Romantic evening for boyfriend idea. A rendezvous for two at home: dinner, creating an atmosphere, music for a romantic evening. Practical advice for use

A day off or a holiday, in general, does not matter, for a romantic, there are no special days or occasions for a loved one. It's so wonderful to cook a romantic dinner for your beloved husband or boyfriend at home. To do this, you just need to turn on your imagination and know what your chosen one prefers for dinner.

Romantic Evening Ideas

At home, you can cook a different romantic for your loved one, arrange a dinner for two, you just need to hurry up and buy all the necessary attributes for the house, and don't forget to create your own image that you have prepared for the evening.

Photo: Romantic ideas for a beloved husband

You can create a romantic Japanese or Oriental seafood dinner by placing beautifully scented candles throughout the room, or lay them out on a heart-shaped table.

Erotic option: fill a bath with fragrant essential oils and fragrant bath foam, light a lot of scented candles, and ... prepare a dessert. And what it will be - it already depends on your imagination! For romance, it is best to use aromatic oils of eucalyptus or lavender, they have an exciting effect and are used for relaxation.

An ideal and simple version of a romantic idea at home: you can wrap fruit or a nice dessert in a ribbon or a beautiful wrapper for breakfast, leaving a love note.

It is very pleasant to receive positive and tenderness in the morning. Prepare a creative breakfast for your favorite guy in the form, and decorate it to your taste.

Romantic Dinner Ideas

If you suddenly decided to please your boyfriend, but don't know how to arrange a romantic evening, cook a romantic dinner for two at home. Ideas for romance can be very different.

To get started, clean the house, prepare a chic tablecloth, and, of course, come up with your image for the evening. You can wear a flirty exciting outfit, with a revealing transparent neckline, or dress in the style of a football fan.

On the dinner menu, it is best to cook hot and dessert. Meat is served hot in a sweet and sour sauce with wine, and you can also make spicy rolls, with varieties of dry wine. From drinks it is best to choose light romantic drinks. However, for lovers of oriental entertainment, a romantic evening can be arranged in Japanese style with a Thai massage, incense sticks, and ... in a sexy silk kimono. Basically, a great idea! Rolls, sake, Japanese geisha outfit - exotic!

In this case, you can apply creativity and just spend a romantic evening at home watching your favorite movie, with pop food, chips and a bottle of beer. And your loved one will like it, and you can spend the evening in a warm and cozy atmosphere.

You can spend a romantic evening with your loved one at home in an unforgettable and creative way, using your imagination and a wise approach to the interests of your chosen one. Feel free to experiment with ideas, because life is an interesting thing, and there are many accessories and attributes around to embody romantic ideas.

Having decided to organize a romantic surprise for your loved one, you need to know only one, but a very important secret:

the main thing is the exciting atmosphere and your high spirits.

Therefore, try not to get tired of the preparation :)


Men and women have different expectations from a romantic evening. So, from a male point of view, a romantic evening is an opportunity to relax, enjoy delicious and satisfying food, which smoothly flows into a romantic night.

Therefore, when planning this event, it is important to take into account the preferences of a loved one too.


Be sure to warn your loved one that a surprise awaits him.

Best of all, do not just say, but give an invitation or send an e-mail, which he probably checks.

Firstly, so that he can free this evening and come home on time.

And secondly,during this time, he will guess, languish in anticipation, and anticipate the promised surprise.


A romantic evening does not necessarily include dinner, but it is better to feed the man you love. Preference is given to light meals.

You can season the dishes with fragrant natural aphrodisiacs: ginger, cinnamon, anise, vanilla, nutmeg, cardamom, cloves, saffron, celery, etc.

Do not conduct ambitious culinary experiments this evening.

And, if you plan to cook any culinary delights, make them in advance or distribute the time so that you spend the last hours before meeting your loved one without fuss, enjoying the atmosphere.

Pamper yourself, visit the spa to radiate freshness, vigor and convey this state to your loved one.

Also keep in mind that a romantic evening is just an excuse to order food in a restaurant.


Create a cozy romantic zone. It can be a set table, pillows on the floor, or even a hammock on the balcony.

Focus on table setting.

Candlesticks and other decorations should not block you. It is generally accepted that a more intimate atmosphere is created if a couple of lovers are not seated opposite each other, but at an angle of about 90 degrees.

Also pay attention to the bathroom and bed. Fill the bathtub with warm water, add foam or oils.

Make sure your bedside area meets your expectations.

Dim the lights and light candles and incense.


Pick up romantic music. It can be both relaxing and exciting. Perhaps your couple has favorite songs that are associated with pleasant moments - be sure to include them in the selection.

