Famp lesson in the senior group. Outline of a lesson in mathematics (senior group) on the topic: Summary of a lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group “Journey to the land of fairy tales

Lesson #1

Program content

To acquaint with the quantitative composition of the numbers 3 and 4 from units.

Get to know the number 9.

Continue to learn to navigate on a sheet of paper, identify and name the sides and corners of the sheet.

To consolidate the ability to consistently name the days of the week, determine which day of the week is today, which was yesterday, which will be tomorrow.

Demo Material. Crockery items (10 items), a card with the image of geometric shapes different color(the figures are located in the middle and at the corners of the card), cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

Handout. Colored pencil sets, sheets of paper, number cards with 1 to 7 circles, cards with numbers 1 to 9.


I part.

The teacher asks the children to make the number 3 with the help of different items utensils. After completing the task, he asks: “How many items of dishes are there in total? How many utensils did you take? How did you make the number three? How many utensils of each type?

The teacher adds another piece of utensils and asks: “How many utensils have become now? How many utensils? What number are we now? How did we make the number four?"

II part. Working with handouts.

The teacher invites the children to make the number 4 using pencils of different colors. (The questions are similar to the previous ones.)

III part. game exercise"Let's help Fedora pack the dishes."

The teacher reads the quatrain and asks the children to determine from which work these lines are (K. Chukovsky “Fedorino Woe”),

And behind them along the fence

Grandma Fedor is jumping:

"Oh oh oh! Oh oh oh!

Come back home!”

The children remember what happened to Fedora and why the dishes ran away from her.

The teacher invites the children to collect Fedorin's dishes and shows the number 8. He clarifies the name of the number and finds out how many items of dishes need to be collected. The called child completes the task on the board.

The teacher asks the children: “What items of utensils have you collected? How many items did you collect? What number marked eight items of utensils?

Children find the number 8 and put it in front of them.

The teacher adds 1 more item of dishes and offers to count how many there are in total. He finds out what number can be used to represent the number 9. Then he shows the number 9.

The teacher invites the children to find a card with the number 9, circle it and determine what the number looks like.

The called child builds a number line from 1 to 9. The teacher, together with the children, calls the numbers in order.

The teacher once again draws the attention of the children to the number 9 and suggests thinking about what number it looks like. Children find the number 6, put it next to the number 9 and determine how the numbers are similar and how they differ.

The teacher clarifies: “How many items of dishes did you help Fedora collect?” and reads an excerpt:

I won't, I won't

I offend dishes.

I will, I will do the dishes

And love and respect!

IV part. Didactic game "Remember and repeat".

The teacher shows the children a card with the image of geometric shapes, clarifies their location and color. Then he offers to remember how the figures are located, and asks to repeat them in the same order. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

V part. Game exercise "Name the day of the week."

The teacher, together with the children, recalls the names of the days of the week, their sequence, determines which day of the week is today, which was yesterday, which will be tomorrow.

Part VI. Game "Live week".

Children have cards with circles (from 1 to 7). On the instructions of the leader, the children perform various movements to the music. At the end of it, they line up in a row in accordance with the number of circles on the card, indicating the days of the week. Checking the task is carried out by roll call.

Lesson #2

Program content

Introduce the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.

Continue to introduce numbers from 1 to 9.

Improve your understanding of triangles and quadrilaterals.

To develop the ability to indicate in speech the position of one object in relation to another and its location relative to another person (in front, behind, left, right).

Didactic visual material

Demo material. A fan of 10 petals of different colors, a picture of a bird made using triangles and quadrangles, cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

Handout. Sets of pictures depicting birds (6-7 pieces, 4 of which are pictures of wintering birds); squares divided into triangles and quadrangles, sets of triangles and quadrangles, cards with numbers from 1 to 9.


I part. Game exercise "We collect the fan."

The teacher invites the children to make a series of numbers from 1 to 9. The children call the numbers in order and show them.

The teacher asks the children to collect a fan of 9 multi-colored petals on the board. Children check the correctness of the task and designate each petal with the corresponding number.

II part. Game exercise "Playing with a fan."

The teacher invites the child to use the petals of a fan of different colors to make the number 4. After completing the task, he asks: “How many petals are there? How many petals of what color did we take? How did we make the number four?"

The teacher adds 1 more petal of a different color to 4 petals, asks similar questions and shows the composition of the number 5 from units.

III part. Game exercise "Let's make a number."

The teacher gives the children a task: “Select four or five pictures depicting wintering birds. How many pictures did you choose? How many wintering birds did you find? What number did you make? How did you make the number four?

The teacher invites the children to find the numbers 4 (5).

Physical education minute "Flies, does not fly."

The teacher names the objects. If the object can fly, the children wave their hands; if they cannot, they do not raise their hands.

IV part. Didactic game "Tangram".

The teacher gives the children a riddle:

Dreaming of a spider at night

Miracle Yudo on a bitch.

Long beak and two wings...

Arrives - things are bad.

And who is the spider afraid of?

Guessed? This is ... (bird).

Together with the teacher, the children look at a picture of a bird made up of triangles and quadrangles.

Then the children look at the square, divided into triangles and quadrangles. Determine the figures into which it is divided. Then the set of geometric shapes is divided into two groups: triangles and quadrilaterals.

On the instructions of the teacher, the children lay out the image of a bird from triangles and quadrangles.

V part. Game exercise "What is where."

The teacher asks the children questions: “In front of whom are you sitting? Who are you sitting on the left? What's on the left of the closet? What is to my right?" etc.

Lesson #3

Program content

To consolidate ideas about the quantitative composition of the number 5 from units.

Introduce counting forward and backward within 5.

To form the idea that an object can be divided into two equal parts, to learn to name the parts, to compare the whole and the part.

