Synopsis of direct educational activities using ICT "Dymkovo toys" (application). Abstract of a lesson on visual activity in the senior group "Dymkovo toy


Compiled and conducted by: Chervyakova Nadezhda Nikolaevna P.MALINO 2017

Goal: Acquaintance of children with folk craft - Dymkovo toy.


  • To acquaint with the history of the origin of the Dymkovo toy.
  • To acquaint with the variety of Dymkovo toys, the specifics of decor, characteristic elements and color combinations.


  • Develop speech, memory.


  • To teach children to see the beauty of the Dymkovo toy, its expressiveness, figurativeness, brightness of the pattern.
  • Cultivate love for folk art.
  • Cultivate respect for work folk craftsmen.

Priority educational area: "Cognitive Development" .

Integration of educational areas: "Cognitive Development" , "Social and communicative development" , "Speech Development" , « Aesthetic development» , "Physical development" .

Types of activity: cognitive, communicative, motor, productive.

Methods used: surprise moment, verbal methods (teacher's story, question method, conversation, repetition method), gaming methods and techniques, watching video materials.

Equipment: Dymkovo toys, Petrushka, photo and video materials, ball.

Lesson progress:

1. Organizing time.

Teacher: Good afternoon guys! Today the sun looks at us and smiles at us. Let's smile at each other and say all together:

The sun is up - wow! (pull hands up)

It's time for us to get busy! (clap hands)

(Children repeat after the teacher).

2. The main part.

A toy appears in the group.

I am a fun toy
And my name is... (Parsley).
I'm the funniest in the world
That's why kids like me.

I didn't come to you alone
I brought my friends.

But first, tell me guys, do you have any toys? And what are they made of?

Children: Our toys are made of plastic, rubber, metal, wood, fabric.

Educator: Guys, look what beautiful friends- toys at our Petrushka. Did you recognize them?

Children: This is a horse, a cockerel, a chicken, a deer.

Educator: Toys invite us to get to know each other better (children go to the carpet).

Physical education minute "Dymkovo toys"

We are painted toys
Vyatka laughers,
Slobodskie dandies,
Posad gossips.

We have pretzel pens,
Cheeks like apples.
Have known us for a long time
All the people at the fair.

Parsley addresses the children: Guys, did you like my friends?

What did you like about them?

Children: Beautiful, bright.

Educator: Indeed, it is very beautiful toys. Do they make such toys in the village of Dymkoye?

Why is Dymkovo famous?
With my toy.
It has no smoky color,
And there is the love of people.

There is something of a rainbow in her,
From dew drops.
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass.

(V. Feofanov)

Educator: The people affectionately and tenderly call this toy - haze. Where does such an amazing name come from? We will find out now.

From the high bank of the Vyatka River, on which the city of Kirov stands, one can see the Dymkovo settlement beyond the river. (image shown). In winter, when stoves are heated, and in summer on cloudy days, when fog, the whole settlement is as if in smoke, in a haze. Here, in ancient times, this toy was born. In winter, when people did not have work in the fields, they sculpted whistles out of clay. All winter the women of Dymkovo sculpted them for the fair. From a small clay ball with holes, the whistle turned into a duck, then a cockerel, then a horse. And now, on the stalls and counters of a crowded fair, they sell cheerful goods. What is this product, let's see? (video is shown "Dymkovo toys" )


Educator: And now Petrushka invites everyone to move (children go to the carpet):

And now guys
I call everyone to charge!
Turn left, turn right
Bend over, get up.

Hands up and hands to the side
And on the spot jump and jump!
And now we're running in a jump,
Well done all the kids!

Slow down, children, step
And stay where you are! Like this!
And now we sit together
We still need to work!

(Children take their places)

Educator: Guys, tell me, what do all these toys have in common?

Children: All toys have bright colors, all on a white background, covered with beautiful patterns.

Educator: What do you think, what paint is the toy first covered with?

Children: White. On a white background, the patterns stand out well and beautifully.

Educator: Can you guess where the masters got the white color from?

Children: They took from the snow, from winter. Toys were sculpted in winter!!!

