Consultation on the topic: artistic and aesthetic development of children in the context of the implementation of fgos in preschool. Presentation. "artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the fgos doe"

The problem of the development of children's creativity is currently one of the most actual problems, after all we are talking O essential condition formation of individual identity of the personality already at the first stages of its formation. Construction and manual labor, as well as play and drawing, special forms proper children's activities. Children's interest in them depends significantly on how the conditions and organization of work can satisfy the basic needs of a child of this age, namely:

the desire to practically act with objects, which is no longer satisfied with simple manipulation with them, as it was before, but involves obtaining a certain meaningful result;

the desire to feel able to do something that can be used and that can win the approval of others.

The problem of assessing the level of artistic and aesthetic development of children is connected with the problem of choosing the criteria for the quality of education and those methodological positions on which the teacher builds all his work. Development of artistic culture - development cognitive activity, artistic and visual abilities, artistic and figurative thinking, imagination, aesthetic sense, value criteria, as well as the acquisition of special knowledge and skills.

Each teacher strives to objectively assess the development artistic ability child. But a number of questions arise: What qualities of artistic thinking can and should be assessed? How to value imagination and fantasy? and others. It is very difficult to assess the development of an aesthetic sense, the ability to be creative.

Speaking about the objectivity of assessing the artistic and aesthetic development of children, we mean the fact that development occurs both from the outside and from inside. If it is easier for a teacher to assess external aspects, since they are reflected in the results of artistic creativity in the classroom, then it is more difficult to assess internal development, since it can only be slightly represented in the “product” of the child’s creative efforts.

In other words, internal development is the basis for external development. The experience of observation, comparison, imagination and fantasy, to one degree or another, causes the need for artistic and creative expression and is ultimately embodied in the child's artwork. The task of the teacher is to learn from the most insignificant, and sometimes indirect signs discover and evaluate this inner work, since it is in children preschool age the gap between the inner artistic image (concept) and what the child manages to embody in his artistic work is the greatest.

The artistic expressiveness of children's drawings is the subject of many studies. However, their results create more problems than give solutions. The indicators used to analyze patterns often have too wide a range and very little stability.

Level detection tasks artistic development preschool children.

I. Task on the perception of art. 4-6 years old

Invite the children to consider two reproductions of a landscape character and choose the one that they like, say what was special about it. Suggest a name for the picture

3-4 years. Children are offered two products ( Dymkovo toy and Khokhloma dishes) and it is proposed to choose a product that you like more (beauty of the pattern, color elements)

II. Drawing task (creativity and performance).

Topic: "My family", "What I like to do."

Children are offered various visual materials: paints with brushes, pencils, pastel and oil crayons, felt-tip pens.

In the process of verification Special attention refers to the analysis of children's products fine arts, their artistic expressiveness: not only on the content of the drawings, but also on the means by which children convey the world around them.

Levels of artistic development:

High level (3 points) - children are able to create artistic images using various means expressiveness. They have a sufficient amount of knowledge about the types and genres of fine arts, an interest in creative activity. Children have practical skills, are fluent in technical skills.

Intermediate level (2 points) - stereotyping of images is noted in visual activity. Children are quite independent in the choice of means of expression. The volume of knowledge about the fine arts is also not complete enough, although the children have mastered practical skills and have technical skills.

Low level (1 point) - children find it difficult to convey images of objects, phenomena. The volume of knowledge about art is very small. Practical skills are not formed, poor possession of technical skills.

Using these levels, you can find out how many children have high, medium and low levels.

The research work was carried out on the basis MBDOU Children's garden with Bishigino.

During the preparatory phase of the study, these classes helped to identify the level of artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers in mixed age group. In the artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers is the ability to perceive a work of art and independent creation a new image, which is distinguished by originality, variability, flexibility, mobility.

The purpose of this work was to identify the levels of artistic and aesthetic development in preschool children and the effectiveness of their development in the process of manual creativity.

The experimental work carried out consisted of three stages:


conducting a lesson;


After each stage of the work, it is supposed to reveal the artistic and aesthetic development and the child's awareness of his creative abilities, the mastery of certain knowledge, skills, skills by children, the formation of general labor and special skills, methods of self-control.

10 children took part in this work. We used the following methods: observation, experiment, analysis of activity products.

This work consisted of three stages of research:


conducting a lesson;


Preparatory stage.