The music should be quiet enough so that you can talk to each other.

Entertainment - ideas for a romantic evening at home

Of course, do not forget about entertainment. It can be watching an interesting movie, erotic massage, striptease, taking a bath together or playing for lovers.

MasterFuns brings to your attention three board games for lovers with varying degrees of frankness:

Romantic game Intrigue

A game for a couple in love who met recently. This is a game for an unusual date with your loved one, which will allow you to become closer to each other, find common interests and enjoy the evening sincerely.

With this game, there is also a ready-made set with various useful items so that you do not have to think long about how to arrange a romantic evening for a guy at home.

Romantic game Temptation

A game for a couple of lovers who have been together for some time and managed to learn each other's habits and interests.

It will help you remember the best moments of your relationship, get new impressions from communicating with your loved one and add spice and passion to the relationship.

Erotic game Provocation

The most daring choice. This is a game for a couple who wants to diversify their personal lives.

A good way to find out the sexual preferences of a loved one in a playful way and to tell about your desires without hesitation.

New! Ready romantic quest in.

We hope you enjoyed these ideas for a romantic evening at home. And remember, in order to arrange a romantic evening, it is not at all necessary to wait for some reason. Give pleasant emotions more often!

How to arrange a romantic evening for a loved one - this question interests many girls who want to please themselves and their chosen one in some special way, dilute boring everyday life at home and bring a little tenderness and love into relationships.

Such a date is suitable both for couples who are just starting their relationship, and for those who have been legally married for a long time and are even raising children. Making romance at home is a great idea for people of all ages whose feelings haven't faded yet.

In addition, the organization will not require any unthinkable efforts from you, an intricate scenario is also not needed - you can quickly prepare for it. And we will provide you with ideas, just choose.


Before you make a rough plan, find out in advance when your loved one will be free, so that it does not turn out that, due to being busy at work, he will not be able to participate in the surprise - after all, the evening is started for him. So, we find out when the beloved will definitely have time. Most likely, a weekend or the end of the work week is ideal - a great time to organize everything.

If you are doing everything at home, then create the appropriate environment in advance so that no one interferes. Children can be sent to their grandmother with an overnight stay. There should only be two people in the apartment.

Try to make a beautifully set table. It is very important. Although they say that men do not attach much importance to serving, it would be meat - this is not so. Men appreciate the beautiful no less than women. Otherwise, they would not have chosen beautiful companions for themselves, but would have been content with just anyone.

Evening by candlelight at home

If you plan to dine at home in a romantic setting for two, think carefully about the menu and decide who will be able to cook these dishes. Can you do it yourself or do you have to order from a restaurant. If you order, then it is worth placing an order in advance so that the delivery does not fail.

  1. A man will always appreciate a beautifully and deliciously set table, and this will definitely not hurt romanticism - include dinner in your script. Moreover, a hungry man is not too inclined towards romance.
  2. Be sure to cook meat for two, unless, of course, your chosen one is not a vegetarian
  3. Take care of good wine too. If a man respects strong alcohol more, then cognac with its warming effect is ideal.

A romantic date for a loved one includes the creation of an appropriate atmosphere:

  • Candles, beautiful fabrics, tablecloths, porcelain - all these attributes will come to your aid. If you want, you can even include scattered fragrant rose petals on the tablecloth and floor in the script.
  • Make sure that beautiful music plays - choose melodies that will set it in the right mood and relax - after dinner you can dance a little to the selected compositions, and this will make your evening at home even more romantic
  • If your chosen one is not a fan of dancing or is too tired after work, then it is better to choose a romantic and interesting film, preferably with a good beautiful ending and erotic scenes. The main thing is that the film should not be boring and moderately sentimental, otherwise a man may fall asleep after dinner

And what to think of for a romantic evening for a loved one, if a man is absolutely not romantic? It's rare, but it happens. In this case, arrange for him a football (basketball, volleyball, and so on) evening for two - at home by candlelight with romantic overtones. In this case, you should take care of choosing the right program with the broadcast of the match or duel in advance. But there is one possible minus here - your loved one can be so carried away by what is happening on the screen that he completely forgets about all romanticism.

How to end a romantic evening at home? It is clear that it should end, of course, in the bedroom - it is better to arrange candles there too. A beautiful and appropriate transition from the "dinner" item to the "bedroom" item will be a private dance performed for the beloved man - this will require appropriate music. Believe me, a man will appreciate your beautiful movements and curves. By the end of the dance, he will most likely be fully prepared to move the venue as soon as possible to the bedroom.