Educator: Right! White background took the masters from the snowy fields, when in winter everything around is white and white. In those places, the winter is long, and there is a lot of snow. Craftsmen want to make the toy as clean and white as snow. Why were they painted bright colors?

Children: Because they were made for the holiday, so they painted them with bright colors.

Educator: What colors did the masters use to paint toys?

Children: They used bright colors: red, blue, crimson, yellow, orange, green.

Educator: What patterns do you see on the toys?

Children: On toys there are circles, dots, lines, cells, stripes, curves, waves, squares, rings, ovals.

Educator: Right. If you look at the pattern of the Dymkovo toy, it is unusually simple. (painting elements are shown).

All toys are not simple, but magically painted.

Snow-white as birches, circles, cells, stripes -

Seemingly simple pattern, but unable to look away.

Educator: What images can be seen in Dymkovo toys?

Children: Horse, cockerel, deer, ram, young lady.

Educator: The most common plots are: nannies with children, water carriers, rams with golden horns, turkeys, roosters, deer and, of course, young people, buffoons, ladies.

Educator: Let's see how a toy is created?

(Children watch the video, the teacher tells in parallel).

A lot of work must be invested in order for the toy to become so elegant. She is born three times. The first time she is born when she is molded from red clay. The figurines are molded in parts, individual parts are assembled and molded using liquid red clay as a binder. Traces of molding are smoothed out to give the product a smooth and neat surface. The toy must be burned to make it durable. From strong heat, the toy is heated, and when it cools down, the clay becomes ringing and strong. So the toy is born a second time. There is a trial by fire. When is the third time born?

Children: The toy is born for the third time when it is whitewashed and painted with paints.

Educator: Then they whiten it with chalk, diluted milk, and paint it. Sometimes pieces are stuck on top of the pattern gold leaf, giving even more elegance to the toy. So she is born a third time. Beautiful bright, elegant toys are sold at the fair. Making a toy, from modeling to painting, is a unique and creative process that never repeats. No, and there cannot be two absolutely identical products. Each toy is unique, one and only.

A game "Quiz"

Educator: One, two, three - collect a circle (children line up in a circle). Let's play a game, I will throw the ball and ask a question, and whoever caught the ball - answer.

  1. On what background do the masters apply bright patterns? (white)
  2. What are Dymkovo toys made of? (from clay)
  3. What shapes do Dymkovo patterns look like? (geometric)
  4. What is the name of the village where they make these amazing toys? (Dymkovo)
  5. What colors decorate Dymkovo toys? (red, blue, yellow, green)
  6. Where are toys fired? (in the oven)


Educator: Now imagine that we are masters.

We brought clay from a distant hillock (hands on the belt, turns with a spring)
Come on, get to work, miracle masters! (hands forward, to the sides)
Blind, dry - and in the oven! (sculpt "palms" )
And then we write (pinch fingers, draw wavy lines)

The stove is blazing hot (cams clench and unclench).
And in the oven there are no kalachi, no cheesecakes (waving index finger)
And in the oven - toys (arms forward)!
(Children sit in their seats)

Educator: Well done! Now listen to the poem.

Spruce sleeping by the highway
In hoarfrost,
The trees are sleeping, the river is sleeping,

Softly falling snow
Blue smoke curls
Smoke comes out of the chimneys
As if in a haze all around,

blue gave,
And the village was named Dymkovo.
They loved songs, dances,
Miracles were born in the village - fairy tales,

Evenings are long in winter
And sculpted there from clay
All toys are difficult
And magically painted:

Snow-white as birches,
Circles, cells, stripes -
Seemingly simple pattern
But you can't look away.

And went about "haze" glory,
Earning this right
They talk about her everywhere
Amazing miracle
We will bow again and again.

Teacher: Did you like the poem?

What is it about?

3. Summing up.

Teacher: So our lesson has come to an end. Parsley says goodbye to you.

Guys, did you like our guest?

What did he introduce you to?

What new did you learn?

Did you like our activity?