To implement the tasks and monitor the results of efficiency, a task was carried out for independent production noisemaker toys, where the child is provided with a wide choice of materials and necessary tools, the ability to come up with a toy yourself or make it according to one of the variant samples, in the process the level of creative independence, manual skill and, are revealed (see Appendix 4).

At the beginning of the lesson, finger gymnastics; during the lesson, to relax muscles, relieve tension - physical minutes.

In this lesson, we had to identify how the artistic and aesthetic taste of preschoolers is developed.

Table 2.1. Indicators of artistic development of preschoolers


creative independence

manual skill

ability to implement a plan

possession of elements of work culture

Thus, in table 2.1. we see that total score 5 (low rate) have the following children - Katya, Sasha, Anya, Vera and Lena; total score 7 - Petya, Roma and Masha; total score 8 - Vanya and Natasha. Summarizing the results of the initial diagnosis of creative abilities, it should be noted that in five children (50%), artistic and aesthetic development in manual creativity is at a low level, i.e. preschoolers could not perform elementary exercises - poor skills in working with scissors and glue. Three (30%) preschoolers have an average (imitative-performing) level - pupils find it difficult to create an original product, a product in the process of working on which it was proposed to independently apply the acquired knowledge, skills, skills, do not show initiative, invention, independence, in single cases are manifested at least in a minimal deviation from the model of individuality, art. Two children (20%) had high level, i.e. excellent command of scissors, glue, knowledge of safety helped to complete the task (see Appendix 6). When completing this task, preschoolers could not do without the help of a teacher.

Thus, these results showed that the richness of impressions is poorly reflected in the works of preschoolers and the imagination is poorly developed.

Conducting a lesson.

In order to improve the main parameters of creative independence in preschool children at this stage, a system of work was defined to create special pedagogical conditions to develop the creative abilities of preschoolers through artistic work, in the form of creating an atmosphere of creative interaction between children and the teacher, establishing a rational balance between reproductive and creative activities, the diversity and variability of tasks and types of creative work used in the system of integrative manual labor training.

At this stage of the study, the lesson "Kolobok - kolobok, where are you in a hurry, my friend?" was held, where creative imagination, initiative, constructive thinking, curiosity, independence (see Appendix 5).

During the implementation of this stage of work, positive qualitative transformations were noted in the ability of pupils to create an original product, products in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, skills, skills are independently applied, manifested at least in a minimal deviation from the model, individuality, art, in manifestations of children's fantasies, in the imagination, a special vision of the world, in their point of view on the surrounding reality.

Organization this lesson with children of preschool age activated the creative potential of children: crafts performed by children were enriched with new original images, the skills and abilities acquired in the process of making crafts from various materials, also contributed to the development of manual skill, independence, perseverance, creating the opportunity to use products of their own creativity in the game, theatrical activities in Group.

The final stage of the study.

At this stage of the study, the same lesson was conducted as at the preparatory one, so that the children's work could be compared (see Appendix 4).

Based on the results of the study at this stage, we can say that 4 guys (40%) have a high level, 5 (50%) - an average level and 1 (10%) - low level(see annex 7).

Table 2.2. Indicators of artistic development of preschoolers


creative independence

manual skill

ability to implement a plan

possession of elements of work culture

Thus, in table 2.2. we see that the total scores have increased: 5 (low score) has 1 child - Sasha; total score 7 - Anya, Roma, Vera, Lena and Katya; total score 8 - Vanya, Masha, Natasha and Petya. The results at the final stage of the work indicate an increase in the level of development of creative abilities in manual labor of preschoolers with initial stage imitative-performing qualities of activity. General indicators These are: increased fluency of thought (the number of ideas produced), flexibility of thought (the ability to switch from one idea to another), originality appeared (the ability to produce ideas), curiosity increased, fantasticness is manifested in crafts created by children.

Comparing the work of children on preparatory stage and finally, we can conclude that the crafts of preschoolers are clearly different from each other, i.e. at the final stage, the work was done expressively and clearly.

Consequently, the work carried out confirms the effectiveness of the process of developing the creative abilities of children through artistic work.

In general, summing up the results of the work done, it should be noted that the system of artistic and aesthetic development of preschool children through manual creativity is an exceptional opportunity for developing, creative pursuits manual labor V pedagogical work with preschoolers, allows you to develop the ability of pupils to create an original product, products, in the process of working on which the acquired knowledge, skills, abilities are independently applied, to show deviations from the model, showing individuality, art, to develop children's fantasy, imagination, a special vision of the world, to express their own point of view on the surrounding reality.

