you.
Picture "Planting a tree"- (green felt-tip pen) - The more trees, the cleaner the air, the more space for animals and insects to live.
Picture "Plucked flower"- (red felt-tip pen) - You can’t pick flowers, you can smell them, take pictures, draw, admire. (and so on.)
Educator: Well done! Helped to understand difficult situations!
Tell me guys, what do we breathe? air)
But as? (nose, sometimes mouth)
Can we live without air? (No)
Can we breathe dirty air? (we can, but we will get sick)
What pollutes the air, you know? (Smoke from factory chimneys, exhaust fumes from cars)
And can a person now live without cars, plants and factories? (No, it will be hard without them)

What can people do to make the air cleaner? (Plant trees, shrubs, flowers)
How do trees help purify the air? (Trees release oxygen, absorb carbon dioxide. The more trees, the cleaner the air)
Let's think about what needs to be done so that nature does not get sick, does not suffer?
Put filters on the factory pipes, purify wastewater (the teacher installs filters on the poster);
Plant a forest (plants are attached to the poster).

III. Guys, let's go for a walk around the Flower Town. See the river.
How dirty, how much garbage in it. Can fish live there, is it convenient
them to swim among the debris? (no) Let's clear the river of garbage!

Relay "Clean pond"
Children are divided into two teams. There are two circles in front of them. In each circle - fish,
algae, ducks, bottles, bags, car wheels, etc. Team task -
clear the "river" of debris. Whose team will cope faster and correctly, that and
Educator: Well done guys, there is no garbage in the river now. Look, and the water is -

IV. Experiment
Educator: Factories dump harmful impurities into the river, from which it becomes cloudy
water, fish, algae die. Let's go to the lab and help the residents
Flower town to purify the water. (Children sit down at the tables).
Each of you has contaminated water. This water must be passed through a filter.

Each child passes contaminated water through a simple filter.
Children's attention is drawn to how the water has changed.
What was the water like? (muddy, dirty, sandy).
What was the water after filtering? (clean).
Can this water be drunk? (No, raw water must be boiled, or special filters are needed)

Guys, we fixed everything and helped the residents of the flower town.
We put filters on the pipes of the plant;

2. Removed garbage;
3. Cleaned up the river;
4. Planted trees in the forest.

Guys, let's launch the fish into the river, which we recently made (the children attach the fish on the poster).
And now we will again inflate our magic balloon, and go home (Everyone stands in a small circle, then, imitating that they inflate the air in it, the circle is expanded).
So we helped the residents of the Flower Town, fulfilled the request of Lesovik. In gratitude, he left us his chest with a gift. There are eco-emblems in the chest. The teacher rewards each child.

Title: Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the senior group"Helping the residents of the flower town"
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lecture notes, GCD, Ecology, senior group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MBDOU for children Garden No. 237 "Cheerful round dance"
Location: Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo Region

The world around is a diverse source of knowledge for the child. It is vital to teach children with early age care and attention to nature. The child must understand that life is priceless, and even a small blade of grass is an important part of the world around us. A humane attitude to nature is laid down in the family and in kindergarten, and adults act as guides for kids in wonderful world ecology.

The tasks of environmental education in the senior group of preschool educational institutions

The child's personality is a crystal, the different facets of which correspond to different character traits. And it needs to be polished from the first years of life. A kindergarten teacher should help a little person to learn the value of nature and see himself as an inseparable part of it. This goal is complex and time-consuming. Only constant and painstaking work will help in this.

Understanding nature, humane, careful attitude towards it is one of the elements of morality, a particle of the worldview

K. Paustovsky

The main tasks corresponding to environmental education in the preschool educational institution:

  • to teach children to see the beauty and uniqueness of the world;
  • to form a system of ecological knowledge, ideas about the laws of nature;
  • to ensure that preschoolers understand that we cannot destroy what we cannot reproduce;
  • to teach to take care of nature: what a person takes from nature must be used carefully and strive to return (for example, water, energy in everyday life);
  • develop aesthetic feelings towards nature.

The listed tasks are implemented in a special environment, where adults, by their example, demonstrate to preschoolers right attitude to the environment and take care of nature.

environmental education in kindergarten includes a moral, intellectual and aesthetic component

Preparing an environmental lesson for children aged 5–6

You can start environmental education in a preschool educational institution in any group of pupils, even in a nursery. The task of the teacher is to lay the first landmarks for preschoolers in the world around them.