Outside home

Meeting outside the home is more suitable for those couples who already live in the same area and they need to change their boring home environment for a while.

If you are going to meet in a cozy restaurant nearby, then make sure that you have a table left for the scheduled time and that certain music is played there. What could be the scenario?

  • Fulfilling the dream

If your loved one has some kind of dream that everyone does not have enough time to fulfill, then on this day it is quite possible to fulfill it, unless, of course, the dream is connected with crime. Perhaps your boyfriend has long dreamed of riding a hang glider, a hot air balloon, or some other extreme sport. Well, give him this - he will be grateful for the realization of his dream. And after that, perhaps, the fulfillment of desires will now be associated exclusively with you.

If you don’t know what he dreams of, find out in advance. And, if it is possible to do this, then it is worth giving him such an opportunity. If a guy is crazy about racing and respects powerful cars, you can give him a night of driving a powerful sports car by renting it. The main thing is to be careful and know exactly what your loved one dreams of.

  • public recognition

You can prepare a public declaration of your love, and say it on a radio station or place it on a billboard. This, of course, is not quite a dinner for a loved one, because theoretically he can hear or see your congratulations at any time of the day, but it’s still worth considering this option.

Such a scenario is well suited for congratulations on a birthday or other significant date. Here it is necessary to take into account that at the moment you congratulate him, he will definitely listen to the necessary radio station. And to know exactly what his usual route is - in the case of placing a confession-congratulation on a billball. Make no mistake by posting your message close to home or his work.

  • You can order a luxury suite for two

At the same time, it would be nice to prefer a honeymoon suite - place candles there and spend a passionate night. Appropriate music is a must. It will bring fresh air to your relationship. In the hotel you do not have to cook anything, mess with dishes - you will simply be left to yourself, you will enjoy your vacation.

  • A trip to the sauna, country bath

Such a scenario of a romantic trip combines relaxation and eroticism - the perfect combination for a good rest. Romantic music will also be needed to set the mood. You can order professional massage therapists or please your loved one with a massage made by yourself. He will like your massage, most likely, he is much more.

  • Theme evening

How to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one with a specific theme? You can buy a playful costume in a theme store. Just don't show it right away - otherwise things may not come to romanticism. Show your outfit after dinner and other completed items of the plan. Make sure that appropriate music is played when your costume is shown.

What can ruin everything

  • Inappropriate appearance. Your script should include beautiful lingerie, clothes, hair, bathing or showering in the evening
  • Too much alcohol is useless. After all, you have gathered to understand again how you need each other, and not to get drunk together. Don't need too fast or aggressive dance music - it's not for a romantic mood
  • Too much hearty and plentiful food is also not needed. A man after a too hearty and hearty dinner may want to sleep
  • As mentioned above, even the wrong music can "blur" the impression

  • Take care that candles do not create a fire hazard
  • Do not insist on scrupulous implementation of all the points of your plan thoroughly. If a man does not want to dance after dinner, do not force him. Orient yourself along the way, does not want to dance - fine, let the music play softly, and you sip wine from glasses. Or watch an old movie on TV

There is a small wish in case of any organization of a romantic evening: it is better if it comes as a surprise to a young person. So his feelings will become more vivid, and the evening can become truly unforgettable. And whatever you come up with in order to please and surprise your loved one, remember the main thing - this is a joyful mood and a positive mood.

Everyone knows how any date ends. But relationships will quickly exhaust themselves if every time, on every date, you don’t come up with some new tricks that will bring you closer. Don't know how to arrange a romantic evening for a girl so that it ends in bed? Tired of platitudes? If you do not know how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one, we are ready to give you some ideas. Where to arrange a romantic evening by candlelight, you may ask?

You don't have to go to a restaurant. Girls, a romantic evening for a loved one is something that can forever connect him with you. He simply will not want to leave you for anyone else if you create a pleasant atmosphere and cook his favorite dishes. But first things first. By the way, initially consider that your wonderful attitude towards a girl can be conveyed in one word - affectionate nickname.

How to conquer a girl: romantic ideas for an evening together

7 ideas for an evening with your loved one can be seen in the Youtube video below. For all the guys, we also recommend an article on the topic, to be savvy and learn 99 beautiful words!

Surprise the guy with a romantic evening

Yes, you can arrange a wonderful romantic dinner for a guy. So that you, as before, were in love, loved to spend time together. So that love does not give way to habit. Tips on how to arrange a romantic evening for a guy, we will start with table decoration and food selection. But don't forget the outfit!