To improve the ability to compare 9 objects in width and height, arrange them in decreasing and increasing sequence, designate the results of the comparison with the appropriate words.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Doll, apple, ball, 9 cylinders of different heights and 1 cylinder equal to the highest cylinder, 5 bows of different colors, cards with numbers from 1 to 9.

Handout. Circles of different colors (7-8 pieces for each child), stripes of different colors and widths (9 pieces for each child), strips for determining the width of the strips (by the number of children), cards with numbers from 1 to 9.


I part. Game exercise "Let's treat the guest."

The teacher says: “A friend came to visit the doll. The doll wants to give her an apple, but there is only one apple. How to help the doll to do this?

The teacher discusses with the children how to divide the apple into parts. Then he cuts the apple in half and asks: “Into how many equal parts did we cut the apple? How can you name each part of an apple? (Half.) How many halves did it turn out? What is another name for one half? (A half.)

The teacher shows two parts of an apple and explains: “This is one part and this is one part (shows each part). There are two of them, so one part can be called one second. What is larger: the whole or one part (one second)? Which is smaller: one part (one half) or the whole? How many parts does the whole consist of?

II part. Game exercise "Let's make a number."

The teacher invites the children to “compose” the number 5 using circles of different colors. After completing the task, he asks: “How many circles did you count? How many circles of what color did you take? What number did you make? How did you make the number five?

III part. Didactic game "I know 5 names ..."

Children stand in a circle. The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Name three (four, five) names of a girl (boy) and hit the ball on the floor once for each name. The one who rolled the ball is out of the game.

IV part. Game exercise "Hide and seek".

The teacher shows the children a card with the number 5 and invites the children to count as many bows of different colors as the number shows. Children count bows.

The teacher says: “Masha, Dasha, Katya, Sasha and Natasha had different bows: red, yellow, blue, green and white. They were playing hide and seek."

The teacher hides 1 bow from right to left (closes with his hand). Children each time recount how many bows are left, and show the corresponding figure.

Children lay out numbers from 1 to 5 on their tables and call them in forward and reverse order.

V part. Game exercise "Lay the strips in order."

The teacher asks the children to arrange 9 strips of different widths and different colors in descending order, starting with the widest and ending with the narrowest (from left to right). After completing the task, he clarifies the rules for unfolding.

The teacher draws the attention of the children to the fact that each subsequent strip decreases by the same amount. Offers to check this with a strip of paper (conditional measure).

VI part. Game exercise "Let's put the columns in a row."

Columns (cylinders) of different heights are randomly placed on the carpet.

The teacher offers to arrange the columns in a row, starting with the lowest and ending with the highest. Previously, the teacher clarifies the rules for laying out objects.

The children take turns doing the task. Each child, choosing the next column, pronounces his actions: “I choose the lowest column from the remaining columns, compare it with other columns and put it next to me.”

One child gets a cylinder of the same height as the previous one. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the cylinders are the same height, and offers to remove one of them.

Then the children talk about the height of each column in the row.

Lesson number 4

Program content

Improve counting skills within 10 and practice counting according to the model.

Introduce forward and backward counting within 10.

Continue to form the idea that an object can be divided into two equal parts, learn to name the parts and compare the whole and the part.

To improve the ability to see in the surrounding objects the shape of familiar geometric shapes (flat).

Learn to compare two objects in length using a third object (conditional measure) equal to one of the compared objects.

Didactic visual material

Demo material. Doll, ribbons, cardboard strip, equal in length to one of the ribbons, 4-5 cards with the image of 6 to 10 circles, the outline of the dress, 10 button circles of the same color.

Handout. Rectangular napkins, scissors, cards divided into 9 squares (a geometric figure is depicted in the central square: a circle, a square, a triangle or a rectangle; 4 cards for each child), a tray with a set of cards depicting objects of round, square, triangular and rectangular shapes , cards with the image of 6 to 10 circles, 15 circles - buttons of the same color.


I part. Game exercise "Let's help dolls pick up buttons for a new dress."

The teacher shows the children the dress of the doll and offers to pick up 10 buttons of the same color. The called child, and the rest of the children in the field, count 10 button circles of the same color.

The teacher asks: “How many buttons were counted in total?” Then he offers to “sew” the buttons to the dress, removing one button from right to left and counting how many are left. Children complete the task together with the teacher.

II part. Game exercise "Let's tie bows to the doll."

The teacher shows the children a doll with one pigtail, offers to make her two pigtails and tie bows. The teacher explains that there is already one ribbon and she needs to pick up a pair of the same length.

"What needs to be done to cut the ribbon of the same length?" the teacher asks.

The children make their suggestions. The teacher leads them to the need to use a conditional measure. Children, together with the teacher, consider adequate conditional measures and choose a cardboard strip. Then, the equality of the lengths of the cardboard strip and the ribbon is checked by direct comparison.

Using a cardboard strip, the teacher, together with the children, measures and cuts the ribbon desired length, compares it with the first ribbon and ties bows to the doll.

III part. Game exercise "Napkins for dolls".

The teacher draws attention to a rectangular napkin and offers to give the doll and her friend a napkin of the same size.

“What needs to be done to make two napkins from one napkin?” the teacher asks. Children discuss how to divide a rectangular napkin: you need to fold it in half so that the short sides match. Children cut the napkin in half along the fold line and check the equality of the received napkins.

The teacher clarifies: “How many parts did it turn out? What is the name of each part? (Half, one half.) Which is larger: the whole or the part? Which is smaller: the part or the whole?

Children give napkins to dolls.

IV part. Didactic game "Geometric Lotto".

Children are divided into four subgroups. Each subgroup has a map divided into 9 squares. The central square depicts a geometric figure (circle, square, triangle, rectangle). Cards with the image of objects of the corresponding form lie on a common tray.

The teacher invites the children to close the empty squares with cards that depict objects of one form or another. The team that completes the task faster wins. In the process of checking, children name objects and their shape.