Motivating start to class

Nature is interesting to a small person. You can captivate preschoolers with the topic of the lesson by allowing them to actively participate in the process. Consider some of the methods of the introductory part of the events:

An ecological fairy tale introduces children to the basics of environmental behavior in an accessible form

Table: examples of a motivating start to a lesson in a preschool educational institution

Topic of the lesson Introduction
"Visiting the chicken Ryaba" (acquaintance with pets) The teacher begins with an element of surprise: “Children, who came to visit us? Smart guys, you know. This is Ryaba chicken. Have we read this story? Our guest wants to tell us how she lives in the village with her grandparents, and what other animals live in their barnyard. Boys and girls, I will now turn into that grandmother from a fairy tale, and together we will see how a pet lives. The teacher puts on props and, in the role of a grandmother, shows, together with the heroine of the fairy tale, a model of a barn with pets, and then leads the lesson.
"Walking in the Forest" The topic itself is very attractive to children. Using this as motivation, you can conduct preliminary classes:
  • Reading stories about the forest.
  • Conversations about safe behavior in the forest.
  • Guessing riddles about wild animals.
  • Examining illustrations of wild animals.
"How to behave in the forest" The teacher offers the children, before going for a walk in the forest, to repeat how to behave in the forest. The teacher asks questions, and the children answer whether it is right or wrong to do this.
  • Break branches, destroy shoots.
  • Protect trees from pests in the forest.
  • Walk along forest paths.
  • Play with fire in the forest.
  • Collect lilies of the valley in the forest.
  • Feed the birds, squirrels.
  • Look for mushrooms, berries.
  • Throw paper, candy wrappers, water bottles in the forest.
  • Pick up hedgehogs, chicks.
  • Cut down trees in the forest.
  • Use a photo gun.
  • Collect herbarium.

Types of environmental education classes

You can organize an environmental education lesson in different ways:

  • Excursion. It depends on the capabilities and location of the educational institution itself, and, of course, the educator needs the support of parents.
  • Complex occupation. It consists of several stages, connected thematically and involving a change in the activities of preschoolers. For example, on complex lesson with the title "How the Sun went to visit", the sun will be the main character at all stages: the conversation of the Sun about how to sunbathe properly; sports - relay race "Who is faster?"; musical - singing songs about summer, mathematical - the task “How many petals?”, Creative - “Draw summer”, etc. By choosing this type of activity with children, you can choose tasks that correspond to your goal.
  • Integrated lesson. This type of lesson also consists of several stages, combined common theme. The difference from the complex one is that each stage not only corresponds to different kind activities, but also reveals the topic of the lesson with new side. For our character, there may be stages: a conversation “Why the seasons change”, an outdoor game “ solar system”, drawing a rainbow, experience “Sun Bunny”, solving riddles about the sun. It is important here that there is a connection between the presentation of different pieces of information.
  • Experiences. Conducting observations and experiments well motivates children in the direction of exploring the world around them. This activity can be built on the study of plants, their structure, reproduction, living conditions. Observations are organized either in a group or on site and are usually part of the long term project. Children are interested in experiences with their active participation: weighing, measuring, using test tubes, magnets, etc.
  • The organization of an ecological trail on the territory of the preschool educational institution provides an opportunity for conducting classes in ecology of various directions with all age groups.
  • Ecological KVN or a quiz will help to consolidate the knowledge of preschoolers about the world around them.
  • Every child takes part in ecological holidays. As a rule, this is a theatrical action with the preparation of costumes, learning roles, rehearsals and performances in front of parents (for example, a holiday in the senior group “How Children Saved the Earth”).

Theatrical ecological holiday has a strong emotional impact on a small person and makes it possible to get a good educational effect.