Summary of the lesson "Dymkovo toy" for children 6-7 years old

Nersesyan Naira Igorevna, teacher of the MBDOU "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 144", Voronezh

Purpose: educators of senior and preparatory groups, primary school teachers, parents.
Target: Acquaintance of children with folk culture.
-Introduce the history of Dymkovo toys.
-To cultivate love and respect for the work of folk craftsmen, for the folk art of Russia.
-To consolidate children's knowledge about the process of making Dymkovo toys and the ability to talk about it.
- Build knowledge about characteristic features painting toys, the ability to create patterns according to one's own design. Learn to highlight the elements of the geometric pattern of Dymkovo painting (circles, straight and wavy lines, a cage, dots-peas). Learn to paint with Dymkovo patterns.
-Develop aesthetic perception, sense of rhythm, color, Creative skills. Deepen aesthetic knowledge of folk decorative and applied arts.
Preliminary work: drawing up a presentation "Dymkovo toy", original Dymkovo toys for demonstration, printed stencils on white paper (A4 format) and colored pencils.
Lesson plan:
- 1. Organizational moment
2. Theoretical part. Introductory conversation about the history and process of creation with a demonstration of Dymkovo toys, paintings, presentations. Explanation of the painting sequence.
3. Final part.

Lesson progress

Educator: Guys, you all have toys, but what are they made of?
Children: Our toys are made of plastic, rubber, metal, wood, fabric.
Educator: Let's find out what toys are made in the village of Dymkoye?
Why is Dymkovo famous?
With my toy.
It has no smoky color,
And there is the love of people.
There is something of a rainbow in her,
From dew drops.
There is something of joy in her,
Thundering like bass.
(V. Feofanov)
Educator: Affectionately and affectionately, the people call this toy - haze. Where does such an amazing name come from? Let's get acquainted with Dymkovo clay toys. I was born in the large settlement Dymkovo near the city of Vyatka. In ancient times, the inhabitants of this settlement, young and old, sculpted a clay toy for the spring fair. In winter, the whole settlement is in smoke from the fact that stoves are heated, toys are burned. On cloudy days, fog spreads from the river with a light haze. Perhaps this is where the name Dymkovo came from, and the toys began to be called Dymkovo. Dymkovo toys were made for ancient holiday <Свистопляска>.Later, the fair-holiday became known as<Свистунья>. What are these toys, let's see?

Through mountain ranges
Through the rooftops of the villages
red-horned, yellow-horned
Clay deer rushes.

Here is a smart turkey,
He's all so good
At the big turkey
All painted sides.
Look, a magnificent tail, He is not at all simple,
Like a sunny flower
Yes, scallop.

The Dymkovo young lady is all in orange, gold, scarlet and green patterns.

Look how good
This soul girl
Scarlet cheeks are burning
Amazing outfit.

Even the horses are in festive attire.

Clay horses rush
On stands that there are forces.
And they won't hold on to the tail
If the mane missed.

Educator: What do all these toys have in common?
Children: All toys have bright colors, all on a white background, covered with beautiful patterns.
Educator: And what do you think, what paint is first covered with a toy?
Children: White. On a white background, the patterns stand out well and beautifully..
Educator: Can you guess where the masters got the white color from?
Children: They took from the snow, from winter. Toys were sculpted in winter!!!
Educator: That's right. The masters took the white background from snow-covered fields, when in winter everything around is white and white. In those places, the winter is long, and there is a lot of snow. The craftsmen want to make the toy as clean and white as snow. Why are they bright?

Children: Because they were made for the holiday, so they were painted with bright colors.
Educator: What colors did the masters use to paint toys?
Children: They used bright colors: red, blue, crimson, yellow, orange, green.
Educator: What patterns do you see on toys?
Children: On the toys there are circles, dots, lines, cells, stripes, curves, waves, squares, rings, ovals.

Educator: What images can be seen in Dymkovo toys?
Children: Horse, cockerel, deer, ram, young lady.
Educator: The most common plots are: nannies with children, water carriers, rams with golden horns, turkeys, roosters, deer and, of course, young people, buffoons, ladies.

Educator: Let's find out how a toy is made?