Thus, these classes contributed to the development of creative abilities in preschool children; when solving a problem, children do not concentrate all their efforts on finding the only right decision, and begin to look for solutions in all possible directions in order to consider how possible more options, tend to form new combinations of elements that most people know and use only in a certain way, form connections between two elements that at first glance have nothing in common.

“What is lost in childhood can never be made up for in youth.

This rule applies to all areas of the spiritual life of a child and especially aesthetic education.

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Direction tasks:

The formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world in children, the accumulation of aesthetic ideas and images, the development of aesthetic taste, artistic abilities, the development of various types of artistic activity. In this direction, both general educational and correctional tasks are solved, the implementation of which stimulates the development of sensory abilities in children, a sense of rhythm, color, composition; the ability to express their creative abilities in artistic images.

This direction is carried out with children from two to seven years. “The content of the educational field “Artistic Creativity” is aimed at achieving the goals of forming interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, meeting the needs of children in self-expression through solving the following tasks:

  1. Development of productive activities of children (drawing, modeling, applique, art work);

- Drawing

Development of perception, enrichment of sensory experience by highlighting the shape of objects.

Development of children's interest in modeling. Acquaintance with plastic materials: clay, plasticine, plastic mass. The formation of the ability to carefully use materials.

Application acquaintance with the reception of education in order to create expressive techniques.

Involving children in the creation of subject and plot compositions.

  1. Development of children's creativity

Development of interest in actions with pencils, felt-tip pens, brushes, paints, clay.

Contribute to the emergence of a sense of joy from self-drawn.

Development of children's interest in visual activity. Enrichment of sensory experience, development of organs of perception.

Development of aesthetic perception. Acquaintance with folk arts and crafts.

  1. Introduction to the fine arts

Formation of the foundations of artistic culture. Development of interest in art. Consolidation of knowledge about art as a form of creative activity of people, about the types of art.

Work in the direction of artistic and aesthetic development is aimed at the full mental development of children, at the development of such processes, without which it is impossible to know the beauty of the surrounding life (and art) and its reflection in a variety of artistic and creative activities. This is aesthetic perception, figurative representations, imagination, thinking, attention, will. Aesthetic education helps the formation of the basic qualities of a person: activity, independence, diligence.

  1. Aesthetic developmental environment.

Formation of interest in the immediate environment: in kindergarten, at home where children live. Attracting the attention of children to the peculiar design of different rooms.

Artistic and aesthetic education

Artistic and aesthetic education is carried out in the process of familiarization with nature, various types of art and the active inclusion of children in various types of artistic and aesthetic activities. It is aimed at introducing art as an integral part of spiritual and material culture.

in different age groups the program provides:

Development of interest in various types arts (literature, fine arts, arts and crafts, music, architecture, etc.);

Formation of artistic and figurative representations, emotional and sensual attitude to objects and phenomena of reality, education of aesthetic taste, emotional responsiveness to beauty;

Development of creative abilities in drawing, modeling, appliqué, art-speech and musical-art activities;

Teaching the basics of creating artistic images, the formation of practical skills and abilities in various types of artistic activity;

Development of sensory abilities: perception, sense of color, rhythm, composition, the ability to simply express objects and phenomena of reality in artistic images;

Introduction to the best samples domestic and world art.

The program has a new section "Cultural and leisure activities", including independent artistic and cognitive activities of the child, holidays and entertainment as the basis of children's creativity and the formation of their interests.

The program for the first time presents a description aesthetic subject-developing environment , areas of work for its creation are highlighted.

A significant role in aesthetic education is given to design (with play building material in the junior and middle groups, in the senior and preparatory groups, work with paper and natural materials is added to this), the main tasks of teaching which are to develop elements of constructive, design activities and creativity in children.

For the successful development of programs in art and aesthetic education it is necessary to properly organize the pedagogical process. The system of pedagogical interaction between teachers and children, aimed at aesthetic development, is built in preschool educational institutions in three directions:

    specially organized training;

    joint activities of teachers and children;

    independent activities of children.