The game is repeated 2-3 times with the change of cards.

V part. Mobile game "Cars and garages".

Cards with the image of 6 to 10 circles are laid out on the carpet. These are garages. Children have the same cards indicating car numbers.

The teacher explains the rules of the game: “Each garage has its own number, indicated by a certain number of circles. Your cars have the same numbers. At my signal, put your cars in the garages with the appropriate numbers and explain your choice.

The game is repeated 3-4 times. Each time the children change cards.

The game can be played with musical accompaniment.

Abstract of the final lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations in the senior group "Hare and Mishutka"

Program content:

To fix with children a quantitative and ordinal account within 10;
Consolidate knowledge of geometric shapes;
Exercise in equalizing two numbers in two ways;
Exercise in dividing the square into 4 parts in a straight line and diagonally;
Exercise in orientation on a sheet of paper;
Consolidate knowledge of the parts of the day;
Consolidate knowledge of the days of the week;
Exercise children in naming "neighbors" of the number;
Exercise in orientation on a limited plane;
Exercise in accordance with the numbers of the number of objects.
Develop logical thinking, interest in mathematics.
Cultivate mutual assistance, mutual control.


Pencil case with numbers; cards with 2 free stripes; a set of geometric shapes; counting material; paper square; paper; cards with numbers, sets of toys and objects; toys: Hare and Bear.

Lesson progress:

Guys, today our friend Hare came to visit us, to whom we went for a birthday. Remember? And he came with his friend Mishutka. It turns out that there was a dispute between them. The hare persuades him to go to the forest school with him, and Mishutka claims that the school is uninteresting, boring, he will get tired. So the Hare decided to show him how we easily cope with various tasks in our garden, how interesting it is for us. Shall we show? /Yes/.


And now, guys, come to the tables and be careful. The one who will complete my task will sit down:

Name the days of the week - 1st child;
Name the parts of the day - 2nd child;
Name the next number for 5, 7, 9 - 3rd, 4th, 5th child;
Name the neighbors of the numbers "6", "4", "3" - the 6th, 7th, 8th child;
Count from 1 to 10;
Count from 10 to 1.

Well done, everyone did a great job.


And now, please, take a card with 2 free stripes and complete the task: put 4 Christmas trees on the top strip, and 1 less fungus on the bottom strip, substitute the corresponding numbers from the pencil case to them. And now equalize the Christmas trees and mushrooms so that they become equal. /2 answers: remove 1 Christmas tree and add one fungus/.

Well, you did a good job.

Educator: Now take a piece of paper and listen carefully to the task:

Put in the upper left corner - 4 squares;
In the upper right corner - 7 ovals;
In the lower left corner - 6 circles;
In the lower right corner - 8 triangles;
In the middle - 1 trapezoid.

And now check each other's completed task and tell me how it was necessary to put the figures.


Guys, on the edge of the table you have a card with a number. Take it, stand up, walk around the group and find toys or objects that match your number.

Well done guys, you found everything, now come close standing child and check if the selection is correct.

Leave the card next to the items and please come to the "clearing" to rest.

Fizminutka "One, two, three, four, five!"

One two three four five!
We all know how to count
We can also rest.
Let's put our hands behind our backs.
Let's raise our heads higher
And let's breathe easy...
One, two! - higher head
Three, four - hands wider.
Five, six - sit down quietly.
One - rise, pull up,
Two - bend, unbend
Three - in the hands of three claps,
Three head nods.
Four - arms wider
Five - wave your hands,
Six - sit quietly at the table.


Guys, while we were resting, Mishutka gave us another task and thinks that we will not be able to complete it. Take a paper square and think about how it can be divided into several parts, what geometric shapes can you get? Who guessed, can perform the task.

Vadim, what did you do? / “Bent the square in half in a straight line and in half again, it turned out 4 squares” /.

And you, George, what and how much did you get?
/"I divided the square 2 times diagonally, and I got 4 triangles"/.


Look, Mishutka, how quick-witted and smart our children are, how they tried to quickly complete the task, and were not at all tired. Really guys?


Now I have seen for myself how interesting and exciting it is to complete tasks. I will definitely go to the forest school on September 1 with the Hare. Thanks guys.


Guys, I was sure that you would not let me down, and I turned out to be right in our dispute with Mishutka. For this I brought you a treat.

About everything in the world:

In 1930, the film "The Rogue Song" about the kidnapping of a girl in the Caucasus mountains was released in the US. Actors Stan Laurel, Lawrence Tibbett and Oliver Hardy played local crooks in this film. Surprisingly, these actors are very similar to the characters...

Section materials

Classes for the younger group:

Classes for the middle group.

Organisation: MISAO

Settlement: Moscow region, o. Korolev

Purpose: consolidation of knowledge, skills and abilities in children obtained on knowledge of FEMP

Tasks: develop mental operations, attention, compare geometric objects

Educational: to cultivate restraint, perseverance, goodwill, feelings of mutual assistance, a desire to help.

Developing: to develop social skills, the ability to work in a group, in pairs; find a solution and draw conclusions, develop mental operations.

Educational: to promote the accumulation of skills to count to 10 and vice versa, the ability to correlate the number of objects with a number; knowledge of geometric shapes; the names of the days of the week and their sequence.

Types of children's activities: playful, productive, musical and artistic.

Forms of organization: frontal, individual, group.

Implementation form:

use of manuals, musical accompaniment, demonstration of illustrative manuals;

search and problematic questions to children, encouragement, explanation, summing up the conclusion;

creating game motivation, surprise moment, games, vigorous activity children, comparison, comparison.

Equipment: flying carpet, fairytale music, geometric figures, geometric figures with numbers.


Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Please stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other

Guys, I'm very glad to see you. Hold hands, give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, give them a smile.