What is important to consider:

  1. It is not necessary to wear an evening dress to the toes. You can simply choose beautiful lingerie . Your appearance will help your loved one not look silly in home clothes.
  2. As for the choice of dishes, it is best to mark the evening for a loved one with delicious, satisfying and favorite dishes for him. On romantic dinner for a loved one, you can cook chicken, steak, and other goodies.
  3. It is impossible to assimilate information on how to arrange a romantic evening for a man without deciding at the very beginning whether you will tell him about the evening or not. It is best not to report, but to hint.
  4. How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband if you are not too fond of cooking? Do it differently - surprise him with a dance ! Believe me, he will be delighted with your plasticity, grace and art of transforming.
  5. How to arrange a romantic evening for your husband at home in an oriental style? You will need aromatic candles, an Arab dancer costume and pleasant oriental music. If you don't already dance Eastern dance, it's time to master them.
  6. Excite him with touch. Areas such as the back of the head, neck, shoulders, and ears are especially important.

You can move to the bathroom. The water must be warm. The most popular smells are orange, musk, sandalwood. They are considered exciting.. Do not forget about the indispensable attributes of such an evening - candles. And for God's sake, remove all cosmetics from the shelves in advance so that you don't have to collect them later. Prepare the guy a bath, massage his shoulders and head. It is important to ventilate the room and turn off all phones, hide the remote control.

What's next?

We will not give advice on how the climax of the evening should take place. We think this is understandable. After it's all over, don't bore your man with talking. Look for interesting options for role-playing games for your next date.

If your boyfriend or husband used to be wild and passionate, but now sex has become boring to him more and more quickly, and you rarely practice something new, it's time to try role-playing games. Romance, intrigue, mystery - what could be better for you to feel happy and full of life again. Do your part for diversity.

Remember that role-playing games help you reach your potential, learn more about each other's fantasies, and develop your imagination.

Many keep silent about their fantasies for fear of being ridiculed. The main thing is to let your imagination run wild. And on our Youtube videos you can see interesting scenarios for your intimate date by candlelight, and also watch light and at the same time beautiful dishes for your romantic dinner. Also, be sure to read the article about ours, they will definitely come in handy.

On the eve of Valentine's Day, February 23 or a joint anniversary, the girls begin to think about how to arrange a romantic evening. In fact, in order to please your loved one, you do not need to wait for any specific occasion - it does not matter if you have been together for a year, three or twenty years - there is always a place for a pleasant surprise and an unforgettable evening. I would like to make a surprise so that your husband or boyfriend will remember it and leave pleasant impressions in his memory.

So how to arrange a romantic evening for your loved one so that it goes perfectly? To do this, you need to consider the following recommendations in advance:

  • Time. It should be convenient for both you and your chosen one. The best option is Friday evening or Saturday afternoon - so that worries about tomorrow do not distract from pleasant emotions. This may not be a romantic dinner! What's stopping you from having a surprise candlelight dinner or even breakfast?
  • Subject. Depending on the reason for your surprise, you need to choose an idea for the evening and choose the appropriate entourage for the house. How to decorate a room for a romantic evening? Numerous rose petals, your joint photos on the table and walls, exotic coasters with Indian sticks or silk sheets on the bed - it all depends on your imagination and budget. The more the room is transformed, the stronger the impression made on your loved one will be.
  • Place. It is generally accepted that romantic evenings are arranged either at home or in a restaurant. But it will be much more pleasant for your husband or boyfriend to suddenly find himself on the roof of a high-rise building, in a hotel suite or on the veranda of a country cottage. Or maybe you prefer a picnic in the attic or a go-kart race? When choosing a place, think not only about your preferences, but also take into account the interests and desires of a man. After all, first of all, this evening is a gift to your boyfriend!
  • Table. If you want to do everything at home at the highest level, then take care of a beautiful table setting. Choose a tablecloth, plates and decorations to match the theme of the evening. Don't forget to also decorate the table with beautiful candles and holiday napkins. When compiling the menu, try to choose light, low-fat dishes: heavy food can spoil the impression of the evening.

    If you are the head chef of your little celebration, then give preference to simple and quick-to-prepare snacks, otherwise you risk exhausting yourself even before your man arrives.

  • Appearance. It's not even discussed that on this day you should look just perfect! Get ready in advance, choose a stunning evening dress or vice versa, a seductive translucent outfit with an open back or a plunging neckline. A special lace lingerie or bodysuit will complement your bewitching look. Take care also of a beautiful hairstyle, makeup and neat manicure. Let a subtle trail of spicy perfume oils or his favorite perfume envelop you.

Here are some ideas for your special romantic evening.