Table: Card file of suitable topics in ecology

Table: an example of an outline of an environmental lesson in the senior group

Author Golovneva M.A., teacher
Name "Save Water"
Target Systematize and clarify children's ideas about the role of water in nature.
  • Cultivate a positive attitude towards the environment.
  • To actualize in the minds of children the issue of careful use of water.
  • Develop the ability to work in a team.
  • Develop logical thinking, imagination, memory.
  • Learn the basics of organizing and analyzing information.
Methodological techniques
  • Conversation,
  • show,
  • explanation,
  • experience,
  • solving riddles.
  • Globe,
  • poster schemes (or slides if there is a projector),
  • cards,
  • experiment equipment,
  • music player.
Lesson progress Organizing time.
V .: Our common home is the planet Earth. And people live on it for many, many years. But you need to take care of your home, take care of it. See what I have in my hands?
The teacher puts a globe on the table.
Q: Why is it needed? Look, this is our city. (Sound accompaniment and slides of the native land are desirable).
V .: Look at what colors the globe is painted with? What does Brown color? Why is there light and dark brown? And what is painted blue, blue? Why is there more blue on the globe and blue color?
Let's see who in nature needs water? (Children look at the diagram).
On our planet there is not a single even the smallest organism that did not need water. You and I can only survive for 7 days without water. How can we use water at home? (See diagram).
Where does water come from in the house? Let's take a look at this picture. (Children look).
The teacher tells and shows on the diagram how water enters the house, why pumps, a water tower, a water purification system are needed.
V: Here's one a long way water passes. It is necessary to find a source of water, build a purification system, lay a water pipe. And all this needs to be monitored, repaired in time. And there are countries where there is very little water in nature, it is brought in barrels and sold. You need to be careful with water. Do not waste, watch that the faucets do not flow, use modern washing machines who take some water.
And now we have riddles.
  • What Mom Can't Do Without
    No cooking, no washing
    Without what, we will say directly,
    Man to die? (Without water)
  • I carry water in me
    We need water.
    We swim without the hassle
    If there is? (Water pipes)
  • I run like a ladder
    Ringing on the pebbles
    From afar by the song
    Recognize me. (Brook)
  • I am related to Moidodyr,
    Open, open me.
    AND cold water
    I will kill you alive. (Water faucet)
  • Autumn rain walked around the city,
    The rain has lost its mirror.
    The mirror lies on the asphalt,
    The wind will blow - it will tremble. (Puddle)
  • If the river is in a pipe,
    Comes running to your house
    And hosts in it -
    How do we call it? (Water pipes)


  • How nice it is to swim in the river!
    How nice it is to swim in the river! (Movement, as in breaststroke swimming).
    Beach on the right, beach on the left. (Turns right, left).
    River ribbon ahead. (Hands pull forward).
    Above the bridge - look. (Hands at the top are connected to the castle).
    To swim faster
    We need to row faster. (Tilts left, right).
    We work with our hands.
    Who will follow us? (Mahi hands).
    And now it's time for us, brothers,
    Lie on the sand.
    We get out of the river (Walking in place)
    And rest on the grass.

But for all of us to be healthy, what should be the water? Pure! Clean water should be in lakes and rivers, in ponds and oceans. Otherwise life in the water will disappear.
Let's help the fish and purify the water for the aquarium. An experiment is being conducted with water purification through a simple filter with ordinary cotton wool. The children pour the purified water into the aquarium, and the teacher launches the fish there. The fish thank the children for their help.
V: Attention! Telegram from the forester. Unscrupulous tourists littered the forest lake after themselves. He needs to be saved immediately!
The teacher takes out a large container with water and floating debris. Children collect everything in a trash bag.
Q: The lake is saved! Well done!
Guys, today we learned a lot about water, cleaned the water for the aquarium, helped the forester. But in order for nature to always remain beautiful, you need to take care of it constantly. We will now read the oath of young environmentalists together and will always follow these rules:

  • I am a good and kind person.
  • I love nature and I am committed to protecting it.
  • I want to breathe clean air, so I remember that you can’t pick flowers, break branches near bushes and trees.
  • I want to drink clean water, swim in clean lakes and rivers, so I will protect water bodies from pollution.
  • I will use tap water sparingly, leave the faucet open.
  • I want to walk in clean fields and forests, so I will never leave garbage.

Educator: Guys, do you all agree with these words? Let's do the right thing and protect nature?

Photo gallery: materials for the lesson "Save water"

All living beings on our planet need water Water is required for many household needs of a person Many children have no idea how water appears in the house Participation of preschoolers in environmental experiments educates future researchers

Project activities on ecology among older preschoolers

The topic of project activity is relevant, since within the framework of its implementation, the solution of the problem is considered with different sides. You can plan to hold a certain number of classes of the appropriate focus, various thematic events and stick to this plan. Or you can start working with preschoolers on own projects(for example, guys grow plants on their own or conduct experiments). All classes included in the project are aimed at fulfilling a single goal. The project must have a research component. Classes are planned in such a way that during work the child receives the basics of analysis and synthesis of information, skills of independent activity.

Projects are classified by duration. If the project implementation time is from a week to a month, this is short term project, from several months to a year - long-term.

The environmental project includes the following steps:

  1. Preparatory. Choosing a project topic, setting goals, defining tasks. Usually the goal is for children to gain knowledge on a topic, develop and develop skills, and develop a sense of empathy for the natural world.
  2. Organizational. Literature is selected, methods of work are selected. Detailed planning of activities is carried out.
  3. Informative. Implementation of the project, all planned classes and activities.
  4. Productive. Performance report, results presentation, exhibition, etc.