Creation of game motivation.

- Guys, a letter from a sorceress came to our group.

Today, Queen Mathematics invites us to her magical state.

The Queen of Mathematics wants to see if you're ready to move into preparatory group. She issued a decree: prepare for you interesting tasks and test your knowledge. If you are brave, resolute, self-confident, then I am waiting for you on Thursday

Then we'll hit the road.

Oh guys, the lock on the kingdom gate is closed.

To open it, we need to unravel one secret - to guess which of the figures is superfluous.

Guys, what geometric shapes do you see on the castle? Are there similar figures here? Compare them and tell me how they are similar, what do they have in common?

(comparison in shape, color, size)

How are the figures different? What figure do you think is missing? (circle has no corners)

Well done, the castle is open, we can go to the mathematical kingdom.

Guys, what day of the week is it today? (Thursday) So it's time for us to hit the road.

“But first, how many days are there in a week?” (7)

- Guys, name the days of the week in order. (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday.)

- what a day weeks go by after Tuesday? Thursday? Saturdays? (Wednesday, Friday, Sunday.)

What day of the week comes before Tuesday? environment? Sunday? (Monday, Tuesday, Saturday.)

What day of the week is between Wednesday and Friday? Saturday and Monday? (Thursday, Sunday.)

Preparing for a trip to fairyland- choice of magical transport.

- Well done! And on what we will go to the mathematical kingdom (Bus, train.) Guys, remember, if we go to a fairy-tale country, then our transport must also be fabulous and unusual. Do you want to fly on a magic carpet? (Yes.)

Correlation of numbers.

“Then get your tickets. Now we take places on the magic carpet in accordance with the geometric figure on the ground in our transport.

Main part: the astrologer meets us outside the gate

Decree 1 "Geometric figures"

Riddles about geometric shapes:

  1. I am a geometric figure. I have 4 sides and 4 corners. Who am I? (how can a rectangle and a square be called in one word? quadrangles)
  2. I'm not a rectangle or a square, can I be rolled?
  3. 3 vertices, 3 corners, 3 sides, here I am!

Game "wonderful bag"

Tangram game (in subgroups of 4 people)

Decree 2 "Repair of the bridge"

- Guys, look, we have a river in front of us, and the bridge has been dismantled. Let's repair it. It is necessary to build a pattern of geometric shapes.

Questions to the children: what figure is in the account ...?

Between the 3rd and 5th figure, which figure is in the account, etc.

Decree 3 "Entertaining tasks."

Here we are waiting for a note with tasks. We need to solve them.

1. Grandmother has a granddaughter Masha, cat Fluff, dog Druzhok. How many grandchildren does grandmother have

Children: One.

2. Birds flew over the river: dove, pike and titmouse. How many birds flew in total7

Children: Two.

3. The rooster laid one egg. Who gets it 7

Children: none, because roosters don't lay eggs.

4. There were 4 apples on the table. One apple fell. How many apples are left on the table

Children: Three apples.

5. A duck has two legs. How many paws does a duck have?

Children: Also two paws.

6. How much water can be applied with a sieve?

Children: Not at all, because the sieve is full of holes.

They gave the brothers a warm home,

To live together.

The big brother did not agree

And settled separately. (Mitten)

1. What numbers are found in this riddle? (5, 1)

2. How many fingers in a mitten live separately from the big one (1)

3. How many mittens do you take with you for a walk? (2)

Who, moving his mustache,

Commanded us?

You can eat! It's time to walk!

Wash up and go to bed! (Watch)

1. Why do we need a watch? (to know the time)

2. How many numbers are drawn on the clock? (12)

3. Can the watch show the day of the week? (No)

Educator: Well done, guys, coped with the tasks

Now guys, let's get some rest.

Get up from the tables and come to me.

We are waiting for physical education!!!

On Monday I went swimming (depicting swimming)

And on Tuesday I drew (picture any drawing)

On Wednesday, I washed for a long time (“wash themselves”)

And on Thursday I played football (running in place)

On Friday I was jumping, running (jumping in place)

I danced for a very long time (circling in place)

And on Saturday, Sunday (clapping hands)

I rested the whole day (children squat down, hands under their cheeks and fall asleep)

We are waiting for physical education!!!

Get up quickly, smile

Higher, higher stretch

Come on, straighten your shoulders

Raise, lower

Left, turn right

Touch the floor with the handles

Sit, get up, sit down, get up

And they jumped in place.

Decree 4 "True or False".

We must correct the mistakes If you hear something that you think is right, clap your hands, if you hear something that is not right, shake your head

The sun rises in the morning;

Need to exercise in the morning

Can't wash in the morning

The moon shines bright during the day


People dine at night


7 days in a week

Monday followed by Wednesday

Sunday comes after Saturday

Thursday comes before Friday

Only 5 seasons

Spring comes after summer

Decree 5 "let's pick up glasses for the astrologer" (search for the ninth)

We helped the astrologer, and he prepared another task for us “Change the quantity”.

Educator. Guys, you will need to increase and decrease the numbers. The winner is the one who did not miss a single measurement and by the end of the game came with correct result- the number of toys.

1. Count 6 items. Task: increase this number by 1, increase it again by 1; increase the quantity again by 1; decrease the number by 1. Indicate the result with a number. What is the result (8)

2. Count 5 items. Task: increase this number by 1, increase this number by 2, decrease the number by 1. Indicate the result with a number. What result? (7)

3. Count 7 items. Task: increase this number by 1, increase it again by 1, decrease the amount by 1, decrease by 1 again, decrease by 2. Indicate the result with a number. What is the result (5)

4. Count 4 items. Task: increase this number by 1, increase it again by 1, decrease the amount by 1, decrease by 2. Indicate the result with a number. What is the result (3)

Decree 6 Task in the form of a presentation "orientation in space"

Guys, let's give the queen and her assistant a gift. You have multi-colored circles on the tables - divide your circle into 2 equal parts. How to fold so that the parts are the same? (align edges) How can you name each of the parts? ½ Now fold it in half again? What is the name of the resulting part of the circle? ¼.