Traditional dinner at home

Set a beautiful table not in the kitchen, as you used to do, but in the bedroom or living room. Prepare a standard set of dishes: salad, appetizers, something hot and a delicious dessert. It’s good if these are your husband’s favorite dishes, but if you have never cooked any recipes or are not confident in your abilities, it’s better not to risk it and experiment with already proven ingredients. Any even the most simple and familiar dish can be presented in a different light: served differently, add a special sauce, spices or decorate with curly vegetables and fruits.

As a dessert, you can use simple ice cream. For example, add pieces of exotic fruits to a traditional ice cream and sprinkle with chocolate chips - the effect will be amazing! Strawberries with cream is another classic, popular with everyone and at all times, a great dessert option. Wine or champagne is the best choice for your table.

Do not forget about the festive romantic serving! For example, a white tablecloth decorated with a scarlet track or ribbons, as well as decorative napkins and candlesticks in burgundy tones. In the center of the table, you can place a small flower bouquet or elegant cups of water, decorated with floating rose petals and small round candles, and, of course, joint photos with your husband!

Rehearse the lighting in advance and choose a playlist with relaxing music. Play with lamps and candles so that a mysterious twilight reigns in the room, but at the same time you and your man can see each other.

romantic picnic

On a beautiful summer day, organizing such a cozy picnic in any clearing in a park or outside the city will not be difficult. In frosty or rainy weather, nothing will stop you from arranging gatherings on a bedspread right at your home. It may not be a real picnic, but it will provide you with a change of scenery and a novelty of sensations!

You can organize such a picnic in any of the rooms of the house, but the best option for this, of course, is a glazed balcony or loggia. Well, if it's warm and cozy there! If not, bring a heater and some duvets, decorate the mini-room to your liking. Cover the floor with a checkered tablecloth, use disposable plates, spoons, forks, cups instead of dishes.

You can organize a grill on the balcony and cook kebabs or baked potatoes together. As a treat for a home picnic, vegetable cuts from tomatoes and cucumbers, fruits, crackers and chips are also suitable - any snack that is suitable for a hike. The sounds of nature, for example, audio recordings of birds singing, will help support the idea. Prepare checkers, backgammon, or invite your husband to play strip cards. It will be fun!

A foam party

The best option for relaxation and stress relief after a hard week. Make sure the room is clean and fresh. Fill the bath with foam, add delicious aromatic oils to it (for example, ylang-ylang or patchouli are the best aphrodisiacs). Prepare in advance a body scrub or massager, a comfortable sponge. Decorate the bath with rose petals, small candles in glass cups. Play relaxing music or leave the room in silence, broken only by a splash of water and your mysterious whisper.

It is necessary to organize a small table next to the bathroom with a small treat - fruits and light snacks. You can play with the theme of water and cook seafood dishes - squid or shrimp, crab salad. Don't forget dessert! Chocolate covered bananas, cherry ice cream or fruit with whipped cream - it will be a special treat!

Erotic evening

You will have to play the role of an insidious seductress! The outfit should be bright and defiant, the make-up should be bright, the mood should be fighting. An elegant corset or bustier will look best; stockings and high heels are a must! Decorate the room and table in red or black and red colors that excite passion. Let the room be dark: no lamps and only a couple of candles. Put on energetic exciting music in the style of Enigma.

Spicy delicacies and strong drinks are best suited for the table. During dessert, arrange a game for your beloved: blindfold his eyes (you can also use his hands) and treat him to various fruits and sweets. Let him guess them! Or tasting desserts and whipped cream straight from your body! This evening, any games of a similar plan are suitable, you can safely experiment and come up with different variations. The culmination will be an unforgettable striptease performed by you. This evening will be remembered by your man for many years!

Evening in another country

For example, in Japan! Change into a geisha robe, put on the appropriate makeup, and pin your hair up in a tight bun at the back of your head. As an appetizer, choose rolls, sushi, Thai soups and snacks, caviar sandwiches. Music, of course, Japanese traditional. Be sure to consider how to decorate the room for a romantic evening. For example, bring sakura sprigs into the bedroom or put up traditional bamboo screens.

This is an inexhaustible supply of ideas on how to arrange a romantic evening for your man - because you can do it in the style of any country: India, France, Spain, China, Arab countries ... Each such romantic dinner at home will be unique and, most importantly, unforgettable! How interesting you can please your loved ones and at the same time have a good time together!

You can choose one of the proposed options, combine different ideas or come up with something of your own - in any case, your date will be fabulous! Such moments help young lovers to get closer and get to know each other better, and experienced couples to relive the thrill and charm of the moments spent together. Please your loved ones as often as possible!