According to the dominant activity, projects are:

  • research ("Plants of our yard", "Birds of the native land");
  • practice-oriented (“Growing crops”, “The earth is our home”);
  • creative ("Flowers for Mom", "Ecological Footprint");
  • cognitive and gaming ("Merry canteen", "School of good wizards").

Examples of projects on ecology in preschool educational institutions:

  • short-term educational game project "Take care of this planet, because there is no other in the world!" (author O.V. Yablonskaya);
  • short research project“Trees of our site” (author M.F. Sakhautdinova);
  • long-term practice-oriented project "From Seed to Harvest" (author N. Malaeva).

Table: an example of an environmental project in the senior group

Name "Flowers for Mom"
Project participants
  • pupils of the senior group of kindergarten;
  • educators;
  • parents.
Project type Long term: from August to March.
  • Children, together with the teacher, grow tulips for the holiday "March 8".
  • Children do Greeting Cards and on the defense of the project, mothers are congratulated on the holiday.
  • To cultivate the ability to see the beauty in the world around, the ability to express their feelings to loved ones.
  • Develop practical skills in caring for plants, the ability to create objects of decorative art.
  • Learn the basics of observation and analysis.
Project progress The connecting part of the project is the cultivation of tulips for the holiday. If you look at the methods of such activities, you need to start working with bulbs in September.
In August we will preparatory work: we introduce children and parents to the project, we develop tasks for the acquisition of planting material, a container for land, soil. Together with the children, we are preparing an observation journal for each, in which the children will weekly draw the appearance of sprouts and record their growth.
From mid-September, the teacher, together with the children, plants bulbs, and then grows flowers, regulating the growth of seedlings so that the flowers bloom for the holiday.
In addition to the labor component, the project includes other activities:
  • conversations “Why do plants need flowers”, “What does a flower consist of”;
  • creative storytelling of children on the topic "Why do people give flowers";
  • reading fairy tales "Flower-seven-flower", "Scarlet flower";
  • educational game: distribute flowers into three groups - field, garden, indoor;
  • watching the video "Ball of Flowers" from P. Tchaikovsky's ballet "The Nutcracker";
  • a lesson in composing bouquets using dry branches and colored paper crafts;
  • making applications for greeting cards.

For the final part of the project, we are preparing a holiday. In the center of the program is a bouquet of tulips grown by children for the holiday. Children read poetry.

Alla Isaeva
Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the senior group.

Abstract of the lesson on ecology in the senior group.

"Be a friend of nature"

Target: To consolidate children's knowledge about nature, about a careful and caring attitude towards nature.


1. Expand, replenish and clarify children's knowledge of nature, revealing the relationship between objects of nature, as well as determining the relationship between nature and man based on specific behaviors (In the woods).

2. Develop dialogical communication, the ability to listen, speak out proactively. Develop Creative skills children, ingenuity and ingenuity of children, their erudition.

3. To educate in children love and respect for nature.

"Cognitive Development"(development of curiosity and interests of children; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; the formation of primary ideas about the objects of the surrounding world, about the properties and relationships of objects, the planet Earth, as common house of people;

"Speech development" (proficiency in speech as a means of communication and culture);

Socially - communication development» (shaping behavior).

preliminary work:

1. Conversations about water and its role in human life. Conversations about the need for air for the breathing of living beings; Conducting experiments with water, experience in water purification (children passed polluted water through a simple filter (funnel with cotton, children’s appeal, how the water changed after cleaning (made independent conclusions, games with balloons; observation of the movement of air in nature - the wind, its strength, direction; reading works of art by S. Ya. Marshak, A. S. Pushkin, V. Bianchi, F. Tyutchev. Making gifts for guests (application "Chamomile", application "Fish").


Posters with drawings, envelopes, drawings with problematic situations, prohibition signs, food chain pictures.

Course progress.

I. Guys today, when I came to work, I saw a letter. And it is addressed to us, senior group. The letter is written in capital letters "Very important" And "Urgently!" Letter from Dr. Aibolit. "Urgently! Need help residents of the flower town. They got into trouble. Residents are constantly getting sick, weakening, unable to work and play! Something happened. Help me to understand! Your doctor Aibolit.

Will the guys help, find out the cause of the misfortune? (Yes)

How can we get to the flower town? It is far away, and we need unusual transport. What Dunno flew with his friends? (On the air balloon) Right! That's what we need. Let's do it now.

Physical education minute "Balloon"

Inflate the balloon, get ready for the road. (Everyone stands in a small circle, then imitating that they inflate air in it, the circle is expanded)

A magical country is waiting, we need to get there (walking in place)

We fly to our friends, we want to help (circle in place and squat down)

Well, here we are.