And now we will make a beautiful colorful carpet from the received parts. This will be our gift.

Astrologer: Guys, well done, the tasks were very difficult, you coped with them and everyone deserves to go to the preparatory group. Congratulations! It's time for me to check with other children how they prepared for next year.


Guys, did you like our test trip? (who liked it, take a flag with a smile) what did you like the most?

What was especially easy for you, what did you find difficult?

Today all the children worked well, but they were especially active...

And the Queen of Mathematics, in gratitude to you for your help, left this chest. Shall we look into it? Look, these are sweet treats!

IN senior group kindergarten is attended by children 5-6 years old, who at this time are actively developing logical thinking, imagination, curiosity. For successful learning at school in the pre-school educational institution, so-called pre-mathematical classes are provided - mastering the simplest mathematics. Classes are aimed at development cognitive activity children and the systematic preparation of preschool children for school, which are implemented through.

Mathematics in kindergarten is designed to improve intellectual ability and form:

  • develop creative thinking, ingenuity and ingenuity;
  • to teach the logic of actions, reasoning and thoughts;
  • encourage flexible thinking.

FEMP in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The number of lessons on the study of a particular topic in FEMP depends on the success of the children in mastering the material. Summer classes for simple math are not held, but knowledge is consolidated in everyday activities: on walks, during outdoor or board games, in creative activities.

Program tasks that are solved during the implementation of the FEMP

In addition to the educational tasks of mastering elementary mathematics in the classroom, work is being carried out to educate personal qualities development of thinking and speech.

Educators often make serious mistakes in the implementation of FEMP, including the inaccuracy of asking questions, the violation of the sequence of presentation of the material, its monotony or the unattractiveness of the visual information chosen to demonstrate the topic. To avoid mistakes, teachers should carefully plan the sequence and essence of the selected material, monitor the diversity and correspondence of information to the level of development of children.

The teacher in the FEMP classes should help create an entertaining atmosphere that stimulates the creative and playful activity of children, their imagination and ingenuity. The use of integrated classes is encouraged - a combination learning activities with creative, motor, game, artistic and communicative. The study of numbers and figures is combined with drawing, the development of counting with outdoor games or reading poetry. If an integrated lesson is built on the principle exciting game with a developing plot, preschoolers will have a happy ending and a situation of success.

To determine the effectiveness of the work on FEMP, teachers, the head of the preschool educational institution, a psychologist or a methodologist analyze classes to obtain elementary mathematical knowledge. The tasks set and the methods of work chosen for their implementation, the types of activities in the lesson, the differentiation of tasks, the use of individual approach and methods of integration with other areas of activity.

Methods for mastering elementary mathematics in preschool education



Practical The main working method that uses didactic games and exercises game tasks all levels, so that pupils not only listen to the information and perceive it, but also take an active part in their resolution. The effectiveness of mastering the material on FEMP depends on the implementation of practical tasks.

Included in the main category because play activity for preschoolers - a key way of knowing the world and the main activity. IN game form children learn elementary mathematics faster and better. Didactic games in the context of FEMP are divided into:

  • travel games - reveal the ordinary through the unusual;
  • puzzle games - require deciphering concepts;
  • suggestion games - develop imagination and logical thinking;
  • games-conversations - are built on the dialogue of children with the teacher.

Game complexes allow to develop attention, stimulate cognition, and after situations of success, children are more friendly to their comrades, they feel a desire to learn. They help the children of the senior group of the kindergarten to gradually enter the world of science, introduce them to numbers, and broaden their horizons.

Verbal Relies on dialogue with children and is not the key. The teacher asks the children direct (How? How much?) or search questions (Why? Why did you decide that? What can be done?).

For the formation of elementary mathematical representations various means are used:

  • equipment for independent work and children's games;
  • educational and cognitive literature on pre-mathematical preparation;
  • sets of visual demonstration and didactic material;
  • collections of exercises and didactic games for the development of space-time representations;
  • teaching aids for teachers with exemplary notes of classes.

The above tools perform a number of functions:

  • present mathematical concepts in an accessible form for preschoolers, helping them to master the methods of action necessary to obtain elementary mathematical knowledge;
  • implement the principle of visibility, intensify the educational process, rationalize it;
  • expand the capabilities of teachers, allowing them to more effectively organize educational and cognitive activities and solve developmental and educational problems;
  • help children gain experience in perceiving relationships and properties, expand and enrich knowledge.

The structure of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group

Form of traditional school lesson lost its effectiveness in mastering the simplest mathematical knowledge and skills, giving way to observation, didactic games, practical activities in all its forms. The structure of the lesson is dictated by its program content and depends on the age of the children and the tasks set. FEMP classes according to the methodology Pomoraeva in the senior group involves the use of several activities and three to five stages in the course of the implementation of the main program objective. The parts of the lesson are equivalent and closely interconnected with each other.

Following a strict structure of classes allows you to:

  • combine and implement various program tasks;
  • to activate not only individual children, but also frontally the whole group;
  • use a set of didactic tools and methods;
  • to master and consolidate new knowledge, to repeat the past.