(Children watch the video on the interactive whiteboard, the teacher talks in parallel).
A lot of work needs to be invested in order to make the toy so elegant. It is born three times. The first time it is born when it is molded from red clay. The traces of modeling are smoothed out to give the product a smooth and neat surface. The toy must be burned to make it durable. The toy heats up from strong heat, and when it cools down, the clay becomes ringing and strong. So the toy is born a second time. There is a trial by fire. And when is the third time born?
Children: The toy is born for the third time when it is whitewashed and painted with paints.
Educator: Then it is whitewashed with chalk, diluted milk, and painted. Sometimes pieces of gold leaf are stuck on top of the pattern, giving even more elegance to the toy. So it is born for the third time. Beautiful bright, elegant toys are sold at the fair. Making a toy, from modeling to painting, is a process unique and creative, never repeating. There are no and cannot be two absolutely identical products. Each toy is unique, one and only.

Educator: I suggest you become real folk craftsmen and paint stencils for Dymkovo toys.

Synopsis of an integrated organized educational activities with kids middle group № 1 (Educational areas: cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development)

Dymkovo toy - folk toy

Educator: Cherkasskaya T.Ya.


Raising interest in the history of your country by getting acquainted with the history of folk toys.


  1. Develop interest in folk life and products of arts and crafts, folklore of Russia.
  2. To consolidate the knowledge of children about the Dymkovo toy.
  3. Develop cognitive activity: to form the ability to draw conclusions based on personal observations and reasoning
  4. Develop grammatical speech children through the formation of adjectives.
  5. To consolidate the skills of drawing with a brush, to introduce non-traditional techniques drawing: creating rings using tubes.
  6. Cause a desire to do something yourself, adopting simple tricks from craftsmen.

Equipment and materials:

Folk toys from different materials, Dymkovo toys, a screen for viewing images of toys, sound files "Playing on a clay whistle", "Pony", "Horsemen" (music by S. Nikitin, art. Yu. Moritz), clay Dymkovo toys, gouache, brushes, tubes for cocktails, napkins.

Preliminary work:

  1. Acquaintance with the life of the Russian people (reading literature, looking at illustrations, watching cartoons based on Russian folk tales)
  2. A conversation about the Dymkovo toy with a slide show and products of Dymkovo craftsmen
  3. Clay modeling of Dymkovo horses, painting them white.

Educational activities are carried out with a small subgroup against the background of playing children

Organizing time.

It sounds like a tune on a clay whistle. It attracts the attention of children, children approach the teacher.

cognitive activity

caregiver : Guys, what do you think musical instrument sound? (children's answers)

The teacher shows the children a clay whistle.

caregiver A: It is not only a musical instrument, but also a children's toy.

Do you love your toys? What are they made of modern toys? Where are they made?

And before, in the old days, there were no factories for the manufacture of toys, there were no toys made of plastic, plush. What were toys made from? Let's come and see what these folk toys are made of.

Children examine toys made of straw, hemp (flax), vines, wood, clay

Speech development

Educator: You have considered what these toys are made of. Can you tell me what they are? A toy made of linen is linen. From a tree? From straw? From clay? And this toy was woven - what is it like? (wicker)

cognitive activity

Why do you think the toys were made from these materials in the villages? (children make a conclusion about their availability).

Right! And in different places there lived their own craftsmen, so each village created its own toys. Let's sit on the carpet and see in which cities and villages craftsmen lived and what toys they created.

Slideshow + speech development:

These toys are made in the village of Filimonovo. What is the name of this toy? (Filimonovskaya)

These toys are made in the Kargopol district. So what are they?

These toys are made in the city of Gorodets. So what are they?

And these toys were made in the Dymkovo settlement. What are their names?

Who do the Dymkovo toys represent? (birds, horses, goats, ladies, gentlemen)

There are even poems about them:

Physical education:

Our pretzel hands

cheeks like apples.

Have known us for a long time

All the people at the fair.

Dymkovo ladies

All in the world more beautiful

And the hussars are minions -

our cavaliers.

We are noble toys

Complicated and fine.

We are famous everywhere.

We will love you too!

Artistic and aesthetic activity.

Educator: What has changed at the toy exhibition?

(Dymkovo toys appeared.)

Pay attention to what patterns the masters came up with to decorate them. (Rings, circles, dots, wavy lines). What colors did they use?