Children come up to a poster on which a large factory is drawn with pipes from which black smoke comes out, there are only stumps around the factory, sewage flows into the river.

Guys, something is wrong in this picture, Is this what a flower town looks like? (No, in the flower town there is beautiful nature and the sun, but here everything is dark and there is a huge black factory, and there is no forest) Right.

Questions for children: - What do you guys think, what happened in this town? (Inhabitants ruined nature, cut down the forest, polluted the water).

What happened to the river? (It got dirty, from the sewage from the factory)

Can fish live in such a river? (No, the water is too dirty)

And where did the forest disappear and where did the forest animals disappear? (The forest was cut down, And the animals had nowhere to live)

What would you do if you were in the place of these people? (Did not cut down the forest, did not pollute the water)

What will happen to these residents? (If they don't fix the situation, they will get sick)

Guys, let's help fix the situation!

II. The children come to the table.

Didactic game "Fix the Situations".

Tell me guys, what and how do we breathe? (air, nose, sometimes mouth)

Or maybe we don't breathe at all? (no, you can't, without it a person cannot live)

Can we breathe dirty air? (we can, but this is bad, we will get sick, we will feel bad)

What prevents the air from being clean? (Smoke from factory chimneys, exhaust fumes from cars)

Can a person now live without cars, plants and factories? (It will be hard for him without them)

What needs to be done so that nature does not suffer? (It is necessary to put filters on pipes, protect the forest)

1. We put filters.

We know that plants help purify the air, how do they help? (Give out oxygen).

It turns out that the more plants there are, the more oxygen there will be.

What can we do to make the air even cleaner? (To plant trees, bushes, flowers, etc.), but first you need to remove all the garbage.

2. We clean the river, remove garbage (garbage is crossed out, we glue grass, flowers).

Well done boys.

3. We plant trees (we glue trees, bushes, flowers on whatman paper, which depicts the Flower Town). (fixing the situation).

Finger gymnastics.

We will quietly enter the forest.

fingers walking on the table (knees)

What will we see in it?

one hand covers the eye, the other - the ear (change)

There the trees grow

The branches are directed towards the sun.

one hand "growing" through the hole formed by the fingers of the other hand (and vice versa)

Tiki-ti, tiki-ti,

hit twice with the edge of the palms on the knees, twice with fists

We want to find animals.

one hand is a rib, the other hand is a fist (and vice versa)

children take turns naming wild animals

4. Attach pictures with animals (to our poster with environmental issues) .

Guys, everything living around is interconnected. I suggest you lay out food chains:

Plants - caterpillar - birds

Plants - mouse - owl

Plants - hare - fox

Insects - hedgehogs

Mushrooms - squirrels - martens

Well done boys!

5. We hang prohibition and reminder signs for residents of the flower small town:

Guys, what should the inhabitants of the Flower Town do in order not to harm the plants? What reminding and prohibiting signs will tell them? I will show you the signs, and you explain what they mean.

Do not cut trees and bushes- trees purify the air, the fruits of the trees are food for animals

Do not make fires under trees - a fire may break out and all living things will die

Do not leave garbage, so as not to litter nature

Do not pick flowers, flowers adorn nature, bees and butterflies need them

Do not catch butterflies, they are beautiful, like flowers, weightless and vulnerable

Do not destroy the nests of birds - they delight us with their songs

Do not take home the cubs of animals - the forest is a home for them

Do not ruin anthills - they remove all carrion, sewage and carry everything underground. Therefore, the forest is always clean, fresh

(Children choose the appropriate signs: do not cut trees, do not break branches, do not damage the bark, do not uproot berry bushes, do not knock down poisonous mushrooms with your feet, do not burn fires, do not litter in the forest).

Guys, we fixed everything and helped the residents of the flower town.

1. Treatment facilities were installed at the plant.

2. Removed all the garbage.

3. Cleaned up the river.

4. Planted trees in the forest.

And it remains for us to launch fish into the river.

Children glue fish on whatman paper, where a river is drawn.

Well done boys.

(Two children recite a poem about nature)

N. Ryzhova

If you came to the forest for a walk,

Breathe fresh air

Run, jump and play

Just, mind you, don't forget

That you can't make noise in the forest,

Even sing very loudly.

Animals get scared

Run away from the forest edge.

Do not break oak branches

Never forget

Clean up trash from the grass.

In vain do not tear the flowers!

Do not shoot from a slingshot

You didn't come to kill!

Let the butterflies fly

Well, who are they bothering?

There is no need to catch everyone here,

Stomp, clap, beat with a stick.