Approximate structure of FEMP in the senior group

First and second stages New material is studied at the beginning of the lesson, when the children are as concentrated as possible and ready to receive new knowledge, and as it is mastered, it moves to other stages to consolidate in further lessons. At this stage, the teacher motivates children to set the task of the lesson, seeks to interest them in the topic of the lesson, and then demonstrates an example of the application of a mathematical skill.
motor pause Physical education sessions are held after learning new material and help to restore the working capacity of preschoolers, level out fatigue. The signal for an active pause is distraction, weakening of the attention of children, motor restlessness. Short-term physical exercises in elementary mathematics classes are not only exercises for the fingers or eye gymnastics, but also exercises for the limbs and torso (jumps, bends, squats). You can increase the effectiveness of motor pauses if you accompany them with music, songs or a poem. To consolidate, you can combine the simplest physical and mathematical exercises during the warm-up: raise the right or left hand at the command of the teacher; squat as many times as the teacher shows; jump one time less or more than indicated in the picture. Didactic games can be used as physical education.
Third stage Independent performance of tasks to consolidate the acquired knowledge and establish a connection between new material and what has already been studied.
Fourth stage The end of the lesson is the time of didactic games that help to apply the acquired knowledge in practice and consolidate what has been learned.

In the older group, FEMP practical exercises are actively used in the form of didactic exercises, which, through the use of handouts and demonstration materials, allow children to obtain mathematical representations. The teacher at such lessons explains, shows, indicates, demonstrates a sample, evaluates the work. Since in the senior preschool age educational activities motivated by educational or practical tasks, the structure of classes includes exciting exercises to determine the length or width, compare shapes and colors, clarify spatio-temporal relationships. To stimulate practical, object-sensory, cognitive and educational activities, various game elements can be included in the exercises.

More often than others, preschool educational institutions use classes in the form of didactic exercises and games that combine gaming and practical methods. Games and exercises in such classes are its separate parts, which are consistently combined.

Visibility in FEMP in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

The key condition for efficiency FEMP classes in the senior group is the use of visualization methods, which, when correct selection contribute to the assimilation of knowledge, increasing the effectiveness of learning. Preschoolers think concretely, because it is easier for them to deal with things, and only after with words, because in the older group the principle of visibility plays a big role in teaching mathematics.

Principles of using visual material:

  1. Visualization is effective only in combination with a verbal explanation, highlighting the essence. The teacher directs the observation of children, helping them to master the shape of objects or counting. Using visual material, preschoolers do not deepen their knowledge of balls, apples or hedgehogs, but learn to abstract, highlighting the shape, color or number of objects.
  2. The framework for using visualization is important: after mastering the method of action, cards, pictures or figures will distract the child, interfere with his independence. After showing the sample, the children must complete the task, following the verbal instructions.

Educators should carefully consider the place and method of using visualization, the nature of the material, so that preschoolers learn to independently use it to find an answer or control the correct execution. Demo and didactic means they are divided very conditionally, since the same materials can be used both in practical tasks and in explaining something new.

There are two types of visual material in the FEMP classes:

  • Small dispenser. As visual material, small handouts are used, which each child receives, and demonstration tools that are printed on a magnetic board or flannelgraph. All of them must be understandable and attractive in appearance in order to arouse interest in children, provoke the interaction of logical and sensual thinking. It is important for educators to remember the availability of spare material so that demonstration and distribution tools are in the classroom in sufficient quantities for each pupil.
  • Demonstrative and didactic. Didactic material in kindergarten in the classroom for FEMP are counting sticks, cards, small toys, voluminous figures, labyrinths, cards, geometric lotos, dominoes, entertaining cubes, geometric figures for counting, tables, cards with images of objects or seasons, Board games and much more. To study the quantities (thickness, width, height and length), objects are used different sizes; spatial relationships help to master sets of didactic aids; a calendar or a clock layout is the best way to introduce time, graduated test tubes or jars demonstrate the difference in depth and volume.

At the same time, it is important that the size of the handout allows each pupil to freely place it on the table without disturbing others. The demo material is shown frontally, so it should be much larger and larger. To provide one senior group for FEMP sessions, 25 sets of handouts and one or two sets of demonstration material will be required.

When working with older preschoolers, teachers use visual aids which model mathematical concepts and develop deductive thinking. A flannelgraph or other canvas measuring 60x30 cm is used with special stripes for laying out cards and images. Can be used musical instruments and any objects that make sounds that will help in establishing the power by ear (spoons, tambourines, drums, watches and even drops of water). Information technology - presentations and tables - serve as a form of visibility that contributes to the development mental capacity at preschoolers.

An alternative to the visual is entertaining mathematical material, which is distinguished by its variety and systematic use. The tasks involve increasing complexity of exercises and games, so that in the process of their implementation conditions for independent searches are created and direct teaching methods are used. Entertaining material has a complex effect on development mathematical ability pupils, positively influencing purposefulness, logical thinking, spatial imagination, the ability to find ways of action to solve cognitive and practical problems. For these purposes, kindergarten may be involved the following types entertaining stuff:

  1. Puzzle toys - Rubik's "Pyramid", "Snake", "Unicube" and others, which consist of folding or rotating three-dimensional geometric shapes.
  2. Geometric constructors - "Pythagoras", "Tangram", "Magic Circle", where from flat geometric figures, according to a plan or a model, you need to add a plot image.
  3. Logic exercises, tasks for finding a missing figure or finding signs of similarity / differences, recognizing parts in a whole or restoring a whole from parts.
  4. Labyrinths are exercises that require mental and visual analysis to find the shortest way from point to point.

Game complexes in the assimilation of elementary mathematical knowledge

Methodology Pomoraeva and Pozina on conducting proved that game complexes that increase efficiency and contribute to the development of knowledge in full by children, developing thinking, logic and memory, are of fundamental importance in obtaining the simplest mathematical knowledge. Classes in traditional form provoke fatigue children and the development of physical inactivity, therefore active forms of learning and play activities are an effective alternative to the usual lessons. Game complexes contribute to the development of attention and ingenuity (through puzzles and joke tasks), logical thinking (through reasoning over the course of solving a task), independence and memory.