The interaction of teachers and children is carried out taking into account a differentiated approach and includes a variety of forms and methods of work:

    group and subgroup classes,



    didactic games,

    exhibitions of drawings and crafts,

    library classes,

    creation of handwritten books,

    participation in competitions of children's fine arts;

The kindergarten organized the work of additional services of an artistic and aesthetic orientation

Target: Achieving the goals of forming interest in the aesthetic side of the surrounding reality, meeting the needs of children in self-expression.


    Development of the prerequisites for value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world.

    The formation of an aesthetic attitude to the surrounding world.

    Formation elementary representations about art forms.

    perception of music fiction, folklore.

    Stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art.

    Realization of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

Tasks of artistic and aesthetic development in early preschool age:

    Encourage children to observe the surrounding wildlife, peer, notice the beauty of nature.

    Enrich with vivid impressions of the diversity of the beauty of nature.

    Bring up emotional response to the surrounding nature.

    To cultivate love for all living things, the ability to admire, to see the beauty around you.

    To give children the idea that all people work.

    Raise interest, respect for work, people of work.

    Bring up careful attitude to the surrounding object world.

    Generate interest in the surroundings.

    To be able to examine them, to carry out the simplest sensory analysis, to highlight the pronounced properties, qualities of the object.

    Distinguish emotional condition of people. Develop a sense of sympathy for other children.

    Artistic perception works of art:

    Develop aesthetic feelings, artistic perception of the child.

    Cultivate an emotional response to works of art.

    Learn to notice brightness color images fine and applied arts.

    Learn to highlight the means of expression in works of art.

    Give basic ideas about architecture.

    Learn to share your impressions with adults, peers.

    To form the emotional and aesthetic attitude of the child to folk culture.

    Artistic and visual activity:

    Develop children's interest in visual activity, to figurative reflection seen, heard, felt.

    To form ideas about the shape, size, structure, color of objects, exercise in conveying one's attitude to the depicted, highlight the main thing in the object and its signs, mood.

    Learn how to create an image rounded shapes and color spots.

    Learn to harmoniously arrange objects on the plane of the sheet.

    develop imagination, Creative skills.

    Learn to see the means of expression in works of art (color, rhythm, volume).

    Familiarize yourself with a variety of visual materials.

  • Tasks of artistic and aesthetic development in senior preschool age

    Aesthetic perception of the natural world:

    Develop interest, desire and ability to observe animate and inanimate nature

    Cultivate an emotional response to the beauty of nature, love for nature, the foundations of ecological culture

    Lead to the ability to spiritualize nature, imagine yourself in the role of an animal, plant, convey its appearance, character, mood

    Aesthetic perception of the social world:

    To give children an idea about the work of adults, about professions

    Raise interest, respect for people who work for the benefit of other people

    Cultivate an objective attitude to the objects of the man-made world

    To form knowledge about the Motherland, Moscow

    To acquaint with the immediate environment, to learn to admire the beauty of surrounding objects

    Learn to highlight the structural features of objects, their properties and qualities, purpose

    Familiarize yourself with the changes taking place in the world around you

    Develop an emotional response to human relationships, actions

    Artistic perception of works of art

    Develop aesthetic perception, the ability to understand the content of works of art, peer into the picture, compare works, showing a steady interest in them

    Develop emotional and aesthetic responsiveness to works of art

    Learn to highlight the means of expression in works of art

    To bring up an emotional response to the actions and events reflected in works of art, to correlate with their ideas about the beautiful, joyful, sad, etc.

    Develop children's ideas about architecture

    To form a sense of color, its harmony, symmetry, shape, rhythm

    To acquaint with works of art, to know why beautiful things are created

    Promote emotional communication

    Artistic and visual activity

    To develop a steady interest of children in various types of visual activity

    Develop aesthetic sense

    Learn to create art

    Learn to reflect your impressions of the world around you productive activity invent, fantasize, experiment

    Learn to portray yourself in communication with loved ones, animals, plants, reflect social events

    develop artistic creativity children

    Learn to transfer animals, a person in motion

    Learn to use a variety of visual materials in art

PROGRAM for the artistic and aesthetic development of children by means of fine arts in a preschool educational institution (in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard)

The program was compiled by: teacher of fine arts: Salimova V.A. methodologist: Lozko V.Yu. Khanty-Mansiysk

"IN children's creativity (with proper guidance) there is a self-expression and self-affirmation of the child, his individuality is clearly revealed”
(V. A. Sukhomlinsky)


Relevance. Drawing is one of essential funds knowledge of the world and the development of knowledge of aesthetic education, as it is associated with the independent practical and creative activities of the child. In the process of drawing, the child improves observation and aesthetic perception, artistic taste and creative abilities. Drawing, the child forms and develops certain abilities: a visual assessment of the form, orientation in space, a sense of color. Special skills and abilities are also developed: eye-hand coordination, hand control.