We have Dymkovo toys that you made yourself! We just have to decorate them with patterns. How will we draw dots and circles? (with a brush). Are the brushes thick or thin?

But the rings are difficult to draw with a brush. And for drawing rings, we will take these tubes. Look into them like a spyglass - they have a hole inside. And if you make an imprint, you get a ring.

And now let's prepare everything for drawing. Think about what you need for this.

Children prepare jobs and, under the guidance of a teacher, decorate Dymkovo horses.

During the work, songs about horses are heard (music by S. Nikitin, art by Yu. Moritz).

Each child, completing work, puts things in order at his workplace.

At the end of the work, the children admire the finished toys, the teacher gives them coloring pages with images of Dymkovo toys.

Integrated Direct Educational Activities

"Decoration of the dress of the Dymkovo bear cub"

Solovieva Marina Anatolievna


municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten of the combined type No. 28 "Brook"

G.o. Khimki, md. Gangway

Educational area:artistic and aesthetic development

Module: visual activity

Section: application

Duration: 20 minutes.

Location:music hall.

Group: medium.


SUBJECT: "Decoration of the dress of the Dymkovo bear cub."

TARGET: to form in children aesthetic knowledge about folk arts and crafts; the ability to create patterns according to one's own design, using familiar elements of Dymkovo painting.



Reinforce ideas about seasonal changes in nature.

Continue to acquaint children with the features of the Dymkovo toy, color, painting elements.

To teach children to see its beauty, recognize familiar images, highlight, cut and paste some elements of Dymkovo painting (circles).

Learn to make a pattern from familiar elements.


To develop interest, an emotionally positive attitude to elementary actions with paper, the desire to independently perform them.

Develop creativity and imagination.

To develop aesthetic perception, curiosity, purposefulness, to promote the emergence of the first value orientations, emotional responsiveness.

Improve your dialogue.


Raise the desire to consider folk toys.

Raise interest in applique, respect for the work of folk craftsmen, admiration for their work.

Cultivate a sense of compassion and a desire to help.

Bring up careful attitude to products of their own and folk art.


- equipment for viewing presentations;

Presentation "Spring! Awakening of nature";

Presentation "Fairy tale" Mishutka's Birthday ";

Sound accompaniment of presentations: P.I. Tchaikovsky "Song of the Lark" from the album "The Seasons. March";

Samples of painting Dymkovo toys;

Board for the design of the exhibition "New Dresses for Arishka".


Paper blanks for application (silhouette of a bear cub in a white dress) - format ½ A4 sheet;

paper cut circles different sizes and flowers, brushes, napkins, oilcloths, glue, cotton swabs, paints.



Social and communicative development:conversations about the Dymkovo craft, the work of the Dymkovo craftsmen; games with Dymkovo toys.

Cognitive development:

Development of cognitive research activities: examination of Dymkovo toys; acquaintance with the elements and main colors of Dymkovo painting; didactic games"Paired Pictures", "Dymkovo Dominoes"; games with Dymkovo toys;

Familiarization with the subject environment: about Dymkovo toys, their origin, manufacture, the Whistler holiday;

Introduction to the social world: talking with children about the most beautiful places hometown (park, river) in spring;

Acquaintance with the natural world: a conversation about seasonal changes in nature;

Speech development:

Speech development: conversations about Dymkovo toys, from pictures.

Introduction to fiction: reading poems, stories, fairy tales about spring, looking at illustrations about spring changes in nature; reading poems about Dymkovo toys, looking at pictures depicting Dymkovo toys.

Physical development:

Physical education: physical education with elements of visual gymnastics "Spring".

Formation initial submissions O healthy way life: gymnastics for the eyes “The bear sat on a log”, a change in activities.

Artistic and aesthetic development:

- introduction to art: acquaintance with folk arts and crafts; looking at paintings native nature in spring (I. Levitan "March", A. Savrasov "Spring", "Rooks have arrived");

- visual activity:drawing, modeling, application of Dymkovo toys.

Musical activity: listening to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Song of the Lark" from the album "The Seasons. March"; sounds of nature, birds, musical instruments.


Educational activities are carried out in accordance with SanPiN.


Children enter the hall to a beautiful melody with the sounds of nature and become a semicircle.