You are just a guest in the forest

Here the owner is oak and elk.

Save their peace

After all, they are not our enemies!

Guys, did you like our trip?

And now we will inflate our magic balloon again, and we will go home. "Balloon"

Inflate the balloon, get ready for the road. We want to go back to our favorite kindergarten!

Here we are back!

Admiring the beauty of nature, a person becomes better, kinder. He wants to live and make his homeland even more beautiful. Nature teaches man wisdom, patience, work, justice, truthfulness, purity, modesty, kindness and strong friendship. Take care of everything that is on Earth! People should live in friendship with nature, not offend anyone, not harm anyone. For a person to become a friend of nature, he must be kind. And a smile helps to be kind. given to the gentle breeze, flowers, sun, each other, birds and butterflies.

And now the guys want to give gifts made by themselves (Paper application, Flowers) for our guests!

For your help, the inhabitants of the flower town have prepared a surprise for you. (treats for children).

Integration of educational areas: "Knowledge", "Music", Physical Culture”, Communication”, Socialization”, “Health”, “ Artistic creativity».

Target: generalize, clarify children's knowledge of the air; to consolidate elementary ideas about the sources of air pollution, about the importance of clean air for our health, about some rules of environmental safety.

- Develop thinking, memory, speech, interest in cognitive activity; the ability to express an opinion.
- Exercise in the correct setting of the foot, coordination of movements, marching walking skills, walking on toes.
- Arouse interest in the joint implementation of tasks, create a friendly attitude.
- To educate children about respect for the environment.

Equipment and materials: emblems / Balloons blue and Pink colour, according to the number of children, 4 glasses of water, 4 straws, 4 paper napkins, clod of earth, pebbles, easel, cards on the topics: “How a person uses air”, “Clean and dirty city”, cards with activities for cleaning indoor air, air properties; tape recorder, recording: wind noise, songs: words by V. Lebedev-Kumach, music by I. Dunaevsky "Merry Wind" and words by N. Olev, music by M. Dunaevsky "Colored Dreams", a can of water, balloon on a stick.

Preliminary work: conducting a series of classes about air, elementary experiments to get acquainted with the properties of air, showing presentations, walks-research, observations, excursions, an exhibition of drawings on the theme "Sign of environmental protection", memorizing poems, riddles and proverbs about the wind.

Lesson progress

A balloon appears (a blue balloon with a face painted on it). Children are on the carpet, standing.

“Hello guys, I’m an air balloon. I have come to you from a country called Air for help. The inhabitants of our country are concerned about the protection of the environment on our planet, on planet Earth. And most importantly - about the protection of air on our planet. The inhabitants of our country want to know what you know about our country, which is called Air. What can be done to keep the air clean? What do you know about the importance of clean air for our health? Is wind good or bad?

Record "wind noise": The balloon is blown away by the wind.

Educator: Children, the Air balloon was blown away, let's go in search of him, we need to help him and tell him about everything he asked us about. The road will be long and difficult. On the way, we face trials.

To the recording of the song “Merry Wind”, children approach an easel with diagrams of some properties of air (crossed out nose, mouth, colors, eyes).

I test:

Educator: Children, look at the diagrams. Explain the properties of air.

Children: Air is invisible, transparent, colorless, odorless, tasteless.

Educator: Well done, you've done your job. It's time for us to move on.

To the recording of the song "Merry Wind", children walk along the corrective path with "paws".

II test:
Educator: Children, you have badges-emblems of balloons in two colors attached. Divide into two teams depending on the color of the badge balloons and go to the tables with the equipment for experiments.

Educator: Children, you are faced with the following task: to try to detect air with the help of experiments.

Team 1 lowers the tubes into a glass of water and blows into it.
Team 2 lowers a pebble, a clod of earth, a sponge into a container with water.

Educator: Children, explain what you did and proved by the experiments done

Children of the first team: We took the tubes, lowered them into glasses of water and began to blow into the tubes. Bubbles formed on the surface of the water. This proves that there is air in the water.

Children of the second team: We took a clod of earth, a pebble, a sponge and lowered it all into the water. We noticed that air bubbles appeared in the water. This proves that there is air in the earth, pebbles, and sponges.

Educator: Children, do we have air? (the teacher distributes cut strips of paper). Blow on the leaves. What happens to the leaves? Why are the leaves tilted?

Children: When we exhale, air (carbon dioxide) comes out of the lungs. The air moves the leaf, so the leaf tilts. This proves that we also have air in us.

Educator: Children, what is the wind?

Children: Wind is the movement of air.

Show how you can feel the movement of air.