Systematic mastery of all necessary means and ways of activity provides children with the joy of creativity and their comprehensive development (aesthetic, intellectual, moral and labor, physical). And also, it allows you to fruitfully solve the problems of preparing children for school.

The works of domestic and foreign experts testify that artistic and creative activity performs a therapeutic function, distracting children from sad, sad events, insults, removing nervous tension, fears. Causes a joyful, high spirits, provides a positive emotional state of each child.

  • development of productive activities of children (drawing, modeling, application, art work);
  • development of children's creativity;
  • introduction to fine arts.

This program is based on an understanding of the priority educational work aimed at developing perseverance, accuracy, patience, the ability to concentrate, fine motor skills and coordination of hand movements in children.

Novelty. Long time The main task in the work of the circle was to teach children visual skills using traditional and non-traditional techniques drawing. But the practice of work shows that the full-fledged artistic and aesthetic development of the child is impossible without his moral education. Personality, like an artistic image, is a unity of form and content in their interdependence.

The moral qualities of preschoolers are actively developing through familiarization with art, music, literature, and folk culture. The integration of aesthetic feelings and moral experiences creates the basis for understanding the value of everything that is created by nature and man.

In each section of the program, the line of development of social and aesthetic feelings becomes an obligatory component of the upbringing and development of preschoolers.

Also, hallmark of this program is the development of communicative abilities of preschoolers on the basis of their own creative activity.

The program was developed in accordance with the current Federal State Educational Standard and is an innovative educational program document.

This program forms in children the creative abilities they need for their subsequent education in the fine arts at school.

Type of program: compiled - compiled on the basis of various developments and collections:

  • I.A. Lykova "Colored palms" ;
  • T. S. Komarova "Classes on visual activity in kindergarten" ;
  • T. G. Kazakova "Classes with preschoolers on fine arts" ;
  • T. N. Doronova « Visual activity and aesthetic development of children from 4 to 5 years old " ;
  • A. S. Galanov, S. N. Kornilova, S. L. Kulikova "Classes with preschoolers in fine arts" ;
  • T. A. Danilina, V. Ya. Zedgenidze, N. M. Stepina "In the world of children's emotions" and etc.

The program has a complete methodological support, demonstration and handout material, contains guidelines, summaries of classes for all ages.

The purpose of the program: Development of creative and mental capacity, cognitive activity through the lessons of visual activity.

Pedagogical tasks:

 Educational

  1. To form in preschoolers the initial knowledge of fine art.
  2. To acquaint with the basic concepts of artistic activity, expressive means and ways of depiction.
  3. To instill skills and abilities in working with pencils, paints, paper, plasticine and other materials, based on the study of the laws of a realistic image, in a form accessible to children.
  4. To acquaint children with non-traditional techniques.

 Educational

  1. To promote the development of image abilities through the education of children the ability to observe, see the features of surrounding objects, compare them with each other, find common and different features in them, highlight the main thing.
  2. Develop cognitive processes aesthetic perception: figurative and spatial thinking, imagination, attention, memory.
  3. To develop the child's creative abilities: taste, sense of color, compositional solution, artistic choice.
  4. Develop the small muscles of the fingers and motor functions of the hands.
  5. Contribute to the development of sensorimotor skills.
  6. Promote the development of coordination in the work of the eyes and hands, develop coordination of movements, accuracy of actions.
  7. Develop communication skills.

 Educational

  1. To educate children in moral and volitional qualities: the need to bring things to the end, to concentrate and purposefully engage in (perseverance), overcome difficulties; accuracy of work.
  2. Cultivate and develop skills interpersonal relationships with peers - establishing friendly contacts, the desire to help each other, goodwill.
  3. Cultivate confidence and open relationship with adults, recognition of their authority, expectation of help and support.
  4. To cultivate a caring attitude towards their work and the work of their comrades, art supplies and objects surrounding the group.