Educator: Guys, look how many guests we have today, let's say hello to the guests.

Warm-up greeting"Hello"

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello, free breeze,

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same region

I welcome you all!

Today we have unusual occupation. Sit on the mat and let's talk.

Teacher: C Can you please tell us what time of year it is?(Spring). What month? (March).

Educator: Right. And what changes occur in early spring in nature? ( The children answer.

Educator. Right. Nature is awakening. The sun is shining brightly, the sky has become clear, blue, the snow is melting, streams are running, there are large puddles on the roads, migratory birds are returning, animals are waking up.

It dawns early in the morning

Hollows here and there.

The stream roars like a waterfall.

Starlings fly to the birdhouse.

Droplets ring under the roofs.

The bear from the spruce got up from the bed.

V. Miryasova

Look at the screen.

Presentation "Spring! Awakening of nature.

Educator: To give your eyes a rest, let's do exercises for the eyes.

Gymnastics for the eyes:"The bear sat on a log"

The bear sat on a log, (Sitting on the floor, raise your head up and move your eyes to the right and left in the rhythm of the poem).

I started looking at the sun.

Don't look at the light, bear!

Eyes can hurt!(Cover eyes with palms).

The teacher shows on the screen the compositions of Dymkovo toys on the theme "Fair":Once upon a time, every spring they arranged fun party, and it was called "Whistle". For this holiday, Dymkovo craftsmen made many, many toys. What toys do you know?(Lady, horse, dog, duck, whistles, etc.)

These toys were brought to the fair and sold. The kids were whistling. With this whistle they called Spring-Red, so that she would drive away cold winter. And I also have Dymkovo toys, look how beautiful, bright, colorful they are.(Show toys).

Educator: What colors do Dymkovo masters like to use in their work? (red, orange, blue, yellow, green, black).

Educator: That's right, those rich, vibrant colors look festive on a white background.

Red is Spring-red.

Yellow is the color of the sun.

Blue, blue is the color of the sky.

Green is the color of grass.

Orange is the color of gold.

Black is the color of mother earth.

All these colors, taken from nature, are in Dymkovo patterns. What are the main elements of Dymkovo painting do you know?(rings, circles, dots, straight and wavy lines).

Educator: Something you sat in place. Let's get moving.

Physical education minute with elements of visual gymnastics "Spring".

Everything woke up from a dream, which means that spring has come to us.
The sun is warming everything warmer, everything is faster for a walk!
Ejection of fingers from the cam with simultaneous
spreading arms up, to the sides
On the right - the first flowers appeared on the meadow.
Right hand retracted to the side with fixation of the direction of the gaze
On the left - a fast stream flowed from a hillock to the river.
Left hand retracted to the side with fixation of the direction of the gaze
We made a boat
Bring palms together in front of chest
Decided to go into the stream.
Removing folded palms forward away from you
Sail away, my boat, straight to the blue river!
We wave our palms, saying goodbye to the boat
That's how fun it is to play and walk on a spring day!
Light bouncing in place

Educator: Today I have prepared for you a new fairy tale. Sit back, I'll show you. In this fairy tale you will see familiar elements of Dymkovo painting.

Presentation "The Tale" Mishutka's Birthday ":

slide 1: spring sunshine crept into the most snow-covered thicket. It heats up a lot. Bear cub Mishutka woke up in a den. I was very hungry during the winter. Mom baked him raspberry pies.

Last year, Mishutka was just born and was very tiny. And by this spring, he had grown up and got stronger.

Slide 2: Mom decided to arrange a holiday for him - to call all the cubs that live in their forest for his birthday. I wrote invitations and gave them to the postman-magpie.

Slide 3: I brought the magpie an invitation and the teddy bear Arishka. Arishka put on her most beautiful dress and ran to visit Mishutka.

Slide 4: I really wanted Arishka to be the first to congratulate Mishutka. She was in a hurry, ran with all her might, did not look under her feet. And puddles all around. Arishka soiled the whole dress with mud. She stopped and started crying loudly.

Aunt-raccoon heard her roar, took freshly baked cakes with honey, wanted to calm Arishka. Yes, which one is there. Arishka is crying. How can you go to visit in such a dirty dress!