Physical education:

The wind blows in our faces
(arms bent at the elbows, fan the face with palms)
The tree swayed
(straight arms raised above the head, swing your arms alternately to the right and left).
The wind is quieter, quieter
(slow down swing)
The tree is getting lower and lower
(squat, gradually lowering hands)

Educator: Well done children, but more difficult tests lie ahead of us.

To the recording of the song "Merry Wind", the children go through the jump ropes, which lead them to the next test.

III test:

Educator: Children, there are pictures on the tables in front of you (airplane; parachute; windmill; a fallen tree on a car; a hurricane that hit buildings; people on a hang glider; waves hitting ships in the bay; sailboat; a person blowing on a dandelion; insects and animals; houseplants). Take one picture in your hands, look carefully. Answer the question: is the wind for a person good or bad?

Children: A fair wind is good for a person if he is on an airplane, parachute, sailboat, hang glider, ship. The wind is good for the reproduction of plants, for the breathing of living beings; people use the properties of the wind to operate the mill. The wind can be bad if it's destructive like a hurricane, it breaks trees, buildings and cars.

Educator: Well done children. You have completed this task as well. Let's go further.

To the recording of the song "Merry Wind", children walk on their toes along the rings located at the blackboard.

IV test:
Children, there are two pictures on the board, depicting a smoky city and a green city. What city would you like to live in and why?

Children: We would like to live in a green city because we need to breathe clean air, drink clean water and not pollute environment air that comes out of the pipes of industrial plants.

To the recording of the song "Merry Wind", children walk along the rings located at the board, on their toes in the opposite direction.

V test:
Children, there are pictures on the tables in front of you (Pictures depicting the ocean, rivers, forests, mountains, cigarettes, highways with cars from exhaust pipes, which brings down the smoke; garbage dump; aerosol spray bottle).

Look at them carefully, one team answers the question: Where is clean air? The second team answers the question: What pollutes the air around us?

Children of the first team: Clean air is located near the ocean, rivers, forests, mountains.

Children of the second team: Dirty air is located next to the highway, garbage dump, near the spray can.

Educator: You have completed this task as well. It's time for us to return to the group, maybe the Vozdusharik is waiting for you there.

To the recording of the song "Merry Wind", the children walk in the opposite direction along the jump ropes, the corrective path, and approach the easel.

Educator: There is no air balloon here either, but all because we have not yet answered the question “What do we need to do to clean the air in our group?”

Children: In order for the air in our group to be clean, we should ventilate the room, grow indoor plants, and clean the group (only after the children's answers, pictures are hung on an easel with an image of the equipment used to clean the room, open window, indoor plant).

Under the recording of the song "Colored Dreams", the Air balloon appears.

Educator: Everyone needs air, without it there is no life.

Educator: Children, you know so much about the air, but the children who are younger than you do not yet know this, so let's help them: we will invent and draw signs that will help the kids learn to take care of their health and the environment.

The air balloon gives a gift - bubble, for the good knowledge of children.

Used Books:
1. Nikolaeva S.N. "Young ecologist. The system of work in the senior group of kindergarten. To work with children 5-6 years old, Mozaika-Synthesis, 2010.
2. Volchkova V.N., Stepanova N.V. “Summaries of classes in the senior group of kindergarten. Ecology. Practical guide for educators and methodologists of the preschool educational institution, shopping center "Teacher" Pedagogy of the new time, 2006.
3. Solomennikova O.A. "Environmental education in kindergarten" Mosaic-Synthesis, 2009
4. “Summaries of classes on the formation of natural science ideas in preschoolers in different age groups", Detstvo-Press Library magazine " Preschool Pedagogy» 2009

Program content:

To create a holistic view of water as a natural phenomenon, its significance in nature and in human life;

Teach children to answer questions correctly;

Expand knowledge about animals living in the water;

Develop coherent, dialogic speech, choosing definitions, verbs, the grammatical structure of speech, correctly coordinating nouns and adjectives;

Enrich lexicon words: laboratory, filter, develop imagination, fantasy.


- “Magic wand”, pointer;

Educational picture on the topic “Who needs water” (Picture 1)

Didactic game "Amazing Circle" with a set of pictures (Picture 2)

Experimentation Corner (Figure 3)

- “mood screen” (Figure 4)

Tape recorder, audio recording “Sounds of water” (Annex 1)

TV, video “Turning dirty water to children” (Appendix 2),

“Appeal pure water to the children” (Annex 3)

Glasses with dirty and clean water(20 pieces), gauze, cotton wool, napkins;

Preliminary work:

Conversation on the topic “Water in nature and human life”;

Examination of illustrations, observations in nature;

Reading works of fiction: N. Ryzhova “ magic water”, A. Vvedensky “Song about the rain”, N. Zabolotsky “On the river”, K. Chukovsky “Fedorino mountain”, “Moydodyr”;

The composition of the fairy tale "Funny droplets";

Learning nursery rhymes, guessing riddles;

Didactic games “Magic Umbrella”, “Seasons”, “Collect a Picture”, etc.;

Experimenting with water.