 Health-saving

1. Teach health-saving technologies: safety of vision, proper fit during work.

Program sections:

Basics of the artistic image

Artistic labor

Age of children participating in the implementation work program: children from 2 to 7 years old (2-year-old - preparatory group).

Implementation period: 4 years of study.

Forms of organization of the educational process:

  • OOD (organized educational activity)
  • The activities of the art circle "Magic Fingers"
  • Individual work (when performing complex work)
  • Invitation of DPI masters to visit
  • Visiting museums, children's exhibitions
  • Participation in exhibitions and competitions

Organization educational activities in groups according to the main program:

Age of children: the second younger group, middle group, senior group, preparatory group

Period: 4 years.

Classes are held: 1 OOD lesson per week (based on 36 calendar weeks in the academic year)

Duration of one lesson: in a group early development– 8-10min.

in senior groups - 10-15 minutes

V junior groups– 15-20 min

in senior groups - 20-25 minutes

Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers in the context of the implementation of the GEF DOE


Kindergarten №13

Educator: Pichugina O.V.

Implementation of the artistic and aesthetic direction of the development of preschool children in the Federal State Educational Standard

Artistic and aesthetic development involves the development of the prerequisites for the value-semantic perception and understanding of works of art (verbal, musical, visual), the natural world; the formation of an aesthetic attitude to the world around; the formation of elementary ideas about the types of art; perception of music, fiction, folklore; stimulation of empathy for the characters of works of art; implementation of independent creative activity of children (fine, constructive-model, musical, etc.).

Artistic and aesthetic activities include:

  • Visual activity;
  • musical activity;
  • Perception of fiction ;
  • theatrical activity.

What is artistic and aesthetic development

This purposeful process formation creative personality capable of perceiving, feeling, appreciating the beautiful and creating artistic values

(D.B. Likhachev)

This is a system of measures aimed at developing and improving a person's ability to perceive, correctly understand, appreciate and create the beautiful and sublime in art. (Concise Dictionary of Aesthetics)

A purposeful process of forming a creatively active personality of a child, capable of perceiving and evaluating the beautiful, tragic, comic, ugly in life and art, living, creating according to the "laws of beauty". (N.Sakulina)

Learning objectives in the younger group:

  • Prepare for the perception of works of art;
  • Prepare children for visiting the theater;
  • To acquaint with the means of expressiveness in different types of art;
  • Contribute to the development of singing skills;
  • Introduce three musical genres;
  • To attach to decorative activities;
  • To introduce drawing materials (pencils, paints) and how to use them;
  • Lead to the distinction between art forms through the artistic image;
  • Tell the content of the work based on the drawings and questions of the educator.

Learning objectives in the middle group:

  • To introduce children to the perception of art, to develop interest in it;
  • To acquaint children with the professions of an artist, artist, composer;
  • Get to know architecture
  • To consolidate knowledge about the book, book illustration;
  • Continue to develop interest in visual arts;
  • Enrich children's ideas about art;
  • To acquaint with works of folk art;
  • To consolidate children's knowledge about the book, book illustration;
  • Learn to identify and name the main means of expression;
  • Recognize songs by melody, perform dance moves playing musical instruments.

Learning objectives in the senior group

  • Learn to identify, name, group works by type of art;
  • To acquaint with the genres of musical and visual arts;
  • Introduce the works of painting;
  • Introduce the concepts of "folk art", "types and genres of folk art";
  • Develop aesthetic feelings, emotions, aesthetic perception of works of art, learn to correlate the artistic image and means of expression;
  • Continue to form an interest in music, painting, literature, folk art;
  • To form a respect for works of art.

  • The targets of the program are the basis continuity of preschool and primary general education. Subject to the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the program, these targets involve the formation of prerequisites for preschool children learning activities at the stage of completion of preschool education.

Targets at the completion stage preschool education:

  • the child masters the main cultural methods of activity, shows initiative and independence in various types of activity - play, communication, cognitive research activities, design, artistic and aesthetic activities, etc .;
  • the child has a developed imagination, which is realized in various activities,

  • The success of artistic and aesthetic activity is determined by the enthusiasm and ability of children to freely use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in the very process of activity and find original solutions assigned tasks.
  • Children constantly develop creative, flexible thinking, fantasy and imagination. Creative search in a particular type of activity leads to positive results.

System of pedagogical interaction teachers and children conducted in integration:

  • musical education,
  • artistic and speech activity,
  • visual activity.