Slides 5: The aunt raccoon Arishka reassured: “It doesn’t matter, I’ll wash your dress in an instant and dry it in the sun. She began to wash the dress. Yes, I tried so hard that I washed all the patterns from the dress.

Slide 6: Arishka cried even louder.

Educator: Guys, you and I are master craftsmen. Let's help Arishka get to the holiday, decorate her dress with Dymkovo patterns ( Yes) . Let's loosen up a bit.

Physical education "Bear".
The bear got out of the den, (
Rocking from side to side)
Looked at the door. (
turns left and right.)
To quickly gain strength
The bear turned its head. (
head rotation.)
leaned back and forth,
tilt back and forth.)
Here he is walking through the forest. (
walking in place)
Sit down at the tables.

Educator: Sit down at the tables. Each of you has a bear cub in a white dress, there is a tray with multi-colored circles on it. Look, they are all different sizes. Large and slightly smaller.

See how Arishka's dress was decorated ( shows) . First you need to glue a large circle, and inside a smaller circle. Now grab your brushes and get to work. Do everything carefully, do not forget to stick the circles with a cloth. And we will draw the smallest circles cotton swab, place them between the large ones.

The children are doing the app.

Summary of the lesson.

Educator: Children, look what the dresses have become: smart, bright, colorful. You all did a great job!

Let's get up now, leave the tables and take our cubs to the board. Here are some beautiful dresses we got it.

This lesson is over.


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Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution"Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 31" Zhemchuzhinka "EMR RT

GCD abstract for drawing with appliqué elements in senior group on the topic

"Dymkovo beauty"

Compiled by: Educator visual activity

Tokayuk K.V.

Software content. Continue to teach children to make a pattern on the model of the Dymkovo masters. Use the following pattern elements - circles of different sizes, dots, straight and wavy lines. Fix the drawing skill with the end of the brush, sticking. Develop a sense of color when drawing up a pattern on the model of the Dymkovo masters. Raise interest in folk arts and crafts.

Preliminary work. Teacher's stories about craftsmen from the village of Dymkovo with an examination of Dymkovo toys. Drawing in the classroom elements of Dymkovo painting. Decorative appliqué according to the samples of Dymkovo masters.

Materials and equipment. Envelope for each child with a planar image Dymkovo young lady. Oilcloths, napkins, hard bristled brushes, glue, brush holders (for application). Gouache, brushes, jars of water, napkins (for drawing).

GCD progress:

Children stand around the teacher.

Children, today such an unusual cover came to our mailbox. Look at it and try to guess: where is it from? (from Dymkovo).

And how did you guess? (The envelope shows Dymkovo toys).

The teacher takes out a letter and reads:

"Dear guys from kindergarten"Pearl", we received your drawings with Dymkovo patterns. We really liked your drawings and we decided to send you our beauties. We have already painted them a little, and you will finish according to our samples. If you paint the same way as we do, you will have real Dymkovo souvenirs in your group.”

Guys, let's see what kind of beauties the masters from Dymkovo sent us. For each of you, they prepared an envelope, and in it - a young lady. There is a sample on the envelope, look - here it is not only drawn, but also there are elements of the application. In an envelope are ready-made forms to be glued as in the sample. Everything else will need to be painted with paints.

Let's imagine that we are real masters. You need to get ready for work, put yourself in order.

I will distribute an envelope to everyone and you will go to your seats. And music will help you with this - a Russian folk melody that reminds you of these amazing bright and colorful toys.

(Children are working).

(After the application is completed, a physical education session is carried out).

Guys who have finished their work and think that it turned out good, quietly approach our booth and we will hang your work on the left. And those who believe that today his work failed will hang their work on the right.


Let's stand in a semicircle and see what we got.

Why, if you look at these works, you can say that they were painted like Dymkovo masters? (bright, rich colors, the use of elements of Dymkovo painting - straight and wavy lines, large and small circles, dots and rings).

What work did you like the most? Why?

Today everyone tried very hard, so the work turned out like real Dymkovo toys, they really decorated your group. I think that we will write a letter to Dymkovo and thank the craftsmen for the gifts.