Lesson progress

Educator (V.) - Guys, today we will go to the wonderful world of knowledge. We learn a lot of new and interesting things. We will do this with our Znayka, who has prepared tasks for us, they are in this wonderful chest. Znayka has a magical laboratory where miracles happen with water, sand, and air. Miracles are not easy, miracles are done by wizards. Do you want to become wizards? Get in a circle. I will take the “magic wand”, I will say the words, and you will do what I say.

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,

Turn around yourself
Turn into wizards.

(Children perform)

The teacher touches each child with a stick.

Our game is over - the turner. Now you are wizards!

B. Puts a medal with the image of a wizard around the neck of each child.

V .: Sit down on the rug, it's time to complete the first task of Znayka. The teacher takes out an envelope from the chest and reads the letter:

“Dear guys, I ask you to listen to this cassette and determine what sounds you heard.”

V. turns on the audio recording “Sounds of water”. Children listen and decide.

V: Well done! Today we will talk about water, who needs it and why. Listen to the poem "Magic Water":

Have you heard of water?
They say it's everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And at the faucet.
Boiling on the stove
The steam of the kettle hisses,
Dissolves sugar in tea
We don't notice it.
We can't wash without her
Don't eat or drink
I dare to tell you
We can't live without her!

You agree that we simply cannot do without water. And Znayka prepared an interesting task for us.

The teacher takes out an envelope from the chest, reads the task:

“Dear guys, you coped with the first task, correctly guessed that there were sounds of water on the audio cassette. And now you must tell who needs water and why it is impossible to live without it.”

IN. leads the children to the visual aid “Who needs water”. Children take turns talking about the need for water for a person, birds, animals, insects ...

IN. asks leading questions.

Q: It's time for the third task. Let's see what our Znayka has prepared for us this time.

IN. takes out an envelope, reads:

“- Guys, you correctly told who needs water. And now I offer you the game "Amazing Circle". Arrange the pictures so that it becomes clear who lives in the water.” (Children come to the table, sit down, choose desired pictures and fasten)

Brief conversation: fish, starfish, seahorse, cancer, dolphin live in the water.)

V .: Well done, you did a good job with this task of Znayka. And now I suggest you take a break. We all go to the gym.

Physical education:

How nice it is to swim in the river! (swimming movements)

Bank on the left, bank on the right (turns left and right)

River with a ribbon in front (sipping - hands forward)

Above the bridge - look. (Sipping - arms up)

To swim faster
We need to row faster.
We work with our hands
Who will follow us? (swimming movements)

And now it's time, brothers,
All of us to return to Znaika. (Walking in place)

IN.: Now let's see if there are still tasks from Znayka in the chest. (Pulls out envelope, reads):

“Dear guys, I bring to your attention a video letter. Look at the TV screen." (The plot is on the screen: the water asks the children for help - to make it clean again).

Q: Now is the time to do miracles. You need to purify the water. From dirty to clean. If we do this, we will prove that we are real wizards. I want to remind you that people do not always behave correctly in nature - they pollute the water in rivers, lakes, thereby harming not only nature, but also their health.

The teacher leads the children to the laboratory. They sit at tables where there are glasses of dirty water, cotton wool, gauze, an empty glass for each child.

Q: How can water be purified?

(children's answers)

B: I will help you. Water can be purified through a filter. (Children repeat the word filter) We have water and gauze. Together with children, he cleans through a filter (cotton, gauze). (During the experiment, the melody of water sounds)

Q: Show us your cups, let's see if the water is clear?

Clean water received. All the water in the world cannot be purified as we have done now, so it is necessary to behave in such a way as not to pollute it. I hope that when you grow up, you will behave properly in nature and teach this to others.

Hold hands, hug each other, smile at each other. You proved that real wizards completed all the tasks of Znayka. Now it's time for us to be boys again. V. takes a magic wand and says:

Chiki - chiki - chikalochka,
Help me magic wand
Turn around yourself
Become boys again.

Outcome: Q. – What did you do today?

What did you like?

Children reflect their impressions on the “mood screen”. The teacher gives an assessment, marking each child.

B: Goodbye, see you soon!