Examples practical application gaming activities:

  1. Mastering the concepts of equality and inequality - didactic games "Fix the mistake", "What number is missing?", "Confusion", "Name the neighbors", with the help of which children learn to perform operations with numbers within 10 and explain their actions.
  2. The development of memory and thinking - the game "Which toy is missing?" and "Make a number."
  3. The study of the days of the week and their names is an observation during which children designate multi-colored circles every day to make it easier for them to understand the sequence; games “Live Week” and “Days of the Week” are held to consolidate knowledge.
  4. Introduction to the calendar and months - games « All year round”,“ Twelve months ”and others.
  5. Orientation skills in space - didactic exercises to determine their position in space, the position of objects.
  6. Acquaintance with geometric shapes - a game to search for squares, triangles or circles in the surrounding objects.

Game situations in the educational process should correspond to the time and place and not be random. Having mastered the simplest mathematical representations, pupils will be able to transfer knowledge to non-standard situations. A variety of classes in FEMP are classes-holidays or lessons-entertainment, which are based on the entertainment component, but also perform educational tasks. They stimulate the intellectual activity of children, and the competitive nature motivates them to work effectively.

Didactic manuals on FEMP in the senior group

To form preschoolers' skills in elementary mathematics, teachers preschool institutions use proven didactic aids, among which the logical sticks and blocks of X. Kuzener and 3. Gyenesh, as well as the outlines of classes on FEMP in the senior group authorship I.A. Pomoraeva and V.A. Pozina.

Logical blocks and sticks - a set of flat and three-dimensional geometric bodies, where each block can have properties (thickness, size, color and shape). To work with 3. Gyenesh blocks, children receive task cards, which symbolically indicate the sequence in which you need to make a chain of geometric bodies, and the pattern that needs to be taken into account. With the help of X. Kusener's sticks, which are called "colored numbers", you can simulate numbers by composing the treasured numbers from cubes and parallelepipeds, thus getting acquainted with their composition.

The methodological developments of V.A. Pozina and I.A. Pomoraeva are designed to help educators not only in developing the topics and tasks of classes, but also in achieving their goals. Plans-summaries of classes, taking into account the principles of consistency and consistency, combine and solve all the tasks assigned to teachers by the program. On game lessons according to the method of Pomoraeva and Pozina, didactic material, physical education sessions are held, the study of elementary mathematics takes place in an exciting way without boring memorization, since tasks are given to kids fairy tale characters, wizards and good animals.

V.A. Pomoraeva and I.A. Pozina: plans-summaries of classes on FEMP in the senior group

Methodology lessons Pozina and Pomoraeva is based on gaming and visual-practical methods of work and does not involve direct training. On the contrary, the developed principles make it possible to stimulate the mental activity of children, and educators to show their creative potential.

Since in the older group, acquaintance with elementary mathematics takes place once a week and involves the study of the simplest numbers and the performance of elementary calculations, familiarity with geometric shapes, the study of ways to visually display figures, numbers and mathematical elements, the approximate distribution of program material is as follows:

FEMP classes in the senior group according to the methodology Pomoraeva and Pozina are most effective if elementary mathematical knowledge is consolidated in home environment, for which educators conduct explanatory conversations with parents, give methodical material, speak at parent meetings, since the development of mathematical representations takes place not only in the conditions of the corresponding lesson in the preschool educational institution, but also in everyday situations and at home. It has been proven that the interaction of parents and teachers helps children to master the simplest mathematics faster and better.

You can learn more about the formation of elementary mathematical knowledge in preschool educational institutions in the articles:
1. FEMP classes in the middle group
2. Techniques for the development of spatial representations in preschool children
3. Summary of the lesson on the formation of elementary mathematical representations for children of middle preschool age "Saving the Snowman"

Summary of the lesson on FEMP in the senior group:

"Journey to the Mathematical Kingdom"


- continue to form in the children of the older group an idea of ​​\u200b\u200ba ordinal account;

- contribute to the formation of integrative qualities: inquisitive, active, emotionally - responsive.



- to consolidate the skills of ordinal counting within 10 in forward and reverse order;

- learn to find a certain number of objects corresponding to the number;

- to consolidate the ability to solve simple arithmetic problems using logical thinking.


- develop spatial imagination, the ability to navigate on a sheet of paper, cognitive interest;

- develop perception, attention, the ability to analyze and compare objects by properties, generalize;

- develop independent work skills.


- cultivate interest in math lessons;

- educate the desire to help others who find themselves in difficult situation;

- cultivate friendly relationships between children, the habit of working together.

Educational areas:

- cognition (FEMP);

- communication ( speech activity);

- socialization (game activity).

Methodical methods:

- questions;

- exercises;

- games;

- tasks.

Lesson equipment:

magnetic board, glue, colored paper, visual aids (pictures with flowers, images of geometric shapes), flannelgraph, musical accompaniment.


playful, educational.

Preliminary work.

Lesson progress:



- Hello guys! I'm glad to see you. Hold hands, give each other a smile. Now look at our guests, give them a smile.

Communicative game "All the children gathered in a circle":

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend.

Let's hold hands tightly

And we smile at each other.


- Guys, today we are going to magical land"Mathematical Kingdom". But the Evil Wizard lives there, who has bewitched all the inhabitants of the kingdom - all the numbers are mixed up in the numerical series, and the geometric shapes have forgotten their names.

- Are you ready to help the inhabitants of the kingdom?

- Okay, but to get into this country, you need to get invitation cards, they were given to me by the inhabitants of the magical kingdom. The ticket will be received by the one who copes with my tasks:

1. How to form a triangle on the table with only one stick? (on the corner).

2. There are 3 sticks on the table. How to make the middle extreme without touching it? (shift the last one).

- Great!

- Now show me your fingers. Let's make them friends (coordination and development fine motor skills, development of memory).

finger game"One two three four five":

Boys and girls are friends in our group.

We will make friends with you little fingers.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5!