To establish the relationship between knowledge, you need to use an integrated approach to the learning process of preschoolers.

Integration - this is a complex structural process that requires children to learn to consider any phenomena from different points of view; developing the ability to apply knowledge from various fields in solving a specific creative problem; development in preschoolers of the desire to actively express themselves in any kind of creativity.

  • Art is indispensable tool formation spiritual world children: literature, sculpture, folk art, painting. It awakens the emotional and creative beginning in preschool children. It is also closely related to moral education, since beauty acts as a kind of regulator of human relationships.
  • presenter pedagogical idea artistic and aesthetic education - the creation of an educational system focused on the development of the individual through familiarization with spiritual values, through involvement in creative activity.

Artistic and aesthetic activity is a specific activity in which a child can most fully reveal himself, his abilities, feel the product of his activity, in a word, realize himself as a creative person.

  • One of the priority areas of activity of MKDOU "Kindergarten No. 13" is artistic and aesthetic development. Work on this direction goes through all sections of the program.
  • The main goal of the teaching staff is to create a system of work on artistic and aesthetic education that ensures the emotional well-being of each child and, on this basis, the development of his spiritual, creativity, creating conditions for its self-realization.

To achieve our goal, we

the following tasks are formulated:

  • Studying modern approaches to the problems of artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers.
  • Creation of conditions conducive to the implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of pupils, their creative potential.
  • Usage modern technologies in the artistic and aesthetic development of children.

The main competencies of the teacher:

Security emotional well-being through:

Direct communication with each child;

Respectful attitude to each child, to his feelings and needs.

The system of work on artistic and aesthetic education consists of interrelated components:

  • updating the content of education

(selection of programs and technologies);

  • creation of conditions for artistic and aesthetic education ( staffing, educational and methodological support, the creation of a subject-developing environment);
  • organization of the educational process

(work with children and parents);

  • coordination of work with other institutions and organizations.

Work in the preschool educational institution is built in accordance with the requirements educational program"Childhood", ed. A. G. Gogoberidze, T. I. Babaeva and in combination with the programs: “Colored hands” by I. A. Lykova, “Development of the child's personality by means of choreography. Dance Theater” by O. Usova, “Ladushki” by I. Kaplunova, I. Novoseltseva

The use of these programs gives the teaching staff the opportunity creativity to the organization of work with children, the integration of educational content in solving educational problems, familiarization with art, music, literature, folk culture.

  • In the process of artistic activity, the child receives ample opportunities for self-expression, disclosure and improvement of creative abilities.
  • A specific feature of artistic and aesthetic activity is that it addresses the entire personality of a person.

Conditions for the successful implementation of artistic and aesthetic activities:

  • Close connection with art.
  • Integration different types art and various types of artistic and creative activities of children.
  • Individual and differentiated approach to children.
  • Mastering by children the means of artistic expression available to them
  • The relationship between learning and creativity as a factor in the formation of a creative personality.
  • Creation of an aesthetic developmental environment.

Tasks artistic and aesthetic upbringing:

First group of tasks aimed at shaping the aesthetic attitude of children to the environment: to develop the ability to see and feel beauty in nature, actions, art, to understand beauty; cultivate artistic taste, the need for knowledge of beauty.

The second group of tasks is aimed at the formation of artistic skills in the field of various arts: teaching children to draw, sculpt, sing, move to music, develop verbal creativity.

Three rules:

Live in beauty

To make the aesthetics of everyday life a means of aesthetic education

notice beauty

Maintain and create beauty around you

It is necessary to remember:

Aesthetically thought-out object-spatial environment improves the pedagogical process.

Purposeful and systematic familiarization of children with aesthetic qualities subject environment enriches them with knowledge, forms artistic taste.

The effectiveness of work on artistic and aesthetic education is largely determined by the participation of children in creating a beautiful environment.

Decoration kindergarten, group rooms should be solved in a complex, in full accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Important qualities of the kindergarten environment are attractiveness, informativeness, availability of all its components for each child and for the entire team as a whole.

The aesthetic design of the kindergarten suggests an emotionally figurative basis for the situation, its local flavor.

Involving parents in the pedagogical process (artistic and aesthetic direction)

Information- analytical (questionnaire, testing)

cognitive (meetings, conversations, creation of a subject-developing environment



(parents' corners, exhibitions, open days)

Leisure (holidays, entertainment, excursions)

Thank you behind attention!