We start counting again: 5 4 3 2 1 -

Together we stand in a circle!

II. Main part.

- Well done! (Relaxation music plays).

- Did everyone get tickets? And now let's hit the road. Guys, we will help the inhabitants of the kingdom?

- Then we go to travel to the mathematical country. Guys, follow me. Look at the screen! This is a mathematical kingdom (the image of the castle is displayed on the screen).

- Oh, guys, it's me, the evil wizard Arithmeticus, who put a huge padlock on the gates of the kingdom. To open it, you need to unravel one secret - guess which of the figures is superfluous. Guys, what geometric shapes do you see on the castle? Are there similar figures here? Compare them and tell me how they are similar, what do they have in common? (comparison in shape, color, size) How do the figures differ? What figure do you think is missing? (a circle has no corners). On what geometric figure like a castle?

- Well done, the castle is open, we can go to the mathematical kingdom.

And here we are waiting for the next task. Let's sit at the tables.

1st task:

- The evil wizard has bewitched all the numbers, they forgot their places and got mixed up. Help each number to fall into place. Arrange them in order, from smallest to largest (each child individually lays out a number row using wooden numbers from 1 to 10).

- Vova, count the numbers in order, the way you arranged them (performs at the blackboard).

- Guys, let's check what number you put between the numbers 3 and 5.

- And what number did you put between the numbers 7 and 9.

- What number did you put between numbers 1 and 3.

- What number did you put between the numbers 4 and 6.

- Danya, name the neighbors of the numbers 3, 5, 7, 9.

- Egor, name a number that is greater than the number 3 by 1.

- Diana, name a number that is greater than 5 by 1.

- Seva, name a number that is greater than 7 by 1.

- Well done, you did an excellent job with this task. Now every number took Right place in a number line.

2nd task:

Now let's solve the logic problems with you:

1. Kittens were born to the dog Zhuchka: 2 white and 1 black. How many kittens were born to Bug? (Not at all).

2. There are 4 carrots and 3 cucumbers on the table. How many fruits are on the table? (Not at all. These are vegetables).

3. You, yes I, yes we are with you. How many of us? (2) .

4. Name 3 days in a row without using the names of the days of the week and numbers (yesterday, today, tomorrow).

5. What gets bigger when put upside down? (number 6).

- Well done boys.

3rd task:

- Guys, the evil wizard does not give up!

- It was I, Arithmeticus, who decided to throw a whirlwind of riddles at you, and in order to cope with it, you need to guess them.

"Tasks in verse"

1. Four goslings and two ducklings

They swim in the lake, scream loudly.

Well, count quickly

How many babies are in the water? Six.

2. Seven funny pigs

They stand in a row at the trough.

Two went to bed to go to bed -

How many pigs have a trough? Five.

3. Natasha has five flowers

And Sasha gave her two more.

What is two and five? Seven.

4. Brought goose- mother

Six children walk on the meadow.

All goslings are like balls:

Three sons, how many daughters? Three.


- Congratulations guys, you did a great job with the evil wizard and guessed all his riddles. And for this you needed a lot of ingenuity and strength. It's time to get some rest!

Dear Arithmeticus, you tried very hard, coming up with difficult tasks for our children. Do you want to relax with our guys? Get in a circle with us!


We thought, we thought

We are very tired.
Hands clapped, one, two, three.
(clapping at the expense of an adult)
Feet stomped one, two, three.(Steps in place)
Sit down, get up; got up, sat down,
And they didn't hurt each other
. (squats)
We'll get some rest(torso twists)
And let's start counting again.(Walking in place).

4th task:


- Guys, are you rested? Ready to continue our journey? Please sit on the carpet.


- A challenging game awaits you - trial. I need to correct the mistakes that I purposely - where he left. If you hear what you think is right, clap your hands, if you hear something that is not right, shake your head:

- the sun rises in the morning;

- in the morning you need to do exercises;

- you can not wash in the morning;

- the moon shines brightly during the day;

- in the morning the children go to kindergarten;

- at night people dine;

- in the evening the whole family gathers at home;

- 5 days in a week;

- Monday is followed by Wednesday;

- after Saturday comes Sunday;

- before Friday is Thursday;

- only 5 seasons;

- spring comes after summer.

5th task:


- Well done boys! The evil wizard failed to confuse you.


And I also decided to bewitch flower garden in the math realm. You need to find flowers with the same number of petals.


- Oh what smart guys you are!


- Guys, let's do relaxation (relaxing) gymnastics. Arithmeticus, join us!

Physical education:

One two three four five!

We can also rest

Let's put our hands behind our backs.

Let's raise our heads higher

And easy, easy to breathe.

III. Final part

6th task:


- Guys, let's sit down at the tables. An evil wizard has bewitched the inhabitants of the mathematical kingdom with the help of magic squares. If we guys divide the magic squares into equal parts, then the spell will be broken: everything will fall into place, the inhabitants of the kingdom will be free. You have multi-colored squares on the tables:

- fold your square into 2 equal parts.

- How to fold so that the parts are the same? (combine edges)

- What is the name of each part? (½)

Guys, let's fold our square again.

Now, tell me what is the name of each part of the square? (1/4)

- Well done guys, we removed the evil spell of the Evil Wizard with you!

And now let's make one big beautiful carpet for our already good wizard, laying out a pattern of multi-colored squares. With this carpet, the magician will work only good miracles. But I would like you to imprint the face of our good wizard, Arithmeticus, on each of your squares.

Arithmeticus, imprint yourself in a new image.



- Well done boys! You completed all the tasks, put things in order in the mathematical kingdom, and evil sorcerer turned into a good wizard.

- Did you enjoy our trip? What did you like the most? What have you learned new?


- You all have done a great job and are receiving sweet prizes from me.


- Guys, let's say goodbye to our guests!